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There is an additional section in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Bibles

usually called
the Apocrypha, or Deuterocanonical books (meaning a second canon).
Protestant Bibles also include them as valuable for edification but not as
Scripture. These books were written between 300 BC and 50 AD and
provide most
valuable information and insight on the life and trials of the Jewish people
the testaments. The events covered in the Old Testament ended at about
BC. The New Testament writings began in the 40s AD. Thus, the
provides an important bridge between the two testaments.

Here are two sample selections from the Apocryphal Books.
Some practical wisdom from Sirach
Better off poor, healthy and fit than rich and afflicted in body. Health and
fitness are better than any gold
and a robust body than countless riches. There is no wealth better than
health in body, and no gladness
above joy of heart.Do not give yourself over to sorrow and do not
distress yourself deliberately. A joyful
heart is life itself, and rejoicing lengthens ones life span.Jealousy and
anger shorten life and anxiety brings
on premature old age. Those who are cheerful and merry at table will
benefit from their food.How ample
a little is for the well-disciplined person.Healthy sleep depends on
moderate eating. From Sirach, Chapter 30

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