Discovering The Bible 4

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Stop and think of this

Why is it that the Bible has been used, and only the Bible, for the swearing
in of Presidents going all the way back to George Washington? Why
is it the Bible that witnesses place their hand upon in promising to tell
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God
before giving testimony in court?

What does Biblemean?
The word probably comes from the port of Byblos in Lebanon. Byblos was
known to be an important place
for the shipment of papyrus.Byblos in the old Greek language originally
meant the inner bark of the
papyrus plant. Papyrus was used for paper in the ancient world. We get
the word paper from papyrus. Its
as simple as that. Bible simply refers to

The Bible, for the most part, centers on a small part of the worldseen
here from spacewith the primary events
taking place in the small land of Israel. Israel is roughly the same in size as
the state of New Jersey.You can readily
see why this region has always been a kind of crossroads of the world.Here
Africa, Asia, and Europe meet. This is
where most of the Bible was written and where most of the Biblical events
happened. The focal point of the lands
of the Bible, the small city of Jerusalem, is sacred today to Jews,Christians,
and Moslems. This city is mentioned
656 times in the Bible.Over the centuries it has been destroyed 17 times,
and 18 times has been rebuilt.
The Bibles view of what history is differs
markedly from the typical views
that prevailed. In Bible times it was
common to think of the world as an
endless cycle, tied to nature and the seasons,
or a wheel of unending recurrences,
as the Greeks put it. Whereas
the Bibles view is progressive or linear,
with history having a purpose, and the
world moving forward to a goal.

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