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Master of Business Administration

Marketing Management

Product Development and Marketing Plan for

Supervised By P H Gilliam
Submitted By Muhammad Omair
STU 22782
Submitted To IBAM
Word Count 4,173
Submission Date 07 February 2011


Executive Summary
The core focus of this report is devising a new product and implement marketing plan for
Canon plc. The company is currently facing huge competition from its competitor worldwide,
especially in Japan where it has lost market leadership. Due to the decreasing profit margin
and threat of losing market share, the company has decided to come up with new innovate
Canon Hybrid DSLR which will help the company in improving its profit margin and
sustaining market share in UK and worldwide. The report is divided into six parts which are
as follow
Introduction to Canon
Situation Analysis
Marketing Objective
Marketing Plan
Marketing Budget
Introduction section focuses on the opening to the company, its business, financial overview,
market share and competitors. The second part inspects the situation analysis of the company
in UK. For this purpose the PESTEL analysis, Core competencies and SWOT analysis of the
company has done in UK and analysed the environment and factors effecting new product
The third part is related to devising marketing objective and product features. For this
purpose Ansoff matrix, BCG matrix, Porter Generic Strategies and Product life cycle has
analysed to asses the marketing objective strategically. The marketing plan focuses on the
market segmentation, target market, positing, differentiation and market mix for new product
and its implementation at global level. The fifth section forecast the marketing budget for the
new product.


Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Reason for choosing the Canon UK .............................................................................................. 5
2. Situation Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Pestle Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Core Competence .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Swot analysis .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Critical analysis of Canon Environment ....................................................................................... 9
3. Canon Hybrid DSLR Features ...................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Introduction to the new product .................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Marketing objectives ................................................................................................................... 10
4. Market Segmentation .................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Consumer Market Segmentation ................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Positioning and Differentiation ................................................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Positioning (Market leadership) ........................................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Pioneer of technology and market ....................................................................................... 12
4.3 Marketing mix ......................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.1 Product ................................................................................................................................. 12
4.3.2 Pricing Strategy .................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.3 Distribution Strategy ............................................................................................................ 13
4.4.4 Promotional Strategy............................................................................................................ 13
4.5 Marketing mix for Global ........................................................................................................... 14
4.5.1 E-Business Mix globally ...................................................................................................... 14
5. Marketing Budget ......................................................................................................................... 15
6. Appendixes ................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 16
7. References ..................................................................................................................................... 21


1. Introduction

The increasing demand for the mobile phone is considered to be serious threat to the
digital camera industry however the digital camera industry has preformed well during 2010
and up the move. Data Monitor (2010) forecasted the digital camera market revenue up to $
31 billion for 2009. GFK (2010) has forecasted the digital camera sale up to 141 million for
2010. According to GFK the digital camera sale increased 11% in first quarter and 19 % in
June alone. The increase was in 25% in East Europe, 20 % in Asia and 51 % in Latin
GFK stated the main reason for the growth of the industry was digital and multimedia
cameras which can be used for photography and some times for video with audio supported
feature, other factor which has forced the consumer to change or renew their product were
HD resolution, GPS and 3 D features. Highest growth in terms of country was in China where
14 million digital cameras were expected to sell and would increase up to 16 million in 2011.
In Europe the main driver for increase in digital cameras sale was interchange able lens.
According to GFK (2011) the multi media cameras which can be used for online purpose
(face book, you tube, twitter, Google, etc) was most popular is Western Europe, where its
sales was 70% of total.
Canon is the on of the leading company in the world doing business in Australia,
China, Japan, US and Europe, the company headquarter is in Tokyo, Japan and it employees
are 168,879 (Data Monitor 2010). According to the (Canon 2010) the company net sales
were $34,883 million in FY 2009, and its net income in FY 2009 was $1,431 million.
Canons target markets are consumer, business and industry, where it produces wide
range of products; however the important ones are cameras, printers, copying machines,
optical products and business machine (Data Monitor 2010). The consumer unit focuses on
the digital SLR, interchangeable lens, compact digital cameras, camcorders, single and multi
inject printer, scanner and broad coasting equipment.
Canon UK (2009) group loss for the year 2009 after taxes was 2.0 million and gross
profit margin declined by 7.1 % due to increased cost sale and pound deprecation. The UK
digital still compact camera market reached 5.80 Mio units, while DSLR contributed 500,000
units and HD camcorder with the percentage of 51 % and 165,000 units. According to GFK
(2010) canon digital compact camera and DSLR (EOS 450 D) were leading the market.


1.1 Reason for choosing the Canon UK

Canon is one of the leading companies in world with 2,204 patents in 2009 (Canon
2010). Canon is the brand leader in different parts of the world. According to the Reader
digest (cited in Canon 2009 press release) Canon was voted as most trusted in 13 countries
out of 16 in the Europe for 9
consecutive times and number one in UK. However is facing
serious threats from Nikon and Kodak in US, Samsung and Sony in Europe and Nikon in
Japan and Asia. According to BCN ranking (2010 cited on Nikon Rumours) shows that
Nikon has grabbed first place in Japan, due to it product D90 with the sale of 13% in
comparison to Canon EOS Kiss X3 with sale of 11.5 % of market share. Canon market share
is dropped from 39.1 % (2009) to 31.4 % (2010) pushing it to second place in market, on the
other hand Nikon sales increased from 31.3 % (2009) to 34 % in (2010) making it number
one in market(Nikon Rumour) . Similar threat is faced by Canon in UK and USA.
Data Monitor (2010) stated that Canon is facing continuous decline in operating profit
for three consecutive years, it was 16.7 % in 2007 dropped to 12.1 % in 2008 and 6.8 % in
2009. Due to the continuous decline in operating profit and threat of losing more market
share the Canon has decided to come up with the product which could be foundation for its
comeback to market to regain it position and market share.
2. Situation Analysis
2.1 Pestle Analysis

Strong democratic setup with stable government
Effective microeconomic policies
Strong relations with emerging economies including common wealth countries
largest in European Union
World fourth largest economy
Single European market with free trade
Strong distribution channels
Budget Deficit
Depreciated currency
High standards of living
Overseas immigration
Aging Population
High spending by Youth


New Technology
Energy Saving
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE)
Packaging waste and ROHS Regulation
UK & EU Regulations e.g.(Competition Law, Data Protection and Employment Law)

2.2 Core Competence

Prahalad and Hamel (1990) identified the core competencies behind the organisation
product line. They argued that core competences facilitate the firm to add new product to its
product line and is main reason for competitive advantage. Prahalad and Hamel (1990)
claimed that core competence does not depreciate with the passage of time like fixed asset,
rather these core competencies the main factor for creating core products which enables the
company to produce end product. .e.g. Canon produce optics and imaging which enables
them to produce variety of the cameras. Quinn and Hilmer (1994) defined core competencies
as the skill or knowledge for long term advantage. Randall (2010) stated that core
competency is unique and difficult to copy and it may or may not relate to product.
We can conclude from above arguments that core competencies are the management
of skill and unique resources which can be use to get competitive advantage. Fillis and
Rentschler (2006) argued that competencies may be technical related to operational aspect of
marketing tactics or my related to the decision making where human competency, creativity
(in product, marketing), knowledge, experience are involved.


Source: Prahalad and Hamel (1990) Core Competencies of Canon




Desktop Laser Printer Engines

Imaging System Engines

Other Unit

Office Unit

Industry Unit

Consumer Unit
y System
aphy sys
Scanners Cameras Photo copy


2.3 Swot analysis


Useful Harmful
Established Brand Name
Worldwide Brand Recognition
Brand Leader in many items
Goodwill and strong market
patient holder company of
Advanced Planning for 100-
200 years
Diversified Product line
Modern ,Innovative R & D
Automated Machinery and
Robots for Production
Purchased Order Based
Production System
Being a Partner in Social,
Cultural and Environmental

Decrease in Profit Margin 2007-
Huge Dependibility on HP for
Manufacturing Laser printers
Customers Concentration
Much Rely on distributors


China and other Asian markets
Demand for Digital Cameras &
Demand for Printers
Medical and digital
commercial printing

Dollar-Yen Exchange Rates
Droped from 1
positon to 2

Low Prices by Nikon
Evolving Trends
Intense competition from Nikon ,
Sony, Kodak and Samsung
UK and EU Regulations for
Government and large supplier
contracts renewals


2.4 Critical analysis of Canon Environment

Canon is the brand leader in Western Europe, however is facing tough competition
from the Samsung and Sony. In order to maintain its market leadership and to retain its
employees the company has decided to launch new hybrid digital SLR camera using its
unique competencies and innovation. This will help the company to sustain its market share
in Western Europe especially UK and this product will be introduced globally to regain the
market share in existing countries, where Canon works and to acquire new potential markets
as well. These potential markets where GFK (2010) has shown significant increase in 25% in
East Europe, 20 % in Asia and 51 % in Latin America.
Canon is already doing business in UK and is market leader and has strong brand
recognition. However, if we analyse the new product and company with the information
furnished from situation analysis. We can see that the political environment of the UK is
good, the country has very effective macro economic policies although its economy is facing
hardships; still country is doing well as compared to much European country. So company
can easily grab its market share using its brand name and the new features of hybrid DSLR
camera. Increase in the VAT may affect the prices of digital cameras and its import in the
country. The currency of the country is depreciating which may help the company in Pound
to Yen rate.
UK is the European 2
and world 4
biggest economy although not up to the market,
still the country has the potential and digital market has shown 6.8 % increase in the country.
UK is ideal for launching the new product as it will help in maintaining the market share and
will provide corridor to the free trade European market especially the Eastern Europe market
which has show 25 % growth in the last year. The country has strong distribution channel
which will the company to deliver its products to the dealers.
The increasing spending power of the young people and aging people can be target
via strong marketing which can be potential market and can help in increasing the sales and
profit margin. The change in technology is forcing the people to renew or replace their
products so the hybrid SLR camera will drive the people to replace their camera. According
to the dp preview (2006) and Canon Press release (2009) the company celebrated its 40
million lens manufacturing. The new hybrid camera with interchangeable lens support can
easily target the existing customer to upgrade their cameras.
Canon is working in different environmental projects for saving the future for next
generation. According to the Canon (2010) the company is working with WWF to save white
polar bear by making awareness amongst the people. The company has followed the WEEE
and waste packing ROHS regulations. The decreasing operation profit margin is the major
threat to the Canon UK (see appendix 1: table 1), to decrease this loss company has cut the
cost of sale and administration by 11.5 % (Canon UK2009). However new product will
require cost of sale, additional distribution and promotional expenditure, which can create
problem for company. The majority of Canon sale is usually done by the distributors, e.g.


Canons 21% sales come from HP (Data Monitor 2007) .its too much reliance on
distributors can create trouble for company. Like acquisition of IKON solution by Ricoh and
IKON was generating its 55 % of revenue from Canon (Data Monitor 2009). So overall
market environment is good for Canons new product development as the company has
strong brand recognition in market and has many awards and is market leader, its competent
ices (Refer competence diagram above) and innovation which has already establish
competitive advantage for company and from here the company can expand product launch
to Europe, which already constitute 31% of Canon total sales (Refer to appendix 1: figure 3).
3. Canon Hybrid DSLR Features
3.1 Introduction to the new product

Canon Hybrid DSLR is 25 megapixels, 18 autofocus points, 2.5 inch live view LCD,
HD video capture, dust control, enhanced dynamic range, with option of auto/ manual focus
and uniqueness of Bluetooth for easily transfer to the computer and laptop and other devices.
It has GPS system and supports the lenses from 18-200mm. This camera can be used from
advanced level operator to semi professional photographer. This camera provide you the
opportunity of picture, audio and video recording and easily transfer to other medium through
blue tooth, the new Canon Hybrid camera is Perfect gift for the every. Dont Miss Best
moment of your life! Capture them.
3.2 Marketing objectives
Maintain the market
To increase the market share by 5 % in 1 year
To increase the profit Margin
The main objective for launching this product is to strengthen the current market share of
UK to its competitor. Secondly this product will help in increase the market share and
ultimately the profit margin which is declining 2006-2009. If we analyse the marketing
objective strategically with market situation we see that the company is going to offer new
product in current market to sustain its market share , to capture competitor share and to
activate in-active user so the product offered has new improved quality and features (Refer to
Ansoff matrix: Appendix1). The product life cycle is expected to be 14 to 18 months, the
product can achieve its growth stage in 4 or 5 months and can reach at maturity stage in 7 or
8 month and may be declined over 14 months due to new technologies and development
(Refer to appendix 1: figure 7). The market of UK is very saturated with lot of customer with
different types of products and strategies. .e.g. the Nikon has adopted the low cost strategy
which is creating difficulties for the Canon to retain its customers. This product focuses the
whole market and Canon has adopted the cost leadership strategy for this product.


4. Market Segmentation

Payne (2006) stated that successful market segmentation can be achieved by
satisfying the existing and the potential customers in a clear defined market. Target market
for Canon hybrid DSLR is its existing consumer market for DSLR for which canon has
already sold 10 million DSLR cameras since 2003 and 500,000 DSLR in UK in 2009 (Press
Release: Canon UK 2009). This product features and innovation will target the existing
customer by driving them to upgrade their product with new one and will help in attracting
new customer.
4.1 Consumer Market Segmentation

This market segmentation of this product is done on the basis of variety of
information e.g. in geographic sense UK has been selected, where Canon has its offices in
London, Birmingham, Livingston, Belfast and Surrey making it easy to launch and manage
the product, secondly UK has strong distribution channel which can be easily use to launch
the product in UK and across the Europe. If we talk about geographically this camera is
targeting all age groups over 18 its price is reasonable 499 which is easily accessible to all
income groups as well, if we analyse the prices of DSLR EOS Kiss X3 and D70 the most
sold with 11.5 % and 13% (source: BCN 2010) their price range was targeted to average
class. Majority of the sale to every business is from this income group.
UK people showed strong interest in Canon HD camcorder which was 51%. The
Canon Hybrid camera has feature of HD video recoding, targeting the behaviour of the UK
customers providing them DSLR with HD recording feature, who have already voted the
canon as mostly trusted brand. This camera will attract the Canons existing users as this
supports range of lenses.
4.2 Positioning and Differentiation

Positioning is how the product is differentiated in the customers minds. Positioning is
the new technique to communicate, advertise and market your product.
4.2.1 Positioning (Market leadership)

Canon is market leader in the UK and Western Europe with market share of 47.15 in
2008 (Press release: Canon UK2009). The company has won the most trusted, best green
company and different other brand in industry. As the company is market leader in UK and
Europe so this will add value to the new product and will aid the new product to foundation
in achieving the 5% of the market in 1 year. The company knows what customer wants and
reasons why customers are buying Canon, .e.g. HD features, Canon best DSLR technology
and this product is equipped with some new features like GPS, blue tooth transfer and
uploads to systems, and can be used with variety of lens, so the product will attract the
existing customers and new customers as well.


4.2.2 Pioneer of technology and market

The other advantage to the company is that Canon is the pioneer of photography and
imaging and these competencies and innovation make it unique from others market players.
Its SLR technology is based on the experience of more than 30 years with wide range of
products and innovation for which company is know and companys 40 million EF Lens
mark tell the success story of the company. The market pioneer ship and leadership will add
extra value to this new innovative Hybrid DSLR. This is the time for the company to
offensive to sustain its market share from competitors and try to attract some inactive and
competitors customers in the markets.
Andrea et al (2010) argued that it is necessary to educate the customer about your
product and its benefit. The Canon Hybrid DSLR has variety of benefit for existing and new
customers due to its support for variety of lens, HD video recording, Bluetooth, GPS and this
brand association to environment saving measures (WWF program for Polar bear etc). All
these things will be highlighted in its marketing campaign to educate customers about
product its additional benefits (especially through internet).
4.3 Marketing mix
4.3.1 Product

The Canon Hybrid DSLR is excellently designed with less size and weight as
compared to conventional DSLR, with more capability of supporting wide range of lens; it
gives perfect result with the ability of the GPS and image transfer via Bluetooth to the other
devices. Its performance and quality has been tested and found more then the previous DSLR
from Canon and other companies. This product has mixture of capabilities and function
which customer wants in their camera. The product is reliable, durable and excellent in style,
available in different colours (black, Grey). The product offer full warranty, after sales
service and online support for trouble shooting and software as per Canon policy.
4.3.2 Pricing Strategy

The purpose of launching this product is to help Canon UK to improve its profit
margin, sustain its existing market share and to increase its market share in UK and globally
especially in potential markets which showed significant increase in digital cameras market
like 25% in East Europe, 20 % in Asia and 51 % in Latin America. The demand for DSLR is
increased due to the quality of results and option of using different supporting lens.
DigiTimes (2010) quoted the Japan based companies have shipped 55.32 million digital
cameras including DSLR in first half quarter of 2010 and with increase of 33.56 % and the
total number of digital camera shipped worldwide were 128,850 out of which Canon has
highest share of 18.4 %.


The research also stated the demand for DSLR will increase with 7.71 % in 2009 to
2010 to 138 million units. Keeping in mind the rising demand and the customer preferences
this product is designed and the whole market is segmented as mass market in consumer
market, so its price is comparatively low than normal Canon DSLR and it will be launched at
competitive skimming price 499 and with the passage of time the price will be move down
to capture the capture the mass market of the country and the other area where it will be
launched like in case of MP3. The Nikon is using the low cost strategy this product will be
counter for the Nikon strategy. If we evaluate the cost benefit of this product it will help the
existing customer of Canon to use supported lens, thus reducing their additional cost.
4.3.3 Distribution Strategy

UK has one the world best and fastest distribution channel in the world. Canon is
enjoying the fastest network of distribution. Canons new product distribution will be
according to the Canon existing network and procedure. Canon UK and Ireland introduced
PartnerNet dedicated IT reseller website in 2010 where Canon resellers can access the
Canons sales and marketing tools this will be used for distribution.
The product will be sold through the Canon UK online store, Canon eBay outlet,
Canon authorised E tailors, EOS professional network and local distributors. Canon has
developed fast distribution network for availability of its products in time. The products will
be shipped in Bulk to different distribution according to the demand of the area and forecast.
The UK and EU regulation for environmental protection and other laws related to
employment, competition, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive Packaging
waste WEEE and ROHS Regulation if the company is not following it can get fined and be
taken to the court. The company has contracts with large supplier and government making it
very competitive to retain contracts in the time of renewal, and can effect the company
overall profit margin and consumer segment as well.
Canon has sold 500,000 DSLR in UK last year although the economy of the country
is under pressure but innovative product may get good response. Like Canon HD Camcorder
got 51% of digital sale. If company is successful in attracting the targeted income groups and
market as stated above it can achieve its marketing objectives.
Canon major competitors Sony, Samsung, Nikon are doing the similar DSLR and camcorder
business, so it will be bring tough competition from the rival after launching this product.
4.4.4 Promotional Strategy
The main focus of the promotional strategy for this product is on e-business, however
it will include TV add, PR, sponsorship and digital billboard, news paper and consumer
magazines for promoting as part of it marketing mix. The purpose of this promotion is to
increase the declining sale, profit margin and to sustain market share. Canon will use its
website for promotion, its products will be mainly promoted and sold on website, and other
sources for promotion on web would be face book, YouTube, Twitter, and Google, direct
email and product review blog.


The company will use push strategy and will give sponsorship for this product as it is
given for other product (may be for Olympics 2012) and will use is Personal relation and
brand name for promoting this product and this product is part of environmental awareness
program and WWF which will be highlighted along with product benefits to save
environment and wild life for our next generation and the idea for that campaign is Canon yes
4.5 Marketing mix for Global

Canon is the one of leading company in the world with strong distribution channel in
areas where its doing business. This will be helpful for the company to launch its product
globally. The company has been rated Most Trusted in 13 countries of Western Europe,
this will be very helpful in launching new product in these area while quoting the previous
performance. The Eastern Europe has shown a growth of 25 % this is positive sign for new
product, its new and innovate feature can get the market share and will help the company to
retain its existing customers. Canon Europe will use is personal relationship for promoting
the product and its European website for TV add and sponsorship. The Europe launching can
be done in Paris in any upcoming event this year. The pricing strategy will be the same as in
UK with 499 start price and after few months it may include rebate etc to decrease slight
price to capture bigger market share.
The product will be launched in Asia especially in US, Australia, Japan, China and
India and other countries. The US and China market has shown the growth of 51% and 20
percent respectively. China is expecting to get 14 million digital cameras this year. This
product will help the company to regain its 1
position in Japan and will help in retaining
existing customers in Japan, US, China, India and other part of the world and will help in
attracting the new customers. This may help in sustaining and increasing market share and
declining profit margin.
4.5.1 E-Business Mix globally

For e-business the company will firstly use its global website for TV ads, press
release, sponsorships, PR , newspapers, consumer magazines and it online store on eBay, it
blog and product review world wide. The company will focus on the social network website
including face book, which has more than 500 million active users worldwide, and can be
easily targeted using it face book page, which is not posting any new post currently. Secondly
Twitter, YouTube, and Google are also having huge traffic which can be targeted for
increasing the company sales.


5. Marketing Budget

July 2011 August
Digital Ad 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000
Websites 25,000 22,000 20,000 15,000 12,000 10,000
PR 8,000 000 000 000 000 000
News/Magazine 13,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 5,000
Total 61,000 48,000 43,000 35,000 28,000 25,000

The total budget for marketing plan of this product cost 240,000 the product is expected to
be launched in September 2011. This budget is forecasted for marketing of product through
different method, after marketing and launching of the product the performance will be
judged on the sale and the forecasted marketing budget will be evaluated against the actual


6. Appendixes
Appendix 1
Figure 1: Mantra of Marketing

Adopted from Porter



Figure 2: Sale in 2009 segments wise
Consumer 41 %, Business 51 % and industry 11 %

Source Annual Report (2010)

Sales Per Segment
Consumer Business Unit Industry and Other Business Units


Figure 3: Sales Region Wise

Source: The Canon Story 2010/2011

Figure 4: Profit Loss Canon UK
Areas Year 2009 2008
000 000
Gross profit 109,634
Operating Profit/Loss
Net Profit/Loss

Source: Canon UK 2009 Profit /loss statement

Asia & Oceana
Sales Region Wise in $ Millions


Figure 5: Ansoff Matrix



Current New

active Customers
Competitor Customers
change non- user

New market segments
New distribution means
New geographical areas


latest characteristics
latest quality heights
latest product

tactical agreement

Figure 6: BCG Matrix



Market Share
High Low

Product selling well
making income
Low manufacturing cost

Product not doing well
Low market share with low
Investment or withdrawal

Product selling well
fixed Growth
producing cash
Could be plough back or
granted to other division

sluggish or stagnant
Costing resource
set out business


Figure 7: Product Life Cycle



7. References
Payne, A., 2006. Handbook of CRM: Achieving Excellence in Customer Management,
Oxford; Burlington, MA: Elsevier.
Andrea, G., Marcotte, D., & Morrison, G. D. (2010), Let Emerging Market Customers Be
Your Teachers, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 88, no. 12.
BCN (2010), <> [Accessed 27, January
Canon annual report, 2009. [online] Available at:<> [Accessed 27, January
Canon Press Release, 2009,
<> [Accessed 27, January
Canon Press Release, 2009. <> [Accessed
27, January 2011]
Data Monitor (2007), Canon Company Profile, Retrieved January 28, 2011, form Business
Source Complete (University of Wales).
Data Monitor (2009), Canon Company Profile, Retrieved January 28, 2011, form Business
Source Complete (University of Wales).
Data Monitor (2010), Canon Company Profile, Retrieved January 28, 2011, form Business
Source Complete (University of Wales).
Digi Times (2010), Global Shipment for digital cameras,
01 >[Accessed 27, January 2011]
GFK (2010), Global photo market on an upward trend, < > [Accessed 27, January 2011]
GFK (2011), Emerging markets enjoy Digital Camera boom, <> [Accessed 27, January 2011]


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