Personal Handbook

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Remember: It always comes back to leadership. Good leaders know how to do things
right. Leadership, management, human resources and labour relations are all intertwined
= balance.

Superintendents Office

1. Assistant Superintendent: Evelyn Novak
2. Superintendent: Rohan Arul-Pragasam
3. Director of Instruction: Kirk Savage
4. Executive Assistant to the Superintendent: Donna Dove
5. Executive Assistant: Joanne Britton
6. Manager of Student Records: Farrell Brett
7. Administrator, International Education: Glen Tiechko
8. Receptionist/ Clerk: Carol Bond

Financial Services Department

1. Secretary Treasurer: Gerry Slykhuis
2. Director of Finance: James Richards
3. Executive Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer: Cathy Meers
4. Manager of Finance: Kevin Josephson
5. Business Manager: Sandy Mitchell
6. Payroll- Teachers: Dolores Graham
7. Payroll- CUPE: Susan Darby
8. Payroll- Casual, TOC, CUPE Benefits: Monique Dekroon
9. Accounting Clerk: Judy Webber
10. Purchasing: Juan Bowie

Human Resources

1. Director of Human Resources: Maureen Carradice
2. Director Special HR Projects: Janet Carroll
3. District Principal of Human Resources: Nadine Clattenburg
4. Human Resources Manager: Tiffanie Doddridge
5. Human Resource Assistant: Carol Derksen
6. Human Resource Secretary: Cheryl Moore
7. Replacement Staff Facilitator- TOC Call-outs: Jacquie Marshall
8. Replacement Staff Facilitator- Support Staff Call-outs: Kim Bradwell
9. Replacement Staff Facilitator- TOC Pre-Booking: Brandee Jersak

Human Resources Pyramid of Concepts:
1. HR laws and regulations
2. Organizational Context
3. Leadership Contact
4. Management Context
5. HR Process and Procedures

The hierarchy of HR rules:
1. Federal and Provincial Laws and Regulations
2. Collective Agreements and/or Employment Contracts: This piece can never
supersede #1.
3. Organizational Policies The policy cannot be against the Collective Agreement.
4. Common Law: Accepted by a Judge.
5. Arbitrators create Jurisprudence Can make a decision whereas mediation is binding.

Note: Every statue has an introductory piece/purpose section, then definitions (if not
there then Interpretation Act), when new legislation introduced then Hansard, then
regulations, then different acts have different hierarchies. Education Act supersedes
labour act. Part 2 Sec 1/2.

School Act-Helps to become familiar with most of the Act

Summary: As it provincially regulates it is one of the most important documents and being
familiar with its content will only prove beneficial at least for regular referral. Although,
some parts are not essential for Administration like; 6.1: Companies, 7: School Properties,
Part 8.1: Francophone Education Authorities unless specialized.

Key Parts:
Part 1: Interpretation

Part 2: Students and Parents
Division 1 - Students
Division 2 - Parents
Division 3 - Joint Rights and Duties
Division 4 - Home Education

Part 3: School Personnel
Division 1 - General
Division 2 - Teachers Collective Agreements

Part 4: School Trustees
Division 1 - General
Division 2 - Trustee Qualifications
Division 3 Elections
Division 4 Electors
Division 5 Election Proceedings
Division 6 Holding Office

Part 5: Conflict of Interest

Part 6: Boards of Education
Division 1 Corporate Status and Meetings
Division 2 - Powers and Duties
Division 2.1 - School Calendars
Division 3 - Health and Other Support Services
Division 4 - Limitation of Actions and Indemnification

Part 8: Finance
Division 1 Provincial Funding
Division 2 Establishment of Board Budgets

Part 8.1: Francophone Education Authorities
Division 1 Interpretation
Division 2 Establishment and Membership
Division 3 Regional Trustees
Division 4 Francophone Educational Programs
Division 5 Personnel
Division 6 School Property
Division 7 Finance

Part 9: General
Division 1 Ministry of Education
Division 2 Education Advisory Council
Division 2.1 Special Advisor
Division 2.2 Superintendents of Achievement
Division 3 Official Trustee
Division 4 Examiners
Division 5 Lieutenant Governor in Council Regulations and Orders
Division 6 Offences
Division 7 Validation of Fees

Note: Whipsawing is when any collective bargaining unit starts negotiating with one
employer and then they go to another and add to what they have. Hence, the formation of
the BC Public Employers Association.

Provincial Collective Agreement
(Also referenced in School Act Part 3 Division 2)

Summary: Knowing the Collective Agreement will become necessary and thoroughly
practiced through the daily interactions with staff. This should include the parts of the
Agreement that were stricken. It outlines clear parameters of job expectations.

(Between BC Public School Employers Association/ Board of School Trustees District #33

Key Parts: All
Section A: The Collective Bargaining Relationship
Section B: Salary & Economic Benefits

Section C: Employment Rights
Section D: Working Conditions
Section E: Personnel Practices
Section F: Professional Rights
Section G: Leaves of Absence

Worker Compensation Act

Summary: Workers Compensation (separate from the Government) purpose is to identify
cause and determine non-compliance with occupational health and safety. The goal is to
prevent workplace incidents. Investigations are conducted with fatalities, serious injury or
where a serious compliance issues are identified. WCB outlines the responsibilities for
First Aid and Health and Safety Committee, as does the School Act.

Key Parts:
Definitions: Refer to for clarification of word descriptions.

Part 1: Compensation to Workers and Dependents

Part 3: Occupational Health and Safety
Division 1 Interpretation and Purpose
Division 3 General Duties of Employers, Workers and Others
Division 4 Joint Committees and Worker Representatives
Division 6 Prohibition Against Discriminatory Action
Division 7 Information and Confidentiality
Division 10 Accident Reporting and Investigation
Division 11 Inspections, Investigations and Inquiries
Division 12 Enforcement
Division 15 Offences

Remember: Leadership is defined as knowing the right things to do The leader knows the
right thing to do.. A manager knows how to get there.

Labour Relations Code

Key Parts:

Part 1 Introductory Provisions
1. Definitions
2. Duties under this code
3. Continuing review of the Code
Part 2 Rights, Duties and Unfair Labour Practices
4. Rights of employers and employees
5. Prohibition against dismissals, etc., for exercising employee rights
6. Unfair labour practices
7. Limitation on activities of trade unions
8. Right to communicate
9. Coercion and intimidation prohibited
10. Internal union affairs
11. Requirement to bargain in good faith
12. Duty of fair representation
13. Procedure for fair representation complaint
14. Inquiry into unfair labour practice
15. Collective agreement may provide for union membership
16. Religious objections
Division 4 Voting
39. Voting Requirements
40. Additional voting requrements


10 Internal union affairs

Part 4 Collective Bargaining Procedures
Division 1 General
45 Notice to bargain collectively
46 Notice before expiry of agreement
47 Collective bargaining
48 Parties bound by collective agreement
49 Terms of collective agreement to be carried out
50 Agreement for less than one year
51 Copies of collective agreements to be filed
52 Extraprovincial companies
Division 2 Joint Consultation and Adjustment Plans
53 Joint consultation
54 Adjustment plan
Division 3 First Collective Agreement
55 First collective agreement
Part 4.1
55.155.26 Repealed
Part 5 Strikes, Lockouts and Picketing
56 Definition
57 Strikes and lockouts prohibited during term of collective agreement
58 Honouring of agreement
59 Strikes and lockouts prohibited before bargaining and vote
60 Pre-strike vote and notice
61 Pre-lockout vote and notice
62 Continuation of benefits
63 Rights preserved
64 Information
65 Picketing
66 Actions
67 Picketing restricted
68 Replacement workers
69 Other acts not actionable
70 Declaratory opinion
71 Refusal of order
Part 6 Essential Services
72 Essential services
73 Return to work
Part 7 Mediation and Disputes Resolution
Division 1 Mediation and Fact Finding
74 Mediation officer and services
75 Notice of strike or lockout
76 Special mediator
77 Fact finding
78 Last offer votes
Division 2 Commissions and Councils
79 Industrial inquiry commission
80 Industry advisory councils
Part 8 Arbitration Procedures
Division 1 Definitions and Purpose
81 Definitions
82 Purpose of Part
Division 2 Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau
83 Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau
Division 3 Collective Agreement Provisions
84 Dismissal or arbitration provision
85 Unworkable provision
86 Failure to appoint arbitration board
87 Settlement officer
88 Action by Labour Relations Board
89 Authority of arbitration board
90 Fees and costs
91 Delay by arbitration board
92 Powers of arbitration board
93 Summons to testify
94 Decision of arbitration board
95 Effect of decision
96 Filing decision
97 Act not to apply
98 Reference to Labour Relations Board
99 Appeal jurisdiction of Labour Relations Board
100 Appeal jurisdiction of Court of Appeal
101 Decision final
102 Enforcement
103 Repealed
Division 4 Expedited Arbitration
104 Expedited arbitration
105 Consensual mediation-arbitration
Division 5 Special Officer
106 Special officer
107 Effect of order
108 Interim order
109 Powers
110 Evidence
111 Frequency of appointment
112 Form of order
113 Notice of appointment to be sent to board
114 Other provisions to apply
Part 9 Labour Relations Board
115 Labour Relations Board
115.1 Application of Administrative Tribunals Act
116 Divisions and officers of the Labour Relations Board
117 Panels
118 Quorum
119 Proceedings
120 Question of law
121 Delegation
122 Employees of the board
123 Repealed
124 Evidence
125 Summons and discovery of documents
126 Practice and procedure
127 Offices of the board
128 Timing and publication of decisions
129 Oath of office
130131 Repealed
132 General guidelines
133 Hearing of complaint
134 Conditions and undertakings
135 Filing order in Supreme Court
136 Jurisdiction of board
137 Jurisdiction of court
138 Finality of decisions and orders
139 Jurisdiction of board to decide certain questions
140 General powers of board
141 Reconsideration of decisions
142 Variation and continuation of certification or accreditation
143 Declaratory opinion
Part 10 Miscellaneous
144 Powers of minister
145 Power to enter and inspect
145.1 Power to compel persons to answer questions and order disclosure
145.2 Maintenance of order at hearings
145.3 Contempt proceeding for uncooperative person
145.4 Immunity protection
146 Information confidential

[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 210

Key Parts:
1 Definitions
2 Discrimination and intent
3 Purposes
4 Code prevails
5 Education and information programs
6 Research and public consultations
7 Discriminatory publication
8 Discrimination in accommodation, service and facility
9 Discrimination in purchase of property
10 Discrimination in tenancy premises
11 Discrimination in employment advertisements
12 Discrimination in wages
13 Discrimination in employment
14 Discrimination by unions and associations
15-20 Repealed
21 Complaints
22 Time limit for filing a complaint
22.1 Intervenors
23/24 Repealed
25 Deferral of a complaint
26 Repealed
27 Dismissal of a complaint
27.1 Assignment of complaints
27.2 Evidence
27.3 Powers to make rules and orders respecting practice and procedure
27.4 Repealed
27.5 Dismissal for failure to pursue complaint
27.6 Assisting parties to settle
28/29 Repealed
30 Enforcement of settlement agreements
31 Human Rights Tribunal
31.1 Repealed
32 Application of Administrative Tribunals Act
33 Staff of the tribunal
34 Repealed
34.1 Repealed
35/36 Repealed
37 Remedies
38 Modification of orders
38.1 Repealed
39 Enforcement of remedies
39.1 Annual report
40 Disclosure
41 Exemptions
42 Special programs
43 Protection
44 Style of cause for proceedings
45 Technical defects
46 Delegation of powers
47 Time limits
48 Offence Act
49 Power to make regulations
50 Repealed

[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 165
Part 1 Introductory Provisions
1 Definitions
2 Purposes of this Act
3 Scope of this Act
Part 2 Freedom of Information
Division 1 Information Rights and How to Exercise Them
4 Information rights
5 How to make a request
6 Duty to assist applicants
7 Time limit for responding
8 Contents of response
9 How access will be given
10 Extending the time limit for responding
11 Transferring a request
Division 2 Exceptions
12 Cabinet and local public body confidences
13 Policy advice or recommendations
14 Legal advice
15 Disclosure harmful to law enforcement
16 Disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations or negotiations
17 Disclosure harmful to the financial or economic interests of a public body
18 Disclosure harmful to the conservation of heritage sites, etc.
19 Disclosure harmful to individual or public safety
20 Information that will be published or released within 60 days
21 Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party
22 Disclosure harmful to personal privacy
22.1 Disclosure of information relating to abortion services
Division 3 Notice to Third Parties
23 Notifying the third party
24 Time limit and notice of decision
Division 4 Public Interest Paramount
25 Information must be disclosed if in the public interest
Part 3 Protection of Privacy

Division 1 Collection, Protection and Retention of Personal Information by
Public Bodies
26 Purpose for which personal information may be collected
27 How personal information is to be collected
27.1 When personal information is not collected
28 Accuracy of personal information
29 Right to request correction of personal information
30 Protection of personal information
30.1 Storage and access must be in Canada
30.2 Obligation to report foreign demand for disclosure
30.3 Whistle-blower protection
30.4 Unauthorized disclosure prohibited
30.5 Notification of unauthorized disclosure
31 Retention of personal information
31.1 Application to employees and others
Division 2 Use and Disclosure of Personal Information by Public Bodies
32 Use of personal information
33 Disclosure of personal information
33.1 Disclosure inside or outside Canada
33.2 Disclosure inside Canada only
33.3 Disclosure of personal information in records
available to public without request
34 Definition of consistent purpose
35 Disclosure for research or statistical purposes
36 Disclosure for archival or historical purposes
Division 3 Data-linking Initiatives
36.1 Data-linking initiatives
Part 4 Office and Powers of Information and Privacy Commissioner
37 Appointment of commissioner
38 Resignation, removal or suspension of commissioner
39 Acting commissioner
40 Salary, expenses and benefits of commissioner
41 Staff of commissioner
42 General powers of commissioner
43 Power to authorize a public body to disregard requests
44 Powers of commissioner in conducting investigations, audits or inquiries
44.1 Maintenance of order at hearings
44.2 Contempt proceeding for uncooperative person
45 Statements made to the commissioner not admissible in evidence
46 Protection against libel or slander actions
47 Restrictions on disclosure of information by the commissioner and staff
48 Protection of commissioner and staff
49 Delegation by commissioner
50 Role of Ombudsperson
51 Annual report of commissioner
Part 5 Reviews and Complaints
Division 1 Reviews by the Commissioner
52 Right to ask for a review
53 How to ask for a review
54 Notifying others of review
54.1 Order for severing of records
55 Mediation may be authorized
56 Inquiry by commissioner
57 Burden of proof
58 Commissioner's orders
59 Duty to comply with orders
59.01 Enforcement of orders of commissioner
Division 2 Investigations and Reviews by Adjudicator
59.1 References to commissioner
60 Adjudicator to investigate complaints and review decisions
60.1 Disregard of request under section 5 or 29
61 Powers, duties and protections of adjudicator
62 Right to ask for a review
63 How to ask for a review
64 Notifying others of review
65 Conduct and outcome of the review
Part 6 General Provisions
66 Delegation by the head of a public body
67 Consultative committee
68 Annual report of minister
69 General information respecting use of personal information
69.1 Public information regarding health information banks
69.2 Provincial identity information services provider
70 Policy manuals available without request
71 Records available without request
71.1 Records that ministries must disclose
72 Repealed
73 Protection of public body from legal suit
73.1 Recovery of personal information
73.2 Court order for return of personal information
74 General offences and penalties
74.1 Privacy protection offences
75 Fees
76 Power to make regulations
76.1 Ministerial regulation making power
77 Power to make bylaws
78 Appropriation
79 Relationship of Act to other Acts
80 Review of Act
81 Right to disclose preserved

[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 86
Part 1 Introductory Provisions
1 Definitions
2 Purpose
3 Equivalent standards
Part 2 Criminal Record Check and Reconsideration
4 Criminal record check
4.1 Completion of criminal record check
5 Reconsideration
6 Use of information
Part 2.1 Criminal Record Check Verification
6.1 Criminal record check verification
Part 3 Employers and Employees
7 Application of Part 3
8 General duty of employers
9 Applicants for employment
10 Existing employees
10.1 No portable criminal record check
11 Effect of finding of risk working with children
11.1 Effect of finding of risk working with vulnerable adults
12 New convictions or outstanding charges
Part 4 Registered Members
13 General duty of governing body
14 Applicants for registration
15 Existing registered members
15.1 No portable criminal record check
16 Effect of finding of risk
17 New convictions or outstanding charges
Part 4.1 Registered Students
17.1 General duty of education institutions
17.2 Registered students
17.21 No portable criminal record check
17.3 Effect of finding of risk working with children
17.31 Effect of finding of risk working with vulnerable adults
17.4 New convictions or outstanding charges
Part 4.2 Director of Certification
17.41 Definitions
17.5 Duty of director of certification
17.6 Applicants for certificates and letters of permission
17.7 Existing certificate holders
17.71 No portable criminal record check
17.8 Effect of finding risk
17.9 New convictions or outstanding charges
Part 5 Unlicensed Family Child Care Providers
18 Definitions
19 General duty of administrator
20 Applicants for registration
21 Existing child care providers
21.1 No portable criminal record check
22 Effect of finding of risk
23 New convictions or outstanding charges
24 Other persons at facility
Part 5.1 Specified Organizations and Volunteers
24.1 Registration of specified organizations
24.2 Deregistration of specified organizations
24.3 General duty of registered specified organizations
24.4 Applicants for volunteering
24.5 Existing volunteers
24.6 No portable criminal record check
24.7 Effect of finding of risk working with children
24.8 Effect of finding of risk working with vulnerable adults
24.9 New convictions or outstanding charges
Part 6 General
2526 Repealed
27 Criminal record check authorization
27.01 Criminal record check verification authorization
27.1 Waiver of fees
27.2 Delegation
28 Offences
28.1 Request for records or information
29 Power to make regulations

[RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 215

[SBC 2008] CHAPTER 28
Part 1 Definitions and Interpretation
1 Definitions
2 Interpretation
Part 2 Public Health Planning and Reporting
Division 1 Making Public Health Plans
3 Minister may require public health plans
4 Approval of public health plans
Division 2 After Public Health Plan is Made
5 Effect of public health plans on statutory decisions
6 Relationship of public health plans to other planning processes
7 Reporting on public health plans
8 Review and revision of public health plans
Division 3 Reporting Disease, Health Hazards and Other Matters
9 Purposes for collection, use and disclosure of personal information
10 Mandatory reporting of infection or exposure
11 Mandatory reporting of health hazards
12 Mandatory reporting for other public health purposes
13 Mandatory sampling and reporting
14 Requesting and disclosing information
Part 3 Preventing Disease and Other Health Hazards
Division 1 Preventing Disease and Other Health Hazards
15 Must not cause health hazard
16 Preventive measures
17 Must seek advice if infected or exposed
Division 2 Regulating Activities that May Cause Health Hazards
18 Duties of operators
19 Licenses and permits
20 Suspending, cancelling or varying licenses or permits
21 Reconsideration of license and permit decisions
Division 3 Regulating Health Impediments
22 Duties respecting health impediments
Part 4 Inspections and Orders
Division 1 Inspections
23 When inspection may be made
24 Inspection powers
25 Entering to inspect
Division 2 Order of the Minister
26 Minister may order temporary quarantine facility
Division 3 Orders Respecting Infectious Agents and Hazardous Agents
27 When orders respecting infectious agents and hazardous agents may be
28 General powers respecting infectious agents and hazardous agents
29 Specific powers respecting infectious agents and hazardous agents
Division 4 Orders Respecting Health Hazards and Contraventions
30 When orders respecting health hazards and contraventions may be
31 General powers respecting health hazards and contraventions
32 Specific powers respecting health hazards and contraventions
33 Ordering others to comply and entering to take action
34 Recovery of costs by persons other than health authorities
35 Recovery of costs by health authorities
36 Notice of orders
Division 5 Making and Reviewing Orders
37 Application of this Division
38 May make written agreements
39 Contents of orders
40 Instructions to other persons
41 Service of orders
42 Duty to comply with orders
43 Reconsideration of orders
44 Review of orders
45 Mandatory reassessment of orders
46 Termination of orders
Division 6 Enforcement of Orders
47 Warrants
48 Injunctions
49 Application to court if danger to public health
50 Application to court if danger to personal health
Part 5 Emergency Powers
Division 1 Application of this Part
51 Definitions for this Part
52 Conditions to be met before this Part applies
53 Part applies despite other enactments
Division 2 Emergency Powers
54 General emergency powers
55 Acting outside designated terms during emergencies
56 Emergency preventive measures
57 Emergency powers respecting reporting
58 Emergency powers to make regulations
Division 3 When Authority to Act under this Part Ends
59 When authority to act under this Part ends
60 Duties when authority to act ends
Part 6 Health Officials
Division 1 Minister
61 Role of minister
62 General powers of minister
63 Power to establish directives and standards
Division 2 Provincial Health Officer
64 Role of provincial health officer
65 Appointment of provincial health officer
66 Duty to advise on provincial public health issues
67 Provincial health officer may act as health officer
68 Review of medical health officers
69 Delegation by provincial health officer
Division 3 Medical Health Officers
70 Role of medical health officers
71 Designation of medical health officers
72 Temporary medical health officers
73 Advising and reporting on local public health issues
74 Delegation by medical health officers
75 Coverage during temporary absence
76 End of designation as medical health officer
Division 4 Environmental Health Officers
77 Role of environmental health officers
78 Designation of environmental health officers
79 End of designation as environmental health officer
Division 5 Other Matters Respecting Health Officers
80 Powers and duties under other enactments or that overlap
81 Directing response to local public health threats
82 General provisions respecting delegation
Division 6 Local Governments
83 Role of local government
84 Local governments may act cooperatively
Part 7 Inquiries and Other Matters
Division 1 Inquiries
85 Definitions for this Division
86 Inquiry into public health issues
87 Maintenance of order
88 Contempt proceeding for uncooperative person
89 Inquiry staff
Division 2 Other Matters
90 Peace officer assistance
91 Confidentiality of personal information
92 Immunity from legal proceedings
93 Immunity for person required to act
94 Protection against adverse actions
95 Test results as evidence
Part 8 Administrative Penalties, Offences and Sentencing
Division 1 Administrative Penalties
96 Imposing administrative penalties
97 Person not to be charged with both administrative penalty and offence
98 Recovery of administrative penalties
Division 2 Offences
99 Offences
100 Offence by corporation or employee
101 Continuing offences
102 Offence Act application
103 Defenses
104 Violation of more than one enactment
Division 3 Sentencing
105 Determining sentence
106 Purposes of sentencing
107 Alternative penalties
108 Fines and incarceration
109 Variation of orders imposed at sentencing
110 Recovery of penalties
Part 9 Regulations
111 Regulations respecting terms
112 Regulations respecting public health plans
113 Regulations respecting reporting of disease, health hazards and other
114 Regulations respecting preventive measures
115 Regulations respecting operators and regulated activities
116 Regulations respecting health impediments
117 Regulations respecting orders
118 Regulations respecting inspections and enforcement
119 Regulations respecting health officers
120 Regulations respecting local governments
121 Regulations respecting personal information
122 Regulations respecting administrative penalties
123 Regulations respecting rental accommodations
124 Regulations respecting public toilets
125 Other regulation-making powers
126 General powers respecting regulations
Part 10 Transitional Provisions, Repeals and Consequential Amendments
127 Transition regulations
Consequential Amendments
161 Commencement

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