ISTQB Question Paper1

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ISTQB Question Paper - 1
1 When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or expected
behavior, this is called
a! an error
b! a fault
c! a failure
d! a defect
e! a mista"e
# $e%ression testin% should be performed
v! ever& wee"
w! after the software has chan%ed
x! as often as possible
&! when the environment has chan%ed
'! when the pro(ect mana%er sa&s
a! v ) w are true, x * ' are false
b! w, x ) & are true, v ) ' are false
c! w ) & are true, v, x ) ' are false
d! w is true, v, x & and ' are false
e! all of the above are true
+ I,,, -#. test plan documentation standard contains all of the followin% except
a! test items
b! test deliverables
c! test tas"s
d! test environment
e! test specification
/ Testin% should be stopped when
a! all the planned tests have been run
b! time has run out
c! all faults have been fixed correctl&
d! both a! and c!
e! it depends on the ris"s for the s&stem bein% tested
0 1rder numbers on a stoc" control s&stem can ran%e between 12222 and .....
inclusive3 Which of the followin% inputs mi%ht be a result of desi%nin% tests for
onl& valid e4uivalence classes and valid boundaries
a! 1222, 0222, .....
b! ...., 02222, 122222
c! 12222, 02222, .....
d! 12222, .....
e! ...., 12222, 02222, ....., 12222
5 6onsider the followin% statements about earl& test desi%n
i3 earl& test desi%n can prevent fault multiplication
ii3 faults found durin% earl& test desi%n are more expensive to fix
iii3 earl& test desi%n can find faults
iv3 earl& test desi%n can cause chan%es to the re4uirements
v3 earl& test desi%n ta"es more effort
a! i, iii ) iv are true3 Ii ) v are false
b! iii is true, I, ii, iv ) v are false
c! iii ) iv are true3 i, ii ) v are false
d! i, iii, iv ) v are true, ii us false
e! i ) iii are true, ii, iv ) v are false
7 8on-functional s&stem testin% includes
a! testin% to see where the s&stem does not function properl&
b! testin% 4ualit& attributes of the s&stem includin% performance and usabilit&
c! testin% a s&stem feature usin% onl& the software re4uired for that action
d! testin% a s&stem feature usin% onl& the software re4uired for that function
e! testin% for functions that should not exist
- Which of the followin% is 81T part of confi%uration mana%ement
a! status accountin% of confi%uration items
b! auditin% conformance to IS1.221
c! identification of test versions
d! record of chan%es to documentation over time
e! controlled librar& access
. Which of the followin% is the main purpose of the inte%ration strate%& for
inte%ration testin% in the small9
a! to ensure that all of the small modules are tested ade4uatel&
b! to ensure that the s&stem interfaces to other s&stems and networ"s
c! to specif& which modules to combine when and how man& at once
d! to ensure that the inte%ration testin% can be performed b& a small team
e! to specif& how the software should be divided into modules
12 What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan
a! to "now when a specific test has finished its execution
b! to ensure that the test case specification is complete
c! to set the criteria used in %eneratin% test inputs
d! to "now when test plannin% is complete
e! to plan when to stop testin%
11 6onsider the followin% statements
i3 an incident ma& be closed without bein% fixed
ii3 incidents ma& not be raised a%ainst documentation
iii3 the final sta%e of incident trac"in% is fixin%
iv3 the incident record does not include information on test environments
v3 incidents should be raised when someone other than the author of the software
performs the test
a! ii and v are true, I, iii and iv are false
b! i and v are true, ii, iii and iv are false
c! i, iv and v are true, ii and iii are false
d! i and ii are true, iii, iv and v are false
e! i is true, ii, iii, iv and v are false
1# :iven the followin% code, which is true about the minimum number of test
cases re4uired for full statement and branch covera%e
$ead P
$ead Q
I; P<Q = 122 T>,8
Print ?@ar%eA
If P = 02 T>,8
Print ?P @ar%eA
a! 1 test for statement covera%e, + for branch covera%e
b! 1 test for statement covera%e, # for branch covera%e
c! 1 test for statement covera%e, 1 for branch covera%e
d! # tests for statement covera%e, + for branch covera%e
e! # tests for statement covera%e, # for branch covera%e
1+ :iven the followin%
Switch P6 on
Start ?outloo"A
I; outloo" appears T>,8
Send an email
6lose outloo"
a! 1 test for statement covera%e, 1 for branch covera%e
b! 1 test for statement covera%e, # for branch covera%e
c! 1 test for statement covera%e3 + for branch covera%e
d! # tests for statement covera%e, # for branch covera%e
e! # tests for statement covera%e, + for branch covera%e
1/ :iven the followin% code, which is true
I; C = B T>,8
6 D C * B
6 D C < B
$ead B
I; 6 D B Then
Print ?,rrorA
a! 1 test for statement covera%e, + for branch covera%e
b! # tests for statement covera%e, # for branch covera%e
c! # tests for statement covera%e3 + for branch covera%e
d! + tests for statement covera%e, + for branch covera%e
e! + tests for statement covera%e, # for branch covera%e
10 6onsider the followin%
Pic" up and read the newspaper
@oo" at what is on television
If there is a pro%ram that &ou are interested in watchin% then switch the the
television on and watch the pro%ram
6ontinue readin% the newspaper
If there is a crossword in the newspaper then tr& and complete the crossword
a! S6 D 1 and B6 D 1
b! S6 D 1 and B6 D #
c! S6 D 1 and B6 D +
d! S6 D # and B6 D #
e! S6 D # and B6 D +
15 The place to start if &ou want a Enew! test tool is
a! Cttend a tool exhibition
b! Invite a vendor to %ive a demo
c! Cnal&se &our needs and re4uirements
d! ;ind out what &our bud%et would be for the tool
e! Search the internet
17 When a new testin% tool is purchased, it should be used first b&
a! C small team to establish the best wa& to use the tool
b! ,ver&one who ma& eventuall& have some use for the tool
c! The independent testin% team
d! The mana%ers to see what pro(ects it should be used in
e! The vendor contractor to write the initial scripts
1- What can static anal&sis 81T find9
a! The use of a variable before it has been defined
b! Fnreachable E?deadA! code
c! Whether the value stored in a variable is correct
d! The re-definition of a variable before it has been used
e! Crra& bound violations
1. Which of the followin% is 81T a blac" box techni4ue
a! ,4uivalence partitionin%
b! State transition testin%
c! @6SCG
d! S&ntax testin%
e! Boundar& value anal&sis
#2 Beta testin% is
a! Performed b& customers at their own site
b! Performed b& customers at their software developerHs site
c! Performed b& an independent test team
d! Fseful to test bespo"e software
e! Performed as earl& as possible in the lifec&cle
#1 :iven the followin% t&pes of tool, which tools would t&picall& be used b&
developers and which b& an independent test team
i3 static anal&sis
ii3 performance testin%
iii3 test mana%ement
iv3 d&namic anal&sis
v3 test runnin%
vi3 test data preparation
a! developers would t&picall& use i, iv and viI test team ii, iii and v
b! developers would t&picall& use i and ivI test team ii, iii, v and vi
c! developers would t&picall& use i, ii, iii and ivI test team v and vi
d! developers would t&picall& use ii, iv and viI test team I, ii and v
e! developers would t&picall& use i, iii, iv and vI test team ii and vi
## The main focus of acceptance testin% is
a! findin% faults in the s&stem
b! ensurin% that the s&stem is acceptable to all users
c! testin% the s&stem with other s&stems
d! testin% for a business perspective
e! testin% b& an independent test team
#+ Which of the followin% statements about the component testin% standard is
a! blac" box desi%n techni4ues all have an associated measurement techni4ue
b! white box desi%n techni4ues all have an associated measurement techni4ue
c! c&clomatic complexit& is not a test measurement techni4ue
d! blac" box measurement techni4ues all have an associated test desi%n techni4ue
e! white box measurement techni4ues all have an associated test desi%n techni4ue
#/ Which of the followin% statements is 81T true
a! inspection is the most formal review process
b! inspections should be led b& a trained leader
c! mana%ers can perform inspections on mana%ement documents
d! inspection is appropriate even when there are no written documents
e! inspection compares documents with predecessor Esource! documents
#0 C t&pical commercial test execution tool would be able to perform all of the
followin% ,J6,PT
a! %eneratin% expected outputs
b! repla&in% inputs accordin% to a pro%rammed script
c! comparison of expected outcomes with actual outcomes
d! recordin% test inputs
e! readin% test values from a data file
#5 The difference between re-testin% and re%ression testin% is
a! re-testin% is runnin% a test a%ainI re%ression testin% loo"s for unexpected side
b! re-testin% loo"s for unexpected side effectsI re%ression testin% is repeatin%
those tests
c! re-testin% is done after faults are fixedI re%ression testin% is done earlier
d! re-testin% uses different environments, re%ression testin% uses the same
e! re-testin% is done b& developers, re%ression testin% is done b& independent
#7 ,xpected results are
a! onl& important in s&stem testin%
b! onl& used in component testin%
c! never specified in advance
d! most useful when specified in advance
e! derived from the code
#- Test mana%ers should not
a! report on deviations from the pro(ect plan
b! si%n the s&stem off for release
c! re-allocate resource to meet ori%inal plans
d! raise incidents on faults that the& have found
e! provide information for ris" anal&sis and 4ualit& improvement
#. Fnreachable code would best be found usin%
a! code reviews
b! code inspections
c! a covera%e tool
d! a test mana%ement tool
e! a static anal&sis tool
+2 C tool that supports traceabilit&, recordin% of incidents or schedulin% of tests is
a! a d&namic anal&sis tool
b! a test execution tool
c! a debu%%in% tool
d! a test mana%ement tool
e! a confi%uration mana%ement tool
+1 What information need not be included in a test incident report
a! how to fix the fault
b! how to reproduce the fault
c! test environment details
d! severit&, priorit&
e! the actual and expected outcomes
+# Which expression best matches the followin% characteristics or review
13 led b& author
#3 undocumented
+3 no mana%ement participation
/3 led b& a trained moderator or leader
03 uses entr& exit criteria
s! inspection
t! peer review
u! informal review
v! wal"throu%h
a! s D /, t D +, u D # and 0, v D 1
b! s D / and 0, t D +, u D #, v D 1
c! s D 1 and 0, t D +, u D #, v D /
d! s D 0, t D /, u D +, v D 1 and #
e! s D / and 0, t D 1, u D #, v D +
++ Which of the followin% is 81T part of s&stem testin%
a! business process-based testin%
b! performance, load and stress testin%
c! re4uirements-based testin%
d! usabilit& testin%
e! top-down inte%ration testin%
+/ What statement about expected outcomes is ;C@S,
a! expected outcomes are defined b& the softwareHs behaviour
b! expected outcomes are derived from a specification, not from the code
c! expected outcomes include outputs to a screen and chan%es to files and
d! expected outcomes should be predicted before a test is run
e! expected outcomes ma& include timin% constraints such as response times
+0 The standard that %ives definitions of testin% terms is
a! IS1KI,6 1##27
b! BS7.#0-1
c! BS7.#0-#
d! C8SIKI,,, -#.
e! C8SIKI,,, 7#.
+5 The cost of fixin% a fault
a! Is not important
b! Increases as we move the product towards live use
c! Becreases as we move the product towards live use
d! Is more expensive if found in re4uirements than functional desi%n
e! 6an never be determined
+7 Which of the followin% is 81T included in the Test Plan document of the Test
Bocumentation Standard
a! Test items Ei3e3 software versions!
b! What is not to be tested
c! Test environments
d! Qualit& plans
e! Schedules and deadlines
+- 6ould reviews or inspections be considered part of testin%
a! 8o, because the& appl& to development documentation
b! 8o, because the& are normall& applied before testin%
c! 8o, because the& do not appl& to the test documentation
d! Les, because both help detect faults and improve 4ualit&
e! Les, because testin% includes all non-constructive activities
+. Which of the followin% is not part of performance testin%
a! Measurin% response time
b! Measurin% transaction rates
c! $ecover& testin%
d! Simulatin% man& users
e! :eneratin% man& transactions
/2 ,rror %uessin% is best used
a! Cs the first approach to derivin% test cases
b! Cfter more formal techni4ues have been applied
c! B& inexperienced testers
d! Cfter the s&stem has %one live
e! 1nl& b& end users
Question number 6orrect answer
1 6
# 6
+ ,
/ ,
0 6
5 C
7 B
- B
. 6
12 ,
11 B
1# B
1+ B
1/ B
10 ,
15 6
17 B
1- 6
1. 6
#2 C
#1 B
## B
#+ C
#/ B
#0 C
#5 C
#7 B
#- 6
#. C
+2 ,
+1 C
+# B
++ ,
+/ C
+0 B
+5 B
+7 B
+- B
+. 6
/2 B

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