GCC July 2013

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Hkkjr ljdkj Government Of India

jsy ea=ky; Ministry Of Railways

jsyos cksMZ (Railway Board)

Indian Railways
General Conditions Of Contract

July 2013

New el!i

Engineering Department
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1

Indian Railways
July 2013


Para Subje! Pa"e
I#$e% 1
1! &ea#'#" O( Ter)* "
1!1 Inter#retation "
1!2 $efinition "
1!3 Sinular And Plural %
Cre$e#!'al* O( C+#!ra!+r* %
2! A##lication &or Reistration %
3! 'ender &or(s )
*! O(ission And $iscre#ancies )
+! ,arnest -oney )
"! Care In Su.(ission Of 'enders /
C+#*'$era!'+# O( Te#$er* /
%! Riht Of Railway 'o $eal 0ith 'enders /
%A! 'wo Pac1ets Syste( of 'enderin /
C+#!ra! D+u)e#!* 10
)! ,2ecution Of Contract $ocu(ents 10
/! &or( Of Contract $ocu(ents 10
A##e%ure* , 11
Anne2ure3I 'ender &or( 4 11
&irst Sheet 11
Second Sheet 12
'hird Sheet 1+
Anne2ure3II Aree(ent &or 5one Contract 1"
Anne2ure3III 0or1 Order 6nder 5one Contract 1%
Anne2ure3I7 &or( &or Contract Aree(ent Of 0or1s 1/
Anne2ure37 0or1 Order &or 0or1s Contractor8s Aree(ent 20
Anne2ure37I 0or1 Order &or 0or1s Schedule 22

Continued 99!

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 2

Para Subje! Pa"e
1! De('#'!'+#* A#$ I#!er-re!a!'+# 23
:1; $efinitions 23
:2; Sinular And Plural 2*
:3; <eadins And -arinal <eadins 2*
Ge#eral Obl'"a!'+#* 2*
2! ,2ecution= Co3Relation And Intent Of General $ocu(ents 2*
3! :1; >aw Go?ernin 'he Contract 2+
:2; Co(#liance 'o Reulations And @ye3>aws 2+
*! Co((unication 'o @e In 0ritin 2+
+! Ser?ice Of Aotices On Contractors 2+
"! Occu#ation And 6se Of >and 2+
%! Assin(ent Or Su.3>ettin Of Contract 2+
)! Assistance @y 'he Railway &or 'he Stores 'o @e O.tained @y 'he
/! Railway Passes 2"
10! Carriae Of -aterials 2"
11! 6se Of @allast 'rain 2"
12! Re#resentation On 0or1s 2"
13 Relics And 'reasures 2"
1*! ,2ca?ated -aterial 2"
1+! Inde(nity @y Contractors 2"
1"! :1; Security $e#osit 2"
:2; reco?ery Of Security $e#osit 2%
:3; Interest On A(ount 2%
:*; Perfor(ance Guarantee 2%
1%! &orce -aBeure Clause 2/
1%3A! 'i(e 'o @e ,ssence C ,2tension Of 'i(e 2/
:i; ,2tension $ue 'o -odification 2/
:ii; ,2tension &or $elay Aot $ue 'o RailwayDContractor 2/
:iii; ,2tension Of 'i(e &or $elay $ue 'o Railway 2/
1%3@! ,2tension Of 'i(e &or $elay $ue 'o Contractor 30
1)! :1; C :2; Illeal Gratification 30
E%eu!'+# O( .+r/* 30
1/! :1; ContractorEs 6nderstandin 30
:2; Co((ence(ent Of 0or1s 31
:3; Acce#ted Prora((e Of 0or1s 31
:*; Settin Out Of 0or1s 31
20! :1; Co(#liance 'o ,nineerEs Instructions 31
:2; Alterations 'o @e Authorised 31
:3; ,2tra 0or1s 31
:*; Se#arate Contracts In Connection 0ith 0or1s 31
21! Instructions Of ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e 32
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 3

Para Subje! Pa"e
22! :1; Adherence 'o S#ecification And $rawins 32
:2; $rawins And S#ecifications On 'he 0or1s 32
:3; Ownershi# If $rawins And S#ecifications 32
:*; Co(#liance 0ith ContractorEs ReFuest &or $etails 32
:+; -eanin And Intent Of S#ecifications And $rawins 32
23! 0or1in $urin Aiht 32
2*! $a(ae 'o Railway Pro#erty Or Pri?ate >ife And Pro#erty 32
2+! Sheds= Stores3<ouses And Gards 33
2"! Pro?ision Of ,fficient And Co(#etent Staff At 0or1 Sites @y Contractor 33
2"A! $e#loy(ent Of Hualified ,nineers At 0or1 Sites @y Contractor 33
2%! :1; 0or1(anshi# And 'estin 3*
:2; Re(o?al Of I(#ro#er 0or1 And -aterials 3*
2)! &acilities &or Ins#ection 3*
2/! ,2a(ination Of 0or1s @efore Co?erin 6# 3*
30! 'e(#orary 0or1s 3*
31! :1; Contractor 'o Su##ly 0ater &or 0or1s 3*
:2; 0ater Su##ly &ro( Railway Syste( 3*
:3; 0ater Su##ly @y Railway 'rans#ort 3+
:*; :A; Contractor 'o Arrane Su##ly Of ,lectric Power &or 0or1s 3+
:@; ,lectric Su##ly &ro( 'he Railway Syste( 3+
32! Pro#erty In -aterials And Plants 3+
33! :1; 'ools= Plant And -aterials Su##lied @y Railway 3+
:2; <ire Of Railway Plant 3+
3*! :1; Precautions $urin Proress Of 0or1s 3+
:2; Roads And 0ater Courses 3"
:3; Pro?ision Of Access 'o Pre(ises 3"
:*; Safety Of Pu.lic 3"
3+! 6se Of ,2#losi?es 3"
3"! :1; C :2; Sus#ension Of 0or1 3"
:3; Sus#ension >astin -ore 'han 'hree -onths 3"
3%! Rates &or Ite(s Of 0or1s 3%
3)! $e(urrae And 0harfae $ues 3%
3/! Rates &or ,2tra Ite(s Of 0or1s 3%
*0! :1; <andin O?er Of 0or1s 3)
:2; Clearance Of Site On Co(#letion 3)
0ar'a!'+#* I# E%!e#! O( C+#!ra! 3)
*1! -odification 'o Contract 'o @e In 0ritin 3)
*2! :1; C :2; Power Of -odifications 'o Contract 3)
:3; 7aluation Of 7ariations 3)
:*; 7ariations In Huantities $urin ,2ecution Of 0or1s Contracts 3/
*3! Clai(s *0
:1; -onthly State(ent Of Clai(s *0
:2; Sinin Of 8Ao Clai( Certificate8 *0
&ea*ure)e#!1 Cer!'('a!e* A#$ Pay)e#!* *0
**! Huantities In Schedule Anne2ed 'o Contract *0
*+! -easure(ents Of 0or1s *0
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae *

Para Subje! Pa"e
*"! :1; IOn AccountJ Pay(ents *1
:2; Roundin Off A(ounts *1
:3; IOn Account Pay(ents Aot PreBudicial 'o &inal Settle(ent *1
:*; -anner Of Pay(ent *1
*"A! Pr'e 0ar'a!'+# Clau*e 2P0C3 *1
1! 3 A##lica.ility *1
2! 3 @ase -onth *1
3! 3 7alidity *2
*! to "! 3 Co(#onents C Percentaes *2
%! 3 &or(ulae etc! *2
)! 3 Price 7ariation $urin ,2tended Period Of Contract **
/! 3 Price 7ariation $urin ,2tended Period Of Contract **
10! 3 Price 7ariation $urin ,2tended Period Of Contract *+
*%! -aintenance Of 0or1s *+
*)! :1; Certificate Of Co(#letion Of 0or1s *+
:2; Contractor Aot A.sol?ed @y Co(#letion Certificate *"
*/! A##ro?al Only @y -aintenance Certificate *"
+0! :1; -aintenance Certificate *"
:2; Cessation Of Railway8s >ia.ility *"
:3; 6nfulfilled O.liations *"
+1! :1; &inal Pay(ent *"
:2; Post Pay(ent Audit *%
:3; Re#ay(ent Of Security $e#osit *%
+13A! Production Of 7ouchers ,tc! @y 'he Contractor *%
+2! 0ithholdin And >ien In Res#ect Of Su(s Clai(ed *%
+23A! >ien In Res#ect Of Clai(s In Other Contracts *)
+3! Sinature On Recei#ts &or A(ounts *)
Lab+ur *)
+*! 0aes 'o >a.our *)
+*3A! A##rentices Act */
++! Pro?isions Of Pay(ents Of 0aes Act */
++3A! Pro?isions Of Contract >a.our :Reulation And A.olition; Act= 1/%0 */
++3@! Pro?isions of ,(#loyees Pro?ident &und and -iscellaneous Pro?isions
Act= 1/+2
+"! Re#ortin Of Accidents 'o >a.our +0
+%! Pro?ision Of 0or1(enEs Co(#ensation Act +0
+%3A! Pro?ision Of -ines Act +0
+)! Railway Aot 'o Pro?ide Huarters &or Contractors +0
+/! :1; >a.our Ca(#s +1
:2; Co(#liance 'o Rules &or ,(#loy(ent Of >a.our +1
:3; Preser?ation Of Peace +1
:*; Sanitary Arrane(ents +1
:+; Out.rea1 Of Infectious $iseases +1
:"; 'reat(ent Of ContractorEs Staff In Railway <os#itals +1
:%; -edical &acilities At Site +1
:); 6se Of Into2icates +2
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae +

Para Subje! Pa"e
:/; Aon3,(#loy(ent Of &e(ale >a.our +2
:10; Restriction On 'he ,(#loy(ent Of Retired ,nineers Of Railways
Ser?ices 0ithin 'wo Gears Of 'heir Retire(ent
"0! :1; Aon3,(#loy(ent Of >a.our @efore 'he Ae Of 1+ Gears +2
:2; -edical Certificate Of &itness &or >a.our +2
:3; Period Of 7alidity Of -edical &itness Certificate +2
:*; -edical Re3,2a(ination Of >a.our +2
De!er)'#a!'+# O( C+#!ra! +3
"1! :1; Riht Of Railway 'o $eter(ine Contract +3
:2; Pay(ent On $eter(ination Of Contract +3
:3; Ao Clai( On Co(#ensation +3
"2! :1; $eter(ination Of Contract Owin 'o $efault Of Contractor +3
:2; Riht Of Railway After Rescission Of Contract Owin 'o $efault Of
Se!!le)e#! O( D'*-u!e* ++
"3! -atters &inally $eter(ined @y 'he Railway ++
"*! :1; $e(and &or Ar.itration +"
:2; O.liations $urin Pendency Of Ar.itration +"
:3; A##oint(ent Of Ar.itrator +"
:*;= :+;= :"; C :%; 3 Ar.itral Award CGeneral +)
"+! J+'#! 0e#!ure 2J03 F'r)* I# .+r/* Te#$er* +)
Partici#ation Of Joint 7enture :J7; &ir(s In 0or1s 'ender +)
1! to *! 3 Identity C -e(.ers of J7 &ir( +)
+! 3 ,arnest -oney $e#osit :,-$; +)
"! 3 >ead -e(.er +)
%! to 11! 3 Constitution of J7 and -O6 .y J7 -e(.ers +)
12! 3 J7 Aree(ent +/
13! to 1*! 3 Authorised -e(.ers +/
1+! 3 $ocu(ents 'o @e ,nclosed Alonwith 'ender +/
1"! 3 Credentials C Hualifyin Criteria 4 'echnical ,lii.ility Criteria and
&inancial ,lii.ility Criteria
A##e%ure* , "2
Anne2ure37II Perfor(a &or 'i(e ,2tension "2
Anne2ure37III Certificate Of &itness "3
Anne2ure3IK Perfor(a Of % $ays8 Aotice "*
Anne2ure3K Perfor(a Of *) <rs! Aotice "+
Anne2ure3KI Perfor(a Of 'er(ination Aotice ""
Reister Of Correction Sli#s "%

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae "




171 I#!er-re!a!'+# , 'hese Reulations for 'enders and Contracts shall .e read in
conBunction with the General Conditions of Contract which are referred to herein and shall .e
su.Bect to (odifications additions or su##ression .y s#ecial conditions of contract andDor s#ecial
s#ecifications= if any= anne2ed to the 'ender &or(s!
172 De('#'!'+# , In these Reulations for 'enders and Contracts the followin ter(s shall
ha?e the (eanins assined hereunder e2ce#t where the conte2t otherwise reFuires!
:a; LRailwayJ shall (ean the President of the Re#u.lic of India or the Ad(inistrati?e Officers
of the Successor Railway authoriMed to deal with any (atters= which these #resents are
concerned on his .ehalf!
:.; LGeneral -anaerJ shall (ean the Officer3in3Chare of the eneral su#erintendence and
control of the 5onal RailwayDProduction 6nits and shall also include the General -anaer
:Construction; and shall (ean and include their successors= of the Successor Railway!
:c; LChief ,nineerJ shall (ean the Officer in chare of the ,nineerin $e#art(ent of ,ast
Central Railway and shall also include the Chief ,nineer :Construction;= Chief ,lectrical
,nineer= Chief ,lectrical ,nineer :Construction;= Chief Sinal C 'eleco( ,nineer=
Chief Sinal C 'eleco( ,nineer :Construction; and shall (ean and include their
successors of the Successor Railway!
:d; L$i?isional Railway -anaerJ shall (ean the Officer in chare of a $i?ision of the 5onal
Railway and shall (ean and include the $i?isional Railway -anaer of the Successor
:e; L,nineerJ shall (ean the $i?isional ,nineer or the ,2ecuti?e ,nineer= $i?isional
Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer= $i?isional Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer
:Construction;= $i?isional ,lectrical ,nineer and $i?isional ,lectrical ,nineer
:Construction;= in e2ecuti?e chare of the wor1s and shall include the su#erior officers of
the ,nineerin= Sinal C 'eleco((unication= and ,lectrical $e#art(ents of Railway= i!e!
the Senior $i?isional ,nineerD$e#uty Chief ,nineerDChief ,nineerDChief
,nineer:Construction;=Senior $i?isional Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer D
$y!Chief Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer D $y! Chief Sinal C 'eleco((unication
,nineer:Construction;= Senior $i?isional ,lectrical ,nineer D $e#uty Chief ,lectrical
,nineer D $y!Chief ,lectrical ,nineer :Construction; D and shall (ean and include the
,nineers of the Successors Railway!
:f; L'endererJ shall (ean the #erson D the fir( D co3o#erati?e or co(#any whether
incor#orated or not who tenders for the wor1s with a ?iew to e2ecute the wor1s on
contract with the Railway and shall include their #ersonal re#resentati?es= successors
and #er(itted assins!
:; L>i(ited 'endersJ shall (ean tenders in?ited fro( all or so(e Contractors on the
a##ro?ed or select list of Contractors with the Railway!
:h; LO#en 'endersJ shall (ean the tenders in?ited in o#en and #u.lic (anner and with
adeFuate notice!
:i; L0or1sJ shall (ean the wor1s conte(#lated in the drawins and schedules set forth in
the tender for(s and reFuired to .e e2ecuted accordin to the s#ecifications!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae %

:B; LS#ecificationsJ shall (ean the s#ecifications for -aterials and wor1s of the Railway as
s#ecified in Part3III of the 0or1s <and @oo1 issued under the authority of the Chief
,nineer or as a(#lified= added to or su#erseded .y s#ecial s#ecifications if any=
a##ended to the 'ender &or(s!
:1; LSchedule of Rates of the RailwayJ shall (ean the Schedule of Rates issued under the
authority of the Chief ,nineer fro( ti(e to ti(e!
:l; L$rawinsJ shall (ean the (a#s= drawins= #lans and tracins or #rints thereof anne2ed
to the 'ender &or(s!
173 0ords i(#ortin the sinular nu(.er shall also include the #lural and ?ice ?ersa where
the conte2t reFuires!
27 A--l'a!'+# F+r Re"'*!ra!'+# ,
271 0or1s of construction and of su##ly of (aterial shall .e entrusted for e2ecution to
contractors whose ca#a.ilities and financial status ha?e .een in?estiated and a##ro?ed to the
satisfaction of the Railway! &or this #ur#ose= list of a##ro?ed contractors shall .e (aintained in
the Railway! 'he said list .e re?ised #eriodically once in a year or so .y i?in wide #u.licity
throuh ad?ertise(ents etc!
A Contractor includin a contractor who is already on the a##ro?ed list shall a##ly to the nearest
General -anaer :Construction;= Chief Ad(inistrati?e Officer :Construction;= $i?isional Railway
-anaer= Chief ,nineerDChief ,nineer :Construction;= Chief Sinal C 'eleco((unication
,nineerDChief Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer :Construction; and Chief ,lectrical
,nineerDChief ,lectrical ,nineer :Construction;= furnishin #articulars reardin 4
:a; his #osition as an inde#endent contractor s#ecifyin ,nineerin oraniMation a?aila.le
with details or Partners D Staff D ,nineers e(#loyed with Fualifications and e2#erienceN
:.; his ca#acity to underta1e and carry out wor1s satisfactorily as ?ouched for .y a
res#onsi.le official or fir(= with details a.out the trans#ort eFui#(ents= construction
tools and #lants etc!= reFuired for the wor1 (aintained .y hi(N
:c; his #re?ious e2#erience of wor1s si(ilar to that to .e contracted for= in #roof of which
oriinal certificates or testi(onials (ay .e called for and their enuineness ?erified= if
needs .e= .y reference to the sinatories thereofN
:d; his 1nowlede fro( actual #ersonal in?estiation of the resources of the areaDMone or
Mones in which he offers to wor1N
:e; his a.ility to su#er?ise the wor1 #ersonally or .y co(#etent and duly authoriMed aentN
:f; his financial #ositionN
:; AuthoriMed co#y of the current inco(e3ta2 Clearance Certificate!
272 An a##licant shall clearly state the cateories of wor1s and the Area D 5one D $i?ision:s;
D $istrict:s; in which he desires reistration in the list of a##ro?ed contractors!
273 'he selection of contractors for enlist(ent in the a##ro?ed list would .e done .y a
co((ittee for different ?alue sla.s as notified .y Railway!
278 An annual fee as #rescri.ed .y the Railway fro( ti(e to ti(e would .e chared fro(
such a##ro?ed contractors to co?er the cost of sendin notices to the( and cler1ae for tenders
279 'he list of a##ro?ed contractors would .e treated as confidential office record!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae )


37 Te#$er F+r) , 'ender &or(s shall e(.ody the contents of the contract docu(ents
either directly or .y reference and shall .e as #er s#eci(en for(= Anne2ure3I! 'ender &or(s
shall .e issued on #ay(ent of the #rescri.ed fee to the a##ro#riate contractors on the list of
a##ro?ed contractors! Contractors not on the list of a##ro?ed contractors= will on #ay(ent of the
#rescri.ed fees= .e furnished with tender for(s and they shall .e reFuired to su.(it e?idence
reardin their financial status= #re?ious e2#erience and a.ility to e2ecute the wor1s!
87 O)'**'+#* 5 D'*re-a#'e* , Should a tenderer find discre#ancies in or o(issions
fro( the drawins or any of the 'ender &or(s or should he .e in dou.t as to their (eanin= he
should at once notify the authority in?itin tenders who (ay send a written instruction to all
tenders! It shall .e understood that e?ery endea?our has .een (ade to a?oid any error which
can (aterially affect the .asis of tender and successful tenderer shall ta1e u#on hi(self and
#ro?ide for the ris1 of any error which (ay su.seFuently .e disco?ered and shall (a1e no
su.seFuent clai( on account thereof!
97 Ear#e*! &+#ey ,
:1; :a; 'he tenderer shall .e reFuired to de#osit earnest (oney with the tender for the due
#erfor(ance with the sti#ulation to 1ee# the offer o#en till such date as s#ecified in the
tender= under the conditions of tender! 'he earnest (oney shall .e as under 4
0alue O( T:e .+r/ Ear#e*! &+#ey De-+*'! 2E&D3
A! &or wor1s esti(ated to
cost u# to Rs! 1 crore
2O of the esti(ated cost of the wor1
@! &or wor1s esti(ated to
cost (ore than Rs! 1 crore
Rs! 2 la1h #lus PO :half #ercent; of the e2cess
of the esti(ated cost of wor1 .eyond Rs!1 crore
su.Bect to a (a2i(u( of Rs! 1 crore
'he earnest (oney shall .e rounded to the nearest Rs!10! 'his earnest (oney shall .e
a##lica.le for all (odes of tenderin!
:.; It shall .e understood that the tender docu(ents ha?e .een soldDissued to the tenderer
and the tenderer is #er(itted to tender in consideration of sti#ulation on his #art= that
after su.(ittin his tender he will not resile fro( his offer or (odify the ter(s and
conditions thereof in a (anner not acce#ta.le to the ,nineer! Should the tenderer fail
to o.ser?e or co(#ly with the said sti#ulation= the aforesaid a(ount shall .e lia.le to .e
forfeited to the Railway!
:c; If his tender is acce#ted this earnest (oney (entioned in su. clause :a; a.o?e will .e
retained as #art security for the due and faithful fulfill(ent of the contract in ter(s of
Clause 1" of the General Conditions of Contract! 'he ,arnest -oney of other 'enderers
shall= sa?e as herein .efore #ro?ided= .e returned to the(= .ut the Railway shall not .e
res#onsi.le for any loss or de#reciation that (ay ha##en thereto while in their
#ossession= nor .e lia.le to #ay interest thereon!
:2; :a; 'he ,arnest -oney should .e in cash or in any of the followin for(s 4
L'he ,arnest -oney should .e in cash or in the for( of de#osit recei#ts= #ay orders or
de(and drafts e2ecuted .y State @an1 of India or any of the AationaliMed @an1s or .y a
Scheduled @an1!J
:.; ,arnest (oney (ay .e acce#ted in the followin for(s 4
:i; A de#osit in cash
:ii; Go?ern(ent securities at +O .elow the (ar1et ?alue
:iii; $e#osit recei#ts or de(and drafts of the AationaliMed @an1
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae /

:i?; A de#osit in the Post Office Sa?in @an1
:?; Aational Sa?ins Certificates
:?i; 'wel?e Gear Aational $efence Certificates
:?ii; 'en Gear $efence $e#osits
:?iii; Aational $efence @onds
:i2; Aational Sa?ins Certificates=
:2; 'i(e $e#osit Account which ca(e into force on 1"!03!1/%0 and notified under
-inistry of &inance= Aotification Ao!&3 :%; ASD%0= dated 2)!02!%0
:2i; IR&C @onds
N+!e , :?i; to :?iii; 3 these CertificatesD@onds (ay .e acce#ted at their surrender ?alue!
;7 Care I# Sub)'**'+# O( Te#$er* ,
:a; @efore su.(ittin a tender= the tenderer will .e dee(ed to ha?e satisfied hi(self .y
actual ins#ection of the site and locality of the wor1s= that all conditions lia.le to .e encountered
durin the e2ecution of the wor1s are ta1en into account and that the rates he enters in the
tender for(s are adeFuate and all inclusi?e to accord with the #ro?isions in Clause33% of the
General Conditions of Contract for the co(#letion of wor1s to the entire satisfaction of the
:.; 0hen wor1 is tendered for .y a fir( or co(#any of contractors= the tender shall .e
sined .y the indi?idual leally authoriMed to enter into co((it(ents on their .ehalf!
:c; 'he Railway will not .e .ound .y any #ower of attorney ranted .y the tenderer or .y
chanes in the co(#osition of the fir( (ade su.seFuent to the e2ecution of the contract! It
(ay= howe?er= reconiMe such #ower of attorney and chanes after o.tainin #ro#er leal
ad?ice= the cost of which will .e charea.le to the contractor!

<7 R'":! O( Ra'l=ay T+ Deal .'!: Te#$er* , 'he Railway reser?es the riht of not
to in?ite tenders for any of Railway wor1 or wor1s or to in?ite o#en or li(ited tenders and when
tenders are called to acce#t a tender in whole or in #art or reBect any tender or all tenders
without assinin reasons for any such action!
<A7 T=+ Pa/e!* Sy*!e) +( Te#$er'#" , 'he #rocedure detailed .elow shall .e
ado#ted for dealin with Q'wo Poc1ets Syste(8 of 'enderin 4
<A71 0ith a ?iew to assess the tenders technically without .ein influenced .y the financial
.ids= E'wo Pac1ets Syste( of tenderinE shall .e ado#ted! In this syste(= the tenderers
shall su.(it their FuotationsDoffers in two sealed en?elo#esN with one co?er containin
the 'echnical C Co((ercial offers and the other co?er containin the &inancial @ids! 'he
first #ac1et shall .e with the o.Becti?e of scrutinisin the ca#a.ility= #ossession of
a##ro#riate (achinery C eFui#(ents= financial strenth= e2#erience etc! of the
<A72 'he technical details and co((ercial conditions shall .e read out .efore the tenderers
or their re#resentati?es at the ti(e of o#enin of tenders and the sa(e shall .e
e?aluated .y the 'ender Co((ittee! If the offers are found acce#ta.le .y the
co(#etent authority :as #rescri.ed .y Railway @oard fro( ti(e to ti(e for the
esti(ated ?alue of tender in?ited;= the second #ac1et shall .e o#ened and the tenders
shall .e #rocessed for finalisation in the nor(al (anner!
<A73 <owe?er= if on the .asis of infor(ation contained in the first #ac1et= the 'ender
Co((ittee needs clarification reardin desins= s#ecifications etc!N discussions shall .e
held with each indi?idual #artyD tenderer after o.tainin a##ro?al of the Co(#etent
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 10

<A78 E'wo Pac1ets Syste(E of tenderin shall .e resorted to for techno3co((ercial
consideration in 0or1s Contract 'enders of ?alues as co((unicated .y Railway @oard
fro( ti(e to ti(e on the su.Bect!
RAuthority 4 Railway @oardEs letter no! /*DC,3IDC'D* Pt!1%= Aew $elhi= $ated 13!0)!2012S

>7 E%eu!'+# +( C+#!ra! D+u)e#! , 'he 'enderer whose tender is acce#ted shall .e
reFuired to a##ear in #erson at the office of General -anaerDGeneral -anaer :Construction;=
Chief Ad(inistrati?e Officer :Construction;= $i?isional Railway -anaer or concerned ,nineer=
as the case (ay .e= or if a fir( or cor#oration= a duly authoriMed re#resentati?e shall so a##ear
and e2ecute the contract docu(ents within % days after notice that the contract has .een
awarded to hi(! &ailure to do so shall constitute a .reach of the aree(ent affected .y the
acce#tance of the tender in which case the full ?alue of the earnest (oney acco(#anyin the
tender shall stand forfeited without #reBudice to any other rihts or re(edies!
In the e?ent of any tenderer whose tender is acce#ted shall refuse to e2ecute the
contract docu(ent as here in .efore #ro?ided= the Railway (ay deter(ine that such tenderer
has a.andoned the contract and there u#on his tender and acce#tance thereof shall .e treated
as cancelled and the Railway shall .e entitled to forfeit the full a(ount of the ,arnest -oney and
to reco?er the da(aes for such default!
?7 F+r) O( C+#!ra! D+u)e#! , ,?ery contract shall .e co(#lete in res#ect of the
docu(ent it shall so constitute! Aot less than 2 co#ies of the contract docu(ent shall .e sined
.y the co(#etent authority and the contractor and one co#y i?en to the contractor!
:a; &or 5one contracts= awarded on the .asis of the #ercentae a.o?e or .elow the
Schedule of Rates of Railway for the whole or #art of financial year= the contract aree(ent
reFuired to .e e2ecuted .y the tenderer whose tender is acce#ted shall .e as #er s#eci(en
for(= Anne2ure3II! $urin the currency of the 5one Contract= wor1 orders as #er s#eci(en for(
Anne2ures3III or I7= for wor1s not e2ceedin Rs!2=00=000 each= shall .e issued .y the $i?isional
Railway -anaer D ,2ecuti?e ,nineer under the aree(ent for 5one Contract!
:.; &or contracts for s#ecific wor1s= ?alued at (ore than Rs!2=00=000 the contract docu(ent
reFuired to .e e2ecuted .y the tenderer whose tender is acce#ted shall .e either an Aree(ent
as #er s#eci(en for( Anne2ure3I7= or a wor1 order as #er s#eci(en for( Anne2ure37 as (ay
.e #rescri.ed .y the Railway!

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 11


@@@@@@@@@@@@ RAIL.AA
TENDER FOR& 2F'r*! S:ee!3


'he President of India

ID0e TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ha?e read the ?arious conditions to tender attached
hereto and aree to a.ide .y the said conditions! ID0e also aree to 1ee# this tender o#en for
acce#tance for a #eriod of TTTTTTTT days fro( the date fi2ed for o#enin the sa(e and in
default thereof= ID0e will .e lia.le for forfeiture of (yDour L,arnest -oneyJ! ID0e offer to do the
wor1 for TTTTTTT Railway= at the rates Fuoted in the attached schedule and here.y .ind
(yselfDoursel?es to co(#lete the wor1 in all res#ects within TTTTTTTTTTTT (onths fro( the
date of issue of letter of acce#tance of the tender!
27 ID0e also here.y aree to a.ide .y the Indian Railways General Conditions Of Contract
2011= with all correction sli#s u#3to3date and to carry out the wor1 accordin to the S#ecial
Conditions of Contract and S#ecifications of (aterials and wor1s as laid down .y Railway in the
anne2ed S#ecial ConditionsDS#ecifications= Schedule of Rates with all correction sli#s u#3to3date
for the #resent contract!
37 A su( of Rs! TTTTTTTTTTT is herewith forwarded as ,arnest -oney! &ull ?alue of the
earnest -oney shall stand forfeited without #reBudice to any other riht or re(edies in case
(yDour 'ender is acce#ted and if 4
:a; ID0e do not e2ecute the contract docu(ents within se?en days after recei#t of notice
issued .y the Railway that such docu(ents are readyN and
:.; ID0e do not co((ence the wor1 within fifteen days after recei#t of orders to that effect!
87 6ntil a for(al aree(ent is #re#ared and e2ecuted= acce#tance of this tender shall
constitute a .indin contract .etween us su.Bect to (odifications= as (ay .e (utually areed to
.etween us and indicated in the letter of acce#tance of (yDour offer for this wor1!

Sinature of 0itnesses 4



Sinature of 'enderer:s;


Address of the 'enderer:s;
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 12

ANNEXURE - I :Contd! 9;

TENDER FOR& 2Se+#$ S:ee!3

17 I#*!ru!'+#* T+ Te#$er* A#$ C+#$'!'+#* O( Te#$er , 'he followin docu(ents
for( #art of 'ender D Contract 4
:a; 'ender for(s &irst Sheet and Second Sheet
:.; S#ecial ConditionsDS#ecifications :enclosed;
:c; Schedule of a##ro2i(ate Fuantities :enclosed;
:d; General Conditions of Contract and Standard S#ecifications for -aterials and 0or1s of
Indian Railway as a(endedDcorrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s= co#ies of which can
.e seen in the office of TTTTTTTTTTTTTT or o.tained fro( the office of the Chief
,nineer= TTTTTTTTTTTT Railway on #ay(ent of #rescri.ed chares!
:e; Schedule of Rates as a(ended D corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s= co#ies of which
can .e seen in the office of TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT or o.tained fro( the office of the Chief
,nineer= TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway on #ay(ent of #rescri.ed chares!
:f; All eneral and detailed drawins #ertainin to this wor1 which will .e issued .y the
,nineer or his re#resentati?es :fro( ti(e to ti(e; with all chanes and (odifications!
27 Dra='#"* F+r T:e .+r/ , 'he $rawin for the wor1 can .e seen in the office of the
TTTTTTTTT and D or Chief ,nineer= TTTTTTTTTTTT Railway at any ti(e durin the office hours!
'he drawins are only for the uidance of 'enderer:s;! $etailed wor1in drawins :if reFuired;
.ased enerally on the drawin (entioned a.o?e= will .e i?en .y the ,nineer or his
re#resentati?e fro( ti(e to ti(e!
37 'he 'enderer:s; shall Fuote his D their rates as a #ercentae a.o?e or .elow the Schedule
of Rates of TTTTTTTTTTTT Railway as a##lica.le to TTTTTTTTTTTT $i?ision e2ce#t where
heDthey are reFuired to Fuote ite( rates and (ust tender for all the ite(s shown in the Schedule
of a##ro2i(ate Fuantities attached! 'he Fuantities shown in the attached Schedule are i?en as
a uide and are a##ro2i(ate only and are su.Bect to ?ariation accordin to the needs of the
Railway! 'he Railway does not uarantee wor1 under each ite( of the Schedule!
87 'enders containin erasures and D or alterations of tender docu(ents are lia.le to .e
reBected! Any correction (ade .y tender:s; in hisDtheir entries (ust .e attested .y hi( D the(!
97 'he wor1s are reFuired to .e co(#leted within a #eriod of TTTTTTTT (onths fro( the
date of issue of acce#tance letter!
;7 Ear#e*! &+#ey ,
:a; 'he tender (ust .e acco(#anied .y a su( of Rs! TTTTTTTTT as earnest (oney
de#osited in cash or in any of the for(s as (entioned in QReulations &or 'enders And Contracts8
for the uidance of the ,nineers and Contractors= failin which the tender will not .e
:.; 'he 'enderer:s; shall 1ee# the offer o#en for a (ini(u( #eriod of /0 days fro( the
date of o#enin of the 'ender! It is understood that the tender docu(ents ha?e .een
soldDissued to the 'enderer:s; and the 'enderer:s;= is D are #er(itted to tender in consideration
of the sti#ulation on his D their #art that after su.(ittin his D their tender su.Bect to the #eriod
.ein e2tended further= if reFuired .y (utual aree(ent fro( ti(e to ti(e= he will not resile
fro( his offer or (odify the ter(s and conditions thereof in a (anner not acce#ta.le to the
Chief ,nineerD$y!Chief ,nineerD$i?isional ,nineer of TTTTTTTTTTT Railway= Should the
tenderer fail to o.ser?e or co(#ly with the foreoin sti#ulation= the a(ount de#osited as
,arnest -oney for the due #erfor(ance of the a.o?e sti#ulation= shall .e forfeited to the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 13

:c; If the tender is acce#ted= the a(ount of ,arnest -oney will .e retained and adBusted as
Security $e#osit for the due and faithful fulfill(ent of the contract! 'his a(ount of Security
$e#osit shall .e forfeited= if the 'enderer:s;DContractor:s; fail to e2ecute the Aree(ent @ond
within % days after recei#t of notice issued .y Railway that such docu(ents are ready or to
co((ence the wor1 within 1+ days after recei#t of the order to that effect!
:d; ,arnest -oney of the unsuccessful tenderer:s; will= sa?e as here3in3.efore #ro?ided= .e
returned to the unsuccessful tenderer:s; within a reasona.le ti(e= .ut the Railway shall not .e
res#onsi.le for any loss or de#reciation that (ay ha##en to the Security for the due
#erfor(ance of the sti#ulation to 1ee# the offer o#en for the #eriod s#ecified in the tender
docu(ents or to the ,arnest -oney while in their #ossession nor .e lia.le to #ay interest
<7 R'":!* O( T:e Ra'l=ay T+ Deal .'!: Te#$er , 'he authority for the acce#tance of
the tender will rest with the Railway! It shall not .e o.liatory on the said authority to acce#t
the lowest tender or any other tender and no tenderers:s; shall de(and any e2#lanation for the
cause of reBection of hisDtheir tender nor the Railway to assin reasons for declinin to consider
or reBect any #articular tender or tenders!
>7 If the tenderer:s; deli.erately i?es D i?e wron infor(ation in his D their tender or
creates D create circu(stances for the acce#tance of his D their tender= the Railway reser?es the
riht to reBect such tender at any stae!
?7 If the tenderer:s; e2#ires after the su.(ission of his D their tender or after the
acce#tance of his their tender= the Railway shall dee( such tender cancelled! If a #artner of a
fir( e2#ires after the su.(ission of their tender or after the acce#tance of their tender= the
Railway shall dee( such tender as cancelled= unless the fir( retains its character!
107 I#+)e Ta% Cleara#e Cer!'('a!e , 'he tenderer:s; isDare reFuired to #roduce
alonwith hisDtheir tender an authorised co#y of the Inco(e'a2 Clearance certificate or a sworn
affida?it duly countersined .y the Inco(e 'a2 Officer to the effect that he hasDthey ha?e no
ta2a.le inco(e!
117 Te#$ererB* Cre$e#!'al* , $ocu(ents testifyin tenderer8s #re?ious e2#erience and
financial status should .e #roduced alonwith the tender or when desired .y co(#etent
authority of the Railway!
'enderer:s; who has D ha?e not carried out any wor1 so far on TTTTTTTTT Railway and who is D
are not .orne on the a##ro?ed list of the Contractors of TTTTTTTT Railway should su.(it
alonwith his D their tender credentials to esta.lish 4
:i; <is ca#acity to carry out the wor1s satisfactorily!
:ii; <is financial status su##orted .y @an1 reference and other docu(ents!
:iii; Certificates duly attested and testi(onials reardin contractin e2#erience for the
ty#e of Bo. for which tender is in?ited with list of wor1s carried out in the #ast!
127 'ender (ust .e enclosed in a sealed co?er= su#erscri#ted L'ender Ao! TTTTJ and (ust
.e sent .y reistered #ost to the address of TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway so as to reach his
office not later than TTTTT <ours on the TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT or de#osited in the s#ecial .o2
allotted for the #ur#ose in the office of TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway! 'his S#ecial .o2 will .e
sealed at TTTTT hours on TTTTTTTTTTTTT! 'he tender will .e o#ened at TTTTT hours on the
sa(e day! 'he tender #a#ers will not .e sold after TTTTTT hours on TTTTTTTTTTT!
137 Aon3co(#liance with any of the conditions set forth therein a.o?e is lia.le to result in
the tender .ein reBected!
187 E%eu!'+# O( C+#!ra! D+u)e#!* , 'he successful 'enderer:s; shall .e reFuired to
e2ecute an aree(ent with the President of India actin throuh the TTTTTTTTTTTTT=
TTTTTTTTT Railway for carryin out the wor1 accordin to General Conditions of Contract=
S#ecial Conditions D S#ecifications anne2ed to the tender and S#ecification for wor1 and
(aterials of Railway as a(endedDcorrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s= (entioned in tender
for( :&irst Sheet;!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1*

197 Par!#er*:'- Dee$*1 P+=er O( A!!+r#ey E!7 , 'he tenderer shall clearly s#ecify
whether the tender is su.(itted on his own or on .ehalf of a #artnershi# concern! If the tender
is su.(itted on .ehalf of a #artnershi# concern= he should su.(it the certified co#y of
#artnershi# deed alonwith the tender and authoriMation to sin the tender docu(ents on .ehalf
of #artnershi# fir(! If these docu(ents are not enclosed alonwith tender docu(ents= the
tender will .e treated as ha?in .een su.(itted .y indi?idual sinin the tender docu(ents! 'he
Railway will not .e .ound .y any #ower of attorney ranted .y the tenderer or .y chanes in
the co(#osition of the fir( (ade su.seFuent to the e2ecution of the contract! It (ay= howe?er=
reconiMe such #ower of attorney and chanes after o.tainin #ro#er leal ad?ice= the cost of
which will .e charea.le to the contractor!
1;7 'he tenderer whether sole #ro#rietor= a li(ited co(#any or a #artnershi# fir( if they
want to act throuh aent or indi?idual #artner:s; should su.(it alon with the tender or at a
later stae= a #ower of attorney duly sta(#ed and authenticated .y a Aotary Pu.lic or .y
-aistrate in fa?our of the s#ecific #erson whether heDthey .e #artner:s; of the fir( or any
other #erson s#ecifically authorisin hi(Dthe( to su.(it the tender= sin the aree(ent= recei?e
(oney= witness (easure(ents= sin (easure(ent .oo1s= co(#ro(ise= settle= relinFuish any
clai(:s; #referred .y the fir( and sin IAo Clai( CertificateI and refer all or any dis#utes to
1<7 E)-l+y)e#!CPar!#er*:'- E!7 O( Re!'re$ Ra'l=ay E)-l+yee* ,
:a; Should a tenderer .e a retired enineer of the GaMetted ran1 or any other GaMetted
officer wor1in .efore his retire(ent= whether in the e2ecuti?e or ad(inistrati?e ca#acity or
whether holdin a #ensiona.le #ost or not= in the ,nineerin or any other de#art(ent of any of
the railways owned and ad(inistered .y the President of India for the ti(e .ein= or should a
tenderer .ein #artnershi# fir( ha?e as one of its #artners a retired enineer or retired GaMetted
Officer as aforesaid= or should a tenderer .ein an incor#orated co(#any ha?e any such retired
enineer or retired officer as one of its $irectors or should a tenderer ha?e in his e(#loy(ent
any retired ,nineer or retired GaMetted Officer as aforesaid= the full infor(ation as to the date
of retire(ent of such ,nineer or GaMetted Officer fro( the said ser?ice and in case where such
,nineer or Officer had not retired fro( Go?ern(ent ser?ice at least 2 years #rior to the date of
su.(ission of the tender as to whether #er(ission for ta1in such contract= or if the contractor
.e a #artnershi# fir( or an incor#orated co(#any= to .eco(e a #artner or $irector as the case
(ay .e= or to ta1e the e(#loy(ent under the contractor= has .een o.tained .y the tenderer or
the ,nineer or Officer= as the case (ay .e fro( the President of India or any officer= duly
authorised .y hi( in this .ehalf= shall .e clearly stated in writin at the ti(e of su.(ittin the
tender! 'enders without the infor(ation a.o?e referred to or a state(ent to the effect that no
such retired ,nineer or retired GaMetted Officer is so associated with the tenderer= as the case
(ay .e= shall .e reBected!
:.; Should a tenderer or contractor .ein an indi?idual on the list of a##ro?ed Contractors=
ha?e a relati?e:s; or in the case of #artnershi# fir( or co(#any of contractors one or (ore of his
shareholder:s; or a relati?e:s; of the shareholder:s; e(#loyed in aMetted ca#acity in the
,nineerin or any other de#art(ent of the TTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway= the authority in?itin
tenders shall .e infor(ed of the fact at the ti(e of su.(ission of tender= failin which the tender
(ay .e disFualifiedDreBected or if such fact su.seFuently co(es to liht= the contract (ay .e
rescinded in accordance with the #ro?ision in Clause "2 of the General Conditions of Contract!

Sinature of 'enderer:s;
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1+

ANNEXURE - I :Contd! 9;

TENDER FOR& 2T:'r$ S:ee!3



$escri#tion Of Ite( Of 0or1
Rates In &iures
And 0ords
1 2 3 * + " %

'he Fuantities shown in a.o?e Schedule are a##ro2i(ate and are as a uide to i?e the
tenderer:s; an idea of Fuantu( of wor1 in?ol?ed! 'he Railway reser?es the riht to increaseD
decrease andDor delete or include any of the Fuantities i?en a.o?e and no e2tra rate will .e
allowed on this account!
ID0e underta1e to do the wor1 at TTTTTTTTTT O a.o?eD.elow the Schedule of Rates of
the TTTTTTTTTTT Railway as a##lica.le to TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT $i?ision or at the rates
Fuoted a.o?e for each ite(!

Sinature of the 'enderer:s;

Aote 4 Colu(ns 1 to + shall .e filled .y the office of the Authority in?itin tender! Colu(ns " C
% shall .e filled .y the 'enderer:s; only when #ercentae tenders are not in?ited!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1"



AGR,,-,A' (ade this TTTTTTTTTTTTTT day of TTTTTTTTTTTTTT .etween the President of
India actin throuh the TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT= TTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway hereinafter called the
IRailwayI of the other #art and TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hereinafter called the
IContractorI of the other #art!
0<,R,AS the Contractor has areed with the Railway durin the #eriod of TTTTT
(onths fro( TTTTTTTTTTTTTT to TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT for the #erfor(ance of 4
:a; Aew 0or1s= additions and alterations to e2istin structures= s#ecial re#air wor1s and
su##ly of .uildin (aterials su.Bect to the contract ?alue for such wor1s not e2ceedin Rs!
:.; All ordinary re#air and (aintenance wor1s at any site .etween 1ilo(etre TTTTTTTTTT and
1ilo(etre TTTTTTTTT as will .e set forth in the wor1 orders :which wor1 orders shall .e dee(ed
and ta1en to .e #art of this contract; that will .e issued durin the said #eriod at TTTTTTTO
a.o?eD.elow the Schedule of Rates of the TTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway= corrected u# to the latest
Correction Sli#s and Standard S#ecifications of the TTTTTTTTTTTTT Railway corrected u#to latest
Correction Sli#s and the S#ecial Conditions and S#ecial S#ecifications= if any in confor(ity with
the drawins :if any; that will .e issued with the wor1 order= aforesaid AA$ 0<,R,AS the
#erfor(ance of the said wor1 is an act in which the #u.lic are interested!
AO0 '<IS IA$,A'6R, PR,S,A'S 0I'A,SS,'< 'hat in consideration of the #ay(ent
to .e (ade .y the Railway= the Contractor will duly #erfor( the wor1s set forth in the said 0or1
Order and shall e2ecute the sa(e with reat #ro(#tness= care and accuracy= in a wor1(an li1e
(anner to the satisfaction of the Railway and will co(#lete the sa(e on or .efore the res#ecti?e
dates s#ecified therein in accordance with the said s#ecifications and said drawins :if any; and
said conditions of contract and will o.ser?e= fulfill and 1ee# all the conditions therein (entioned=
:which shall .e dee(ed and ta1en to .e #art of this contract as if the sa(e had .een duly set
forth herein;= AA$ the Railway .oth here3.y aree that if the Contractor shall duly #erfor( the
said wor1 in the (anner aforesaid and o.ser?e and 1ee# the said ter(s and conditions= the
Railway will #ay or cause to .e #aid to the Contractor for the said wor1s on the co(#letion
thereof the a(ount due in res#ect thereof at the rates s#ecified a.o?e!

Contractor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT $esination TTTTTTTTTTT Railway
Address TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :&or President of India;

0itnesses :to sinature of contractor; 4

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1%




'he Contractor:s; TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT is D are here.y ordered to carry out
the followin wor1s atTTTTTTTTO a.o?eD.elow the Schedule Of Rates of TTTTTTTTRailway
corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s of TTTTTTTTTTT $i?ision under 5one Contract Aree(ent
here3in3.efore referred to 4
$escri#tion Of Ite( Of 0or1
Rates In &iures
And 0ords
1 2 3 * + " %

'otal A##ro2i(ate 7alue Of 0or1 V Rs! TTTTTTTTTTTT
W 'his should .e rate of $i?ision concerned!
'he wor1s herein (entioned are reFuired to .e co(#leted on or .efore TTTTTTTT :$ate;! 'he
Fuantities #ro?ided herein are a##ro2i(ate and su.Bect to ?ariation under Clause *2 of the
General Conditions of Contract corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s!

$i?isional Railway -anaerD$i?isional TTTTTTTTTT ,nineer
$ate TTTTTTTTTTT for President OfIndia

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1)

I aree to co(#lete the wor1s herein set forth on or .efore the date s#ecified under the
5one Contract Aree(ent herein .efore referred to in confor(ity with the drawins hereto
anne2ed and in accordance with the General and S#ecial :if any; Conditions of Contract
corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s and the Standard S#ecifications of TTTTTTTTT Railway with
u#3to3date Correction Sli#s!
I also aree to (aintain such wor1s for the #eriod s#ecified .elow fro( the date of
co(#letion 4
:a; Re#air and (aintenance wor1 includin whiteDcolour washin 4 three calendar
(onths fro( date of co(#letion!
:.; All new wor1s e2ce#t earth wor1 4 Si2 calendar (onths fro( date of co(#letion!

Contractor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :Sinature; Railway 4 $esination TTTTTTTTTTTTT
:&or President of India;


Sinature of .'!#e**e* :to Sinature of
contractor; with address
.'!#e**e* 4




Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 1/


@@@@@@@@@@@ RAIL.AA


AR'IC>,S O& AGR,,-,A' (ade this TTTTTTTTT day of TTTTTTTTT 20TTT .etween
President of India actin throuh the Railway Ad(inistration hereafter called the IRailwayI of the
one #art and TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTherein after called the IContractorI of other #art!
0<,R,AS the Contractor has areed with the Railway for #erfor(ance of the wor1s
TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT set forth in the Schedule hereto anne2ed u#on the General Conditions
of Contract 2010 corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s and the S#ecifications of TTTTTTTTTTTTT
Railway corrected u#to the latest Correction Sli#s and the Schedule of Rates of TTTTTTTTTTT
Railway= corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s and the S#ecial Conditions and S#ecial
S#ecifications= if any and in confor(ity with the drawins here3into anne2ed AA$ 0<,R,AS the
#erfor(ance of the said wor1s is an act in which the #u.lic are interested!
AO0 '<IS IA$,A'6R, 0I'A,SS,'< that in consideration to the #ay(ents to .e (ade
.y the Railways= the Contractors will duly #erfor( the said wor1s in the said schedule set forth
and shall e2ecute the sa(e with reat #ro(#tness= care and accuracy in a wor1(an li1e (anner
to the satisfaction of the Railway and will co(#lete the sa(e in accordance with the said
s#ecifications and said drawins and said conditions of contract on or .efore the TTTTTT day of
TTTTTTTTTTT 20TTT and will (aintain the said wor1s for a #eriod of TTTTTTTTCalendar (onths
fro( the certified date of their co(#letion and will o.ser?e= fulfill and 1ee# all the conditions
therein (entioned :which shall .e dee(ed and ta1en to .e #art of this contract= as if the sa(e
ha?e .een fully set forth herein;= AA$ the Railway= .oth here.y aree that if the Contractor shall
duly #erfor( the said wor1s in the (anner aforesaid and o.ser?e and 1ee# the said ter(s and
conditions= the Railway will #ay or cause to .e #aid to the Contractor for the said wor1s on the
final co(#letion thereof the a(ount due in res#ect thereof at the rates s#ecified in the Schedule
hereto anne2ed!
Contractor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :Sinature; Railway 4 $esination TTTTTTTTTTTTT
:&or President of India;


Sinature of .'!#e**e* :to Sinature of
contractor; with address 4
.'!#e**e* 4

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 20


:7alued at o?er Rs! 2=00=00;


-r! D -essers TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ContractorDContractors ha?in areed with
the Railway isDare here.y ordered to carry out the 0or1s set forth in the schedule .elow in
accordance with the General Conditions of Contract corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s and the
Standard S#ecifications of TTTTTTTTT Railway corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s= the
Schedule of Rates= corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s and S#ecial Conditions and S#ecial
S#ecifications= if any and inconfor(ity with drawins anne2ed hereto at the rates s#ecified in the
said= Schedule and to co(#lete the sa(e on or .efore the TTTT day of TTTTTTTTTT 20TTT and
(aintain the said wor1s for the #eriod of TTTTTTTTTTTTT fro( the certified date of co(#letion!
'he Fuantities set forth in the said schedule shall .e considered a##ro2i(ate and su.Bect to
?ariation under Clause *2 of General Conditions of Contract!

I offer to do the wor1 at the rates entered in the Schedule Of Rates on the re?erse
which I ha?e sined= and I understand that no fi2ed Fuantity of wor1 is i?en to (e to do that in
startin wor1! I a( only i?en a #lace to wor1 in or to de#osit (aterials on and that I ha?e no
clai( to (ore than one unit of wor1 as entered in the Scheduled Rates! I aree that all wor1s
done and (aterials deli?ered shall .e su.Bect to the a##ro?al of the ,nineer in Chare= who
(ay reBect and decline to #ay for whate?er (ay .e= in his o#inion= inferior or defecti?e or either
and I aree that the Standard S#ecifications corrected u#to latest Correction Sli#s of TTTTTTTTT
Railway in so far as they are not o?er3ruled .y ite(s of this aree(ent= shall .e dee(ed #art of
this aree(ent!
I aree that no wor1 under this wor1 order shall .e assined or su.let without the
#re?ious written a##ro?al of the TTTTTTTTTTT ,nineer!
I aree that (y wor1 (ay .e sto##ed at any ti(e .y the TTTTTTTTTT ,nineer on his
i?in (e or (y aent on the wor1s se?en days8 notice in writin and I aree that the
(easure(ent of (y wor1s shall .e (ade .y the ,nineer at any ti(e a##ointed .y hi( in
writin su.seFuent to the e2#iry of the said notice and (easure(ent shall .e (ade .y hi( at
the said ti(e whether I a( #resent or not and that on #ay(ent for wor1 done and a##ro?ed
(aterials deli?ered3at site of wor1 as ascertained .y the said (easure(ent= I shall ha?e no
further clai( aainst the Railway and I aree that any dis#ute arisen on (atters connected with
this aree(ent= the sa(e shall .e referred to a #erson to .e no(inated in this .ehalf .y the
TTTTTTTTTTTTTT for the ti(e .ein of the Railway= whose decision in writin shall .e final and
.indin on .oth #arties!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae 21

I aree that any clai( I ha?e to (a1e shall .e (ade in writin within se?en days of date
of (easure(ent ta1en .y the ,nineer as aforesaid and that any clai(s in res#ect of such
(easure(ent (ade (ore than se?en days after ta1in of such (easure(ent shall .e dee(ed to
ha?e wai?ed .y (e!
I aree to inde(nify the Railway aainst any clai(s which (ay .e (ade under
0or1(enEs Co(#ensation Act= 1/23!


Aote 3 If the aree(ent is for a wor1 for which a S#ecial Act of the >eislature e2ists= e!! the Indian -ines Act= the
aree(ent shall include a clause inde(nifyin the Railway aainst all clai(s arisin of #ro?ision of such Act!

I aree to #ay the rates at TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT O a.o?eD.elow Schedule of rates as
a##lica.le to TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT $i?ision set forth in the schedule of rates herein for
finished and a##ro?ed wor1!
&or President Of India

ID0e aree to co(#lete the wor1s herein set forth on or .efore the date s#ecified herein
and to (aintain the sa(e for a #eriod of TTTTTTTTTTTTTT Calendar (onths fro( the certified
date of their co(#letion and in confor(ity with the docu(ent herein referred to= and all the
condition therein (entioned shall .e dee(ed and ta1en to .e #art of this contract as if the sa(e
had .een fully set forth therein!

Sinature of witnesses with addresses=
to Sinature of Contractor


Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 22




0ORU OR$,R AO!TTTTTTTTTTT OriinalD$u#licateD'ri#licate Ao! TTTTTTTTT= $ated

ID0e will carry out the followin wor1 accordin to the aree(ent at .ac1!


Par!'ular* Ra!e* 2R*73 Per Re)ar/*


I aree to #ay the a.o?e (entioned rates for finished and a##ro?ed wor1!


Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 23




17 213 De('#'!'+#* , In these General Conditions of Contract= the followin ter(s shall ha?e
the (eanin assined hereunder e2ce#t where the conte2t otherwise reFuires 4
:a; IRailwayI shall (ean the President of the Re#u.lic of India or the Ad(inistrati?e
Officers of the Railway or of the Successor Railway authorised to deal with any (atters
which these #resents are concerned on his .ehalf!
:.; IGeneral -anaerI shall (ean the Officer in3chare of the General Su#erintendence
and Control of the Railway and shall also include the General -anaer :Construction;
and shall (ean and include their successors= of the successor Railway!
:c; IChief ,nineerI shall (ean the Officer in3chare of the ,nineerin $e#art(ent of
Railway and shall also include Chief ,nineer :Construction;= Chief Sinal C
'eleco((unication ,nineer= Chief Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer
:Construction;= Chief ,lectrical ,nineer= Chief ,lectrical ,nineer :Construction; and
shall (ean C include their successors= of the Successor Railway!
:d; I$i?isional Railway -anaerI shall (ean the Officer in3chare of a $i?ision of the
Railway and shall (ean and include the $i?isional Railway -anaer of the Successor
:e; I,nineerI shall (ean the $i?isional ,nineer or the ,2ecuti?e ,nineer= $i?isional
Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineer= $i?isional Sinal C 'eleco((unications
,nineer :Construction;= $i?isional ,lectrical ,nineer= $i?isional ,lectrical ,nineer
:Construction;= in e2ecuti?e chare of the wor1s and shall include the su#erior officers
of the ,nineerin= Sinal C 'eleco((unication= and ,lectrical $e#art(ents of
Railway= i!e! the Senior $i?isional ,nineerD$e#uty Chief ,nineer D Chief ,nineer D
Chief ,nineer :Construction;= Senior $i?isional Sinal C 'eleco((unication
,nineerD$e#uty Chief Sinal C 'eleco((unication ,nineerDChief Sinal C
'eleco((unication ,nineer :Construction;DSenior $i?isional ,lectrical
,nineerD$e#uty Chief ,lectrical ,nineerDChief ,lectrical ,nineer :Construction; and
Chief Ad(inistrati?e Officer :Construction; and shall (ean C include the ,nineer of
the Successor Railway!
:f; I,nineerEs Re#resentati?eI shall (ean the Assistant ,nineer= Assistant Sinal C
'eleco((unication ,nineer and Assistant ,lectrical ,nineer in direct chare of the
wor1s and shall include any Sr!SectionDJunior ,nineer of Ci?il ,nineerinDSinal and
'eleco((unication ,nineerin C ,lectrical ,nineerin $e#art(ents a##ointed .y
the Railway and shall (ean and include the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e of the
Successor Railway!
:; IContractorI shall (ean the PersonD&ir(DCo3o#erati?e Society or Co(#any whether
incor#orated or not who enters into the contract with the Railway and shall include
their e2ecutors= ad(inistrators= successors and #er(itted assins!
:h; IContractI shall (ean and include the Aree(ent of 0or1 Order= the acce#ted
Schedule of Rates or the Schedule or Rates of Railway (odified .y the tender
#ercentae for ite(s of wor1s Fuantified= or not Fuantified= the General Conditions of
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 2*

Contract= the S#ecial Conditions of Contracts= if anyN the $rawin= the S#ecifications=
the S#ecial S#ecifications= if any and 'ender &or(s= if any!
:i; I0or1sI shall (ean the wor1s to .e e2ecuted in accordance with the contract!
:B; IS#ecificationsI shall (ean the Standard S#ecifications for -aterials C0or1s of
Railway as s#ecified .y Railway under the authority of the Chief ,nineer or as
a(#lified= added to or su#erseded .y S#ecial S#ecifications= if any!
:1; ISchedule of Rates of RailwayI shall (ean the Schedule of Rates issued under the
authority of the Chief ,nineer fro( ti(e to ti(e!
:l; I$rawinI shall (ean the (a#s= drawins= #lans and tracins or #rints there of
anne2ed to the contract and shall include any (odifications of such drawins and
further drawins as (ay .e issued .y the ,nineer fro( ti(e to ti(e!
:(; IConstructional PlantI shall (ean all a##liances or thins of whatsoe?er nature
reFuired for the e2ecution= co(#letion or (aintenance of the wor1s or te(#orary
wor1s :as hereinafter defined; .ut does not include (aterials or other thins intended
to for( or for(in #art of the #er(anent wor1!
:n; I'e(#orary 0or1sI shall (ean all te(#orary wor1s of e?ery 1ind reFuired for the
e2ecution co(#letion andDor (aintenance of the wor1s!
:o; ISiteI shall (ean the lands and other #laces on= under= in or throuh which the wor1s
are to .e carried out and any other lands or #laces #ro?ided .y the Railway for the
#ur#ose of the contract!
:#; IPeriod of -aintenanceI shall (ean the s#ecified #eriod of (aintenance fro( the date
of co(#letion of the wor1s= as certified .y the ,nineer!
17223 S'#"ular a#$ Plural , 0ords i(#ortin the sinular nu(.er shall also include the
#lural and ?ice ?ersa where the conte2t reFuires!
17233 4ea$'#"* A#$ &ar"'#al 4ea$'#"* , 'he headins and (arinal headins in these
eneral conditions are solely for the #ur#ose of facilitatin reference and shall not .e dee(ed to
.e #art thereof or .e ta1en into consideration in the inter#retation or construction thereof or the

27 213 E%eu!'+# C+-Rela!'+# A#$ I#!e#! O( C+#!ra! D+u)e#!* 4 'he contract
docu(ents shall .e sined in tri#licate .y the Railway and the Contractor! 'he contract
docu(ents are co(#le(entary and what is called for .y anyone shall .e as .indin as if called
for .y all= the intention of the docu(ents is to include all la.our and (aterials= eFui#(ents and
trans#ortation necessary for #ro#er e2ecution of wor1! -aterials or wor1s not co?ered .y or
#ro#erly infera.le fro( any headin or class of the s#ecifications shall not .e su##lied .y the
Railway to the contractors unless distinctly s#ecified in the contract docu(ents! -aterials or
wor1s descri.ed in words which so a##lied ha?e a well31nown technical or trade (eanin shall
.e held to refer to such reconised standards!
27223 If a wor1 is transferred fro( the Burisdiction of one Railway to another Railway or to a
ProBect authority or ?ice ?ersa while contract is in su.sistence= the contract shall .e .indin on
the Contractor and the Successor RailwayDProBect in the sa(e (anner C ta1e effect in all
res#ects as if the Contractor and the Successor RailwayDProBect were #arties thereto fro( the
ince#tion and the corres#ondin officer or the Co(#etent Authority in the Successor
RailwayDProBect will e2ercise the sa(e #owers and enBoy the sa(e authority as conferred to the
Predecessor RailwayDProBect under the oriinal contractDaree(ent entered into!
27233 If for ad(inistrati?e or other reasons the contract is transferred to the Successor
Railway= the contract shall= notwithstandin any thins contained herein contrary there to= .e
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 2+

.indin on the Contractor and the Successor Railway in the sa(e (anner and ta1e effect in all
res#ects as if the Contractor and the Successor Railway had .een #arties thereto fro( the date
of this contract!
37213 La= G+Ier#'#" T:e C+#!ra! , 'he contract shall .e o?erned .y the law for the
ti(e .ein in force in the Re#u.lic of India!
37223 C+)-l'a#e T+ Re"ula!'+#* A#$ Hye-La=* , 'he Contractor shall confor( to the
#ro?ision of any statute relatin to the wor1s and reulations and .ye3laws of any local authority
and of any water and lihtin co(#anies or underta1ins= with whose syste( the wor1 is
#ro#osed to .e connected and shall .efore (a1in any ?ariation fro( the drawins or the
s#ecifications that (ay .e necessitated .y so confir(in i?e to the ,nineer notice s#ecifyin
the ?ariation #ro#osed to .e (ade and the reason for (a1in the ?ariation and shall not carry
out such ?ariation until he has recei?ed instructions fro( the ,nineer in res#ect thereof! 'he
Contractor shall .e .ound to i?e all notices reFuired .y statute= reulations or .ye3laws as
aforesaid and to #ay all fees and ta2es #aya.le to any authority in res#ect thereof!
87 C+))u#'a!'+#* T+ He I# .r'!'#" , All notices= co((unications= reference and
co(#laints (ade .y the Railway or the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e or the
Contractor interse concernin the wor1s shall .e in writin and no notice= co((unication=
reference or co(#laint not in writin shall .e reconiMed!
97 SerI'e O( N+!'e* O# C+#!ra!+r* , 'he Contractor shall furnish to the ,nineer
the na(e= desination and address of his authoriMed aent and all co(#laints= notices=
co((unications and references shall .e dee(ed to ha?e .een duly i?en to the Contractor= if
deli?ered to the Contractor or his authorised aent or left at or #osted to the address so i?en
and shall .e dee(ed to ha?e .een so i?en in the case of #ostin on day on which they would
ha?e reached such address in the ordinary course of #ost or on the day on which they were so
deli?ered or left! In the case of contract .y #artners= any chane in the constitution of the fir(
shall .e forthwith notified .y the Contractor to the ,nineer!
;7 Ou-a!'+# A#$ U*e O( La#$ , Ao land .elonin to or in the #ossession of the
Railway shall .e occu#ied .y the Contractor without the #er(ission of the Railway! 'he
Contractor shall not use= or allow to .e used= the site for any #ur#oses other than that of
e2ecutin the wor1s! 0hene?er non3railway .odiesD#ersons are #er(itted to use railway
#re(ises with co(#etent authority8s a##ro?al= conser?ancy chares as a##lica.le fro( ti(e to
ti(e (ay .e le?ied!
<7 A**'"#)e#! Or Suble!!'#" O( C+#!ra! , 'he Contractor shall not assin or su.let
the contract or any #art thereof or allow any #erson to .eco(e interested therein any (anner
whatsoe?er without the s#ecial #er(ission in writin of the Railway! Any .reach of this condition
shall entitle the Railway to rescind the contract under Clause "2 of these Conditions and also
render the contractor lia.le for #ay(ent to the Railway in res#ect of any loss or da(ae arisin
or ensuin fro( such cancellation! Pro?ided always that e2ecution of the details of the wor1 .y
#etty contractor under the direct and #ersonal su#er?ision of the Contractor or his aent shall
not .e dee(ed to .e su.3lettin under this clause! 'he #er(itted su.lettin of wor1 .y the
Contractor shall not esta.lish any contractual relationshi# .etween the su.3contractor and the
Railway and shall not relie?e the Contractor of any res#onsi.ility under the Contract!
>7 A**'*!a#e Hy Ra'l=ay F+r T:e S!+re* T+ He Ob!a'#e$ Hy T:e C+#!ra!+r ,
Owin to difficulty in o.tainin certain (aterials :includin 'ools C Plant; in the (ar1et= the
Railway (ay ha?e areed without any lia.ility therefore to endea?our to o.tain or assist the
Contractor in o.tainin the reFuired Fuantities of such (aterials as (ay .e s#ecified in the
'ender! In the e?ent of delay or failure in o.tainin the reFuired Fuantities of the aforesaid
(aterial= the Contractor shall not .e dee(ed a.sol?ed of his own res#onsi.ility and shall 1ee# in
touch with the day to day #osition reardin their a?aila.ility and accordinly adBust #roress of
wor1s includin e(#loy(ent of la.our and the Railway shall not in any way .e lia.le for the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 2"

su##ly of (aterials or for the non3su##ly thereof for any reasons whatsoe?er nor for any loss or
da(ae arisin in conseFuence of such delay or non3su##ly!
?7 Ra'l=ay Pa**e* , Ao free Railway #asses shall .e issued .y the Railway to the
Contractor or any of his e(#loyeeDwor1er!
107 Carr'a"e O( &a!er'al* , Ao forwardin orders shall .e issued .y the Railway for the
con?eyance of ContractorEs (aterials= tools and #lant .y Rail which (ay .e reFuired for use in
the wor1s and the contractor shall #ay full freiht chares at #u.lic tariff rates therefor!
117 U*e O( Halla*! Tra'#* , 'he Railway (ay aree to allow the Contractor use of the
.allast or (aterial trains under such conditions as shall .e s#ecially #rescri.ed= #ro?ided that the
Contractor shall #ay for the use thereof chares calculated at #u.lic tariff rates on the (ar1ed
carryin ca#acity of each ?ehicle su.Bect to s#ecified (ini(u( chare #er day or #art of day and
#ro?ided further that the Contractor shall inde(nify the Railway aainst any clai(s or da(aes
arisin out of the use or (isuse thereof and aainst any lia.ilities under the 0or1(enEs
Co(#ensation Act= 1/23 or any statutory a(end(ents thereto!
127 Re-re*e#!a!'+# O# .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall= when he is not #ersonally #resent
on the site of the wor1s #lace and 1ee# a res#onsi.le aent at the wor1s durin wor1in hours
who shall on recei?in reasona.le notice= #resent hi(self to the ,nineer and orders i?en .y
the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e to the aent shall .e dee(ed to ha?e the sa(e
force as if they had .een i?en to the Contractor! @efore a.sentin hi(self= the Contractor shall
furnish the na(e and address of his aent for the #ur#ose of this clause and failure on the #art
of the Contractor to co(#ly with this #ro?ision at any ti(e will entitle the Railway to rescind the
contract under Clause "2 of these Conditions!
137 Rel'* A#$ Trea*ure* , All old= sil?er= oil and other (inerals of any descri#tion and
all #recious stones= coins= treasures relics antiFuities and other si(ilar thins which shall .e
found in or u#on the site shall .e the #ro#erty of the Railway and the Contractor shall duly
#reser?e the sa(e to the satisfaction of the Railway and shall fro( ti(e to ti(e deli?er the sa(e
to such #erson or #ersons as the Railway (ay a##oint to recei?e the sa(e!
187 E%aIa!e$ &a!er'al , 'he Contractor shall not sell or otherwise dis#ose of or re(o?e
e2ce#t for the #ur#ose of this contract= the sand= stone= clay .allast= earth= roc1 or other
su.stances or (aterials which (ay .e o.tained fro( any e2ca?ation (ade for the #ur#ose of
the wor1s or any .uildin or #roduced u#on the site at the ti(e of deli?ery of the #ossession
thereof .ut all the su.stances= (aterials= .uildins and #roduce shall .e the #ro#erty of the
Railway #ro?ided that the Contractor (ay= with the #er(ission of the ,nineer= use the sa(e for
the #ur#ose of the wor1s either free of cost or #ay the cost of the sa(e at such rates as (ay .e
deter(ined .y the ,nineer!
197 I#$e)#'!y Hy C+#!ra!+r* , 'he Contractor shall inde(nify and sa?e har(less the
Railway fro( and aainst all actions= suit #roceedins losses= costs= da(aes= chares= clai(s
and de(ands of e?ery nature and descri#tion .rouht or reco?ered aainst the Railways .y
reason of any act or o(ission of the Contractor= his aents or e(#loyees= in the e2ecution of the
wor1s or in his uardin of the sa(e! All su(s #aya.le .y way of co(#ensation under any of
these conditions shall .e considered as reasona.le co(#ensation to .e a##lied to the actual loss
or da(ae sustained= and whether or not any da(ae shall ha?e .een sustained!
1;7213 Seur'!y De-+*'! , 'he ,arnest -oney de#osited .y the Contractor with his tender
will .e retained .y the Railways as #art of security for the due and faithful fulfill(ent of the
contract .y the contractor! 'he .alance to (a1e u# the Security $e#osit= the rates for which are
i?en .elow= (ay .e de#osited .y the Contractor in cash or (ay .e reco?ered .y #ercentae
deduction fro( the ContractorEs Ion accountI .ills! Pro?ided also that in case of defaultin
contractor= the Railway (ay retain any a(ount due for #ay(ent to the Contractor on the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 2%

#endin Ion account .illsI so that the a(ounts so retained (ay not e2ceed 10O of the total
?alue of the contract!
1;7223 6nless otherwise s#ecified in the S#ecial Conditions= if any= the Security $e#ositDrate
of reco?eryD(ode of reco?ery shall .e as under 4
:a; Security $e#osit for each wor1 should .e +O of the contract ?alue=
:.; 'he rate of reco?ery should .e at the rate of 10O of the .ill a(ount till the full
Security $e#osit is reco?ered=
:c; Security $e#osits will .e reco?ered only fro( the runnin .ills of the contract and no
other (ode of collectin S$ such as S$ in the for( of instru(ents li1e @G :e2ce#t
Aote :ii; .elow;N &$ etc! shall .e acce#ted towards Security $e#osit!
Security $e#osit shall .e returned to the contractor after the e2#iry of the
(aintenance #eriod in all the cases other than Aote :i; (entioned .elow and after #assin the
final .ill .ased on Ao Clai( Certificate with the a##ro?al of the Co(#etent Authority! 'he
Co(#etent Authority shall nor(ally .e the authority who is co(#etent to sin the contract! If
this Co(#etent Authority is of the ran1 lower than JA Grade= then a JA Grade Officer :concerned
with the wor1; should issue the certificate! 'he certificate= inter alia= should (ention that the
wor1 has .een co(#leted in all res#ects and that all the contractual o.liations ha?e .een
fulfilled .y the contractor and that there is no due fro( the contractor to Railways aainst the
contract concerned! @efore releasin the S$= an unconditional and uneFui?ocal QAo Clai(
Certificate8 fro( the contractor concerned should .e o.tained!
N+!e -
:i; After the wor1 is #hysically co(#leted= Security $e#osit reco?ered fro( the runnin
.ills of a contractor can .e returned to hi(= if he so desires= in lieu of &$RDirre?oca.le
@an1 Guarantee for eFui?alent a(ount to .e su.(itted .y hi(!
:ii; In case of contracts of ?alue Rs! +0 crore and a.o?e= irre?oca.le @an1 Guarantee can
also .e acce#ted as a (ode of o.tainin security de#osit!
1;7233 Ao interest will .e #aya.le u#on the ,arnest -oney and Security $e#osit or a(ounts
#aya.le to the Contractor under the Contract= .ut Go?ern(ent Securities de#osited in ter(s of
Su.3Clause :1; of this clause will .e #aya.le with interest accrued thereon!
1;7283 Per(+r)a#e Guara#!ee
'he #rocedure for o.tainin Perfor(ance Guarantee is outlined .elow 4
:a; 'he successful .idder shall ha?e to su.(it a Perfor(ance Guarantee :PG; within 30
:thirty; days fro( the date of issue of >etter Of Acce#tance :>OA;! ,2tension of ti(e
for su.(ission of PG .eyond 30 :thirty; days and u#to "0 days fro( the date of issue
of >OA (ay .e i?en .y the Authority who is co(#etent to sin the contract
aree(ent! <owe?er= a #enal interest of 1+O #er annu( shall .e chared for the
delay .eyond 30 :thirty; days= i!e! fro( 31st day after the date of issue of >OA! In
case the contractor fails to su.(it the reFuisite PG e?en after "0 days fro( the date of
issue of >OA= the contract shall .e ter(inated duly forfeitin ,-$ and other dues= if
any #aya.le aainst that contract! 'he failed contractor shall .e de.arred fro(
#artici#atin in re3tender for that wor1!
:.; 'he successful .idder shall su.(it the Perfor(ance Guarantee :PG; in any of the
followin for(s= a(ountin to +O of the contract ?alue4
:i; A de#osit of CashN
:ii; Irre?oca.le @an1 GuaranteeN
:iii; Go?ern(ent Securities includin State >oan @onds at +O .elow the (ar1et ?alueN
:i?; $e#osit Recei#ts= Pay Orders= $e(and $rafts and Guarantee @onds! 'hese for(s of
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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Perfor(ance Guarantee could .e either of the State @an1 of India or of any of the
AationaliMed @an1sN
:?; Guarantee @onds e2ecuted or $e#osits Recei#ts tendered .y all Scheduled @an1sN
:?i; A $e#osit in the Post Office Sa?in @an1N
:?ii; A $e#osit in the Aational Sa?ins CertificatesN
:?iii; 'wel?e years Aational $efence CertificatesN
:i2; 'en years $efence $e#ositsN
:2; Aational $efence @onds and
:2i; 6nit 'rust Certificates at +O .elow (ar1et ?alue or at the face ?alue whiche?er is less!
Also= &$R in fa?our of &ACCAO :free fro( any encu(.rance; (ay .e acce#ted!
N+!e - 'he instru(ents as listed a.o?e will also .e acce#ta.le for Guarantees in case of
-o.iliMation Ad?ance!
:c; 'he Perfor(ance Guarantee shall .e su.(itted .y the successful .idder after the
>etter Of Acce#tance :>OA; has .een issued= .ut .efore sinin of the contract
aree(ent! 'his P!G! shall .e initially ?alid u#to the sti#ulated date of co(#letion #lus
"0 days .eyond that! In case= the ti(e for co(#letion of wor1 ets e2tended= the
contractor shall et the ?alidity of P!G! e2tended to co?er such e2tended ti(e for
co(#letion of wor1 #lus "0 days!
:d; 'he ?alue of PG to .e su.(itted .y the= contractor will not chane for ?ariation u#to
2+O :either increase or decrease;! In case durin the course of e2ecution= ?alue of
the contract increases .y (ore than 2+O of the oriinal contract ?alue= an additional
Perfor(ance Guarantee a(ountin to +O :fi?e #ercent; for the e2cess ?alue o?er the
oriinal contract ?alue shall .e de#osited .y the contractor!
:e; 'he Perfor(ance Guarantee :PG; shall .e released after #hysical co(#letion of the
wor1 .ased on ECo(#letion CertificateE issued .y the co(#etent authority statin that
the contractor has co(#leted the wor1 in all res#ects satisfactorily! 'he Security
$e#osit shall= howe?er= .e released only after e2#iry of the (aintenance #eriod and
after #assin the final .i II .ased on EAo Clai( CertificateE fro( the contractor!
:f; 0hene?er the contract is rescinded= the Security $e#osit shall .e forfeited and the
Perfor(ance Guarantee shall .e encashed! 'he .alance wor1 shall .e ot done
inde#endently without ris1 C cost of the failed contractor! 'he failed contractor shall
.e de.arred fro( #artici#atin in the tender for e2ecutin the .alance wor1! If the
failed contractor is a J7 or a Partnershi# fir(= then e?ery (e(.erD#artner of such a
fir( shall .e de.arred fro( #artici#atin in the tender for the .alance wor1 in hisDher
indi?idual ca#acity or as a #artner of any other J7 D#artnershi# fir(!
:; 'he enineer shall not (a1e a clai( under the Perfor(ance Guarantee e2ce#t for
a(ounts to which the President of India is entitled under the contract :not
withstandin andDor without #reBudice to any other #ro?isions in the contract
aree(ent; in the e?ent of 4
:i; &ailure .y the contractor to e2tend the ?alidity of the Perfor(ance Guarantee as
descri.ed herein a.o?e= in which e?ent the ,nineer (ay clai( the full a(ount of the
Perfor(ance Guarantee!
:ii; &ailure .y the contractor to #ay President of India any a(ount due= either as areed
.y the contractor or deter(ined under any of the ClausesDConditions of the
Aree(ent= within 30 days of the ser?ice of notice to this effect .y ,nineer!
:iii; 'he Contract .ein deter(ined or rescinded under #ro?ision of the GCC= the
Perfor(ance Guarantee shall .e forfeited in full and shall .e a.solutely at the dis#osal
of the President of India!
RRef! 4 Ite(3l to Railway @oardEs letter no! 200%DC,!IDC'D1) Pt!KII= dated 31!12!2010S
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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1<7 F+re &ajeure Clau*e , If at any ti(e= durin the continuance of this contract= the
#erfor(ance in whole or in #art .y either #arty of any o.liation under this contract shall .e
#re?ented or delayed .y reason of any war= hostility= acts of #u.lic ene(y= ci?il co((otion=
sa.otae= serious loss or da(ae .y fire= e2#losions= e#ide(ics= stri1es= loc1outs or acts of God
:hereinafter= referred to e?ents; #ro?ided= notice of the ha##enin of any such e?ent is i?en .y
either #arty to the other within 30 days fro( the date of occurrence thereof= neither #arty shall
.y reason of such e?ent= .e entitled to ter(inate this contract nor shall either #arty ha?e any
clai( for da(aes aainst the other in res#ect of such non3#erfor(ance of delay in
#erfor(ance= and wor1s under the contract shall .e resu(ed as soon as #ractica.le after such
e?ent has co(e to an end or ceased to e2ist= and the decision of the ,nineer as to whether the
wor1s ha?e .een so resu(ed or not shall .e final and conclusi?e= PRO7I$,$ &6R'<,R that if
the #erfor(ance in whole or in #art of any o.liation under this contract is #re?ented or delayed
.y reason of any such e?ent for a #eriod e2ceedin 120 days= either #arty (ay at its o#tion
ter(inate the contract .y i?in notice to the other #arty!
1<EA Su.Bect to any reFuire(ent in the contract as to co(#letion of any #ortions or #ortions
of the wor1s .efore co(#letion of the whole= the contractor shall fully and finally co(#lete the
whole of the wor1s co(#rised in the contract :with such (odifications as (ay .e directed under
conditions of this contract; .y the date entered in the contract or e2tended date in ter(s of the
followin clauses4
:i; If any (odifications ha?e .een ordered which in the o#inion of the ,nineer ha?e
(aterially increased the (anitude of the wor1= then such e2tension of the contracted
date of co(#letion (ay .e ranted as shall a##ear to the ,nineer to .e reasona.le in
the circu(stances= #ro?ided (oreo?er that the Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le for
reFuestin such e2tension of the date as (ay .e considered necessary as soon as the
cause thereof shall arise and in any case not less than one (onth .efore the e2#iry of
the date fi2ed for co(#letion of the wor1s!
:ii; If in the o#inion of the ,nineer= the #roress of wor1 has any ti(e .een delayed .y
any act or nelect of RailwayEs e(#loyees or .y other contractor e(#loyed .y the
Railway under Su.3Clause :*; of Clause 20 of these Conditions or in e2ecutin the
wor1 not for(in #art of the contract .ut on which contractorEs #erfor(ance
necessarily de#ends or .y reason of #roceedin ta1en or threatened .y or dis#ute with
adBoinin or to neih.ourin owners or #u.lic authority arisin otherwise throuh the
ContractorEs own default etc! or .y the delay authoriMed .y the ,nineer #endin
ar.itration or in conseFuences of the contractor not ha?in recei?ed in due ti(e
necessary instructions fro( the Railway for which he shall ha?e s#ecially a##lied in
writin to the ,nineer or his authoriMed re#resentati?e then u#on ha##enin of any
such e?ent causin delay= the Contractor shall i((ediately i?e notice thereof in
writin to the ,nineer within 1+ days of such ha##enin= .ut shall ne?ertheless (a1e
constantly his .est endea?ours to .rin down or (a1e ood the delay and shall do all
that (ay .e reasona.ly reFuired of hi( to the satisfaction of the ,nineer to #roceed
with the wor1s! 'he contractor (ay also indicate the #eriod for which the wor1 is li1ely
to .e delayed and shall .e .ound to as1 for necessary e2tension of ti(e! 'he ,nineer
on recei#t of such reFuest fro( the contractor shall consider the sa(e and shall rant
such e2tension of ti(e as in his o#inion is reasona.le ha?in reard to the nature and
#eriod of delay and the ty#e and Fuantu( of wor1 affected there.y! Ao other
co(#ensation shall .e #aya.le for wor1s so carried forward to the e2tended #eriod of
ti(e= the sa(e rates= ter(s and conditions of contract .ein a##lica.le as if such
e2tended #eriod of ti(e was oriinally #ro?ided in the oriinal contract itself!
:iii; In the e?ent of any failure or delay .y the Railway to hand o?er the Contractor
#ossession of the lands necessary for the e2ecution of the wor1s or to i?e the
necessary notice to co((ence the wor1s or to #ro?ide the necessary drawins or
instructions or any other delay caused .y the Railway due to any other cause
whatsoe?er= then such failure or delay shall in no way affect or ?itiate the contract or
alter the character thereof or entitle the contractor to da(aes or co(#ensation
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therefor= .ut in any such case= the Railway (ay rant such e2tension or e2tensions of
the co(#letion date as (ay .e considered reasona.le!
1<-H E%!e#*'+# O( T')e F+r Delay Due T+ C+#!ra!+r , 'he ti(e for the e2ecution of
the wor1 or #art of the wor1s s#ecified in the contract docu(ents shall .e dee(ed to .e the
essence of the contract and the wor1s (ust .e co(#leted not later than the date:s; as s#ecified
in the contract! If the contractor fails to co(#lete the wor1s within the ti(e as s#ecified in the
contract for the reasons other than the reasons s#ecified in Clause 1% and 1%3A= the Railway
(ay= if satisfied that the wor1s can .e co(#leted .y the contractor within reasona.le short ti(e
thereafter= allow the contractor for further e2tension of ti(e :Perfor(a Anne2ure37II; as the
,nineer (ay decide! On such e2tension the Railway will .e entitled without #reBudice to any
other riht and re(edy a?aila.le on that .ehalf= to reco?er fro( the contractor as areed
da(aes and not .y way of #enalty a su( eFui?alent to P of 1O of the contract ?alue of the
wor1s for each wee1 or #art of the wee1!
&or the #ur#ose of this Clause= the contract ?alue of the wor1s shall .e ta1en as ?alue
of wor1 as #er contract aree(ent includin any su##le(entary wor1 orderDcontract aree(ent
issued! Pro?ided also= that the total a(ount of liFuidated da(aes under this condition= shall not
e2ceed the under noted #ercentae ?alue or of the total ?alue of the ite( or rou#s of ite(s of
wor1 for which a se#arate distinct co(#letion #eriod is s#ecified in the contract!
:i; &or contract ?alue u#to Rs! 2 la1h 3 10O of total ?alue of the contract
:ii; &or contracts ?alued a.o?e Rs! 2 la1h 3 10O of first Rs!2 la1h and +O of .alance
&urther= co(#etent authority while rantin e2tension to the currency of contract
under Clause 1% :@; of GCC (ay also consider le?y of to1en #enalty= as dee(ed fit .ased on the
(erit of the case!
Pro?ided further= that if the Railway is not satisfied that the wor1s can .e co(#leted .y
the Contractor and in the e?ent of failure on the #art of the contractor to co(#lete the wor1
within further e2tension of ti(e allowed as aforesaid= the Railway shall .e entitled without
#reBudice to any other riht or re(edy a?aila.le in that .ehalf= to a##ro#riate the contractorEs
Security $e#osit and rescind the contract under Clause "2 of these Conditions= whether or not
actual da(ae is caused .y such default!
1>7213 Ille"al Gra!'('a!'+# , Any .ri.e= co((ission= ift or ad?antae i?en= #ro(ised or
offered .y or on .ehalf to the Contractor or his #artner= aent or ser?ant or= anyone on his
.ehalf= to any officer or e(#loyee of the Railway= or to any #erson on his .ehalf in relation to
o.tainin or e2ecution of this or any other contract with the Railway shall= in addition to any
cri(inal lia.ility which he (ay incur= su.Bect contractor to the rescission of the contract and all
other contracts with the Railway and to the #ay(ent of any loss or da(ae resultin fro( such
decision and the Railway shall .e entitled to deduct the a(ounts so #aya.le fro( any (oneys
due to the Contractor:s; under this contract or any other contracts with the Railway!
1>7223 'he Contractor shall not lend or .orrow fro( or ha?e or enter into any (onitory
dealins or transactions either directly or indirectly with any e(#loyee of the Railway and if he
shall do so= the Railway shall .e entitled forthwith to rescind the contract and all other contracts
with the Railway! Any Fuestion or dis#ute as to the co((ission or any such offence or
co(#ensation #aya.le to the Railway under this Clause shall .e settled .y the General -anaer
of the Railway= in such a (anner as he shall consider fit C sufficient and his decision shall .e
final C conclusi?e! In the e?ent of rescission of the contract under this Clause= the Contractor will
not .e #aid any co(#ensation whatsoe?er e2ce#t #ay(ents for the wor1 done u#to the date of

1?7213 C+#!ra!+rG* U#$er*!a#$'#" , It is understood and areed that the Contractor has=
.y careful e2a(ination= satisfied hi(self as to the nature and location of the wor1= the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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confor(ation of the round= the character= Fuality and Fuantity of the (aterials to .e
encountered= the character of eFui#(ent and facilities needed #reli(inary to and durin the
#roress of the wor1s= the eneral and local conditions= the la.our conditions #re?ailin therein
and all other (atters which can in any way affect the wor1s under the contract!
1?7223 C+))e#e)e#! O( .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall co((ence the wor1s within 1+
days after the recei#t .y hi( of an order in writin to this effect fro( the ,nineer and shall
#roceed with the sa(e with due e2#edition and without delay
1?7233 Ae-!e$ Pr+"ra))e O( .+r/ , 'he Contractor who has .een awarded the wor1
shall as soon as #ossi.le .ut not later than 30 days after the date of recei#t of the acce#tance
letter in res#ect of contracts with initial co(#letion #eriod of two years or less or not later than
/0 days for other contracts ha?e to su.(it the detailed #rora((e of wor1 indicatin the ti(e
schedule of ?arious ite(s of wor1s in the for( of @ar ChartDP,R'DCP-! <e shall also su.(it the
details of oranisation :in ter(s of la.our and su#er?isors; #lant and (achinery that he intends
to utiliMe :fro( ti(e to ti(e; for e2ecution of the wor1 within sti#ulated date of co(#letion! 'he
#rora((e of wor1 a(ended as necessary .y discussions with the ,nineer= shall .e treated as
the areed #rora((e of the wor1 for the #ur#ose of this contract and the contractor shall
endea?our to fulfill this #rora((e of wor1! 'he #roress of wor1 will .e watched accordinly
and the liFuidated da(aes will .e with reference to the o?erall co(#letion date! Aothin stated
herein shall #reclude the contractor in achie?in earlier co(#letion of ite( or whole of the wor1s
than indicated in the #rora((e!
1?7283 Se!!'#" Ou! O( .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le for the correct settin
out of all wor1s in relation to oriinal #oints= lines and le?els of reference at his cost! 'he
Contractor shall e2ecute the wor1 true to alin(ent= rade= le?els and di(ensions as shown in
the drawin and as directed .y the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e and shall chec1 these at freFuent
inter?als! 'he Contractor shall #ro?ide all facilities li1e la.our and instru(ents and shall co3
o#erate with the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e to chec1 all alin(ent= rades= le?els and di(ensions!
If= at any ti(e= durin the #roress of the wor1s any error shall a##ear or arise in any #art of the
wor1= the Contractor= on .ein reFuired so to do .y the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e shall= at his
own cost rectify such errors= to the satisfaction of the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e! Such chec1in
shall not a.sol?e the Contractor of his own res#onsi.ility of (aintainin accuracy in the wor1!
'he Contractor shall carefully #rotect and #reser?e all .ench (ar1s= siht rails= #es and other
thins used in settin out the wor1!
207213 C+)-l'a#e T+ E#"'#eer* I#*!ru!'+#* , 'he ,nineer shall direct the order in
which the se?eral #arts of the wor1s shall .e e2ecuted and the Contractor shall e2ecute without
delay all orders i?en .y the ,nineer fro( ti(e to ti(eN .ut the Contractor shall not .e relie?ed
there.y fro( res#onsi.ility for the due #erfor(ance of the wor1s in all res#ects!
207223 Al!era!'+#* T+ He Au!:+r'Je$ , Ao alterations in or additions to or o(issions or
a.andon(ent of any #art of the wor1s shall .e dee(ed authorised= e2ce#t under instructions
fro( the ,nineer= and the Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le to o.tain such instructions in each
and e?ery case in writin fro( the ,nineer!
207233 E%!ra .+r/* , Should wor1s o?er and a.o?e those included in the contract reFuire to
.e e2ecuted at the site= the contractor shall ha?e no riht to .e entrusted with the e2ecution of
such wor1s which (ay .e carried out .y another contractor or contractors or .y other (eans at
the o#tion of the Railway!
207283 Se-ara!e C+#!ra!* I# C+##e!'+# .'!: .+r/* , 'he Railway shall ha?e the riht
to let other contracts in connection with the wor1s! 'he Contractor shall afford other contractors
reasona.le o##ortunity for the storae of their (aterials and the e2ecution of their wor1s and
shall #ro#erly connect and coordinate his wor1 with theirs! If any #art of the Contractors wor1
de#ends for #ro#er e2ecution or result u#on the wor1 of another contractor:s;= the Contractor
shall ins#ect and #ro(#tly re#ort to the ,nineer any defects in such wor1s that render it
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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unsuita.le for such #ro#er e2ecution and results! 'he ContractorEs failure so3to ins#ect and
re#ort shall constitute an acce#tance of the other contractorEs wor1 as fit and #ro#er for the
rece#tion of his wor1= e2ce#t as to defects which (ay de?elo# in the other contractorEs wor1
after the e2ecution of his wor1!
217 I#*!ru!'+# O( E#"'#eerG* Re-re*e#!a!'Ie , Any instructions or a##ro?al i?en .y
the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e to Contractor in connection with the wor1s shall .ind the
Contractor as thouh it had .een i?en .y the ,nineer #ro?ided always as follows4
:a; &ailure of the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e to disa##ro?e any wor1 or (aterials shall not
#reBudice the #ower of the ,nineer thereafter to disa##ro?e such wor1 or (aterial
and to order the re(o?al or .rea1in u# thereof!
:.; If the Contractor shall .e dissatisfied .y reason of any decision of the ,nineerEs
re#resentati?e= he shall .e entitled to refer the (atter to the ,nineer who shall there
u#on confir( or ?ary such decision!
227213 A$:ere#e T+ S-e'('a!'+#* A#$ Dra='#"* , 'he whole of the wor1s shall .e
e2ecuted in #erfect confor(ity with the s#ecifications and drawins of the contract! If Contractor
#erfor(s any wor1s in a (anner contrary to the s#ecifications or drawins or any of the( and
without such reference to the ,nineer= he shall .ear all the costs arisin or ensuin therefro(
and shall .e res#onsi.le for all loss to the Railway!
227223 Dra='#"* A#$ S-e'('a!'+#* O( T:e .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall 1ee# one co#y
of $rawins and S#ecifications at the site= in ood order= and such contract docu(ents as (ay
.e necessary= a?aila.le to the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e!
227233 O=#er*:'- O( Dra='#"* A#$ S-e'('a!'+#* , All $rawins and S#ecifications and
co#ies thereof furnished .y the Railway to the Contractor are dee(ed to .e the #ro#erty of the
Railway! 'hey shall not .e used on other wor1s and with the e2ce#tion of the sined contract
set= shall .e returned .y the Contractor to the Railway on co(#letion of the wor1 or ter(ination
of the Contract!
227283 C+)-l'a#e .'!: C+#!ra!+rG* ReKue*! F+r De!a'l* , 'he ,nineer shall furnish
with reasona.le #ro(#tness= after recei#t .y hi( of the ContractorEs reFuest for the sa(e=
additional instructions .y (eans of drawins or otherwise= necessary for the #ro#er e2ecution of
the wor1s or any #art thereof! All such drawins and instructions shall .e consistent with the
Contract $ocu(ents and reasona.ly infera.le therefro(!
227293 &ea#'#" A#$ I#!e#! O( S-e'('a!'+# A#$ Dra='#"* , If any a(.iuity arises as
to the (eanin and intent of any #ortion of the S#ecifications and $rawins or as to e2ecution
or Fuality of any wor1 or (aterial= or as to the (easure(ents of the wor1s the decision of the
,nineer thereon shall .e final su.Bect to the a##eal :within % days of such decision .ein
inti(ated to the Contractor; to the Chief ,nineer who shall ha?e the #ower to correct any
errors= o(issions= or discre#ancies in afore(entioned ite(s and whose decision in the (atter in
dis#ute or dou.t shall .e final and conclusi?e!
237 .+r/'#" Dur'#" N'":! , 'he Contractor shall not carry out any wor1 .etween sun3
set and sun3rise without the #re?ious #er(ission of the ,nineer!
287 Da)a"e T+ Ra'l=ay Pr+-er!y Or Pr'Ia!e L'(e A#$ Pr+-er!y , 'he Contractor
shall .e res#onsi.le for all ris1 to the wor1 and for tres#ass and shall (a1e ood at his on
e2#ense all loss or da(ae whether to the wor1s the(sel?es or to any other #ro#erty of the
Railway or the li?es= #ersons or #ro#erty of others fro( whatsoe?er cause in connection with the
wor1s until they are ta1en o?er .y the Railway and this althouh all reasona.le and #ro#er
#recautions (ay ha?e .een ta1en .y the Contractor= and in case the Railway shall .e called
u#on to (a1e ood any costs= loss or da(aes= or to #ay any co(#ensation= includin that
#aya.le under the #ro?isions of the 0or1(enEs Co(#ensation Act or any statutory a(end(ents
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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thereof to any #erson or #ersons sustainin da(aes as aforesaid .y reason of any act= or any
nelience or o(issions on the #art of the ContractorN the a(ount of any costs or chares
includin costs and chares in connection with leal #roceedins= which the Railway (ay incur in
reference thereto= shall .e chared to the Contractor! 'he Railway shall ha?e the #ower and
riht to #ay or to defend or co(#ro(ise any clai( of threatened leal #roceedins or in
antici#ation of leal #roceedins .ein instituted conseFuent on the action or default of the
Contractor= to ta1e such ste#s as (ay .e considered necessary or desira.le to ward off or
(itiate the effect of such #roceedins= charin to Contractor= as aforesaid= any su( or su(s
of (oney which (ay .e #aid and any e2#enses whether for reinstate(ent or otherwise which
(ay .e incurred and the #ro#riety of any such #ay(ent= defence or co(#ro(ise= and the
incurrin of any such e2#enses shall not .e called in Fuestion .y the Contractor!
297 S:e$*1 S!+re* 4+u*e* A#$ Aar$* , 'he Contractor shall at his own e2#ense #ro?ide
hi(self with sheds= storehouses and yards in such situations and in such nu(.ers as in the
o#inion of the ,nineer is reFuisite for carryin on the wor1s and the Contractor shall 1ee# at
each such sheds= store3houses and yards a sufficient Fuantity of (aterials and #lant in stoc1 as
not to delay the carryin out of the wor1s with due e2#edition and the ,nineer and the
,nineerEs re#resentati?e shall ha?e free access to the said sheds= store houses and yards at any
ti(e for the #ur#ose of ins#ectin the stoc1 of (aterials or #lant so 1e#t in hand= and any
(aterials or #lant which the ,nineer (ay o.Bect to shall not .e .rouht u#on or used in the
wor1s= .ut shall .e forthwith re(o?ed fro( the sheds= store houses or yards .y the Contractor!
'he Contractor shall at his own e2#enses #ro?ide and (aintain suita.le (ortar (ills= soa1in
?ats or any other eFui#(ents necessary for the e2ecution of the wor1s!
2;7 Pr+I'*'+# O( E((''e#! A#$ C+)-e!e#! S!a(( A! .+r/ S'!e* Hy T:e C+#!ra!+r ,
2;71 'he Contractor shall #lace and 1ee# on the wor1s at all ti(es efficient and co(#etent
staff to i?e the necessary directions to his wor1(en and to see that they e2ecute their wor1 in
sound C #ro#er (anner and shall e(#loy only such su#er?isors= wor1(en C la.ourers in or
a.out the e2ecution of any of these wor1s as are careful and s1illed in the ?arious trades!
2;72 'he Contractor shall at once re(o?e fro( the wor1s any aents= #er(itted su.3
contractor= su#er?isor= wor1(an or la.ourer who shall .e o.Bected to .y the ,nineer and if and
whene?er reFuired .y the ,nineer= he shall su.(it a correct return showin the na(es of all
staff and wor1(en e(#loyed .y hi(!
2;73 In the e?ent of the ,nineer .ein of the o#inion that the Contractor is not e(#loyin
on the wor1s a sufficient nu(.er of staff and wor1(en as is necessary for #ro#er co(#letion of
the wor1s within the ti(e #rescri.ed= the Contractor shall forthwith on recei?in inti(ation to
this effect de#loy the additional nu(.er of staff and la.our as s#ecified .y the ,nineer within
se?en days of .ein so reFuired and failure on the #art of the Contractor to co(#ly with such
instructions will entitle the Railway to rescind the contract under Clause "2 of these conditions!
2;A7 De-l+y)e#! O( Dual'('e$ E#"'#eer* A! .+r/ S'!e* Hy T:e C+#!ra!+r ,
2;A71 'he contractor shall also e(#loy Hualified Graduate ,nineer or Hualified $i#lo(a
<older ,nineer= .ased on ?alue of contract= as (ay .e #rescri.ed .y the -inistry of Railways
throuh se#arate instructions fro( ti(e to ti(e!
2;A72 In case the contractor fails to e(#loy the ,nineer= as aforesaid in Para 2"A!1= he
shall .e lia.le to #ay #enalty at the rates= as (ay .e #rescri.ed .y the -inistry of Railways
throuh se#arate instructions fro( ti(e to ti(e for the default #eriod for the #ro?isions= as
contained in Para 2"A!1!
2;A73 Ao! of Fualified enineers reFuired to .e de#loyed .y the Contractor for ?arious
acti?ities contained in the wor1s contract shall .e s#ecified in the tender docu(ents as Qs#ecial
condition of contract8 .y the tender in?itin authority!J
RAuthority 4 Railway @oard8s letter no! 2012DC,3IDC'DOD20= Aew $elhi= $ated 10!0+!2013S
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 3*

2<7213 .+r/)a#*:'- A#$ Te*!'#" , 'he whole of the wor1s andDor su##ly of (aterials
s#ecified and #ro?ided in the contract or that (ay .e necessary to .e done in order to for( and
co(#lete any #art thereof shall .e e2ecuted in the .est and (ost su.stantial wor1(an li1e
(anner with (aterials of the .est and (ost a##ro?ed Fuality of their res#ecti?e 1inds= areea.le
to the #articulars contained in or i(#lied .y the s#ecifications and as referred to in and
re#resented .y the drawins or in such other additional #articulars= instructions and drawins
(ay .e found reFuisite to .e i?en durin the carryin on of the wor1s and to the entire
satisfaction of the ,nineer accordin to the instructions and directions which the Contractors
(ay fro( ti(e to ti(e recei?e fro( the ,nineer! 'he (aterials (ay .e su.Bected to tests .y
(eans of such (achines= instru(ents and a##liances as the ,nineer (ay direct and wholly at
the e2#ense of the Contractor!
2<7223 Re)+Ial O( I)-r+-er .+r/ A#$ &a!er'al* , 'he ,nineer or the ,nineerEs
Re#resentati?e shall .e entitled to order fro( ti(e to ti(e4
:a; the re(o?al fro( the site within the ti(e s#ecified in the order of any (aterials which
in his o#inion are not in accordance with the s#ecifications or drawins!
:.; the su.stitution of #ro#er and suita.le (aterials= and
:c; the re(o?al and #ro#er re3e2ecution= notwithstandin any #re?ious tests thereof or on
account #ay(ents therefor= of any wor1 which in res#ect of (aterials or wor1(anshi#
is not in his o#inion in accordance with the s#ecifications and in case of default on the
#art of the Contractor in carryin out such order= the Railway shall .e entitled to
rescind the contract under Clause "2 of these conditions!
2>7 Fa'l'!'e* F+r I#*-e!'+# , 'he Contractor shall afford the ,nineer and the
,nineerEs Re#resentati?e e?ery facility for enterin in and u#on e?ery #ortion of the wor1 at all
hours for the #ur#ose of ins#ection or otherwise and shall #ro?ide all la.our= (aterials= #lan1s=
ladders= #u(#s= a##liances and thins of e?ery 1ind reFuired for the #ur#ose and the ,nineer
and the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e shall at all ti(es ha?e free access to e?ery #art of the wor1s
and to all #laces at which (aterials for the wor1s are stored or .ein #re#ared!
2?7 E%a)'#a!'+# O( .+r/ He(+re C+Ier'#" U- , 'he Contractor shall i?e % days8
notice to the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e whene?er any wor1 or (aterials are
intended to .e co?ered u# in the earth= in .odies or walls or otherwise to .e #laced .eyond the
reach of (easure(ents in order that the wor1 (ay .e ins#ected or that correct di(ensions (ay
.e ta1en .efore .ein so co?ered= #laced .eyond the reach of (easure(ent in default whereof=
the sa(e shall at the o#tion of the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e .e unco?ered and
(easured at the ContractorEs e2#ense or no allowance shall .e (ade for such wor1 or (aterials!
307 Te)-+rary .+r/*, All te(#orary wor1s necessary for the #ro#er e2ecution of the
wor1s shall .e #ro?ided and (aintained .y the Contractor and su.Bect to the consent of the
,nineer shall .e re(o?ed .y hi( at his e2#enses when they are no loner reFuired and in such
(anner as the ,nineer shall direct! In the e?ent of failure on the #art of the Contractor to
re(o?e the te(#orary wor1s= the ,nineer will cause the( to .e re(o?ed and cost as increased
.y su#er?ision and other incidental chares shall .e reco?ered fro( the Contractor! If te(#orary
huts are #ro?ided .y the Contractor on the Railway land for la.our enaed .y hi( for the
e2ecution of wor1s= the contractor shall arrane for handin o?er ?acant #ossession of the said
land after the wor1 is co(#letedN if the contractorEs la.our refuse to ?acate= and ha?e to .e
reBected .y the Railway= necessary e2#enses incurred .y the Railway in connection therewith
shall .e .orne .y the Contractor!
317213 C+#!ra!+r T+ Su--ly .a!er F+r .+r/* , 6nless otherwise #ro?ided in the
Contract= the Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le for the arrane(ents to o.tain su##ly of water
necessary for the wor1s!
317223 .a!er Su--ly Fr+) Ra'l=ay Sy*!e) , 'he Railway (ay su##ly to the Contractor
#art or whole of the Fuantity of the water reFuired for the e2ecution of wor1s fro( the RailwayEs
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 3+

e2istin water su##ly syste( at or near the site of wor1s on s#ecified ter(s and conditions and
at such chares as shall .e deter(ined .y the Railway and #aya.le .y the Contractor= #ro?ided
that the Contractor shall arrane= at his own e2#ense= to effect the connections and lay
additional #i#e lines and accessories on the site and that the Contractor shall not .e entitled to
any co(#ensation for interru#tion of failure of the water su##ly!
317233 .a!er Su--ly Hy Ra'l=ay Tra#*-+r! , In the e?ent of the Railway arranin su##ly
of water to the Contractor at or near the site of wor1s .y tra?ellin water tan1s or other (eans=
the freiht and other chares incurred there.y= includin de(urrae chares that (ay .e le?ied=
shall .e #aid .y the Contractor in addition to the chares referred to in Su.3Clause :2; of the
Clause #ro?ided that the contractor shall not .e entitled to any co(#ensation for interru#tion or
failure of the water su##ly!
317283 2a3 C+#!ra!+r T+ Arra#"e Su--ly O( Ele!r' P+=er F+r .+r/* , 6nless
otherwise #ro?ided in the contract= the Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le for arrane(ents to
o.tain su##ly of ,lectric Power for the wor1s!
2b3 Ele!r' Su--ly Fr+) T:e Ra'l=ay Sy*!e) , 'he Railway (ay su##ly to the
Contractor #art or whole of the electric #ower where?er a?aila.le and #ossi.le= reFuired for
e2ecution of wor1s fro( the RailwayEs e2istin electric su##ly syste(s at or near the site of
wor1s on s#ecified ter(s and conditions and such chares as shall .e deter(ined .y the Railway
and #aya.le .y the Contractor #ro?ided the cost of arranin necessary connections to the
RailwayEs ,lectric Su##ly syste(s and layin of underroundDo?erhead conductor= circuit
#rotection= electric #ower (eters= trans(ission structure= shall .e .orne .y the Contractor and
that the Contractor shall not .e entitled to any co(#ensation for interru#tion or failure of the
,lectric su##ly syste(!
327 Pr+-er!y I# &a!er'al* A#$ Pla#! , 'he (aterials and #lant .rouht .y the
Contractor u#on the site or on the land occu#ied .y the Contractor in connection with the wor1s
and intended to .e used for the e2ecution thereof shall i((ediately= they are .rouht u#on the
site of the said land= .e dee(ed to .e the #ro#erty of the Railway! Such of the( as durin the
#roress of the wor1s are reBected .y the ,nineer under Clause 2+ of these conditions or are
declared .y hi( not to .e needed for the e2ecution of the wor1s or such as on the rant of the
certificate of co(#letion re(ain unused shall i((ediately on such reBection= declaration or rant
cease to .e dee(ed the #ro#erty of the Railway and the Contractor (ay then :.ut not .efore;
re(o?e the( fro( the site or the said land! 'his clause shall not in any way di(inish the lia.ility
of the Contractor nor shall the Railway .e in any way answera.le for any loss or da(ae which
(ay ha##en to or in res#ect of any such (aterials or #lant either .y the sa(e .ein lost= stolen=
inBured or destroyed .y fire= te(#est or otherwise!
337213 T++l*1 Pla#! A#$ &a!er'al* Su--l'e$ Hy Ra'l=ay , 'he Contractor shall ta1e all
reasona.le care of all tools= #lant and (aterials or other #ro#erty whether of a li1e descri#tion or
not .elonin to the Railway and co((itted to his chare for the #ur#ose of the wor1s and shall
.e res#onsi.le for all da(ae or loss caused .y hi(= his aents= #er(itted su.contractor= or his
wor1(en or others while they are in his chare! 'he Contractors shall sin accounta.le recei#ts
for tools= #lants and (aterials (ade o?er to hi( .y the ,nineer and on co(#letion of the wor1s
shall hand o?er the unused .alance of the sa(e to the ,nineer in ood order and re#air= fair
wear and tear e2ce#ted= and shall .e res#onsi.le for any failure to account for the sa(e or any
da(ae done thereto!
337223 4're O( Ra'l=ayG* Pla#! , 'he Railway (ay hire to the Contractor such #lant as
concrete (i2ers= co(#ressors and #orta.le enines for use durin e2ecution of the wor1s on
such ter(s as (ay .e s#ecified in the s#ecial conditions or in a se#arate aree(ent for <ire of
387213 Preau!'+# Dur'#" Pr+"re** O( .+r/* , $urin the e2ecution of wor1s= unless
otherwise s#ecified= the Contractor shall at his own cost #ro?ide the (aterials for and e2ecute all
shorin= ti(.erin and struttin wor1s as is necessary for the sta.ility and safety of all
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 3"

structures= e2ca?ations and wor1s and shall ensure that no da(ae= inBury or loss is caused or
li1ely to .e caused to any #erson or #ro#erty!
387223 R+a$* A#$ .a!er C+ur*e* , ,2istin roads or water courses shall not .e .loc1ed
cut throuh= altered= di?erted or o.structed in any way .y the Contractor= e2ce#t with the
#er(ission of the ,nineer! All co(#ensations clai(ed for any unauthoriMed closure= cuttin
throuh= alteration= di?ersion or o.struction to such roads or water courses .y the Contractor or
his aent or his staff shall .e reco?era.le fro( the Contractor .y deduction fro( any su(s which
(ay .eco(e due to hi( in ter(s of contract= or otherwise accordin to law!
387233 Pr+I'*'+# O( Ae** T+ Pre)'*e* , $urin #roress of wor1 in any street or
thorouhfare= the Contractor shall (a1e adeFuate #ro?ision for the #assae of traffic= for
securin safe access to all #re(ises a##roached fro( such street or thorouhfare and for any
drainae= water su##ly or (eans of lihtin which (ay .e interru#ted .y reasons of the
e2ecution of the wor1s and shall react and (aintain at his own cost .arriers= lihts and other
safeuards as #rescri.ed .y the ,nineer= for the reulation of the traffic= and #ro?ide
watch(en necessary to #re?ent accidents! 'he wor1s shall in such cases .e e2ecuted niht and
day= if so ordered .y the ,nineer and with such ?iour so that the traffic way .e i(#eded for as
short a ti(e as #ossi.le!
387283 Sa(e!y O( Publ' , 'he Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le to ta1e all #recautions to
ensure the safety of the #u.lic whether on #u.lic or Railway #ro#erty and shall #ost such loo1
out (en as (ay= in the o#inion of the ,nineer= .e reFuired to co(#ly with reulations
a##ertainin to the wor1!
397 U*e O( E%-l+*'Ie* , ,2#losi?es shall not .e used on the wor1s or on the site .y the
Contractor without the #er(ission of the ,nineer and then only in the (anner and to the e2tent
to which such #er(ission is i?en! 0here e2#losi?es are reFuired for the wor1s= they shall .e
stored in a s#ecial (aaMine to .e #ro?ided .y and at the cost of the Contractor in accordance
with the ,2#losi?e Rules! 'he Contractor shall o.tain the necessary license for the storae and
the use of e2#losi?es and all o#erations in which or for which e2#losi?es are e(#loyed shall .e at
the sole ris1 and res#onsi.ility of the Contractor and the Contractor shall inde(nify the Railway
in res#ect thereof!
3;7213 Su*-e#*'+# O( .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall on the order of the ,nineer= sus#end
the #roress of the wor1s or any #art thereof for such ti(e or ti(es and in such (anner as the
,nineer (ay consider necessary and shall durin such sus#ension #ro#erly #rotect and secure
the wor1 so far as is necessary in the o#inion of the ,nineer! If such sus#ension is4
:a; Pro?ided for in the contract= or
:.; Aecessary for the #ro#er e2ecution of the wor1s or .y the reason of weather
conditions or .y so(e default on the #art of the Contractor= and or
:c; Aecessary for the safety of the wor1s or any #art thereof!
3;7223 'he Contractor shall not .e entitled to the e2tra costs= if any= incurred .y hi( durin
the #eriod of sus#ension of the wor1s= .ut in the e?ent of any sus#ension ordered .y the
,nineer for reasons other than afore(entioned and when each such #eriod of sus#ension
e2ceeds 1* days= the Contractor shall .e entitled to such e2tension of ti(e for co(#letion of the
wor1s as the ,nineer (ay consider #ro#er ha?in reard to the #eriod or #eriods of such
sus#ensions and to such co(#ensations as the ,nineer (ay consider reasona.le in res#ect of
salaries or waes #aid .y the Contractor to his e(#loyees durin the #eriods of such sus#ension!
3;7233 Su*-e#*'+# La*!'#" &+re T:a# 3 &+#!:* , If the #roress of the wor1s or any
#art thereof is sus#ended on the order of the ,nineer for (ore than three (onths at a ti(e=
the Contractor (ay ser?e a written notice on the ,nineer reFuirin #er(ission within 1+ days
fro( the recei#t thereof to #roceed with the wor1s or that #art thereof in reard to which
#roress is sus#ended and if such #er(ission is not ranted within that ti(e the Contractor .y
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 3%

further written notice so ser?ed (ay= .ut is not .ound to= elect to treat the sus#ension where it
affects #art only of the wor1s as an o(ission of such #art or where it affects the whole of the
wor1s= as an a.andon(ent of the contract .y the Railway!
3<7 Ra!e* F+r I!e)* O( .+r/* , 'he rates= entered in the acce#ted Schedule of Rates
of the Contract are intended to #ro?ide for wor1s duly and #ro#erly co(#leted in accordance
with the General and S#ecial :if any; Conditions of the Contract and the S#ecifications and
drawins toether with such enlare(ents= e2tensions= di(inutions= reductions= alterations or
additions as (ay .e ordered in ter(s of Clause *2 of these conditions and without #reBudice to
the enerality thereof and shall .e dee(ed to include and co?er su#erintendence and la.our=
su##ly= includin full freiht of (aterials= stores= #atterns= #rofiles= (oulds= fittins= centrins=
scaffoldin= shorin #ro#s= ti(.er= (achinery= .arrac1s= tac1le= roads= #es= #osts= tools and all
a##aratus and #lant reFuired on the wor1s= e2ce#t such tools= #lant or (aterials as (ay .e
s#ecified in the contract to .e su##lied to the Contractor .y the Railway= the erection=
(aintenance and re(o?al of all te(#orary wor1s and .uildins= all watchin= lihtin= .ailin=
#u(#in and drainin= all #re?ention of or co(#ensation for tres#ass= all .arriers and
arrane(ents for the safety of the #u.lic or of e(#loyees durin the e2ecution of wor1s= all
sanitary and (edical arrane(ents for la.our ca(#s as (ay .e #rescri.ed .y the Railway= the
settin of all wor1 and of the construction= re#air and u#1ee# of all centre lines= .ench (ar1s
and le?el #es thereon= site clearance= all fees duties= royalties= rent and co(#ensation to
owners for surface da(ae or ta2es and i(#ositions #aya.le to local authorities in res#ect of
land= structures and all (aterial su##lied for the wor1 or other duties of e2#enses for which the
Contractor (ay .eco(e lia.le or (ay .e #ut to under any #ro?ision of law for the #ur#ose of or
in connection with the e2ecution of the contract and all such other incidental chares or
continencies as (ay ha?e .een s#ecially #ro?ided for in the S#ecifications!
3>7 De)urra"e A#$ .:ar(a"e Due* , $e(urrae chares calculated in accordance
with the scale in force for the ti(e .ein on the Railway and incurred .y the Contractor failin to
load or unload any oods of (aterials within the ti(e allowed .y the Railway for loadin as also
wharfae chares= of (aterials not re(o?ed in ti(e as also chares due on consin(ents
.oo1ed .y or to hi( shall .e #aid .y the Contractor= failin which such chares shall .e de.ited
to the ContractorEs account in the hands of the Railway and shall .e deducted fro( any su(s
which (ay .eco(e due to hi( in ter(s of the contracts!
3?7 213 Ra!e* F+r E%!ra I!e)* O( .+r/* , Any ite( of wor1 carried out .y the Contractor
on the instructions of the ,nineer which is not included in the acce#ted Schedules of Rates shall
.e e2ecuted at the rates set forth in the ISchedule of Rates of RailwayI (odified .y the tender
#ercentae and such ite(s are not contained in the latter= at the rate areed u#on .etween the
,nineer and the Contractor .efore the e2ecution of such ite(s of wor1 and the Contractors
shall .e .ound to notify the ,nineer at least se?en days .efore the necessity arises for the
e2ecution of such ite(s of wor1s that the acce#ted Schedule of Rates does not include rate or
rates for the e2tra wor1 in?ol?ed! 'he rates #aya.le for such ite(s shall .e decided at the
(eetin to .e held .etween the ,nineer and Contractor= in as short a #eriod as #ossi.le after
the need for the s#ecial ite( has co(e to the notice! In case the Contractor fails to attend the
(eetin after .ein notified to do so or in the e?ent of no settle(ent .ein arri?ed at= the
Railway shall .e entitled to e2ecute the e2tra wor1s .y other (eans and the Contractor shall
ha?e no clai( for loss or da(ae that (ay result fro( such #rocedure!
3?7223 Pro?ided that if the Contractor co((ences wor1 or incurs any e2#enditure in reard
thereto .efore the rates as deter(ined and areed u#on as lastly hereuntofore3(entioned= then
and in such a case the Contractor shall only .e entitled to .e #aid in res#ect of the wor1 carried
out or e2#enditure incurred .y hi( #rior to the date of deter(ination of the rates as aforesaid
accordin to the rates as shall .e fi2ed .y the ,nineer! <owe?er= if the Contractor is not
satisfied with the decision of the ,nineer in this res#ect= he (ay a##eal to the Chief ,nineer
within 30 days of ettin the decision of the ,nineer= su##orted .y analysis of the rates
clai(ed! 'he Chief ,nineerEs decision after hearin .oth the #arties in the (atter would .e final
and .indin on the Contractor and the Railway!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae 3)

807213 4a#$'#" OIer O( .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall .e .ound to hand o?er the wor1s
e2ecuted under the contract to the Railway co(#lete in all res#ects to the satisfaction of the
,nineer! 'he ,nineer shall deter(ine the date on which the wor1 is considered to ha?e .een
co(#leted= in su##ort of which his certificate shall .e rearded as sufficient e?idence for all
#ur#oses! 'he ,nineer shall deter(ine fro( ti(e to ti(e= the date on which any #articular
section of the wor1 shall ha?e .een co(#leted= and the contractor shall .e .ound to o.ser?e any
such deter(ination of the ,nineer!
807223 Cleara#e O( S'!e O# C+)-le!'+# , On co(#letion of the wor1s= the Contractor
shall clear away and re(o?e fro( the site all constructional #lant= sur#lus (aterials= ru..ish and
te(#orary wor1s of e?ery 1ind and lea?e the whole of the site and wor1s clean and in a
wor1(an li1e condition to the satisfaction of the ,nineer! Ao final #ay(ent in settle(ent of the
accounts for the wor1s shall .e #aid= held to .e due or shall .e (ade to the= Contractor till= in
addition to any other condition necessary for final #ay(ent= site clearance shall ha?e .een
affected .y hi(= and such clearance (ay .e (ade .y the ,nineer at the e2#ense of the
Contractor in the e?ent of his failure to co(#ly with this #ro?ision within % days after recei?in
notice to that effect! Should it .eco(e necessary for the ,nineer to ha?e the site cleared at the
e2#enses of the Contractor= the Railway shall not .e held lia.le for any loss or da(ae to such
of the ContractorEs #ro#erty as (ay .e on the site and due to such re(o?al there fro( which
re(o?al (ay .e affected .y (eans of #u.lic sales of such (aterials and #ro#erty or in such a
way as dee(ed fit and con?enient to the ,nineer!

817 &+$'('a!'+# T+ C+#!ra! T+ He I# .r'!'#" , In the e?ent of any of the #ro?isions
of the contract reFuirin to .e (odified after the contract docu(ents ha?e .een sined= the
(odifications shall .e (ade in writin and sined .y the Railway and the Contractor and no
wor1 shall #roceed under such (odifications until this has .een done! Any ?er.al or written
arrane(ent a.andonin= (odifyin= e2tendin= reducin or su##le(entin the contract or any
of the ter(s thereof shall .e dee(ed conditional and shall not .e .indin on the Railway unless
and until the sa(e is incor#orated in a for(al instru(ent and sined .y the Railway and the
Contractor= and till then the Railway shall ha?e the riht to re#udiate such arrane(ents!
827213 P+=er* +( &+$'('a!'+# T+ C+#!ra! , 'he ,nineer on .ehalf of the Railway shall
.e entitled .y order in writin to enlare or e2tend= di(inish or reduce the wor1s or (a1e any
alterations in their desin= character #osition= site= Fuantities= di(ensions or in the (ethod of
their e2ecution or in the co(.ination and use of (aterials for the e2ecution thereof or to order
any additional wor1 to .e done or any wor1s not to .e done and the contractor will not .e
entitled= to any co(#ensation for any increaseDreduction in the Fuantities of wor1 .ut will .e
#aid only for the actual a(ount of wor1 done and for a##ro?ed (aterials su##lied aainst a
s#ecific order!
827223 :i; 6nless otherwise s#ecified in the s#ecial conditions of the contract= the acce#ted
?ariation in Fuantity of each indi?idual ite( of the contract would .e u#to 2+O of the Fuantity
oriinally contracted= e2ce#t in case of foundation wor1! 'he contractor shall .e .ound to carry
out the wor1 at the areed rates and shall not .e entitled to any clai( or any co(#ensation
whatsoe?er u#to the li(it of 2+O ?ariation in Fuantity of indi?idual ite( of wor1s!
:ii; In case of earthwor1= the ?ariation li(it of 2+O shall a##ly to the ross Fuantity
of earth wor1 and ?ariation in the Fuantities of indi?idual classifications of soil shall not .e
su.Bect to this li(it!
:iii; In case of foundation wor1= no ?ariation li(it shall a##ly and the wor1 shall .e
carried out .y the contractor on areed rates irres#ecti?e of any ?ariation!
827233 0alua!'+# O( 0ar'a!'+#* , 'he enlare(ents= e2tensions= di(inution= reduction=
alterations or additions referred to in Su.3Clause :2; of this Clause shall in no deree affect the
?alidity of the contractN .ut shall .e #erfor(ed .y the Contractor as #ro?ided therein and .e
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae 3/

su.Bect to the sa(e conditions= sti#ulations and o.liations as if they had .een oriinally and
e2#ressi?ely included and #ro?ided for in the S#ecifications and $rawins and the a(ounts to .e
#aid therefor shall .e calculated in accordance with the acce#ted Schedule of Rates! Any e2tra
ite(sDFuantities of wor1 fallin outside the #ur?iew of the #ro?isions of Su.3Clause :2; a.o?e
shall .e #aid for at the rates deter(ined under Clause33/ of these Conditions!
827283 0ar'a!'+#* I# Dua#!'!'e* Dur'#" E%eu!'+# O( .+r/* C+#!ra!* , 'he #rocedure
detailed .elow shall .e ado#ted for dealin with ?ariations in Fuantities durin e2ecution of
wor1s contracts4
1! Indi?idual AS ite(s in contracts shall .e o#erated with ?ariation of #lus or (inus 2+O
and #ay(ent would .e (ade as #er the aree(ent rate! &or this= no finance
concurrence would .e reFuired!
2! In case an increase in Fuantity of an indi?idual ite( .y (ore than 2+O of the
aree(ent Fuantity is considered una?oida.le= the sa(e shall .e ot e2ecuted .y
floatin a fresh tender! If floatin a fresh tender for o#eratin that ite( is considered
not #ractica.le= Fuantity of that ite( (ay .e o#erated in e2cess of 12+O of the
aree(ent Fuantity su.Bect to the followin conditions4
:a; O#eration of an ite( .y (ore than 12+O of the aree(ent Fuantity needs the
a##ro?al of an officer of the ran1 not less than S!A! GradeN
:i; Huantities o#erated in e2cess of 12+O .ut u#to 1*0O of the aree(ent Fuantity of
the concerned ite(= shall .e #aid at /)O of the rate awarded for that ite( in that
#articular tenderN
:ii; Huantities o#erated in e2cess of 1*0O .ut u#to 1+0O of the aree(ent Fuantity of
the concerned ite( shall .e #aid at /"O of the rate awarded for that ite( in that
#articular tenderN
:iii; 7ariation in Fuantities of indi?idual ite(s .eyond 1+0O will .e #rohi.ited and would
.e #er(itted only in e2ce#tional una?oida.le circu(stances with the concurrence of
associate finance and shall .e #aid at /"O of the rate awarded for that ite( in that
#articular tender!
:.; 'he ?ariation in Fuantities as #er the a.o?e for(ula will a##ly only to the Indi?idual
ite(s of the contract and not on the o?erall contract ?alue!
:c; ,2ecution of Fuantities .eyond 1+0O of the o?erall aree(ental ?alue should not .e
#er(itted and= if found necessary= should .e only throuh fresh tenders or .y
neotiatin with e2istin contractor= with #rior #ersonal concurrence of &ACCAO D
&ACCAO:C; and a##ro?al of General -anaer!
3! In cases where decrease is in?ol?ed durin e2ecution of contract4
:a; 'he contract sinin authority can decrease the ite(s u#to 2+O of indi?idual ite(
without finance concurrence!
:.; &or decrease .eyond 2+O for indi?idual ite(s or 2+O of contract aree(ent ?alue=
the a##ro?al of an officer not less than ran1 of S!A! Grade (ay .e ta1en= after
o.tainin EAo Clai( CertificateE fro( the contractor and with finance concurrence=
i?in detailed reasons for each such decrease in the Fuantities!
:c; It should .e certified that the wor1 #ro#osed to .e reduced will not .e reFuired in the
sa(e wor1!
*! 'he li(it for ?aryin Fuantities for (inor ?alue ite(s shall .e 100O :as aainst 2+O
#rescri.ed for other ite(s;! A (inor ?alue ite( for this #ur#ose is defined as an ite(
whose oriinal aree(ent ?alue is less than 1 O of the total oriinal aree(ent ?alue!
+! Ao such Fuantity ?ariation li(it shall a##ly for foundation ite(s!
"! As far as SOR ite(s are concerned= the li(it of 2+O would a##ly to the ?alue of SOR
schedule as a whole and not on indi?idual SOR ite(s! <owe?er= in case of AS ite(s=
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae *0

the li(it of 2+O would a##ly on the indi?idual ite(s irres#ecti?e of the (anner of
Fuotin the rate :sinle #ercentae rate or indi?idual ite( rate;!
%! &or the tenders acce#ted at 5onal Railways le?el= ?ariations in the Fuantities will .e
a##ro?ed .y the authority in whose #owers re?ised ?alue of the aree(ent lies!
)! &or tenders acce#ted .y General -anaer= ?ariations u#to 12+O of the oriinal
aree(ent ?alue (ay .e acce#ted .y General -anaer!
/! &or tenders acce#ted .y @oard -e(.ers and Railway -inisters= ?ariations u#to 110O
of the oriinal aree(ent ?alue (ay .e acce#ted .y General -anaer!
10! 'he as#ect of ?itiation of tender with res#ect to ?ariation in Fuantities should .e
chec1ed and a?oided! In case of ?itiation of the tender :.oth for increase as well as
decrease of ?alue of contract aree(ent;= sanction of the co(#etent authority as #er
sinle tender should .e o.tained!
RAuthority 4 :1; Ite(3/ to Railway @oardEs letter no! 200%DC,3IIC'D1)= $ated 2)!0/!0% and
:2; Ite(32 to Railway @oard8s letter no! 200%DC,!IIC'D1)DPt!KII= $ated 31!12!10S

837213 &+#!:ly S!a!e)e#! O( Cla')* , 'he Contractor shall #re#are and furnish to the
,nineer once in e?ery (onth an account i?in full and detailed #articulars of all clai(s for any
additional e2#enses to which the Contractor (ay consider hi(self entitled to and of all e2tra or
additional wor1s ordered .y the ,nineer which he has e2ecuted durin the #recedin (onth
and no clai( for #ay(ent for and such wor1 will .e considered which has not .een included in
such #articulars!
837223 S'"#'#" O( LN+ Cla')L Cer!'('a!e , 'he Contractor shall not .e entitled to (a1e
any clai( whatsoe?er aainst the Railway under or .y ?irtue of or arisin out of this contract=
nor shall the Railway entertain or consider any such clai(= if (ade .y the Contractor= after he
shall ha?e sined a IAo Clai(I Certificate in fa?our of the Railway in such for( as shall .e
reFuired .y the Railway after the wor1s are finally (easured u#! 'he Contactor shall .e de.arred
fro( dis#utin the correctness of the ite(s co?ered .y IAo Clai(I Certificate or de(andin a
clearance to ar.itration in res#ect thereof!

887 Dua#!'!'e* I# S:e$ule A##e%e$ T+ C+#!ra! , 'he Fuantities set out in the
acce#ted Schedule of Rates with ite(s of wor1s Fuantified are the esti(ated Fuantities of the
wor1s and they shall not .e ta1en as the actual and correct Fuantities of the wor1 to .e
e2ecuted .y the Contractor in fulfill(ent of his o.liations under the contract!
897 &ea*ure)e#! O( .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall .e #aid for the wor1s at the rates in
the acce#ted Schedule of Rates and for e2tra wor1s at rates deter(ined under Clause 3/ of
these Conditions on the (easure(ents ta1en .y the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e in
accordance with the rules #rescri.ed for the #ur#ose .y the Railway! 'he Fuantities for ite(s the
unit of which in the acce#ted Schedule of Rates is 100 or 1000 shall .e calculated to the nearest
whole nu(.er= any fraction .elow half .ein dro##ed and half and a.o?e .ein ta1en as oneN
for ite(s the unit of which in the acce#ted Schedule of Rates is sinle= the Fuantities shall .e
calculated to two #laces of deci(als! Such (easure(ents will .e ta1en of the wor1 in #roress
fro( ti(e to ti(e and at such inter?als as in the o#inion of the ,nineer shall .e #ro#er ha?in
reard to the #roress of wor1s! 'he date and ti(e on which Qon account8 or Qfinal8
(easure(ents are to .e (ade shall .e co((unicated to the Contractor who shall .e #resent at
the site and shall sin the results of the (easure(ents :which shall also .e sined .y the
,nineer or the ,nineerEs re#resentati?e; recorded in the official (easure(ents .oo1 as an
ac1nowlede(ent of his acce#tance of the accuracy of the (easure(ents! &ailin the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae *1

ContractorEs attendance= the wor1 (ay .e (easured u# in his a.sence and such (easure(ents
shall= notwithstandin such a.sence= .e .indin u#on the Contractor whether or not he shall
ha?e sined the (easure(ent .oo1s #ro?ided always that any o.Bection (ade .y hi( to
(easure(ent shall .e duly in?estiated and considered in the (anner set out .elow4
:a; It shall .e o#en to the Contractor to ta1e s#ecific o.Bection to any recorded
(easure(ents or Classification on any round within se?en days of the date of such
(easure(ents! Any re3(easure(ent ta1en .y the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs
re#resentati?e in the #resence of the Contractor or in his a.sence after due notice has
.een i?en to hi( in conseFuence of o.Bection (ade .y the Contractor shall .e final
and .indin on the Contractor and no clai( whatsoe?er shall thereafter .e entertained
reardin the accuracy and classification of the (easure(ents!
:.; If an o.Bection raised .y the Contractor is found .y the ,nineer to .e incorrect the
Contractor shall .e lia.le to #ay the actual e2#enses incurred in (easure(ents!
8;7213 LO#-A+u#! L Pay)e#!* , 'he Contractor shall .e entitled to .e #aid fro( ti(e to
ti(e .y way of IOn3AccountI #ay(ent only for such wor1s as in the o#inion of the ,nineer he
has e2ecuted in ter(s of the contract! All #ay(ents due on the ,nineerEs or the ,nineerEs
Re#resentati?eEs certificates of (easure(ents shall .e su.Bect to any deductions which (ay .e
(ade under these #resents and shall further .e su.Bect to= unless otherwise reFuired .y Clause
1" of these Conditions= a retention of ten #ercent .y way of Security $e#osits= until the a(ount
of Security $e#osit .y way of retained earnest (oney and such retentions shall a(ount to 10O
of the total ?alue of the contract #ro?ided always that the ,nineer (ay .y any certificate (a1e
any correction or (odification in any #re?ious certificate which shall ha?e .een issued .y hi(
and that the ,nineer (ay withhold any certificate= if the wor1s or any #art thereof are not
.ein carried out to his satisfaction!
8;7223 R+u#$'#" O(( A)+u#!* , 'he total a(ount due on each certificate shall .e rounded
off to the nearest ru#ee= i!e! su( less than +0 #aise shall .e o(itted and su(s of +0 #aise and
(ore u#to Rs!1 will .e rec1oned as Rs! 1!
8;7233 O# A+u#! Pay)e#!* N+! Preju$''al T+ F'#al Se!!le)e#! , IOn3AccountI
#ay(ents (ade to the Contractor shall .e without #reBudice to the final (a1in u# of the
accounts :e2ce#t where (easure(ents are s#ecifically noted in the -easure(ent @oo1 as I&inal
-easure(entsI and as such ha?e .een sined .y the Contractor; and shall in no res#ect .e
considered or used as e?idence of any facts stated in or to .e inferred fro( such accounts nor of
any #articular Fuantity of wor1 ha?in .een e2ecuted nor of the (anner of its e2ecution .ein
8;7283 &a##er O( Pay)e#! , 6nless otherwise s#ecified #ay(ents to the Contractor will .e
(ade .y cheFueN .ut no cheFue will .e issued for and a(ount less than Rs!100!
8;A7 Pr'e 0ar'a!'+# Clau*e 2P0C3 ,
8;A71 Price 7ariation Clause :P7C; shall .e a##lica.le only for tenders of ?alue as #rescri.ed
.y the -inistry of Railways throuh instructionsDcirculars issued fro( ti(e to ti(e and
irres#ecti?e of the contract co(#letion #eriod! -aterials su##lied free of cost .y
Railway to the contractors shall fall outside the #ur?iew of Price 7ariation Clause! If= in
any case= acce#ted offer includes so(e s#ecific #ay(ent to .e (ade to consultants or
so(e (aterials su##lied .y Railway free or at fi2ed rate= such #ay(ents shall .e
e2cluded fro( the ross ?alue of the wor1 for the #ur#ose of #ay(entDreco?ery of
#rice ?ariation!
8;A72 'he @ase -onth for QPrice 7ariation Clause8 shall .e ta1en as (onth of o#enin of
tender includin e2tensions= if any= unless otherwise stated elsewhere! 'he Fuarter for
a##lica.ility of P7C shall co((ence fro( the (onth followin the (onth of o#enin of
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae *2

tender! 'he Price 7ariation shall .e .ased on the a?erae Price Inde2 of the Fuarter
under consideration!
8;A73 Rates acce#ted .y Railway Ad(inistration shall hold ood till co(#letion of wor1 and
no additional indi?idual clai( shall .e ad(issi.le on account of fluctuations in (ar1et
rates= increase in ta2esDany other le?iesDtolls etc! e2ce#t that #ay(entDreco?ery for
o?erall (ar1et situation shall .e (ade as #er Price 7ariation Clause i?en hereunder!
8;A78 AdBust(ent for ?ariation in #rices of (aterial= la.our= fuel= e2#losi?es= detonators=
steel= concretin= ferrous= non3ferrous= insulators= Minc and ce(ent shall .e deter(ined
in the (anner #rescri.ed!
8;A79 Co(#onents of ?arious ite(s in a contract on which ?ariation in #rices .e ad(issi.le=
shall .e -aterial= >a.our= &uel= ,2#losi?es= $etonators= Steel= Ce(ent= Concretin=
&errous= Aon3ferrous= Insulator= 5inc= ,rection etc! <owe?er= for fi2ed co(#onents= no
#rice ?ariation shall .e ad(issi.le!
8;A7; 'he #ercentaes of la.our co(#onent= (aterial co(#onent= fuel co(#onent etc! in
?arious ty#es of ,nineerin 0or1s shall .e as under 4
C+)-+#e#! Pere#!a"e C+)-+#e#! Pere#!a"e
2A3 Ear!:=+r/ C+#!ra!* ,
>a.our Co(#onent +0O Other -aterial Co(#onents 1+O
&uel Co(#onent 20O &i2ed Co(#onent W 1+O
2H3 Halla*! a#$ Duarry Pr+$u!* C+#!ra!* ,
>a.our Co(#onent ++O Other -aterial Co(#onents 1+O
&uel Co(#onent 1+O &i2ed Co(#onent W 1+O
2C3 Tu##ell'#" C+#!ra!* ,
>a.our Co(#onent *+O $etonators Co(#onent +O
&uel Co(#onent 1+O Other -aterial Co(#onents +O
,2#losi?e Co(#onent 1+O &i2ed Co(#onent W 1+O
2D3 O!:er .+r/* C+#!ra!* ,
>a.our Co(#onent 30O &uel Co(#onent 1+O
-aterial Co(#onent *0O &i2ed Co(#onent W 1+O
W It shall not .e considered for any #rice ?ariation!
8;A7< 'he A(ount of ?ariation in #rices in se?eral co(#onents :la.our (aterial etc!; shall .e
wor1ed out .y the followin for(ulae 4
:i; > V R 2 :I3I
; 2 P
:ii; - V R 2 :030
; 2 H
:iii; 6 V R 2 :&3&
; 2 5
:i?; K V R 2 :,3,
; 2 S
:?; A V R 2 :$3$
; 2 '
:?i; -s V O 2 :@s3@so;
:?ii; -c V A 2 :0c30co;D0co

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae *3

F+r Ra'l=ay Ele!r'('a!'+# .+r/* ,
:?iii; -cc V X:C3Co;DCo 2 0!*13"Y 2 G
:i2; -f V X:Sf3Sfo;DSfo Z :535o;D5o 2 0!0"Y 2 <
:2; -nf V X:Cu3Cuo;DCuoY 2 J
:2i; -M V X:535o;D5oY 2 0
:2ii; -
V X:In Ino;DInY 2 )+

> A(ount of #rice ?ariation in >a.our
- A(ount of #rice ?ariation in -aterials
6 A(ount of #rice ?ariation in &uel
K A(ount of #rice ?ariation in ,2#losi?es
A A(ount of #rice ?ariation in $etonators
-s A(ount of #rice ?ariation in Steel
-c A(ount of #rice ?ariation in Ce(ent
-cc A(ount of #rice ?ariation in Concretin
-f A(ount of #rice ?ariation in &errous
-nf A(ount of #rice ?ariation in Aon3&errous
-M A(ount of #rice ?ariation in 5inc
A(ount of #rice ?ariation in Insulator
O 0eiht of steel in tonnes su##lied .y the contractor as #er the Qon3account8 .ill
for the (onth under consideration
R Gross ?alue of wor1 done .y contractor as #er on3account .ill:s; e2cludin cost
of (aterials su##lied .y Railway at fi2ed #rice (inus the #rice ?alues of ce(ent
C steel! 'his will also e2clude s#ecific #ay(ent= if any= to .e (ade to the
consultants enaed .y contractors :such #ay(ent shall .e indicated in the
contractor8s offer;
A 7alue of Ce(ent su##lied .y Contractor as #er on account .ill in the Fuarter
under consideration
Consu(er Price Inde2 Au(.er for Industrial 0or1ers 3 All India 3 Pu.lished in
R!@!I! @ulletin for the .ase #eriod
I Consu(er Price Inde2 Au(.er for Industrial 0or1ers 3 All India 3 Pu.lished in
R!@!I! @ulletin for the a?erae #rice inde2 of the 3 (onths of the Fuarter under
0o Inde2 Au(.er of 0holesale Prices @y Grou#s and Su.3Grou#s All
co((odities as #u.lished in the R!@!I! @ulletin for the .ase #eriod
0 Inde2 Au(.er of 0holesale Prices @y Grou#s and Su.3 Grou#s All
co((odities as #u.lished in the R!@!I! @ulletin for the a?erae #rice inde2 of
the 3 (onths of the Fuarter under consideration
&o Inde2 Au(.er of 0holesale Prices @y Grou#s and Su.3Grou#s for &uel= Power=
>iht and >u.ricants as #u.lished in the R!@!I! @ulletin for the .ase #eriod
& Inde2 Au(.er of 0holesale Prices @y Grou#s and Su.3Grou#s for &uel= Power=
>iht and >u.ricants as #u.lished in the R!@!I! @ulletin for the a?erae #rice
inde2 of the 3 (onths of the Fuarter under consideration
,o Cost of e2#losi?es as fi2ed .y $GSC$ in the rele?ant rate contract of the fir(
fro( who( #urchases of e2#losi?es are (ade .y the contractor for the .ase
, Cost of e2#losi?es as fi2ed .y $GSC$ in the rele?ant rate contract of the fir(
fro( who( #urchases of e2#losi?es are (ade .y the contractor for the a?erae
#rice inde2 of the 3 (onths of the Fuarter under consideration
$o Cost of detonators as fi2ed .y $GSC$ in the rele?ant rate contract of the fir(
fro( who( #urchases of detonators are (ade .y the contractor for the .ase
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae **

$ Cost of detonators as fi2ed .y $GSC$ in the rele?ant rate contract of the fir(
fro( who( #urchases of detonators are (ade .y the contractor for the a?erae
#rice inde2 of the 3 (onths of the Fuarter under consideration
@s SAI>8s :Steel Authority of India >i(ited; e23wor1s #rice #lus ,2cise $uty thereof
:in ru#ees #er tonne; for the rele?ant cateory of steel su##lied .y the
contractor as #re?ailin on the first day of the (onth in which the steel was
#urchased .y the contractor :or; as #re?ailin on the first day of the (onth in
which steel was .rouht to the site .y the contractor whiche?er is lower
@so SAI>8s e23wor1s #rice #lus ,2cise $uty thereof :in Rs! #er tonne; for the rele?ant
cateory of steel su##lied .y the contractor as #re?ailin on the first day of the
(onth in which the tender was o#ened
0co Inde2 Ao! of 0holesale Price of su.3rou# :of Ce(ent; as #u.lished in R@I
@ulletin for the .ase #eriod
0c Inde2 Ao! of 0holesale Price of su.3rou# :of Ce(ent; as #u.lished in R@I
@ulletin for the a?erae #rice inde2 of the 3 (onths of the Fuarter under
C R@I wholesale #rice inde2 for ce(ent for the (onth which is si2 (onths #rior to
date of castin of foundation
Co R@I wholesale #rice inde2 for ce(ent for the (onth which is one (onth #rior to
date of o#enin of tender
5 I,,-A #rice for 5inc for the (onth which is two (onths #rior to date of
ins#ection of (aterial
5o I,,-A #rice for 5inc for the (onth which is one (onth #rior to date of o#enin
of tender
Cu I,,-A #rice for Co##er wire .ar for the (onth which is two (onths #rior to date
of ins#ection of (aterial!
Cuo I,,-A #rice for Co##er wire .ar for the (onth which is one (onth #rior to date
of o#enin of tender!
Sf I,,-A #rice inde2 for Iron C Steel for the (onth which is two (onths #rior to
date of ins#ection of (aterial!
Sfo I,,-A #rice inde2 for Iron C Steel for the (onth which is one (onth #rior to
date of o#enin of tender!
In R@I wholesale #rice inde2 for Structural Clay Products for the (onth which is
two (onths #rior to date of ins#ection of (aterial
Ino R@I wholesale #rice inde2 for Structural Clay Products for the (onth which is
one (onth #rior to date of o#enin of tender
P O of >a.our co(#onent
H O of -aterial co(#onent
5 O of &uel co(#onent
S O of ,2#losi?e co(#onent
' O of $etonators co(#onent
G O of Concretin Co(#onent
< O of &errous Co(#onent
J O of Aon3&errous Co(#onent
0 O of 5inc Co(#onent
8;A7> 'he de(ands for escalation of cost shall .e allowed on the .asis of #ro?isional indices
(ade a?aila.le .y Reser?e @an1 of India! Any adBust(ent needed to .e done .ased
on the finally #u.lished indices shall .e (ade as and when they .eco(e a?aila.le!
8;A7? Rele?ant cateories of steel for the #ur#ose of o#eratin Price 7ariation for(ula= as
(entioned in this Clause= .ased on SAI>8s e23wor1s #rice #lus ,2cise $uty thereof=
shall .e as under 4

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae *+


Ca!e"+ry O( S!eel Su--l'e$
I# Ra'l=ay .+r/
Ca!e"+ry O( S!eel Pr+$ue$ Hy SAIL .:+*e
E%-.+r/* Pr'e Plu* E%'*e Du!y .+ul$ He
A$+-!e$ T+ De!er)'#e Pr'e 0ar'a!'+#
1 Reinforce(ent .ars and other
'-' )(( IS 1%)" &e *1+D&e +00
2! All ty#es and siMes of anles Anle "+ 2 "+ 2 " (( IS 20"2 ,2+0A SU
3! All ty#es and siMes of #lates P- Plates a.o?e 10320 (( IS 20"2 ,2+0A SU
*! All ty#es and siMes of channels
and Boists
Channels 200 2 %+ (( IS 20"2 ,2+0A SU
+! Any other section of steel not
co?ered in the a.o?e cateories
and e2cludin <'S
A?erae of #rice for the 3 cateories co?ered under
S> 1= 2 C 3 a.o?e
8;A710 Pr'e 0ar'a!'+# Dur'#" E%!e#$e$ Per'+$ O( C+#!ra!
'he #rice adBust(ent as wor1ed out a.o?e= i!e! either increase or decrease shall .e
a##lica.le u#to the sti#ulated date of co(#letion of wor1 includin the e2tended
#eriod of co(#letion where such e2tension has .een ranted under Clause 1%3A of the
General Conditions of Contract! <owe?er= where e2tension of ti(e has .een ranted
due to contractor8s failure under Clause 1%3@ of the General Conditions of Contract=
#rice adBust(ent shall .e done as follows 4
:a; In case the indices increase a.o?e the indices a##lica.le to the last (onth of oriinal
co(#letion #eriod or the e2tended #eriod under Clause 1%3A= the #rice adBust(ent for
the #eriod of e2tension ranted under Clause 1%3@ shall .e li(ited to the a(ount
#aya.le as #er the Indices a##lica.le to the last (onth of the oriinal co(#letion
#eriod or the e2tended #eriod under Clause 1%3A of the General Conditions of
ContractN as the case (ay .e!
:.; In case the indices fall .elow the indices a##lica.le to the last (onth of oriinalD
e2tended #eriod of co(#letion under Clause 1%3A= as the case (ay .eN then the lower
indices shall .e ado#ted for the #rice adBust(ent for the #eriod of e2tension under
Clause 1%3@ of the General Conditions of Contract!
RAuthority 4 Railway @oard8s letters no! 200%DC,3IDC'D1)DPt!1/= dated 1*!12!12 and 0%!0+!13S
8<7 &a'#!e#a#e O( .+r/* , 'he Contractor shall at all ti(es durin the #roress and
continuance of the wor1s and also for the #eriod of (aintenance s#ecified in the 'ender &or(
after the date of #assin of the certificate of co(#letion .y the ,nineer or any other earlier
date su.seFuent to the co(#letion of the wor1s that (ay .e fi2ed .y the ,nineer .e
res#onsi.le for and effecti?ely (aintain and u#hold in ood su.stantial= sound and #erfect
condition all and e?ery #art of the wor1s and shall (a1e ood fro( ti(e to ti(e and at all ti(es
as often as the ,nineer shall reFuire= any da(ae or defect that (ay durin the a.o?e #eriod
arise in or .e disco?ered or .e in any way connected with the wor1s= #ro?ided that such da(ae
or defect is not directly caused .y errors in the contract docu(ents= act of #ro?idence or
insurrection or ci?il riot= and the Contractor shall .e lia.le for and shall #ay and (a1e ood to
the Railway or other #ersons leally entitled thereto whene?er reFuired .y the ,nineer so to do=
all losses= da(aes= costs and e2#enses they or any of the( (ay incur or .e #ut or .e lia.le to
.y reasons or in conseFuence of the o#erations of the Contractor or of his failure in any res#ect!
8>7213 Cer!'('a!e O( C+)-le!'+# O( .+r/* , As soon as in the o#inion of the ,nineer=
the wor1 has .een co(#leted and has satisfactorily #assed any final test or tests that (ay .e
#rescri.ed= the ,nineer shall issue a certificate of co(#letion duly indicatin the date of
co(#letion in res#ect of the wor1 and the #eriod of (aintenance of the wor1 shall co((ence
fro( the date of co(#letion (entioned in such certificate! 'he ,nineer (ay also issue such a
certificate indicatin date of co(#letion with res#ect to any #art of the wor1 :.efore the
co(#letion of the whole of wor1;= which has .een .oth co(#leted to the satisfaction of the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae *"

,nineer and occu#ied or used .y the Railway! 0hen any such certificate is i?en in res#ect of
#art of a wor1= such #art shall .e considered as co(#leted and the #eriod of (aintenance of
such #art shall co((ence fro( the date of co(#letion (entioned in the co(#letion certificate
issued for that #art of the wor1!
RAuthority 4 Railway @oard8s letter no!2010DC,3IDC'D11= $ated 11!0"!2010S
8>7223 C+#!ra!+r N+! Ab*+lIe$ Hy C+)-le!'+# Cer!'('a!e , 'he Certificate of
Co(#letion in res#ect of the wor1s referred to in Su.3Clause :1; of this Clause shall not a.sol?e
the Contractor fro( his lia.ility to (a1e ood any defects i(#erfections= shrin1aes or faults
which (ay a##ear durin the #eriod of (aintenance s#ecified in the tender arisin in the o#inion
of the ,nineer fro( (aterials or wor1(anshi# not in accordance with the drawins or
s#ecifications or instruction of the ,nineer= which defects= i(#erfections= shrin1aes or faults
shall u#on the direction in writin of the ,nineer .e a(ended and (ade ood .y the Contractor
at his own costN and in case of default on the #art of Contractor= the ,nineer (ay e(#loy
la.our and (aterials or a##oint another Contractor to a(end and (a1e ood such defects=
i(#erfections= shrin1aes and faults and all e2#enses conseFuent thereon and incidental thereto
shall .e .orne .y the Contractor and shall .e reco?era.le fro( any (oneys due to hi( under
the contract!
8?7 A--r+Ial O#ly Hy &a'#!e#a#e Cer!'('a!e , Ao certificate other than
(aintenance certificate referred to in Clause +0 of the Conditions shall .e dee(ed to constitute
a##ro?al of any wor1 or other (atter in res#ect of which it is issued or shall .e ta1en as an
ad(ission of the due #erfor(ance of the contract or any #art thereof or of the accuracy of any
clai( or de(and (ade .y the Contractor or of additional ?aried wor1 ha?in .een ordered .y
the ,nineer nor shall any other certificate conclude or #reBudice any of the #owers of the
907213 &a'#!e#a#e Cer!'('a!e , 'he Contract shall not .e considered as co(#leted until a
-aintenance Certificate shall ha?e .een sined .y the ,nineer statin that the wor1s ha?e .een
co(#leted and (aintained to his satisfaction! 'he (aintenance Certificate shall .e i?en .y the
,nineer u#on the e2#iration of the #eriod of (aintenance or as soon thereafter as any wor1s
ordered durin such #eriod #ursuant to Su. Clause :2; to Clause *) of these Conditions shall
ha?e .een co(#leted to the satisfaction of the ,nineer and full effect shall .e i?en to this
Clause notwithstandin the ta1in #ossession of or usin the wor1s or any #art thereof .y the
907223 Ce**a!'+# O( Ra'l=ayB* L'ab'l'!y , 'he Railway shall not .e lia.le to the Contractor
for any (atter arisin out of or in connection with the contract of the e2ecution of the wor1s
unless the Contractor shall ha?e (ade a clai( in writin in res#ect thereof .efore the issue of
the -aintenance Certificate under this clause!
907233 U#(ul('lle$ Obl'"a!'+#* , Aotwithstandin the issue of the -aintenance Certificate
the Contractor and :su.Bect to Su.3Clause :2; of this Clause; the Railway shall re(ain lia.le for
the fulfill(ent of any o.liation incurred under the #ro?ision of the contract #rior to the issue of
the -aintenance Certificate which re(ains un#erfor(ed at the ti(e such certificate is issued and
for the #ur#oses of deter(inin the nature and e2tent of any such o.liations= the contract shall
.e dee(ed to re(ain in force .etween the #arties thereto!
917213 F'#al Pay)e#! , On the ,nineerEs certificate of co(#letion in res#ect of the wor1s=
adBust(ent shall .e (ade and the .alance of account .ased on the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs
re#resentati?eEs certified (easure(ents of the total Fuantity of wor1 e2ecuted .y the Contractor
u#to the date of co(#letion and on the acce#ted schedule or rates and for e2tra wor1s on rates
deter(ined under Clause 3/ of these Conditions shall .e #aid to the Contractor su.Bect always to
any deduction which (ay .e (ade under these #resents and further su.Bect to the Contractor
ha?in deli?ered to the ,nineer either a full account in detail of all clai(s he (ay ha?e on the
Railway in res#ect of the wor1s or ha?in deli?ered IAo Clai( CertificateJ and the ,nineer
ha?in after the recei#t of such account i?en a certificate in writin that such clai(s are correct=
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae *%

that the whole of the wor1s to .e done under the #ro?isions of the Contracts ha?e .een
co(#leted= that they ha?e .een ins#ected .y hi( since their co(#letion and found to .e in ood
and su.stantial order= that all #ro#erties= wor1s and thins= re(o?ed= distur.ed or inBured in
conseFuence of the wor1s ha?e .een #ro#erly re#laced and (ade ood and all e2#enses and
de(ands incurred .y or (ade u#on the Railway for or in the res#ect of da(ae or loss .y fro(
or in conseFuence of the wor1s= ha?e .een satisfied areea.ly and in confor(ity with the
917223 P+*! Pay)e#! Au$'! , It is an areed ter( of contract that the Railway reser?es to
itself the riht to carry out a #ost3#ay(ent audit and or technical e2a(ination of the wor1s and
the final .ill includin all su##ortin ?ouchers= a.stracts etc! and to (a1e a clai( on the
contractor for the refund any e2cess a(ount #aid to hi(= if as a result of such e2a(ination any
o?er3#ay(ent to hi( is disco?ered to ha?e .een (ade in res#ect of any wor1s done or alleed
to ha?e .een done .y hi( under the contract!
91-A7 Pr+$u!'+# O( 0+u:er* E!7 Hy T:e C+#!ra!+r ,
:i; &or a contract of (ore than one crore of ru#ees= the contractor shall= whene?er
reFuired= #roduce or cause to .e #roduced for e2a(ination .y the ,nineer any
Fuotation= in?oice= cost or other account= .oo1 of accounts= ?oucher= recei#t= letter=
(e(orandu(= #a#er of writin or any co#y of or e2tract fro( any such docu(ent and
also furnish infor(ation and returns ?erified in such (anner as (ay .e reFuired in any
way relatin to the e2ecution of this contract or rele?ant for ?erifyin or ascertainin
cost of e2ecution of this contract :the decision of the ,nineer on the Fuestion of
rele?ancy of any docu(ents= infor(ation or return .ein final and .indin in the
#arties;! 'he contractor shall si(ilarly #roduce ?ouchers etc!= if reFuired to #ro?e to
the ,nineer= that (aterials su##lied .y hi(= are in accordance with the s#ecifications
laid down in the contract!
:ii; If any #ortion of the wor1 in a contract of ?alue (ore than one crore of ru#ees .e
carried out .y a su.3contractor or any su.sidiary or allied fir( or co(#any :as #er
Clause % of the General Conditions of Contract;= the ,nineer shall ha?e #ower to
secure the .oo1s of such su.3contract or any su.sidiary or allied fir( or co(#any=
throuh the contractor= and such .oo1s shall .e o#en to his ins#ection!
:iii; 'he o.liations i(#osed .y Su. Clause :i; C :ii; a.o?e is without #reBudice to the
o.liations of the contractor under any statute rules or orders .indin on the
927 .'!::+l$'#" A#$ L'e# I# Re*-e! O( Su)* Cla')e$ , 0hene?er any clai( or
clai(s for #ay(ent of a su( of (oney arises out of or under the contract aainst the contractor=
the Railway shall .e entitled to withhold and also ha?e a lien to retain such su( or su(s in
whole or in #art fro( the security= if any= de#osited .y the contractor and for the #ur#ose
aforesaid= the Railway shall .e entitled to withhold the said cash Security $e#osit or the Security
if any= furnished as the case (ay .e and also ha?e a lien o?er the sa(e #endin finaliMation or
adBudication of any such clai(! In the e?ent of the security .ein insufficient to co?er the
clai(ed a(ount or a(ounts or if no security has .een ta1en fro( the contractor= the Railway
shall .e entitled to withhold and ha?e a lien to the e2tent of the such clai(ed a(ount or
a(ounts referred to su#ra= fro( any su( or su(s found #aya.le or which at any ti(e thereafter
(ay .eco(e #aya.le to the contractor under the sa(e contract or any other contract with this
or any other Railway or any $e#art(ent of the Central Go?ern(ent #endin finaliMation or
adBudication of any such clai(!
It is an areed ter( of the contract that the su( of (oney or (oneys so withheld or
retained under the lien referred to a.o?e= .y the Railway will .e 1e#t withheld or retained as
such .y the Railways till the clai( arisin out of or under the contract is deter(ined .y the
ar.itrator :if the contract o?erned .y the Ar.itration Clause; or .y the co(#etent court as the
case (ay .e and that the contractor will ha?e no clai( for interest or da(aes whatsoe?er on
any account in res#ect of such withholdin or retention under the lien referred to su#ra and duly
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae *)

notified as such to the contractor! &or the #ur#ose of this clause= where the contractor is a
#artnershi# fir( or a li(ited co(#any= the Railway shall .e entitled to withhold and also ha?e a
lien to retain towards such clai(ed a(ount or a(ounts in whole or in #art fro( any su( found
#aya.le to any #artner D li(ited co(#any= as the case (ay .e whether in his indi?idual ca#acity
or otherwise!
92-A L'e# I# Re*-e! O( Cla')* I# O!:er C+#!ra!* ,
:i; Any su( of (oney due and #aya.le to the contractor :includin the Security $e#osit
returna.le to hi(; under the contract (ay .e withheld or retained .y way of lien .y
the Railway= aainst any clai( of this or any other Railway or any other $e#art(ent of
the Central Go?ern(ent in res#ect of #ay(ent of a su( of (oney arisin out of or
under any other contract (ade .y the contractor with this or any other $e#art(ent of
the Central Go?ern(ent!
:ii; <owe?er= reco?ery of clai(s of Railway in reard to ter(inated contracts (ay .e
(ade fro( the &inal @ills= Security $e#osits and Perfor(ance Guarantees of other
contract or contracts= e2ecuted .y the contractor! 'he Perfor(ance Guarantees
su.(itted .y the Contractor aainst other contracts= if reFuired= (ay .e withheld and
encashed! In addition= 10O of each su.seFuent Qon3account .ill8 (ay .e withheld= if
reFuired= for reco?ery of Railway8s dues aainst the ter(inated contract!
RAuthority 4 Railway @oard8s letter no! 2010DC,3I:S#l!;DC'D*1= $ated 2+!0*!2011S
:iii; It is an areed ter( of the contract that the su( of (oney so withheld or retained
under this Clause .y the Railway will .e 1e#t withheld or retained as such .y the
Railway till the clai( arisin out of or under any other contract is either (utually
settled or deter(ined .y ar.itration= if the other contract is o?erned .y Ar.itration
Clause or .y the co(#etent court as the case (ay .e and contractor shall ha?e no
clai( for interest or da(aes whatsoe?er on this account or on any other round in
res#ect of any su( of (oney withheld or retained under this Clause and duly notified
as such to the contractor!
937 S'"#a!ure O# Ree'-!* F+r A)+u#!* , ,?ery recei#t for (oney which (ay .eco(e
#aya.le or for any security which (ay .eco(e transfera.le to the Contractors under these
#resents= shall= if sined in the #artnershi# na(e .y anyone of the #artners of a ContractorEs
fir( .e a ood and sufficient dischare to the Railway in res#ect of the (oneys or security
#ur#orted to .e ac1nowleded there.y and in the e?ent of death of any of the Contractor=
#artners durin the #endency of the contract= it is here.y e2#ressly areed that e?ery recei#t .y
anyone of the sur?i?in Contractor #artners shall if so sined as aforesaid .e ood and sufficient
dischare as aforesaid #ro?ided that nothin in this Clause contained shall .e dee(ed to
#reBudice or effect any clai( which the Railway (ay hereafter ha?e aainst the leal
re#resentati?e of any contractor #artner so dyin for or in res#ect to any .reach of any of the
conditions of the contract= #ro?ided also that nothin in this clause contained shall .e dee(ed to
#reBudice or effect the res#ecti?e rihts or o.liations of the Contractor #artners and of the leal
re#resentati?es of any deceased Contractor #artners interse!

987 .a"e* T+ Lab+ur , 'he Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le to ensure co(#liance with
the #ro?ision of the -ini(u( 0aes Act= 1/*) :hereinafter referred to as the Lsaid ActJ and the
Rules (ade thereunder in res#ect of any e(#loyees directly or throuh #etty contractors or su.3
contractors e(#loyed .y hi( on road construction or in .uildin o#erations or in stone .rea1in
or stone crushin for the #ur#ose of carryin out this contract!
If= in co(#liance with the ter(s of the contract= the Contractor su##lied any la.our to
.e used wholly or #artly under the direct orders and control of the Railways whether in
connection with any wor1 .ein e2ecuted .y the Contractor or otherwise for the #ur#ose of the
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae */

Railway such la.our shall= for the #ur#ose of this Clause= still .e dee(ed to .e #ersons e(#loyed
.y the Contractor!
If any (oneys shall= as a result of any clai( or a##lication (ade under the said Act .e
directed to .e #aid .y the Railway= such (oney shall .e dee(ed to .e (oneys #aya.le to the
Railway .y the Contractor and on failure .y the Contractor to re#ay the Railway any (oneys
#aid .y it as aforesaid within se?en days after the sa(e shall ha?e .een de(anded= the Railways
shall .e entitled to reco?er the sa(e fro( any (oneys due or accruin to the contractor under
this or any other Contract with the Railways!
98-A7 A--re#!'e* A! , 'he Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le to ensure co(#liance with the
#ro?isions of the A##rentices Act= 1/"1 and the Rules and Orders issued thereunder fro( ti(e to
ti(e in res#ect of a##rentices directly or throuh #etty contractors or su.3contractors e(#loyed
.y hi( for the #ur#ose of carryin out the Contract!
If the contractor directly or throuh #etty contractors or su.3contractors fails to do so=
his failure will .e a .reach of the contract and the Railway (ay= in its discretion= rescind the
contract! 'he contractor shall also .e lia.le for any #ecuniary lia.ility arisin on account of any
?iolation of the #ro?isions of the Act!
Aote, 'he contractors are reFuired to enae a##rentices when the wor1s underta1en .y
the( last for a #eriod of one year or (ore andDor the cost of wor1s is ru#ees one la1h
or (ore!
997 Pr+I'*'+#* O( Pay)e#!* O( .a"e* A! , 'he Contractor shall co(#ly with the
#ro?isions of the Pay(ent of 0aes Act= 1/3" and the rules (ade thereunder in res#ect of all
e(#loyees directly or throuh #etty contractors or su.3contractors e(#loyed .y hi( in the
wor1s! If in co(#liance with the ter(s of the contract= the Contractor directly or throuh #etty
contractors or su.3contractors shall su##ly any la.our to .e used wholly or #artly under the
direct orders and control of the ,nineer whether in connection with the wor1s to .e e2ecuted
hereunder or otherwise for the #ur#ose of the ,nineer= such la.our shall ne?er the less .e
dee(ed to co(#rise #ersons e(#loyed .y the contractor and any (oneys which (ay .e ordered
to .e #aid .y the ,nineer shall .e dee(ed to .e (oneys #aya.le .y the ,nineer on .ehalf of
the Contractor and the ,nineer (ay on failure of the Contractor to re#ay such (oney to the
Railways deduct the sa(e fro( any (oneys due to the Contractor in ter(s of the contract! 'he
Railway shall .e entitled to deduct fro( any (oneys due to the contractor :whether under this
contract or any other contract; all (oneys #aid or #aya.le .y the Railway .y way of
co(#ensation of aforesaid or for costs of e2#enses in connection with any clai( thereto and the
decision of the ,nineer u#on any Fuestion arisin out of the effect or force of this Clause shall
.e final and .indin u#on the Contractor!
99-A7 Pr+I'*'+#* O( C+#!ra! Lab+ur 2Re"ula!'+# A#$ Ab+l'!'+#3 A!1 1?<0 ,
99-A7213 'he Contractor shall co(#ly with the #ro?ision of the contract la.our :Reulation
and A.olition; Act= 1/%0 and the Contract la.our :Reulation and A.olition; Central Rules 1/%1
as (odified fro( ti(e to ti(e= where?er a##lica.le and shall also inde(nify the Railway fro(
and aainst any clai(s under the aforesaid Act and the Rules!
99-A7223 'he Contractor shall o.tain a ?alid license under the aforesaid Act as (odified fro(
ti(e to ti(e .efore the co((ence(ent of the wor1 and continue to ha?e a ?alid license until
the co(#letion of the wor1! Any failure to fulfill the reFuire(ent shall attract the #enal #ro?ision
of the Contract arisin out of the resultant non3e2ecution of the wor1!
99-A7233 'he Contractor shall #ay to the la.our e(#loyed .y hi( directly or throuh
su.contractors the waes as #er #ro?ision of the aforesaid Act and the Rules where?er
a##lica.le! 'he Contractor shall notwithstandin the #ro?isions of the contract to the contrary=
cause to .e #aid the waes to la.our indirectly enaed on the wor1s includin any enaed .y
su.3contractors in connection with the said wor1= as if the la.our had .een i((ediately
e(#loyed .y hi(!

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae +0

99-A7283 In res#ect of all la.our directly or indirectly e(#loyed in the wor1 for #erfor(ance of
the contractorEs #art of the contract= the Contractor shall co(#ly with or cause to .e co(#lied
with the #ro?isions of the aforesaid Act and Rules where?er a##lica.le!
99-A7293 In e?ery case in which= .y ?irtue of the #ro?isions of the aforesaid Act or the Rules=
the Railway is o.lied to #ay any a(ount of waes to a wor1(an e(#loyed .y the Contractor or
his su.3contractor in e2ecution of the wor1 or to incur any e2#enditure on account of the
Continent= lia.ility of the Railway due to the contractorEs failure to fulfill his statutory o.liations
under the aforesaid Act or the rules= the Railway will reco?er fro( the Contractor= the a(ount of
waes so #aid or the a(ount of e2#enditure so incurred and without #reBudice to the rihts of
the Railway under the Section 20= Su.3Section :2; and Section 2= Su.3Section :*; of the
aforesaid Act= the Railway shall .e at li.erty to reco?er such a(ount or #art thereof .y deductin
it fro( the Security $e#osit andDor fro( any su( due .y the Railway to the contractor whether
under the contract or otherwise! 'he Railway shall not .e .ound to contest any clai( (ade
aainst it under Su.3Section :1; of Section 20 and Su.3Section :*; of Section 21 of the aforesaid
Act e2ce#t on the written reFuest of the Contractor and u#on his i?in to the Railway full
security for all costs for which the Railway (iht .eco(e lia.le in contestin such clai(! 'he
decision of the Railway reardin the a(ount actually reco?era.le fro( the contractor as stated
a.o?e shall .e final and .indin on the Contractor!
99-H7 Pr+I'*'+#* +( E)-l+yee* Pr+I'$e#! Fu#$ a#$ &'*ella#e+u* Pr+I'*'+#* A!1
1?92 ,
'he Contractor shall co(#ly with the #ro?isions of Para 30 C 3"3@ of the ,(#loyees Pro?ident
&und Sche(e= 1/+2N Para 3 C * of ,(#loyees8 Pension Sche(e= 1//+N and Para % C ) of
,(#loyees $e#osit >in1ed Insurance Sche(e= 1/%"N as (odified fro( ti(e to ti(e throuh
enact(ent of J,(#loyees Pro?ident &und C -iscellaneous Pro?isions Act= 1/+2J= where?er
a##lica.le and shall also inde(nify the Railway fro( and aainst any clai(s under the aforesaid
Act and the Rules!
RAuthority 4 Railway @oard8s letter no! 2012DC,3IDC'DOD22= dated 1*!12!2012S
9;7 Re-+r!'#" O( A'$e#!* T+ Lab+ur , 'he Contractor shall .e res#onsi.le for the
safety of all e(#loyees directly or throuh #etty contractors or su.3contractor e(#loyed .y hi(
on the wor1s and shall re#ort serious accidents to any of the( howe?er and where?er occurrin
on the wor1s to the ,nineer or the ,nineers Re#resentati?e and shall (a1e e?ery
arrane(ents to render all #ossi.le assistance!
9<7 Pr+I'*'+# O( .+r/)e#B* C+)-e#*a!'+# A! , In e?ery case in which .y ?irtue of
the #ro?isions of Section 12 Su.3Section :1; of the 0or1(enEs Co(#ensation Act 1/23= Railway
is o.lied to #ay co(#ensation to a wor1(an directly or throuh #etty contractor or
su.contractor e(#loyed .y the Contractor in e2ecutin the wor1= Railway will reco?er fro( the
Contractor the a(ount of the co(#ensation so #aid= and= without #reBudice to the rihts of
Railway under Section 12 Su.3section :2; of the said Act= Railway shall .e at li.erty to reco?er
such a(ount or any #art thereof .y deductin it fro( the Security $e#osit or fro( any su( due
.y Railway to the Contractor whether under these conditions or otherwise= Railway shall not .e
.ound to contest any clai( (ade aainst it under Section 12 Su.3Section :1; of the said Act
e2ce#t on the written reFuest of the Contractor and u#on his i?in to Railway full security for all
costs for which Railway (iht .eco(e lia.le in conseFuence of contestin such clai(!
9<-A7 Pr+I'*'+# O( &'#e* A! , 'he Contractor shall o.ser?e and #erfor( all the #ro?isions
of the -ines Act= 1/+2 or any statutory (odifications or re3enact(ent thereof for the ti(e .ein
in force and any rules and reulations (ade thereunder in res#ect of all the #ersons directly or
throuh the #etty contractors or su.3contractors e(#loyed .y hi( under this contract and shall
inde(nify the Railway fro( and aainst any clai(s under the -ines Act= or the rules and
reulations fra(ed thereunder= .y or on .ehalf of any #ersons e(#loyed .y hi( or otherwise!
9>7 Ra'l=ay N+! T+ Pr+I'$e Duar!er* F+r C+#!ra!+r* , Ao Fuarters shall nor(ally .e
#ro?ided .y the Railway for the acco((odation of the Contractor or any of his staff e(#loyed
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae +1

on the wor1! In e2ce#tional cases where acco((odation is #ro?ided to the Contractor at the
RailwayEs discretion= reco?eries shall .e (ade at such rates as (ay .e fi2ed .y the Railway for
the full rent of the .uildins and eFui#(ents therein as well as chares for electric current= water
su##ly and conser?ancy!
9?7213 Lab+ur Ca)-* , 'he Contractor shall at his own e2#ense (a1e adeFuate
arrane(ents for the housin= su##ly of drin1in water and #ro?ision of latrines and urinals for
his staff and wor1(en= directly or throuh the #etty contractors or su.3contractors and for
te(#orary creche :@al3(andir; where +0 or (ore wo(en are e(#loyed at a ti(e! Suita.le sites
on Railway land= if a?aila.le= (ay .e allotted to the Contractor for the erection of la.our ca(#s=
either free of chare or on such ter(s and conditions that (ay .e #rescri.ed .y the Railway! All
ca(# sites shall .e (aintained in clean and sanitary conditions .y the Contractor at his own
9?7223 C+)-l'a#e T+ Rule* F+r E)-l+y)e#! O( Lab+ur , 'he Contractor:s; shall
confor( to all laws= .ye3laws rules and reulations for the ti(e .ein in force #ertainin to the
e(#loy(ent of local or i(#orted la.our and shall ta1e all necessary #recautions to ensure and
#reser?e the health and safety of all staff e(#loyed directly or throuh #etty Contractors or Su.3
Contractors on the wor1s!
9?7233 Pre*erIa!'+# O( Peae , 'he Contractor shall ta1e reFuisite #recautions and use his
.est endea?ours to #re?ent any riotous or unlawful .eha?iour .y or a(onst his wor1(en and
other e(#loyed directly or throuh the #etty contractors or su.3contractors on the wor1s and for
the #reser?ation of #eace and #rotection of the inha.itants and security of #ro#erty in the
neih.ourhood of the wor1s! In the e?ent of the Railway reFuirin the (aintenance of a s#ecial
Police &orce at or in the ?icinity of the site durin the tenure of wor1s= the e2#enses thereof shall
.e .orne .y the Contractor and if #aid .y the Railway shall .e reco?era.le fro( the Contractor!
9?7283 Sa#'!ary Arra#"e)e#!* , 'he Contractor shall o.ey all sanitary rules and carry out
all sanitary (easures that (ay fro( ti(e to ti(e .e #rescri.ed .y the Railway -edical Authority
and #er(it ins#ection of all sanitary arrane(ents at all ti(es .y the ,nineer= the ,nineerEs
Re#resentati?e or the -edical Staff of the Railway! Should the Contractor fail to (a1e the
adeFuate sanitary arrane(ents= these will .e #ro?ided .y the Railway and the cost therefore
reco?ered fro( the Contractor!
9?7293 Ou!brea/ O( I#(e!'+u* D'*ea*e , 'he Contractor shall re(o?e fro( his ca(# such
la.our and their fa(ilies as refuse #rotecti?e inoculation and ?accination when called u#on to do
so .y the ,nineer or the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e on the ad?ice of the Railway= -edical
Authority! Should Cholera= #laue= or other infectious disease .rea1 out= the Contractor shall
.urn the huts= .eddins= clothes and other .elonins of or used .y the infected #arties and
#ro(#tly erect new huts on healthy sites as reFuired .y the ,nineer= failin which within the
ti(e s#ecified in the ,nineerEs reFuisition= the wor1 (ay .e done .y the Railway and the cost
therefore reco?ered fro( the Contractor!
9?72;3 Trea!)e#! O( C+#!ra!+rG* S!a(( I# Ra'l=ay 4+*-'!al* , 'he Contractor and his
staff= other than la.ourers and their fa(ilies reFuirin (edical aid fro( the Railway <os#ital and
dis#ensaries will .e treated as #ri?ate #atients and chared accordinly! 'he ContractorsE
la.ourers and their &a(ilies will .e ranted free treat(ent in Railway <os#itals and dis#ensaries
where no other <os#itals or dis#ensaries are a?aila.le #ro?ided the Contractor #ays the cost of
(edicines= dressin and diet (oney accordin to the nor(al scale and additional chares for
s#ecial e2a(inations such as #atholoical and .acterioloical e2a(ination= K3Ray= etc! and for
surical o#eration!
9?72<3 &e$'al Fa'l'!'e* A! S'!e , 'he Contractor shall #ro?ide (edical facilities at the site
as (ay .e #rescri.ed .y the ,nineer on the ad?ice of the Railway -edical Authority in relation
to the strenth of the ContractorEs resident staff and wor1(en!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae +2

9?72>3 U*e O( I#!+%'a#!* , 'he sale of ardent s#irits or other into2icatin .e?eraes u#on
the wor1 or in any of the .uildins= enca(#(ents or tene(ents owned= occu#ied .y or within
the control of the Contractor or any of his e(#loyees shall .e for.idden and the Contractor shall
e2ercise his influence and authority to the ut(ost e2tent to secure strict co(#liance with this
9?72?3 N+#-E)-l+y)e#! O( Fe)ale Lab+ur , 'he Contractor shall see that the
e(#loy(ent of fe(ale la.our onDin Canton(ent areas= #articularly in the neih.ourhood of
soldiers .arrac1s= should .e a?oided as far as #ossi.le!
9?72103 Re*!r'!'+#* O# T:e E)-l+y)e#! O( Re!'re$ E#"'#eer* O( Ra'l=ay SerI'e*
.'!:'# T=+ Aear* O( T:e'r Re!'re)e#! , 'he Contractor shall not= if he is a retired
Go?ern(ent ,nineer of GaMetted ran1= hi(self enae in or e(#loy or associate a retired
Go?ern(ent ,nineer of GaMetted ran1= who has not co(#leted two years fro( the date of
retire(ent= in connection with this contract in any (anner whatsoe?er without o.tainin #rior
#er(ission of the President and if the Contractor is found to ha?e contra?ened this #ro?ision it
will constitute a .reach of contract and ad(inistration will .e entitled to ter(inate the contract
at the ris1 and cost of the contractor and forfeit his Security $e#osit!
;07213 N+#-E)-l+y)e#! O( Lab+urer* Hel+= T:e A"e O( 19 , 'he Contractor shall not
e(#loy children .elow the ae of 1+ as la.ourers directly or throuh #etty contractors or su.3
contractors for the e2ecution of wor1!
;07223 &e$'al Cer!'('a!e O( F'!#e** F+r Lab+ur , It is areed that the contractor shall
not e(#loy a #erson a.o?e 1+ and .elow 1/ years of ae for the #ur#ose of e2ecution of wor1
under the contract unless a (edical certificate of fitness in the #rescri.ed for( :Profor(a at
Anne2ure37III; ranted to hi( .y a certifyin sureon certifyin that he is fit to wor1 as an
adult= is o.tained and 1e#t in the custody of the contractor or a #erson no(inated .y hi( in this
.ehalf and the #erson carries with hi(= while at wor1N a to1en i?in a reference to such
certificate! It is further areed that the res#onsi.ility for ha?in the adolescent e2a(ined
(edically at the ti(e of a##oint(ent or #eriodically till he attains the ae of 1/ years shall
de?ol?e entirely on the contractor and all the e2#enses to .e incurred on this account shall .e
.orne .y hi( and no fee shall .e chared fro( the adolescent or his #arent for such (edical
;07233 Per'+$ O( 0al'$'!y O( &e$'al F'!#e** Cer!'('a!e , A certificate of fitness ranted
or renewed for the a.o?e said #ur#oses shall .e ?alid only for a #eriod of one year at a ti(e!
'he certifyin sureon shall re?o1e a certificate ranted or renewed if in his o#inion the holder
of it is= no loner fit for wor1 in the ca#acity stated therein! 0here a certifyin sureon refuses
to rant or renew a certificate or re?o1e a certificate= he shall= if so reFuired .y the #erson
concerned= state his reasons in writin for doin so!
;07283 &e$'al Re-E%a)'#a!'+# O( Lab+urer , 0here any official a##ointed in this .ehalf
.y the -inistry of >a.our is of the o#inion that any #erson e(#loyed in connection with the
e2ecution of any wor1 under this contract in the ae rou# 1+ to 1/ years is without a certificate
of fitness or is ha?in a certificate of fitness .ut no loner fit to wor1 in the ca#acity stated in the
certificate= he (ay ser?e on the Contractor= or on the #erson no(inated .y hi( in this reard= a
notice reFuirin that such #ersons shall .e e2a(ined .y a certifyin sureon and such #erson
shall not if the concerned official so directs= .e e(#loyed or #er(itted to do any wor1 under this
contract unless he has .een (edically e2a(ined and certified that he has .een ranted a
certificate of fitness or a fresh certificate of fitness= as the case (ay .e!
:1; Only Hualified -edical Practitioners can .e a##ointed as ICertifyin SureonsI and the
ter( IHualified -edical PractitionersI (eans a #erson holdin a Fualification ranted
.y an authority s#ecified in the Schedule to the Indian -edical $erees Act= 1/1" :7II
to 1/1"; or in the Schedule to the Indian -edical Council Act= 1/33 :KK7II; of 1/33!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae +3

:2; 'he Certifyin sureon (ay .e a (edical officer in the ser?ice of State or -unici#al

;17213 R'":! O( Ra'l=ay T+ De!er)'#e T:e C+#!ra! , 'he Railway shall .e entitled to
deter(ine and ter(inate the contract at any ti(e should= in the RailwayEs o#inion= the cessation
of wor1 .eco(es necessary owin to #aucity of funds or fro( any other cause whate?er= in
which case the ?alue of a##ro?ed (aterials at site and of wor1 done to date .y the Contractor
will .e #aid for in full at the rate s#ecified in the contract! Aotice in writin fro( the Railway of
such deter(ination and the reasons therefor shall .e conclusi?e e?idence thereof!
;17223 Pay)e#! O# De!er)'#a!'+# O( C+#!ra! , Should the contract .e deter(ined
under su. clause :1; of this clause and the Contractor clai(s #ay(ent for e2#enditure incurred
.y hi( in the e2#ectation of co(#letin the whole of the wor1= the Railways shall ad(it and
consider such clai(s as are dee(ed reasona.le and are su##orted .y ?ouchers to the
satisfaction of the ,nineer! 'he RailwayEs decision on the necessity and #ro#riety of such
e2#enditure shall .e final and conclusi?e!
;17233 'he Contractor shall ha?e no clai( to any #ay(ent of co(#ensation or otherwise=
howsoe?er on account of any #rofit or ad?antae which he (iht ha?e deri?ed fro( the
e2ecution of the wor1 in full .ut which he did not deri?e in conseFuence of deter(ination of
;27213 De!er)'#a!'+# O( C+#!ra! O='#" T+ De(aul! O( C+#!ra!+r , If the Contractor
:i; @eco(es .an1ru#t or insol?ent= or
:ii; -a1e an arrane(ent with of assin(ent in fa?our of his creditors= or aree to
carry out the contract under a Co((ittee of Ins#ection of his creditors= or
:iii; @ein a Co(#any or Cor#oration= o into liFuidation :other than a ?oluntary liFuidation
for the #ur#oses of a(ala(ation or reconstruction;= or
:i?; <a?e an e2ecution le?ied on his oods or #ro#erty on the wor1s= or
:?; Assin the contract or any #art thereof otherwise than as #ro?ided in Clause % of these
Conditions= or
:?i; A.andon the contract= or
:?ii; Persistently disreard the instructions of the ,nineer= or contra?ene any #ro?ision of
the contract= or
:?iii; &ail to adhere to the areed #rora((e of wor1 .y a (arin of 10O of the sti#ulated
#eriod= or
:i2; &ail to re(o?e (aterials fro( the site or to #ull down and re#lace wor1 after recei?in
fro( the ,nineer notice to the effect that the said (aterials or wor1s ha?e .een
conde(ned or reBected under Clause 2+ and 2% of these Conditions= or
:2; &ail to ta1e ste#s to e(#loy co(#etent or additional staff and la.our as reFuired under
Clause 2" of the Conditions= or
:2i; &ail to afford the ,nineer or ,nineerEs re#resentati?e #ro#er facilities for ins#ectin
the wor1s or any #art thereof as reFuired under Clause 2) of the Conditions= or
:2ii; Pro(ise= offer or i?e any .ri.e= co((ission= ift or ad?antae either hi(self or
throuh his #artner= aent or ser?ant to any officer or e(#loyee of the Railway or to
any #erson on his or on their .ehalf in relation to the e2ecution of this or any other
contract with this Railway!
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae +*

:2iii; :A; At any ti(e after the tender relatin to the contract= has .een sined and
su.(itted .y the Contractor= .ein a #artnershi# fir( ad(it as one of its
#artners or e(#loyee under it or .ein an incor#orated co(#any elect or
no(inate or allow to act as one of its directors or e(#loyee under it in any
ca#acity whatsoe?er any retired enineer of the aMetted ran1 or any other
retired aMetted officer wor1in .efore his retire(ent= whether in the e2ecuti?e
or ad(inistrati?e ca#acity= or whether holdin any #ensiona.le #ost or not= in
the Railways for the ti(e .ein owned and ad(inistered .y the President of
India .efore the e2#iry of two years fro( the date of retire(ent fro( the said
ser?ice of such ,nineer or Officer unless such ,nineer or Officer has o.tained
#er(ission fro( the President of India or any officer duly authoriMed .y hi( in
this .ehalf to .eco(e a #artner or a director or to ta1e e(#loy(ent under the
contract as the case (ay .e= or
:@; &ail to i?e at the ti(e of su.(ittin the said tender 4
:a; 'he correct infor(ation as to the date of retire(ent of such retired
enineer or retired officer fro( the said ser?ice= or as to whether any such
retired enineer or retired officer was under the e(#loy(ent of the
Contractor at the ti(e of su.(ittin the said tender= or
:.; 'he correct infor(ation as to such enineers or officers o.tainin
#er(ission to ta1e e(#loy(ent under the Contractor= or
:c; @ein a #artnershi# fir(= the correct infor(ation as to= whether any of its
#artners was such a retired enineer or a retired officer= or
:d; @ein in incor#orated co(#any= correct infor(ation as to whether any of
its directors was such a retired enineer or a retired officer= or
:e; @ein such a retired enineer or retired officer su##ress and not disclose
at the ti(e of su.(ittin the said tender the fact of his .ein such a
retired enineer or a retired officer or (a1e at the ti(e of su.(ittin the
said tender a wron state(ent in relation to his o.tainin #er(ission to
ta1e the contract or if the Contractor .e a #artnershi# fir( or an
incor#orated co(#any to .e a #artner or director of such fir( or co(#any
as the case (ay .e or to see1 e(#loy(ent under the Contractor!
'hen and in any of the said Clause= the ,nineer on .ehalf of the Railway (ay ser?e
the Contractor with a notice :Profor(a at Anne2ure3IK; in writin to that effect and if the
Contractor does not within se?en days after the deli?ery to hi( of such notice #roceed to (a1e
ood his default in so far as the sa(e is ca#a.le of .ein (ade ood and carry on the wor1 or
co(#ly with such directions as aforesaid of the entire satisfaction of the ,nineer= the Railway
shall .e entitled after i?in *) hours8 notice :Profor(a at Anne2ure3K; in writin under the hand
of the ,nineer to rescind the contract as a whole or in #art or #arts :as (ay .e s#ecified in
such notice; and after e2#iry of *) hours8 notice= a final ter(ination notice :Profor(a at
Anne2ure3KI; should .e issued and ado#t either or .oth of the followin courses 4
:2; 'o carry out the whole or #art of the wor1 fro( which the contractor has .een
re(o?ed .y the e(#loy(ent of the reFuired la.our and (aterials= the costs of which
shall include lead= lift= freiht= su#er?ision and all incidental chares!
:y; 'o (easure u# the whole or #art of the wor1 fro( which the contractor has .een
re(o?ed and et it co(#leted .y another contractor= the (anner and (ethod in which
such wor1 is co(#leted shall .e in the entire discretion of the ,nineer whose decision
shall .e final 4
And in .oth cases :2; and :y; (entioned a.o?e= the Railway shall .e entitled :i; to
forfeit the whole or such #ortion of the Security $e#osit as it (ay consider fit= and :ii; to reco?er
fro( the Contractor the cost of carryin out the wor1 in e2cess of the su( which would ha?e
.een #aya.le accordin to the certificate of the ,nineer to the Contractor= if the wor1s had
.een carried out .y the Contractor under the ter(s of the contract= such certificate .ein final
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae ++

and .indin u#on the contractor= #ro?ided= howe?er= that such reco?ery shall .e (ade only
when the cost incurred in e2cess is (ore than the Security $e#osit #ro#osed to .e forfeited and
shall .e li(ited to the a(ount .y which the cost incurred in e2cess e2ceeds the Security $e#osit
#ro#osed to .e forfeited! 'he a(ount= thus= to .e forfeited or reco?ered (ay .e deducted fro(
any (oneys then due or which at any ti(e thereafter (ay .eco(e due to the Contractor .y the
Railway under this or any other Contract or otherwise!
Pro?ided always that in any case in which any of #ower conferred u#on the Railway .y
Su. Clause :1; of Clause "2 hereof shall ha?e .eco(e e2ercisa.le and the sa(e shall not .e
e2ercised= the non3e2ercise thereof shall not constitute a wai?er of any of the conditions thereof
and such #owers shall not withstandin .e e2ercisa.le in the e?ent of any future case of default
.y the contractor for which his lia.ility for #ast and future shall re(ain unaffected!
;27223 R'":! O( Ra'l=ay A(!er Re*'**'+# O( C+#!ra! O='#" T+ De(aul! O(
C+#!ra!+r , In the e?ent of any or se?eral of the courses= referred to in Su.3Clause :1; of this
Clause= .ein ado#ted 4
:a; 'he Contractor shall ha?e no clai( to co(#ensation for any loss sustained .y hi( .y
reason of his ha?in #urchased or #rocured any (aterials or entered into any
co((it(ents or (ade any ad?ances on account of or with a ?iew to the e2ecution of
the wor1s or the #erfor(ance of the contract and Contractor shall not .e entitled to
reco?er or .e #aid any su( for any wor1 thereto for actually #erfor(ed under the
contract unless and until the ,nineer shall ha?e certified the #erfor(ance of such
wor1 and the ?alue #aya.le in res#ect thereof and the Contractor shall only .e entitled
to .e #aid the ?alue so certified!
:.; 'he ,nineer or the ,nineerEs Re#resentati?e shall .e entitled to ta1e #ossession of
any (aterials= tools= i(#le(ents= (achinery and .uildins on the wor1s or on the
#ro#erty on which these are .ein or ouht to ha?e .een e2ecuted= and to retain and
e(#loy the sa(e in the further e2ecution of the wor1s or any #art thereof until the
co(#letion of the wor1s without the Contractor .ein entitled to any co(#ensation for
the use and e(#loy(ent thereof or for wear and tear or destruction thereof!
:c; 'he ,nineer shall as soon as (ay .e #ractica.le after re(o?al of the Contractor fi2
and deter(ine e23#arte or .y or after reference to the #arties or after such
in?estiation or enFuiries as he (ay consider fit to (a1e or institute and shall certify
what a(ount :if any; had at the ti(e of rescission of the contract .een reasona.ly
earned .y or would reasona.ly accrue to the Contractor in res#ect of the wor1 then
actually done .y hi( under the contract and what was the ?alue of any unused= or
#artially used (aterials= any constructional #lant and any te(#orary wor1s u#on the
site! 'he leiti(ate a(ount due to the contractor after (a1in necessary deductions
and certified .y the ,nineer should .e released e2#editiously!

;37 &a!!er* F'#ally De!er)'#e$ Hy T:e Ra'l=ay , All dis#utes and differences of any
1ind whatsoe?er arisin out of or in connection with the contract= whether durin the #roress of
the wor1 or after its co(#letion and whether .efore or after the deter(ination of the contract=
shall .e referred .y the contractor to the G- and the G- shall= within 120 days after recei#t of
the contractor8s re#resentation= (a1e and notify decisions on all (atters referred to .y the
contractor in writin #ro?ided that (atters for which #ro?ision has .een (ade in Clauses )= 1)=
22:+;= 3/= *3:2;= *+:a;= ++= ++3A:+;= +%= +%A="1:1;= "1:2; and "2:1; to :2iii;:@; of General
Conditions of Contract or in any Clause of the S#ecial Conditions of the Contract shall .e dee(ed
as Qe2ce#ted (atters8 :(atters not ar.itra.le;and decisions of the Railway authority= thereon
shall .e final and .indin on the contractorN #ro?ided further that Qe2ce#ted (atters8 shall stand
s#ecifically e2cluded fro( the #ur?iew of the Ar.itration Clause!

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae +"

;87213 De)a#$ F+r Arb'!ra!'+# ,
;87213 2'3 - In the e?ent of any dis#ute or difference .etween the #arties hereto as to the
construction or o#eration of this contract= or the res#ecti?e rihts and lia.ilities of the #arties on
any (atter in Fuestion= dis#ute or difference on any account or as to the withholdin .y the
Railway of any certificate to which the contractor (ay clai( to .e entitled to= or if the Railway
fails to (a1e a decision within 120 days= then and in any such case= .ut e2ce#t in any of the
Le2ce#ted (attersJ referred to in Clause "3 of these Conditions= the contractor= after 120 days
.ut within 1)0 days of his #resentin his final clai( on dis#uted (atters shall de(and in writin
that the dis#ute or difference .e referred to ar.itration!
;87213 2''3 - 'he de(and for ar.itration shall s#ecify the (atters which are in Fuestion= or
su.Bect of the dis#ute or difference as also the a(ount of clai( ite(3wise! Only such
dis#ute:s;or difference:s; in res#ect of which the de(and has .een (ade= toether with counter
clai(s or set off= i?en .y the Railway1 shall .e referred to ar.itration and other (atters shall
not .e included in the reference!
;87213 2'''3- :a; 'he Ar.itration #roceedins shall .e assu(ed to ha?e co((enced fro( the
day= a written and ?alid de(and for ar.itration is recei?ed .y the Railway!
:.; 'he clai(ant shall su.(it his clai( statin the facts su##ortin the clai(s
alonwith all the rele?ant docu(ents and the relief or re(edy souht
aainst each clai( within a #eriod of 30 days fro( the date of a##oint(ent
of the Ar.itral 'ri.unal!
:c; 'he Railway shall su.(it its defence state(ent and counter clai(:s;= if any=
within a #eriod of "0 days of recei#t of co#y of clai(s fro( 'ri.unal
thereafter= unless otherwise e2tension has .een ranted .y 'ri.unal!
:d; Place of Ar.itration 4 'he #lace of ar.itration would .e within the
eora#hical li(its of the $i?ision of the Railway where the cause of action
arose or the <eadFuarters of the concerned Railway or any other #lace with
the written consent of .oth the #arties!
;87213 2'I3 - Ao new clai( shall .e added durin #roceedins .y either #arty! <owe?er= a
#arty (ay a(end or su##le(ent the oriinal clai( or defence thereof durin the course of
ar.itration #roceedins su.Bect to acce#tance .y 'ri.unal ha?in due reard to the delay in
(a1in it!
;87213 2I3 - If the contractor:s; doesDdo not #refer hisDtheir s#ecific and final clai(s in
writin= within a #eriod of /0 days of recei?in the inti(ation fro( the Railways that the final .ill
is ready for #ay(ent= heDthey will .e dee(ed to ha?e wai?ed hisDtheir clai(:s; and the Railway
shall .e dischared and released of all lia.ilities under the contract in res#ect of these clai(s!
;87223 Obl'"a!'+# Dur'#" Pe#$e#y O( Arb'!ra!'+# , 0or1 under the contract shall=
unless otherwise directed .y the ,nineer= continue durin the ar.itration #roceedins= and no
#ay(ent due or #aya.le .y the Railway shall .e withheld on account of such #roceedins=
#ro?ided= howe?er= it shall .e o#en for Ar.itral 'ri.unal to consider and decide whether or not
such wor1 should continue durin ar.itration #roceedins!
;87233 A--+'#!)e#! +( Arb'!ra!+r ,
;87233 2a32'3 - In cases where the total ?alue of all clai(s in Fuestion added toether does
not e2ceed Rs! 10=00=000 :Ru#ees ten la1h only;= the Ar.itral 'ri.unal shall consist of a Sole
Ar.itrator who shall .e a GaMetted Officer of Railway not .elow JA Grade= no(inated .y the
General -anaer! 'he sole ar.itrator shall .e a##ointed within "0 days fro( the day when a
written and ?alid de(and for ar.itration is recei?ed .y G-!
;87233 2a32''3 - In cases not co?ered .y the Clause "*:3;:a;:i;= the Ar.itral 'ri.unal shall
consist of a Panel of three GaMetted Railway Officers not .elow JA Grade or 2 Railway GaMetted
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae +%

Officers not .elow JA Grade and a retired Railway Officer= retired not .elow the ran1 of SAG
Officer1 as the ar.itrators! &or this #ur#ose= the Railway will send a #anel of (ore than 3 na(es
of GaMetted Railway Officers of one or (ore de#art(ents of the Railway which (ay also include
the na(e:s; of retired Railway Officer:s; e(#anelled to wor1 as Railway Ar.itrator to the
contractor within "0 days fro( the day when a written and ?alid de(and for ar.itration is
recei?ed .y the G-!
Contractor will .e as1ed to suest to General -anaer at least 2 na(es out of the
#anel for a##oint(ent as contractor8s no(inee within 30 days fro( the date of dis#atch of the
reFuest .y Railway! 'he General -anaer shall a##oint at least one out of the( as the
contractor8s no(inee and will= also si(ultaneously a##oint the .alance nu(.er of ar.itrators
either fro( the #anel or fro( outside the #anel= duly indicatin the Q#residin ar.itrator8 fro(
a(onst the 3 ar.itrators so a##ointed! G- shall co(#lete this e2ercise of a##ointin the
Ar.itral 'ri.unal within 30 days fro( the recei#t of the na(es of contractor8s no(inees! 0hile
no(inatin the ar.itrators= it will .e necessary to ensure that one of the( is fro( the Accounts
$e#art(ent! An officer of Selection Grade of the Accounts $e#art(ent shall .e considered of
eFual status to the officers in SA rade of other de#art(ents of the Railway for the #ur#ose of
a##oint(ent of ar.itrator!
;87233 2a32'''3 - If one or (ore of the ar.itrators a##ointed as a.o?e refuses to act as
ar.itrator= withdraws fro( his office as ar.itrator= or ?acates hisDtheir officeDoffices or isDare
una.le or unwillin to #erfor( his functions as ar.itrator for any reason whatsoe?er or dies or in
the o#inion of the General -anaer fails to act without undue delay= the General -anaer shall
a##oint new ar.itratorDar.itrators to act in hisDtheir #lace in the sa(e (anner in which the
earlier ar.itratorDar.itrators had .een a##ointed! Such re3constituted 'ri.unal (ay= at its
discretion= #roceed with the reference fro( the stae at which it was left .y the #re?ious
ar.itrator :s;!
;87233 2a32'I3 - 'he Ar.itral 'ri.unal shall ha?e #ower to call for such e?idence .y way of
affida?its or otherwise as the Ar.itral 'ri.unal shall thin1 #ro#er= and it shall .e the duty of the
#arties hereto to do or cause to .e done all such thins as (ay .e necessary to ena.le the
Ar.itral 'ri.unal to (a1e the award without any delay! 'he Ar.itral 'ri.unal should record day
to3day #roceedins! 'he #roceedins shall nor(ally .e conducted on the .asis of docu(ents and
written state(ents!
;87233 2a32I3 - 0hile a##ointin ar.itrator:s; under Su.3Clause :i;= :ii; C :iii; a.o?e= due care
shall .e ta1en that heDthey isDare not the oneDthose who had an o##ortunity to deal with the
(atters to which the contract relates or who in the course of hisDtheir duties as Railway
ser?ant:s; e2#ressed ?iews on all or any of the (atters under dis#ute or differences! 'he
#roceedins of the Ar.itral 'ri.unal or the award (ade .y such 'ri.unal will= howe?er= not .e
in?alid (erely for the reason that one or (ore ar.itrator had= in the course of his ser?ice=
o##ortunity to deal with the (atters to which the contract relates or who in the course of
hisDtheir duties e2#ressed ?iews on all or any of the (atters under dis#ute!
;87233 2b32'3 - 'he ar.itral award shall state ite( wise= the su( and reasons u#on which it is
.ased! 'he analysis and reasons shall .e detailed enouh so that the award could .e inferred
;87233 2b32''3 - A #arty (ay a##ly for corrections of any co(#utational errors= any
ty#ora#hical or clerical errors or any other error of si(ilar nature occurrin in the award of a
'ri.unal and inter#retation of a s#ecific #oint of award to 'ri.unal within "0 days of recei#t of
the award!
;87233 2b32'''3 - A #arty (ay a##ly to 'ri.unal within "0 days of recei#t of award to (a1e an
additional award as to clai(s #resented in the ar.itral #roceedins .ut o(itted fro( the ar.itral
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae +)

;87283 In case of the 'ri.unal= co(#risin of three -e(.ers= any rulin on award shall .e
(ade .y a (aBority of -e(.ers of 'ri.unal! In the a.sence of such a (aBority= the ?iews of the
Presidin Ar.itrator shall #re?ail!
;87293 0here the ar.itral award is for the #ay(ent of (oney= no interest shall .e #aya.le on
whole or any #art of the (oney for any #eriod till the date on which the award is (ade!
;872;3 'he cost of ar.itration shall .e .orne .y the res#ecti?e #arties! 'he cost shall inter3alia
include fee of the ar.itrator:s;= as #er the rates fi2ed .y Railway @oard fro( ti(e to ti(e and
the fee shall .e .orne eFually .y .oth the #arties! &urther= the fee #aya.le to the ar.itrator:s;
would .e o?erned .y the instructions issued on the su.Bect .y Railway @oard fro( ti(e to ti(e
irres#ecti?e of the fact whether the ar.itrator:s; isDare a##ointed .y the Railway Ad(inistration
or .y the court of law unless s#ecifically directed .y <on8.le court otherwise on the (atter!
;872<3 Su.Bect to the #ro?isions of the aforesaid Ar.itration and Conciliation Act 1//" and the
rules thereunder and any statutory (odifications thereof shall a##ly to the ar.itration
#roceedins under this Clause!
;97 Par!''-a!'+# O( J+'#! 0e#!ure 2J03 F'r)* I# .+r/* Te#$er , 'his Clause shall
.e a##lica.le for wor1s tenders of ?alue as a##ro?ed and co((unicated .y Railway @oard fro(
ti(e to ti(e!
;971 Se#arate identityDna(e shall .e i?en to the Joint 7enture &ir(!
;972 Au(.er of (e(.ers in a J7 &ir( shall not .e (ore than three= if the wor1 in?ol?es
only one de#art(ent :say Ci?il or SC' or ,lectrical or -echanical; and shall not .e (ore than
fi?e= if the wor1 in?ol?es (ore than one de#art(ent!
;973 A (e(.er of J7 &ir( shall not .e #er(itted to #artici#ate either in indi?idual ca#acity
or as a (e(.er of another J7 &ir( in the sa(e tender!
;978 'he tender for( shall .e #urchased and su.(itted only in the na(e of the J7 &ir(
and not in the na(e of any constituent (e(.er!
;979 Aor(ally ,arnest -oney $e#osit :,-$; shall .e su.(itted only in the na(e of the J7
&ir( and not in the na(e of constituent (e(.er! <owe?er= in e2ce#tional cases ,-$ in the
na(e of >ead -e(.er can .e acce#ted su.Bect to su.(ission of s#ecific reFuest letter fro(
>ead -e(.er statin the reasons for not su.(ittin ,-$ in the na(e of J7 &ir( and i?in
written confir(ation fro( J7 (e(.ers to the effect that ,-$ su.(itted .y the >ead -e(.er
(ay .e dee(ed as ,-$ su.(itted .y J7 &ir(!
;97; One of the (e(.ers of the J7 &ir( shall .e its >ead -e(.er who shall ha?e a
(aBority :at least +1O; share of interest in the J7 &ir( and also= (ust ha?e satisfactorily
co(#leted in the last three #re?ious financial years and the current financial year u#to the date
of o#enin of the tender= one si(ilar sinle wor1 for a (ini(u( ?alue of 3+O of ad?ertised
tender ?alue! 'he other (e(.ers shall ha?e a share of not less than 20O each in case of J7
&ir(s with u#to three (e(.ers and not less than 10O each in case of J7 &ir(s with (ore than
three (e(.ers! In case of J7 &ir( with forein (e(.er:s;= the >ead -e(.er has to .e an
Indian &ir( with a (ini(u( share of +1O!
;97< A co#y of -e(orandu( of 6nderstandin :-o6; e2ecuted .y the J7 (e(.ers shall .e
su.(itted .y the J7 &ir( alonwith the tender! 'he co(#lete details of the (e(.ers of the J7
&ir(= their share and res#onsi.ility in the J7 &ir( etc! #articularly with reference to financial=
technical and other o.liations shall .e furnished in the -o6! :'he -o6 for(at for this #ur#ose
shall .e finaliMed .y the Railway in consultation with their >aw @ranch and shall .e enclosed
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae +/

alonwith the tender;!
;97> Once the tender is su.(itted= the -o6 shall not .e (odified D altered D ter(inated
durin the ?alidity of the tender! In case the tenderer fails to o.ser?eDco(#ly with this
sti#ulation= the full ,arnest -oney $e#osit :,-$; shall .e lia.le to .e forfeited!
;97? A##ro?al for chane of constitution of J7 &ir( shall .e at the sole discretion of the
,(#loyer :Railways;! 'he constitution of the J7 &ir( shall not .e allowed to .e (odified after
su.(ission of the tender .id .y the J7 &ir(= e2ce#t when (odification .eco(es ine?ita.le due
to succession laws etc! and in any case the (ini(u( elii.ility criteria should not et ?itiated!
<owe?er= the >ead -e(.er shall continue to .e the >ead -e(.er of the J7 &ir(! &ailure to
o.ser?e this reFuire(ent would render the offer in?alid!
;9710 Si(ilarly= after the contract is awarded= the constitution of J7 &ir( shall not .e allowed
to .e altered durin the currency of contract e2ce#t when (odification .eco(e ine?ita.le due to
succession laws etc! and in any case the (ini(u( elii.ility criteria should not et ?itiated!
&ailure to o.ser?e this sti#ulation shall .e dee(ed to .e .reach of contract with all conseFuential
#enal action as #er contract conditions!
;9711 On award of contract to a J7 &ir(= a sinle Perfor(ance Guarantee shall .e su.(itted
.y the J7 &ir( as #er tender conditions! All the Guarantees li1e Perfor(ance Guarantee= @an1
Guarantee for -o.iliMation Ad?ance= -achinery Ad?ance etc! shall .e acce#ted only in the na(e
of the J7 &ir( and no s#littin of uarantees a(onst the (e(.ers of the J7 &ir( shall .e
;9712 On issue of >OA :>etter Of Acce#tance;= an aree(ent a(on the (e(.ers of the J7
&ir( :to who( the wor1 has .een awarded; shall .e e2ecuted and ot reistered .efore the
Reistrar of the Co(#anies under Co(#anies Act or .efore the ReistrarDSu.3Reistrar under
the Reistration Act= 1/0)! 'his J7 Aree(ent shall .e su.(itted .y the J7 &ir( to the Railways
.efore sinin the contract aree(ent for the wor1! In case the tenderer fails to o.ser?eDco(#ly
with this sti#ulation= the full ,arnest -oney $e#osit :,-$; shall .e forfeited and other #enal
actions due shall .e ta1en aainst #artners of the J7 and the J7! 'his Joint 7enture Aree(ent
shall ha?e= inter3alia= followin Clauses 4
;971271 Joint And Se?eral >ia.ility 3 -e(.ers of the J7 &ir( to which the contract is awarded=
shall .e Bointly and se?erally lia.le to the ,(#loyer :Railways; for e2ecution of the #roBect in
accordance with General and S#ecial Conditions of Contract! 'he J7 (e(.ers shall also .e lia.le
Bointly and se?erally for the loss= da(aes caused to the Railways durin the course of e2ecution
of the contract or due to non3e2ecution of the contract or #art thereof!
;971272 $uration of the Joint 7enture Aree(ent 3 It shall .e ?alid durin the entire currency
of the contract includin the #eriod of e2tension= if any and the (aintenance #eriod after the
wor1 is co(#leted!
;971273 Go?ernin >aws 3 'he Joint 7enture Aree(ent shall in all res#ect .e o?erned .y and
inter#reted in accordance with Indian >aws!
;9713 AuthoriMed -e(.er 3 Joint 7enture (e(.ers shall authoriMe one of the (e(.ers on
.ehalf of the Joint 7enture &ir( to deal with the tender= sin the aree(ent or enter into
contract in res#ect of the said tender= to recei?e #ay(ent= to witness Boint (easure(ent of wor1
done= to sin (easure(ent .oo1s and si(ilar such action in res#ect of the said tenderDcontract!
All noticesDcorres#ondences with res#ect to the contract would .e sent only to this authorised
(e(.er of the J7 &ir(!
;9718 Ao (e(.er of the Joint 7enture &ir( shall ha?e the riht to assin or transfer the
interest riht or lia.ility in the contract without the written consent of the other (e(.ers and
that of the e(#loyer :Railways; in res#ect of the said tenderDcontract!
;9719 $ocu(ents to .e enclosed .y the J7 &ir( alonwith the tender 4
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae "0

;971971 In case one or (ore of the (e(.ers of the J7 &ir( isDare #artnershi# fir(:s;=
followin docu(ents shall .e su.(itted 4
:a; Aotary certified co#y of the Partnershi# $eed=
:.; Consent of all the #artners to enter into the Joint 7enture Aree(ent on a sta(# #a#er
of a##ro#riate ?alue :in oriinal;!
:c; Power of Attorney :duly reistered as #er #re?ailin law; in fa?our of one of the
#artners of the #artnershi# fir( to sin the J7 Aree(ent on .ehalf of the #artnershi#
fir( and create lia.ility aainst the fir(!
;971972 In case one or (ore (e(.ers isDare Pro#rietary &ir( or <6&= the followin docu(ents
shall .e enclosed 4
Affida?it on Sta(# Pa#er of a##ro#riate ?alue declarin that hisDher Concern is a
Pro#rietary Concern and heDshe is sole #ro#rietor of the Concern OR heDshe is in
#osition of IUAR'AI of <indu 6ndi?ided &a(ily :<6&; and heDshe has the authority=
#ower and consent i?en .y other #artners to act on .ehalf of <6&!
;971973 In case one or (ore (e(.ers isDare li(ited co(#anies= the followin docu(ents shall
.e su.(itted 4
:a; Aotary certified co#y of resolutions of the $irectors of the Co(#any= #er(ittin the
co(#any to enter into a J7 aree(ent= authoriMin -$ or one of the $irectors or
-anaers of the Co(#any to sin J7 Aree(ent= such other docu(ents reFuired to .e
sined on .ehalf of the Co(#any and enter into lia.ility aainst the co(#any andDor do
any other act on .ehalf of the co(#any!
:.; Co#y of -e(orandu( and Articles of Association of the Co(#any!
:c; Power of Attorney :duly reistered as #er #re?ailin law; .y the Co(#any authoriMin
the #erson to doDact (entioned in the #ara :a; a.o?e!
;971978 All the -e(.ers of J7 shall certify that they are not .lac1 listed or de.arred .y
Railways or any other -inistryD$e#art(ent of the Go?t! of IndiaDState Go?t! fro( #artici#ation in
tendersDcontract on the date of o#enin of .ids either in their indi?idual ca#acity as (e(.ers of
the J7 or the J7 &ir( in which they wereDare (e(.ers!
;971; Credentials C Hualifyin Criteria , 'echnical and financial elii.ility of the J7 &ir( shall
.e adBuded .ased on satisfactory fulfill(ent of the followin criteria 4
;971;71 'echnical ,lii.ility Criteria :Qa8 or Q.8 (entioned hereunder; ,
:a; ,ither the J7 &ir( or >ead -e(.er of the J7 &ir( (ust ha?e satisfactorily
co(#leted in the last three #re?ious financial years and the current financial year
u#to the date of o#enin of the tender= one si(ilar sinle wor1 for a (ini(u( of
3+O of ad?ertised ?alue of the tender!
:.; :i; In case of co(#osite wor1s :e!! wor1s in?ol?in (ore than one distinct
co(#onent= such as Ci?il ,nineerin wor1s= SC' wor1s= ,lectrical wor1s=
O<, wor1s etc! and in the case of (aBor .rides su.structure=
su#erstructure etc!;= for each co(#onent= at least 3+O of the ?alue of any of
such co(#onents indi?idually for sinle si(ilar nature of wor1 should ha?e
.een satisfactorily co(#leted .y the J7 &ir( or .y any (e(.er of the J7 &ir(
in the #re?ious three financial years and the current financial year u#to the
date of o#enin of tender! 'he (e(.er satisfyin technical elii.ility criteria
for the larest co(#onent of the wor1 shall .e the >ead -e(.er and that
-e(.er shall ha?e a (aBority :at least +1O; share of interest in the J7 &ir(!
:ii; In such cases= what constitutes a co(#onent in a co(#osite wor1 shall .e
clearly #re3defined with esti(ated tender cost of it= as #art of the tender
Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

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June 2013 Pae "1

docu(ents without any a(.iuity! Any wor1 or set of wor1s shall .e
considered to .e a se#arate co(#onent= only when cost of the co(#onent is
(ore than Rs! 2 crore each!
:iii; <owe?er= as lon as the J7 &ir( or any (e(.er of the J7 &ir( (eets with
the reFuire(ents= in one or (ore co(#onents of the wor1= and has
co(#leted a (ini(u( of 3+O of the ad?ertised ?alue of the tender for the
sa(e ?alue of the co(#onent= and resultantly= all the (e(.ers of the J7
collecti?ely= then (eet the #rescri.ed technical elii.ility criteria= the J7 shall
stand technically Fualified!
Aote 4 7alue of a co(#leted wor1 done .y a -e(.er in an earlier J7 &ir( shall .e
rec1oned only to the e2tent of the concerned (e(.erEs share in that J7 &ir(
for the #ur#ose of satisfyin hisDher co(#liance to the a.o?e (entioned
technical elii.ility criteria in the tender under consideration!
;971;72 &inancial ,lii.ility Criteria 4 'he contractual #ay(ents recei?ed .y the J7 &ir( or the
arith(etic su( of contractual #ay(ents recei?ed .y all the (e(.ers of J7 &ir( in the #re?ious
three financial years and the current financial year u#to the date of o#enin of tender shall .e at
least 1+0O of the esti(ated ?alue of the wor1 as (entioned in the tender!
Aote 4 Contractual #ay(ent recei?ed .y a -e(.er in an earlier J7 &ir( shall .e
rec1oned only to the e2tent of the concerned (e(.erEs share in that J7 &ir(
for the #ur#ose of satisfyin co(#liance of the a.o?e (entioned financial
elii.ility criteria in tender under consideration
RAuthority 4 Railway @oard8s letter no! 2002DC,3IDC'D3%= $ated 0%!0/!2011S

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae "2

Reistered Ac1nowlede(ent $ue




Ref4 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :Huote s#ecific a##lication of Contractor

$ear Sir=
'he sti#ulated date for co(#letion of the wor1 (entioned a.o?e is TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
&ro( the #roress (ade so far and the #resent rate of #roress= it is unli1ely that the wor1 will
.e co(#leted .y the a.o?e date :or Q<owe?er= the wor1 was not co(#leted on this date8;!
27 ,2#ectin that you (ay .e a.le to co(#lete the wor1= if so(e (ore ti(e is i?en= the
co(#etent authority= althouh not .ound to do so= here.y e2tends the ti(e for co(#letion fro(
37 Please note that an a(ount eFual to the liFuidated da(aes for delay in the co(#letion[
of the wor1 after the e2#iry of TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :i?e here the sti#ulated date for
co(#letion withDwithout any #enalty fi2ed earlier; will .e reco?ered fro( you as (entioned in
Clause= 1%3@ of the General Conditions of Contract for the e2tended #eriod= notwithstandin the
rant of this e2tension! Gou (ay #roceed with the wor1 accordinly!
87 'he a.o?e e2tension of the co(#letion date will also .e su.Bect to the further condition
that no increase in rates on any account will .e #aya.le to you!
97 Please inti(ate within a wee1 of the recei#t of this letter your acce#tance of the
e2tension of the conditions stated a.o?e!
;7 Please note that in the e?ent of your declinin to acce#t the e2tension on the a.o?e said
conditions or in the e?ent of your failure after acce#tin or actin u#to this e2tension to
co(#lete the wor1 .y TTTTTTTTTTTTTT :here (ention the e2tended date;= further action will .e
ta1en in ter(s of Clause "2 of the General Conditions of Contract!

Gours faithfully

&or and on .ehalf of the President of India

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae "3



1! :a; Serial Au(.er TTTTTTTTTTTTTT
2! Aa(e of #erson e2a(ined TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
I certify that I ha?e #ersonally e2a(ined :na(e;TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
"! $ate of .irth= if a?aila.le= andDor certified ae
0ho is desirous of .ein e(#loyed in
a factory or on a wor1 reFuirin
(anual la.our and that his D her ae
as nearly as can .e ascertained fro(
(y e2a(ination= is TTTTTTT years
and that heDshe is fit for e(#loy(ent
in a factory or on a wor1 reFuirin
(anual la.our as an adultDchild!
)! Identification (ar1s TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
/! Reasons for 4
:a; refusal to rant certificate= or
:.; re?o1in the Certificate

Sinature or >eft <and
'hu(. I(#ression of the
#erson ,2a(ined

Sinature of Certifyin Sureon

N+!e , In case of #hysical disa.ility= the e2act details of the cause of the #hysical disa.ility
should .e clearly stated

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae "*

Reistered Ac1nowlede(ent $ue

@@@@@@@@@@@ RAIL.AA
:0ithout PreBudice;

$ear Sir=


In s#ite of re#eated instructions to you .y the su.ordinate offices as well as .y this
office in ?arious letters of e?en no! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT= dated TTTTTTTTTTN you ha?e failed to
start wor1Dshow adeFuate #roress andDor su.(it detailed #rora((e for co(#letin the wor1!
2! Gour attention is in?ited to this officeDChief ,nineer8s office letter no! TTTTTTTTTTT
TTTTTTTT= dated TTTTTTTTTT in reference to your re#resentation= dated TTTTTTTTTTTT!
3! As you ha?e failed to a.ide .y the instructions issued to co((ence the wor1Dto show
adeFuate #roress of wor1 you are here.y i?en % days8 notice in accordance with Clause "2 of
General Conditions of Contract to co((ence wor1s D to (a1e ood the #roress= failin which
further action as #ro?ided in Clause "2 of the General Conditions of Contract ?iM! to ter(inate
your Contract and co(#lete the .alance wor1 without your #artici#ation will .e ta1en!
Uindly ac1nowlede recei#t!

Gours faithfully

&or and on .ehalf of the President of India

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae "+

Reistered Ac1nowlede(ent $ue

@@@@@@@@@@@ RAIL.AA
:0ithout PreBudice;

$ear Sir=


Se?en days8 notice under Clause "2 of General Conditions of Contract was i?en to you
under this office letter of e?en no!= dated TTTTTTTTTTTTN .ut you ha?e ta1en no action to
co((ence the wor1Dshow adeFuate #roress of the wor1!
2! Gou are here.y i?en *) hours8 notice in ter(s of Clause "2 of General Conditions of
Contract and on e2#iry of this #eriod your a.o?e contract will stand rescinded and the wor1
under this contract will .e carried out inde#endently without your #artici#ation and your Security
$e#osit shall .e forfeited and Perfor(ance Guarantee shall also .e encashed and conseFuences
which (ay #lease .e noted!
Uindly ac1nowlede recei#t!

Gours faithfully

&or and on .ehalf of the President of India

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae ""

Reistered Ac1nowlede(ent $ue

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RAIL.AA
:0ithout PreBudice;



$ear Sir=


&orty eiht hours :*) hrs!; notice was i?en to you under this office letter of e?en no!=
dated TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTN .ut you ha?e ta1en no action to co((ence the wor1Dshow adeFuate
#roress of the wor1!
Since the #eriod of *) hours8 notice has already e2#ired= the a.o?e contract stands
rescinded in ter(s of Clause "2 of General Conditions of Contract and the .alance wor1 under
this contract will .e carried out inde#endently without your #artici#ation! Gour #artici#ation as
well as #artici#ation of e?ery (e(.erD#artner in any (anner as an indi?idual or a #artnershi#
fir(DJ7 is here.y de.arred fro( #artici#ation in the tender for e2ecutin the .alance wor1 and
your Security $e#osit shall .e forfeited and Perfor(ance Guarantee shall also .e encashed!
Uindly ac1nowlede recei#t!

Gours faithfully

&or and on .ehalf of the President of India

Indian Railways Standard General Conditions Of Contract July 2013

As On 30
June 2013 Pae "%


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