Aging - When The Skin Becomes More Demanding

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Aging - When The Skin

Becomes More

Aging - State and Conditions Of Skin

Conditions and state of the skin remain changes several times in the course of our
lives. In childhood the skin is usually fine and tender, tends to be rather greasy
during teenage, young mature depending on the equipment dry, oily, or by the
mixed skin type.

But all these different skin types can be "challenging" in the course of life.
"Sophisticated" or "mature" skin describes the terms elegant aging skin. The
natural aging process can at some point: are any skins to the demanding, mature
or atrophic skin. When the aging process is committed and the skin need, dry,
sensitive - a Word is "demanding", depends on various factors.

The Speed of Aging

Every organism ages, because you cannot change unfortunately. The speed of
aging operations but varies from person to person. Especially early signs of
aging on the skin are visible. First age characters can occur twenty sometimes
with end. Already in this age the speed of cell division decreases and fades the
regeneration ability of skin cells. The skin is then increasingly thin, red veins
can shine through more and more. You will lose elasticity, first wrinkles around
the eyes and in the discreet occur. The circulation of the skin and hence the
supply of oxygen and nutrients is worse.

At the end of the thirtieth year of life begins the "maturation process" of the
skin. Depending on the way of life, already deeper wrinkles and extensive
wrinkles can conditionally caused by changes in the connective tissue. The skin
relief can be total coarser pores larger. In addition, the skin becomes dry,
because the sebaceous glands produce less and less fat with age. Also the skin
ability to bind moisture decreases. Dry skin tends often to feeling of tension,
redness and itching. Mature, demanding skin is more sensitive and vulnerable
as a juvenile or oily. It is also more prone to drying out eczema and infections
and tends increasingly to the formation of pigment spots.

The menopause (menopause,), in which most women between
mid-coming forty and fifty Center have a particularly strong
influence on the skin texture. The declining production of female
hormones leads to many changes in the female body, which express
themselves in body and soul: the skin loses its elasticity; many
women now also increasingly suffer from hair loss. Hot flashes,
insomnia and depression affect psychological well-being and the
risk for osteoporosis and atherosclerosis is growing due to the
hormone deficiency. A drop of in estrogen levels is to blame for
these complaints. The production of the hormone in the ovaries
decreases between the age of 35 and 45. Already, at the beginning
of menopause, the mirror is reduced even further. Menopause,
women thus inevitably come in a hormonal deficiency state.
Already a few months after the beginning of menopause many
women notice that more wrinkles occur, decreases the firmness of
the skin and moisture and elasticity is lost. Already shortly after the
beginning of the menopause decreases the thickness of the skin,
the blood circulation is poor, the skin appears pale and sallow.
Time Aging - Aging of the Light

Whether the aging sooner or later uses, we part ourselves in the
hand. Sunlight, poor nutrition and nicotine are factors that can be
rapidly age our skin.

We differentiate between two types of skin aging:

The aging of the time = intrinsic aging
The aging of the light = extrinsic aging.

The ageing of the time describes the natural aging of the skin. This
is usually relatively slowly. Causes of this intrinsic aging are in
addition to our genetic material especially so called free radicals
and hormone deficiency.
The ageing of the light, however, is the aging of the time with seven
mile boots ahead. You can notice that on your own body. Compare
body parts, rarely exposed the Sun, such as stomach and butt, with
the skin on the face and hands. You can find probably clear skin
determination. The UV light is responsible for the ageing of the light
to 90%. To a lesser extent, smoking, cold, wind, heat and other
environmental factors contribute to the acceleration of the aging of
the skin. Light impaired skin can be with thirty years "challenging"
and an appropriately intensive care need. The elastic and collagen
fibers of connective tissue are damaged by years of exposure to sun
rays. This weakening of the skin's own "support structures" is a
major cause of the formation of wrinkles.

Even outwardly differs in "intrinsically" from the "extrinsically" aged
skin. The former is very thin, vulnerable, wrinkled and dry.
Translucent tubes are typical of this thin and atrophic skin. The
latter is thickened, limp, showing increased pigment changes and
tends more to itching.
Smoking Makes Us Old Faster

In addition to sunlight, nicotine is the second main reason for the
accelerated extrinsic skin ageing. The skin of smokers looks generally older
than the skin of non-smokers.

Researchers from the United Kingdom now found the scientific
explanation for this: the skin of a smoker contains higher concentrations
of a certain protein that destroyed the supporting Collagen fibers in the
connective tissue. This lack of skin elasticity ages faster. Researchers have
observed that smokers more wound healing disorders cause after plastic
surgery. As a result of bad skin condition of smokers, some clinics reject it
with heavy smokers who quit at least four weeks before surgery with
smoking, to conduct a plastic surgery.

Eating Properly Can Delay The
Formation of Wrinkles

The diet contributes to a large extent on the State of our skin. Nutrition seems to
be one of the secrets of a smooth, soft skin. Australian researchers have found
that people who often eat fish, vegetables, legumes and low-fat dairy products,
have fewer wrinkles. 453 People over 70 years were interviewed for the study,
which was published in the magazine "New Scientist", after their eating habits.
That was in addition amount and depth of wrinkles on the face and hands - in
body areas that often are exposed the Sun - determined via photomicrography.
The food ingredients seemed effective against wrinkles calcium, zinc, vitamin C,
magnesium, phosphorus and iron accordingly.

Study reveals that participants who frequently ate sweets, meat and butter, had
the most wrinkles. Just as the people who often put out the Sun and smoked.

Measures Against Wrinkles

Light protection

Sun is the biggest enemy of the smooth skin. Therefore a day care
with a high sun protection factor in the UV-B and UV-A is area
especially for the demanding skin important.


By carefully to the type of skin care products, the signs of aging can
delay or even reduce within certain limits. Rich products with high-
quality active ingredients are particularly important for demanding
skin. They should strengthen the barrier function, protect, smooth
wrinkles, regenerating effect and "mending" influence on skin

Fruit acid products

In particular the thickened by Sun and smoking a pre-aged skin
speaks off very well to treatment with fruit acids. The stratum layer
is narrowed as a result; the skin becomes again brighter.

Hormone deficiency state can speed up the formation
of wrinkles! Workaround can create here an
exceptionally, individually tailored gift of missing
hormones by the gynecologists. The skin shows
especially good on a hormonal treatment when it is
very thin and vulnerable (intrinsically aged skin).


Various vitamins are known in orthomolecular
medicine, which can delay the ageing of the skin. The
vitamins A and E are particularly important.

Vitamin A, the fountain of youth for skin:

Vitamin A is important in particular of the cells of the skin for the normal
development of tissues. It smoothes the skin and prevents dehydration
and dandruff. It also provides strong hair and nails. Vitamin A belongs to
the Group of the so called antioxidants because it can capture harmful
free radicals in the body.

Vitamin A is found in its biologically active form only in animal foods such
as egg yolks, milk, butter, fish oil and fish. The recommended daily amount
of vitamin A is 0.8 to 1.8 mg.

Beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin and is converted into the intestine
to vitamin A. Beta carotene is included in almost all green, yellow and
orange fruits and vegetables such as lamb's lettuce, broccoli, avocado,
spinach, Zucchini, green cabbage, carrot, paprika, tomato, pumpkin,
apricot, mango, melon, papaya, peach mushrooms and legumes.

The recommended daily amount of beta carotene is higher than that for
pure vitamin A and is 2 to 4 mg.

Vitamin E, the old-age protection:

Vitamin E protects our body from the attack of so called
"free radicals" caused by smoking, alcohol and UV rays.
These aggressive substances are jointly responsible for that
age cells and formations of wrinkles. Vitamin E provides
sufficient moisture for the skin, making it smooth and
supple and ensures a sufficient blood flow. In addition, it
has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin E
almost contains in most of the best wrinkle cream.

Vitamin E is found in: cucumber (with skin), cauliflower,
kale, spinach, zucchini (with skin), avocados, dates, nuts,
mango, and in wheat germ oil, corn oil, safflower oil,
sunflower oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, germs. The
recommended daily requirement of vitamin E is 15 mg.
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