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CS378 Assignment 7 - Beta Release and In Class Demo 1

CS378, Mobile Computing Assignment 7 - Beta Release and In Class Demo

Team Assignment: Complete this assignment with the members of the team (2 - 3
people per team) you have formed for the app project.

Due date for APK: Tuesday, April 29, by 11 pm.
Due date for in class Beta demo: Varies: See schedule below.

Value: This assignment is worth 200 points. The app is worth 150 points and the in class
demo and presentation is worth 50 points.

Guidelines: Turn in the final version of your app by 11 pm on Tuesday, April 29.
Present and demo your app to the class on your assigned demo day.

Submission: Turn in the following 4 items. (Submit all items to a single team members
turnin account.)

Submit files via the CS department Linux based turnin.
The assignment name on turnin is 'beta'
Your grader is tansey

1. a zip file with the Beta version of your app. (the source code and resources for the
project.) Turn in a file named <uteid> Use the uteid for the person turning
in the project.

2. Turn in a separate .apk for your app. This apk must work on either a dev phone or
an emulator. The name of the apk must match the project name you submitted.

I strongly recommend exporting your app as an apk and not using the debug
version of the apk from Eclipse. See this page on how to create an apk for release
via Eclipse:

If you use Eclipse (File->Export->Android->Export Android Application). The
wizard will help you create a key to sign your application. (Note you need to
change the debug option in the manifest from true to false to export. Change it
CS378 Assignment 7 - Beta Release and In Class Demo 2
back to true after creating the apk to continue development of the app.)

I strongly recommend testing the apk on an emulator or device before turning it
in. Install the apk via the adb (android debug bridge) not Eclipse. You can install an
apk file on an emulator or a device set up for development / debugging by using
the adb. (The android debug bridge.)

This page has details on how to install an apk on an emulator or a device:

Here are another set of instructions:

3. If your app has any special requirements (for example, works best on a certain
device due to using maps and gps OR the app requires a certain API level on the
emulators) then turn in a a7_apk_readme_<appname>.txt file as well. If your app
has no special requirements this file is not required. (This is different than the
readme from the project.) Include in this readme any login instructions we may
need. For example a webserver you set up that the app accesses, but requires a

4. An overview of your app. Name the file <apkname>_overview.txt. Replace
<apk_name> with the same name as your apk file from part 2. The overview must
contain the following:
1. the team members names and uteids if there are 2 or 3 people on the
2. a list of features / use cases you completed
3. a list of features / use cases from your application prototype (assignment 3)
that you did not completed
4. a list of features / use cases you added that were not part of the application
5. a list of the classes and major chunks of code you obtained from other
sources including the source. (URL and title / description)
CS378 Assignment 7 - Beta Release and In Class Demo 3
6. a list of the classes and major chunks of code you completed yourself

If we (the TA and myself) cannot get your app to install and run we will contact you to
meet with us during office hours so you can demonstrate the app to us.

IN CLASS DEMO: Each team has an assigned demo day. See the list at the bottom of this
You have 8 minutes to present an overview of your app and demo it to the class.
Each member of the group shall participate in the presentation and demo.
You shall have a presentation with slides (on the order of 3 - 5) and demo the app
on a device using the document camera or an emulator.
Leave at least a minute at the end for questions.
You can either use a laptop, a USB drive with your slides (ppt or pdf), or place you
slides on the web.
Note, the in class machine does not have an emulator.


Your app should be fully functioning and polished. (icons, menus, changes from
feedback on Alpha version). This version must show significant improvement from your
Alpha version. If your Alpha version was essentially complete, add new functionality,
polish graphics, add menus and explanations, and so forth.

Things we will specifically be looking for:

1. improvement over the alpha version of the app
2. Fully functioning app, completed functionality missing from alpha, no crashing or
ANR messages
3. icons
4. feedback for the user with sounds and / or animations
5. the ability to turn off sound / animations if desired
6. menus / settings / preferences
7. instructions / simple tutorials for users
8. sample data installed for apps that are data intensive

CS378 Assignment 7 - Beta Release and In Class Demo 4

Your project will be graded by the teaching staff.

Assigned Demo Day:

App Name In class demo day
Beat to the Ste Monday 4/28
Bounces Friday 5/2
Cards Against People Monday 4/28
ChildTracker Friday 4/25
Collaborate Wednesday 4/30
Dogecoin Ticker Friday 5/2
FuText Friday 4/25
Gesture-based alarm clock Wednesday 4/30
Irrigation Scheduler Monday 4/28
Lyrics Head Wednesday 4/30
Movie Reminder Friday 4/25
MusicComposer Friday 5/2
ProblemFlow Wednesday 4/30
ShouldBe Monday 4/28
Sports Find a PickUp Game Friday 4/25
Thumb Wars Monday 4/28
Tower Defense Game Friday 5/2
tRace Friday 4/25

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