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MIAA360: Lesson Study

Team Members: ____________Cassie McLemore, Aritz Cardenas, and Kara Villalobos ____________________________________________
Teaching Dates: ________May 2 1
Conce!t "or this lesson: _______#ol$ing %adical &'(ations_______________________________ )rade #!an_*
)rade Algebra +
%e"lection #ol$ing %adical &'(ations Lesson #t(dy
Algebra is my "a$orite s(b,ect to teach- + .as $ery e/cited .hen .e .ere gi$en the o!!ort(nity to teach this lesson beca(se +
did not teach algebra this year- The lesson ga$e o(r team a chance to !lan a lesson on something that none o" (s .ere teaching- 0e
"o(nd it di""ic(lt in "inding hands on lesson on sol$ing radical e/!ression- 0e .ere (ncertain on ho. to a!!ly sol$ing radicals to an
e$eryday sit(ation- 1o.e$er the lesson .e designed .as a !rod(cti$e lesson-
The "irst time .e ta(ght this lesson it .ent smoothly, the st(dents .ere on tas2 and attenti$e the lesson .as $ery $al(able- The
second time .e ta(ght the lesson did not go as smoothly b(t o$er all it .as ,(st as e""ecti$e- The only change made to the lesson .as
to do t.o o" the radical sorts .ith the st(dents instead o" one- 1o.e$er, a"ter teaching the lessons these t.o times + thin2 that + .o(ld
ma2e an additional change i" + ha$e the o!!ort(nity to teach it again- Another as!ect that .e "eel .o(ld be bene"icial to st(dent
learning is to ha$e some incorrect ste!s in the lesson stri!s- The st(dents .o(ld ha$e to identi"y them, e/!lain .hy they .ere incorrect
and ho. to correct them-
Teaching and Learning Collaborati$e Lesson #t(dy
Ada!ted "rom K312 Alliance40est&d

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