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Chemistry MCQs

1. On passing steam over red-hot coal we get __________.

(Water gas, Ethane, Carbonmonoxide)
. !d" and !#" bloc$ elements are called __________.
(%eav& metals, 'are elements, (ransition elements)
). (he correct #orm*la o# p&ros*lph*ric acid is __________.
(%+O,, %+O-, %)+O.)
,. /0*a regia is mixt*re o# one part o# __________ b& vol*me and three parts o#
(%+O,, %)1O,, %2O), %Cl)
.. %eav& h&drogen is also called __________.
(1rote*m, 3e*teri*m, %&droni*m)
4. When boric acid (%)5O)) is heated o# 1,67C, it #orms __________.
(5oric /cid, 1&roboric acid, 8etaboric acid)
-. 1hotographic #ilm is made o# sheets o# __________.
(Cell*lose /cetate, 1.9./, 2&lon)
:. C,%: is a sat*rated h&drocarbon beca*se it is __________.
(C&clic, Open chain, 1ol&mer)
;. n-Octane is __________ at room temperat*re.
(<as, =i0*id, +emi-solid)
16. (he compo*nd #ormed between an element / o# gro*p >>>/ and an element 5 o# gro*p
9>/ has the #orm*la __________.
(/5, /, 5), /5))
11. (he oxide #ormed b& /> is __________.
(/cidic, /mphoteric, 5asic)
1. 5a$elite is a pol&mer o# __________ and #orm aldeh&de.
(Ethane, 8ethanol, 1henol)
1). (he plastics, which can be heated onl& once, are $nown as __________ plastics.
(1erspex, (hermoplastic, (hermosetting)
1,. (he de#icienc& o# __________ in the h*man bod& is the ca*se o# diabetes.
(>ns*lin, /lamin, 1t&alin)
1.. ># the level o# cholesterol increases in the blood ser*m, it ca*ses __________.
(3iabetes,%eart attact, %igh blood press*re)
14. (he #orm*la o# ba$ing soda is __________.
(2a%CO), 2aCO), 2aCO)16%O)
1-. (he #orm*la o# 1laster o# 1aris is __________.
(Ca+O,.%O, Ca+O,.%O, (Ca+O,)%O)
1:. (he atoms o# the elements belonging to the same period o# the 1eriodic table have
(+ame n*mber o# protons, same n*mber o# ne*trons, same n*mber o# valence shells)
1;. +odi*m thios*lphate is *sed in photograph& beca*se o# its __________.
('ed*cing power, Complex #ormation, Oxidi?ing behavio*r)
6. (he o*ter electronic con#ig*ration o# copper is __________.
(,s1,d16, ,s)d16, ,s1)d16)
1. %+ sol*tion in water is __________.
(2e*tral, /cidic, 5asic)
. __________ is isomer o# ethanol.
(C%)O%, C%)OC%), C4%.O%)
). 1etrole*m is a mixt*re o# __________.
(/l$anes and al$enes, aromatic h&drocarbons, all o# these)
,. <l*cose is __________.
('ed*cing s*gar, oxidi?ing s*gar, none o# these)
.. 1entane shows __________.
((wo isomers, three isomers, #o*r isomers)
Chapter 1
1eriodic Classi#ication o# Elements
1. __________ elements have been discovered so #ar.
(166, 116, 16, 1.6)
. so #ar 116 elements have been discovered. O*t o# these __________ elements are nat*rall&
(166, ;4, ;, ;,)
). __________ classi#ied the then $nown elements into metals, non metals and their
(3obreiner, /l-'a?i, 2ewlands, 8endeleeve)
,. >n 1:1-, a <erman chemist, __________ made *se o# the idea o# relationship between
atomic weights and properties o# elements #or the classi#ication o# elements.
(3obreiner, /l-'a?i, 2ewlands, 8endeleeve)
.. __________ presented the law o# triads.
(3obreiner, /l-'a?i, 2ewlands, 8endeleeve)
4. 3obreiner"s wor$ led to the law o# triads which states that __________.
(/tomic weight o# an& one lement was #o*nd to be approximatel& the mean o# the other two
elements o# triad, /tomic weight o# the middle element was #o*nd to be approximatel& the
mean o# the other two elements o# a triad, /tomic n*mber o# an& one element was #o*nd to
be approximatel& the mean o# the other two elements o# a triad, /tomic n*mber o# the middle
element was #o*nd to be approximatel& the mean o# the other two elements o# triad)
-. (he law o# octaves was given b& __________.
(3obreiner, /l- 'a?i, 2ewlands, 2one o# these)
:. =aw o# octaves states that __________.
((he properties o# ever& 4th element #rom the given one were similar to the #irst, the
properties o# ever& ;th element #rom the given one were similar to the #irst, the properties o#
ever& :th element #rom the given one were similar to the #irst, the properties o# ever& -th
element #rom the given one were similar to the second)
;. @1h&sical and chemical properties o# elements are periodic #*nctions o# their atomic
weight.A (his is called __________.
(3obereiner"s =aw o# (riads, 2ewlands" =aw o# Octaves, 8endeleev"s 1eriodic =aw, 2one
o# these)
16. =other 8e&er arranged the elements in order o# their increasing atomic weights and #o*nd
that __________.
(1h&sical propertis o# the elements were the periodic #*nction o# their atomic weights,
chemical properties o# the elements were the periodic #*nction o# their atomic n*mber,
ph&sical properties o# the elements were the periodic #*nction o# their atomic n*mber,
chemical properties o# the elements were periodic #*nction o# their atomic weights)
11. 8endeleev"s 1eriodic table was based on __________.
(/tomic n*mber, /tomic mass, /tomic vol*me, Electronic Con#ig*ration)
1. 8andeleev #orm*lated a r*le #or the classi#ication o# elements and concl*ded that
(1h&sical and chemical properties o# the elements are periodic #*nctions o# their atomic
n*mbers, ph&sical and chemical properties o# the elements are periodic #*nctions o# their
atomic weights, ph&sical properties o# the elements are periodic #*nction o# their atomic
weights, Chemical properties o# the elements are periodic #*nctions o# their atomic n*mbers)
1). 8odern Classi#ication o# elements is based on __________.
(3oberiner"s law o# (riads, 2ewlands" law o# Octaves, 8endeleev"s 1eriodic (able, 2one o#
1,. Excl*ding % and %e, the smallest element in the periodic table is __________.
(=ithi*m, Bl*orine, Cesi*m, >odine)
1.. @1h&sical and chemical properties o# elements are the periodic #*nctions o# their atomic
n*mbers.A (his is called __________.
(=aw o# (riads, =aw o# Octaves, 1eriodic =aw, 2one o# these)
14. 8osele&"s wor$ led to the periodic law, which states that __________.
(the n*mber o# the electrons in the 1s energ& level increases as the atomic n*mber increases,
(he properties o# the elements are a periodic #*nction o# their atomic masses, (he x-ra&s
spectra o# the elements are more complex than the optical spectra, (he properties o# elements
are the periodic #*nction o# their atomic n*mber)
1-. / pair o# elements in the same #amil& in the periodic table classi#ication is __________.
(Chlorine and carbon, calci*m and al*mini*m, nitrogen and neon, sodi*m and potassi*m)
1:. >n the period, the elements are arranged in strict se0*ence in order o# __________.
(>ncreasing charges in the n*cle*s, increasing atomic weight, increasing n*mber o# electrons
in valence shell, increasing valenc&)
1;. 8ost o# the $nown elements are metals o# __________ o# periodic table.
(d-bloc$, p-bloc$, >>>-gro*p, Cero bloc$)
6. __________ re#lects combining capacit& o# an element.
(9alenc&, atomic n*mber, ioni?ation energ&, ioni?ation potential)
1. /s we move #rom le#t to right in second period o# the periodic table, the gram atomic
vol*me o# the elements __________.
(>ncreases at a constant rate, remains *nchanged, decreases, will change inde#initel&)
. (he vol*me in c*bic centimeters occ*pied b& one gram atom o# the element is called
(/tomic 9ol*me, /tomic weight, 8ass n*mber, 2one o# these)
). >n a __________, atomic vol*me increases with atomic n*mber, #rom top to bottom, as
new shells are added *p with increase in atomic n*mber.
(<ro*p, 1eriod, +*b-gro*p, 2one o# these)
,. __________ o# the #ollowing is a transition element.
(2i, 'b, /l, /s)
.. On moving #rom le#t to right across a period in the periodic table, the si?e o# atom
generall& __________.
(decreases, increases, remains constant, decreases *p to >9 / gro*p and then increases)
4. (he amo*nt o# energ& re0*ired to remove an electron #rom an atom o# an element in the
gaseo*s state > called __________.
(>oni?ation 1otential, >oni?ation energ&, Electron volt, both a and b)
-. Each vertical row o# the periodic table incl*des elements with chemical characteristics
that are in general __________.
(identical, similar, di##erent, sometimes identical and sometimes di##erents)
:. (he ioni?ation energ& __________ in a gro*p #rom top to bottom with the increase in
atomic si?e.
(>ncreases, decreases, remains constant, none o# these)
;. (he lowest ioni?ation energies are #o*nd in the __________.
(inert gases, al$ali metals, (ransition elements, %alogens)
)6. >oni?ation energ& is lowest #or __________.
(>nert gases, al$ali metals, halogens, al$aline earth metals)
)1. >n the periodic table, the highest ioni?ation energies are #or __________.
(%alogens, 2oble gases, /l$ali metals, Chalcogens)
). (he atomic weight o# an element divided b& its densit& is called __________.
(/tomic mass, /tomic vol*me, /tomic densit&, /tomic n*mber)
)). Elements in the same #amil& __________.
(have same atomic n*mber, have the same molec*lar weight, have similar chemical
properties, constit*te a gro*p o# elements with the same electronic con#ig*ration)
),. >n a given period, the al$ali metals have __________.
(smallest atomic si?e, lowest ioni?ation energ&, lowest densit&, highest electron a##init&)
).. O# the #ollowing given elements __________ atom has the highest ioni?ation energ&.
(5e, B, 2, 2e)
)4. (he val*e o# ioni?ation energ& __________ in a period #rom le#t to right d*e to the
decrease in atomic si?e.
(increases, decreases, remains constant, 2one o# these)
)-. __________ is the most electronegative element.
(Bl*orine, >odine, Ox&gen, +odi*m)
):. (he *nit o# ioni?ation energ& is __________.
(Do*le, Calorie, electron volt, none o# these)
);. O# the #ollowing elements, __________ element has the highest #irst ioni?ation potential.
(5oron, carbon, nitrogen, ox&gen)
,6. (he *nit o# ioni?ation potential is __________.
(Do*le, Eo*le per mole, calorie per mole, none o# these)
,1. >n a period, the ensit& o# normal elements #irst __________ and then __________ a#ter
reaching a maxim*m val*e somewhere in the middle.
(>ncreases, decreases, remains constant, none o# these)
,. 8ost o# the $nown elements are __________.
('r&stalloids, 8etals, 8etalloids, 2on metals)
,). 8elting and boiling points grad*all& __________ in a periodic table #rom le#t to right *p
to the middle.
(increases, decreases, remains constnt, none o# these)
,,. (he electropositive elements #orm __________.
(acidic oxides, basic oxides, ne*tral oxides, none o# these)
,.. __________ o# the #ollowing elements has the lowest #irst ioni?ation energ&.
(2a, B, >, Cs)
,4. (he electronegative elements #orm __________.
(/cidic oxides, 5asic oxides, 2e*tral oxides, none o# these)
,-. __________ is the most volatile compo*nd.
(%>, %Cl, %5r, %B)
,:. (he ioni?ation energ& o# nitrogen is more than ox&gen beca*se o# __________.
(more attraction o# electrons b& the n*cle*s, more peneration e##ect, the extra stabilit& o# hal#
#illed p-orbitals, the si?e o# nitrogen atom is smaller)
,;. (he elements o# gro*p >>/ are called __________.
(8etals, 2on-metals, /l$aline earth metals, (ransition elements)
.6. __________ ion has the largest radi*s.
(/lF), Cl-, B-, O-)
.1. __________ atom has the smallest si?e.
(C, B, =i, 'b)
.. __________ o# the #ollowing has highest #irst ioni?ation energ&.
(5r, Cl, B, >)
.). (he most electropositive among the #ollowing elements is __________.
(Be, 2a, Cs, 1b)
1. =arge amo*nts o# atomic h&drogen are present in the atmosphere o# __________.
(Earth, +*n, 8oon, none o# these)
. %&drogen atom contains __________ electrons.
(1, , ), ,)
). 3*ring the electrol&sis o# water h&drogen is liberated at the __________.
(/node, Cathode, 3iode, none o# these)
,. (he atomic weight o# h&drogen is __________.
(1.66, 1.66:, 1.6:, 1.:66)
.. >n nat*re h&drogen exists in __________.
(<aseo*s state, +olid state, =i0*id state, 1lasma state)
4. __________ is the lightest gas.
(2itrogen, %eli*m, Ox&gen, %&drogen)
-. /l$ali metals do not exist in __________.
(8onoatomic, 3iatomic, (riatomic, none o# these)
:. %&drogen generall& combines with other elements to #orm __________.
(>onic bond, Covalent bond, 1olar bond, none o# these)
;. %&drogen ma& be readil& prepared b& the action o# water on __________.
(Be, %Cl, Cn, 2a)
16. >n organic compo*nds, __________ element is #o*nd in close association with h&drogen.
(C, 2, O, none o# these)
11. >onic h&drides are *s*all& __________.
(li0*ids at room temperat*re, good red*cing agents, good electrical cond*ctors in solid state,
Easil& red*ced)
1. (he atoms o# the same element, which have the same atomic n*mber b*t di##erent mass
n*mbers, are called __________.
(>sotopes, /ctanides, >sobars, none o# these)
1). (he di##erence in atomic weights or mass n*mbers o# the atoms o# the same element is
d*e to __________.
(3i##erent n*mber o# electrons in them, di##erent n*mber o# protons in them, di##erent
n*mber o# ne*trons in them, none o# these)
1,. / triti*m n*cle*s has __________.
(one proton and two electrons, one proton and two ne*trons, one ne*trons and two protons,
one proton and three ne*trons)
1.. 1h&sical properties o# elements depend *pon the n*mber o# __________.
(1rotons in the n*cle*s, ne*trons in the n*cle*s, electrons in the valence shell, both protons
and ne*trons in the n*cle*s)
14. Chemical properties o# elements depend *pon the n*mber o# __________.
(electrons in the valence shell, protons in the n*cle*s, ne*trons in the n*cle*s, protons and
ne*trons in the n*cle*s)
1-. Chemical properties o# elements depend *pon their __________.
(/tomic n*mber, /tomic weight, vol*me, none o# these)
1:. (he h&droni*m ion is aGan __________.
(ion with #orm*la %OF, ion with the #orm*la %)OF, #ree radical rather than an ion, ion
#ormed b& removal o# %- #orm a water molec*les)
1;. %&drogen is an important constit*ent o# __________.
(Water, 1etrole*m, 2at*ral gas, all o# these)
6. When steam is passed over red hot co$e at 16667C, a mixt*re o# carbon monoxide and
h&drogen gas is prod*ced. >t is $nown as __________.
(%eav& water, Water gas, 1hosgen gas, none o# these)
1. (he most s*itable process #or the separation o# CO #rom water gas is __________.
(5osch 1roces, =ane"s 1rocess, Electrol&sis o# water, 2one o# these)
. When steam is passed over iron at .667C, magnetic oxide and h&drogen gas is prod*ced.
(his is called __________.
(5osch 1rocess, =ane"s 1rocess, Electrol&sis, /ll o# these)
). (he presence o# an acid or base renders water __________.
(good cond*ctor o# electricit&, poor cond*ctor o# electricit&, ver& bad cond*ctor o#
electricit&, all o# these)
,. (he process o# loss o# ox&gen #rom a s*bstance or addition o# h&drogen is called
(Oxidation, 'ed*ction, %&drogenation, 2one o# these)
.. %&drogen is a ver& good __________.
('ed*cing agent, Oxidi?ing agent, 'ed*cing agent as well as oxidi?ing agent, none o# these)
4. =owering o# oxidation state o# a metal is termed s __________.
(Oxidation, 'ed*ction, %&drogenation, /ll o# these)
-. (he process o# addition o# h&drogen (%) to a molec*le is called __________.
(Oxidation, 'ed*ction, %&drogenation, all o# these)
:. Bormation o# vegetable ghee #rom vegetable oil is an example o# __________.
(Oxidation, 'ed*ction, %&drogenation, all o# these)
;. Eth&lene can be h&drogenated to __________ *nder press*re at abo*t )667C, when
do*ble bond is changed to single compo*nds.
(8ethane, Ethane, Eth&ne, 2one o# these)
)6. %&drogen reacts with halogens to give __________.
(%&drogen halides, h&drogen h&drides, h&drogen s*lphides, /ll o# these)
)1. %&drogen is *sed in the man*#act*re o# __________.
(Bertili?ers, CO, O, 2one o# these)
). %&drogen at the time o# its generation d*ring chemical reaction is in the #orm o# atomic
state and is called __________.
(>onic %&drogen, 2ascent h&drogen, atomic h&drogen, none o# these)
)). %&drogen molec*le consists o# two atoms lin$ed together b& a strong __________.
(>onic bond, Covalent bond, %&drogen bonding, 2one o# these)
),. 2ascent h&drogen is *sed in the red*ction o# __________.
(>onic compo*nds, Organic compo*nds, >norganic compo*nds, none o# these)
).. (he compo*nds #ormed between two elements are called __________.
(%&drides compo*nds, 5inar& compo*nds, (ertiar& compo*nds, 2one o# these)
)4. %&drogen reacts with some elements to #orm binar& compo*nds called __________.
(%alides, %&drides, Oxides, all o# these)
)-. (he h&drides #ormed b& the trans#er o# electrons #rom electropositive metals to h&drogen
are called __________.
(>onic h&drides, covalent h&drides, Complex h&drides, >nterstitial h&drides)
):. 2a% is an example o# __________.
(>onic h&drides, covalent h&drides, Complex h&drides, >nterstitial h&drides)
);. >onic h&drides ioni?e to prod*ce __________.
(%-ion, O%-ion, %Fion, all o# these)
,6. (he h&drides, which are good cond*ctors o# electricit& in the #*sed state, are called
(>onic h&drides, covalent h&drides, Complex h&drides, >nterstitial h&drides)
,1. Covalent h&drides generall& exist in __________.
(+olid state, =i0*id state, <aseo*s state, all o# these)
,. Covalent h&drides are prepared b& the direct action o# __________.
(metals with h&drogen, non-metals with h&drogen, transition elements with h&droge, none o#
,). %&drides, which are non-stoichimetric in nat*re, are called __________.
(>onic h&drides, covalent h&drides, Complex h&drides, >nterstitial h&drides
,,. (he law o# chemical combination is not obe&ed b& __________.
(>onic h&drides, covalent h&drides, Complex h&drides, >nterstitial h&drides
,.. Electron de#icient h&drides are called __________.
(>onic h&drides, covalent h&drides, Complex h&drides, >nterstitial h&drides
,4. %&drogen occ*rs in __________.
(One isotopic #orms, two isotopic #orms, three isotopic #orms, #o*r isotopic #orms)
,-. /tomic h&drogen is __________.
(8ore reactive than molec*lar h&drogen, less reactive than molec*lar h&drogen, ver& less
reactive than molec*lar h&drogen, all o# these)
,:. (he process o# addition o# h&drogen to a molec*le is called __________.
(%alogenation, %&drogention, +*lphonation, 'ed*ction)
Chapter )
+ - 5loc$ Elements
1. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >/, the highest atomic n*mber is #or __________.
(2a, Cs, 'b, H)
. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >/, the highest melting and boiling point is #or
(=i, 2a, 'b, H)
). __________ o# the #ollowing elements has highest ioni?ation potential.
(H, 'b, Cs, =i)
,. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >/, the highest heat o# h&dration is #or __________.
(=i, 2a, H, 'b)
.. __________ o# the elements has highest melting and boiling point.
(5e, Ca, 8g, 5a)
4. __________ o# the #ollowing elements have highest oxidation potential.
(2a, =i, 'b, H)
-. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >>/, the highest densit& at 67C is #or __________.
:. O*t o# all the #ollowing elements o# gro*p >>/, the highest atomic n*mber is #or
(5e, 5a, ca, +r)
;. (he al$ali metals possesses __________ electrons in their o*termost orbitals.
(1, , ), ,)
16. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >>/, the highest heat o# h&dration is #or __________.
(5e, 5a, Ca, 8g)
11. __________ o# the elements has highest ionic radi*s.
(5e, 5a, +r, Ca)
1. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >/, the highest heat o# h&dration is #or __________.
(=i, 2a, H, Cs)
1). O# all the gro*p >> elements, the highest oxidation potential is #or __________.
(=i, 5e, 5a, 'a)
1,. +odi*m is not observed in F Oxidation +tate beca*se o# its __________.
(high #irst ioni?ation potential, high second oxidation potential, high ionic radi*s, high
1.. (he metallic l*stre o# sodi*m is explained b& the presence o# __________.
(2aF ions, cond*ction electrons, #ree protons, a bod& centred c*bic lattice)
14. __________ o# the #ollowing s*bstances is man*#act*red b& electrol&sis o# 2aCl sol*tion.
(2aO%, 2aClO), 2aClO), 2a)
1-. When 2aCl is dissolved in water, the sodi*m ions become __________.
(Oxidi?ed, 'ed*ced, %&drol&?ed, %&drated)
1:. 2aCl imparts a golden &ellow colo*r to the 5*nsen #lame. (his can be interpreted d*e to
(=ow ioni?ation potential o# sodi*m, 1hotosensitivit& o# sodi*m, +*blimation o# metallic
sodi*m to give &ellow colo*r, Emission o# excess energ& absorbed as a radiation in the
visible region)
1;. (he al$aline earth metals possess __________ electron or electrons in their o*termost
6. /l$ali metals #orm __________.
(>onic bond, covalent bond, non-polar, 9ander waal"s #orces)
1. +odi*m salts constit*te __________I o# earth"s cr*st.
(.,6, .)., .)6, ..)
. 1otassi*m salts constit*te __________I o# the earth"s cr*st.
(.,6, .)., .)6, ..)
). /l$aline earth metals occ*r in nat*re in __________.
(#ree state, combined state, both #ree and combined state, none o# these)
,. >n general al$ali metals act as __________.
('ed*cing agents, Oxidi?ing agents, 5oth red*cing and oxidi?ing agents, none o# these)
.. /ll al$aline metals except __________ are white in colo*r.
(5e, 8g, Ca, 2one o# these)
4. >n the al$ali metal series __________ o# the #ollowing is most reactive.
(=i, 2a, H, 'b)
-. >n the al$ali metal series, Cesi*m is the most reactive metal beca*se __________.
(its incomplete shell is nearest to n*cle*s, the valence electron has a larger orbit than the orbit
o# the valence electron o# an& o# the others, it exerts considerable 5ea*ti#*l #orce on the
valence electrons, it is a heavier metal)
:. /l$ali metals are __________.
(lighter than water, heavier than water, enlarged than water , all o# these)
;. __________ does not belong to al$ali metals.
(=i, 2a, 'b, H)
)6. / graphite anode is *sed in 3own"s cell #or the prod*ction o# sodi*m beca*se
(>t does not react with sodi*m, it does not react with chorine, it is eas& to #ashion in circ*lar
#orm, it #loats on the #*sed sodi*m chloride)
)1. __________ is a red*cing agent and a constit*ent o# a g*n powder.
(H2O), C, CaCO), 2a)
). /l$aline earth metals #orm __________ carbides on heating with carbon.
(+table, Jnstable, sol*ble, none o# these)
)). Except lithi*m, all al$ali metal h&droxides are strongl& __________.
(acidic in nat*re, basic in nat*re, ne*tral in nat*re, none o# these)
),. /l$aline earth metal carbonates, s*lphates and phosphates are __________.
(sol*ble in water, insol*ble in water, sometimes sol*ble and sometimes insol*ble in water,
none o# these)
).. /l$ali metal carbonates, s*lphates and phosphates are __________ in water with the
exception o# =iCO) and =i)1O,.
(sol*ble, insol*ble, 5oth sol*ble and insol*ble, none o# these)
)4. =iCl is sol*ble in organic solvents while 2aCl is not. (his is beca*se __________.
(=attice energ& o# 2aCl is less than =iCl, =iF has higher val*e o# h&dration energ& than that
o# 2aF, =iCl is more covalent in nat*re than 2aCl, =iF has lower val*e o# h&dration energ&
than 2aF)
)-. When b*rnt in air, =ithi*m #orms __________.
(2ormal oxide, 1eroxide, +*per oxide, none o# these)
):. (he chlorides o# al$ali metals and al$aline earth metals are generall& __________.
(>onic, Covalent, non polar, vander waal"s #orces)
);. +odi*m is a __________.
(good cond*ctor o# electricit&, poor cond*ctor o# electricit&, bad cond*ctor o# electricit&,
none o# these)
,6. +odi*m reacts vigoro*sl& with ox&gen on heating to #orm __________.
(+odi*m oxide, +odi*m peroxide, sodi*m s*peroxide, all o# these)
,1. +odi*m is ver& reactive with water. %ence d*e to its high reactivit& with water, it is
stored in __________.
(/lcohol, Herosine oil, 5en?ene, all o# these)
,. +odi*m reacts vigoro*sl& with water, liberating __________.
(Ox&gen, h&drogen, Carbonoxide, 2eon)
,). +odi*m is a power#*l __________.
('ed*cing agent, oxidi?ing agent, bleaching agent, all o# these)
,,. __________ is *sed s a red*cing agent in the preparation o# s*ch metals as titani*m and
?icroni*m #rom their chlorides or oxides.
(8g, 2a, C*, /g)
,.. __________ is *sed in the s&nthesis o# r*bber.
(8g, C*, 2a, Be)
,4. __________ red*cing action is *sed in the man*#act*re o# certain d&es and dr*gs.
(2a, 8g, C*, Ca)
,-. __________ is *sed o#ten in highwa& lamps as #ilaments to prod*ce &ellow light.
(2a, (*ngston, 8g, Be)
,:. 1*ri#ication o# sodi*m chloride is accomplished b& __________.
(+*blimation, Cr&stalli?ation, %&drogenation, 8elting)
,;. >ce and sodi*m chloride #orm a #ree?ing mixt*re, which is *sed in __________.
('e#regeration, 1reserving #ish, +*blimation, 2one o# these)
.6. +odi*m bicarbonate is commonl& called __________.
(+oda /sh, 5a$ing soda, Ca*stic soda, none o# these)
.1. +oap is o#ten composed o# __________.
(sodi*m carbonate, calci*m carbonate, r*bidi*m carbonate, sodi*m stearate)
.. +olva&"s process is also called __________.
(%aber"s 1roess, /mmonia +oda 1rocess, Washing +oda 1rocess, 3own"s 1rocess)
.). __________ is a stronger base.
(2aO%, HO%, =iO%, %Cl)
.,. 2aCO) is mar$eted as __________.
(+oda ash, ba$ing soda, ca*stic soda, none o# these)
... When a sol*tion o# sodi*m carbonate is evaporated, 2aCO).16%O cr&stalli?es o*t t
room temperat*re and mar$eted as __________.
(+oda ash, ba$ing soda, ca*stic soda, washing soda)
.4. 5& the action o# a0*eo*s 2aO% on al*mini*m, __________ is prod*ced.
(%, CO, %O, O)
.-. __________ is *sed #or weighing cotton cloth.
(<&ps*m, +oda ash, 8agnesi*m +*lphate, Washing soda)
Chapter ,
1 - 5loc$ Elements
1. __________ o# the #ollowing is non-metal.
(5oron, /l*mini*m, >ndi*m, (halli*m)
. __________ o# the #ollowing was isolated b& 3av& in 1:6- b& electrol&sis o# moist boric
(5oron, >ndi*m, /l*mini*m, <alli*m)
). __________ o# the #ollowing is chemicall& inert.
(5oron, >ndi*m, /l*mini*m, <alli*m)
,. __________ is not the member o# gro*p >>>/.
(5, >n, C, /l)
.. (he oxides o# 5oron are __________ in nat*re.
(/cidic, 5asic, 2e*tral, 2one o# these)
4. __________ #orms the most acidic oxide.
(5, /l, <a, >n)
-. 5oron b*rsts into #lame at __________.
(4667C, -667C, :667C, 2one o# these)
:. 5)F cannot exist in a0*eo*s sol*tion beca*se o# its __________.
(+trong red*cing abilit&, large si?e and small charge, small si?e and large charge, strong
oxidi?ing abilit&)
;. Orthoboric acid on heating to abo*t 1667C looses a water molec*le to #orm __________.
(8etaboric acid, 1&roboric /cid, 8etaboric and 1&roboric acid, none o# these)
16. (he red*ction o# metal oxides is sometimes accomplished b& *sing al*mini*m in the
(<oldshmidt"s reaction, +ilberchmdit"s reaction, 5ae&er"s reaction, Cilch"s reaction)
11. 5ae&er"s 1rocess is *sed #or the p*ri#ication o# __________.
(/l*m stone, Cr&olite, 5a*xite, none o# these)
1. %all"s 1rocess is based on electrol&sis o# __________.
(/l*mina, <&ps*m, 5orax, none o# these)
1). __________ is a better cond*ctor o# heat.
(Be, +n, /l, none o# these)
1,. /lO) #ormation involves evol*tion o# a larger 0*antit& o# heat, which ma$es its *se in
(3eoxidi?er, con#ectionar&, indoor photograph&, thermite welding)
1.. / mixt*re o# iron oxide and al*mini*m is called __________.
((hermite, 5a*xite, /l*m, none o# these)
14. /l*mini*m is *sed in __________.
(K-ra& welding, +pot welding, (hermite welding, none o# these)
1-. __________ metal is *sed in photo-#lash b*lbs.
(Ca, 2a, W, /l)
1:. (he allo& o# al*mini*m, which contains small 0*antities o# manganese, copper and
magnesi*m, is called __________.
(d*ral*min, 8agnali*m, /lnico, none o# these)
1;. (he allo& o# al*mini*m with small percentage o# magnesi*m is called __________.
(3*ral*min, 8agnali*m, /lnico, none o# these)
6. (he al*mini*m which contains 6I nic$el, 6I al*mini*m, .6I iron and 16I cobalt is
called __________.
(3*ral*min, 8agnali*m, /lnico, none o# these)
1. / magnet made o# __________ will li#t approximatel& ,666 times o# its own weight o#
(3*ral*min, 8agnali*m, /lnico, none o# these)
. /n allo& o# al*mini*m made b& allo&ing .-1.I al*mini*m and has a golden l*stre is
called __________.
(d*ral*min, 8agnali*m, /l*mini*m 5ron?e, none o# these)
). /ll the al*ms cr&stalli?e to &ield __________.
(Octahedral cr&stal, (etrahedral cr&stal, (rigonal cr&stal, =inear cr&stal)
,. (he process o# permanent d&eing is called __________.
(8ordanting, 1ainting, Calination, none o# these)
.. (he solvent *sed in the extraction o# al*mini*m #rom its ore is __________.
(Cr&olite, 5a*xite, 8olten sodi*m chloride, Water)
4. (he gro*p >9-/ o# the periodic table consists o# __________ elements.
(three, #o*r, #ive, six)
-. >n gro*p >9-/ the metallic character down the gro*p __________.
(>ncreases, 3ecreases, remains constant, none o# these)
:. __________ does not contain al*mini*m.
(Belsper, Cr&olite, Haoline, /nh&drite)
;. Carbon di##ers #rom other members o# its gro*p d*e to the absence o# __________
(s, p, d, none o# these)
)6. Elements, which exist in two or more ph&sical or molec*lar #orms, are called
(>sotopes, /llotropes, >sobars, none o# these)
)1. O*t o# the #ollowing elements o# gro*p >9 / o# the periodic table the higher densit& is #or
the element __________.
(C, +i, <e, 1b)
). 3iamond is a __________ cond*ctor o# electricit& and heat.
(1oor, <ood, 2one, none o# these)
)). O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p >9 the higher densit& is #or __________.
(C, +i, <e, 1b)
),. __________ is *sed as a l*bricant #or machiner& and also as a moderator in n*clear
(3iamond, <raphite, Epsom, <&ps*m)
).. %ighest melting and boiling point is #or __________.
(C, <e, +i, 1b)
)4. 1bO behaves as aGan __________.
(/mphoteric oxide, basic oxide, s*per oxide, s*b oxide)
)-. White lead is prepared b& __________.
(3*tch process, +olva&"s 1rocess, 3own"s 1rocess, none o# these)
):. __________ member o# the gro*p 9-/ show several oxidation states s*ch as L1, F, F),
F, and F..
(1, /s, +b, 2)
);. __________ member o# the gro*p 9-/ #orms m*ltiple bonds.
(1, 5i, /s, 2)
,6. __________ member o# gro*p 9-/ does not show allotrop&.
(1, +b, 2, /s)
,1. >n __________ sol*tion glass is sol*ble.
(%2O), %Cl, %B, %CO))
,. On ind*strial scale 2itric acid is prepared b& __________.
(3*tch 1rocess, 5ir$land-E&de"s 1rocess, +olva&"s 1rocess, 3own"s 1rocess)
,). >n Ostwald"s 1rocess the s*bstance *sed to oxide ammonia is __________.
(Cn, 1t, CO, none o# these)
,,. Copper reacts with dil*te nitric acid to #orm __________.
(2itric oxide, nitrogen peroxide, nitro*s oxide, none o# these)
,.. 2itric acid is a strong __________.
(red*cing agent, bleaching agent, oxidi?ing agent, none o# these)
,4. / mixt*re consisting o# one vol*me o# concentrated %2O) and three vol*mes o#
concentrated %Cl is called __________.
(/0*a regia, 8eta stannic acid, /l*m, +andh*r)
,-. =ead tertraeth&le is *sed as __________.
(Bire exting*isher, 1ain Hiller, 8os0*ito repellent, 1etrole*m /dditive)
,:. 2itric acid is *sed in the man*#act*re o# __________.
(Cell*lose, 9arnishes, (.2.(, all o# these)
,;. __________ allotropic #orm o# coal is hard.
(1eat, =ignite, /nthracite, <raphite)
.6. __________ molec*le is paramagnetic nat*re.
(O, +, +e, 1o)
.1. __________ element edhibits the largest n*mber o# allotropic #orms amongst the
.. __________ element is the most ab*ndant element in earth"s cr*st.
(Ca, +i, C, O)
.). (here are __________ rings in *nit cell o# 'hombic s*lph*r.
(1, 14, 6, ,)
.,. <raphite is *sed in n*clear reactor as __________.
(/ =*rbicant, / #*el, #or lining the inside o# reactor as an ins*lator, #or red*cing the velocit&
o# ne*trons)
... >n its *nit cell, monoclinic s*lph*r possesses how man& +: rings.
(1, 4, ), 6)
.4. %+ is a good __________.
(red*cing agent, oxidi?ing agent, bleaching agent, none o# these)
.-. >n the a0*eo*s sol*tion %+ ioni?es to prod*ce __________ ions and behaves as a wea$
(%F, %-, O%-, none o# these)
.:. %+ red*ces halogens to __________.
(hidrides, halides, halogens, none o# these)
.;. 5& __________ process the %+O, prod*ced is p*re and can be prod*ced o# an& desired
(=ead Chamber 1rocess, Contact 1rocess, 3own"s Cell, none o# these)
46. __________ gas is responsible #or rising o# bread.
(CO, CO, 2%), O)
41. /t what temperat*re %+O, completel& dissociates into s*lph*r trioxide and water.
(,147C, .147C, 4147C, -147C)
4. Concentrated s*lph*ric acid acts as a __________.
('ed*cing agent, Oxidi?ing agent, 3eh&drating agent, 2one o# these)
4). __________ charcoal is *sed to decolo*rise brown s*gar sol*tion.
(Wood, Cocon*t, /nimal, +*gar)
4,. >n the sale o# diamonds the *nit o# weight is carat. One cart is e0*al to __________.
(166mg, 66mg, )66mg, ,66mg)
4.. %ot concentrated s*lph*ric acid acts as an __________ *s*all& itsel# red*ced to s*lph*r
(3eh&rating, Oxidi?ing, 'ed*cing, none o# these)
44. __________ are the two elements that #ind wide application in transistor ind*str&.
(+ilicon and <ermini*m, Carbon and 1latini*m, >ridi*m and <ermani*m, (*ngsten and
4-. >n the man*#act*r o# certain explosives s*ch as nitrogl&cerine, trinitrotol*ene and g*n-
cotton etc. +*lph*ric acid is *sed as a __________.
(Oxidi?ing agent, 'ed*cing agent, 3eh&drating agent, none o# these)
4:. __________ prepared chlorine in 1--,, b& the action o# h&drochloric acid on manganese
(Cavendish, C.W. +cheele, +ir %*mphr& 3av&, =ane)
4;. __________ s*ggested the name chlorine #or the gas prod*ced b& the action o#
h&drochloric acid on manganese dioxide.
(+ir %*mphr& 3av&, C.W. +cheele, Cavendish, none o# these)
-6. Chlorine is obtained b& reacting concentrated %Cl with __________ agent, s*ch as
8nO, HClO), H8nO,.
('ed*cing, oxidi?ing, deh&drating, none o# these)
-1. Electrol&sis o# 5rine prod*ces __________.
(Chlorine, %&drogen, %+, 2itrogen)
-. (he process based on the oxidation o# h&drochloric acid with ox&gen is __________.
(2elson"s Cell, Contact 1rocess, 3own"s 1rocess, 3eacon"s 1rocess)
-). __________ process is *sed #or the prod*ction o# chlorine gas.
(3eacon"s, Contact, +olva&"s, Electrol&sis o# water)
-,. Chlorine gas is __________ in colo*r.
(Mellow, <reenish Mellow, 9iolet, 5l*e)
-.. __________ prod*ces in#lammation o# the nose and throat when breathed in considerable
(2itrogen, Carbon dioxide, Chlorine, %&drogen +*lphide)
-4. (o $ill bacterial, molst o# the drin$ing water is treated with __________.
(2itrogen, Carbon dioxide, Chlorine, %&drogen +*lphide)
--. Chlorine is *sed in the preparation o# poisono*s gases o# war#are, s*ch as __________.
(COCl, %+, %Cl, none o# these)
-:. >n phosphor*s oxide the n*mber o# ox&gen atoms bonded to each phosphor*s atom is
(1, , ), ,)
-;. O# the #ollowing elements the onl& one which does not exhibit allotrop& is __________.
(1, /s, +b, 5i)
:6. 1hosgene is the common name o# __________.
(Carbon dioxide and 1hosphine, 1hosphor&le chloride, Carbon&le Chloride, Carbon
:1. O*t o# all the elements o# gro*p 9> /, the highest melting and boiling point is #or
((e, +e, +, 1b)
:. >n gro*p 9>/ highest electronegativit& is #or __________.
(+, O, 1b, +e)
:). =arge deposits o# s*lph*r in nat*re are #o*nd as __________.
(+*lph*ric acid, h&drochloric acid, #ree s*lph*r, none o# these)
:,. On the basis o# available data o# the str*ct*re o# monoclinic s*lph*r, it probabl& consists
o# __________ chains.
(+4, +, +,, +:)
:.. 'hombic s*lph*r consists o# __________.
(+: chains, + chains, +, rings, +: rings)
:4. 1*re s*lph*ric acid is a solid compo*nd which __________.
(>s alwa&s colloidal, slowl& decomposes to #orm +O, +eves as a *se#*l so*rce #or %+, has
never been observed)
:-. (he #orm o# s*lph*r, which is stable at room temperat*re and normal atmospheric
press*re, is __________.
(orthorhombic, hexagonal, mono clinic, amorpho*s)
::. When %+ gas is dissolved in a0*a regia, the #*nction o# %Cl in the mixt*re is to
(oxidi?e the s*lph*r, oxidi?e the merc*r&, complex the s*lph*r, complex the merc*r&)
:;. When li0*id s*lph*r at one atmosphere press*re is ver& slowl& cooled, *nless s*per
cooling occ*rs, the #irst solid to appear is __________.
(monoclinic s*lph*r, 'hombic s*lph*r, %exagonal s*lph*r, metallic s*lph*r)
;6. (he s&nthesis o# ethers #rom alcohol depends on the #act that s*lph*ric acid is a good
(oxidi?ing agent, red*cing agent, complexing agent, deh&drating agent)
;1. __________ o# the #ollowing has the highest catenation capabilit&.
(Ox&gen, +*lph*r, +eleni*m, (ell*ri*m)
;. the halogen with the highest ioni?ation potential is __________.
(B, Cl, >, /t)
;). (he halide ion with the highest h&dration energ& is __________.
(B-, Cl-, >-, /t-)
;,. %&dro#l*oride acid is __________.
(a power#*l oxidi?ing agent, a wea$ acid, a strong acid, a good red*cing agent)
;.. __________ o# the #ollowing is most power#*l oxidi?ing agent.
(B, Cl, 5r, >)
;4. __________ o# the #ollowing exhibits the largest electrical cond*ctivit& in the li0*id state.
(B, Cl, 5r, >)
;-. __________ o# the #ollowing exhibits the highest bond energ&.
(B, Cl, 5r, >)
;:. __________ does not #orm its ox& acids.
(B, Cl, 5r, >)
;;. (he colo*r o# > sol*tion can be discharged b& sha$ing a a0*eo*s sol*tion o#
(+*lph*r dioxide, sodi*m thios*lphate, sodi*m s*lphite, sodi*m s*lphate)
166. 5leaching powder is obtained b& the interaction o# Cl and __________.
(a dil*te sol*tion o# Ca(O%), conc. +ol*tion o# Ca(O%), dr& CaO, dr& sla$ed lime)
Chapter .
(ransition Elements
1. (ransition elements are those in which __________ orbitals are in the process o#
(d, #, s, d or #)
. (ransition elements are located between __________ elements in the periodic table.
(s and p bloc$, s and # bloc$, d and p bloc$, none o# these)
). O*t o# total 116 elements $nown, there are more than __________ transition elements.
(,6, .6, 46, -6)
,. Elements in which d-orbitals are in the process o# completion are called __________
(o*ter transtion, inner transition, non-transition, none o# these)
.. __________ o# the #ollowing is transition element.
(+r, +n, Cr, 5)
4. __________ o# the #ollowing elements is not incl*ded in the list o# transition elements.
(Ca, C*, Cr, CO)
-. 3*e to the addition o# electrons in inner #-robitals atomic and ionic radii or #-bloc$
elements have a reg*lar trend. (his is called __________.
(Contraction, =anthanide contraction, actanide, contraction, none o# these)
:. (he transition elements *s*all& have ver& __________ melting and boiling points.
(low, high, intermediate, none o# these)
;. (ransition elements show a tendenc& o# __________.
(high reactivit&, less reactivit&, ver& high reactivit&, none o# these)
16. Binel& divided iron is *sed in __________.
(%aber 1rocess, Catal&tic %&drogenation, Oxidation o# ammonia to nitric oxide, Contact
11. __________ reagent can be *sed to identi#& C*F ion.
(2itric acid, +*lph*ric acid, +odi*m h&droxide, 1otassi*m chromate)
1. 9anadi*m pentaoxide is *sed in __________.
(%aber 1rocess, Oxidation o# s*lph*r dioxide to s*lph*r trioxide, oxidation o# ammonia to
nitric oxide, Contact 1rocess)
1). __________ is the important ore o# copper.
(8alachite, 5a*xite, 5l*e 9itriol, /l*mina)
1,. Copper is *sed in __________.
(%aber 1rocess, Oxidation o# eth&l alcohol to acetaldeh&de, oxidation o# ammonia to nitric
oxide, Contact 1rocess)
1.. 5essemer converters are *sed to get __________.
(/l*mini*m, Copper, +teel, +odi*m)
14. (itani*m is *sed as catal&st in __________.
(%aber 1rocess, Catal&tic %&drogenation, Oxidation o# ammonia to nitric oxide,
1ol&meri?ation o# eth&le into pol&eth&lene)
1-. 1latini*m or 1alladi*m is *sed as catal&st in __________.
(%aber 1rocess, Catal&tic %&drogenation, Oxidation o# ammonia to nitric oxide, Contact
1:. __________ o# the #ollowing does not belong to d-bloc$ elements.
(Chromi*m, Cobalt, +ilicon, Copper)
1;. Compo*nds attracted into a magnetic #ield are called __________.
(8agnets, 1aramagnets, 3imagnets, none o# these)
6. (ransition metal compo*nds, which show paramagnetism, have __________.
(*npaired electrons, paird electrons, *npaired protons, paired protons)
1. / s*bstance, which have even n*mber o# electrons and have paired spin is called
(Berromagnetic, 1aramagnetic, 3imagnetic, none o# these)
. 8agnetic movement is meas*red with help o# __________.
(<*o&"s balance, +pring balance, 1h&sical balance, Cavendish /pprat*s)
). __________ propert& provides in#ormation abo*t the presence o# *npaired electrons in an
atom or ion.
(3ipole moment, 8agnetic moment, tor0*e, none o# these)
,. 5& meas*ring the magnetic moment val*es we can meas*re __________.
(2at*re o# the transition metal compo*nd, oxidation state o# the transition metal, both nat*re
and oxidation state o# transition metal compo*nd, none o# these)
.. (ransition elements show variable valencies beca*se o# the involvement o# the d-
electrons in addition to __________.
(p-electrons, #-electrons, d-electrons, e-electrons)
4. (he empt& spaces between atoms o# transition metals in their cr&stal lattices are called
(9acant spaces, valence spaces, interstices, none o# these)
-. (he #ormation o# non-stoichiometric compo*nds is d*e to the de#ects in solid str*ct*re
and __________.
(9ariabel valenc& o# transition elemennts, even n*mber o# electrons, even n*mber o# protons,
*npaired electrons)
:. >nterstitial compo*nds have __________ #orm*la.
(de#inite, hal#, inde#inite, no)
;. +trong paramegnetism is called __________.
(dimagnetism, #erromagnetism, both dimagnetism and #erromagnetism, none o# these)
)6. When a n*mber o# molec*les or negativel& charged ions combine with a central d-bloc$
atom or ion to #orm complex ion or molec*le, __________ is #ormed.
(a co-ordinate compo*nd, interstitial compo*nd, di-atomic compo*nd, none o# these)
)1. >n coordinate bonding the molec*les or ions, which bond onto the central metal ion or
atom, are called __________.
(actanides, =anthanides, =igands, none o# these)
). =igands are __________.
(electron pair donors, electron pair acceptros, ne*tral, none o# these)
)). N2i(C2),O- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
),. NC*(2%)),OF is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
).. 8nO,- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
)4. CrO,- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
)-. NC*(C2),O)- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
):. NCn(2%)),O)- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
);. NBe(C2)4O)- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
,6. NBe(C2)4O,- is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
,1. N2i(2%))4OF is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
,. NCo(2%))4O)F is an example o# __________.
(+0*re planar, tetrahedral complexes, octahedral complexes, none o# these)
,). >n the s&stem o# naming complex coordinate compo*nds cations are named __________
(a#ter, be#orem, inbetween, none o# these)
,,. (he names o# __________ are *s*all& *nchanged.
(anionic ligands, cationic ligands, ne*tral ligands, none o# these)
,.. 2%) is an example o# __________ ligand.
(anionic, cationic, ne*tral, none o# these)
,4. %O is an example o# __________ ligand.
(anionic, cationic, ne*tral, none o# these)
,-. (he s*##ix @ateA at the end o# the name o# the coordinate complex ion represents aGan
(cation, anion, cathode, anode)
,:. / mixt*re o# iron s*lphide and copper s*lphide is called __________.
(gang*e, matte, matter, resid*e)
,;. +*lphide ore is concentrated b& __________.
(Broth #loatation 1rocess, 3*tch 1rocess, 5essemeri?ation, none o# these)
.6. __________ does not copper.
(Carbor*nd*m, /?*rite, 5l*e 9itriol, 8alachite)
.1. Jtensils *sed to carr& o*t #ermentation are made o# __________.
(C*, Be, /l, Ca)
.. /n allo& o# copper, which contains :6I copper and 6I ?inc, is called __________.
(5rass, 5ron?e, 5ell metal, none o# these)
.). Copper s*lphate reacts with sol*tion o# potassi*m iodide giving __________.
(s*lph*r dioxide, iodine, copper oxide, potassi*m oxide)
.,. /n allo& o# copper, which contains ;6I C* and 16I +n is called __________.
(5ron?e, 5rass, 5ell 8etal, all o# these)
... /n allo& o# copper, which contains :6I C* and 6I +n is called __________.
(5ron?e, 5rass, 5ell metal, all o# these)
.4. (he s*bstance attracted b& magnetic #ield is $nown as __________.
(diamagnetic, paramagnetic, antimagnetic, all o# these)
.-. Copper s*lphate is commonl& called __________.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
.:. +ilver nitrate is commonl& called __________.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
.;. +tainless steel is __________.
(a mixt*re, a compo*nd, an element, all o# these)
46. 1otassi*m dichromate is commonl& called __________.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
41. 8anganese di##ers #rom most other transition elements beca*se it reacts with
(ox&gen, water, s*lph*r, iodine)
4. __________ o# the #ollowing elements can be incl*ded in the categor& o# transition
(C*, /l, /r, /t)
4). 1otassi*m #erroc&anide is a __________.
(normal salt, mixed salt, do*ble salt, complex salt)
4,. __________ o# the #ollowing combination is incl*ded in the >ron triad o# elements.
(1d and 1t, 8n and %g, Co and 2i, 9 and (i)
4.. __________ is a bl*e cr&stalline solid which is #reel& sol*ble in water.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
44. __________ is an orange cr&stalline solid which is #reel& sol*ble in water.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
4-. __________ is a &ellow cr&stalline solid which is #reel& sol*ble in water.
(2ila (hotha, HCrO,, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
4:. __________ is a colo*rless cr&stalline solid.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
4;. __________ is *sed as #*ngicide and germicide.
(2ila (hotha, =*nar Ca*stic, +*r$h Hahi, none o# these)
-6. Berric oxide is __________.
(a basic anh&dride, an acid anh&dride, an amphoteric anh&dride, green in colo*r)
-1. 1otassi*m dichromate is a strong __________.
(red*cing agent, oxidi?ing agent, deh&drating agent, all o# these)
-. (he densest element is __________.
(1b, %g, 1t, Os)
-). (he most strongl& #erromagnetic element is __________.
(Be, Co, 2i, Os)
-,. /llo&ing o# metals serves to inhibit __________.
(Corrosion, Broth Bloatation, Erossion, 2one o# these)
-.. 8echanical strains can be removed b& __________.
(heat treatment, polishing the metal s*r#ace, both heat treatment and polishing the metals
s*r#ace, none o# these)
-4. __________ has the lowest densit&.
(C*, 2i, +c, Cn)
--. <alvani?ing is done b& dipping clean iron sheet in a ?inc chloride bath and __________.
(heating, r*sting, #roth #loatation, allo&ing)
-:. (here are two well $nown theories to explain the phenomenon o# corrosion namel&
(/cid theor&, Electromechanical theor&, electrochemical theor&, acid and electromechanical
-;. __________ one o# the #ollowing metals exists in li0*id #orm.
(+c, M, =a, %g)
:6. (he process o# depositing a thin la&er o# tin on base metals to protect them #rom corrosion
is called __________.
(Expos*re, tin plating, Bixing, none o# these)
:1. (he most strongl& #erromagnetic element is __________.
(Be, 2i, +, C)
:. (he propert& o# a s*bstance which permits it being drawn into wire is called __________.
(so#tness, 3*ctilit&, 5rittleness, %ardness)
:). One o# the constit*ent o# <erman silver is __________.
(/g, C*, 8g, /l)
:,. When potassi*m permanganate is added to a sat*rated a0*eo*s sol*tion o# potassi*m
h&droxide, __________ gas is evolved.
(%&drogen, Ox&gen, Carbon dioxide, none o# these)
:.. __________ reagent can be *sed to identi#& nic$le ion.
('esorcinol, 3imeth&l gl&oxime, 3imeth&l 5en?idine, 1otassi*m Berroc&anide)
:4. __________ o# the #ollowing is the transition element.
(+r, +n, Cr, Be)
:-. 5essemer converters are *sed to get __________.
(/l*mini*m, copper, steel, none o# these)
::. __________ is not the ore o# copper.
(5l*e vitriol, C*prite, Chalcocite, +teel)
:;. __________ o# the #ollowing elements is not incl*ded in the list o# transition elements.
(Ca, C*, Cr, Co)
;6. __________ one o# the #ollowing does not belong to d-bloc$ elements.
(Chromi*m, +ilicon, Cobalt, 2ic$el)
Chapter 4
Organic Chemistr&
1. (he branch o# chemistr& which deals with the st*d& o# compo*nds containing carbon as a
essential element is called __________.
(Organic chemistr&, >n organic chemistr&, 1h&sical chemistr&, all o# these)
. (he #irst organic compo*nd s&nthesi?ed in the laborator& is __________.
(8ethane, Jrea, /cetic /cid, <l*cose)
). __________ o# the #ollowing is not an organic compo*nd.
(C%,, CO, C%-C%, C%)O%)
,. __________ o# the #ollowing is not an organic compo*nd.
(1enicillin, Jrea, Oxalic acid, 1laster o# 1aris)
.. __________ is the important so*rces o# nat*rall& occ*rring compo*nds o# carbon.
(/nimals, 1lants, 'oc$ salts, +ea water)
4. __________ is not a component o# coal.
(%, O, 2, +i)
-. %ard blac$ #orm o# coal containing ; L ;:I carbon is called __________.
(/nthracite, +*b-bit*mino*s coal, 5it*mino*s coal, =ignite)
:. (he most ab*ndant #orm o# coal and is *sed as energ& so*ce and carboni?ation #or co$e,
coal tar and co$e-oven is called __________.
(/nthracite, s*b-bit*mino*s coal, 5it*mino*s coal, =ignite)
;. Borm o# coal *sed at power generating stations is called __________.
(/ntracite, +*b-bit*mino*s coal, 5it*mino*s coal, =ignite)
16. / so#t and brown #orm o# coal which contains .6 to 46I carbon is called __________.
(/nthracite, +*b-bit*mino*s coal, 5it*mino*s coal, =ignite)
11. >n 1a$istan deposits o# lignite are #o*nd at __________.
(3andot, +ainda$, Hhewra, none o# these)
1. __________ is a p*re carbon.
(Co$e, Coal gas, Coal tar, none o# these)
1). >ts maEor constit*ents are h&drogen (.6I), methane ().I) and carbon monoxide (:I).
(Co$e, coal gas, coal tar, none o# these)
1,. 2*mber o# organic compo*nds present in coal tar is __________.
(11., 1., )1., ,1.)
1.. 'esid*e le#t a#ter #ractional distillation o# coal tar is called __________.
(1itch, 3*tch, <ang*e, 8atte)
14. 1etrole*m in the *nre#ined #orm is called __________.
(Co$e, Coal gas, Cr*de oil, 'oc$ oil, both cr*de oil and roc$ oil)
1-. 2at*ral gas mainl& consists o# __________.
(8ethane, Ethane, propane, 5*tanes)
1:. >n 1a$istan there are vast reserves o# nat*ral gas at __________ in 5al*chistan.
(5andot, Hhewra, +ainda$, +*i)
1;. __________ is a mixt*re o# methane, ethane, propane and b*tane, *sed as a #*el and #or
ma$ing other organic chemicals.
('e#inar& gas, <asoline, Herosene oil, gas oil)
6. __________ is a mixt*re o# h&drocarbons containing .-: carbon atoms and boiling in the
range o# ,6-1:67C.
('e#inar& gas, <asoline, Herosene oil, gas oil)
1. __________ is a mixt*re o# h&drocarbons having 11-1 carbon atoms and boiling point in
the range o# .67C.
('e#inar& gas, <asoline, Herosene oil, gas oil)
. / mixt*re o# h&drocarbons having 1)-. carbon atoms is called __________.
('e#inar& gas, <asoline, Herosene oil, gas oil)
). On strong heating the #ractions containing the larger h&drocarbon molec*les are bro$en
*p into smaller and more volatile molec*les, this is called __________.
(+*blimation, Crac$ing, 'oasting, 'e#ining)
,. Crac$ing is also termed as __________.
(1&rol&sis, 'e#ining, 1ol&meri?ation, %&drohalogenation)
.. / large n*mber o# organic compo*nds, especiall& the *nsat*rated ones, show a great
tendenc& to *nite. (his process is termed as __________.
(1&rol&sis, Crac$ing, 1ol&meri?ation, none o# these)
4. /n isomer o# ethanol is __________.
(3imeth&l ether, 3ieth&l ether, Eth&lene gl&col, 8ethanol)
-. Organic compo*nds made *p o# carbon and h&drogen are called __________.
(1ol&mers, %&drocarbons, 5*tanes, none o# these)
:. Organic compo*nds other than the h&drocarbons ma& be considered to be derived #rom
the h&drocarbons b& the replacement o# one or more o# their __________ atoms with atoms
or gro*ps o# atoms o# other element.
(Carbon, %&drogen, 2itrogen, none o# these)
;. When eth&lene is heated *nder press*re, a transparent solid pol&mer, __________ is
(1ol&ethene, Ethane, 8ethane, 2one o# these)
)6. /n atom or gro*p o# atoms, which con#ers characteristic properties to an organic
molec*le, is called __________.
('adical, B*nctional gro*p, 1ol&mer, none o# these)
)1. Compo*nds having same molec*lar #orm*la b*t di##erent str*ct*res are said to be
(1ol&mers, >somers, 'adical, B*nctional gro*p)
). (he 0*alit& o# petrole*m is determined b& __________.
(3ecane n*mber, octane n*mber, hexane n*mber, none o# these)
)). __________ o# the #ollowing obe& isomerism.
(CO, C%4O, C*+O,, none o# these)
),. (wo or more than two di##erent compo*nds having the same molec*lar #orm*la b*t
di##erent carbon chains or s$eletons are said to be __________.
(Chain isomers, position isomers, #*nctional gro*p isomers, metamers)
).. (he $ind o# isomerism which depends *pon the relative position o# the gro*p, or the
position o# do*ble or single bond in case o# *nsat*rated compo*nds in termed as
(Chain isomerism, 1osition isomerism, B*nctional <ro*p isomerism, 8etamerism)
)4. >somerism, which involves compo*nds having the same molec*lar #orm*la, b*t di##erent
#*nctional gro*ps are called __________.
(Chain isomerism, 1osition isomerism, B*nctional <ro*p isomerism, 8etamerism)
)-. __________ is exhibited b& compo*nds having the same #*nctional gro*p b*t di##erent
al$&l attached to the same m*ltivalent atom.
(Chain isomerism, 1osition isomerism, B*nctional <ro*p isomerism, 8etamerism)
):. >n crac$ing *s*all& catal&st *sed is __________.
(1t, /l*minosilicate, 2i, (etra-eth&l lead)
);. >so-b*tane exhibited __________.
(Chain >somerism, 1osition >somerism, B*nctional gro*p >somerism, 8etamerism)
,6. >n CCl, molec*le the #o*r valencies o# carbon atom are directed towards the corners o# a
(C*be, %exagon, 1rism, (etrahedron)
,1. (etrahedral nat*re o# bonding in carbon atom was #irst shown b& __________.
(Wohler, 9ant %o## and =e5el, =ewis, He$*le)
,. (he general #orm*la ('CO)O represents __________.
(/n ether, $etone, an ester, an acid anh&dride)
,). Bormation o# al$ane b& the action o# ?inc on al$&l halide is called __________.
(Bran$land reaction, W*rt? reaction, Canni??aro"s reaction, Holbe"s reaction)
,,. __________ o# the #ollowing are isomers.
(8eth&l alcohol and dimeth&l ether, Eth&l alcohol and dimeth&l ether, /cetone and
/cetaldeh&de, 1roponoic acid and proponanone)
,.. (he isomers m*st have the same __________.
(+tr*ct*ral #orm*la, molec*lar #orm*la, chemical properties, ph&sical properties)
,4. __________ has the longest bond length.
(C P C, C Q C, C L C, all o# these)
,-. >n al$anes all C L C bonds have __________.
(single bond, do*ble bond, triple bond, none o# these)
,:. 'emoval o# one o# the h&drogen atoms o# an al$ane prod*ces a __________.
(al$&l gro*p, eth&l gro*p, meth&l gro*p, none o# these)
,;. Compo*nds in which two al$&l gro*ps are attached to an ox&gen atom are called
(al$anes, ethers, alcohals, isomers6
.6. 8an& h&drocarbons contain more than one O% gro*ps in a molec*le. 8olec*les o# this
t&pe are called __________.
(Ethers, 1ol&h&drox& alcohols, aldeh&des, none o# these)
.1. __________ is the common name o# methanol.
(#ormaldeh&de, acetaldeh&de, propionaldeh&de, none o# these)
.. Compo*nds which contain carbon&l gro*p b*t di##er #rom aldeh&des in that two al$&l
gro*ps are attached to the carbon o# carbon&l gro*p are called __________.
(Ethers, Hetons, /lcohols, none o# these)
.). __________ is the common name o# propanone.
(/cetone , $etone, 3ieth&l Hetone, none o# these)
.,. 5en?ene is a __________.
(%eteroc&clic compo*nd, /lic&clic compo*nd, /romatic compo*nd, /c&clic)
... Common name o# #ormic acid is __________.
(8ethanoic acid, Ethanoic acid, 1ropanoic acid, none o# these)
.4. (he properties o# organic compo*nds are d*e to __________.
(Covalent bonds, B*nctional gro*ps, >onic bonds, 2one o# these)
Chapter -
1. Organic compo*nds, which contain element carbon and h&drogen onl& are called
(%&rocarbons, Ethers, Hetones, none o# these)
. (he n*mber o# h&drocarbons is ver& large beca*se o# the propert& o# h&drogen to
__________, with it sel# in the #orm o# chains and rings.
(Cmbine, Catenate, +*lphonation, none o these)
). Carbon *s*all& exhibits a covalenc& o# __________.
((wo in most o# its compo*nds, three in most o# its compo*nds, #o*r in most o# its
compo*nds, none o# these)
,. %&drocarbons, which contain single bonds, are called __________.
(al$anes, al$enes, al$&nes, none o# these)
.. %&drocarbons, which contain do*ble bonds, are called __________.
(al$anes, al$enes, al$&nes, none o# these)
4. %&drocarbons, which contain triple bonds, are called __________.
(al$anes, al$enes, al$&nes, none o# these)
-. (he al$anes have __________.
(tetrahedral #rame wor$, planar molec*les, linear str*ct*re, none o# these)
:. (he al$&nes have __________.
(tetrahedral #rame wor$, planar molec*les, linear str*ct*re, none o# these)
;. (he al$enes have __________.
(tetrahedral #rame wor$, planar molec*les, linear str*ct*re, none o# these)
16. +at*rated %&drocarbons are also called __________.
(/l$anes, Ole#ins, /l$enes, /l$anes and Ole#ins)
11. Jnsat*rated h&drocarbons are also called __________.
(/l$enes, 1ara##ins, al$anes, none o# these)
1. /l$enes are characteri?ed b& the presence o# __________ bond between two carbon
(single, do*ble, triple, none o# these)
1). /l$anes or para##ins are characteri?ed b& the presence o# __________ bond between two
carbon atoms.
(+ingle, do*ble, triple, none o# these)
1,. /l$&nes are characteri?ed b& the presence o# __________ bond between two carbon
(single, do*ble, triple, none o# these)
1.. /l$anes are also called __________.
(1ara##ins, Ole#ins, /ldeh&des, none o# these)
14. /l$enes are also called __________.
(1ara##ins, Ole#ins, Carbon&l, none o# these)
1-. /n al$ane h&drocarbon chain on c&cli?ation wo*ld res*lt in the #ormation o#
(/lic&clic compo*nd, aromatic compo*nd, ethers, none o# these)
1:. 5en?ene is the simplest example o# h&drocarbon called __________.
(/lic&clic, aromatic, open chain, none o# these)
1;. +olid C%, is __________.
(molec*lar solid, covalent solid, ionic solid, does not exist)
6. 8ethane is also $nown as __________.
(oil gas, marsh gas, gasoline, none o# these)
1. / li0*id h&drocarbon is converted into a mixt*re o# gaseo*s h&drocarbon b&
(Crac$ing, %&drol&sis, Oxidation, 'ed*ction)
. __________ is obtained in the laborator& b& heating a mixt*re o# sodi*m acetate and soda
(/lcohol, Ethene, 8ethane, none o# these)
). /l$enes *ndergo __________.
(addition reaction, s*bstit*tion reaction, both addition and s*bstit*tion reaction)
,. __________ does not react with a0*eo*s sol*tion o# acids, al$alies, or potassi*m
permanganate or other oxidi?ing agents and most o# the *s*al laborator& reagents.
(5en?ene, Ether, 8ethane, /cetic acid)
.. 5romine reacts with methane when the reaction is catal&?ed b& __________.
(+*nlight, high #re0*enc& radiation, di##*sed s*nlight, nic$el)
4. >n methane the replacement o# h&drogen b& _ 2O is called __________.
(1&rol&sis, 2itration, %alogenation, none o# these)
-. 8ethane when heated to extreme temperat*re in the absence o# air *ndergoes thermal
decomposition, called __________.
(2itration, Catal&tic oxidation, 1&rol&sis, none o# these)
:. Jrea, a *se#*l #ertili?er, is prepared on ind*strial scale #rom __________.
(2at*ral gas, Coal, Co$e, 1etrole*m)
;. Carbon blac$ is a raw material #or paints and a*tomobile t&res and is prepared #rom
(Ethane, Ethene, 8ethane, none o# these)
)6. C%4 is called __________.
(8ethane, Ethane, 8ethanol, none o# these)
)1. __________ is obtained in the laborator& b& heating sodi*m proponoate and soda lime.
(8ethane, Ethane, Ethene, none o# these)
). >n the laborator& ethane is prepared b& the reaction called __________.
(+abatier-+enderens 'eaction, 1&rol&sis, Catenation, %&drohalogenation)
)). When an a0*eo*s sol*tion o# sodi*m or potassi*m salt o# mono-carbox&lic acid is
s*bEected to electrol&tic, corresponding al$ane is #ormed. (his reaction is called __________.
(+abatier-+enderens 'eaction, Holbe"s Electrol&sis, 1ol&meri?ation, chlorination)
),. On b*rning __________ prod*ces a considerable amo*nt o# heat energ& which ma& be
*sed #or welding process.
(Ethane, 5en?ene, Ethene, none o# these)
).. __________ is #o*nd to be present in wood gas and coal gas.
(8ethane, Ethene, Ethane, 5en?ene)
)4. __________ is prepared on a small scale in the laborator& b& heating together eth&l
alcohol and s*lph*ric acid.
(8ethane, Ethane, Eth&lene, none o# these)
)-. (he elimination o# h&drogen halide (%K) #rom adEacent carbon atoms is called
(1&rol&sis, Chlorination, 3eh&drohalogenation, none o# these)
):. __________ process is important in the hardening o# vegetable and animals oils to
prod*ce solid #ats which are *sed to ma$e margarine.
(1&rol&sis, Catenation, %&drogenation, 3eh&drohalogenation)
);. When a mixt*re o# ethene and air is passed over heated silver *nder press*re, we get
(Epoxide, +*peroxide, +*boxide, none o# these)
,6. (he negative part o# the addend*m adds on to the carbon atom Eoined to the least n*mber
o# h&drogen atoms. (he statement is called __________.
(8ar$owni$o##"s r*le, 1eroxide e##ect, (heile"s theor&, 5ae&er"s strain theor&)
,1. 5ae&er"s test is the basis #or detection o# a __________ bond in an organic molec*le.
(single, do*ble, triple, none o# these)
,. __________ was *sed in #irst world war.
(1hosgene gas, 8*stard gas, Oil gas, Coal gas)
,). When a mixt*re o# CO, C%, and C% is passed thro*gh ammonical c*pro*s chloride
sol*tion then __________.
(/cet&lene and CO are absorbed, CO is absorbed, C%, is absorbed, 2othing happens)
,,. Eth&lene dichloride is also called __________.
(8*stard gas, 3*tch li0*id, 1ol&ethene, none o# these)
,.. __________ is *sed to man*#act*re m*stard gas which is poisono*s gas *sed as war gas.
(Ethane, 8ethane, Eth&lene, none o# these)
,4. __________ is most #o*nd in al$enes.
(Chain isomerism, <eometrical isomerism, 8esomerism, 1osition >somerism)
,-. __________ poisono*s gas is present in the exha*st #*mes o# car.
(8ethane, /cet&lene, %Cl, Carbon dioxide)
,:. __________ is *sed to import colo*r to stile green citr*s #r*it #orm ripening.
(Eth&lene, 8ethane, Ethane, none o# these)
,;. (he n*mber o# x&lene isomers is __________.
(, ), ,, .)
.6. Eth&lene dichloride and eth&lene chloride are isomeric compo*nds. (he statement which
is not applicable to both o# them is __________.
(react with alcoholic potash, react with a0*eo*s potash and give the same prod*ct, are
dihalides, answer 5eilstein"s test)
.1. +tr*ct*re o# ben?ene is __________.
(3iagonal, 1lanner, 1&ramidal, (etrahedral)
.. __________ is *sed in the man*#act*re o# plastic and s&nthetic r*bber.
(+t&rene, 8*stard gas, 1ol&thene, none o# these)
.). (he pol&thene is a pol&mer o# __________.
(Eth&lene, /ceton, 1rop&lene, 5*tadiene)
.,. /cet&lene or eth&ne was discovered accidentall& in 1:;; b& the /merican chemist
(Wilsson, =ane, 2elson, none o# these)
... /cet&lene is present in small proportions (abo*t 6.64I b& vol*me) in __________.
(2at*ral gas, Coal gas, <asoline, 1etrole*m)
.4. __________ is prepared in the laborator& b& dropping water on calci*m carbide.
(Eth&lene, /cet&lene, 8ethane, none o# these)
.-. (he process *sed #or the preparation o# acet&lene is __________.
helot 1rocess, +abatier-+enderns 'eaction, Holbe"s 1rocess, none o# these)
.:. /cet&lene has a characteristic ethereal smell resembling that o# __________.
('otten egg, <arlic, 5en?ene, none o# these)
.;. /cet&lene b*rns with __________ #lame.
(<reenish, 5l*ish, +mo$&, none o# these)
46. 5en?ene was #o*nd b& __________ in 1:. in the gas prod*ced b& the destr*ctive
distillation o# vegetable oils.
(%o#mann, 8ichael Barada&, +olva&, none o# these)
41. __________ #o*nd ben?ene in coal-tar.
(%o#mann, 8ichael Barada&, +olva&, none o# these)
4. When n-hexane obtained #rom petrole*m is heated in the presence o# platin*m at .667C
*nder 16 L 6 atmosphere press*re, it c&clises to give __________.
(Ether, 5en?ene, 8*stard <as, none o# these)
4). 1henol is red*ced to __________, when its vapo*rs are passed over red hot ?inc d*st.
(Ether, 5en?ene, Ethane, /cet&lene)
4,. 'eplacement o# h&drogen atom b& L +O O% is called __________.
(2itration, +*lphonation, /l$&lation, %&drogenation)
4.. _ +OO% is called __________.
(+*lphonic <ro*p, Carbon&l gro*p, 8eth&l gro*p, none o# these)
44. Jnder the in#l*ence o# anh&dro*s al*mini*m chloride as a catal&st, ben?ene reacts with
al$&l and ac&l halides giving al$&lated and ac&lated ben?ens. (he reaction is called
(Briedel-Cracts 'eactions, 5erthelot"s 'eaction, +abatier-+enderens 'eaction, none o# these)
Chapter :
/l$&l %alides
1. 8onohalo derivatives o# al$anes are called __________.
(/c&l halides, /r&l %alides, /l$&l %alides, none o# these)
. (he general #orm*la o# al$&l halides is __________.
(Cn%nF1 K, Cn%nF1 K, Cn%nF1 K, none o# these)
). When an al$ene is treated with halogen acids, __________ is #ormed.
(/l$&l halide, /c&l halide, Carbon&l chloride, all o# these)
,. Borm*la o# (hion&l Chloride is __________.
(+OCl, CnCl, C%)Cl, none o# these)
.. ># ethane is treated with %5r then __________.
(Eth&l bromide is #ormed, 8eth&l bromide is #ormed, 5romine is evolved, %&drogen is
4. When metallic sodi*m in ether is heated with an al$&l halide, a higher al$ane is #ormed. >t
is called __________.
(+*lphonation, W*rt?"s 'eaction, Briedel-Cra#ts 'eaction, none o# these)
-. ># sodi*m lead allo& is treated with meth&l chloride then __________.
((etra eth&l lead is #ormed, (etra meth&l lead is #ormed, (ri meth&l lead is #ormed, 3i meth&l
lead is #ormed)
:. 3eh&drohalogenation o# al$&l halide is carried in the presence o# alcoholic __________.
(2aO%, HO%, Ca(O%), none o# these)
;. <rignard"s reagent when reacts with ammonia then __________.
(8ethane is #ormed, Ethane is #ormed, 2itrogen is evolved, 8agnesi*m is separated)
16. <rignard"s reagent reacts with al$&l halide to #orm __________.
(/l$anes, /l$&nes, /l$enes, /lcohols)
11. <rignard"s reagents are __________.
(/l$&l halide, /l$&l magnesi*m halide, /l$&l sodi*m halide, none o# these)
1. On passing CO thro*gh <rignard reagent __________ is #ormed.
(8ethanoic acid, Ethanoic acid, 1ropanoic acid, 2o reaction occ*rs)
1). /l$&l halides (meth&l chloride or eth&l chloride) when treated with __________, react to
prod*ce the important anti-$noc$ gasoline additives.
(+odi*m, =ead, +odi*m-lead /llo&, none o# these)
1,. On adding #ormaldeh&de to <rignard"s reagent __________ is #ormed.
(1rimar& alcohol, +econdar& alcohol, /ldeh&de, /cetone)
1.. /ction o# ?inc with al$&l halide in the presence o# an inert solvent #orms a corresponding
higher al$ane. (his is called __________.
(W*rt?"s 'eaction, Bran$land 'eaction, %o##man"s 'eaction, none o# these)
14. (he h&drol&sis o# al$&l halides b& heating with a0*eo*s al$ali is a __________
s*bstit*tion reaction.
(Electrophilic, 2*cleophilic, Electrophile and 2*cleophile, none o# these)
1-. __________ o# the #ollowing compo*nds does not react with bromine.
(Eth&lamine, 1ropene, 1henol, Chloro#orm)
1:. / reaction in which an atom or gro*p o# atoms replaces an atom or gro*p o# atoms
alread& present in the molec*le o# a s*bstance is called __________.
(2itration, %alogenation, +*bstit*tion, +*lphonation)
1;. __________ is a 2e*cliphile.
(O%-, C2-, 2%), all o# these)
6. <eneral #orm*la o# <rignard"s reagent is __________.
(' L 8g L K, ' L /l L K, ' L 2a L K, ' L Cl L K)
1. __________ is prepared b& heating meth&l iodide with #resh magnesi*m t*rnings in
anh&dro*s ether.
(<rignard"s reagent, 8*stard gas, 5en?ene, none o# these)
. When <rignard"s reagent is h&drol&?ed with water, it is converted into __________.
(/l$&nes, /l$enes, /l$anes, /cetons)
). __________ o# the #ollowing al$&l halides is *sed as a meth&lating agent.
(C%.Cl, C%.5r, C%.>, C%)>)
,. Eth&l chloride reacts with alcoholic HO% to give __________.
(C%.O%, C%4, C%, C%,)
.. 3r& carbon dioxide is passed thro*gh <rignard"s 'eagent in the presence o# __________
as a solvent.
(/cetone, 5en?ene, Ether, none o# these)
4. <rignard"s reagent reacts with CO to #orm __________.
(%Cl, Carbox&lic acid, /cetic acid, Carbonic acid)
-. <rignard"s reagent reacts with acetaldeh&de to #orm __________.
(1rimar& alcohol, +econdar& alcohol, (ertiar& alcohol, all o# these)
:. /l$&l halides reacts with Cn to #orm __________.
(/l$&nes, /l$anes, /l$enes, none o# these)
Chapter ;
Organic Compo*nds
1. (he action o# nitro*s acid on eth&l amine gives __________.
(Ethane, /mmonia, Eth&l alcohol, 2itroethane)
. >soprop&l alcohol on oxidation gives __________.
(Ether, /cetone, Eth&lene, /cetaldeh&de)
). 'ecti#ied spirit contains __________ I alcohol.
(;..4, -..6, 166.6, :..,)
,. __________ is the end prod*ct in the process o# #ermentation.
(8eth&l alcohol, Ethanol, C%)O%, Eth&lene)
.. __________ is not the characteristic o# the alcohols.
((heir boiling points rise #airl& *ni#orml& with a rise in molec*lar weight, =ower members
have a pleasant smell b*t b*rning taste and the higher ones are odo*rless and tasteless, these
are lighter than water, =ower members are sol*ble in water and organic solvents b*t
sol*bilit& decreases with increase in molec*lar weight)
4. >n the deh&dration o# eth&l alcohol to eth&lene with concentrated s*lph*ric acid
(Carboni*m ions are involved, carboni*m are evolved, s*lph*ric acid acts as an electrophile,
none o# these)
-. / compo*nd is anGa __________ i# the @'-A gro*p is derived #rom aliphatic or alic&clic
(Ether, Hetone, /lcohol, 1henol)
:. / compo*nd which has LO% gro*p attached to an aromatic h&drocarbon is called
(/lcohol, 1henol, Ether, none o# these)
;. / prod*ct #ormed b& the reaction o# sodi*m with ethanol is __________.
(%O, 2aO%, 2a%, %)
16. /n alcohol, which contains on LO% gro*p is called __________.
(8onoh&dric, 3ih&dric, (rih&dric, none o# these)
11. /n alcohol, which contains on LO% gro*p is called __________.
(8onoh&dric, 3ih&dric, (rih&dric, none o# these)
1. 1rimar&, secondar& and tertiar& alcohols ma& be disting*ished b& *sing __________.
(Behling"s sol*tion, 9ictor 8e&er test, %o#mann set, 5eilstein test)
1). (he n*mber o# str*ct*ral isomers #or C,%;O% is __________.
(), ,, ., 4)
1,. >n cold co*ntries gl&cerol is added to water in car radiators as it helps to __________.
(bring down the speci#ic heat o# water, lower the #ree?ing point, red*ce the viscosit&, ma$e
water a better l*bricant)
1.. /ldeh&des and Hetons are commonl& re#erred to as __________.
(Ethers, Carbon&l compo*nds, phenols, none o# these)
14. /ldeh&de ma& be disting*ished #rom $etons b& the *se o# __________.
(Concentrated +*lph&ric acid, <rignard"s 'eagent, 1&rogallol, Behlings sol*tion)
1-. >n aldeh&des one bond o# carbon&l gro*p is alwa&s attached to __________.
(Carbon atom, %&drogen atom, 2itrogen atom, none o# these)
1:. /n aldeh&de on oxidation gives __________.
(an alcohol, a $etone, an acid, an amine)
1;. /cid anh&drides are calls o# carbox&lic acid derivatives, which ma& be #ormed b& the
elimation o# __________.
(Carbon, %&drogen, Water, none o# these)
6. Bormaline is an a0*eo*s sol*tion o# __________.
(Bormic acid, Bormaldeh&de, Bl*rescein, B*r#*raldeh&de)
1. 8eth&l alcohol is $nown commerciall& as __________.
(Wood-spirit, Wood 2aphtha, 8*stard gas, both Wood spirit and Wood- 2aphtha)
. __________ discovered 8eth&l alcohol.
(5o&le, +alva&, Dabber 5in %a&&an, none o# these)
). When wood is heated with an ins*##icient s*ppl& o# air, organic materials are driven o##
as gases, and the cell*lose is decomposed to almost p*re carbon is called __________.
(Coal, Charcoal, Oil gas, 2at*ral gas)
,. 2ow a da&s a large 0*antit& o# meth&l alcohol is obtained b& passing __________ over
heated ?inc and chromi*m oxides at ,66 - ,.67C *nder 66 atmospheric press*re.
(2at*ral gas, Water gas, Eth&lene, none o# these)
.. 8eth&l alcohol can ca*se __________.
(Cancer, 5lindness, /neimia, none o# these)
4. (he reaction o# alcohol with thion&l chloride (+OCl) in the presence o# solvent called
(1&ridine &ields, /denine &ields, <*anine &ields, none o# these)
-. Eth&l alcohol o#ten called __________.
(/lcohol, +pirit, Ether, =ac0*er)
:. Eth&l alcohol is also called __________.
(8eth&alted spirit, +pirit o# wine, Wood spirit, none o# these)
;. __________ is also present in the *rine o# diabetic patients.
(+pirit o# wine, Wood spirit, 8ethane, none o# these)
)6. >n 1:6:, __________ discovered eth&l alcohol in *rine o# diabetic patients.
(5o&l, +*ass*re, 8endleeve, none o# these)
)1. Eth&l alcohol is prod*ced on commercial scale b& the biological brea$ down o#
(+tarch, 8inerals, Cell*lase, 2one o# these)
). (he 1, en?&mes present in the living cells o# the &east are collectivel& called
(+*bstrate, C&mase, /m&lase, none o# these)
)). (he #orce o# attraction o# the electrons o# one atom #or the protons o# another atom in
close proximit& is called __________.
(>onic bond, %&drogen bond, Covalent bond, all o# these)
),. __________ o# the #ollowing compo*nds can #orm a h&drogen bond.
(C%,, %O, 2aCl, C%Cl))
).. When two ice c*bes are pressed over each other, the& *nite to #orm one c*be.
__________ o# the #ollowing #orces is responsible to hold them together.
(%&drogen bond #ormation, 9ander Waal"s #orces, Covalent bond, 3opole >nteraction)
)4. C%)O% and C%.O% are highl& miscible with water beca*se the& exhbits __________.
(>onic bonding, Covalent bonding, %&drogen bonding, none o# these)
)-. /lcohols ma& be converted to the corresponding __________ b& actions o# halogen acids
in the presence o# CnCl.
(/ldeh&des, /l$&l halides, ac&l halides, none o# these)
):. Compo*nds obtained b& the elimination o# a molec*le o# water between an alcohol and
h&drox&l gro*p o# the acid are called __________.
(Ethers, Esters, Hetons, 1henols)
);. 3*ring the deh&dration o# alcohols, relativel& high temperat*re and moderate alcohol
concentration &ield the corresponding __________.
(Ether, Ole#in, 1ara##in, none o# these)
,6. Eth&l alcohol ma& be identi#ied b& the __________.
(5a&er"s (est, Blame (est, >do#orm (est, Chloro#orm (est)
,1. >nd*striall&, #ormaldeh&de is made #rom meth&l alcohol b& __________.
(3eh&drogenation, 3eh&drohalogenation, Oxidation, 'ed*ction)
,. 3r& distillation o# calci*m #ormate &ields __________.
(Ether, #ormaldeh&de, /cetic acid, none o# these)
,). /n aldeh&de is converted to carbox&lic acid on __________ with HCrO- and %+O,.
('ed*ction, Oxidation, 3eh&drogenation, all o# these)
,,. When aldeh&des are warmed with __________, red precipitates o# c*pro*s oxide are
(<rignard"s 'eagent, Behlings sol*tion, H8nO,, none o# these)
,.. /ldeh&des can be disting*ished #rom Hetons b& *sing __________.
(+chi##"s reagent, Concentrated s*lphr*ric acid, /nh&dro*s Cinc chloride, 'esorcinol)
,4. >n $etons the two bonds o# the carbon&l are attached to two __________.
(al$&l gro*p, ar&l gro*p, h&drogen gro*p, al$&l gro*p and ar&l gro*p)
,-. Bormation o# acetaldeh&de #rom ethanol is called __________.
(/ddition, 'ed*ction, Oxidation, +*bstit*tion)
,:. /ldeh&des can be disting*ished #rom $etons b& __________.
(/g2O), C%)COO%, conc. %+O,, Behlings sol*tion)
,;. /cetaldeh&de reacts with __________.
(n*cleophiles onl&, electrophiles onl&, #ree radicals onl&, both with n*cleophiles and
.6. When aldeh&des are warmed with a ammonical sol*tion o# silver nitrate, the& precipitated
metallic silver which o#ten #orm a mirror. (his reaction is called __________.
((ollen"s (est, Behlings (est, >do#orm (est, none o# these)
.1. /cetaldeh&de reacts with ammonia to #orm __________.
(Condensation prod*cts, s*bstit*tion prod*cts, addition prod*ct, resin li$e prod*ct)
.. __________ prepared the #irst s&nthetic plastic, b& combing #ormaldeh&de with phenol
*nder heat and press*re.
(2ewlands, 5lac$eland, '*ssel, Charles)
.). __________ is *sed medicall& as a *rinar& antiseptic.
(Bormaldeh&de, 5en?ene, +*lph*ric acid, 8ethanamine)
.,. /ldol condensation can occ*r between __________.
(an aldeh&de and $etone, an aldeh&de and ester, an aldeh&de and ben?ene, none o# these)
... /ldol condensation between __________ o# the #ollowing compo*nds, #ollowed b&
deh&dration gives meth&l vin&l $etone.
(%C%O and C%)COC%), %C%O and C%)C%O, (wo molec*les o# C%)C%O, (wo
molec*les o# C%)COC%))
.4. /ldol condensation can occ*r between __________.
(two aldeh&des (identical or di##erent), an aldeh&de and ester, an aldeh&de and ben?ene, none
o# these)
.-. /ldol condensation can occ*r between __________.
(two aldeh&des and phenols, two $etons(identical or di##erent), an aldeh&de and ben?ene,
none o# these)
.:. / n*cleophilic addition o# carbonion, generated b& the loss o# proton #rom a-position o#
an aldeh&de or a $etone b& a base, to the carbon&l gro*p, is called __________.
(2itration, /ldol Condensation, Esteri#ication, none o# these)
.;. (he aldeh&des having no h&drogen attached to a-carbon atom when treated with
concentrated sol*tion o# an al$ali, *ndergo sel#-oxidation and red*ction, #orming a mixt*re o#
an alcohol and a salt o# corresponding carbox&lic acid. (he reaction is $nown as __________.
(Behlings reaction, Canni??aro reaction, Bormalin reaction, none o# these)
46. /n a0*eo*s sol*tion containing abo*t ,6I o# #ormaldeh&de and a little alcohol is sold
*nder the name o# __________.
(Bormalin, 8alt-s*gar, 1&ridine, +tarch)
41. <elatine, a s*bstance readil& sol*ble in water, becomes insol*ble when it is treated with
(Bormalin, 8alt s*gar, 5en?ene, 'esins)
4. __________ is *sed as preservative #or biological specimens.
(5en?ene, Hetone, /lcohol, Bormaline)
4). /live polio vir*s in the c*lt*re #l*id is made harmless b& addition o# __________ in the
processing o# anti-vir*s vaccine.
(5en?ene, /cetic acid, #ormaldeh&de, Carbox&lic acid)
4,. /cetic acid is man*#act*red #rom the brown a0*eo*s distillate $nown as __________
which is obtained b& the destr*ctive distillation o# wood and contains a mixt*re o# acetic
acid, acetone and meth&l alcohol.
(Bormalin, 1&roligeno*s acid, 1&ridine, /cet&lene)
4.. (he most general method o# preparing __________ is b& oxidation o# corresponding
aldeh&des or primar& alcohols.
(1henols, Carbox&lic acids, $etones, none o# these)
44. (he chemical properties o# the carbox&lic acids depend chie#l& on the __________.
(%&drox&l gro*p, Carbon&l gro*p, 8eth&l gro*p, none o# these)
4-. __________ is *sed #or coag*lating r*bber and latex and c*ring #ish as well.
(/lcohol, /cetic acid, Wood spirit, none o# these)
4:. Eth&l acetate is an example o# a important class o# s*bstance $nown as __________.
(Hetones, Esters, /lcohols, none o# these)
4;. Eth&l acetate (an ester) can be prepared b& the action o# __________ on carbox&lic acid,
in the presence o# acidic media.
(1henols, Bormalin, 1&radine, /lcohol)
-6. 8olec*lar h&drogen in presence o# s*itable catal&sts red*ces carbon&l compo*nds to
(aCetones, Ethers, Esters, /lcohols)
-1. __________ is *sed as a nail-polish remover.
(acetone, 5en?ene, >do#orm, none o# these)
-. /cetone ma& be converted into propane b& heating with __________.
(conc %Cl and ,G%g, 8g F %O, conc %> and red 1, CnGC* co*ple and ethanol)
-). __________ is the solvent *sed in the preparation o# <rignard"s reagent and in W*rt?
(Ethers, 1henoles, Hetons, /lcohols)
-,. (he h&drox&l gro*p derivatives o# aromatic h&drocarbons, which have the LO% gro*p
directl& bonded to the ring carbon atoms are called __________.
(Esters, /cetons, /lcohols, 1henols)
-.. Carbolic acid is prepard #rom __________.
(3ow"s 1rocess, 3own"s 1rocess, 2elson"s 1rocess, none o# these)
-4. 1henol is colo*rless, poisono*s __________.
(=i0*id, <as, +olid, none o# these)
--. /bove __________ 7C phenol is miscible with water in all proportions, b*t below this
temperat*re, it is onl& partiall& miscible.
(-:.., 4:.., .:.., none o# these)
-:. 1henol is red*ced to __________ when its vapo*rs are passed over red hot ?inc d*st or
distilled in the presence o# ?inc d*st.
(/lcohol, 5en?ene, acetone, none o# these)
-;. /ction o# ?inc with al$&l halide in the presence o# an inert solvent #orms a corresponding
higher al$ane. (his is called __________.
(W*rt?"s reaction, Bran$land"s reaction, %o##man"s reaction, none o# these)
:6. (he h&drol&sis o# al$&l halides b& heating with a0*eo*s al$ali is a __________
s*bstit*tion reaction.
(Electricphilic, 2*cleophilic, Electrophilic and 2*cleophilic, none o# these)
:1. __________ is prepared b& heating meth&l iodide with #resh magnesi*m t*rnings in
anh&dro*s ether.
(<rignard"s reagent, 8*stards gas, 5en?ene, none o# these)
:. 3r& carbon dioxide is passed thro*gh <rignard"s reagent in the presence o# __________.
(/cetone as a solvent, 5en?ene as a solvent, Ether as a solvent, none o# these)
Chapter 16
Chemistr& o# =i#e
1. +tarch is a pol&mer o# __________.
(<l*cose, Br*ctose, =actose, 8altose)
. / material cannot be termed as #ood *nless it contains at least one __________.
(9itamine, 8ineral, 2*trient, /mino acid)
). On heating gl*cose with Behling"s sol*tion we get a precipitate o# colo*r __________.
(Mellow, 'ed, 5lac$, <reen)
,. >t is the best to carr& o*t reactions with s*gars in ne*tral or acid medi*m and not in
al$aline medi*m. (his is beca*se in al$aline medi*m s*gars *ndergo __________ o# the
#ollowing changes.
('acemisation, 3ecomposition, >nversion, 'earrangement)
.. __________ #ood component reg*lates bod& processes.
(8inerals, Bats, 1roteins, Carboh&drates)
4. (he process b& which large non-di##*s*ble organic molec*les are converted into smaller
di##*sible molec*les is $nown as __________.
(>ngestion, Bermentation, 3ecomposition, 3igestion)
-. (he sol*tion o# s*gar in water contains __________.
(Bree atoms, Bree ions, Bree molec*les, Bree atoms, and #ree molec*les)
:. 3*ring digestion carboh&drates are bro$en down to __________.
(<l*cose, /mino acids, Batt& acids, 2one o# these)
;. 3*ring digestion proteins are bro$en down to __________.
(<l*cose, /mino acids, Batt& acids, none o# these)
16. __________ o# the #ollowing gives a deep bl*e colo*r with a drop o# dil*te sol*tion o#
(Cell*lose, <l*cose, +tarch, +*gar)
11. 3*ring digestion #ats are bro$en down to __________.
(<l*cose, /mino acids, Batt& acids, none o# these)
1. (he *se o# the prod*cts o# digestion in s&nthesis o# cell*lar str*ct*re is $nown as
(8etabolism, /ssimilation, %omeostasis, 2one o# the above)
1). (he percentage o# gl*cose in h*man blood is __________.
(6.1, 6., ;.), 6.,)
1,. Carboh&drates s*ppl& abo*t __________ o# energ& per gram.
(, $cal, $cal, $cal, 1 $cal)
1.. (he main so*rce o# cell*lose is __________.
(cotton, wood, both cotton and wood, none o# these)
14. Bats provide abo*t __________ o# energ& per gram.
(,$cal, $cal, ;$cal, .$cal)
1-. O# the #ollowing, __________ is a high-energ& #ood.
(1roteins, Bats, Carboh&drates, none o# these)
1:. <l*cose and #r*ctose are __________.
(<eometrical >somers, 8etamers, Optical >somers, none o# these)
1;. __________ isomers o# gl*cose are $nown.
(,, :, 14, ))
6. (he digestion o# carboh&drates begins with the mastication in the mo*th, where en?&me
__________ o# the saliva h&drol&ses some o# the starch to maltose.
(1t&alin, /m&lase)
1. %*man bod& tiss*e contains __________I carboh&drates.
(1, , ), ,)
. Carboh&drates are *ltimatel& converted into gl*cose and other simpler prod*cts in the
(8o*th, +tomach, +mall intestine, =arge intestine)
). (he *se o# prod*cts o# digestion in s&nthesis o# cell*lar str*ct*res is called __________.
(/ssimilation, 8etabolism, Excretion, 3igestion)
,. (he prod*cts o# oxidation o# gl*cose are __________.
(Carbon dioxide and water, Ox&gen and %&drogen, Carbon dioxide and h&drogen, none o#
.. <l*cose is termed as __________.
(+ingle n*trient #ood, do*ble n*trient #ood, m*lti n*trient #ood, none o# these)
4. 3e#icienc& o# all n*trients leads to __________.
(2*trition, 8aln*trition, Jnder 2*trition, none o# these)
-. (he recommended dail& inta$e o# protein per $ilogram o# the bod& weight is
(6.: gm, 6.; gm, 6.4 gm, 1.6 gm)
:. =ipids and 1roteins are made o# __________.
(8acromolec*le, 8icromolec*le, 8icroatom, 2one o# these)
;. (he digestion o# proteins begins in the __________.
(8o*th, +tomach, +mall intestine, =arge intestine)
)6. (he en?&me __________ o# gastric E*ice, catal&ses the h&drol&sis o# peptide lin$age in
protein molec*les.
('enin, (r&psin, 1epsin, /m&lase)
)1. >n the mo*th o# some o# the starch is h&drol&?ed to maltose b& the action o# en?&me
(1t&lin, =ipase, 'enin, /m&lase)
). >n the bod& dietar& proteins are the so*rce o# __________,
(/mino acids, Batt& acids, =ipids, none o# these)
)). / large class o# compo*nds that are pol&h&drox& aldeh&des or $etones, or s*bstances that
&ield s*ch compo*nds *pon acid h&drol&sis are called __________.
(Bats, Carboh&drates, 1roteins, vitamins)
),. 1lants are able to s&nthesis their own carboh&drates #rom CO o# the air and water ta$en
#rom the soil in the presence o# s*nlight and chloroph&ll. (his process is called __________.
(2*trition, /ssimilation, 1hotos&nthesis, %omeostasis)
).. %*man diet consist o# 46 L 4.I b& mass o# the average diet on __________.
(Bats, Carboh&drates, 1roteins, vitamins)
)4. Carboh&drates, which have three to nine carbon atoms and are not h&drol&sable are called
(8onosacchrides, 3di-saccharides, 1ol&-saccharides, 2one o# these)
)-. (he carboh&drates, which have three to nine carbon atoms and are not h&drol&sable are
called __________.
((8onosacchrides, 3di-saccharides, 1ol&-saccharides, 2one o# these)
):. (he balanced diet contains amo*nt __________ per da&.
(46 gm, -6 gm, :6 gm, ;6 gm)
);. <l*cose is __________.
(a monosacchride carboh&drate, a di-saccharide carboh&drate, a pol&-saccharide
carboh&drate, none o# these)
,6. / class o# carboh&drates which are #ormed b& the condensation o# two or more
monosaccharide *nits with the loss o# water molec*les are called __________.
(3isaccharides, 1ol& saccharides, 1entoses, none o# these)
,1. +*crose is an example o# __________.
(a monosacchride carboh&drate, a di-saccharide carboh&drate, a pol&-saccharide
carboh&drate, none o# these)
,. On h&drol&sis __________ is bro$en down into two simpler s*gars gl*cose and #r*ctose.
(<l*cose, +*crose, 8altose, none o# these)
,). <l*cose is also called __________.
(3extrose, 8altose, Br*ctose, 8annose)
,,. Corn s&r*p contains __________.
(<l*cose, Br*ctose, 8annose, 8altose)
,.. Br*ctose occ*rs in man& __________.
(Cereals, Br*its, 9egetables, none o# these)
,4. %one& is a mixt*re o# __________.
(<l*cose and Br*ctose, <l*cose and 8altose, Br*ctose and 8annose, <l*cose and Br*ctose
with vitamins and minerals)
,-. (he carboh&drates, which contain h*ndreds to tho*sands o# monosacchride *nits are
called __________.
(1ol&sacchrides, Oligosaccharides, %exoses, 2one o# these)
,:. Cell*lose is an example o# __________.
(8onosaccharides, 3i-saccharides, 1ol&saccharides, 2one o# these)
,;. (he main di##erence between starch and cell*lose is the t&pe o# lin$s between
(8annose *nits, <l*cose *nits, Br*ctose, *nits, none o# these)
.6. 9itamin was discovered b& __________.
(Casimir B*n$, 5lac$eland, %op$ins, Elmer)
.1. 9itamin / was discovered b& __________.
(Elmer 8cColl*m, Casimir #*n$, %op$ins, none o# these)
.. 9itamin 3 was discovered b& __________.
((Elmer 8cColl*m, Casimir #*n$, %op$ins, none o# these)
.). Bat-sol*ble vitamins are #o*nd associated with __________ in nat*ral #oods.
('enin, =ipids, 1eptides, 8altose)
.,. Bat sol*ble vitamins incl*de __________.
(9itamin /, 5, C, 3, 9itamin /, 5, C, 9itamin /, 3, E, H, 9itamin H)
... Water-sol*ble vitamins incl*de __________.
(9itamin /, 5, 9itamin /, 5, C, vitamin 5, C, 9itamin /, C)
.4. 9itamin 51 is called __________.
((hiamin, 'ibo#lavin, 2iacin, 1&ridoxine)
.-. 9itamin 5 is called __________.
((hiamin, 'ibo#lavin, 2iacin, 1&ridoxine)
.:. 9itamin 5. is called __________.
((hiamin, 'ibo#lavin, 2iacin, 1&ridoxine)
.;. 9itamin 54 is called __________.
((hiamin, 'ibo#lavin, 2iacin, 1&ridoxine)
46. 9itamin 51 is called __________.
(C&anocoalamine, 'ibo#lavin, 2iacin, 1&ridoxine)
41. 8ost water-sol*ble vitamins act as __________.
(En?&mes, Coen?&mes, Coen?&mes or are re0*ired #or the s&nthesis o# coen?&mes, none o#
4. 1eople who cons*me too m*ch vitamin __________, ma& develop bone pain, bone li$e
deposits in the $idne&s, and mental retardation.
(/, 5, C, 3)
4). Edible lipids constit*te approximatel& __________ I o# the diet o# an average person.
(.-:, .-)6, .-), .-).)
4,. (he most important energ& storage compo*nds in the animal $ingdom are __________.
(1eptides, =ipids, /mino acids, none o# these)
4.. 1lants store most o# the energ& in the #orm o# carboh&drates primaril& as __________.
(/mino acids, +tarch, Cell*lose, 8altose)
44. (he n*trients o# o*r #ood which provide ins*lation #or the vital organs, protecting them
#rom electrical shoc$s and maintaining optim*m bod& temperat*re are called __________.
(/mino acids, +teroids, =ipids, Batt& acids)
4-. =ipids that contain both polar and non polar gro*ps are integral components o#
(Cell wall, Cell membrane, C&toplasm, 8itochondria)
4:. +teroids is an important t&pe o# __________.
(1roteins, 9itamins, =ipids, Carboh&drates)
4;. (he most ab*ndant and the most important steroid in the h*man bod& is __________.
('ibo#lavin, Cholestrol, Bolic acid, >nositol)
-6. __________ is an important prec*rsor in the bios&nthesis o# sex-hormones, s&nthesis o#
adrenal hormones and vitamin 3.
(>nsitol, Cholestrol, =ipoic /cid, 5iotin)
-1. On the average, more than .6I o# the total dr& weight o# the cells is composed o#
(Carboh&drates, 1roteins, Bats, Water)
-. (he 3*tch chemist, <D 8*lder (1::)), is credited as being one o# the #irst scientists to
recogni?e the importance o# __________.
(9itamins, Carboh&rates, 1roteins, Bats)
-). __________ organic compo*nd is a maEor str*ct*ral component o# an animal tiss*e.
(Carboh&drates, 1roteins, Cell*lose, =ipids)
-,. %ormones are made o# __________.
(1roteins, Bats, Carboh&drates, =ipids)
-.. /ntibodies are __________.
(#ats in nat*re, carboh&drates in nat*re, protein in nat*re, vitamins in nat*re)
-4. En?&mes are __________.
(carboh&drates in nat*re, proteins in nat*re, #ats in nat*re, none o# these)
--. %aemoglobin is a __________.
(1rotein, Carboh&drate, Bat, 8ineral)
-:. (he primar& #*nction o# proteins is __________.
(Energ& s*ppl&, bod& b*ilding, bod& b*ilding and maintenance, protection o# bod&)
-;. __________ n*trients o# #ood are stored b& the bod& as energ& reserves.
(Carboh&drates and lipids, proteins and lipids, proteins and carboh&drates, none o# these)
:6. #or a normal ad*lt with a constant weight, the recommended dail& inta$e o# protein is
approximatel& __________ gram per $g o# bod& weight.
(6., 6.,, 6.4, 6.:)
:1. ))I - ,)I protein is present in __________.
(Bood &east, +o&a bean, 'ice, Cheese)
:. (he percentage o# protein in chic$en #ood is __________I.
(:, 1, )), 1)
:). (he protein in mil$ is __________I.
(, ), 1, 1;)
:,. Bats are esters o# gl&cerol and __________.
(Bat& acids, =ipids, +teroids, none o# these)
:.. (he percentage o# protein in egg is __________I.
(1-1: , 1-,, 1-)4, 1-,:)
:4. (he percentage o# protein in #lo*r is __________I.
(1:, 1, 4, ))
:-. (he percentage o# protein in #ish is __________I.
(1:-1, 1-1:, 4-)4, )-;)
::. (he percentage o# protein in rice is __________I.
(4--, -), .-11, 11-1;)
:;. (he percentage o# protein in #resh vegetables is __________I.
(.-4, --1-, ,--, 'arel& contains -))
;6. /mino acids are the b*ilding bloc$s o# __________.
(Carboh&drates, 1roteins, =ipids, Bats)
;1. 1roline amino acids have __________ gro*p and LCOO% gro*p attached to the same
carbon atom.
(-2%), -2%, -2%, -O%)
;. /mino acids are widel& classi#ied __________.
(according to the n*mber o# L2% gro*p, according to the n*mber o# LCOO% gro*p,
according to polarit& o# their side chain, all o# these)
;). (he #irst amino acid was isolated in 1:64 and was given the name __________.
(/sparangine, <l&cine, 'enin, 8altose)
;,. (he maEor amino acid #o*nd in gelatin is __________.
(<l&cine, /sparangine, 'enin, none o# these)
;.. Esters o# <l&cerol and Batt& acids are called __________.
(/cids, B, 1roteins, Carboh&drates)
;4. /mong the most important o# the nat*ral __________ are the cotton seed oil, corn oil,
b*tter, tallow and olive oil.
(Bats, 1roteins, Carboh&drates, 9itamins)
;-. Jnsat*rated vegetable oils, s*ch as cotton seed oil are converted into #ast on __________.
(Oxidation, 3eh&dration, %&drogenation, +*lphonation)
;:. (he h&drogenation o# oils is accomplished easil& b& b*bbling h&drogen into the oil in the
presence o# catal&st __________.
(1t, 2i, Cn, CnO)
;;. 2at*rall& occ*rring #att& acid nearl& alwa&s have anGa __________ n*mber o# carbon
(Even, Odd, Even and odd, none o# these)
166. =i0*id #ats are called __________.
(Batt& acids, Oils, Hetones, =ipids)
161. (he degree o# *ndat*ration o# a #at or oil is *s*all& meas*red b& the __________.
(n*mber o# carbon atoms, n*mber o# h&drogen atoms, iodine n*mber, none o# these)
16. (he n*mber o# grams o# iodine that will be cons*med b& 166 grams o# #at or oil is called
(>odine complex, >odine n*mber, >odo#orm, 2one o# these)
16). 5rain cells are made o# __________.
(1roteins, Bats, Carboh&drates, =ipids)
16,. 2erve tiss*es are made o# __________.
(Bats, 1roteins, Carboh&drates, +teroids)
16.. Bat-sol*ble vitamins are obtained #rom __________.
(Carboh&drates, proteins, #ats, lipids)
164. 9egetable oils s*ch as pean*t oil contain vitamin __________.
(/, 5, C, E)
16-. 8il$ #at, b*tter, cream, and #ish liver oil contain vitamin __________.
(/, 5, C, / and 3)
16:. O*r balanced diet contains -6 grams per da& o# __________.
(Carboh&drates, 1roteins, Bats, 2one o# these)
16;. /bo*t ).I o# o*r dail& caloric re0*irements are obtained #rom __________,
(Carboh&drates, 1roteins, Bats, 9itamins)
116. __________ is the term *sed to re#lect the development o# an& disagreeable odo*r in the
#at or oil.
(/cidit&, 5asicit&, 'ancidit&, none o# these)
111. (wo principal chemical reactions responsible #or ca*sing rancidit& are __________.
(Oxidation and %&drogenation, Oxidation and %&drol&sis, %&drol&sis and #ermentation,
Oxidation and 1&rol&sis)
11. (he reaction o# #at with a strong base s*ch as 2aO% to prod*ce gl&cerol and the salt o# a
#att& acid is *sed to prod*ce __________.
(+oap, <l*cose, 9egetable oil, <astric D*ice)
11). (he word en?&me has a __________.
(<ree$ origin, =atin origin, 'oman origin, /rabic origin)
11,. >n living s&stems en?&mes catal&?e reactions at __________7C.
(6, ., 166, )-)
11.. (he s*bstance *pon which an en?&me acts is $nown as its __________.
(base, s*bstrate, n*trient, pair)
114. (he amo*nt o# en?&me, which will catal&?e the trans#ormation o# one micro-mole o# a
s*bstrate per min*te is termed as __________.
(+*bstrate, potenc&, activit&, speci#ic activit&)
11-. Jnits o# en?&me per milligram o# proteins are termed as __________.
(activit&, potenc&, t*rn over, none o# these)
11:. (he n*mber o# moles o# s*bstrate trans#ormed per mole o# en?&me per min*te at a
de#inite temperat*re is called __________.
(1otenc&, (*rn over, /ctivit&, none o# these)
11;. En?&mes are most commonl& named b& adding the s*##ix to the root o# the name o# the
s*bstrate __________.
(ose, ase, ane, ene)
16. Jrease acts *pon __________.
(+*crose, Jrea, /mmonia, +tarch)
11. +*crose is also called __________.
(invertase, Jrea, 'enin, /m&lase)
1. __________ is an en?&me.
(+*crose, +*crase, 8altose, Jrea)
1). __________ en?&me was #irst obtained b& grinding pancreatic tiss*e with gl&cerol.
(/m&lase, Jrea, /scorbic /cid Oxidase, (r&psin)
1,. (he site o# the en?&me, which combines with the s*bstrate, and at which trans#ormation
#rom s*bstrate to prod*cts occ*rs, is called he __________.
(Cell*lar site, /ctive site, 9acant site, Complex)
1.. (he main #actors, which e##ect en?&me activit&, are __________.
(concentration, tempert*re and p%, concentration, temperat*re, p% and co-en?&mes,
concentration, temperat*re, p%, co-en?&mes (activators and inhibitors) and radiation, co-
en?&mes, activators and inhibitors)
14. (he maEorit& o# en?&mes are most active at abo*t __________ 7C.
()., ,., .., all o# these)
1-. 8an& en?&mes contain a protein part and a non-protein part. (he protein part is called
the __________.
(/poen?&me, Coen?&me, En?&me, none o# these)
1:. (he non-protein part in en?&me is termed as __________.
(/poen?&me, coen?&me, s*bstrate, all o# these)
1;. Examples o# co-en?&mes are __________.
(9itamins, Compo*nds derived #rom vitamins, 9itamins or compo*nds derived #rom
vitamins, all o# these)
1)6. >n organic s*bstances that tend to increase the activit& o# an en?&me are called
(activators, >nhibitors, /poen?&mes, coen?&mes)
1)1. 8agnesi*m ion is an inorganic activator #or the en?&me __________.
((r&psin, Carbonic anh&drate, +*crase, 1hosphatase)
1). Cinc ion is an activator #or the en?&me __________.
(/m*lase, Carbonic anh&drase, 'enin, 1hosphatase)
1)). +*bstances, which tend to decrease the activit& o# en?&me are called __________.
(/ctivators, /ccelerators, >nhibitors, 'etarders)
1),. En?&mes are generall& inactivated rapidl& b& expos*re to __________.
(Jltraviolet light, b-ra&s, g-ra&s, K-ra&s, all o# these)
Chapter 11
Chemical >nd*stries in 1a$istan
1. (he s*bstances added to the soil to provide one or more n*trient elements essential #or
plants growth are called __________.
(<rowth hormones, 8inerals, Bertili?ers, +alts)
. (he s*bstances added to the soil in ver& small amo*nts (abo*t 4 grams to 66 grams per
acre) are called __________.
(8acron*trients, 8icron*trients, Bertili?ers, none o# these)
). Bertili?ers are classi#ied into __________.
(two maEor categories, three maEor categories, #o*r maEor categories, none o# these)
,. 2at*ral #ertili?ers are materials derived #rom __________.
(plants, animals, algae, all o# these)
.. / nat*ral #ertili?er provide abo*t __________ $g o# nitrogen.
(,.., )., ., 1..)
4. / nat*ral #ertili?er provides __________ $g o# 1O..
(,.., )., ., 1..) /
-. / nat*ral #ertili?er provides __________ $g o# potash (HO).
(,.., )., ., 1..)
:. (he percentage o# nitrogen in ammonia is __________I.
(), .., :, .)
;. (he percentage o# nitrogen in ammoni*m 2itrate is __________I.
()-)).., .6-.., :6-:, 6-.)
16. (he percentage o# nitrogen in ammoni*m s*lphate is __________I.
(-, 1, ), 1;)
11. (he percentage o# s*lph*r in ammoni*m s*lphate is __________I.
(., 1, ), 1;)
1. (he percentage o# nitrogen in Jrea is __________I.
()-, .6, ,4, :)
1). /mmonia when *sed directl& as a #ertili?er is to be inEected abo*t __________ *nder the
s*r#ace to $eep it #rom seeping o*t.
( inches, , inches, 4 inches, : inches)
1,. /mmoni*m nitrate is sold as a mixt*re with __________.
(+oda /sh, =imestone, Cinc, 2one o# these)
1.. (he percentage o# nitrogen in 3iammoni*m h&drogen phosphate is __________I.
(14, ,:, ), 4,)
14. (he percentage o# 1O. in diammoni*m h&drogen phosphate is __________I.
(14, ), ,:, 4,)
1-. / #ertili?erR potassi*m chloride is sold as __________.
(8*riate o# potash, 8ixt*re o# potash, 1otenc& o# potash, none o# these)
1:. (he percentage o# HO in potassi*m chloride is __________I.
(46-4), .6--6, ,6-:6, )6-;6)
1;. 1otassi*m s*lphate with ,:I to .I potash, is made #rom __________.
(1otassi*m 1hosphate, 1otassi*m Chloride, 1otassi*m 2itrate, none o# these)
6. __________ is pre#erred #or hortic*lt*ral crops and #or tobacco and potatoes.
(1otassi*m chloride, 1otassi*m s*lphate, 1otassi*m 2itrate 2one o# these)
1. __________ is *sed #or #r*its, vegetables and tobacco.
(1otassi*m chloride, 1otassi*m s*lphate, 1otassi*m 2itrate 2one o# these)
. /n& material, which changes the cleaning e##ect o# water, is called __________.
(Bertili?ers, 3etergent, /cid none o# these)
). __________ are sodi*m and potassi*m salt o# long chain #att& acids.
(+oaps, 3etergents, Bertili?ers, 2one o# these)
,. __________ contain sodi*m or potassi*m salts o# ar&l or al$l& s*lphonated acids as one
o# their constit*ents.
(+oaps, 3etergents, Bertili?ers, none o# these)
.. +oap is a s*r#actant o# the t&pe __________.
(anionic, cationic, nonionic, none o# these)
4. __________ is best in its cleaning action.
(+oap, 3etergents, +*r#actant, 2one o# these)
-. %&drol&tic reaction o# #at with ca*stic soda is $nown as __________.
(Esteri#ication, +aponi#ication, /cet&lation, Carbox&lation)
:. (*rpentine is obtained #rom __________.
(Oa$ tree, 1ine tree, 5irch tree, =emon tree)
;. __________ s*r#actants per#orm well over a wide range o# water hardness and p%.
(/nionic, Cationic, 2onionic, none o# these)
)6. Bats and oils are __________.
(/cids, alcohols, salts, none o# these)
)1. Washing soap can be prepared b& saponi#ication with al$ali o# __________ o# the
#ollowing oil.
('ose oil, 1ara##in oil, <ro*ndn*t oil, Herosene oil)
). Commercial detergents contain mainl& __________.
('COO2, 'O2a, '+2a, 'O+O)2a)
)). +odi*m tripol&phosphate is __________.
(a s*r#actant, a b*ilder, a a*xiliar& agent, none o# these)
),. >n glass or vitreo*s state solid the atoms are arranged in __________.
('eg*lar #ashion, 'andom #ashion, =inear #ashion, none o# these)
).. <lass was #irst made b& abo*t __________.
(,65C, ,665C, ,6665C, none o# these)
)4. (he n*mber o# glass prod*cts now man*#act*red is __________.
(.,666, .6,666, -.,666, none o# these)
)-. (he s*bstance that can #orm the glass&, non-cr&stalline str*ct*re is called __________.
(Bormers, Bl*xes or modi#iers, +tabili?ers, none o# these)
):. (he principle #ormer o# almost all glasses is __________.
((+iO)n, (+iO))n, (+iO)K, none o# these)
);. Chemical compo*nds, which are added to red*ce the reactivit& o# glass, are called
(Bormers, 8odi#iers, +tabili?ers, none o# these)
,6. __________ is *sed as stabili?er.
(CaO, +iO, 2aO, none o# these)
,1. >n glass ma$ing the whole combination o# ingredients is called a __________.
(<ang*e, 5atch, 8ixt*re, none o# these)
,. (he melting o# nearl& all glass is done in a contin*o*s tan$ #*rnace, which operates
steadil& over periods o# *p to __________.
(a da&, a month, a &ear, none o# these)
,). __________ is a heat-treatment c&cle that prevents glass #rom harm#*l stress.
(Borming, /nnealing, 5atching, none o# these)
,,. __________ is *sed #or /nnealing.
(Hlin, 5atch, Converter, Oven)
,.. (he main constit*ents o# __________ are boron oxide and silica.
(1&rex glass, +oda-lime glass, =ow silica glass, Bibro*s glass)
,4. >n 1a$istan how man& *nits are involved in the prod*ction o# glass __________.
(6, ., S., none o# these)
,-. >n 1a$istan the total prod*ction o# glass is over __________ tons per &ear.
(:66, :666, :6,666, none o# these)
,:. /sbestos is a __________.
(8ineral #ibre, /nimal #ibre, 9egetable #ibre, none o# these)
,;. __________ is the #ibre in which the basic pol&mer (#ibre #orming s*bstance) is a long
chain composed o# least :.I b& weight o# /cr&lonitrile *nits.
(/cr&lic Bibre, 8odacr&lic #ibre, 1ol&ster #ibre, 'a&on Bibre)
.6. (he #ibre, which has less than :.I b*t more than ).I proportion b& weight, o#
acr&lonitrile *nits is called __________.
(/cr&lic #ibre, 8odacr&lic #ibre, 1ol&ster #ibre, 'a&on #ibre)
.1. __________ is the #ibre in which the #ibre-#orming s*bstance is a long chain s&nthetic
pol&mer composed o# at least :.I b& weight o# an ester o# a dih&dric alcohol and
terephthalic acid.
(/cr&lic #ibre, 8odacr&lic #ibre, 1ol&ster #ibre, 'a&on #ibre)
.. __________ is a #ibre composed o# regenerated cell*lose in which s*bstit*ents have
replaced nor more than 1.I o# the h&drogen o# the h&drox&l gro*p.
(/cr&lic #ibre, 8odacr&lic #ibre, 1ol&ster #ibre, 'a&on #ibre)
.). __________ compo*nd contains cell*lose acetate as #ibre #orming s*bstance.
(/cr&lic #ibre, 8odacr&lic #ibre, /cetate #ibre, 'a&on #ibre)

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