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Responsibilities Create high end 3d environment assets , texturing and lighting

when required Help to maintain the vision and style of the project . Communicate
deadlines and diculties to project lead and !rt director. "est and proactively
troubleshoot areas that are not wor#ing in the game $ engine and help to %x
them. ! minimum of &' years of experience in (nvironment modeling and texture
mapping 3) assets for casual video games * years of experience leading and
managing a team of artists under your direct supervision +ust be pro%cient with
3ds max and ,hotoshop, other 3d software-s li#e . +aya and /0brush will be
plus , experience with /0brush 0 process of ba#ing normal maps
1transferring the high poly sculpted detail on low poly
game objects2 !dvance level texturing s#ill with #nowledge of next0gen
techniques. 3trong hand painted texture s#ill in ,hotoshop required. +ust be
familiar with 45 unwrapping advance techniques in +ax. (xporting environment
assets from +ax to 4nity game engine will be plus . +ust be able to create 6ow
poly assets in game 7udget as required . 8nowledge of organic modeling will be
plus . +ust have a proven trac# record of generating game environment assets ,
lighting and rendering with %nal export into game engine. 4nderstanding of real
time shaders development and technical game asset building pipelines !bility to
communicate on a wide range of issues and wor# well in an online team
environment spanning artist, programmers and designers. 3trong 4nderstanding
of lighting and rendering process. (xcellent verbal and written communication
s#ill . !bility and willingness to accept and follow direction, collaborate
productively with other team members and wor# to meet the deadlines with
quality as necessary . ,ositive, professional attitude towards wor# , disciplined
and self0motivated with strong wor# ethics . ,referred 9uali%cations Concept
s#ills . !bility to visuali:e and concept environments and props as needed .
!bility to draw and paint rough assets concept . 7;! or similar !rt degree from
reputed collage will be plus. 3trong painting s#ills and color theory #nowledge. *
0< years managing a team of environment artists.

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