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March 17, 2014

Candidate: Heather Newman Subject: Social Studies

Modified Lesson Plan Template
Learning Goal: The students reading will be guided using the Prediction and Conclusion
chart to develop a purpose for reading, A Diverse section Nation. The students will continue to
read the next section, New Jersey Diversity, independently and to use the "Prediction and
Conclusion" chart.
Core Curriculum Standards: In an interconnected world, it important to consider different
cultural perspectives before proposing solutions to local, state, national, and global challenges.
6.1.4.A.15 Explain how and why it is important that people from diverse cultures collaborate to
find solutions to community, state, national, and global challenges.
The study of American folklore and popular historical figures enables Americans with diverse
cultural backgrounds to feel connected to a national heritage.
6.1.4.D.12 Explain how folklore and the actions of famous historical and fictional characters
from New Jersey and other regions of the United States contributed to the American national
Procedure: Before reading, I will present the data from the homework the class was assigned in
the previous week, where they had to work with their parent(s)/guardians. The homework was to
have a conversation with parent(s)/guardians about the following: country, race, traditions, and
culture. After gathering the data, I then will use it to connect to the current topics in Social
Studies, A Diverse Nation and New Jersey Diversity. I will explain to the class that diversity
is the many differences among people. On the board, I will project a chart that says, "Information
Collected from Homework" and then it will divide into sections, tradition, ethnicity, and cultures.
Then will explain each section, referring back to last week when we discussed vocabulary. After
I explain, each sections data will appear and then we will discuss each. I will relate the current
holiday, Saint Patricks Day to the Irish culture and then inquire the traditions of the holiday.
Then I will ask, what do they think my activity was supposed to demonstrate, in hopes to hear
that I wanted to show them that we all have differences yet we embrace one another and accept
each others differences. After discussing the homework date is complete, I will have a group of
students work at the back table with Mrs. Koper. They will be doing the same activities as the
whole group but in a smaller setting. These students are lower level and read/take notes slower
than the rest of the class. Mrs. Koper and these students will read the text aloud and discuss as a
group for the activity.
Then, I will say, Today, let's take a look at the first section A Diverse Nation and let's predict
what we will read about in this section. Remember, when making predictions, it helps to refer to
the headings for help." While they are thinking of a prediction, I will tell them to think about the
March 17, 2014
activity I just executed and to look at the headings that we will read about. I will then choose two
students to tell the class theirs predictions. Then I will model what I predict from the heading, I
will say, When I look over the headings I predict that we will read about the traditions that
make our nation diverse and that we are all of the American heritage. Then I will write my
prediction on the white board in the prediction column. Now that I made a prediction, lets read
to find out if it is correct. Then the class will read aloud the section, stopping after each
paragraph to briefly discuss what they read, relating it back to the prediction. After we completed
the reading, students will share their conclusions and I will model the conclusion on the board. I
will say, From this reading, I read that Americans come from different cultures and
backgrounds but all share the same heritage.
Then I will tell the class, Now that I have guided you through the reading with a predictions and
conclusions chart, I will have you either pair up to complete the chart and reading or to read
independently. I will then pair up the students according and then have three students read
independently since they do well with reading, two are TAG students, and one does well overall
in Social Studies. I will hand out the predictions and conclusions chart to the students. First I will
five them three minutes to come up with a prediction and I will walk around the room to see how
they are doing. Then I will pick two students to share their predictions and then after they share, I
will tell them they have fifteen minutes to complete the reading and the conclusion. I will tell
them that when they are done we will go over what they wrote and discussed as a class.. I will
keep my example on the board for them to refer to.
Once the class finishes discussing their predictions and conclusions, I will have the students in
the back rejoin the group and I will hand out exit slips. I created two different exit slips to
differentiate between on level learners/lower level learners and higher level learners. Then I will
call row captains to collect the prediction and conclusion charts and the exit slips.
Lesson Activity:. The class will think of predictions then two students will share their
predictions to the class. Then the class will read the text and discuss the reading as they go.
Afterwards, they class will think of a conclusion and then two students will be randomly
selection to share their idea for the conclusion. Then the students will either read independently
or do a paired reading of the next section. They will complete the prediction charts together and
then share with the class before they begin reading. Then they will read to find out if their
predictions were correct. Once they class finishes they will share their conclusions. The students
in the back will rejoin the group and complete an exit slip. After, the row captains will collect the
predictions and conclusions chart and the exit slip.
Assessment: The students will write their predictions and conclusions on their worksheet. This
will be an informal assessment that will be collected at the end of the lesson. Also, an informal
assessment of the students knowledge through whole group discussion. Then a formative
assessment at the end with a exit slip.
March 17, 2014
Technology: A laptop is needed to project the "Predictions and Conclusions" chart and
Materials: The students will need their textbooks, a copy of the "Predictions and Conclusions"
chart and then an exit slip depending on their level.

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