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Minerals Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 183-191, 2000
2000 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved
0892-6875/00/$ - see front matter
L. R. CAS TI LHO a nd R. A. ME D R ON HO *
Program of Chemical Engineering, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Centre de Tecnologia,
Bloco G, Ilha do Fundio, 21949-900 Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Centre
de Tecnologia, Bloco E, Ilha do Fund~o, 21949-900 Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil
* Corresponding author at present address: Gesellschaft fiir Bioteclmologische Forschung (GBF),
Biochemical Engineering Division (BVT), Mascheroder Weg 1, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany
(Received 24 June 1999; accepted 25 October 1999)
Hydrocyclones were originally designed to promote solid-liquid separations but nowadays they are
also used f or solid-solid, liquid-liquid and gas-liquid separations. Although a hydrocyclone is a
very simple equipment to build, the use of custom-made cyclones is not widely used. This is probably
due to the lack era simple procedure f or hydrocyclone design. In the present work a procedure is
presented, which allows the design and performance prediction of hydrocyclones that follow
Bradley and Rietema recommended geometries, that are the only two well-known families of
geometrically similar hydrocyclones . The procedure proposed here resulted in little error, when the
results were compared with experimental data. Additionally, a comparison of both families of
hydrocyclones revealed that, f or a given hydrocyclone diameter and at the same operational
conditions, Bradley hydrocyclones provide higher efficiencies, while Rietema hydrocyclones give
higher capacities. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Hydrocyclones; thickening; t'me particle processing
A hydrocyclone has no moving parts and consists of a conical section joined to a cylindrical portion, which
is fitted with a tangential inlet and closed by an end plate with an axially mounted overflow pipe. The end
of the cone terminates in a circular apex opening. Although the first patent of a hydrocyclone is more than
100 years old (Bretnei, 1891), its first industrial applications date from the late 40's. Hydrocyclones were
originally designed to promote solid-liquid separations but nowadays they are also used for solid-solid
(Klima and Kim, 1998), liquid-liquid (Capela et al., 1996; Smyth and Thew, 1996) and gas-liquid
separations (Marti, 1996). Possible new applications, such as separation of microrganisms from fermented
broth, Continue to be developed (Yuan et al., 1996; Cilliers and Harrison, 1997). The solution of simplified
phenomenological models (Concha et al., 1996) and of the complete set of differential equations through
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are still in progress (He et al., 1999; Devulapalli and Rajamani,
1996), and will give in a near future a better understanding ofhydrocyclonc performance.
When studying hydrocyclones, the dimensionless groups of interest are the Stokes (Stks0), Euler (Eu) and
Reynolds (Re) numbers (Svarovsky, 1984), as defined below.
_ 84 L.R. Castilho and R. A. Medronho
St k5o = ( 1 9 " - P ~ ( d ' 5 ) 2 (1)
E u - - P V z/--~2 (2)
Re = Dcvp (3)
The equilibrium orbit theory and the residence time theory are two well-known theories for particle
separation in hydrocyclones. The former, first proposed by Driessen (1951), assumes that particles of a
given size will reach an equilibrium radial orbit position inside the hydrocyclone where their outward
terminal settling velocity is equal to the inward radial velocity of the liquid. The particle size whose
equilibrium orbit is coincident with the locus of zero vertical velocity will have equal chance to escape the
hydrocyclone either by the underflow or by the overflow. This particle is known as cut size (dso). The latter,
proposed by Rietema (1961), assumes non-equilibrium conditions and considers whether a particle will be
separated as a function of both the position it enters the cyclone and the available residence time. The cut
size will be the size of the particle which entering the equipment exactly in the centre of the inlet pipe will
just reach the wall in the residence time available.
Several authors have used one of these two theories to derive different equations for the cut size. Svarovsky
(1984) and Medronho (1984) have shown that most of these equations lead to the conclusion that the
product between the Stokes number and the Euler number is constant for geometrically similar
hydrocyclones. Medronho and Svarovsky (1984) have also shown that this product depends on the cyclone
design, but is not affected by the relative size of the inlet orifice (D/De) for similarly shaped single inlets.
Medronho (1984), in a massive experimental work, has shown that the product Stk50Eu is, however, a
function of water flow ratio (Rw) and volumetric feed concentration (CO. The author has also proposed a
model composed of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) which describes the operation of geometrically similar
hydrocyclones, when used to promote solid-liquid separations.
Stk5oE u = k, [ l n ( 1 / R w)]" e x p ( n 2 C v )
E u = k 2 R e " 3 e x p ( n 4 C v )
R w = k 3 ( D " I " ' E u "6
! , , D < J
( 4 )
Where k and n are parameters of the equations.
Contrasting with gas cyclones, for which there are several families of geometrically similar cyclones, there
are only two well-known families of geometrically similar hydrocyclones. These are due to Rietema (1961)
and Bradley (1965). Table 1 gives the geometrical proportions of these two families, and Tables 2, 3, and 4
give the values for the constants in Eqs. (4), (5), and (6), respectively, according to Medronho (1984) and
Antunes and Medronho (1992).
TABLE 1 Geometric proportions of two well-known families of hydroeyclones
Do/De L/Dc LJD t/D~ e
1/7 1/5 - 1/2 1/3 9
0.28 0.34 5 - 0.40 20
Bradley and Rieterna hydroclones 185
TABLE 2 Parameters of Equat i on (4) according to Medronho (1984) and Ant unes and Medronho
Hydrocyclone k I n I n e
Bradley 0.0550 0.66 12.0
Rietema 0.0474 0.74 9.0
TABLE 3 Parameters of Equat i on (5) according to Medronho (1984) and Ant unes and Medronho
Hydrocyclone k e n ~ n 4
Bradley 258.0 0.37 0.0
Rietema 371.5 0.12 -2. 12
TABLE 4 Parameters of Equat i on (6) accordi ng to Medronho (1984) and Ant unes and Medronho
Hydrocyclone k 3
Bradley 1.21 x 10
Rietema 1218
n 5 n 6
2.63 -1. 12
4.75 -0. 30
Manufacturers of hydrocyclones produce only a limited range of cyclone diameters and, in order to be able
to cover a wide range of cut sizes and flow rates, each cyclone of a given size can be operated with
different openings sizes (inlet, overflow and undertow) through the use of interchangeable parts. This
approach requires an accurate knowledge of how geometric variables affect the equipment performance.
An alternative approach to this is to use a custom-made hydrocyclone based on a geometrically similar
family. Although a hydrocyclone is a very simple equipment to build, this approach is not widely used.
This is due probably to the lack of a simple procedure for hydrocyclone design.
The aim of the present work is therefore to propose a simple procedure for the design of Bradley and
Rietema hydrocyclones. The procedure to be presented also allows the performance prediction of such
The method presented in this work was based in Eqs. (1) to (6), and for the calculations of the reduced total
efficiency (E'T) eq. (7) was employed (Svarovsky, 1990).
E ' r = ~ G' d y (7)
For calculating E'T as given by eq. (7), it is necessary to know the relationship between the reduced grade
efficiency (G') and the particle size distribution of the feed given as cumulative undersize fraction (y). This
relationship can be obtained through the use of Eqs. (8) (Rosin and Rammer, 1933) and (9) (Plitt, 1976).
y :
( 8 )
186 L. R. Castilho and R. A. Medronho
[ '
G' = 1 - exp 0. 693 (9)
where k, m and n are parameters of the models and, for hydrocyclones, the value of n in eq. (9) is 2.9,
according m Coellio and Medronho (1994).
The total efficiency (ET) can then be calculated using eq. (10).
E r - R w
E' r - (10)
1 - R w
In order to establish the method, the chosen fluid was water ( p=l . 0 g/cm 3 and g=l . 0 cp) and the solids had
a density of 2.9 g/cm 3. The volumetric concentration of solids in the feed was set to 1% and the flow ratio
(R, ) was fixed at 10%, since this Rw usually produces a good efficiency coupled with a relatively high
underflow concentration.
Comparison of performance of Bradley and Rietema hydrocyclones
Figures 1 and 2 were plotted based on Eqs. (4) and (5). These Figures show, for Bradley and Rietema
hydrocyclones respectively, the reduced cut size as a function of flow rate, for some values of pressure drop
and cyclone diameter. It can be observed that for the same pressure drop Rietema hydrocyclones produce
flow rates 2 to 3 times higher than Bradley hydrocyclones of the same size. On the other hand, at these
same conditions, Bradley hydrocyclones produce lower reduced cut sizes and, consequently, greater total
efficiencies than Rietema hydrocyclones.
.N 7
-o 5
: 3
- - H y d r o c y c l o n e d i a m e t e r ] o 5
- r e s s u ' O o 0 ' a r ' / , I
/ \ A l . o
~ \ 1.5
2 cm
1 cm
I 0 I O 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
F l o w r a t e ( c m a / s )
Fig. 1 Reduced cut size for Bradley hydrocyclones (Cv=1%, p,=2.9 g/cm 3 and R, =I 0%).
These features of both families of hydrocyclones may be better visualised if, beyond the conditions
mentioned in the Materials and Methods section, the desired flow rate and pressure drop are set to 3000
cm3/s and 2.5 bar, respectively. Figure 3 shows, for this situation, the cyclone size (De) and the reduced cut
Bradley and Rietema hydroclones 187
size (d'50) as a function of the number of hydrocyclones used in parallel. It can be seen that for processing
the same flow rate at a given pressure drop Rietema hydrocyclones are always smaller in diameter than
Bradley hydrocyclones. Therefore, it is possible to state that Rietema hydrocyclones are high capacity
=L 12
"o 8
Hydrocyclone diameter A / ~ \ 0 \ .5
Pressure Drop (bar)
\ ,1.0
\ \ ~ x \ 1.5
/ &
\ /
, . . . . , , ' r
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Flowrate (cm3/s)
Fig.2 Reduced cut size for Rietema hydrocyclones (C~=1%, ps=2.9 g/cm s and Rw=10%).
2 0 1 0
Eo 16
_o 8
~, 4
- - Bradley
- - Rietema
t c q t I I 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Nu mb e r of Hydr ocycl ones
Fig.3 Hydrocyclone diameter and reduced cut size as a function of number of cyclones in parallel (Q=3000
cm3/s, AP=2.5 bar, Cv=l%, p~=2.9 g/cm 3 and Rw=10%).
According to Svarovsky (1984), the reduced cut size (d'50) will be lower and, consequently, the total
separation efficiency will increase as the hydrocyclone diameter of a given geometry is reduced. In Figure
3 it may be observed that, for a given flow rate, pressure drop, and number of cyclones, although Rietema
hydrocyclones are smaller, the reduced cut size obtained with Bradley hydrocyclones is always lower,
188 L.R. Castilho and R. A. Medronho
showi ng that t he latter is mor e effi ci ent than the former. Therefore, it is possi bl e to state that Br adl ey
hydr ocycl ones are hi gh ef f i ci ency separators.
Design and performance prediction
Fi gure 4 present s t he r educed total ef f i ci ency (E'T) as a function o f the r educed cut size (d'50) and t he
paramet ers o f eq. (8). This fi gure is val i d for any hydr ocycl one desi gn and not onl y for Br adl ey and
Ri et ema hydr ocycl ones, pr ovi ded that the f eed size distribution can be r epr esent ed b y eq. (8) and that eq.
(9) wi t h n=2. 9 fits wel l the r educed grade ef f i ci ency curve.
I -
" 0
r r
6 0
- - V a l u e s o f m !
2 4 6 8
~d' ~
Fi g. 4 Re duc e d total ef f i ci ency o f hydr ocycl ones as a funct i on o f t he r educed cut size and o f the paramet ers
o f Equat i on (8).
The use o f Fi gures 1, 2 and 4 al l ows the desi gn and per f or mance predi ct i on o f Br adl ey and Ri et ema
hydr ocycl ones to be performed. In a t ypi cal desi gn probl em, the total f eed f l ow rate is known and a gi ven
r educed total ef f i ci ency is desired. Once the particle size di st ri but i on o f t he f eed is known, t he r educed cut
size can be det ermi ned usi ng Fi gure 4. I f the pressure drop is known, Fi gure 1 or 2 can t hen be us e d t o f r ed
t he di amet er o f Br adl ey or Ri et ema hydr ocycl one, respect i vel y, and t he f l ow rate capabl e o f bei ng
pr oces s ed b y this cycl one. I f t he pressure drop is not pr evi ousl y known, it can be sel ect ed accor di ng to
Fi gure 1 or 2. The ratio bet ween t he total suspensi on f eed f l ow rate and t he f l ow rate gi ven b y one
hydr ocycl one gi ves t he number o f cycl ones t o be us ed in parallel. Equat i on (6) can t hen be us ed to
cal cul at e t he u n d e r t o w orifice size.
The per f or mance predi ct i on is done in t he same wa y but normal l y in t he opposi t e direction, i.e., t he r educed
cut size is f ound t hrough the use o f Fi gure 1 or 2, and then t he r educed total ef f i ci ency is obt ai ned f r om
Fi gur e 4.
Whe n est abl i shi ng this met hod, s ome operat i ng conditions wer e fixed. I f in a gi ven appl i cat i on t hese
oper at i on condi t i ons are di fferent f r om t hose est abl i shed here, eq. (4) can be us e d f or correct i ng t he
r educed cut size, wher e StksoEu is gi ven by eq. (11).
s t k , o S U - , Co, - p ) z c ( a ' , 0 ) 2
( 1 1 )
Bradley and Rietema hydroelones 189
For instance, Eqs. (12) and (13) give the corrections to be made when using a different flow ratio or feed
concentration, respectively.
d'5o~ _[ln(1/R w~l]~
d'501 -L~(I/R., (12)
d' n,, _ ]l
,o~ _ exP[2. . . (Cv, Cv,
As Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) were established for feed concentrations up to 10% by volume, that is the
maximum concentration that should be used in combination with this procedure. For higher concentrations
a new set of equations would have to be established (Ortega-Rivas and Svarovsky, 1998).
Validation of the method
Tables 5 and 6 present a comparison between experimental results obtained by Silva (1989) and Rietema
(1961) and the data obtained by using Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Additionally, the combined use of
Figures 1 and 4 allows a comparison with Silva's experimental data on efficiency. Using a Bradley
hydrocyclone with De=I.5 cm, AP=2.76 bar, Cv=l% and powder with feed size distribution given by eq. (8)
with k=3.33 ~tm and m=1.54, Silva (1989) obtained a flow rate of 51 cm3/s, a reduced cut size of 2.8 ~tm, a
flow ratio of 27.4% and a reduced total efficiency of 54%. From Figure 1, for Dc=l.5 cm and AP=2.76 bar,
the flow rate is 54 cm3/s (AQ=6.5%) and d'5o is 3.0 lxm. Correcting the latter by means of eq. (12),
d'5o.corrmed=2.5 ~tm (Ad'5o=-10.7%). Using Figure 4, the reduced total efficiency is found to be 54%
TABLE 5 Comparison of experimental data of Silva (1989) with Bradley hydrocyclones and results
obtained with Figure I
Exp. D,: AP Qexp Q
No. (cm) (bar) ( c m3/ s ) (cm3/s)
7 1.5 2.07 44 48
19 3.0 2.07 170 175
29 6.0 0.69 356 380
58 6.0 1.38 480 520
From Fig. 1: d'5o=4.3 ~tm. After correction for Rw.ex
dso~:p d'50exp d'5o Ad'5o
(~tm) (p,m) (%)
3.2 3.3 -3. 0
9. 4-
=14.74% with eq. (12): d'5o = 4.0 ~tm.
** From Fig. 1:d'50=6.3 ~tm. After correction for Cv=7.75% with eq. (13): d'5o = 9.4 ~tm.
TABLE 6 Comparison of experimental data of Rietema (1961) with Rietema hydrocyclones and
results obtained with Figure 2
Exp. D AP" Qexj Q
No. (cm) (bar) (cm/s) (cm3/s)
151 7.:5 0.63 1457 1500
152 7.5 1.60 2108 2250
153 7.5 2.11 2699 2600
Calculated from data presented by Rietema (1961 ).
d 5 o e x p d ' 5 o ~ x p "
(lain) (~tm)
d' 50
3.0 11.5 12.3 13.5 9.8
6.7 10.0 10.5 -2. 8
-3. 7 8.5 9.7 7.8
Therefore, Figures 1, 2 and 4 produce relatively low errors, when results are compared with experimental
data from other authors.
190 L.R. Castilho and R. A. Medronho
For a gi ven hydrocyclone diameter and at the same operational conditions, Bradley hydrocyclones always
provide lower reduced cut sizes and, consequently, higher efficiencies than Rietema hydrocyclones.
However, the latter always give greater flow rates tharL the former. Therefore, it can be said that Bradley
hydrocyclones are hi gh efficiency separators andRi et ema hydrocyclones are hi gh capacity separators.
A simple procedure to design and to predict performance of Bradley and Rietema hydrocyclones was
present ed in this work. The use of this procedure allows any user to build a custom-made hydrocyclone
especially designed for a specific purpose.
Feed volumetric concentration
Particle diameter (L)
Cut size (L)
Reduced cut size (L)
Hydrocyclone diameter (L)
Feed inlet diameter (L)
Overflow diameter (L)
Underfl ow diameter (L)
Total efficiency
Reduced total efficiency
Euler number
Reduced grade efficiency
Vortex finder length (L)
Hydrocyclone length (L)
Height of hydrocyclone cylindrical part (L)
Pressure drop (ML-lj,-2)
Feed volumetric flow rate (LaT - 1)
Flow ratio
Reynolds number
Stokes number
Feed velocity based on the hydrocyclone diameter (LT-l)
Cumulative particle size distribution (undersize) of feed suspension
Liquid viscosity (ML- iT- t)
Angl e of the hydrocyclone cone
Liquid density (ML -3)
Solid density (ML -a)
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C o r r e s p o n d e n c e o n p a p e r s p u b l i s h e d i n Minerals Engineering i s i n v i t e d , p r e f e r a b l y b y e-
ma i l t o b w i l l s ~ - e n g . c o m , o r b y F a x t o + 4 4 - ( 0 ) 1 3 2 6 - 3 1 8 3 5 2

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