5-5-14 Minutes

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May 5, 2014

The West City Village Board met for their regular meeting on Monday, May 5, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting was opened by Pres. Charles Cockrum. Roll Call: Pres. Charles Cockrum, present;
Shirley N. Smith, Clerk, present; Carol Bates, Treasurer, present. Board Members present:
Darren Romani, Curtis Baldwin, Linda Sullivan, Gordon Rice and Ron House. Dale Watkins
arrived at 6:05. Police Chief, Scott Choisser, present; St. & Water Supt., Cary Aaron, present;
Fire Chief, Amos Abbott, present; Zoning Adm., Alan Thomas, present, Attorney, Ron Giacone,
present, also citizens of West City.

Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we approve the minutes as
presented. All Board Members present voted yeamotion carried.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Curtis Baldwin, I make a motion we pay the bills as
presented. All Board Members present voted yeamotion carried.

Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we approve the Treasurers
report as presented. All Board Members present voted yeamotion carried.

Zoning Adm. No permits were issued in the month of April. Title Max is open. Progress is
being made on removing the mobile home on Webster St. There is still some debris, so we will
proceed with title search.

Police report presented and accepted. Criminal activity has increased. The business checks are
appreciated by the business owners. Police will start their walk-thrus on all businesses and talk
to the people and let them know the police are available.

Fire Dept. report presented and accepted. They had six calls for the month. The brush truck is
ready to be put back into service. The car has been given to Coello. Will have training at the
WCCC tomorrow. Training provided by IL Public Risk has been scheduled. Head Start wants to
bring the kids to go through the smoke house.

St. & Water Supt. report presented and accepted. The bathrooms at the WCCC are almost
complete. Carpet in the hallway and bathroom just need a few finishing touches. A tree fell on
Kentucky St. and has been removed. Repaired a force main on Route 14. Changed the
batteries in the backhoe.

Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed the following committees: FINANCE, INS. & ORDINANCES
Ron House and Linda Sullivan UTILITIES COMMITTEE Dale Watkins and Curt Baldwin
GROUNDS Darren Romani and Gordon Rice BILLS AND CLAIMS Gordon Rice, Curt Baldwin,
and Darren Romani HEALTH AND SAFETY (excluding Fire & Police Dept) Linda Sullivan and

Darren Romani PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (for screening of prospective employees) Charles
Cockrum, Curt Baldwin, and Dale Watkins.

Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed Alan Thomas as Zoning Administrator

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we approve the
appointment of Alan Thomas as Zoning Adm. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.
Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed Shawnee Professional Services as Village Engineers.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we approve the
appointment of Shawnee Professional Services as Village Engineers. All Board Members voted
yeamotion carried.

Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed Cary Aaron as St. & Water Supt.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Dale Watkins, I make a motion we approve the
appointment of Cary Aaron as St. & Water Supt. All Board Members voted yeamotion

Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed Amos Abbott as Volunteer Fire Chief.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Ron House, I make a motion we approve the appointment
of Amos Abbott as Volunteer Fire Chief. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed Scott Choisser as Police Chief.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Linda Sullivan, I make a motion we approve the
appointment of Scott Choisser as Police Chief. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Pres. Charles Cockrum appointed Jason Young as Police Sergeant.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Linda Sullivan, I make a motion we approve the
appointment of Jason Young as Police Sergeant. All Board Members voted yeamotion

Mayor reviewed the report from Shawnee Professional Services on various projects.

Mayor Discussed the computer for the Police Dept. It will cost about $2,000. It is the LEADS

Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we purchase a computer for the
Police Dept. not to exceed $2,000. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.


Mayor Discussed surplus equipment from the Fire Dept. It is all old stuff not being used. The
Fire Dept. will dispose of the electronics properly and throw away the other items.

Motion by Ron House, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion we destroy or dispose of the
unusable surplus equipment as listed on the Fire Dept. report. All Board Members voted yea
motion carried.

Mayor Discussed sending Jason Young to Taser Training. It is a one-day class and costs $175.

Motion by Curtis Baldwin, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion we send Jason Young to
Taser Training for a cost of $175. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Mayor Discussed the ILEAS Agreement. The attorney has reviewed it and it is acceptable.

Motion by Ron House, second by Dale Watkins, I make a motion we approve the ILEAS
Agreement. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Mayor Discussed promotions for 2014-2015. Discussed having a 5-K run to raise money for
the Jr. High and Sr. High Schools. Have already received commitments for about $2000 in

Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion we approve $3500 for the
Zombie 5-K Run. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Mayor Discussed mosquito control. Mug-A-Bug is trying to find someone. Table until next

Rend Lake Parade is Sat., May 10, 2014. May 23
is Benton/West City Night at the Miners Ball
Game. Charles Cockrum was selected by the Southern Illinoisan as Leader of the Year.

St. & Alley Discussed employee benefits. Will discuss in Executive Session.
Discussed material for Blakely St. It will cost about $15,948 for the drainage work. The Village
will do the work.

Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion we approve $15,948 for
material for drainage on Blakely St. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Finance & Ins. Il Public Risk will have an additional premium of $14,203 due to audit of

Ordinances Discussed Mutual Aid Agreement with Benton for Fire Protection. This agreement
puts in writing what we are already doing.


Motion by Ron House, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we approve the Inter-
Governmental Agreement with Benton for Fire Protection. All Board Members voted yea
motion carried.

Discussed residency requirements for employees. They have to live in Franklin County.

Motion by Ron House, second by Darren Romani, I make a motion we adopt Ord. #588
regarding residency requirements for employees. All Board Members voted yeamotion

Discussed ExteNet System. They are a wireless internet. They will use Amerens poles. They
will be using our right-of-way. The attorney will inform them there are no legal obstacles, but
we need an agreement for compensation for the right-of-way.

Discussed the removal of trees for the Benton Airport.

Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion we authorize the attorney to
negotiate removal of trees south of Benton Airport in exchange for removal of fence and trees
along Central St. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Utilities Discussed adjustment on water/sewer bill for David Aliu.

Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Gordon Rice, I make a motion the Board authorize an
adjustment for David Alius water/sewer bill according to 39-3-82 of our code, and waive late
charges. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried.

Discussed Water Supt. attending the SIWOA meeting in Fairfield. The cost is $25. Matt Clark
also needs to go.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Dale Watkins, I make a motion we send Cary Aaron and
Matt Clark to the SIWOA Water Conference on May 18, 2014 at Fairfield for a cost of $50.

Public Safety Had a call about trash on Division St.

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Ron House, I make a motion we go into Executive Session
to discuss employee benefits. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried. (Entered
Executive Session 7:20 p.m.)

Motion by Darren Romani, second by Ron House, I make a motion we adjourn from Executive
Session. All Board Members voted yeamotion carried. (Adjourned from Executive Session
8:20 p.m.)


Roll Call: Pres. Charles Cockrum, present; Clerk, Shirley N. Smith, present; Board Members
present: Darren Romani, Curtis Baldwin, Linda Sullivan, Dale Watkins, Gordon Rice, and Ron
House. Attorney, Ron Giacone, present.

Motion by Ron House, second by Dale Watkins, I make a motion we authorize the attorney to
draft a Resolution and Ordinance regarding employee benefits. All Board Members voted
yeamotion carried.

Motion by Dale Watkins, second by Ron House, I make a motion we adjourn. All Board
Members voted yeamotion carried.

Charles Cockrum, Pres.
Shirley N. Smith, Clerk





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