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Overpopulation: the only problem of the world (Antonio Jaques de Matos)

It is the cause of all the calamities which we live.

When a mother and a father, sometimes there is only one parent decides to have many
children, despite being unable to give them what they need, he or she will be condemning
the children to hunger, illiteracy, unemployment and crime.
You can not complain of capitalism that treats humans as resources, because the law of
supply and demand is a rule of nature that seeks to balance what you have to continue to
have, otherwise companies would go broke and then, instead of losing all lose some.
Socialism did not realize that when there are many more people that the economy can
support there will be many people work for little and remain poor.
The planet is suffering from overcrowding with limited natural resources, the unbridled
growth of greenhouse effect, the extraction of natural resources and waste production.
Why do dictators and fanatical religious leaders have space in a chaotic world? Why
populous crowd, frightened, ignorants, looking desperately for saviors!
Health suffers from the epidemic, when millions live in tight spaces spreading disease.
Education loses, either, because the governments require the mass production of minds,
only that a mind is not built instantly, is a handmade item. It is required to improve the
quality of education quantity!, 200 school days and 800 hours of classes per year.
Humanity is a strange group: believed to be chosen by a God, but behaves like bacteria!

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