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Dominos Plans to be First Fast Food Chain on the Moon.

1. Domino ill sell !i""as to astrona#ts and other !eo!le li$in% on the moon
&. 'he( !lan to #se ro)*s and minerals +rom the moon to b#ild the
,. 'he media said that this anno#n)ement is a strate%( to attra)t the
attention o+ so)iet( and media.
-. False. line /0 e started thin*in% this !ro1e)t last (ear2
3. False. lines 1141& 2ins!ired b( Pi""a H#ts s#))ess+#l !i""a deli$er( to
the International2
8. 9#d%et
/. :o# loo* li*e (o#r brother.
;. H#%e
<. =!!li)ation
1>. 'he( sho#ld ha$e told #s somethin% at (esterda(s meetin%.
11. Ho man( tons o+ e?#i!ment ill the ro)*ets trans!ort to the Moon@
1&. Nobod( has belie$ed their stor(.
1,. Ae had o#r t#na !i""a deli$ered (esterda(.
1-. =d$anta%es and disad$anta%es o+ eatin% +ast +ood. Dis)#ss.
I li*e eat in +ast +ood resta#rant b#t ob$io#sl( it is not the healthiest +ood
in the orld. Chains li*e M)Donalds0 Domino or 9#r%er *in% are *non
resta#rants aro#nd the orld and their beneBts be)ame the oners
billionairesC million !eo!le dail( $isit their lo)al.
In one hand the !rod#)ts sell in this !la)e are $er( )heat there+ore !eo!le
itho#t a lot o+ mone( )an eat there0 +or eDam!le (o#n% !eo!le ma( not eat
at other sites. Ho these )hains are +ran)hises0 the( ens#re that the ser$i)e
and +ood are re!#table.
9#t in the other hand +ood is +#ll o+ +ats and s#%ars ta*en in lar%e
amo#nts are harm+#l to health. 'he !rod#)ts sho#ld be )hea! to sell )hea!
meal. =lso )om!an( ma*es )am!ai%ns to attra)tin% !#bli)0 this strate%(
some times are misleadin%.
One a( or another +ast +ood resta#rant has their !#bli) and there are
more and more resta#rants in the )ities ta*in% aa( )#stomers +rom
traditional sites.

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