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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Hala Mohammad al Juneh

Date of birth: November 14, 1991
Marital status: single
Phone number: 079849981 ! 079"8740#"
E-mail address: losha1991$live%com

Objective& 'ee(ing a challenging )osition *here + can utili,e m- s(ills and
e.)erience to contribute to com)an- goals, and enrich this com)an- *ith m-
outstanding e.)erience in the /eld o0 -our re1uest%
-Faculty of engineering Technology !l"#al$a a%%lied &niversity
#achelor degree in communication engineering electrical de%artment
2#0093#0145 Amman, Jordan
- Graduation project: electromechanical meter retro/t into 6M+ meter%
7ur graduation )ro8ect had been 0unded b- the 9lectricit- :istribution Co 29:C75,
because the- *ere reall- concerned about our idea%
-Trainee at (egma for telecom and security )*une+,-+ - !ugust+,-+.
-Trainee at !/TE01O for telecom and net2or3s )-4 *anuary +,-5 6 +5
March +,-7.
- 1all 1enter !gent in 18T !rabia com%any )4 October +,-5 6 - *uly
- (oft (3ills Trainer in 0andmar3 /etail 1om%any )- *une +,-7 6No2.
-9riter at Ma2lati )E-Maga:ine. )- *une +,-7- No2.
1ourses: --;raining course on 6V6<6 s-stems +-training course on securit-
s-stems and analog tele)hon- s-stems 5-Java course 7- 6ndroid course ;-
'i. +NJ6= Courses in communication s(ills and leadershi) <- Certi/ed in
Mobile e>Mar(eting b- digital mar(eting academ-.
(3ills: Android, AutoCAD, MatLab, Photoshop, LabView, Java.
0anguages: -!rabic: 9.cellent ? - English: ver- good
/eference: an- in0ormation or o@cial documents *ill be read- u)on -our

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