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Department of Human Ecology

School of Environmental & Biological

Rutgers, The State University of New
!! Du"ley Roa"
New Brunswic#, N $%&$'(%!)$
+hone, %-%(&.)(&)$.
/a0, 1.)(&.)(2221
June 26, 2014
To Whom It May Concern

I have known Cool Dude for over two year! "e # an e$cellent tudent and %raduated
from &ut%er Cum 'aude w#th a cumulat#ve %rade (o#nt avera%e of )!6*2! Cool Dude rece#ved
De(artmental "onor a well a the &ut%er 2012 +cadem#c ,$cellence +ward -to( 10. of h#
cla/ and # a Mem0er of the 1at#onal 2oc#ety of Colle%#ate 2cholar! "e ha mana%ed to tr#ke a
%ood 0alance 0etween (art#c#(at#n% #n mean#n%ful e$tracurr#cular act#v#t#e wh#le ma#nta#n#n% a
r#%orou coure load! Cool Dude3 level of matur#ty and elf4conf#dence hould certa#nly 0enef#t
h#m a he cont#nue h# tud#e and #n h# (rofe#onal career! "# level of (rofe#onal#m when
deal#n% w#th faculty, taff, and tudent ha et a h#%h tandard for future tudent to follow!
Cool Dude ha volunteered and #nterned throu%hout h# under%raduate tud#e! "e #
currently a volunteer at a ch#ldren3 a#l#n% clu0! Cool Dude (art#c#(ated #n two #nternh#( and he #
determ#ned to make a (o#t#ve contr#0ut#on #n the l#ve of other throu%h h# love of c#ence!

Cool Dude # an e$cellent tudent 0ut even more #m(ortantly he # an outtand#n% human
0e#n%! I recommend Cool Dude w#thout he#tat#on a a er#ou, conc#ent#ou, (a#onate and hard4
work#n% tudent! "# (o#t#ve att#tude toward l#fe, chool, and work, w#ll hel( h#m o0ta#n ucce
#n whatever the future may 0r#n% h# way! If you acce(t Cool Dude #nto your (ro%ram, I 0el#eve he
w#ll 0e a f#ne tudent and later a %raduate that w#ll make your faculty (roud!
5leae feel free to contact me #f you would l#ke to d#cu Cool Dude3 6ual#f#cat#on #n
more de(th! I can 0e reached 0y (hone dur#n% the day at 7474*)24*20), or #n the even#n% at 8)24
61*484)2! I can alo 0e reached 0y e4ma#l at 9oodr#ch:aeo(!rut%er!edu!
;r#ten 9oodr#ch
+dm#n#trat#ve +#tant
De(artment of "uman ,colo%y

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