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Tara Hebison

Seeking new career opportunities where I can implement my current skills, experience
and education.
Bachelors of Science in Psychology
Boise State University, Boise, ID
Expected graduation date: ay !"#$
Headmasters School of Hair Design, Boise, ID
%raduated: &pril !""$
'ustomer service
(ro)icient with *ord, Excel,
&nswering multiple phone lines
Business management
onthly inventory
Scheduling appointments
Detail oriented
+ighly pro)essional, and relia,le
Professional Exerience
!ostco" Boise# $D -ct !"##.(resent
Front End Assistant
%reeted mem,ers
&ssisted cashiers ,y unloading mem,ers carts onto conveyor ,elt and packing
mem,ers orders into ,oxes
/etrieved carts, ,oxes, register supplies and merchandise re0uests ,y customers
%onterey !ounty Emergency !ommunications" Salinas# !& 1ov !""2.3une !""4
Dispatcher 1
&nswered non emergency and 4## calls
*orked with '+(, Sheri))s Department and other outside agencies
5yped up details pertaining to the emergencies that were passed onto dispatchers
&ssisted o))icers when they were on scene with people and issued case num,ers
'isual Effects Salon and Sa" Boise# $D arch !""6.3une !""2
Hair Stylist
(er)ormed hair services on clients such as haircuts, colors and styles.
/ented my station. Sel) employed
5ook care o) all )inancial and ,usiness records )or my ,ookings
&ssisted owner o) the salon with the )ollowing. phones, ,ooking appointments,
,ookkeeping, cashiering, and ran personal errands
ade sure that clients needs were met

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