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As Hindu Iconography, Lord Vishnu is a Supreme Power and Origin of the Universe,

Lord Brahma and Shiva is revealed by him. For the smooth conduct or operation, of the
Universe Lord Vishnu gave them significant work individually to both of them, He gave
lord Shiva to the work of Destruction, Brahma to Create and Form the universe and
left Sustainer for Him. Both three are different in there competence, according to the
work. These three are also indicate the different properties on them, first is Satwa
Guna*, Second is Rajas or Rajo Guna* and third is Tamo Guna*. Satwa Guna* (Guna
means Property) or kind of Philosophy. Satwa, belongs to Satya* or Satvik* truth, fact,
reality, divine, its a nature of Lord Vishnu. Rajas or Rajo belongs to excitable, its
responsible for motion, energy and preservation for creation, for this reason it remove
and maintains the activity of two other gunas, known as satwa and tamas. Tamo
indicates indifferent, darkness, destroying, dissolution, death, destruction all the left or
use less part. These all are natural properties of gunas. Here the most important is
about the power and knowledge, to these three lords workout properly, from where they
got? Adi-Shakti or Adya-Shakti gave them power, knowledge, strength, sense,
intelligence as a form of their wifes. Sati or Parvati is the wife of lord Shiva, Savitri,
Gayatri and Saraswati is the wife of lord Brahma and Lakshmi is the wife of lord Vishnu,
as same as Goddess are also related to their husbands natural properties or Guna.
This Adya-Shakti* (outset-power) revealed lots of sculpt of her, according to them these
are the most powerfull and major 10 source of knowledge according to their Work.
All type of qualities in Females like Shame, Beauty, Strength, Motherhood enriched
with this mother goddess Shakti* (power). This divine power Shakti divided in
different forms according to her work and attributes.

have is known as Kali or Adya Shakti, she is first in Dus-Mahavidya 10 mighty-
Knowledge of Devi or Adya-Shakti. Here the question is who is Adya Shakti?

Repullulation of her is not so cleared, how she come in existence no one seen. But
according to Hindu Iconography, goddess is continual and unborn.

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