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Report on Chapters 11 & 12

Group 6
Great Works
The time travellers theorizing passed into dozing and when he
woke up a little before sun setting, he came down the hill
towards the White Sphinx with his crowbar & matches.
He encountered the most unexpected thing when he
approached the pedestal of the sphinx. The bronze valves open
and he hesitated to enter.
Coming in, he found a small apartment, and on a raised place in
the corner of this was the Time Machine, surprised that it had
been carefully oiled and cleaned.

What the time traveller expected, happened when the bronze
panels suddenly slid up and stuck the frame with a clang. The
morlocks came toward him, and so he calmly tried to strike but
the matches were that abominable kind that light only on the
The time traveller encountered a fight with the morlocks, but
then at last the lever was fitted and pulled over. Darkness fell
from his eyes and he found himself in the same grey light and
tumult he has already described.

The Time Traveller decides to go further to the future instead of going
back. When he looked into the dials of the machine, he finds that he is
already travelling thousands of years per second.

Only one side of earth was shone by the sun:
The Thousand years hand in the dials stopped as well as the
Sky = North-eastward was inky black with bright and steady
pale white stars
= South-westward was Indian red and starless to brighter
glowing scarlet
Rocks = harsh reddish
Place was covered with green vegetation pointing south-east.

The Time Traveller soon realized that he was breathing very fast.

There was a harsh scream, which frightened the Time Traveller and
made him sit firmly on the Time Machine.

A reddish rock moved towards him which turned out to be a HUGE
Crab. As his attention was on the creature, he felt something touched
his cheek and eventually saw that it was an antenna of another crab
also wanting to eat him. He grabbed hold of the lever and travelled a
month in order to escape the 2 creatures. When he arrived, he saw
more of them in the beach.

I cannot convey the sense of abominable desolation that hung over
the world. The red eastern sky, the northward blackness, the salt
Dead Sea, the stony beach crawling with these foul, slow-stirring
monsters, the uniform poisonous-looking green of the lichenous
plants, the thin air that hurts ones lungs: all contributed to an
appalling effect. I moved on a hundred years, and there was the same
red suna little larger, a little dullerthe same dying sea, the same
chill air, and the same crowd of earthy crustacea creeping in and out
among the green weed and the red rocks. Time Traveller

The Time Traveller wanted to see further the fate of earth. He travelled
30 million years farther into the future..

What he saw

The sun was so big that it almost covered a tenth of the sky

A multitude of the crabs have disappeared, the red beach
has become flecked with white.

White flakes came down (grouped has presumed to be snow):
o North-eastward = snowy; fringes of ice along the sea.
o However the main area of the sea was still unfrozen.
o It seemed that animal life was extinct if it wasnt for the
green slime on the rocks.

He then saw a black object flopping and stopped, he then thought that
his eyes were just deceived.

The Eclipse ;
Suddenly I noticed that the circular westward outline of the sun had
changed; that a concavity, a bay, had appeared in the curve. I saw
this grow larger. For a minute perhaps I stared aghast at this
blackness that was creeping over the day, and then I realized that an
eclipse was beginning. Either the moon or the planet Mercury was
passing across the suns disk. Naturally, at first I took it to be the
moon, but there is much to incline me to believe that what I really
saw was the transit of an inner planet passing very near to the earth.
When the darkness started to cover the earth, whirl of the white
flakes became stronger until the sky became totally black.
Time Traveller

During the Eclipse, the time traveller started to feel weak, nauseated and
cold. When a sign of the sun appearing back to the sky, he went out to
recover and saw the black moving object again.

Then I felt I was fainting. But a terrible dread of lying helpless in that
remote and awful twilight sustained me while I clambered upon the
saddle.- Time Traveller


The time traveller travels back in time and slowly sees the
buildings forming and later on finds himself back in his time and
rejoins his dinner guests.
The time traveller describes the feeling of being back in his old
laboraty with all his old appliances and tools and takes a while
for him to regain his composure and he mentions how it feels
like everything that happened could be just a dream.
He tells the tale to his guests and the narrator tells of the
tension in the room as the time traveller tells the story of his
The time traveller has with him withered white flowers, which
were put into his pocket by Weena, to the medicine man and the
medicine man examines them and asks to take it home but the
time traveller declines.
The time traveller was confused and even questions himself if
he is in fact still dreaming if everything that happened was real.
The time traveller takes his guests out in he cold to find his
machine sitting there all rusted and dusty and is reassured that
everything indeed happened.

The dinner guests were shocked with the time traveller but at
the same time skeptical, so the time traveller found the need to
go on the journey again to bring back evidence.
The narrator mentions that it has been three years since the
time traveller said he would be back from the journey which he
said would last only thirty minutes. The narrator wonders where
the time traveller could be and is left with but two alien looking
flowers that symbolizes the existence of tenderness lives on
even if the mind and body decays.

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