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Copyright 2012 by JR_aka_JaRi_07


basketball love affair

A player is always a player...

Sabi nila, but what if a ng isang player ay ma-inlove sa kauri niya?

Im not saying na hes a gay, what Im telling is, katulad niya...


Seriously, ma-inlove ang isang player sa isang playgirl, na ang tingin sa lalaki
ay isang laruan?

Shes not the typical kind of girl na head over heels sa kanya, shes different, ver
y different.

is he going to accept, that he already has feelings towards her?

Or his PRIDE will ruin everything?

Will her point of view; among men will take over to the love that shes been waiti
ng for her whole life?

Or something will destroy to the love that they feel for each other?

He LOVES her...

She LOVES him...

They both love each other.

But, in the game of love, are they going to PLAY it just for fun, like they alwa
ys do?

or take every round SERIOUSLY?

chapter 1: their lifestyle

mausok, magulo, maingay, that's Trixie's life.

"sexy naughty bitchy me!! Whooooo"
"hey sexy, wanna have fun."
"oh babe, i'm having fun, can't you see?"
"no babe, what i mean is-"

and then he kissed me, i responded.

Pero my humatak sakin


"how dare you kiss my girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend? Bruce honey, were done."
"di ako pumayag."
"but Im not asking for your permission babe, Im stating it, were done." before i l
eave, i give him a peck on his lips

and then walked out of my bar, yeah you read it right my bar.

Btw i'm Trixie Clarisse Reyes, the beautiful and sexy heiress of the Reyes group
of company.


"hell-o, who's this? Dazzling Trixie speaking"
"Trix, it's me, come home quickly, i have an important announcement."
"but da--"

yeah right!

Bricxs POV:

(a/n: paunawa po ung mga magbabasa po... qng ndi po kau sanay s mga bagay na mej
o bad, skip niu na lng po !! xD)

"oohh, babe, i want you."

she said, while i'm still sucking her b****t

down to her center, aussie kiss honey!

"a little impatient babe?"
"babe, i want you, inside me."
"i'm not yet done."
"oh, Bricx your killing me."

i chuckled.

I still keep on licking her wet center, and started to insert two of my fingers
in and out

"aaahhhh, oohh babe, ohh please, ahh"

She keeps moaning.

"oh please"

my name bounce in this room when she finally reach her zenith...

"oh, enough with the foreplay honey"
"are you ready?"
"oh Bricx." and she kissed me.

I'm now ready for the battle when--



"Bricx, son, you have to go here, i need to tell you something, AND IT'S IMPORTA
"i'm in the middle of my business here, oldman."
"no more excuses, Saebricx Angelo, come home quickly, or i'll cut your allowance
for the whole year, now come here, understand."


"Babe, is everything okay, let--"
"i have to go, something came up."
"i'll call you later, bye." i kissed her

and then i leave.

What do they want now?


oh! I almost forgot, i'm Saebricx Angelo Villazanta, at your service *wink*

Trixies POV:

i went home

"yes ma'am?"
"where's mom and dad?"
"ah, ma'am sabi po nila, magpalit daw po kayo ng pormal na damit may pupuntahan
daw po kayo."
"psh, san naman daw po?"
"di po nila sinabi eh, ihahatid na lang daw po kayo ng drayber."
"yeah right, thanks ya."

psh ano nanaman kaya to, walang kasawa sawa, i still have a race to go.

So yun i change my clothes, a sexy red dress

"kuya, ihatid niyo na po ako sa sinabi nila mom."
"ah opo ma'am."

*after 1 and a half hour*

"ma'am andito na po tayo."
"dito na po? Salamat po"

pumasok na ako sa restaurant, ano ba kasing meron?

And then i saw mom and dad talking to someone, siguro some business partners

"oh, here she is, Trixie, they are Mr. And Mrs. Villazanta."
"Hello ma'am, sir, how do you do?"
"you dont have to be formal hija, just call me tita"
"okay po."
"come on, Trix sit down."
"so. Why did you call me dad? What's so important?"
"it's ab--"

"sorry i'm late."
"Saebricx Angelo, why are you late?"
"i told you old man, i'm doing some business."

old man? Wow i like his guts

"stop with your excuses, now sitdown."
"so dad what is it again."

i said while playing paladog

"oh that, we here, decided to arrange the two of you."

Arrange? so ngayon na pala?

"so kids? Any reaction?" said Mr. Villazanta

me? Still NR as in no reaction

"fck oldman you ask me to come here, for that? What a bull"

oh he's cool i like him

"Saebricx, your language, please."
"ikaw hija, wlaa ka bang sasabihin?"
"ako? Wala nmn, i'm used to it."

"huh? Oh hey Will! May i be excuse for a sec?"

Bricxs POV:

they ask me to come here, for what? Psh

i leave my girl because of this stupid "important"-bull-meeting"

"huh? Oh hey Will! May i be excuse for a sec?"

i looked at her, well my fiance is not that bad, she's sexy, beautiful, totally h
ot, well i think i just found my new bed warmer *grin*

"oh, you have to go, okay bye, see you next time."
and she gave him a smack...

unfortunately she's taken, but i still can get her.

"Trixie, is that your boyfriend?"
"Tricia, sayang naman may boyfriend na pala tong anak mo."

"no mom, he's not my boyfriend, there's a right term for him."
"what is it, oh maybe he's your ex."
"no, he's my boy toy."

toy? Haha, i like her, she likes to play too

"Trixie, stop with your non sense."

i chuckled

"old man, may i leave, i think you dont have anything to say."
"i'm not yet done, it's about your school team."
"what is it again?"

"we decided, to let Trixe handle your team."
"her? What can she do about that?"

"huh? Youre talking about me?"
"Unfortunately yes missy." i said sarcastically
"oh, you dont have to be sarcastic babe."

she's a good player, but i'm better.

"i'm not being sarcastic honey, i'm just telling the truth."

"tignan mo sila, Angela, diba ang sweet."
"oo nga, amiga, mukhang magkakasundo sila."

"mom, ano ba kasi pinaguusapan niyo ng matapos na to, i'm super bored, and i sti
ll have a race to catch."
"anak, we're talking about Bricx' basketball team, and we want you to handle it.

Trixies POV:

"anak, we're talking about Bricx' basketball team, and we want you to handle it.

handle what?

"NO WAY!!"

"yes way, and you can't say anything to change our mind, your going to handle th
eir team until they win the championship game."
"them? Winning the championship? That's impossible, they're just a bunch of assh
ole, whichs full of air in their head, and know nothing but to show off, but stil
l they can't win against the Red Falcon"
"are you insulting our team miss?"
"i'm not, i'm just telling the truth"
"how dare you say that?"
"well i'm just the one who trained the Red Falcon"
"haha, you can't fool me missy, how can a girl know how to play ball."
"of course i know babe, i can play ball, and it's true i'm not so full of myself
like you, who only knows how to manipulate girls, but can't even control a matc
"you don't know our team."
"yes i know everything about your team, captain Bricx Villazanta."
"if you do, then why can't you agree to your father's suggestion?"
"because i'll be wasting my effort in training your team if i agree with that."
"oh really, train us, and if we win the championship, your mine."
"sure!! Deal?"


"so, Clarisse, you agree with our decision?"
"yes tita, and i have to go, i have car race."

i leave before they say anything

"oh wait, bye babe."

i kiss him on his cheeks

Bricxs POV:

"oh wait, bye babe."

she kissed me

"now that she left, i'll go, i still have an unfinished business."

i walked out, and went to a bar, the 'thrycx bar'

psh, how dare she say that to my team? who does she think she is?

I walk inside the bar.

"a shot of tequila."

1 shot
2 shot
3 shot
4 shot
5 shot
6 shot
7 shot
8 shot
9 shot
10 shot
11 shot

f*ck i already got 11 shots of tequila but i'm not yet, drunk.

I saw a girl in sexy red dress dancing seductively.

I walk towards her

"wanna have some drink babe?"
"oh sure ho--" when she faced me i saw the girl that dare insult my team
"IKAW??" we both said
"anong ginagawa mo dito?" i said
"well mister incase you dont know, I own this bar."

she's the owner?

"your asking me if i want to drink? Yeah i want let's go" woah, she's different

she grab me to the bar counter

"1 scotch" she said
"make it two, thanks"

"so? What are you doing here?"
"obviously, having fun, and looking for my new bed warmer but instead i found yo

our drinks came and we started to drink

"what a player, haha"
"how about you? You said you have a race? How did it go?"
"well i won, i dont want to be a girl of someone so ugly like that guy."
"then be my girl, for this night."

i cant believe she accepted my offer

"so, as my girl, i'm free to kiss you." i said full of desire
"feel free to, i won't mind"

and then i kissed her passionately, she responded.

I'm now carressing her back, we've been kissing for almost a minute or two, it f
eels like were arguing using our mouth, and our tongue is the one fighting.

(a/n: miski aq nandidiri at nttwa s cnulat q HAHA !! xDD)

I like her.

We broke the kiss and we're both gasping for air.

"" i said
"i know, best kiss ever."

she said seductively that made me kissed her again.

That's how we ended our night kissing, making out in the private room there, str
ip teasing.

But we didn't do 'it', i dont know, i think i should not do it with her, especial
ly she's drunk.

But i like the taste of her lips, it's so addicting, it's like an aphrodisiac to

I didn't know a virgin could be a playgirl and kiss like that.

I'll get her.

Sooner or later *grin*

Trixies POV:

"ugh... My head hurts."

ano ba ginawa ko kagabi?


"so, as my girl, i'm free to kiss you." he said lustfully
"feel free to, i won't mind"

and then we kissed.

Oh god he's good, can't help it.

*flashback ends*

the last thing i remember is we both got drunk.

I love his taste's good.

I didn't know my fianc is a sweet lover.

Guess i have to be careful...

*end of chapter 1*

Chapter 2: the deal
"dad!! What's the meaning of this?"

i said showing him the uniform i found in my closet

"you'll be attending school"
"why would i? I'm done studying."

yes i'm done, i finish business management at the age 17.

"you have to, you'll be attending, Mainro Academy, the school where, Frederico's
son attends."
"why would i?"
"because your the one, who's going to train their team."
"so, you have to first enter that school so you could be their trainer."
"why can't i just get employed as their trainer?"
"cause your just 17"
"what the f--"
"watch you mouth trixie, now, go get yourself ready, i'll send you to that schoo
l." My Dad said excitedly, as if its my first time to attend school...

Yeah I know my dad seems so strict, but hes childish...

"don't bother dad, i can manage to go there, and i'm not wearing they're uniform

i said, then walked out, why do i have to enter that school.

School is so boring, and i don't want to repeat lesson, cause until now, I memor
ize what the book contains.


Bricxs POV:

fck, my head hurts...

"babe, does your head hurts?"
"yes." siguro iniisip niyo kung sino tong babaeng kasama ko, well after my fiance
left, i saw her, then, boom, i found my bed warmer

"you know what babe, may alam akong gamot sa hang over."
"what is it babe?"

then we kissed, i was on top of her, now i'm massaging her bre*st, i lower my ki
sses, down to her neck and n*pple.

She moan, and i like it.


fuck who's that?

I walk to the door

"yow! Captain."
"what are you doin' here?"
"babe, who is it?"

"ahahahah, sorry captain, di ko naman alam na may kasama ka eh haha"
"g*go, bakit ka nga nandito?"
"kasi captain may new student."
"oh ano naman?"
"si Trixie, yung sabi mo kagabi na fiance mo?"
"oo nga captain."

pumasok ako sa bathroom, take a shower, and now i'm ready to go to school.

Trixies POV:

i'm done na, ready to go to school.

"Trixie, what are you wearing?"
"i dont like the uniform, hindi ako makakasakay sa motor ko, bye kuya."

oh nakalimutan ko pala, i have a brother, pero i'll tell you about him na lang n
ext time.

and then i left the house, maybe your wondering what i'm wearing.

I'm wearing a shorts, na may parang socks na stocking like na color black, and a
white tube sa loob, na pinatungan ko ng blazer na black, what can i say i love

*np:who's that girl*

malapit lang naman yung school nila eh, 5 minutes away lang, kung ako mag da dri

Bricxs POV:

umalis na kami papuntang school

"pano mo naman nalaman na dun na siya mag-aaral, Bart?"
"ako pa, i'm with the school director's daughter last night"
"g*go ka, apti un pinatos mo, mukha ngang clown dahil s make up niya eh ahahah"
"well, i cant help it, aminin mo, hot din naman siya eh."
"oo na lang ahahah"

malapit na kami sa school when i saw a girl riding a big bike.

"wow, captain, astig yung babaeng un ah."
"manahimik ka, akin yan."
"captain talaga, madamot, hahaah"

bumaba na kami ng kotse ko, lalapitan na sana namin yung babae, pero nung tinang
gal niya ung helmet niya.

"oh hey there my fianc." she said
"hot" said Bart "ouch"

sinikmuraan ko kasi

"haha, thanks for the compliment honey" she said seductively
"no babe i'm just stating the obvious."

tss pinatulan pa talaga, tangna fiance ko yan bok, walang talo talo, main course
ko yan eh.

"why honey? are you jealous?"
"hahaha" "okay bye babe, gotta go."

paalis na siya

"wait!" i said
"wh--" i kissed her
"bye *wink*"

Trixies POV:


i smile before i leave

so he's like that huh?

My fianc is so selfish, he wants his toys just for him, well, i'm not one of thos
e, so i can still play with who i ever want, and that friend of his is my new to
y *smirk*

Besides, I will not dare play with him.

And he will never be one of my toys.

i went to the principal's office

"Ms. Reyes."

i just nod

"your class is section 4-A classmate mo ang buong Blue Dragon"
"yeah right, i like that ma'am."
"glad you are, you may now go to your room, or if you want go check your team"
"obviously i'll check my team first, duh, i don't want to attend class, ciao"

"hey, where's the gym?" i asked to the guy
"hmm, if you want i could just, bring you there?"
"no need, just tell me where is it."

duh ayoko nga magpahatid, i can see it, in his eyes kaya, may gagawin siyang mas
ama, i don't flirt with that kind of guy.

And then, he shows me the direction.

Then i started walking, papunta sa gym.

When i open the gym door, i found all my team members kissing their girls.

F*ck kaya hindi sila nanalo sa championship, inaatupag nila puro babae.


then they all stop

"why? You want to be part of it honey?" p1
"yuck with you? No way!" "and you bitches, get outta here!!"

yeah i'm mean, and i sooo love being mean.

"who are you, to tell me that?"
"well i'm Trixie Clarisse Reyes, why? D'ya have a problem with that?"
"ughhh." she was about to slap me, when i kick her, knock out.

Psh no one dare slap me in the face, i don't want my beautiful face to be ruined

"ano hindi pa kayo aalis, or you want to be like her?"

haha and then they leave, kala nila ha.

"sino ka ba ha? Kita mo namang nag-eenjoy pa kami eh."
"i said it already, i'm Trixie Clarisse Reyes."
"i don't care about your stupid name, what i want to know is, why are you here?"
"then ask your captain."

tapos naupo na ako sa upuan dun, i'm so tired.

I take off my blazer, now i'm showing my sexy back hahaha.

"what hapened here, bakit tulog tong babaeng to dito?" said Bart.

Siya lang naman kilala ko dito eh.

"hey, Bart"
"oh hey, babe"
"where's Bricx?"
"hmm, ahh ano~ kasi--"


"huh? What's that?"
"ahh wala yun Trix, pusa lang yun."
"duh, pusa, alam ko may team mate kayong allergic sa cat~ i think galing yun sa
shower room."

papunta na ako

"huh? Bakit?"
"ako na lang pupunta."
"no need."

tas pumunta na ako

hmm ano kaya yun.
I suddenly hear something

"..oh Bricx..ahhh...i want you~"

f*ck it's bricx, siya pa naman ang team captain siya pa pala ang pasimuno.

Bubuksan ko na sana yung pinto.

"it's lock."
"thank god." they all said.
"anong thank god?"
"magagalit si Bricx pag inabala mo siya sa business niya."
"gusto niyo ako magalit, nakita niyo na kung anong nangyari sa babae kanina, gus
to niyo matulad kayo sa kanya?"
"y-you mean you did that."

"yes, and i don't want someone or something ruin my business too~"


sira ang pinto.

"fuck what-- Trixie?"
"ayusin niyo sarili niyo, ikaw, ikaw, ikaw, ikaw, lahat kayo lalo na ikaw, tumak
bo kayo sa buong gym."
"psh yun lang pala eh." player 1
"and it should be 100"
"oo n--"
"i'm your new trainer, and now it should be 300, and it's final, magsalita pa ka
yo gagawin ko yung 500, intiende."

Dont make me angry, or else you'll feel my wrath.

"Trixie, di naman ata tama yan, if your mad at me ako na lang wag mo ng idamay a
ng teammates ko."
"at bakit naman ako magagalit, huh?"
"Coz, youre jealous?"
"jealous? Me? Are you making me laugh? Why would i be jealous?"
"coz you saw me kissing other girl."
"you can do that whenever you want i don't care."
"if i know your really just jealous."
"duh! Why would i be jealous? I can kiss who ever i want. Anong akala mo? na adi
k ako sa halik mo?"
"hindi nga ba?"
"hmp." I walked out

"hey, what's your name?"
"you can talk now, di ko na dadagdagan yung laps."
"Bryle" makikpag shake hand dapat siya
"you don't like shake hands huh?"
"it's not that i don't like, i have something better than shake hands."
"what?" he said grinning.
"this" and i kissed him

at first he did not respond, pero nang tumagal, the kiss was getting hotter.

"WOAH!!" said the others.

May humila sakin

"what do you think your doing?"
"nothing, nagpapakilala lang."
"nakalimutan mo na ba?" sinisigawan na niya ako
"na ano?"
"that i'm your--"
"ahh, that your my fianc, hindi naman."

"wait captain, siya yung fiance mo?" said Bryle
"oo, so back off!!"
"woah woah captain, sorry, it's just that, hot masyado ang fiance mo, kaya hindi
ko napigilan sarili ko."
"psh, and you missy, stop flirting or else..."
"oohh, i'm so scared."
"..i'll rape you"
"psh, as if you can."
"you'll see, you don't know what i'm capable of."
"yeah right."

Haha, hes jealous and I love it.

Bricxs POV:

psh, talagang re-rapin ko siya pag hindi siya tumino, anong akala niya? Hindi ko
kaya yun?

"oo na, manahimik ka lang, ang daldal mo para kang bakla."
"anong sabi mo?"
"sabi ko para kang bakla"
"ah bakla pala ha?"

i was about to kiss her.

"ouch" when she punch me
"why did you do that?"
"ang ano?"
"bakit mo ako sinuntok?"
"may lamok, at tsaka, baka nakakalimutan mo, pinatatakbo ko kayo, ng 300 laps, b
aka akala mo hindi ka kasama dun."
"oo na, psh, behave."
"ano ako aso?"
"oo, and your my new breed of a dog."

Trixies POV:

dog? Ako? Sa ganda kong to? Aso ako? Psh

"oo na po, goaty!!"
"ako goat? Sa gwapo kong to?" parang parehas kami ng sinabi? Nevermind
"oo goat ka? Kasi diba ang goat nguya ng nguya?"
"ano naman?"
"halik ka kasi ng halik kaya goat ka, kasi diba pag humahalik parang ngumunguya,
kaya goat ka."
"tumakbo ka na nga goaty, GO!!"

hahaha, i'm sooo mean >.< well ayos lang sa kanya lang naman eh hahah

and Im loving it.

Napapansin niya ako haha.

My My My... Saebricx Angelo Villazanta, Ill make sure that youll be mine and mine
only *smirk*

I just sit on the bench here and watch them running, honestly this whole team is
heaven full of hot guys, hmm, Its so hard to chose wholl Ill play with, first.
That Bryle is a good kisser, while Bart is so damn hot...

Hmm, if Im going to chose it will take too long, hmm, then Ill just make them noti
ce me...

I put up my phone and play music...

*np: your love is my drug*

Lets see if their not going to notice me if I dance here *smirk*

Ewan ko na lang if they will not feel lust if I dance here *smirk*

I started dancing, at first I can still hear their steps as they run, pero ngayo
n unti-unti na siyang nawawala...

I look at them seductively, as they started to walk toeards me...

I caught Bricx gaze, and I cant tell hes pissed of what Im doing...

~youre lo

F*ck who stop the music?!

why di
ang ingay! its a guy... he looks like he just get back from sleep...

And he look so damn hot with his crinkled jersey and messy hair... he looks like
Nate Archibald with the body and Chuck Bass with his sexy aura... Bricx is more
handsome but this guy is much hotter than him...

hot... I said

He look at me then he smirk...

I smile at him sheepishly, that made him smug...

so, whos this hot chic? he said, god... his voice is so sexy...
hey there... Im Trixie, you are? I asked
Daniel... his name is so masculine, I love what are you doing here? Making
Im a new student here and your

I was cut off by Bricx...

SHES MY FIANCEE... he shouted

I just notice, when Bricx said that Im his fiance, Daniel smirk...

so, youre my cousins fiance?
you his cousin?!
yes...*Ill get you*

He whisper something, I cant hear it clearly, what I just heard is Ill and its common
to use...

what did you say?


hmp, are you a member here? I asked him...
yes, why? he said raing an eye brow like this ^____-

But still, he looks so hot doing that...

Im your new trainer, you have to run, 30 laps...
ang onti...

Ahh. I was so mesmerized with his looks...

ahh...mali pala... 300 laps pala...
psh k.

Then he walk towards me...he whisper something in my ear that shocked me...

*Ill get you, youre gonna be mine, a jot girl like you is a waste for Bricx...* then
he winked...

What did he just say?! Did I heard it right?!

Bricx POV:

Ano naman kaya ang sinabi ng walanghiya kong pinsan kay Trixie?!

Pumunta ako kay Trixie, then tinaboy ko si Daniel...

Trixie, lets go...
huh? San tayo pupunta?
yo my condo, were going to eat...
bakit dun pa?!
gusto kong matikman luto ng future wife ko... I emphasized the word future wife I do
nt know, i know Im not jealous, its just that, I dont want anyone, touching my posse
psh k.

Then she walks towards the exit... I follow her, when Daniel said something...

shes hot...
I know... I said coldly...
and Ill steal her from you... he said with a challenging voice...
you cant do that, shes my fiance...
what if I can?
then lets play...

No one steals, whats mine, andi want Trixie to be mine...mine only...

youre so childish...
Im not, shes mine, and I want to prove it to you...

then may the best man win... we both said...

Win? Im sure I will, after today, she will be mine...

*end of chapter*

Chapter 3: birthday sex
Bricx' POV:

nasan na yung babaeng yun?

"hey fiance..."

there she is, in her bike...

"di ka jan sasakay..."
"then where do you want me to ride?" she said raising a brow ^_____-
"in my car of course..."

i can say when she did that my junior here, aroused, he want out...

"could you let me drive?"

sasakay na ako sa driver seat when she plead...

"puh-leaseee..." she said, pouting...

"ugh... Fuck, do you want me to-- ahh, eto na oh..."

i give up, i can't help myself, my junior, is beginning to get angry, i can feel
my manhood...

So i had no choice but to let her drive, baka kung ano pa magawa ko sa kanya nga
yon, i don't want to be in headline...

'Bricx Villazanta, can't control himself; had sex at the carpark'

f*ck i don't want that to happen, 'cause my junior is a little shy at camera...


safety? Para namang--FUCK!!!!!

"'s so fun... Don't be so kj..."

KJ? fucking shit she's over speeding, for the love of god !!

"psh hahahahahaha...."

and i'm not lying, once i recieve a bag of blood, because a girl heard that i ha
ve a girlfriend, which is not true... Pero hindi pa yan ang pinakamalala...

Wag niyo ng itanong, mawalan pa kayo ng ganang kumain...

"wait. San ba yung condo mo?"

sa wakas tumigil din siya...

"sa *toot* r--FUCK, TRIXIE!!!"
when we reach the condominium i stay, i hurriedly get out of my car...

"i wont let you drive again..."
"aww... But its fun..." she said, biting her lip...

That look so she...seducing me? Well she did a great job...i'm hard...

"tsk. Halika na..."
"okay...*i'm winning*"

"what did you say?"
"nothing..." she said innocently...

ugh. bat ba kahit wala naman siyang ginagawa naseseduce niya ko?
fuck trixie. Your driving me crazy !!

"what did you say?"


"huh?! no-nothing!"

did i say it that loud?!

"ano namang gagawin natin sa condo mo?"

she smile naughtily.
GOD!? She's seducing me again..

Di ko na siya sinagot baka di ko na mapigilan sarili ko, mamaya na pag nasa pad
ko na.

I'll make you mine Trixie Clarisse Reyes...

On our way to my unit, she's been very clingy, holding my hands, and so on...

She's really naughty, and i like it, can she still be that naughty when we did i
t? *smirk*

"hey!! Can you walk faster?" she said...
"where's the card?"

she reach for it, from my pocket...

"got it!"

then she swipe the card...

"wow...can't believe that i'm on the great, Captain Bricx Villazanta's unit!! So
what are we going to do here, want me to cook some for you?" she said, biting h
er lips and seductive voice...
"on second thought, i don't think i'm that hungry, i want to do something first.
.." i said, as i move closer to her...

"i suddenly thought of something fun..."
"what is it?" she said grinning
"something fun and wild..."
"would you mind, if i join you?"
"of course not."

then i kissed her...
she responded... She put her legs around me, as i carry her to my room...

I lower my kisses, down to her neck, giving her marks...

"told you it's fun..."
"yeah..." she said moaning...

I chuckled... She's enjoying it, and to tell you honestly, i'm enjoying it more
than she did...

I caressed her back, down to her ass...

I put her down to my bed...

I take off my shirt, and slowly, taking off her's...

I'm caressing her br*ast...

"ahh..." she moan...
"a little impatient, Trixie?" i chuckled...

i unbuckle her brassiere, and suck her n!pple... Down to her tummy, making her s
hiver into pleasure...

I move my hands around her body, caressing every inches of her...

I kissed her again, as she ruins my hair, through excitement and urge...

I slowly unzip her shorts, and get a pass to her wet center...

She moan as i, play one of my finger inside of her...

"Bricx~ahh" she keeps on saying my name, when i started to lick her center...

She arched her back when she finally reach her climax...

"Bricx~ *gasp*"
"i could give you more, the fun hasn't started yet, Trixie..."
"then please... Show me...*smirk*"

i started kissing her again, and slowly opening her legs for a full pass...

i begin to smile naughtily,.

because she's getting wetter and wetter..
lalo tuloy akong ginaganahan..

"yeah...are you ready?" she bite her lips, then nod...

She's scared... But i can't stop, not now...

Then i thrust slowly inside her...

I saw her eyes... She cried...

"tell me if i'm hurting you too much..."
"so i will be gentle..."

she just nod...

I continue thrusting, and move harder and faster ..

And now we're both sweating and gasping for air...

"uuhh~Bricx! Harder..uhh..hmm"

she wants more?

Then i'll give her what she wants... *smirk*

i change our position, her perfect ass facing me, as i thrust inside her, harder
and harder, just like what she wants ...

I thrust faster and faster, as we both reach our climax...

"oh Bricx..." she forcefully, got up and kissed me... I responded hungrily...

I think, kissing her will become my hobby, and having sex with her, will became
my ritual... Cause eventhough she's virgin, her moans, can satisfied me...

I lay down beside her, hugging her tightly...

"for what?" she said, sounded differently... Cause its in sweet tone...

*np: love sex and magic*

"*chuckled* its the best birthday gift i ever recieved..."
"then i'm glad you enjoyed it..."

i got up from bed, and answered the call...


i felt Trixie moved too, i think she's going to dress up, but instead of doing t

She's starting kissing me...

"captain!! Babalik ka pa dito?"
"ah...hmm, i-i don't think i'll be able to..."
"eh captain, pano yung training?"
"basta, kayo ng bahala! I'm busy!!"
"okay captain!! Mukhang may kaganapan sa inyo jan ni Trixie ah... Sa willing wil
lie ba kayo?"
"putukan na !!! HAHA ! sige captain, baka maantala ang paninigas mo jan eh, bigl
a pang umayaw si Trixie..."

kanina pa nga namin na nagawa eh... And we'll do it, again and again



i hurriedly hung up...

And kiss Trixie...

"you naughty girl..."
"because you're listening to other's conversation... I'll punish you..."
"w-what?" she acted...

then i position myself on top of her, and kiss her...

I lick every inch of her, as if memorizing every part of her body...

Cause this gorgeous body, is my possesion... She is mine... Only mine...

"hmm, Bricx..."

we both said in between our kisses

"i'm hungry..."
"then i'll help you--"
"no!! I'm serious, i'm hungry..."

i got up, and get dress... she get one of my t-shirt, in my closet, and wear onl
y that...

"i know..." she said seductively...
"let's not eat..."
"hmpf..." then she run out of the room...

My naughty and hot fiancee... Is really driving me crazy...

I went to the sala...

"MAMAYA MO NA AKO KAININ, I'LL BE YOU'RE DESSERT...but first, what do you want?"

i play a song...

*np: birthday sex*
(play the song---->>>)

"i'll help with that..."

we both went to the refrigerator, and look for what we're going to eat...

She dip her fingers, in a cream and put it in my lips...

"i think i just found, a better way on, how to eat..."

then she lick it...

"my Trixie, is so naughty..."

she get some strawberries, and bite it, ginawa niya yun, habang kinakain ko yung
other side ng strawberry...

When we finish the strawberry, we kissed...

I place her in the counter, and kissing her down...

She moan into pleasure, as i groan...

I took off her undies...

And play my fingers into her already wet center...

"ahhh~ Bricx... Here?" she manage to say, while moaning...
"yeah... Don't you like it? I thought you're hungry?"
"*chuckle* my my Bricx..." she said seductively... Then kissed me...

I'll never get tired having sex with her...

Trixie's POV:

a little sacrifice wont hurt...if his heart costs my virginity, then i'll give i
t... If that's the only way for me to be able play with his heart...

...the way he's playing with mine...

And the first one to fail with this game we both declare...

...Is the loser... And i'm sure he'll be the one to lose...

'cause i'll never fall for him...


"then let's play..."

i go back to the gym and heard Bricx... Tumigil ako to hear what they are talkin
g about...

"you're so childish..." said Daniel...

What are they talking about?

"i'm not, she's mine, and i want to prove it to you..."

ahh... They're talking about me... They want to mess with me?

"then may the best man win..." they both said...

Win? Nakakalimutan niyo atang may isa pa kayong kalaro?

And i'll make sure, none of you will win against me... 'cause, both of you...

...will fall for me...

*flashback ends*

*smirk* i'll make you fall for me Saebricx Angelo Villazanta...

Then he thrust inside of me...


we both gasp for air when we finish our another session here at his sofa...

Yes his sofa... I don't know what does Bricx have, and he has this kind of energ

"oh Bricx... I'm so tired..."
"*chuckle* let's sleep..." he said, with a grin on his face...

"Bricx i'm serious, i want to sleep, i'm so tired, and masakit..." i blushed whe
n i said that...
"okay, okay... Sobra bang sakit?"
"*sigh* halika na... Matulog na tayo..."

tatayo na sana ako when he carry me, on the way to his bedroom...

"yan, matulog na tayo..."

he put the blanket in both of us, and hugged me tightly... Note: we're still nak

"matulog ka na..."

i just nod, and close my eyes...

Naalala ko yung mga ginawa namin, everything, on how he enjoyed having sex with
me, and i can tell, he's starting to fall for me...

I didn't know that the first half of this game will be this easy...

Just don't let him get the rebound...

... And make me lose ...

*end of chapter 3*

Chapter 4: her
Bricx' POV:


fuck ano ba yun?


ano ba to?

"Bricx...patayin mo na yung alarm mo..."

then i felt her hugged me tightly...

"Trixie, bangon na tayo..."
"hmm, 5 minutes..."

then she lean her head to my chest...

She's tired...i chuckled, when i remembered, everything we did yesterday...

It's just starting...

Trixie's POV:

ugh ... Ang sakit ng katawan ko ...

Yung 5 minutes na ni-request ko, nauwi sa 1 hour ... I felt Bricx, sleeping peac
efully ...

Hayy, i'm hungry...

Sinuot ko yung t-shirt niya, and nag-punta ako sa kitchen, ano kaya magandang ka
inin ...

I look for what to cook ...
How about etong beef ?

okaay. eto nalang...

When i close the refrigerator, a lip met mine...

Oh my god, he's starting again...

"Okay ..."

he broke the kiss, and i went to the sink, cause i have to palambutin the beef fi
rst... I open the faucet, then i felt Bricx hugged me...


i heard him sigh... And just bury his face on my neck...

"just let me rest like this for a while..." he said, sounded like a kid hahaha .
"are you tired...?"

then i felt him nod...

"*sigh* okay, just don't bother me while i'm cooking..."

"i want to eat hotdog and egg.."
"ayaw.. sawa na ko" :D

naramdaman ko namang inangat niya yung ulo niya, and kumunot yung noo (~~ )

"i said, sawa na ako don..."
"what do you mean?"
"hayy, ang slow pala ng fiance ko..."
"yeah right~"

then he kissed me, i lean on the counter...

He hugged me while kissing, caressing my back, he put my legs around him, then i
feel his manhood, he's hard...

He's now, kissing my neck...

"Bricx, mamaya na, gusto kong kumain..."
"i want you..."

"okay okay..." tapos binaba na niya ako...
"mamaya na lang haa..."
"i have a schedule..."
"may schedule ako, mamayang 12 sa hot chic dun sa engineering department... Then
after class, sa anak ng geometry teacher natin, so my schedule is kinda full...

player talaga, may schedule ?!

"uhh, yeah di din ako pwede, i remembered i have a lunch date..."

haha last night an unexpected call happened to me... They both are starting to p

"who?" -____- he sounded like he doesn't care...

i said as i went to the bathroom, and ready myself to take a bath...

"uhmm, Bricx, can i just borrow one of your shirt..."

i get one of his shirt... I'll wear that, and then i just use my shorts again...

Hmm, ano kaya babagay?

Oh there you are...

It's a pink t-shirt... But it's for guys ...

Papasok na sana ako sa bathroom when he blocked my way...

"why...?" i asked him... What's his problem?
"sabay tayo..."
"huh?!ano?! No way!!"
"sabay tayo..."

then yun, hinatak niya ako papasok ng bathroom, he undress me, and do all his bu
nakadating na kami sa school, as usual i didn't went to class, so i'm alone here
at the gym...

Biruin mo, my dumbass fianc, is attending classes, sus if i know; he's just flirt
ing there...

So i'm alone here... I'm sketching... I'll sketch Daniel...

Kasi he's so damn hot...

His gray eyes are hot and expressive...

Dear Trixie, don't fantasize him, he'll be yours naman eh ...


i heard from my back...

I look who said that, and surprisingly it's Daniel...

"oh... You didn't attend class?"
"ah-hmm... Boring ..."
"ahh..." i continue sketching him... He's really hot...

"you're weird..."
"why?" i asked still concentrating on my sketch...
"'cause unlike other girls... You still continue sketching me, kahit nakita ko n
"bakit ko naman ititigil?" then i looked at him...
"i don't know, 'cause maybe you get embarrassed or what, girl thing..."

he said, habang papahiga siya sa bench...


humiga siya sa lap ko...

"i'm not like them, why would i be embarrassed... It's not that, i like you, to
be embarrassed... Right?"
"you don't like me? You mean you like Bricx?"
"i don't like any of you two..."
"you don't like him? Why d'ya had sex with him?"

so he knows? He's so childish...

"so he tell you already..."
"eh pano mo nalaman?"
"iba ka kahapon iba ka ngayon..."
"what do you mean?"
"you just got devirginized... And i like it..."

he pulled me then kissed me...

I pulled away...

I stand up, and walked out...

*smirk* it's a game babe, don't think, you can win easily...

He followed me and faces me to him...

"don't you like it?"
"i do--"

he didn't let me finish my sentence, but instead, he claimed my lips...


i can't take it anymore, he's great in seducing... And to tell you honestly, i'm
enjoying it...

I don't think i'll be able, to win against him...

He stopped kissing me...

"that's awesome..."
"yeah~ are you done? I'll leave now, bye..." i kissed him before i left...

but i won't let that happen...

"you can't leave... We have a date right?"
"yeah right... I almost forgot..."

then he grabbed me towards the parking lot...

Sumakay na kami sa car niya, but he still didn't started the engine...

"oh~ i thought we're going to have lunch?"
"then what are you waiting for?"

he faced me and lean closer...

"di ko ba nasabi sayo, kung ano ang meaning ng lunch date para sakin?"
"ano ba?"

gosh, magpinsan nga sila...

"don't act so innocent, i know you know what i meant..."
"psh... I'm not in the mood... I wont sleep with you... Si Bricx muna tatalunin k
o bago ikaw... So bye babe..."

i got out the car, i bet he's shock...

The real game hasn't started yet, sweety...

Bricx' POV:

fuck!! They have a date, then i have a mate...

"Bricx... Oh~"

i chuckled... Naaasar ako, since last night... No other girl can satisfy me... A
ll i want is Trixie...

"woah, sorry to disturb you two..."

i look at her, then she smirk...


She left, i have to follow her...

*end of chapter 4*
Chapter 5: hell hath no fury like Saebricx scorned
Bricx' POV:

i have to follow her...

I get out of the gym, leaving my girl there...



"know what Bricx, you don't have to leave your girl there..."

she said, still not bothering to stop walking....

"i said wait..."

finally i grabbed her...

"listen... What you saw earlier, is j--"
"you don't have to explain..."
"i have to leave, may gagawin pa ako..."

tinanggal niya yung hawak ko sa kanya, and was about to leave when i call her...

"Xen wait!!"

i pulled her, then hugged her tightly...

"get off of me!!"
"please, just let me hugged you... Just 5 minutes..."

tumigil na siya sa pagpupumiglas, and just hugged me too...

"i missed you so much..." i said...

I miss her...

She's Xenia Frelle... (a/n: pron. As Ze-naya frel)

The first woman whom...

...i loved...

And probably the last...

"you're five minutes is over, let go..." she said coldly.

I let go of her, as she walks away...

Xenia, is my first love, the first woman who dumped me, the girl who made me lik
e this...

I met her, 2 years ago, well i was not like this before, i was the silent type,
haha i don't even know how to kiss that time... Funny right?

A player now, doesn't know how to kiss before...

Mabait si Xen, i get bullied by others that time, kasi, in this school, being a
jerk is cool...

She's the first person who befriends me, i know, its so gay...

Mabait siya sakin, dahil pala sa pustahan, tangna lang haha ako pa yung napagpus

Cheerleader siya eh, and i was a pathetic loser, pero puta lang, kahit alam ko y
on, i fell in love with her... She told me that the feelings mutual, and when we
became a couple, we did it...

Yeah, she's my first, i'm her's too...

Then after we did that, di siya nagparamdam ng halos isang linggo, yeah, she did
n't talk to for fucking one week...

Then i just saw her making out with Daniel...

"bakit ba? we're done, after what happened last week we're over..."
"ganun lang yun? After we had sex, we're done?"

fuck!! What is she saying?! If she thinks, i wont take responsibility for what h
ad happened, well, she's wrong...

"yeah, its just that, we had sex, you FUCK ME!! So what? Besides, i don't even l
ike you."
"w-what are you saying?! You love me right?"
"says who?! I just use you to get close to Daniel, youre just so stupid, you didn
't even notice..."

then she walked away...

after that, i cried, got wasted... Kaya ako naging ganto, she makes me like this
... Pathetic, i know...

Pero fuck!! Minsan na nga lang ako nagseryoso, niloko pa ako...

And tangna dahil pa sa pinsan ko...

Kaya since then, i promise to myself that, i'll get every girl ... I'll break th
eir heart.

And show Xen that i've changed, and better than that Daniel ... Hell hath no fur
y like Saebricx Angelo Villazanta scorned...

cause Im not a pathetic loser...

Fuck!! Eh anong ginagawa ko ngayon ? Tangnang yan, naiiyak nanaman ako, dahil sa
babaeng yun...

Pucha, ang bading ko !!

I hate her, but i loved her !!
Pucha, i'll move on . Takteng yan, diba dapat babae ang nagmu-move on? Pero puta
ng inang author naman neto, bakit ako yung kelangan mag-move on... Fuck you auth
or .

(a/n: tenge ! Di tau talo ui >:P)

Daniel's POV: (silip s knyang story :D)

fuck!! Umayaw... No one dare dump me!! And bull, she knows about the deal!! What
the hell?!

Psh, gutom na ako ... I want Samantha ...


i open my car's window, without looking who knocked...



I hurriedly, close it, but unfortunately, naharangan niya...

"ouch...ouch... Aish.." bet that hurts..?

"YAH!! bakit mo naman sinara, may ibibigay lang naman ako eh..."
"fuck what?! I'm busy..." i said, then grab my phone, kunyari, i was busy textin

"ano yan?!" i looked at her...
"sasakyan.." -_____-"

pano nagkasya yun dun?!

"slow... Tch... Lunch yan ... Baka gutom ka na eh..." she said with a wide smile
on her face... Tatanggapin ko ba ? Baka gayumahin ako neto eh ... Psh, bahala n
a !

"k. Salamat..."

kinuha ko na para umalis na siya...

"sige bye bye... See ya' later"

Then she went off...

Fuck... Akala ko di pa siya aalis...

She's creepy, a creepy stalker of mine...

So beware of her...

Beware of, Shanna Marie Ordessa...

Psh ano ba tong binigay niya?

I looked at it... It's a simple luch, my egg rolls..? Bakit may ganto? Psh, isip
bata -___-" itapon ko na lang kaya to? Baka may gayuma eh...


Sinubo ko yung pagkain... Yeah papasa na!!

"masarap ba?!"
"*cough.cough* w-why are you there?"

she's scary!! Bigla na lang sumusulpot...

"wala lang, kasi baka di mo magustuhan eh... Ano masarap ba?"
"nakakain naman..."
"yehey!! Haha gagawan ulit kita..."
"wag na."
"basta... Sige, alis na talaga ako... Ah, eto pala oh, tubig at tsaka yung favor
ite mo, gatorade... Sige, bye Iel..."
"geh..." -.-'

then umalis na nga siya...

..wag na niya talaga akong dalhan, di naman masarap eh...

I throw the lunch box at the trash can... When i'm finish it...

Trixie's POV:

i went to the gym... Hmm, ano kaya magandang ipagawa sa kanila?

Ahh... Hahah...

*school: pool area*

"what are we fucking doing here?!" asked Bricx, who else?

hahaha... They're going to play basketball, at the pool... Yeah pool, i set a ri
ng there...

"i said your going to play basketball in the pool, isnt that fun? Okay lets start.

then i took off my robe... *smirk* i'm wearing a two piece...


Okay lets start ... Drool over me boys...

Hinati ko yung group...

Team ni Daniel and team ni Bricx... Syempre, alanganamang pagsamahin ko sila, ed
i nasira yung laro ... -___-"

*prrt* binato ko yung bola pataas, pag kabato ko i swam away ... Duh~ ayoko ngan
g malunod, ang lalaki nung mga yun eh -.-

dahil nasa water di na kelangan mag-dribble, pero mas mahirap, kasi, mahirap umi
was, tapos madulas pa yung ball... At tsaka mahirap din kumilos, kasi close spac
e, di open yung surface...

*shoot* na-shoot ni Daniel...
2 points na sila Daniel, sila Bricx wala pa, simula pa lang naman...

Lets see... *smirk*

*after 45 minutes*

last quarter na they're all tired...

Score..? 40-42

in favor of Daniel... Ang baba nga lng ng score eh, kasi nauubos sa away nila ni

"Trixie, if my team wins, we're gonna' have a date tonight..." shouted Daniel

i just smirk as an answer...

"if i win... You'll sleep at my pad Trixie!!" duh~ sino pa bang magsasabi niyan

"whatever babe ..."

basta ako, kahit sino naman manalo sa inyo...

i'm still the winner...

*end of chapter 5*
Chapter 6: i miss him.
Trixie's POV:

"pasok na..." he said grinning...

Fuck this asshole!! >:| ayoko ng maulit yung kagabi, hindi ba siya napapagod, si
mula kahapon, well, simula lunch hanggang gabi, he's does nothing but to fuck me

"an--" he claimed my lips, to cut what i'm saying...

"hmmppphh~ Saebricx..." i said between our kisses...

ugh . He put my legs around him, OH GOSH he's hard...

"make me..." then he smirked...

GOD! here we go again...

I'm so stupid, bakit kasi di na lang ako pumayag kay Daniel, siya naman talaga y
ung nanalo eh, pero what am i actually thinking, and i go with this guy...

GOSH !! I'm so stupid .

Daniel's POV: (ung ilalagay ko dito is silip para sa first chapter ng story niya

fuck ...


"Daniel babe what are you thinking?"
"nothing babe..."

then i kissed her... Trixie, you dump me... And i'm sure, right now, youre with B
ricx, having sex, you should have chosen me... Now its your lost... I'm better th
an that Bricx...

Especially here in bed *smirk*

i lick my bedmate's wet center while thrusting my three fingers in and out...

"ahh ahh!! Oh Daniel... More... More... I... Want you~"
"do you really want me...? Then i'll do as you wish, my lady..."

i got up, and enter her...

I thrust harder and faster... She moan as i groan...

She's about to climax...

I need to pull out...

"*gasp* Daniel... I want more..."
"sure babe..."

i'm starting my foreplay when...

*door opens*

"get outta here!!!"

fuck!! Bakit ngayon pa siya dumating?

(a/n: cno kya ung dumating :/ ?)

Trixie's POV:

he rolled out after the passion we made...

"oh Bricx~" lumapit ako sa kanya then put my head on his chest...


di na ako nag-salita... Gusto kong matulog... Kasi baka pag nagsalita pa ako dit
o, di nanaman niya ako pakawalan... Nakakapagod kaya, kasi bat naman ngayon, di
ba pwedeng ipagpabukas? =____=

"people talk about the guy...
Who's waiting on a girl...
There are no holes in his shoes...
But a big hole in his world...

he's singing. And its annoying me...


"Bricx magpatulog ka..."
"why? I'm a good singer, right?"
"oh Bricx kung lahat ng singer kaparehas mo, wala ng naka-appreciate ng music...
"Seriously? Sabi naman ng iba kong nakakasama maganda yug boses, kaya pinapatigi
l nila ako, para daw ma-preserve ko..."

"are you dumb or what? Didn't you get what they say? Seriously?"



hinatak niya ako and kiss me...

I-it was different... It was a sweet and passionate one...

Niyakap niya lang ako and continue to kiss me...

He broke the kiss and kisses my forehead...

"Lets sleep..."

i just nod as an answer... What just happened?!
after a week, hindi ako pinauwi ni Bricx, dun niya ako pinatira.

Psh akala tuloy ng parents namin we're in good terms, don't they know, that we'r
e just in good term if it's in bed ^.-

well we're here at the gym, i'll introduce them sa makakalaban nila.
"so, next week will be your first game..."


ugh. They look like they don't care, duh ayokong mapahiya, alam kong magagaling
sila, but if they don't put alot of effort they won't win, at kalaban pa nila ng
ayon, medyo malakas...

"ang makakalaban niyo is...

...*toot* Green Tamaraws (LOL xD)"


"fuck!! Listen to me!! Don't be so full of yourselves, kasi, sa totoo lang pag h
indi kayo nagtino ngayon, kahit sa semi finals (a/n: my semi finals b basketball
or my ibng twag lng dun?) di kayo makakasali, kahit nga ata sa laban niyo next
week di kayo mananalo!!"

then nag-seryoso na sila.

"bakit ano bang meron sa kanila?" p1

"Green Tamaraws, they called as the best team in defense and has the greatest ce
nter... Zerk Mallory, 6'11, halos kasing tangkad na niya ang idol ko, magaling s
a man-to-man defense, he guards the ring as his possession and no one should mes
s with it, holds the ball that even superman can't get, yeah i know i'm being OA
but it's true..."

"magkasingtangkad naman sila ni JP..." p2
"who's JP?"
"our center..."

"Point guard, their best point guard is Zeke Velasco, we can compare him to Miya
gi of slam dunk, and you know what it means, that simply means he's great."

yang dalawang yan ang pinakamagaling, nasasakanila ang dalawa sa magagaling na b
asketball player, ng buong Philippines, high school students na kinukuha na ng m
ga sikat na universities and colleges para maglaro sa team nila, but chose to pl
ay with their team.

"so, let's start the training."

They started to play, naglaban sila, while i'm thinking for the best strategy...

Their team is the best in defense, well obviously they're also good in offense,
cause as the saying goes 'the best defense is offense' well its true, Zerk is be
st in man-to-man defense.

I read an article about them and they are the best in man-to-man but they lack i
n zone defense, although mas madaling mag-guard ng ring kung man-to-man, pero ma
s mabubuo ang team work and mas lalakas ang defense, kapag lahatan...

Well i think i just found a new way to win against them *smirk*

*after a week*
*against the tamaraws*


fan girls psh.

"GO IEL!!!" who's Iel, i look at my player and ahh si Daniel pala yon, i look at
the girl who shout, and GOD she's so cute :D but i'm prettier -.-"

lumapit ako dun sa babae.

"b-bakit?" haha she look so scared
"i just wanna ask you a favor."
"a-ano yon?"
"could you help me get them some drinks for them?"
"oh sure!!" she said tapos nag sparkle pa yung eyes niya, i like her already

i go back to my team as she left to buy some water and gatorade...

"here, have a gum."
"for what?"
"GOD!! pati yan di niyo alam, para maayos yung paghinga niyo."

then they just said 'aahh' and get the gum i gave them, sanay na ako sa ganito,
kasi, ganyan din yung mga Red Falcons.



don't tell me? No!!


"good luck Clarisse!!" said Michael Red Falcon's player, he's nice and jolly.


tapos umalis na siya sumunod na siya sa team niya, na naglalakad ngayon sa harap

"good luck." he said coldly

i miss him...

*end of chapter 6*
Chapter 7: meet her bf
Bricx' POV:
ano nangyari kay Trixie? Bigla na lang tumahimik?

"Trix, are you alright?" si Daniel psh.
"h-huh? Yeah, dumating na ba si Shanna?"
"ano namang gagawin nun dito?" -.-
"siya pinabili ko ng drinks niyo eh *smirk* ang cute naman ng girlfriend mo." Do
nt tell me shes jealous about that ?!

Trixie's POV:

shocked pa din ako kanina, bigla akong nalungkot. Di pa din ba niya ako napapata
wad? GOD! i've done everything para mapatawad niya ako pero bakit ganon?

Buti na lang bigla akong kinausap ni Daniel, kaya ayon medyo nawala sa isip ko s
i Aesser inasar ko siya about kay Shanna.

Ewan ko ba dito, it's obvious naman n--


start na ng line up, pinasok ko si Daniel, Bart, JP, Bricx and Max sa first five

(a/n: mkikilala niyo dn cla, peo s mga nag-bbsa ng shoot them alike, i think kil
ala niyo na si Max.)

as expected, pinasok na din si Zeke at Zerk.

Jump ball. nakuha ng tamaraws, ayos yan, i have a plan.

*smirk* Bricx, pag kayo di nanalo i'll kill you.

Eto line up namin.

Center: Jhester Patrick Laudencio, 6'11.

I know he's so tall, pag nga tumatabi ako diyan, para na akong nasa tabi ng puno
, kasing tangkad niya halos ang idol ko si Dirk Nowitzki.

Point guard: of course my dearest fiance (insert sarcasm here) Saebricx Angelo V

Siya ang team captain, kasi siya ang pinakamagaling, 6 feet, oohh... di ko ba na
sabi, isa siya sa magaling na highschool basketball player.

Forward: Daniel Maccliva, 6 feet, magaling sa pagdadala ng ball, once he gets th
e ball, no one can steal it away from him.

Shooting guard: Maximus Leighton, 5'11 he's the best in making three points.
And last but not the least the hot Bartholamew 'Bart' Charlestone, 5'11 you can
simply say that he shoots the ball flawalessly, walang mintis.

Well what can i say? *smirk* that's my team.

Kung tutuusin nga they are the best of the bestest HAHAHA !! but kidding aside,
they are just, such a bunch of airheads, walang pakielam, kaya they always lost.

Pero pag nag-seryoso sila, oh lemme scratch that, pag nag-seryoso ang fiance ko,
susunod naman sila eh. Pasimuno kasi si Bricx sa mga ka-gaguhan eh.

Ewan ko ba dun, sometimes he's sweet then will became cold, serious tapos magigi
ng walang pakielam, caring tapos magiging wala na ulit, he's hot and cold.

Walang permanent sa kanya, walang ka-seryosohan, they all the same, like Bart, h
e's so cocky, over confident walang pakielam, go with the flow lagi. Si Max, siy
a lang ang medyo matino, he's serious, but doesn't care, siya lang din ang hindi
ko masyado close, pero siya ang pinaka-mature. Si JP, he doesn't talk too much,
but all i know is he's nice. While Daniel naman is, ugh, kung ano si Bricx gano
n din siya, parehas silang , JERK, ASSHOLE, DUMBASS AND DOUCHE BAG >:P


may naka-points na, as expected...


nice one, Max, 3 points na kami *smirk*

now the real game is about to start ^______-

*after 30 minutes*

second half na, and to tell you, my team is the best *smirk*



nag-time out sila. And after a minute, the game started.


na-shoot ng tamaraws and score na is 45-53 in favor of our team syempre.

Samin ang bola, na kay Bart, he passed the ball to Daniel, it was a smooth pass
but FUCK!! binunggo si Daniel, pero hindi na foul napunta yung bola sa tamaraws.

Pinag-pasahan nila, and nung mag-sho-shoot na sila, sumablay, buti maagap si JP,
na-rebound niya *smirk* they want to play dirty, di ba nila alam na expert kami

Pinasa ni JP kay Daniel, nag-dribble na si Daniel, papunta sa ring, and pinasa n
iya kay Bart, hindi open, pinasa ni Bart kay Bricx, dahil libre sa kanya, malapi
t pa siya sa ring.



well that's my team.

"ano... Clarisse sorry, nahirapan kasi akong makapasok eh."

huh? Ah si Shanna pala, she looks so haggard.

"no, its okay, mag-punas ka muna and mag-pahinga you look so haggard."
"okay, thank you..."

then umupo na siya sa bench, nasa court side kami, pinalipat ko siya, and i'm su
re gaganahan mag-laro si Daniel nito hahahaha!!! I'm such a bad girl.

In the entire game, nag-hahabulan lang sila ng points, pero pag nakakahabol na a
ng Tamaraws, tinatambakan ni Bricx *smirk* buti naman, pag di sila nanalo i wil
wring their neck.

Last five minutes and ang lamang lang is 5 points, pwede pang makahabol yung tam
araws, nag-petiks kasi sila eh, oh such a douche bags. Akala nila sure win na si
la, so i called a time out and binatukan ko sila isa isa, pasaway, duh ayokong m
apahiya, they have to win, lalo na nandito ang Falcons.

"ano ba!! Mag-seryoso kayo, pag kayo natalo, i-ba-ban ko ang pagpasok ng babae s
a gym!!!"

yan ang sinabi ko kaya naman ayun nag-seryoso din.

Three minutes na lang.

Kukuha lang ako ng tubig pero biglang may humatak sakin.

I did not bother, to get off his grip, kasi kilala ko naman siya.

Tumigil kami sa labas ng gym, naririnig namin ang hiyawan ng mga tao, i bet my t
eam is doing great.

"Aesser..." tinitigan ko siya, same cold eyes and expressionless face. I missed
him so much... "bakit mo ako dinala dito..?"

a sudden silence cover us. Sobrang tahimik...

"Aesser, sorry..."
"di ako diyos." he said, that made me smile...
"Aesser!!" then i hugged him. "i missed you, so much."
"i missed you too..." he pat my head and hugged me "alis tayo dito, don tayo sa
likod, baka matapos yung game." then yun umalis kami, baka kasi biglang lumabas
yung mga tao, nag-punta kami sa likod ng gym, actually di siya likod, dun lang l
umalabas yung mga players.

"so how are you? I heard you're engaged." he said coldly, cold naman lagi si Aes
ser eh, he doesn't show emotion lagi, bihira, pero sanay na ako, syempre sa taga
l ko ba namang kasama to.
"yeah, ano namang bago kung engaged ako? Hahaha para namang di ka nasanay kila m
om, they will do everything para mapatino ako." then he smile. "ikaw, napatawad
mo na ba ako..?"

he paused for a second and smile sadly

"wala naman akong magagawa eh, decision mo yan."

"just remember Aes you're the one that i love..." yeah me and Aesser love each o
ther, pero ayaw naming pumasok sa relationship, bawal kasi dati, since i'm their
trainer, bawal yon, kaya umalis ako sa team nila, para pwede na kami, then sudd
enly i got engaged with Bricx, and nakalimutan ko si Aes, he supposed to be my f
irst, pero dahil sa laro ko, nakalimutan ko yon, i loved him, pero nakakalimutan
kong andiyan siya, and nalaman niya yung about don, kaya nagalit siya.

"i know." and he kissed me, i kissed back, i really missed him...
"i love you." "i love you too." we said in between our kisses.

Aesser is my bestfriend, then as the clich goes, we fell in love with each other,
pero dahil my father asked me to train their team and be their coach, we can't
be in a relationship, kasi masisira lang ang team pag may problema kami, so afte
r two years of being their coach i resigned, para pwede na kami, and yung kasuno
d non yung sinabi ko kanina, kaya nag-away kami, and everything went complicated
, but now we're okay, i think everything will be alright.

We stop kissing and both laugh.

"i guess you really missed me." then he smirked.
"hmpf >.< oo na sama mo." ganyan ako kay Aes i'm such a childish brat pag kasam
a ko siya.

He ruins my hair and kiss my temple.
"kung pwede lang alisin kita dito eh." he said seriously
"and looking at your team, i think they like you." he said habang nakakunot yung
noo niya.
"don't be jealous Aes, he's nothing on you" then i smirk

he was about to kiss me again when someone interrupted us.


andito pala sila, when i say sila, anjan si Bricx.

"what are you doing here fiance?"

i look at Aes and he just kiss my forehead and leave...

But before he does i whisper 'i love you' to him. GOD!! He was just leaving and
i miss him already.

"sino yon?" he asked a little pissed.
"my boyfriend." the i walk away to leave
"rather your boy toy." and he smirk
"no. He's my boyfriend, and he will never be my toys."

i walked out. Baka kasi maabutan ko pa siya.

"so that wuss is your boyfriend."
"what did you say?!"
"i said your boyfriend's a wuss."
"don't you ever say that again, 'cause he's not just my boyfriend, he's my lover
and that means i love him, and he's is not a wuss, he has a name."

i left them shocked. Siguro nagtataka kayo kung bakit ako ganito no, a playgirl
tapos i love someone pala, its just simple, i get into flings to make Aes jealou
s, kasi, isang taon na akong hindi nila trainer but still he didn't court me, an
d nung nalaman kong may reason pala siya, and that is, ayaw niya daw magbago ang
lahat na meron kami, kasi ayaw niyang mawala ako sa kanya akala niya kasi i don
't like him, then naging kami pero may nangyari samin ni Bricx, that's why every
thing messed up, and finally we get back already, i thought he will never forgiv
e me. And now, the guy that i will give my, everything, is Aesser Raphael Alexan

Tumakbo ako and found him waiting for me.

I rush towards him and hugged him.
"Aes sa inyo muna ako ha."
he smiles and say "i thought you'd never ask." the we went to his car and drove
to their house.

After 30 minutes nakadating na din kami sa bahay nila, wala daw sila tito and ti
ta, ibig sabihin kami lang? Kasi wala naman si kuya Ralph eh nasa states.

"wala sila mom and dad. business trip."
"huh? Okay lang" i smiled and kumapit ako sa kanya paakyat sa room niya.

"just stay there, magpapalit lang ako."

i just nod pumasok siya sa bathroom and ako naman kumuha ng cd's ganto naman kas
i lagi naming ginagawa ni Aes.

"hey, done picking a movie?"
"hmm." then sinalang ko na yung cd, gusto kong panoorin nakakatakot eh, and may p
hobia pala siya diyan, its a thailand film.

At the entire film, mixed emotion naramdaman ko, grabe kasi, nakakatawa tapos na
kakatakot ang kulit lang nung palabas.

Dahil nakasandal ako kay Aes, i felt him hugged me and bury his face on my neck.

"are you tired?" i asked, tapos na kasi yung movie, naka-parang stand by lang si
"hindi, i just missed you so much." i giggle when he said that, humarap ako sa k
anya tapos niyakap siya.

"i missed you too, so much." he pulled me to him and kissed me, his hands caress
ing my face, as i hugged him tightly.

"i love you..."

he said between our kisses "i love you too..." he lay me to his bed and get on t
op of me...

He stopped kissing me and gives me a peck and lay down beside me then hugged me.

Niyakap niya lang ako and kissed me in my arm "sorry..."

"you don't have to. You don't have to hold back..." i said as i pace him.
"no... I have to, i'll wait. After we get married." then he smile
"but, its not important anymore. Besides i--"
"i respect and love so much that i'm willing to wait, kahit alam kong may nauna
na sakin." then he kissed my temple.

"thank you and i love you so much."

then we fell asleep.
nagising ako, and i felt someone's hugging me, i open my eyes and saw Aes' sleep
ing peacefully.

I stare at him, god he's so handsome, and looks so cute while sleeping, he looks
like a kid. Pinagdikit ko ilong namin, yung sabi sa tv eskimo kiss daw.

Then he moved and give me a quick kiss...

"whaa!! Aes your so bad, you're awake na pala?!"
"sino ba nag-sabing i slept?"
"you mean you did not sleep."

he shakes his head and say "i'm watching you sleep." then bumangon na kami "wann
a eat?" he asked
"yup, mag-luto ka ha." i said parang bata, he nods, yehey he'll cook ang sarap k
aya niya mag-luto, he's the best.

"oo na. Alam ko namang na-miss mo din akong magluto eh." lumapit ako sa kanya ta
pos pumasan ako ahahah
"oo na oo na. Kaya bilisan mo, i'm starving, bilis." he just chuckle as we i mea
n he went to the kitchen while piggy back riding me hehe!!

Binaba niya ako dun sa may counter, papanoorin ko kasi siya.

"gusto mo tulungan kita?"
"if you insist." then he winked.

Yehey!! Magluluto kami ng pasta, favorite namin yon eh, at tsaka yung korean foo
d, yung pinagsamasamang vegetables, mixed vegetables, favorite niya kasi yun eh,
he loves veggy foods.

after one hour ng pag-cook and pag prepare ng food, we're now eating.

"hmm, ang sarap mo talaga magluto Aes, your spaghetti and this mixed vegetables
are the best." hahaha i said habang sinusubuan ko siya, nasa sala kasi kami, nak
aupo kami sa floor, carpeted naman eh, tapos nilagay namin yung food don, tapos
nag-susubuan kami.

"hmm, kumain ka na nga lang, ang hyper mo ngayon ah."
"ganon talaga hahah!! Hmm, Aes pwede dito ako matulog mamaya?" i changed the top
ic, sana pumayag siya.

After we eat, sabi niya linisin daw namin yung kalat, tapos pumunta na sa room,
kasi pumayag naman siyang dito ako mag-stay since we missed each other a lot and
para naman makapag-kwentuhan kami sa kung anong nangyayari.

Sabay na kaming nag-shower, pero, ako dun sa room niya nag-shower tapos siya dun
sa may bathroom sa kabilang room, sinuot ko na lang yung favorite shirt ko ni A
es, kasi ang comfy.

Hmm, umikli, mukhang tumangkad ako HAHAHA!! Last year pa kasi ng huli kong punta
dito eh, kasi he stayed in the states nung vacation, and we cool off that time,
pero hindi ko na i-kwento, 'cause its a long story.

Ang tagal ni Aes, kaya nahiga na lang muna ako, tinignan ko yung phone niya, and
yun pa rin pala yung themes niya haha!! Personalized themes yun sa phone eh, la
hat ng nakalagay pictures namin, yung sakin din ganon eh :D hmm, kalkalin ko kay
a to, baka may babae si Aes eh -___-+ and yeah i'm jealous, so what?!

*door opens*

"di ka pa natutulog?"
"hindi pa. Hinintay kita eh."

pinunasan niya ng towel yung buhok niya tapos sinabit na niya ito, then humiga s
iya sa tabi ko.

"done looking for girls number?"
"wala nga ak-- eh?! Hindi no, i mean di ko naman tinitignan eh." hmpf pano niya

Humarap siya sakin tapos ni-lift niya yung head ko, since, mas matangkad siya sa
kin tapos naka-dapa ako, kaya hindi ko siya makita.

"wala kang makikita diyan, private number ko yan, dun sa isa madami."

hmpf ~______~+

"bahala ka. I hate you." tapos tumalikod ako sa kanya.

"hhahaha!! I was just kidding, i won't look for another girl." then niyakap niya
ako from the back. Kinisan niya yung nape ko and whisper "i love you... I love
you" he whispers that word again and again.

Hinarap niya ako sa kanya...
"i said i love you..."

tapos kiniss niya ako sa noo ko... "i love you too..." i said as i kiss him in h
is lips...

He caressed and hugged me tightly; we broke the kiss, and both gasping...

"don't do that again, i might not control myself." he said seriously...
"opo, i will never kiss you, as in never." i tease him...

Lalong kumunot yung noo niya "that's not fair, just not now, kasi tayo lang nand
ito, alam mo na urges, i'm still a guy."
"kaya nga, i will not kiss you na lang para--hhhhmmmppp"

he kissed me "you can't do that... I want kiss." then he grin widely.
"hmpf :D"

niyakap niya ako and pinatong ko yung ulo ko sa chest niya...

"let's sleep." we both said "hahaha!! Goodnight, i love you." we said in chorus
as we sleep, in each others arms.

*end of chapter 7*
Chapter 8: that someone...
Bricx' POV:
it's already 12 and i'm still waiting for Trixie, asan na ba siya? I'm worried s
ick. Is she with that wuss? malamang, mag-kasama yun, boyfriend nga diba? B.llsh.t bakit ba ako nag-aal
ala sa kanya, t.ngna matulog na nga, hahayaan ko na lang siya, she's old enough
to take care of herself, i'm just being a good fiance to be caring enough.


I was about to close my eyes when someone interrupted me...


i rush towards the door. Maybe it's Trixie, halos madapa ako sa pagtakbo papunta
sa pinto.

"Tri-- Xen?!"
"Bricx~" then she passed out.

Binuhat ko kagad siya papasok sa kwarto ko... What happened to her?! She has bru

"sshh... Just stay, gagamutin ko muna yung mga sugat mo..." she nods, as i went
to the bathroom and get the first aid kit.

I gently, heal all her bruises, f*ck sinong gago ang gumawa nito sa kanya? Mapap
atay ko siya.

"sshh.. Take a rest first, aight?"
"b-but--" i kissed her to stopped her from what she's saying... "take a rest, we
'll talk it about tomorrow." lalabas na sana ako ng kwarto ko, when she stopped
"where are you going?" she manage to say
"i'll sleep at the sala, matulog ka na."
"tumabi ka na sakin."
"no i--"
"please, i don't wanna' be alone." i release a deep sigh, and lay down beside he

I hugged her tightly so she will feel safe.

"good night." i kiss her temple and say i love you.
i got awake and felt someone is kissing me...

I slightly open my eyes and saw Xen kissing me... She stop when she notice that
i was awake.

"s-sorry..." then she blushed that make me kiss her...

"aahhh~" she moan inside my mouth, i played my tongue on her lips, for her to gi
ve me access to kiss her fully.

"Bricx~" she's moaning my name so sweetly, the way she moans it when we first di
d it.

I move my hands, inside her shirt and touch her breast caressing and playing wit
h her n*pple. I took off her shirt and kiss her down... While unbuckling her bra
, she's managing my boxers, trying to take it off.

"here, lemme' help you." i took it off, as she holds it, giving me much pleasure

I groan as she holds my private part and pump her hands faster...

I give her what she wanted, she wants pleasure? I'll give it to her...

I play three of my fingers inside and out...

"aahh...oohh... Yeah~ don't...don't stop... AAHH..." her walls are crushing my f

She keeps on moaning and moaning as she reach her climax.

I kissed her again and masaging her back, trying to be gentle, because of her br
uise and wounds...

I suck her n!pple and play it with my tongue, making little circles as she keeps
on moan into pleasure.

I lick her center while pushing my fingers in and out, i got up and went inside
her, hard and fast.

I put her arms around my neck and move harder and faster, as she move her hips,
up and down while moaning my name, it's like an angel moaning, so sweet.

We both reach our climax, i'm still inside of her, gasping for air.

"Xen..." i look at her, she's so gorgeous, i didn't know, that right now, Id be m
ore in love with her.
"hmm..." she said sweetly.
"i love you..." i said, as i drive her to heaven again.

"AAHH..." she arched her back when she reaches her zenith...

I roll over. She move and hugged me, while putting her head to my chest.

I kiss her temple, and we both fell asleep.

*next day*

i woke up, and felt no one's beside me.

"Xen?" i said a little bit panic.

I wear my boxers and get out of my room, i went to the kitchen and smell someone
s cooking.

"good morning!" she said cheerfully, and hand me a coffee.
"*sigh* you're here."

she kiss me and sits on the table, like she always do.

"g-good morning din."

nakayuko lang siya habang umiinom ng kape.


"why did you come over here again last night? And who give you those bruises?" i
move towards her, lifting her face.

"tell me..." i look into her eyes.

"wala lang to." then she looked away.
"wala nga lang!"
"wala? Eh bakit ka umiiwas sa tingin ko? And your playing with your finger tips
if you're lying, tell me..."

she keeps on getting away of my gaze and play with her finger tips, when she fin
ally release a deep sigh, means she's going to tell me the reason...

"i love you." she look at me and kiss me, i'm the one who broke the kiss...

"because i love you..." she's looking straight in my eyes, but i still don't get

"*sigh* remember when i told you that, being close with you is just a bet?" i no
d and look away.

Hinawakan niya ang mukha ko tapos hinarap niya sa kanya...

"totoo yon, pero, when i fell in love with you, everything I said, everything I
did, totoo... nung sinabi kong ginamit lang kita para maging close kay Daniel, i
t's not true, actually, it was just a big lie that i regret." she paused for a s
econd and continue "sinabi ko lang yun, kasi i was saving you."

saving me?

"what do you mean..?"
"my brother's friend, really likes me, and nung nalaman niyang may boyfriend na
ako, he threatened me that he will kill you... At first, i was scared, kaya iniw
asan kita, and when i confront him about that, sabi niya gagawin niya talaga yun
, that's why i use Daniel para mag-sinungaling sayo..." she looked away, and pla
y with her finger tips again...

"di ko naman alam na magiging ganyan ka, di mo lang alam, i was super jealous, w
hen you're kissing other girls, and now, engaged ka pa." she look at the ground.

"did he do these?" she nod as a reply.
"i love you." tumingin siya bigla sakin.
"you do?"
"i always do, and forever will." then i kissed her.

But when i close my eyes and kiss her fully with love and with so much desire, i
saw someone...


*end of chapter 8*
Chapter 9: no!! never!! maybe..?
Bricx' POV:

sabay kaming pumasok ni Xen, we're in good terms na din...

pero ang hindi ko maintindihan, yung naramdaman ko kanina, why did i suddenly fe
el, na may mali? and why did i saw her, when i was kissing Xen?

f*ck nakakabading naman to... ang cheesy ko p*ta!!

hinatid ko si Xen sa room niya, since, hindi naman ako pumapasok sa klase, tuwin
g exam lang at pag may long tests...

"i'll pick you up later..."
"okay, goodluck sa training, i love you." she said cupping my face.
"i love you too..." then i kissed her.

i go straight ahead sa gym, when i saw two people in my peripheral vision...

it's Trixie and her boyfriend, kissing...

nadaanan ko sila kaya naman narinig ko mga ka-cornihan nila...

"i love you Aes, always have, always will..." yeah yeah~ you Trixie!! sh.t
i already did haha :))
"i love you too, forever..." forever? bakla pala to eh! forever daw? psh =___=

sige lang, maglandian lang kayo sa tapat ng gym ko!! this wuss... wala siya
ng karapatan dito, he's not even studying here.

pumasok ako ng gym ng padabog. i don't know... 'cause whenever i imagine her, be
ing with that wuss, i feel so angry and want to kick that wuss' butt..

p*ta di ko na maintindihan sarili ko!!

ano ba to?! simula pa kaninang umaga, i'm getting spaced out because of Clarisse
... it normal, to get angry whenever she's with other guy?

Trixie's POV:

i saw Bricx, papasosok siya ng gym, he's looking at us furiously, ano nangyari d
on? tatawagin ko sana siya, kaso bigla siyang pumasok sa gym, mukhang galit? ano
ng problema nun?

"Trix, sunduin kita mamaya ha..." said Aes, kaya naman napatingin ako sa kanya
"siguraduhin mo yan ha. don't check on other girls." i said to him, in my posses
sive bitchy tone :))
"opo... sige i have to go, ang sama ng tingin ng mga tao eh." then he kissed my
temple, as we both say i love you to each other.

pumunta na ako sa gym, did you notice? none of us, attends class.

anyways, nandun na yung team ko, as usual, pwede bang makita niyo sila na walang
kasamang babae? never!

"hey guys!! mamaya na yan!!"

tapos nag'takbuhan yung mga babae, takot na siguro sila sakin? HAHAHA like i car
e -.-" sa lahat ng babae dito, kay Shanna lang akomagiging mabait, she's like a
sister to me.

speaking of that, i get her as my assisstant ;)

"Clarisse..." speaking of.
"sorry na-late ako, may pinasa pa kasi akong project eh." she said
"it's okay, gather them na lang..."
"okay..." she said, with her sparkling eyes... she's really cute.

she gather the players, while i'm texting Aesser, di ko tuloy napansin na nasa h
arap ko na sila...

"*ehem* kung di mo lang din kami papansinin, pwede bang umalis na kami? hindi yu
ng pinaghihintay mo ako habang nakikipag-landian ka sa boyfriend mo.: said Bricx
, ano nangyari dito? and pinaghihintay? for pete's sake i'm just texting!!

"what's your problem?!" i asked raising my voice, napaka kasi >:|

"wala naman, baka ikaw?" then he walked out... o--kay... what was that? wha't hi
s problem?

i follow him, fortunately naabutan ko siya sa labas ng gym, cursing..?

"sh.t!! ano iniisip mo Bricx?! t.nga!!"

pinanood ko lang siya... honestly, he looks so stupid... HAHAHAHAHAHA!! talking
to himself.

"pfft--HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA!!!!" i bursted. di ko na kinaya, he's so funny!! HAH

"what are you laughing at?!"

!" i finally controlled myself, i can't help it. he looks so stupid...

"psh..." then he walked out. hmm? ano ba problema non..?

so i followed him...

"hey!" grabe, he walks so fast, ugh. i forgot, point guard nga pala to -_____-+
so tumakbo na lang ako... gosh ha, pinagpapawisan ako.


i finally grab his arm...

"i said wait!" hinarap ko siya sakin and ang expressionless niya...

"what's your problem?"
"nothing. geh, i have to go to my GIRLFRIEND."" then he left me, tongue tied...
wait! what did he say? GIRLFRIEND..? what a joke!

Bricx' POV:

sinundan niya ako, f*ck bat ba hindi ko siya kayang kausapin, nang hindi kino-co
nfront about dun sa syota niya?! t*ngna!!

"what's your problem?"

problema ko? ampupu!! ampupu? takte san ko nakuha yan?! pero, ano nga ba talagan
g problema ko? pakshet!! di ko din maintindihan sarili ko, kung bakit ako nagkak
a'ganto eh!!

"nothing. geh, i have to go to my GIRLFRIEND." i emphasized the word girlfriend,
i don't know? my mouth just said those words.

naglakad ako ng mabagal, baka sakaling sundan niya ako eh... pero wala, nakalayo
na ako ng hindi man lang niya tinatawag...

pumunta na lang ako sa rooftopp. psh.

t*ang *n*! di ko na alam kung ano nangyayari sakin!!

bakit ba ako naging ganito bigla? putek!! simula nung nakita ko silang naghahali
kan nung laban namin sa tamaraws, bigla na lang ako naging ganto.

siguro, naasar lang ako, kasi, imbis na pinapanood niya kami, nakikipag landian
lang siya.

psh. paki ko naman dun diba? ewan?

"selos yan."

huh? sino nag'salita?

lumingon ako at may nakita akong babaeng nakahiga, maikli yung skirt ng mga baba
e dito, kaya naman nakita ko undies niya, haha!! pooh!

"anong sabi mo?"
"sabi ko nag-seselos ka."

"psh. wait lang kuya ha. kasi may sumasabat sakin dito eh... tch. makaalis na ng
a." she looked at me then glare "nosy much?" she whispered... tss, i think i saw
her somewhere? psh, nevermind.

pero, selos? ano ba yung selos? di ko na nga alam kung ano yun eh...

ah. yun ata yung naramdaman ko dati, nung nakita ko si Xen na kasama si Daniel.
pano nga ba ulit yun?

ah. i remember that i was so pissed to Daniel, na gusto ko silang paghiwalayin t
uwing mag-kasama at tsaka tuwing nakikita ko sila, i just suddenly gets angry. p
arang pag nakikita ko si Trixi at yung syota niya.

f*ck!! don't tell me, i'm jealous?!

i'm not gonna' get jealous, with that wuss? psh.

no!! never!! maybe..?

ewan!! takte!! di ko maintindihan sarili ko!

*end of chapter 9*

Chapter 10: she knows him?
Bricx' POV:

yeah! Inaamin ko na, i'm jealous. Psh! Kasi malay ko ba if they're having sex? I
'm the only one who can have sex with Trixie, her body is my possession...

(a/n: adik -.-" wag mong itulad sayo si Aesser my labbs.)

how can i ruin their relationship? How can i make them break up?

Ah! Balita ko may babaeng patay na patay don eh *thinks* si Author... ipa-rape k
o kaya?

Author: pwet mo! Lul! Never qng ggwin un.

Bricx: dali na...

Author: ayaw!

Psh. Edi wag... Hmm... Eh kung sabihin ko kay tito (daddy ni Trixie)

wag na, sabihan pa ako ng mga yun, that i'm in love with her =____=

i went to the gym pagpasok ko, dumating na din si Bart. Nakabusangot? Problema n
g g*gong yun?

Pinuntahan namin siya.

"bakit?" tanong ni JP
"psh. That old maid..." he said, ah yung matandang dalaga naming guidance...

"oh ano nanamang ginawa?" tanong namin ni Max
"she wants me to get tutor... F*ck!"

tutor? T*ngna maling mali yan... Tsk tsk. Pina-tutor na din yan ng tatay niya eh
, walang kinalabasan, ah meron pala, pag alis nung tutor na babae, di na virgin

"sino naman ngayon?" tanong ni Daniel, oo nga no, sino naman ngayon, sino ang ma
las na babae? Hahaha!

"yung SC president, president ng science club, at karate club..."

yung babaeng yun? Lagot! Hahaha! Walang panaman si Bart dun hahaha!

Ang sungit ng babaeng yun eh, manhater ata hahaha! Walang makukuha si Bart don,
kahit second base hindi niya, makukuha, home run pa kaya? hahaha!

"good luck men!" we all said in unison...

bumukas yung pinto ng gym, ah si Trixie...

"good morning, guys!!" pinapunta niya kami dun sa side niya...

"alam niyo naman sigurong, long test week ngayon?"
"we all need to take it." she said "and pass all of it."

ipasa?! Tengeneng yan! Pano naman kami makakapasa kung nanghuhula lang naman kam

"psh. Ikaw na lang..." we all said, ayaw namin, nakakatamad -____-"

"pag hindi kayo, nakapasa, we can't play at the next round for the championship.
.." she said, di lang p--

"ANO?!" we all shouted.
"we! All have to pass all the long tests or else, we won't be able to play on th
e next round of the play offs..."


"yeah i know... Di ko naman alam na gagawin niya toh, that guy really hate this
team." he said with a gritted teeth.

That *ss!

Trixie's POV:

nung sinabi ko yung about dun, they all get their book, oh scratch that, their t

Kasi naman yung libro nila, para ng basura sa sobrang sira...


Nag-review silang lahat...

Hmpf wala nanaman akong pakielam diyan, trigo lang naman yan...

"ano ba ite-take natin ngayon?"
"trigo lang..." they all sigh. Hayy boys will be boys.

Buti na lang naka-rubber shoes ako, makapag-basketball na nga lang.

Nag-shoot lang naman ako eh... Nakakatamad.

"ano ba? Nakitang nag-rereview eh, at tsaka ikaw Trixie, mag-review ka din." Bri
cx said still concentrating in his book.

"ayokong mag-review, nakakatamad."
"tumigil ka nga! Pag kami di nakapag-laro sa playoffs dahil sayo!" they said.

"promise, pag tayo di nakapag-laro sa play offs sure ako na hindi ako ang magigi
ng dahilan..." then i give them a mischievous smile.

"talaga lang miss Reyes..." we all look to the person that talk.

=_____= sino naman to? Mang-aagaw eksena.

Isang lalaking payat na matangkad na blonde na nakasalamin ang nag nag-salita.

"oo talaga!"

pwes pwes niya diyan, wala pa nga akong sinasabi eh, eksena talaga nitong taong

"pwes an--"

bigla siyang lumuhod tapos hinawakan yung paa ko.

"tulungan mo akong makapasa sa exam!!!" niyuyugyog niya yung paa ko.

Problema nito? =_____=

"bakit ko naman gagawin yon?" ^.-
"sige na po. Kelangan ko lang, kelangan kong makapasok sa team."

team? Ibig sabihin sa team namin?

"what do you mean?"

tumayo na siya tapos inayos niya yung salamin niya...

Kahit ganyan siya, a-ang cute niya =////=

"a-ako ang apo ng masungit na school director."
"oh?" =____= "ano naman?"

"pag hindi ako nakapasok sa team ipapatapon ako sa Iceland!! Kaya kelangan ko ng
tulong niyo." >3<

anong connect?

"ano naman connect non?"
"yun na nga, para makapasok pala sa team, kelangan kong ipasa yung exams... Kaso
"kaso, ano?" ano ba to, pabitin!!

"tinatamad ako mag-review mag-isa, kaya kelangan ko ng tulong mo!!" \(^_^)/

kumapit siya sakin tapos pinatong yung ulo niya sa braso ko.

"kaya tulungan mo ako huh?" ^.^V

ano ba to. Ang gulo naman ng storyang to. At tsaka ano?! Tinatamad siya kaya nag
-papatulong siya?! Aba kung hindi nga naman siya isa't kalahating g*go!!

"ayoko..." =____=
"dalii naaa... Tsaka..."
"tsaka ano?" =____= ano nanaman to?

"tsaka, gusto kong makasama si Shanna." oh? Haha!! Tinignan ko si Daniel, he's g
laring at this cute little guy beside me.

"owsure, sabay sabay tayong lahat, ang buong team, ikaw ako at si Shanna, sabay
sabay tayong mag-re-review..." masaya to WHAHAHAHAHA!!!

"ah!" bigla kong sabi.
"bakit?" ^______^
"ano nga palang pangalan mo?"

nakalimutan kong itanong kanina HAHAHA!!

"ah, ako nga pala si Bryan Trevor Kim, Trevor na lang." then he nodded cutely.

(a/n: haha! English name yan ni kim kibum eh :P)

Oo na ikaw na cute, kaya tumigil ka =////=



hala! Gumawa ba naman ng eksena dito? Music video lang nila? =______=

pagkatapos ng tawagan nila, nagtatatalon sila dun, napatingin ako kay Daniel wha
hahaha!! He's glaring deadly to Trevor.

Maasar nga to, haha!! I'm so bad, well, i love being.

"Daniel, ang cute nila no?"
"cute? Tch. =____=" then he walked out.


Selos? Well, i don't care, i'm just making him realize something, i'm nice right
? NOT!

Nag-review lang sila, si Shanna at Trevor, nagkukulitan lang, binabatukan ko na
nga sila eh, naaasar kasi ako, ang ku-cute nila. Parang may liwanag pag nagkukul
itan sila =////= sobrang cute.

Matulog na nga lang.

Nahiga ako sa bench dun, buti na lang naka-jeans ako ngayon... Si Aes kasi di ak
o hinahayaang naka-shorts kasi daw ayaw niyang may ibang lalaking makakakita ng
aking legs hahahah! ^_____^
hayy, nakapikit na ako when my phone ring.

Ano ba? Sino nanaman to?!

I look at the caller id and ah si kuya.

"Trixie, i need your help."
"oh? Trouble with girls?"
"give her the phone."

hay, is my brother really that hot? Kaya nag-kakandarapa ang mga babae sa kanya,
god! If they just knew... *roll eyes*

"hell missy, your messing with my husband?" hay ganto naman lagi, psh...

Mag-papanggap ako as girlfriend, fiancee or wife ni kuya, to get through with th
at stupid obssess fan of his.

"who are you?!" she said shouting, god, my ear hurts.
"well, apparently i'm his wife, so off b.tch!" then narinig ko na lang na b
umagsak yung phone.

"she left?"
"yes, salamat i owe you big time." then he released a relieve sigh.
"no problem... Ah, pupuntahan mo si ate Paige?"
"okay, say hi for me, thanks... Ciao." then i hung up.


hay, my kuya is really weird, may mga babaeng patay na patay sa kanya, but he ch
ooses someone, na ang tingin lang sa kanya is alaga.

Well kasi ang kuya is an artist, ate Paige is his manager, and he's in love with
her... Ate Paige doesn't care about that thing called love, she's all about car
eer career.

Ewan ko dun kay kuya, well, i like ate Paige naman for him.

Hay ayoko na matulog, wala na ako sa mood.

"hey Shanna and Trevor." tumingin naman sila sakin...

"bakit..?" they ask in chorus.
"what is between the two of you?" i ask habang nakatingin kay Daniel na halos si
rain na yung ballpen na hawak niya hahaha!!

Tapos tumingin ako sa kanilang dalawa, and O////O nag-ba-blush sila, ang cute.

"ahh...ehh ano..." sabi nila ng sabay.
"w-wala naman..." then yumuko sila...

*crack* napatingin ako kay Daniel, ahahaha!! Sabi ko na nga ba...

"psh." he walked out.

Hayy, nag-walk out kagad, boring naman -____-''

Bricx' POV:

so ganon pala yon, ang g*go kong pinsan?! Seriously?! Hahahah!!

Tinignan ko si Trixie, and looks like she's satisfying herself in teasing Shanna
and Trevor.

She looks like she's enjoying it, her beautiful blue eyes is sparkling... Such a
n alluring smile, and wonderful laugh, that sounds li--

"miss me..." may biglang yumakap sakin when i look who is it si Xen pala.
"yeah... How's your class?" she sits in my lap and play with my hair.

"good. What are you doing here, seems like your not on training..." then she kis
sed me..
"hmm, nag-rereview kami."
"huh? Hahaha! For what? Nag-rereview kayo?" oo na Xen alam kong di talaga kami m
ahilig mag-review tss.

"kelangan makapasa kami sa lahat ng long tests para makapaglaro sa play offs." =
"why? Di naman ganyan dati ah." then she rest her head in my shoulder.

"alam mo namang yung matandang yon."
"ahh siya pala, no wonder." then she rolled her eyes.

We were happily talking when someone came.

"Trixie..." he said.

"whaa Aes." then she run towards him, giving him a quick kiss.

I look at Xen and she looks so mortified.

"Aes?!" she blurted out.

She knows him?

*end of chapter 10*
Chapter 11: Ewan.
Bricx' POV:

"you know him?" does she know Aes?
"h-huh? yeah, we... uhh.. w-we've mer long time ago..."
"ah, w-when my father ask me to meet his business partner--s..." she said still
looking at Aes.

"hi miss Frelle, long time no see, nice to meet you again." he said formally.

pinalo siya ni Trixie sa braso niya and say...
"ano ka ba, mukhang medyo close naman kayo ni Xen ah, why are you being so forma
he just laugh as reply.

i look at Xen and she look, somewhat, angry..? why?

"Xen.." i tap her.
"h-huh? sorry, na-spaced out ako..."

pinaupo ko na lang muna siya, i think, she's being occupied by some things...

She's getting spaced out kaya hinayaan ko na lang siya, and watch Trixie, while
they're cuddling each other.! could they just get a room?!

"hahahaha.... Aesser1 a-ano ba--hahah!" he's tickling Clarisse, tragis! naaasar

pinuntahan ko na lang yung mga team mates ko, mukhang may pinag-uusapn eh.

"eto eto! Bart kelan ba simula ng tutor mo kay president?" p12
"next week, why..? can we j--"
"let's have a bet!" they said. at ang g*gong si Bart biglang nabuhayan, demonyo
talaga ang p*ta! haha! sabihin ko lang sa inyo, kung ako walanghiya di Bart 'tek
mas masahol pa sakin.

bet lang pala eh. ritwal na yan ng team ah, pagpupustahan yung mga babae.

"call! ano ba gagawin ko?" said Bart, with a challenging voice.

"guys, labas ako diyan, babae pa din yan." Max
"you should not make a bet with that." JP

ang tino talaga ng dalawang yon... kayo na ang mabait hahaha!

lumayo yung dalawa, psh. yung dalawang yon talaga hahaha!

"okay, continue niyo na." Daniel
"okay. eto, pag naka-first base si Bart, magkano gusto niyo?" p10
"one thousand." p2
"kuripot mo pre! tch. five thousand, ano?" p5
"call!" we all agree

pinag-usapan lang namin yung tungkol don, if he wins, he'll get a thousand of bu
cks from each of us, hahaha! if he get's first base, we'll pay him five thousand
, second base, ten thousand, for third base, fifteen thousand, and if he get's i
n between her legs (s*x) we'll give him, twenty thousand.

well i think i should ready my money hahaha!

Bart's POV: (i'll post the prologue of Daniel's story later.)

tch. yun lang pala, hahaha! kung alam lang nila, akala ba nila hahayaan ko ang s
ariling kong, maburo sa pag-aaral? boring lang yon i have some plans.

kung alam lang nila... siya pa ang lalapit sa akin.

Trixie's POV:

kakilala pala ni Aes si Xen, business? Psh. Who are you kidding? I know there's

Maybe she likes Aes...

I look at her and curse every inches of her, she's dirty. I hate her.

Yeah i'm possessive, so what?! I hate the people, who's trying to steal what's m

"hey..." Aes tap my head.
"ano baa~" inaayos ko buhok ko, ginulo niya kasi eh.

"what are you thinking?"
"what about her?"
"i think she has something on you."
"hahaha... Believe me, we're just friends, no more; no less." the he kissed my t

I look at that Xen and she's glaring. Inirapan ko nga psh.

Nag-tagal lang ng ilang oras si Aes tapos umalis na din siya.

Hayy... Umalis na din si Xen.

"Clarisse sino yon?" tanong nila Shanna and Trevor, infairness kailangan sabay?

"boyfriend ko."
"akala ko ba--?"
"arrange lang yung samin ni Bricx." then yun tinigilan na nila ako.


From: Aes <3
kadadating ko lang sa bahay...are you going to stay here tonight? I love you.

So i replied to him, that i'll be staying there again.

Ayoko munang kasama si Bricx, tsaka, kukulitin ko pa si Aes about that Xen girl,
iba kasi siya tumingin kay Aes eh.

Author's POV:

oha oha! Pumi-POV din ako ha! Hahaha!

Well, b*tches i'm here because i want to, hahaha! De peace tayo, andito ako kasi
may ini-stalk ako, yung super crush ko!! Kyaaahhh!

I'm here at the eskinita hahah! Wag na nga mag-english ang trying hard ko, nasa
Philippines naman ako eh.

Hmm, nasan na ba yon? Galing talagang mag-tago! >_____<

I walk fast, baka kasi anjan lang siya whaahahahah! And biglang may nahagip ang
aking beautiful eyes *lol* whaaa!


nagtago ako sa gilid para makinig!

"so kayo na pala?" sabi ng crush ko... Oo ng crush ko!!

Tumango lang yung babae.

"good... Ipagpatuloy mo lang." he sad evilly.

Grabe lang ha! Wala sa itsura niya ang ganon pala siya kasama, lagi kasi siyang
nakangite sakin eh.

Nananahimik ako dito nang may biglang tumawag sakin.

"ay bakla!" O____O grabe! Si Max babe lang pala! Whahahaha! Pinag-nanasaan ko mg
a character ko eh bakit ba :P
"bakit ka naman biglang sumusulpot?" tapos hinampas ko siya sa braso, wow laki n
g muscle hahaha!
"ano ba kasing tinitignan mo diyan?" =_____= sabi niya...
"si crushie ko whihihih!"

tapos tinignan ko ulit sila.

Nakita ko tuloy na biglang kumapit si babae sa crush ko and showed a sad express
ion, yuck! Di bagay sa kanya! Hahaha! Ganda niya kaya, mukhang kawawa yung babae

"bakit ba siya yung gusto mo?"
"because she's not you." he said coldly. Whaa! Ngayon ko lang nakita ang ganiton
g side ni crush whiii! Mas lalo ko siyang nagugustuhan hahaha!
"tumigil ka na nga! Kapatid kita. Tsaka mahal ko girlfriend ko."

whaaa! Kapateeeeddd? ANSABEH? naman ng nalaman ko?! DIBUHHHH?!

Magda-drama na si girl nang bigla nanamang nag-tanong si Max babe...

"sino ba yon?" tanong niya tapos tumingin.
"FUC--" tinakpan ko bibig niya, tapos hinampas siya sa may braso, baka kasi mari
nig kami.

Grabe naman kasi to! Gulat na gulat?! Multo lang ang nakita? Ay baka yung babaen
g kasama ni crush, isa din sa mga babae niya! Eew wala silang taste andito naman
kami nila Ezzah tsaka Gabrielle HAHAHAHA!

"no we're not!" then she kissed him.


Si crushie ko naman kissed her back and rip off the girl's clothes.

Yuck! Talagang dito gumawa ng kababalaghan?!

"kung mahal mo talaga siya, you should not respond to my kisses."
"i'm just a guy, kaya wag kang umasang when i'm having s*x with you, it mean som
ething." then he walked out leaving the girl crying.

Whaaa!! Ang sama ng crush ko!!

Pero ang cool pa din *___* hahahaha! May saltik na ata ako eh XD

pero, diba kapatid niya yung girl?! Tapos...

"i'm just a guy, kaya wag kang umasang when i'm having s*x with you, it mean som

HUWAT?! yuck! Incest! Sasabihin ko sana yun kay Max babe kaso bigla naming nawal

Tinignan ko na lang si girl and she's laughing like a crazy girl! Para siyang si

Kulang na lang sabihin niya...

'crispin basilio... Mga anak ko' hahahaha!

Oh! Yun nga sinasabi niya!

LOL! XD hahaha!


"talaga lang huh? If you love her, dapat di mo siya inilalayo sa taong mahal niy
a... G*go ka din eh, kung ako baliw sayo, ikaw naman baliw na baliw sa kanya! Ta
nga ko din eh, hinayaan kitang gawin yan. Hahahaha! But, let's see, kung babalik
pa siya sayo..." she paused for a second and continue...

"Pag nalaman niya ang kag*guhang pinag-gagawa mo behind her back *evil smile*" t
hen doon natapos ang litanya niya. Teka! Sino ba tong babaitang to?! Wala naman
akong ginawang babaeng kontrabida ah! Sa pagkaka-alam ko lalaki ang kontrabida d

Okay okay! dito na nag-tatapos ang aking trabaho whahahaha! Joke, may next POV p

De wag na pala, tinatamad na ako eh :P

joke eto na talaga.

Max' POV: (bakit siya? Wala lang :P)

umalis na ako don sa gym, walang kwenta naman pinag-uusapan nila eh, wala naman
akong pinag-kaiba sa kanila, g*go din naman ako, but not to the point na sasali
ako sa pustahan, babae pa din yun eh.

(ang bait bait talaga ni Max babe hahaha!)

sa paglalakad ko bigla kong nakita si Author na parang may ini-spy.

"ay bakla!" O____O gulat na gulat lang =_____=

"bakit ka naman biglang sumusulpot?" tapos hinampas niya ako, nanananching lang
to eh =_____=
"ano ba kasing tinitignan mo diyan?" tanong ko sa kanya.
"si crushie whihihihi!"

sino naman yon? Psh! Dami namang crush nito =______=

"sino ba yon?" tinignan ko kung san siya nakatingin.

"FUC--" pinalo niya ako. ano to?! What the hell is this?!

Porn?! Tragis!

Si author?! Crush niya talaga yon? Psh!




hindi nga. Sino ka ba?

(konsensya mo MWAHAHAHA!)



tch. Pero... Sino nga ba yung babaeng yon? Parang nakita ko na? Hay nevermind.

Ah! Si Maria ata.

Ewan =_____=

*end of chapter 11*
Chapter 12:
Bricx' POV:


then she screams my name when we both reached our climax.

I rolled beside her and hugged her tightly.

"you're tired?" i asked
"let's sleep..." then i kissed her forehead.

"i love you..." i said to her, but no response, i look at Xen and she's already
sleeping peacefully.
maaga kaming pumasok and just like before hinatid ko siya sa room niya.

I went to the gym and saw Trixie, looks like she's looking for someone...

"hey Bricx!" she called me.

I walk towards her and was about to kiss her but she moved away.


tch. I'm craving for her lips... I want her.

"have you seen Xen?"
"may sasabihin lang kasi ako eh, that girl!" then she walked out.

What's with her? Why is she acting that way? How come, she looks mad.

Where's my kiss? Psh =_____=

*at the gym*

"Bricx!!" they called me.

"what?" i said as i walk towards them.

"bayad mo?" they said.
"bayad? Saan?"
"gago! Panalo si Bart, naka-homerun ang magaling! Hahaha!" p7

homerun?! Gago! Ang bilis ah! Hahaha! Wala pa ding pinag-bago, parang yung sa an
ak lang ng guidance namin (remember ch. 2 entitled the deal) ilang araw pa lang
yung bet na yun ah, t*r*ntado talaga!

"nice bro." i said as i punch his face hard.
"yeah..." sabi niya habang papatayo.

Kinuha ko wallet ko and get the money...

"hahaha. *smirk*"

bumukas yung gym door at dumating si Serene (tutor ni Bart)

"BARTHOLAMEW!!!" she shouted.

"yes, sweety?" he said as he walk towards Serene.

"what's this?!" she said with gritted teeth.
"just a picture babe, don't you like it *smirk*" then he kissed her...

"n..o i--hmmpp!!" p*ta! PDK!!

Public display of kalibugan! Putaragis! (XDDDDD)

"ayaw mo ba? I'll just give it to others."
"oo na! You're such a pain in the ass!"
"sorry babe, i don't do anal s*x, it's not good for health *smirk*"

pucha hahahah!!!

Ang laki ng pinag-bago talaga ni Bart, ang g*go na ngayon tsk.

If just Dara didn't left him.

Max' POV:

tss pinapauwi na kagad ako, kapapasok ko pa nga lang eh, tsk.

Pagdating ko sa bahay dalawang tao kagad ang nadatnan ko.

"Maximus, buti naman dumating ka na, ang hirap kayang alagaan nitong anak mo!"


"hmm, Jhester Jhester."

then she pout.

"stop pouting." i said.
"eh kasi naman bestfriend, ganyan ka lagi >.<"

tss. Pasaway, sabi nang wag mag-pout, nate-tempt ako =_____= psh.

"ano ba kasi yun?" i asked as i looked away.
"anong pwedeng gawin, i'm bored -.-"

should i ask her again about that? F*ck. Bahala na.

"let's have s*x again."

"a-a-no?!" O/////O

Bricx' POV:

tss. Nasan na ba yung si Max, ilang araw na ngang di pumasok, tapos, umalis pa n
gayon =_______= may chix siguro yun, kabe-break lang nila nung pinsan ni Trixie
ah ~.~ ang alam ko malakas tama niyan don ^_____- tsk.


it's Trixie.

nakabusangot nanaman psh.

Ngayon ko lang napansin... She looks hot on that uniform *smirk*

"where's Bart?!"

Bart? Napatingin ako sa direksyon nila Bart at Serene, still making out, tragis!
G*go talaga tong si Bart!

"tsk. Can't you see i'm busy? I'll deal with you later." he said still concentra
ting on Serene.

"sorry this can't wait." then she pinch Bart's ear.
"ouch who a-- Trixie?! Fck! W-what..?" tiklop talaga to kay Trixie =_____=

"my god! Thanks Trixie." said Serene.
"no problem, my dear."

when Serene left, Trixie started to punch Bart. What's with her? Anong problema

"aww! Oh sht! What's your problem?!" then she hold Trixie's hand. Fck. Napuno na
tong g*gong to!

"tss. I'm not scared of you! Alam mo bang bumagsak ka sa trigo exam mo!"

tsk. Bagsak?! Amp*ta!

"paki ko..?"
"eh g*go ka pala eh, di mo ba alam na hindi tayo makakalaro sa play offs dahil d
iyan?! ahh! no sabes que es un desastre, si no podemos jugar con eso?hacer algo!
o te corto los cojones!..." the she started speaking other language, as far as
i know, sa tingin ko, she's speaking spanish.

"aaahhh!" she frustatedly shrieked out.

"i can do something okay?!" said Bart.

Ano nanaman kayang pinaplano ng ugok na to? =______=

then he went outside the gym.

Bart's POV:

tsk. Anong akala ng matandang hukluban na yon? Tss. Kami pa kinalaban niya -_-

i went to the deans office and wait for our stupid dean...

"Mr. Charlestone..." she said when she finally arrived.

I sit at her table and whistle...

"what can i do for you? Is it abo--" i cut her off.
"you mean, what can I do for YOU *smirk*"

she stops what she's doing and draws her attention to me.

"excuse me? If you're thinking, na papatulan kita Mr. Charlestone, i have a husb

psh. Akala ba niya papatulan ko din siya? Isang malaking ASA!

Baka nga siya pa ang di makatiis at rapin ako eh -_-

"*chuckles* alam ko naman yon ma'am."

i rest at the sofa... This will not take long -_-

"you know ma'am, being away from your husband, and not having se--"
"what are you saying Mr. Charlestone? That i'm having an affair? I lo--"

ang ingay =_____=

"not that ma'am..."

*after 15 minutes*

"y-yes Mr. Charlestone, your team will be allowed to play at the co--" *blag* i
closed the door and left.

I didn't know that, that disgusting sight i saw a week ago will be helpful.

I look at the photos i got, just a few hours ago...

...just a picture of our dean, masturbating herself =____=

Bricx' POV:

people are weird today, Bart seems so pissed, 'cause eventhough he's now touchin
g Serene's breast, alam naman naming bothered pa din siya.

Siguro dahil bukas na yun...

Tapos si Trixie, she's been asking me about Xen for almost a hundred times...

Don't tell me, aawayin niya si Xen, but why will she do that?!

Because me and Xen are together? Or is it about that Aesser?

Tss. Siguro dahil kami na ni Xen... Ano namang magiging connection ni Xen kay Ae

Pwera na lang kung nalaman ni Trixie na, ex ni Aesser si Xen? Pero hindi naman =

eh ano? Psh. Wag niya lang aawayin si Xen, ako makakaharap niya...

...or not?


"Saebricx!!! Bakit mo pinasa sa team nila Daniel yung bola?!" she shouted, she l
ooks hot.

Oh cut the effing crap Saebricx Angelo!

"psh. Back to game!"

we're about to start the game when someone shouted.

"ouch!" it's Serene, she fell out of the bench.

Tinulungan siya ni Trixie, then, Trixie glare at Bart.

"you can leave."
"thanks." (__ __") said Serene.

"huwag mo akong matanong tanong ng what! Nakaus--"

"psh. Don't shout! We can play on the competition, happy?"
"what'd you do?" she asked suspiciously. "don't tell me pina--"
"aish! Anong tingin mo sakin walang taste pagdating sa babae?"
"tss. Importante lang naman sa iyo, may maikama eh" =____=
"tsk di no! Di ako pumapatol sa menopause na, tsaka di na masarap ang matanda!"
"yuck. Are we really talking about that? Tsk. Sabihin mo nalang kasi! What did y
ou do?"

"you don't wanna' know Trixie."

pucha! Mukhang alam ko na ginawa nito ah! Tss, di talaga makakaligtas yun dean,
si Bart pa ang kinalaban niya.

Were about to start an another set when, someone interrupted again.

It's Xen.

"hey..." i said as i hug her.

"tapos na klase?" i asked.
"nope, just a va--"

she was cut off by Trixie...

"Xenia." she said coldly.
"why?" she said as she sit on my lap.

I saw Trixie's face turn into an expression, i can't explain, cause it seems lik
e she's happy, angry, sad, devilish... Her big blue eyes says it all.

"is it true?" she asked.
"what?" replied Xen.

Ano yun? Don't tell me--

"that your Aes' sister?"

*end of chapter 12*
Chapter 13: Paradox
Trixie's POV:
"that your Aes' sister?"
she looks so shock sa sinabi ko...

"y-y-yes." then she looked to the ground.

*sigh* better be, tss. nagalit pa ako kay Aes dahil diyan sa babaeng yan!


I'm here at Aes' house, dito na kasi ako nag-sstay, when we finally make up, wit
h everything.

and no, nakahiga kami dito, we're about to sleep na.

"hmm?" then he gets on my top, na-uh, don't think that we're going to do it. duh
! we will never do it, eventhough i want to =___= Aes told me, that he respect m
e too much, that's why.

"i'll just ask something..."
"what is it?"

i can't concentrate on what i'm going to say, kasi naman, Aes' giving me little
kisses >//<

"i-it's about X--"

*np: neverland: u-kiss XDD*

interrupted by his phone again, business clients nanaman, oh well, di na mababag
o yan.

tch. matignan na nga lang tong phone niya.

(a/n: dalawa po kasi yung phone ni Aes, yung isa pang business tapos yung isa, p
ersonal ^_^)

hinalungkat ko lang yung mga files niya, tsk. puro pictures lang naman namin to
eh-- or not?
may folder name kasi dun na X.

hmm? ano kaya to?

binuksan ko, kaso, may password...

i'll try my birthday -_-' 'cause knowing Aes, his obsess with me, hahaha k. =_=

fck. wrong password.

i tried several codes and finally na-open ko din siya...

...and then i saw Xen's photos.

what's with this? photos nila ni Xen?! anong meron sa kanila?

are they, together?!

"hey.." then he jumped in to bed...

"what are you-- don't look at that!" he said as he grab his phone harshly.

"why? may hindi ba ako dapat makita diyan?"

he's stammering, that means, he's lying.

sht. i'm now furious!

"your stammering Aes!" i said glaring.
"what's with you, and xenia?!"

"it's not impo--"

"not important?! then what about all this photos?!"
"it's just nothing."
"nothing? oh really? then why are you not telling me w--!"

"she's my sister."
"what?! don't lie aes!"

how can she be his sister?! ang alam ko, dalawa lang sila ni kuya Ralph na magka

"i'm not. she really is my sister." he seriously said.
"b-but how?"

he told me everything.

Aes' mother, had an affair when she was in states, when kuya Ralph was still 5 a
nd aes was just a baby, and then, taa daa! Xen was born =.= end of story.

dapat lang, but still, i have to confirm it with Xen...

*flashback ends*

"make sure you're not lying. you still don't know, what i'm capable of."

hangga't di ko pa to nako-confirm kila tito, i'll not believe them.

'cause if they're really siblings... why would they have to act, as if they don'
t know each other.

Someone's POV:

alam na niya?


guess i have to make my next move.

just wait...'ll be mine, Trixie.

Mine only.

*end of chapter 13*
Chapter 14: unveil.
Trixie's POV:

after i left the gym my phone rang...


"hell-o? Dazzling Trixie speaking who--WHAT?!"

after i heard what the other line told me i hang up and hurriedly went to Aes' s

What do they think they're doing?!

When i reach they're school gym, nagkakagulo na.

"g*go ka pala eh!" it's Aes.

What's happening?!

Sumiksik na lang ako sa crowd and boom! May nagsusuntukan.

"stoooooop!" i shouted to call they're attention.


(a/n: Reyes?! Hahaha)

"what do you think, you two doing?!"

i said as i glare to the both of them.

"tsk." they both said.

"you two! Follow me! Psh."

maglalakad na ako, but, madami pa ding tao. Aish!

"the scene's over, you can all get lost!"

then they do as i say, napansin kong nag-smirk silang dalawa, tss.

We, three, went to the shower room.

"why are you two fighting?" i asked calmly.

They both just look to the ground and didn't talk.

"answer me!"

"may pinagtalunan lang." said Aes.

"eh ikaw Michael?"
"just like, what he said."

i know, that's not it!

tsk. Ano ba talagang problema nila?!

Bricx' POV:

i was going to follow Clarisse when Xen called me.

"why would you follow her?" she said as she grab my arm.
"n-nothing... Are you alright?" then she hugged me.

After a few minutes hinatid ko na din si Xen sa room nila.

Papunta na ako ng gym when i saw Clarisse talking to someone.

Nilapitan ko sila.

"oh?" said Clarisse.

"sige Clarisse, mauna na ako, bukas na lang."
"sige bye." the she lean to kiss him on his cheek.


"sino naman yon?" i asked
"my friend."
"bago mong lalaki?"

hindi na lang ako nagsalita.

Tss. Bat ba kasi ako nagseselos?!

Someone's POV:

tss. Akala ko matagal pa bago malaman yun ni Trixie.

Maganda to, magkakalabuan na sila ni Aes, and then...

She'll be mine.

Tsk. Nakita ko na din yung fiancee niya. Di ko nanaman poproblemahin yun, kasi d
i naman nila gusto ang isa't isa.

Si Xenia at Aes, they're the one i have to talk to.

Sagabal lang sila sakin.

Before i enter my car, i take a glimpse of Trixie, while talking to her fiancee.

Then i saw her fiancee's eyes, jealousy takes over.

*smirk* madami pa pala akong aalisin sa buhay ni Clarisse.

I have to go, i have to make a plan on my next move.

But before i enter my car, someone called me.

"what are you doing here?"

ah si Bart Charlestone.

"i just get by here is there a problem?"

he glare at me.

"are you spying on us?" he asked suspiciously.
"i don't have to do that."

hindi niya ata ako kilala.

"wag kang kampante." he said.
"hindi mo pa ata ako kilala... Let me introduce myself... I'm red falcon's cente

Michael Villafuerte."

*end of chapter 14*
Chapter 15: thoughts.
Aes' POV:

Sasabihin kaya ni Michael?

Hope not!

Gago yon! Sabi niya, mas maganda kung hindi alam ni Trixie na kapatid ko si Xen.

Yun pala-- i should've known that! I should've have seen it coming!

Bakit ba kasi sa lahat ng pwedeng kalimutan, yun pa!

Bakit ba kasi, nakalimutan kong, kaya lang pumasok sa team si Michael, dahil gus
to niya si Trixie...

Because he love her.

Right from the start, i know that he likes Trixie, i alaways guide Trixie, kaya
kilala ko siya, alam ko din na isa siya sa mga ex ni Trixie, pano ko nalaman?

Because i'm obsess with her, kilala ko kung sinong naka-relasyon niya, kung sino
ng kasama niya, kaibigan o kung ano pa man, call me crazy, but I am, I'm crazy a
bout her.

Ang labo ko rin eh no, baliw ako sa kanya pero i didn't make any move, it's beca
use, i have to prove something, at may mga kailangan akong ayusin at tapusin sa
buhay niya.

At may mga tao din akong kailangan alisin sa buhay ko, yung mga sagabal sa kagus
tuhan ko.

And one of them is Xenia.

That girl, she likes me, kahit na alam naman niyang magkapatid kami.

So what i did is, i used her, i slept with her, that's not being incest, just pu
re lust.

At kung malaman man yan ni Trixie? Wala akong pakielam.

Ang kinakatakot ko, ay ang pwedeng aminin at sabihin ni Michael sa kanya.

Ayokong malaman pa niya yung totoo.

Michael's POV:

*smirk* bakit ba hindi ko naisip yon? Bakit di ko naisip na sa lahat pala ng mga
pinaplano ko, meron pala akong kakampi.


i left Bart Charlestone, with his jaw dropped.

I need to make up a plan for my next move.

First, i need someone to distract Aesser.

I need someone, who is capable of hurting Trixie, para sakin siya lumapit, i can
be a shoulder to lean on *grin*

but my problem is, wala naman akong kilalang ex ni Aesser.

He loves Trixie that much, huh? Fck that sht!

But i know someone, who is willing to do anything, just to be with Aes.

Pano ko ba makakalimutan yung babaeng yon? Yung babaeng baliw na baliw sa bestfr
iend ko? Haha, whatever.

So i called her immediately and asked her to meet me.


it's her, just i expected.

I let her in and offer her some, but she refuse.

"why did you call me here?"

"alam ko namang, alam mo kung bakit." i said as i sit to the sofa and put her on
my lap *smirk*

may mapaglalaruan din pala ako.

I was busy, unbuttoning her jeans when she interrupted.

"sabihin mo na kasi ng--"

"i need your help, Xenia."

*end of chapter 15*
Chapter 16: burning.
Bricx' POV:

umuwi akong balisa, kanina ko pa kasi iniisip kung sino yung kasama ni Clarisse
kanina, t*ngna yung mga tingin kasi kanina sa kanya, parang hinuhubaran eh!

"Bakit? Diba ganun din naman ang mga fantasies mo tuwing tinititigan mo siya?"

PSH! Tignan mo ang resulta ng mga pinag-gagagawa mo sakin Trixie?! You're making
me f*cking crazy!

Tell you man, in my wildes fantasies, we'd done all the kama sutra position, and
it always make me c*m!

My thoughts was interupted by my effing doorbell!

Who's the f.cking shit that's interupting my PG-rated fantasies of Trixie!

Imma kill that son of a b.tch!

While opening my door i was thinking on how to kill this son--

"oh shh! Son of a gu--!" but before i can say my words and let her come inside s
he kissed me, aggresively.

oh shit!

"Trixie? What are you doin' here?"
"i missed you Bricx..." she kiss me again.

I deepened the kiss; tear her clothes and throw it to the floor revealing those
perfectly fit br**st of her.

Sucking and licking it with my mouth while she's moaning--crying my name trying
to get more pleasure...

I released my saluted junior and let her suck it.

"go deep Trix..." i groan as she, suck it deeper and faster.

69 position baby~

i lick her wetness and put my three fingers inside thrusting it faster, the same
rythm she's doing with my c*ck.

She stop sucking it and gets on my top.

She showed me her mischievous smile and put my junior inside of her, doin' it fa
ster and deeper.

I elevated my body and hug her naked body while sucking her br**st and giving ma
rks in every inches of her body... This... Is my possession.

I try to change the position, i put myself on top of her...

...*boogsh* ouch!

"what the f.cking b.tch?!"

where's Trixie?! I look at my surrounding and found her there, trying not to lau

Why is she wearing clothes? Where-- what happened?

Then i heard all of my team mates laugh.

"captain! Wet dreams lang yan! Hahahaha sumali ka na dito sa practice game!"

what the--?!

"Bricx!! Umayos ka na! Ikaw ang captain, and look at what you're doing! Sleeping
?! Now! Give me 50 laps!" she said as she shoots the ball on the ring...

Whoo~! Nakita ko underwear niya, shiz! Naka-skirt kasi siya.

Ang lakas talaga ng tama ko kay Trixie! Takte!

Fck! What did i say?! TSS.

"yeah yeah. Sure, whatever."

"your being gay Bricx..." she said then roll her eyes heavenwards.

"what did you say?! You want me t--"
"Bricx... Umayos ka na, please *smile sweetly*"


t-that smile...

Napahawak ako sa dibdib ko...

Parang sumakit.

Ang bilis ng tibok.

"captain, 3 on 3 daw muna, wala pa yung iba eh."
"h-huh? Sure, pagkatpos ko tumakbo."

kinuha ko yung bola kay Clarisse... tapos pinasa ko sa kanila.

"wag na! you all have to practice, your next game will be time ahead. Tsaka, may
prize pag nanalo kayo *smile*"

"i'll treat you all."

:D"sige ba!"

malapit na nga siguro.

Malapit ng bumalik yung dating Saebricx Angelo.

Trixie's POV:


akala niya siguro tapos na ako...

besides, I'm still Trixie Clarisse Reyes, and I always finish what i started...

Tsaka ngayon pa ba ako titigil? Kung alam kong...

Natatalo ko na siya?

Aes POV: (yung timeline ng mga POV, magkakaiba po, etong kay Aes, is yung time na
tinanong siya ni Trix about kay Xenia.)

Aesser... she said
hmm..? I said as I get on her top and give her small kisses... you dont know how mu
ch I wanted to do it with her, but still, I have to control myself.

I love her.

Ill just ask something...
what is it? then I kissed her neck.

Tumigil ako and looked at her its about X

*np: neverland by u-kiss XDD*

She was interrupted by a call... nag-excuse ako sa kanya and lumabas ng kwarto.

Si lolo...

ano po yun?
its about Trixie, hows everything doing with her?
fine... I already have her trust.

He just laugh on the other line... kind of laugh I cant get off my mind, his crue
l laugh.

ipagpatuloy mo lang yan apo... until I told you to stop.
yes sir. Then he hang up.

That cruel son of a b.tch!

Kung hindi lang dahil sa nangyari dati...

Hindi sana ako sunud-sunuran sa kanya ngayon.

*end of chapter*
Chapter 17: what now?
Bricx' POV:

pagkatapos ng 3 on 3 game namin, saka lang dumating sila Daniel, Max at Bart.

Tss. Mga problemado kasi sa buhay nila kaya ganyan, ang babae kasi, hindi pinopr
oblema. Eh sila? Ayun, lahat na lang pinroblema nila tss.

Kaya ako masaya ang buhay eh, wala naman kaming pakielamanan ni Xenia, in fact,
she's been missing for a week, hindi ko din ma-contact, so bakit ko pa aalalahan
in ang taong wala din namang pake kung may nag-aalala sa kanya.

But still, i love her, i just want to stop caring, nakakasawa din kasi.

"Captain, tara na daw, ililibre daw tayo ni Trixie!"
"yeah, susunod na lang ako." nagbihis na lang ako tapos sumunod na sakanila.

paglabas ko lahat na sila magkakasama... The weird thing is, kasama ni Daniel si
Shanna? Isn't that weird, i thought he doen't want to be beside that girl?

Si Bart naman, kasama din si Serene, nanggagaliiti pa nga 'to sa hawak niyang pi
cture. Same old Bart.

"pass ako diyan, may gagawin pa ako." sabi ni Max, tapos umalis na ng hindi hini
hintay yung respond namin.

Sinabi lang ni Trix na magkita kita lang sa Thryck's bar, yung bar niya.

After 30 minutes nakadating na din ako, kanya kanya kasi kami, tsaka may mga kas
amang babae yung mga yun, ako? Solo flight, 'cause my fcking girlfriend is missi

Pagpasok ko ng bar, nandun na silang lahat, may kanya kanyang pg-rated scenes na

Kahit naman si Trixie eh, kasama niya kasi yung syota niya. Ang boring tuloy! Wa
la naman akong mahatak na babae dito, masyado pang maaga. Kaya uminom na lang ak
o, nakakarami na nga ako ng inom eh, kaso wala pa ding tama, ayos kasing mag-lan
dian si Trixie tsaka yung syota niya eh, harap harapan ba naman sakin, didn't th
ey know that her fcking fiancee is seeing what she's doing?

**np: love song by big bang (a/n: ako na adik sa k-pop. :P)

tinignan ko muna yung screen kung sino yung tumawag, at himala, yung girlfriend
ko pala.

"wow, you called." i said sarcastically.

"sorry to disappoint you Mr. Villazanta, but this is not you're sl*t girlfriend
who called you." who the heck is this?

"why do you have her phone?" i asked calmly

"she left it last night."
"give it back to me."
"don't worry, i'm in the front of Thrck's bar." i hang up and rush towards the f
ront door.

And then i saw him.

Yung lalaking kasama ni Trixie nung isang araw.

Sabi sakin ni Bart, player daw siya ng Red Falcon.

Si Michael Villafuerte. Tss. So what? Nasan na yung may hawak ng cellphone ni Xe

Tinawagan ko ulit, and effing coincidence sabay pang sinagot ni Michael yung haw
ak niyang phone, tsaka ng may hawak ng phone ni Xenia, kaya bago pa ito makapags
alita, binabaan ko na siya.

"i guess i don't have to introduce myself? Here." tapos binigay niya yung phone
ni Xen.

Pagka-open ko ng phone ni Xenia, isang litrato ang nakapagpag-init ng paningin k

"what the is this?!"

it's a photo! Xenia, kissing a guy, hindi ko nakita yung mukha nung lalaki kasi
nakatalikod to.

parang pinicturan habang hinalikan siya nito, pero alam ko, hindi ako yun, wala
akong natatandaan na ginawa namin yon!

"hindi ako yan ha, i don't even like your girl friend."
"then who the heck is this bastard?!"
"i know who... But i will not tell, know it yourself." then he left.

Ibabato ko sana yung cellphone, pero hindi, hindi ko pwedeng gawin yon, i have t
o know who this bastard is.

And i know someone who's good at knowing this kind of thing.

I called him and asked him to meet me at my unit.

Pagkatapos ng mahabang paghihintay dumating na din siya, tagging along with him
is his tutor.

"why did you bring her?"
"wala lang... Basta! Ano ba yon?" i gave him the phone tinignan niya lang 'to.

"ano namang gagawin ko dito?"
"i want you to know, who that guy is." i said with a gritted teeth.
"isn't it obvious Captain? Kabit ng syota mo!"
"i know! What i want you to do, is to know his identity." then i explained every
thing to him.

"hey, matagal pa ba yan, magrereview pa ako eh." sabi ni Serene.
"eh kung tumulong ka kaya dito." -Bart.

"malay ko ba diyan! Tsaka, bakit kaya hindi niyo na lang halungkatin yang phone,
tignan yung ibang pictures para malaman kung sino yan!"

oo nga naman, bakit hindi namin yun naisip.

"oh ayan! Ikaw humalungkat! Tss." tapos binato ni Bart yung! 'tong sira*lo na 't
o pano kung hindi niya yun nasalo? Edi wala na kaming basehan? Psh.

"let's see." then she just scroll all over the phone.

Ako? Well eto nanonood ng tv, and let them do everything, wala naman akong alam
diyan eh.

Si Bart nasa harap ng laptop, ewan ko kung anong ginawa niya, pero may kinuha si
yang basehan sa picture to know the location, where it was taken and nung nalama
n na niya, tinawagan niya yung may-ari. Nalaman kasi namin, isang exclusive bar
pala yun, most of the customers are elites kaya hindi mahirap mahanap, pero dahi
l onti pa lang yung clues namin, nahirapan din kami, wala kasing naka-pangalang
Xenia Frelle sa member list or sa mga customers man lang.

"oh well. Walang files, nabuksan ko na yung mga protected files niya pero, wala
akong nahanap... Oh wait..." tinitigan niya yung cellphone ng nakakunot.

"this guy... I think i've seen this kind of back..."
"baka si sir Michael!" sabi naman ni Bart... Anong kinalaman ng science teacher
na yun dito? =_____=

"no... I've seen this... Sa bar kanina! Tama! Dun sa pinuntahan natin kanina, yu
ng nakabunggo ko kanina, siya yun!"
"are you sure?" we both asked.

"yeah I'm definitely sure... I even smell him, and pag naamoy ko ulit yun, matat
andaan ko."

"hindi mo ba natandaan yung mukha?"

"masyadong maliwanag kanina, kaya hindi ko napansin, but he has that mascular sc
ent... Na mahirap makalimutan."

we all hurried back to Trixie's bar.

Nagulat pa nga sila nung bumalik kami eh.

Naghiwalay lang kaming lahat...

And after some minutes, hindi pa din namin nahanap.

Ang sabi kasi ni Serene, naka-black checkered polo daw, eh wala naman akong naki

We both all meet to the bar counter and found nothing.

Nagpahinga lang muna kami.

I was just thinking... Why of all places, dito pa nakita ni Serene yung kasama n
i Xenia sa photo?

Maybe just a coincidence, sikat naman kasi 'tong bar na 'to eh.

"that's it!" biglang sabi ni Serene tapos may tinuro sa likod.

"what?" -Bart.

"the guy from the picture! He's the guy from the picture."

i turn around to see who she pointed it out.

And i was surprise to see his face.

"you sure?"
"definitely, that same back, that broad shoulders."

now i've thought... Hindi pala to coincidence, kasi simula pa lang, kasama nanam
in siya. Fooling us around.

"told you." sabi ni Serene, pagkagaling niya sa lalaking yon, aamuyin niya daw k
"same smell, same back, same person, but i wonder why he's kissing Xenia, i thou
ght, she's with your friend."
"yan din ang akala namin."

we know who that fcking person is now...

And now what? What should i do?

*end of chapter 17*
Chapter 18: a part of his dream.
Aes' POV:

"Aes please!" pagmamakaawa niya sakin.

"i said i don't want to come back, I'm through with him, controlling my life! an
d i won't let him get Trixie into this! And to tell you, the deals off!" sabi ko
habang papunta sa sasakyan ko.

"I dont care about that deal! Now please, just talk to him tomorrow! Just not now
, nag-aalala na ang mama mo."

hindi na ako nag-salita, dumiretso na lang ako sa sasakyan ko.

Pero sht. Hindi ba siya titigil?

"get off!"
"i won't sasama ako sayo!"
"bahala ka!"

pinaandar ko yung sasakyan.. sobrang bilis.

Halos lumilipad na kami sa sobrang bilis.

"Could you please slow down, I'm scared!"
"You choose to come with me, and then deal with it!" i said with a glare. I'm fu
rious; all i just wanted is to be peaceful... But what?! They're ruining everyth
ing... My everything. And this b.tch! Is so annoying, can't she just stop from f
ollowing me?! Damn that old man! Why did he let me, to be with this girl!?

Hinawakan niya yung kamay ko, and see that she's crying.. Kaya mas lalo kong bin
ilisan ang pagpapatakbo ng sasakyan!

Pagharap ko sa windshield, saktong paliko kami, isang liwanag ang bumungad samin


"Shane! *pant*"

napaniginipan ko nanaman siya...

Hindi... Hindi pala isang panaginip...

Bangungot... Bangungot ng nakaraan ko.

Hinawakan ko ang dibdib ko... Bakit ba ayaw mo akong tigilan? Huh, Shane?

Kinuha ko yung phone ko at tinawagan siya.

"Trix... I need you." then everything went black.


i woke up with Shane beside me...

"Aes... Glad you woke up, pinag-alala mo ako, ano bang nangyari?" she said with
a worried face.

Ayan nanaman ang mukha niya.. Tuwing nakikita ko to, gusto ko siyang patayin!

"you. Get ou--" she kiss my forehead..
"sshh.. it's okay... Take a rest." at unti unting lumalabo ang lahat... Ang pigu
ra ni Shane, unti unting nawawala at napapalitan ng mukha ni Trixie...

"I'm so sorry... I'm Sorry...
"sshh... Magpahinga ka na." she, again, kissed my forehead and let me lean on he

Nagising ako kinabukasan ng balisa pa din, ganto naman lagi eh, tuwing napapanig
inipan ko siya, halos isang linggo bago ako bumalik sa ayos.

"Trix, pwedeng samahan mo ako?"
"basta may dadalawin lang ako."

hindi na siya nag-salita. After an hour nakapag-bihis na kaming pareho.

We both went to my car.

Pupunta kami sa ospital.

"huh? What are we going to do here?"
"may dadalawin lang ako..."

dumiretso kami sa ICU...

At doon.. Nakita ko yung lalaking nagmamaneho ng sasakyang nakabangga samin!

"wait for me here."

he's already brain dead, pero pinipilit ng pamilya niya na tustusan lahat ng exp
enses niya, alam daw kasi nilang mabubuhay pa 'to.

Hindi na yan mabubuhay! Fck. I won't let him live! I don't want anyone, to know
what really happened that day! I won't let anyone.

Pumasok lang ako saglit, walang nagbabantay sa kanya.

Siguro umalis... Maya maya lang umalis na din ako.

"Whos that?"
"just someone i know." hindi na siya nagtanong pa tapos dumiretso na kami ulit s
a sasakyan ko.

Ngayon... Si Shane naman ang pupuntahan ko.

Pero bago yon, i have to buy her flowers... Yung favorite niya, stargazer. Pagka
bili ko ng bulaklak, pumunta na kami sa sementeryo.

"Aes, anong gagawin natin dito?"
"we'll visit an important person..."
"malalaman mo din..."

nakakapit sakin si Trixie habang naglalakad kami papunta sa libingan ni Shane...

Pagkadating namin dun... Nakita ko nanaman, yung mga nakasulat sa lapida niya...

'in loving memories.'

"Shane Marriana Apostoll..." sabi ni Trixie.

"Aes... Sino siya?"

i didn't answer her... I put the flowers in her tomb.

"Aes..." then i finally looked at her.
"who is she?"
"just someone... Someone very important."

Trixie's POV:

important? I don't know anyone named Shane Apostoll... Maybe, hindi ko lang tala
ga siya kilala. Hindi siya napakilala sakin ni Aes.

"bakit siya namatay?" i asked, curiousity kills me, i don't know what's with thi
s girl, why did she became so important... But i guess, i should just not make a
big deal out of it.

"Accident. She got into a car accident."

binasa ko yung nakasulat sa lapida... Last year lang pala siya namatay.

Siguro kaya nagpunta si Aes sa states, dahil siguro sakanya...

Pero ang maging ganto kaimportante niya para kay Aes... Nakapagtataka... As far
as i remembered, I'm the only one, he cared about...

But reality hurts; maybe I'm not just the only girl in his life.

Umupo si Aes sa grass... And silently say something...

A strong wind touched my skin... That made Aes' hair flow along with it.

"...still." he said, but i didn't heard the whole thing he'd said.

"tara na..." he said with a gloomy but radiant face, it's weird, parang malungko
t at the same time masaya...

Parang... Malungkot yung pinapakita niya pero deep inside, he's happy.

We're about to went to his car when his phone rang.

**np: tell me goodbye by bigbang.

"hello?" he walked a few distant away from, but enough for me to hear what he's

"why did you call?" he said in cold tone.

A long pause covers... When suddenly his gloomy face turned into a surprise one.

"what did you say?" he manage to say with gritted teeth.

"then what are you gonna' do, huh? Tell her? Then do so, i don't care, she won't
believe you anyway..." he lastly says and hung up.

He looks pissed, i don't know why, but maybe... The one that called him say some
thing he doesn't like... Oh yeah Trixie, what else can that caller say? Things h
e mostly wanted to happen?

tinanong ko siya kung sino yung tumawag... And surprisingly... I was shocked by
his answer...


*end of chapter 18*
Chapter 19: who?
Trixie's POV:
I'm here at our house, sunday naman, and pag sunday kasi, nasa work si Aes, yep,
he's managing their company. Ako lang naman ang walang hilig diyan eh, si kuya
ng bahala, may sarili din naman kasi akong minamanage na business, yung bar ko.

I went downstairs to eat, I'm craving.. There, Ice cream.

Pumunta ako sa sala and ate my ice cream, nanonood ako ng korean channel, yung p
alabas is, parang, pineplay yung mga music videos ng k-pop, i don't know what si
tcom or something, you called that.


yung maid na lang yung kumuha, nakakatamad eh.

"Ms. Trixie, package po para sayo."

yun nanaman siguro yon.. Ano naman kaya ang padala niya ngayon?

Hindi ba niya alam na nag-aaksaya lang siya ng panahon? Kasi.. Wala din naman ak
ong pakielam eh.

*next day: Mainro University.

Pumasok ako ng maaga, kailangan na namin magseryoso ngayon, may laban kasi ulit

Pagdating ko sa gym, lahat sila naglalaro, except Bricx.. Parang may iniisip? Ma
y isip pala 'to?

"guys!" lahat sila tumingin sakin, pati na din si Bricx, pero yung expression ni
ya katulad pa din kanina.

I just remember, why did he called Aes before? And why did Aes get pissed like t

"guys.. Next week, will be your next game, you should win that! I don't want thi
s team to lose in my name! Get that!?" i said, glaring in each one of them.

"now, let--" i was cut off by Bricx.

"Trix, let's talk first." he said seriously, i can't read his mind, blank expres

"that can wait."

"no, it can't." tapos hinatak na niya ako.

Pumunta kami sa rooftop ng school. What does he want?

"ano ba yon?"

"break-up with, Aesser." he said in a cold, demanding voice.

"and why would I?"

"that.. I can't tell." He stare at me for a second and look away.

A long silence covered us, when he started to say something..

"just last week, I've found Xenia's phone.." i did not say anything and let him

"on her phone, i saw a picture of her, kissing someone.." tch. So alam na din pa
la niya? Akala ko kasi ako lang ang tanga dito eh, siya din pala.

"and that someone was.." parang hindi pa niya natuloy yung sasabihin niya, kaya
ako na lang yung tumapos.

"Aes.. I already know that." i looked at him, and he's expression's seems like a
sking me, 'how i know that? And since when.'

"matagal ko ng alam. Nung nalaman kong magkapatid sila, hindi ako nakuntento sa
explanations nila, hindi mo ba napansin.. Bakit pa nila sinabing hindi sila magk
apatid, diba? And that made me think.. That something's between the two of them.
Ang hindi ko lang inaasahan.. Ganon pala yon. Tsaka isa pa.."
"ano yon?"

"someone's bringing me packages.. Puro pictures at video ni Xenia at Aes.."

nanahimik na lang ulit si Bricx.. When my phone rang.. It's Aes. Sasagutin ko na
sana, when Bricx grab it and throw it away.

"alam mo na pala eh, then why don't you break-up with him?"

"because I can't i love him so much.. Alam ko din namang mahal niya din ako, all
that happened between him and Xenia, is all in the past now."

i looked away.. I'm ashamed of myself. The great Trixie Clarisse Reyes. The Grea
t bitch? Martyr? Nagpapatawa ata ako *smirk*

"past is still past Trixie, what makes you think, na hindi na ulit nila gagawin

"i just know.. Tsaka alam kong may reason si Aes kaya niya ginagawa yon."


desperate? I know.. And i don't hella care! All i care is Aes.

"I'm not desperate Bricx.. May pinanghahawakan ako."

"ano naman yon?" he light a cigarrette and started to smoke, pero hinablot ko yu
n sa kanya at tinapon sa lupa.

"you. Must not smoke."

"tss. Sagutin mo na lang ang tanong ko."

"he loves me.."

"talaga lang, huh? I just want to ask you something Trixie.." i just look at him
. May alam pa siya, nakikita ko sa mata niya, may mga bagay pa siyang.. Nalalama

"do you know, what happened.. Last, August 11 2011?" i was frozen in my position
.. That day.

"o-of course.." he just show me a smirk and continue

"so you know, who Shane Apostoll is?"

*end of chapter 19*
Chapter 20: glimpse.
Trixie's POV:

"a-ano?" he smirked and shrugged

"do you want to know who Shane Apostoll is..?" I just gave him a look...

gusto kong malamn... pero, may isang parte ng utak ko na nagsasabing, wag na lan
g alamin... pero...


sinama ako ni Bricx sa unit niya, andun sila Serene at Bart. anong ginagawa nila

"what are they doing here?"

"they... know everything."

napatingin ako kila Bart...

"I didn't know that you're boyfriend's worst than me." said Bart with a bored lo

"grabe, Trixie! hindi ko alam na, mas may animal pa dito kay Bart!" sabi naman n
i Serene.

"what do you mean?"

Third POV:

pagakatapos ng meeting ni Aes sa Alexander's Architectural Firm ay agad siyang u
malis sa opisina niya at pumunta sa bilihan ng mga bulaklak. binabalak muli nito
ng puntahan ang libingan ni Shane... ang babaeng pinagkasundo sa kanya noon.

after an hour, he finally reached her grave, he silently put the stargazer in he
r tomb... and then laughed insanely.

tila nababaliw ito kakatawa... parang demonyo.

"Shane, Shane, Shane... hindi ko alam na ganon ka pala katanga!" sabi nito na ma
y pangungutya sa kanyang mga mata at pagkatapos ay tumawa nanaman muli ito na ti
la wala ng bukas sa sobrang kagalakan...

ngunit ilang saglit lang, ang mukha niya na puno ng tuwa at saya ay biglang nagl
aho, at napalitan ng mapait na ekspresyon.

"In every lie, I've said to you... I guess, I love you was the... sweetest. wag
kang mag-alala, pwede mo pa din namang paniwalaan yun eh." then he laughed again
, parang demonyo... demonyong mas mabagsik at makapangyarihan pa sa Diyos.

"sorry for...

...killing you. I didn't mean to do that... but, I did not though, It was an acc
ident, an accident on purpose. kasalanan mo din naman yun eh, minahal mo ako..."
nahiga ito sa damuhan, at unti unting may namumuong, luha sa gilid ng kanyang m
ga mata...

"ikaw ang may kasalanan kaya ka namatay... i told you, I can't love you, at alam
mo din... na lahat ng sagabal samin ni Trixie... inaalis ko sa buhay namin, yan
tuloy ang napala mo." habang tumutulo ang mga luha sa kanyang mga pisngi ay, pi
nikit nito ang kanyang mga mata niya na tila may inaalalang bagay.

"tandang tanda ko pa, kung paano ka halos magpakatanga para lang sakin..."

Aes' POV:

"tandang tanda ko pa, kung paano ka halos magpakatanga para lang sakin..."

"apo, here's Shane Apostoll." dinala ako dito ni lolo sa isang business dinner n
iya with the Apostoll. yung ipinakilala niya sakin kanina, ay yung anak nila...
maamo ang kanyang mukha... mukhang mabait.

she looked at me, per hindi ko na lang siya pinansin... mukhang alam na niya kun
g bakit kami pinakilala sa isa't isa.

naupo na kaming lahat. sila sila lang naman ang nag-uusap, ayoko namang mangiela
m, kasi kahit naman mangielam ako, wala na din akong magagawa.

i looked at my phone, no text or call? I wonder what she's doing now. siguro nas
a bar nanaman niya siya.

nawala sa isip ko si Trixie nang bigla silang nagsalita.

"we'll leave you two here. enjoy." before I protest, they left us.

they left us with this awkward silence, covering the both of us.

"uhmm..." she started. i didn't bother to look at her.

"a-ano... may girlfriend ka ba?" she asked innocently.

"yes, but we cool off."

"a..ah. bakit?"

"because of this fcking arranged marriage!" then i left her.

iniwan ko siya dun pero sinundan pa niya ako...

"watit!" hindi ko siya pinansi, tumuloy lang ako sa sasakyan ko pero sumakay din
siya sa may passenger seat, hindi ko na lang siya pinakielaman. mukha din naman
g hindi niya ako lulubayan eh.

pumunta ako sa bar ni Trixie... hindi pa nga pala niya alam na hindi talaga ako
pumunta ng states. and tama nga ako, andito siya, and she's flirting with some g
uy...I barely wanted to slash that guy's throat!

"siya ba yung girlfriend mo?"


nanahimik siya, pero hindi din nagtagal, nagsalita ulit siya.

"mukha namang naka-move on na siya oh, look, she's even flirting with some guy a

"you don't know her." iniwan ko na ulit siya dun, besides, I can't stand seeing
Trixie with other guy.

"walaka na bang ibang gagawin, kundi sundan ako?!" i said pissed. nakakairita na

"s-sorry. eh kasi, wala akong ibang kasama eh." Hinayaan ko na lang siya, dumire
tso ako sa company naming, pumunta ako sa 40th floor, nandun kasi yung magandang

In here, you can see the whole city... the beauty of it.

wow... she said with amusement.

Tinignan ko lang siya, at napangiti ako sa itsura niya, mukha siyang batang naka
diskubre ng kung ano... napaka-inosente.



lets make a deal.

what deal?

**np: opera by SuJu**

My thoughts was interrupted by a call, tinignan ko kung sino yung tumatawag...

Si Trixie... I answered it quickly.



what? Ah nga pala Trix, do you wanna go

lets break up.

w-what? she wanted, us to break up? Did I heard it right?

I said, lets break up. She said in her cold voice.

May sasabihin pa sana ako, itatanong ko pa sana kung bakit niya kaming gusto mag
-break, pero binabaan niya ako... she hang up without letting me say anything.

I tried to call her several times, but fck. Shes always out of reach. Ganon na la
ng yon? Lahat? Lahat ng pinaghirapan ko? Mauuwi lang dito?

I wont let this thing to happen. I wont let her to be with that psycho!

Michaels POV:

napa-deliver nap o naming yung package kay Trixie, Sir Michael.

good. Then I ended the line.

Ngayon... si Villazanta na ang bahala kung sasabihin niya kay Trixie ang lahat..
. and when he finally did that, Trixie, will be on my side, in no time.

tapos na ang lahat, napadala na din yung package na gusto mong ipadala kay, Trixi
e. Sabi k okay Xenia...

you can now, do your part.

*smirk* thanks Michael, ako naman ngayon. Then she left with her malicious smile.
What a sl*t.

I just read a novel, habang naghihintay, alam kong maya maya lang, may dadating
akong isang bisita...


Just in time. Inayos ko ang sarili ko, I must look good in front of her.

Pagbukas ko ng pinto, siya agad ang bumungad sakin.

Mike... she said, a little bit wasted.

She hugged me and release a quiet sob... I tap her back.

sshh... Ill be here for you...


*end of chapter*
Chapter 21: beyond.
Trixie's POV:

"what do you mean?" they all become serious, at nagsimula na si Bart iexplain an
g lahat sakin.

"one year ago, your boyfriend.. Was arranged with Shane Apostoll."
"..." i just nod and let him continue..

Shane Apostoll.. Ang ex fiancee ng boyfriend ko..

Sinabi nila lahat sakin, and sinabi din nilang, wala talaga sa states si Aes las
t year, he was here in the Philippines.. So, he lied to me?

"yung accident..?"
"that accident happened last August, fortunately, both of them survived."

what does he mean? They both survived? That..

"what do you mean? Shane's dead.. Dinalaw pa nga namin yung puntod niya eh."
"Shane's alive, yung parents niya, tinago lahat kay Aes.."

bakit nila itatago 'to kay Aes, i thought..

"unfortunately, the accident is really not an accident." sabi ni Serene.

i was mortified from what they say.. Lahat ng thoughts ko about kay Aes, naglaho
, as if, I really don't know who he is.

"why did he do that?"
"because he's crazy about you."
"but why do they have to lie that she's dead?" hindi ko talaga maintindihan.. An
g gulo, nothing's processing in my mind.

"don't you get it? Hangga't alam ni Aes na buhay si Shane, alam nilang sasaktan
niya lang 'to!"
"what do you mean? I thought he loved her?"
"he don't. He just used her."

now i get it.

"Bricx, alis na muna ako." i didn't wait for their answer, i just leave.

Nagpunta ako sa bar ko, masyado pang maaga, inaayos pa lang muna ng mga tauhan k
o yung lugar, pero dahil andun si Max- yes, he works here, he asked me to.- nagp
agawa ako sa kanya ng drink.

Nag-inom ako, alam naman siguro niya na may problema ako, pero hindi na siya nag

Tch. Bat ba kasi ang taas ng alcohol tolerance ko? Kahit nakailang inom na ako,
i never get drunk, well sometimes i does, pag sobrang dami na.

"that boyfriend of yours?"
"yeah.. Why?" he just shrugged to me, at inasikaso na ulit yung mga flaring bott
le niya dun.

I just remembered, i have to call him.

I dialled his number, after a few rings he answered it.

"hello?" he said, excitedly.
"what? Ah, nga pala Trixie, do you want to go--" may sasabihin pa sana siya but
i cut him off.

"let's break-up." i said in my coldest voice.
"i said, let's break-up." i did not let him to say anything, binaba ko na yung c
ellphone ko at tinapon sa baso ko na may laman na alak and left.

Sumakay ako sa motor ko and nagpunta lang kung saan saan, bumalik ako sa gym ng
university nila Bricx at nagbasketball ako don.

Buti ako lang mag-isa...

After two hours tumigil na din ako, pawis na pawis ako pero hindi ko maramdaman
yung pagod, wala na akong nararamdaman..

Naupo ako sa may bench nang may biglang pumasok sa gym.. Nilingon ko kung sino..

"Xenia.." she just smirk and smug. I roll my eyes heavenwards as an answer.

"so you received my gifts?" napatingin ako sa kanya.

So it's her?

"what a b.tch?"
"i know.. I want Aes."
"i don't care, I just want him to be mine, mine alone."
"and Bricx?"
"I can have him too.."
"oh please, he's not that dumb."
"well let's see.." tumayo na siya, and was about to leave me when i throw the ba
sketball on her.

Namilipit siya sa sakit, talaga lang.

"why did you do that?!" she said in her high pitched, annoying voice.
"you're asking why? Because you disgust me."

and then i walked out. No one, walks out from me. Ako lang ang may karapatang ma

After 30 minutes, nakadating ako sa isang condominium... And i don't know how an
d why, i come here.

I went up to his, unit and hit the doorbell.

Bet when he sees me, I'm so damn wasted.

And when he finally opened the door...

"sshh.. I'll be here for you Clarisse." and then he hugged me.

Mike's been my confidant since i dumped him, two years ago, i guess? It doesn't
matter, all i know is, he.. Will never leave and betray me.

He let me in and offers me a drink.

"what happened?" he said as he sit beside me.

Sumandal ako sa kanya...

"i broke up with him." napasinghap siya sa sinabi ko.

i told him everything... About him and Xenia, and that Shane Apostoll...

"so you already know Shane?" he said as he plays with my hair...

Lumayo ako sa kanya.

"you know her?"

yumuko lang siya...

"kilala mo siya!?"
"how can't I? She's my cousin..."
"what?! How?"

sinabi niya sakin lahat... That Shane's father got bankrupt, and tinulungan niya
lang to, since may hindi pagkakaintindihan yung family ni Mike sa family ni Sha
ne, he can't help them financially, so ang ginawa niya, kinausap niya yung lolo
ni Aes... At dahil na din, sikat na model si Shane, pwede tong makatulong sa adv
ertisement ng company nila Aes, kaya in-engage nila silang dalawa.

Then the accident happened...

The accident that turn everything into mess.

Bricx' POV:

"pre, bat ba hindi mo na lang hayaan si Trixie dun? Don't you want it to happen?
Na maging sila na nung Aesser na yon? Para hindi na matuloy yung merge?" said B
"oo nga, i thought you don't like her?"

yes I don't...

"I guess I have to." napailing na lang silang dalawa.

A long silence covers us, until my doorbell rang.

Binuksan ko yun, ahh... Xen.

"what are you doing here?" i asked coldly.
"didn't you miss me?" she was about to hug me, when I pushed her away.
"honestly, I don't. I don't miss someone who's so disgusting, like you."
"what?" nagulat siya sa sinabi ko.
"you and that Aes, you're fcking each other right? Now go away, I don't need som
eone like you."

yung mukha niya kaninang, may gulat at lungkot, napalitan ng isang ngiti... Ngit
ing nakapag-patayo sa mga balahibo ko.

"akala mo ba na sa ginawa mo, mapupunta siya sayo?"
"even if she doesn't I'll do everything just to win her."
"let just see..." then she lean to whisper something in my ear.

"your mine." then she left.

Sinarado ko na yung pinto... She's freaking crazy, why did I even liked her?

"fck you man! You're back!" said Bart as he slightly punches me in my arm.

"so you like her?" -Serene.
"no... It's beyond that."

Xenia's POV:

aaaaah! Bakit ba lagi na lang si Trixie yung gusto nila? Anong bang meron siya n
a wala ako!

Mas maganda naman ako sa kanya! Pero ano bang nagustuhan nila sa malanding babae
na yon?

Ni wala pa nga siya sa kalingkingan ko eh!

Pero... Siguro tama na din yon, kesa naman, mahirapan pa siya.

Pagkaalis ko sa unit ni Bricx... Maalala ko lang... Galit na siya sakin, galit n
a galit.

Anyways, dumiretso na ako sa bahay namin...

Pagdating ko dun, lahat ng gamit sira sira... Yung mga vase, basag.

"AAAAHHHH!" tumakbo kagad ako sa may kusina.

"Aes!" nilapitan ko siya, may hiwa na yung pulso niya.

"what are you trying to do?"
"you don't care!"

then he fainted. I used a lot of force just to drag him to the sala.

Inihiga ko siya dun sa sofa, tapos kinuha ko yung first aid kit at ginamot yung
sugat niya.

Because of that Trixie, he almost killed his self.

Ano bang meron si Trixie, huh? Bakit mahal na mahal niyo siya?

I kissed his forehead and put a blanket on him.

Trixie's POV:

"hahahaha. Talo ka Mike!" tapos pinitik ko siya sa noo niya.

Nag-pout siya... Hahaha kasi ang pula pula na ng noo niya, kanina ko pa kasi siy
a tinatalo sa tekken eh.

"ang hina mo naman!" pangangasar ko sa kanya.
"hindi din, nagpapatalo lang talaga ako, tignan mo, nakangite ka na."

tama nga siya, nakangiti na ako ngayon, thanks to him, nawala sa isip ko yung mg
a nangyari.

"talo ka!" sabi niya.

Kumunot yung noo ko.

"madaya!" nagkibit balikat lang siya tapos ngumiti ng nakakaloko.

Pumikit ako para maramdaman yung sakit ng pagpitik niya sakin, pero imbis na yun
yung maramdaman ko, i felt a lips touch my forehead.

Minulat ko yung mata ko, tapos nakita ko siyang nakangiti.

"bumalik ka na sa dati, Trixie... Pwede ba?" i looked away...

Ayoko pa eh.

"gusto kita, Trix, but the Trixie that I know and i like, is not what I'm seeing
right now. Yung Trixie na nagustuhan ko, yung masayahin, mabait... At hindi pla
ygirl." natawa na lang kami sa huli niyang sinabi.

"babalik lang ako sa dati, kapag may isang taong nagpabalik sakin."

Bricx' POV:

**after 2 days.

"nahanap niyo na siya?" tanong ko sa mga inutusan kong maghanap kay Trixie, she'
s been missing for three days.

Simula nung sinabi ko sa kanya yung tungkol kay Aes, hindi nanamin siya nakita,
I can't tell to her parents that she's missing, mag-aalala yon.

Pumasok na ako sa school, but before that, sumabay sakin si Bart.

And when we finally reached our university grounds, may isang babaeng nakamotor
ang dumaan sa harap namin.


I recklessly parked my lamborgini and get off my car, lumapit ako dun sa babae..

When she finally took off her helmet...

"hey there, fiancee." she said cheerfully, just like how we met in this universi

But unlike before... My respond today is...

I hugged her.

"where have you been?"
"just somewhere." niyakap niya din ako...

"miss me?"
"sobra..." natawa na lang siya tapos lumayo sakin.

I'm happy that she's alright.

"yow!" -Bart.
"hey..." she said seductively

"ganda natin ngayon ah." -Bart.

Sinikmuraan ko siya katulad ng dati.


I dragged Trixie away from him and went to the roof top.

"anong nangyari sayo?"

a long awkward silence cover us.

"wala naman, kasama ko si Mich--"
"Michael... Remember him?"

how can I not remember him? He's that fcked up ass that triggered me, to know ev

"don't see him again."
"and why would I?" she said with her eye brow raising.
"because I say so."
"and why do you say so?"
"because... You're my fiancee... And I should be the only guy, you're seeing, un
derstand?" and then I left her dumbfounded.

Ako lang dapat ang lalaki sa buhay niya...

And I'll do everything just to make it happen.

By hook or by crook.

*end of chapter*
Chapter 22: hill.
Trixie's POV:

problema non?

Bahala sia! I don't hella care about what he's said! I'll never stop seeing Mike

Pumunta na ako ng gym, but before that, dumaan muna ako ng faculty, pinasa ko la
ng yung powerpoint presentation na pinagawa nila sakin, I'm such a good student.
.. Not.

Paglabas ko ng faculty, nakita ko si Shanna. She look so... Sad.

I called her out pero parang hindi naman niya ako naririnig.

"hey..." tinapik ko siya...

And when she finally turn around to look at me...

She's crying...

"Clarisse..." then she hugged me.
"what happened?" i said as i tap her back.

Then she told me everything, that made me hurriedly went to the gym.

"late k--" dapat may sasabihin pa sakin si Bricx.

But I immediately grab, Daniel's collar and was about to punch him, nang may big
lang humatak sakanya...

Nagulat kami kasi sinuntok siya ni Trevor, not just punch, beat him up.

"gago ka!" sabi ni Trevor.

Lahat kami nagulat kasi, iba sa masayahin at mabait niyang ugali si Trevor ngayo

"STOP!" i shouted.

Tumigil si Trevor at tumayo na.

May mga sinabi pa siya kay Daniel, when i told him to get Shanna out of here, wh
o looks so wasted.

"what's that douche problem? Tsk. Insane."

"what's his problem?" napatingin sila sakin.

Fck. I'm furious!

"you're seriously asking that? Wanna' know the answer? His problem is you! 'caus
e you're such a douche, ass and a fcked up jerk!" then i kicked him, straigh on
his face.

Tinayo ko siya sa pagkakatumba niya tapos sinuntok sa mukha, nung natapos na ako
, I glared in each of them, then smile... A devilish smile.

"bring this @sshole in the clinic!" hindi sila kumilos, mortified I guess.

"If you didn't bring this thing in the clinic, he'll die in my bare hands!" I sa
id pointing to Daniel, as they immediately move, and drag Daniel, away from me.

Napahawak ako sa sentido ko at bigla akong may naramdaman na humawak sa balikat

He smiled at me and gave me the basketball.

"stress reliever." hinablot ko yung bola sa kanya tapos, inihambalos ito sa lapa
g, kinuha ko ulit yun tapos inihambalos ko ulit, paulit-ulit ko yung ginawa hang
gang sa mapagod na ako.

Naupo na ako and breath rapidly.

"ano bang nangyari?" he asked as he hand me a bottle of gatorade.

Kinwento ko sa kanya lahat ng sinabi ni Shanna sakin, and he also can't help him
self to curse on his cousin.

Bricx' POV:

dahil sa inis ni Trixie, inalis ko muna siya sa gym. Baka kasi pag nakita niya a
ng g.go kong pinsan mabugbog nanaman niya, miski ako eh... Mabubugbog ko din siy
a, mas g.go pa kasi sakin!

"san mo naman ako balak dalhin?"

i just give her a look... A seductive look.

She just rolled her eyes... Okay, it didn't work.

"just somewhere."

malapit na kami sa sasakyan ko, nung nilabas ko yung susi ng kotse, hahablutin n
iya sana yon, when i took it out of her grasp.

"you'll not drive. Ayoko pang mamatay." she give me her, 'gimme-a-break' look an
d snap.

Psh. Kelan ko kaya makikita tong magpa-cute, yung parang mga normal lang na baba

lagi na lang kasing... Kung hindi, mag-iinarte, nag-tataray naman. Minsan naman,
mabait, pero yung minsan na yon, minsan lang talaga.

Sabagay, iba naman kasi talaga siya eh... Very different among other girls.

She's not head-over-heels with me, unlike those other girls who beg for me... We
ll i guess, that's the reason, why i got beyond our games limit.

The reason why i lose from her.

But eventhough, she always show that, 'know-it-all' attitude of her, she can't d
eny that she's all innocent...

My innocent lioness.

My hot innocent lioness.

Pagkasakay namin ng sasakyan, i started the engine and drove away, slowly and sa

"whoo! So fun!" she said sarcastically. I give her a glare and look back to the
wind shield.

Narinig ko na lang siyang napa-igik sa inis, then suddenly, i felt her get her c
ellphone; put the speaker on and started to make a loud annoying music..

**np: heart by the prettly reckless (click for the song--->>>)**

hinayaan ko na lang siya, wala din naman akong magagawa kung makikipagtalo pa ak
o sa kanya, she has that inborn stubborness.


after thirty minutes of that annoying loud ear drum breaker music of her, nakada
ting na din kami sa hang out place ko.

"what's so good in here? A hill?"

dinala ko siya sa bundok na lagi naming pinupuntahan ni ate... Di ko na siya ipa
pakilala, hindi naman siya importante eh.

Tsaka, sigurado ako, ngayon, nag-lalakbay yun kung saan saan, habang ini-stalk y
ung asawa niya.

"just wait, maya maya, maganda na din dito." inirapan niya lang ako tapos nahiga

She's really different, kung ibang babae to, nag-inarte na, kasi wala man lang b
lanket para mahigaan o kung ano.

Ganon kasi reaction ni Xen nung dinala ko siya dito...

And all I can say is, opposite talaga ni Trixie si Xen... Trixie, is more like m
y mom and sister, happy-go-lucky and carefree.

Sumobra nga lang tong si Trixie.

Anong oras na din pala...

"Trix, baba muna tayo dito, bili tayo ng pagkain, tatlong oras na din kasi tayo
dito eh."

kanina pa kasi kami dito, wala naman kaming ginagawa, at pumasok na din kami sa
kotse ko, tumirik na kasi yung araw...

Mamayang mga bago mag-six pa kasi yung magandang scene.

"k." tapos bumaba siya at naglakad kami pababa. May sasakyan naman, pero trip na
ming maglakad eh.

Sa baba naman nitong burol, may mga tindahan.

After 30 minutes of walk nakadating na din kami, kumain lang kami sa karinderya
dito tapos bumili ng madaming chips and drinks at bumalik na sa taas ng burol.

Pagdating namin, sumalampak kagad si Trixie tapos kinain yung mga chips.

Tumingin ako sa relo ko...

4:30 na pala. Isang oras na lang.

Alam ko 5:35 pa yun eh... Ayon sa balita.

We just waited for an hour and a half tapos dumilim na unti unti...

Malapit na...


Trixie's POV:

maya maya, dumilim na, pagkaharap ko sa scenery, ang daming city lights at sinab
ayan pa ng paglubog ng araw...

Ang ganda.

"amazing, right?" hindi ako nakapagsalita, nag-nod na lang ako and enjoy the sce

I took a picture of it in my cellphone. Ang ganda.

tumingin ako kay Bricx at nakatitig siya sakin...

It kinda made me feel awkward, sanay akong tinititigan niya ng parang huhubaran
na ako, but not the way he's looking at me right now.

He looks burning... But not in the lustful way... It's different from before.

It seems like, it's telling me something. Parang may gustong ipahiwatig... Hindi
ko maintindihan, i don't know, but i think, i was hypnotized by his stare...

Lumapit siya sakin... Still not taking off the gaze...

Palapit ng palapit hanggang sa naramdaman ko na lang ang pares ng labi na dumamp
i sa noo ko.

"you." he whispered in my ear, which gives shiver to my spine... I heard it, in
almost a hiss.

"you... Get's off my limit... You get off beyond my limit." hindi ko maintindiha
n ang sinasabi niya... But suddenly i felt his lips brushed into mine.

Kissing me, gently and passionately.

I can't help myself but to respond into his kisses. I put my arms around him, to
give him more acces and to feel all of his sweetness.

He lay me down on the grass... And started to deepen the kiss.

Then he trail off his hands on my neck down to my tummy...

"h-here..?" i manage to asked when he gave small kisses to my neck...

He didn't answer me, instead, he unbutton his polo and take it off and taking of
f my shirt as well.

He showered me with small kisses...

All over my body...

On my neck...

Tummy... Thigh and between... That made me shiver into pleasure...

I just keep on moaning his name and just enjoy the pleasure and sensation his gi
ving me...

"take me Bricx..." i said huskily...

He position himself and smile at me...

And finally... Taking me with him.

And as we became as one...

He thrust faster and harder

and we both moan each others name...

When we finally reached the peak.

He lean to kiss me on my forehead and lay down beside me and hugged me.

"you..." he said to me, while looking at the stars...

Hindi niya natuloy yung sasabihin niya kasi, bigla ko siyang hinalikan...


Parehas kaming natahimik... Yung nangyari lang kanina... Iba sa dati.

And i think...

There's also something different in me.

That I can't explain.

Maybe this guy beside me...

Just stole the rebound and win over me.

*end of chapter*
Chapter 23: two months.
Trixie's POV:

nagising ako na nandito na kami sa unit ni Bricx ang lamig.

Kagabi kasi, umalis kami dun sa may burol tapos umuwi dito, pero syempre para la
ng matulog.

Ang sakit na kaya ng katawan ko.

I felt someone moved beside me...

Si Bricx.

Tinitigan ko siya hanggang sa unti unti niyang minulat yung mata niya.

He looks cute, not hot... Cute, para siyang bata.


"you're blushing Clarisse..." then his lips form into a smile.

A naughty smile...

And before i can think of an escape plan, he's on top of me.

"Bricx..." then he kissed me...

I respond to his kisses... But he stopped and kiss my forehead.

"let's eat."

O__O seriously? Is that Bricx?

Tinayo niya ako, tapos sinuot sakin yung t-shirt niya.

Unbelievable. Napigilan niya sarili niya? Weird.

He intertwine our hands and went to the kitchen.

Bricx' POV:

i look at her while cooking she'll be a good housewife.

The thought made me smile slightly.

In a month or two she'll turn eighteen, and i-aannounce na din yung engagement n

Tumayo ako at lumapit sa kanya...

I hugged her.

I still can't believe that I make love with her last night.

"wag muna ngayon please? Para akong jellyfish eh."

natawa ako sa sinabi niya at napatango na lang...

"gusto mo, wag na lang tayo pumasok?"
"di pwede! Next week yung laban niyo, you, must win! Understand."
"anything for you."

i saw her blush...

I burried my face on her neck..

Hmm... Still smells good.

I must be in drugs...

And Trixie is my kind of drugs...

(a/n: edward? Ikaw ba iyan? O__O)

hinayaan niya lang akong papakin yung leeg niya, leaving a mark on her nape.

Naisip ko lang...

Ano kayang iniisip niya ngayon?

Laro pa din kaya ang tingin niya dito? Kasi ako...

Seryoso na.


dumating kami sa school at nag-start na ng training, pero ako muna yung nag-lead
, since Trixie said she was tired.

"guys!" sabi ko... Tapos naramdaman kong tumabi sakin si Clarisse.

Such a stubborn Lioness.

Sinabihan ko na siyang maupo muna dun eh, pero wala, makulit talaga.

"if we... Didn't win... No girls allowed." sabi ko kaya napaseryoso sila.

Pero hindi maaalis sa mukha nila ang pagtataka...

Sino bang hindi? The great Saebricx Villazanta? Nagsabi na bawal ang babae?

He must be joking? It must be the end of the world.

But no. I'm not kidding.

Aanhin ko pa ba naman yang mga babae na yan.

Kung meron naman ako dito?

Inakbayan ko si Clarisse pero agad naman niya tong tinanggal at kumapit sa braso

I smiled with what she did.


after a few hours of training, nagpahinga muna kami.

Kami ni Trix nag-stay lang dito sa gym...

What can I say? I have my meal here...

I nibble her earlobe down to her neck...

She put her arms around me and look up to give me more acces on her neck...

When I'm finished with her neck, I went back on her lips and kiss her gently whi
le roaming my hands around her body...

"let's go."

dinala ko siya sa shower room...

Glad she wear a skirt...

I slid her undies down and took off my belt...

And enter her... With clothes on.

After a minute of pleasure, inayos nanamin yung damit namin, narinig kasi naming
bumalik na sila.

"okay let's start!" sigaw ni Trixie tapos pinisil niya yung kamay ko. I looked a
t her and she just smiled at me.

I kiss her forehead and run to play with them.

I went back to her and kiss her lips...

"goodluck kiss lang." then i winked.

She just laugh a little and put her hands on my nape to kiss me.

"para naman mas swerte. Now, go!"

i run off to them and steal the ball flawlessly, then shoot.

"captain! Daya mo =.=" sabi ng isang player.

I just give them a smirk.


after a few hours, natapos na din kami.

Sinabi kong tapos na yung practice kaya nagsuguran na kami sa shower room.

Pero bago yun lumapit ako kay Trixie and was about to hug her.

"hep! Don't come near me, or i'll strangle you!"
"then i'll ravish you." i said wearing my naughty smile.

"then ravish me, when you're clean, now go!" she said laughing.

What an odd girl, she's really one of a kind.

Nagmadali akong maligo, ihahatid ko si Trixie sa bahay nila, tumawag kasi yung p
arents namin, may aasikasuhin daw kasi para sa engagement namin...

Two months na lang kasi before that, saktong birthday ni Trixie, gaganapin yung
engagement party.

"let's go."

i put my arms around her and walk towards the carpark.

**after 1 hour.**

nakadating na din kami dito sa bahay nila, pinadala na din pala nila yung damit

I went to Trixie's room, she take a shower habang ako tapos ng mag-bihis.

I roam around her room...

Nakita ko yung picture malapit sa kama niya.


Sila ni Aes.

Hinawakan ko yung frame...

Nakaramdam ako ng parang may pumipilipit sa tyan ko, the feeling was like, someo
nes gripping hardly my intestine, stomach, especially my heart.

"hey." i heard Trixie called me, pero hindi ko siya pinansin, nakatitig pa din a
ko sa picture.

Her smile, how happy she is.

"Saebricx..." then i felt her hugged me.

Inalis niya sa kamay ko yung frame tapos tinapon sa labas ng bintana.

I looked at her mesmerize.

"things that's useless like that should be thrown away." then she smile...

May kinuha siya sa drawer niya, ngumiti siya sakin habang pinakita yung camera.

Yung camera na may lalabas na picture, i don't what do you called that, pero yun

"smile!" then she clicked the button.

"hahaha mukha kang tanga!"
"sa gwapo kong to?"

lumapit ako sa kanya tapos niyakap siya.

"let's take a picture." she said, i just nod as we both sit at her bed.

"one... Two... Three.. *click*"

we wait for a minute to see the picture.

"you looked cute." she said.

Tinignan ko yung picture.

"akin na lang ha." she just nod, kaya nilagay ko yung picture sa wallet ko.

Bago to ah. After so many years, may nalagay na din akong picture ng iba sa wall
et ko, kahit si picture ni Xen, hindi ko nilagay dito eh.

We just took a few more photos and finally went to the restaurant where we're go
ing to meet the oldies.

when we finally reached the table, they were all smiling crazily at us.

"yo!" sabi ni Trixie and kiss my mom and her on the cheeks.

I just sit quietly while playing with Trixie's hand.

"so what's the catch?" i asked, still not focusing.
"your engagement!" sabi nilang apat.

Sabi ko na nga ba eh.

"what about that?" sabay naming tanong ni Trixie.

"it will be in two months time, people! Excited na kami ni Tricia!" sabi ng mama

Pano ba namang hindi yan magiging excited? Ang nag-iisa niyang anak na lalaki, t
umino na din.

"us too." kami ulit ni Trixie.

Nag-usap usap sila kung anong gagawin sa engagement, mga bisita, press.

Sila ng bahala, basta ako...

Masaya ako.

Kasi in two months time.

Trixie will be officially mine.

Aes' POV:

nagising ako na nasa tabi ko si Xen...

I touched her cheeks.

"gising ka na... Okay ka na ba? May gusto ka?" sabi niya nung bigla siyang nagis

"help me Xen... I want Trixie back."

she went silent for a minute...

Then i saw a tear fell from her eyes...

"o-okay... I'll help you, basta, ipangako mo, hindi mo na susubukang patayin uli
t sarili mo ha..." i just nod.

Trixie's mine...

Mine alone.

I'll not let others to have her...

She's mine.

Michael's POV:

sht! Ano bang mali sa nagawa ko?

Akala ko ba sakin siya lalapit? But fck! She went with that Bricx!

I want Trixie to be back...

I want the old Trixie back...

But I also want Trixie to be mine!

And I'll not let them to be engaged! I will never let that happen!

*end of chapter*
Chapter 24: foul play
Bricx' POV:

isang linggo na kaming magkasama ni Trixie dito sa bahay ko.

She moved in here, tsaka sinabi ko din naman na dito na lang siya.

"morning, babe." i said as I woke up and saw her cooking.

"morning." then she face me with a smile.

I move closer to her and kiss her forehead.

"niluluto mo?"
"pancakes lang, gutom ka na?"
"yeah." she went back with what she's doing while I hug her from the back.

Pansin ko lang, halos isang linggo na ding walang nangyayari samin... Kung kelan
g magkasama kami dito saka walang nangyayari. Okay na siguro yun, para naman hin
di niya isipin na yun lang ang habol ko sa kanya.

After a minute natapos na din siyang magluto.

"yehey! Done!" humarap siya sakin tapos hawak niya yung plate na may pancake.

May syrup pa siya sa pisngi niya.

"halika nga dito, let me taste that." tapos lumapit siya sakin with a child-like
smile plaster in her face.

Umupo siya sa kandungan ko tapos sinubuan ako.

"hmm... Penge pa nga." sinubuan niya ulit ako...

Mukha talaga siyang bata sa ginagawa niya.

"ano? Masarap?"
"yes..." then i give her a quick kiss.

Then she smiled from ear to ear.

Tapos sumubo siya ng pancake.

Sunud-sunod siyang sumubo.

"sarap!" she said.
"you look cute."

she pouts and say...

"I'm beautiful Bricx, not just cute." i just chuckle and hugged her.


**np: somebody that I used to know**

"ahm wait Bricx, sasagutin ko lang yun ah."

lumayo lang siya ng onti sakin, but enough for me to hear, who's she's talking t

"oh, hey Michael, what's up?"

that Michael...

I passed by her and went to my room.

Kailangan kong magpahinga...

Nararamdaman ko nanaman kasi yun eh...

The same feeling when I saw her pictures with Aes...

The feeling like someone's gripping my stomach and heart...

That unusual feeling.

Yung pakiramdam na parang gusto ko silang suguring dalawa at bugbugin...

Aish! Di ko na maintindihan 'tong sarili ko!

After fifteen minutes, hindi ko na naririnig na may kausap siya...

Makalabas na nga.

Paglabas ko ng kwarto...

Where the hell is she? Oh Saebricx... Isn't it obvious? She left. She left you w
ith that Michael!

tss. Bahala na nga siya! Makapasok na nga lang.

Trixie's POV:

problema ni Bricx? Bigla biglang umalis.

"ahm. Mike, i'll talk to you later okay." then i hung up.

Pumunta ako ng kitchen, magluluto ako ng baon namin haha ano kayang masarap?

Tinignan ko yung fridge...

May fish...

Fish fillet na lang! Kaso wala ng eggs naubos ko na kanina...

Makabili na nga lang muna.

Nag-iwan ako ng letter sa may fridge na may bibilin lang ako saglit...

Then off i go.

May malapit namang store dito eh...

After a minute or so, nakabalik na din ako sa unit niya.

Di pa din lumalabas?

Pumunta ako sa kwarto niya, and he's gone...

Iniwan niya ako?

Baka napaaga lang. Haay.

Makapag-handa na nga.


"aw!" ilang bese na akong napaso kakaluto dito, i really hate cooking! Pero dahi
l gusto ni Bricx yung luto ko.

I have to do this!

Makaraan ang dalawang oras natapos na din ako...

Na may tatlong band aid sa parehas na kamay.

Nakakaasar naman kasi eh, pangit na tuloy tong kamay ko.

In thirty minutes nakaayos na ako papasok ng university, sinuot ko yung polo ni
Bricx na tinupi ko as three fourths, tinuck-in ko siya sa skirt ko and put a bel
t, and wear my heels. and voila, I'm hot!

Then off I go.

Commute tuloy ako ngayon.

Pero papara pa lang ako ng taxi nang may tumigil na sasakyan sa harap ko.

"hop in!" he said...


Bricx' POV:

nakadating na ako dito sa gym, wala akong ginawa kundi magbasketball ng magbaske

Tama bang umalis na lang ako dun? Tama bang hindi ko sinabi-- sht! Magpapaalam?
Eh siya nga hindi nagpaalam sayo eh!

Sumama siya dun sa Michael na yon!

Narinig kong may mga dumating na ibang players, tinignan ko kung sino, sila Gene
(player) tsaka si Trixie pala.

"bat ka nag-commute?" tanong ni Gene sa kanya.

Nag-commute siya?

"because my dear fiancee left me!" she said sarcastically.

Look who's talking.

Hindi ko na lang sila pinansin...

"hoy!" tapos naramdaman kong may bumato sakin ng bola.

"what was that for!?"
"that's for leaving me *ssh*le!"
"look who's talking missy!"

tumalikod ako ng maramdaman ko namang isang bag ang binato niya sakin!


nakita kong puro pagkain yung nagkalat sa lapag. tumingin ako sa kanya at napans
in ko yung kamay niya, na agad naman niyang itinago sa likod niya.

"wala kang karapatang iwan ako Villazanta! Ako lang ang may karapatang mang-iwan
dito!" then she left running away.

What the hell happened?

Pinulot ko yung bag na binato niya sakin. Pagkain pala yung laman nun.

Natapon tuloy.

Ginawa niya to?

Ah sht! Yung kamay niya nga, puro band aid.

You're such a jerk Villazanta!

Dinala ko yung lunch box at tumakbo palabas ng gym, buti na lang andun pa siya..

She's stomping her feet like a lost child.

She looks cute.

"hey!" tumingin siya sakin at inirapan ako.

"you cooked this?"
"hindi no! Bat naman ako magluluto!"
"eh bakit puro band aid yang kamay mo?" she just look away and curse at the wind

"masarap ba to?" hindi siya sumagot. Tss.

Kinuha ko yung isang box na hindi natapon at kinain.

"maalat. Sobra sa asin!"
"kasalanan ko!? Akin na nga yan!" tapos hinablot niya.

"akin yan!" kukunin ko sana kaso nilayo niya tapos sinunod sunod yung subo niya.

"*cough* maalat nga!" nung natapos na siya, pumunta siya sa water fountain at um

"itsura mo?" sabi niya sakin...

I move closer to her...

"i miss you." i whisper to her ear.

Then i started nibbling her ear.

"oy! Hindi pa tayo bati!" sabi niya, pero unti unti naman niyang binabalot sa le
eg ko yung braso niya...

"tara sa clinic." then i dragged her.


pagkatapos namin 'magkasakit' ni Trixie, inayos nanamin yung sarili at bumalik n
a sa gym.

"oh Captain san kayo galing?"
"sa clinic. May sakit kami."

sabi namin ni Trix tapos natawa na lang...

"ganon? Tara nga Serene, punta nga din tayo ng clinic, may sakit ako eh." sabi n
i Bart habang tumatawa.

"heh! Manahimik ka diyan! Nag-aaral ako!"
"kaya nga, sa clinic ka mag-aral."
"ewan ko sayo!" and then Serene went off.

Napailing na lang kami ni Clarisse.

"okay okay! Start na!" sigaw ni Trixie at nagsimula na kaming mag-laro lahat.

**three days after.

Trixie's POV:

simula na ulit...

Katulad pa din ng dati, isang maingay at buhay na buhay na kumpol ng mga tao ang
bumungad pagpasok namin.


pumunta na kami sa pwesto namin.

Yellow Yana yung kalaban namin...

I know, it sounds child-ish...

Yana is the japanese term for bear.

Well, anyways, wala naman akong dapat i-explain sa inyo, kasi...

That team...

Is a weakling, ilang beses na yang nilampaso ng team nila Bricx, for the past 2

And I'm sure, in an hour or so, this game will be over.

In-announce lang yung line up.

Kung yung usual is sila, Bricx, Daniel, Bart, JP and Max. Ngayon naiba...

Ang pinasok ko si Bricx, Daniel, Bart, Nicholi and JP.

Injured kasi si Max.

Start na ng first quarter...

My team got the ball...

What a good start boys.

After the first quarter, nagpahinga lang saglit and then start na ulit.

Napansin kong may binulong yung captain ng Yellow Yana kay Bricx... At napansin
ko din na biglang dumilim ang mukha ni Bricx...

He's cursing him and he just smirk.

What's that?

*after and hour*

sht! Magfo-fourth quarter na, at may 2 foul si Bricx, bale ang total fouls namin
is, 3 na, isa kay Bart kanina na binato ng bola yung isang member ng Yellow Yan
a na sinabihan siya ng weak.

Ano bang nangyayari kay Bricx?!

Nag-time out.

Lumapit silang lahat sakin, lahat sila galit ang mukha.

"what's your problem, Saebricx!?" he just look away.

"tell me!"

lumapit sakin JP.

"the captain of that Yellow Yankees, said that you and that wuss make out before
." he said in his i'll-give-that-sht-a-beat-fcked-up tone.


"i don't even know that guy! Sa tingin niyo ba, papatol ako sa mukhang monggoloi
d? I have a taste y'know."

lumingon sakin si Bricx na bigla namang lumiwanag ang mukha niya.

"now team! Ayusin niyo yung laro niyo! Pag tayo hindi nanalo! No girls for a mon
th!" at ayun nagseryoso na.

And as expected, our team won, 110-76, syempre, in favor of our team.

Nung natapos na, we all went to our shuttle.

Tumabi sakin si Bricx.

"yes?" then he rest his head on my shoulder.
"you know what foul play is?"
"yes. Diba ibig sabihin nun hindi fair."
"yep... And that's what you did, you had a game with me... And you play it unfai
rly... Because, you get too much... Because you went off my limit."

*end of chapter*
Chapter 25: please.
Bricx' POV:

i woke up with a beautiful lady sleeping beside me...

I trace her face... Start from her eyes, down to her nose...

She's really beautiful.

And I l--

"take a picture, it lasts." then she gave me a quick kiss.

"morning." she wore my shirt and stand up.

Tumayo na ako tapos inakbayan siya...


**Villazanta's residence.

Pumunta kaming dalawa sa bahay namin, pinatawag kami ni mama, andito daw kasi yu
ng magsusukat ng damit namin for our engagement.

It'll be in a month.

And when I remembered that, bigla akong kinabahan.

Sht! Para naman akong babae! Yun lang kakabahan na ako?

Ni hindi ko pa nga sigurado kung matutuloy yun eh.

Trixie's POV:

I'm so excited and nervous as well...

In just one month, i'll be officially engaged with Bricx...

With the guy i love.

Yes, love, I love him.

Alam kong mabilis... Pero ano naman, basta mahal ko siya.

At kahit hindi ako sigurado kung mahal niya ako...

Sigurado naman akong akin na siya.

He's mine.

And just with that thought, make my heart tingle with joy.

I looked at him and he look so serious, checking out our designer's legs.

I almost forget, I fell in love with a player.

"*ehem*" napatingin siya sakin at ngumiti... Maamong ngiti.

Inirapan ko lang siya at tumayo sa maliit na bilog na platform na nakalagay don
at sinimulan na akong sukatan.

After ng ilang minuto si Bricx na yung sinukatan nung babae.

And theres no second that i didn't give her a deadly glare.

Makahawak kasi! Nakakaasar!

Inamin ko nanaman sa inyo dati eh, na selosa ako.

Syempre mas lalo na ngayon...

Ngayon pa na... Bumabalik na yung dating ako.


finally! Lumayas na din yung babaeng yun, i can't stand that ugly face of her!

"Bricx, where's your room here?"
"why?" then he hugged me on my back.
"pwedeng pumunta?" tumingin siya sakin ng nag-aalinlangan, but in the end, pumay
ag din siya.

The last room on second floor.

Pag pasok ko...

Puro about sa basketball ang nandun...

Posters, yung jersey niya na naka-frame pa...

Yung mga trophies nila...

Pero sa table niya...

Puro mga papeles ang nakalagay...

"bat andaming papers diyan?"
"mga files lang sa company... Minsan kasi dito ko na lang iniiwan."
"so you're into business..."
"all of my life i lived on business Trixie, hindi lang halata, pero tumutulong a
ko." then he kissed my forehead.

Naupo ako sa kama niya...

Amoy na amoy niya to ah.

Nahiga ako tapos pumikit.

Naramdaman kong, may tumabi sakin... Tapos may yumakap.

Si Bricx.

Napangiti na lang ako...

Humarap ako sa kanya at niyakap din siya.

"pano kung sabihin ko sayong ma--"


asar naman oh!

Tumayo si Bricx at binuksan yung pinto...

Si tita pala.

"oh. are you two busy? Did i interrupt something?"
"no... Ano ba yun?"
"the lunch is ready, tatanungin ko sana kung gusto niyo ng kumain."
"yeah.. Trix, let's eat."

tumayo na ako at sabay sabay kaming bumaba.


natapos na kaming kumain... Si Bricx may kausap sa phone niya.

Baliw din pala yun sa trabaho eh.

nakwento sakin ni tita na, kahit daw parang wala yang pake sa kanila, pag daw tu
ngkol na sa kompanya nila, na architectural firm din pala katulad ng kila Aes, i
s nagiging seryoso daw 'to.

Kaya gwapo eh... Seryoso.

Sumunod ako sa kanya sa may garden nila...

Ang daming magagandang bulaklak...

"okay Mr. Stacey, i'll meet you the day after tomorrow." then he hung up.

He looked at me and smile. A faint smile.

"nothing... " then he went beside me and wrap his arms around me..

We just stay like that for about a minute without talking when we both decided t
o went inside, kumulimlim kasi bigla eh.

"dun muna tayo sa kwarto, pagod ako eh." um-oo na lang ako, gusto ko din naman m
unang magpahinga eh.

Pagdating namin sa kwarto niya, diretso higa siya.

Kinalikot ko muna yung mga gamit niya dun, andami niya kasing miniature nila Jor
dan, Nowitzki, lahat ng mga basketball stars.

At nung wala na akong magawa, tumabi na ako sa kanya, inunanan ko yung braso niy

"..." no response.

Tinawag ko ulit siya pero hindi pa din umiimik.

Tinignan ko siya... Nakatulog na pala.

Niyakap ko siya at pumikit na din...

Then i whispered 'i love you' in his ears.

Bricx' POV:

nang matapos kaming mag-usap Mr. Stacey, nakita ko si Trixie na nakikinig pala.

I gave her a faint smile...

Lumapit siya sakin, niyakap ko siya...

Yung mahigpit na mahigpit, as if, I don't want to let go.

I really don't want to let go.

Inaya ko siyang pumunta sa kwarto ko, nakakapagod 'tong araw na 'to.

Pagkaakyat namin, nahiga ako kagad...

Si Trixie naman, kinalikot lang sandali yung mga gamit ko.

At habang ginagawa niya yun, hindi ko maiwasang, kunan siya ng litrato.

Para siyang bata.

Nakakatuwa siya. Kinuhanan ko siya ng video habang pinaglalaruan yung mga miniat
ure ko dun...

Really, like a child.

Nung napansin kong inaayos na niya lahat ng ginalaw niya dun.

Sinave ko lang yung video at ibinulsa ulit yung cellphone ko...

Pumikit lang ako, para hindi niya isipin na pinapanood ko siya kanina.

Narinig kong tinawag ako ni Trix, pero sinadya kong hindi umimik.

Nakakatamad eh.

I heard her sigh.

Niyakap niya ako...

At kahit mahina... Narinig ko pa din yung sinabi niya.

"i love you..."

napamulat ako ng mata ko... Nakatulog na siya.

Tinitigan ko lang siya...

Hindi pa din ako makapaniwala sa sinabi niya...

Totoo ba yun?

Pero kung totoo man...

Sana... Hindi niya masyadong binibigyan yun ng halaga...

At kung pwede lang...

Sana hindi na lang niya ako mahalin...

Ayoko... Hindi ko pa kaya ngayon...

Please Trixie...

Don't love me.

You can't love me...

Not now...


*end of chapter*
Chapter 26: by your side.
Trixie's POV:

this past few days.

May napapansin ako kay Bricx!

He's being sweet and caring.

Alam ko namang ganyan na siya since last month pero ngayon.

Mas pa kesa ng dati.

Parang mamamatay na eh.

Mamamatay? Wag mong sabihin...

"hoy Saebricx!"

tumingin siya sakin habang hawak yung laruang baril.

Nasa timezone kasi kami ngayon.

Nag-lalaro siya ng yung parang baril barilan, basta ganon.

"wala namang taning ang buhay mo diba?" tanong ko na sobrang seryoso yung mukha.

Tinawanan niya lang ako.

As in tawa.

Yung nakahawak na siya sa tyan niya.

"b-bakit mo naman naisip yan?"
"eh kasi, iba ka ngayon!"
"papayag ka ba kung papatayin ako sa storya na 'to?"
"hindi syempre! Papatayin ko lahat ng tiga-wattpad pag nangyari yun!"

kumunot yung noo niya at nagkibit-balikat na lang.

"eh bakit ang sweet sweet mo masiyado?"
"hindi naman, hindi lang ako sanay."
"basta, hindi ako mamamatay! Bat mo naman naisip yun? Wahahah cliche kaya yun"

may nalalaman pa talagang cliche tong g.go na to.

Inagaw ko sa kanya yung baril. At tinutok sa kanya.

"aba dapat lang, kasi, wala kang karapatang iwanan ako!" inirapan ko siya at nag
laro na lang din.


after ng ilang oras, umalis na kami ng mall.

Kung saan saan.

Tapos nung napagod kami, pumunta lang kami sa may hill.

Nag-set kami ng parang picnic dun at nahiga.

Buti hindi maaraw ngayon... Ang hangin nga eh.

Tumayo ako tapos nagpahangin.

Aaahhh! Ang sarap!

Pumunta ako sa may sasakyan tapos kinuha yung camera.

Ang ganda kasi ng view dito.

Pinicturan ko si Bricx habang nakahiga.

Tawa lang siya ng tawa dun...

Umupo siya, yung parang naka-support yung dalawa niyang kamay, naiintindihan niy

Kung hindi, bahala na kayo!

Tinap niya yung lap niya, asking me to sit there, at hindi naman ako umangal at
umupo na sa kandungan niya.

Sumandal ako sa kanya at niyakap siya, habang siya, pinulupot yung kamay niya sa
waist ko, and rest his head on my shoulder.

Pansin ko lang, paborito niyang gawin yan, pati na din ang pag-amoy sakin.

Nakakakiliti nga minsan eh.


nag-hum lang ako dun, nang naramdaman kong hinigpitan niya yung yakap niya sakin

Bricx is really acting weird this past few days.

"Bricx, ang weird mo."
"i am?"
"uh-huh." tapos nag-nod ako.

Nag-shrug lang siya tapos kinagat yung leeg ko.

"nangangagat ka diyan!"
"alam mo yun... Kasi diba sa mga bampira, pag kinagat nila yung isang babae... M
ate na sila."

mate? Soulmate?

"ang bading mo Bricx! Haha." niyakap niya lang ako tapos nagsalita.

"wala lang... Naisip ko lang, na kung mate na kita, kahit malayo man ako, wala k
ang choice kundi maging tayo."
"wala naman talaga tayong choice eh, kasi, engaged na kaya tayo."

yumuko lang siya tapos pumikit.

"Bricx, kumanta ka nga!"

tinignan niya ako ng nakakunot ang noo.

"ako ba, pinagloloko mo?"
"of course not."

tinaggal niya yung pagkakayakap niya sakin...

Tapos pinaglaruan naman yung buhok at kamay ko.

**np: by your side by tenth avenue north**

"hindi ako marunong kumanta."
"okay lang..." sabi ko habang pinapatong yung ulo ko sa balikat niya.

"ayaw. Ikaw na lang kumanta para sakin."
"wala ako sa mood."

pumikit ako tapos pinagkikiliti ko yung tagiliran niya...

Hindi man lang nakikiliti?

Ayaw niya talagang kumanta...

Ang totoo kasi niya, hindi naman pangit yung boses ni Bricx, gwapo nga eh, yung
pag nagsalita, mapapangiti at kikiligin ka na.

Kaso, ang problema, wala siya sa tono.

Sayang nga eh. Hindi pa siya natulad sa pinsan niya na, marunong kumanta.

"Bricx, excited ka na ba?"
"our engagement..."

hindi siya sumagot kaagad... Pero naramdaman kong niyakap niya ako ng sobrang hi

"i am..." then he kiss my nape.
"gusto mo ba--"
"i want to... You don't know, how much i want us to be engaged..."

ang weird talaga ni Bricx ngayon...

May kinalaman kaya yung mga sinabi sakin ni Aes..?

"hop in." it's Aes.

Iniwasan ko na lang siya.

Pero lumabas siya ng sasakyan niya at sinundan ako.

"let's talk."
"we are talking Aes."

tinalikuran ko siya at pumasok sa sasakyan niya.

Sumunod lang siya sakin.

"ano yon?"

he just sigh...

"i really want us to be back Trix." he said with a determined voice.

Tinignan ko lang siya... Hindi ako umimik.

"but i guess... Wala na din naman akong magagawa eh."

my straight expression turned into a surprise one.

"I'll move on Trixie... Alam ko namang, gusto mo na yung Saebricx na yun eh."

binalot kami ng mahabang katahimikan...

Nang bigla akong nagsalita.

"y'know, Shane's alive." i looked at him.

And because of his expression, narealize ko na alam naman niya yun.

"did you really... Try to kill her?"
"of course not! May sumira ng break ng sasakyan ko kaya nangyari yun... At nagka
taon lang na, yung nagda-drive nung sasakyan na nakabangga namin yung inutusan k
ong takutin na patayin si Shane... I won't hurt her Trix."

"do you... Like her?"
"i don't know..." tumingin siya sa may itaas at hinilot ang kanyang sentido.

And by that, i already know the answer...

Aalis na sana ako ng sasakyan niya, when he said something.

"just always remember Trixie, don't trust Michael too much."

then i went outside his car as he droves away from me.

what does he mean by that?

May ginawa kaya si Michael kay Bricx?

"Bricx... May ginawa ba sayo si Michael?"
"wala... Bat mo naman nasabi?"

hindi na lang ako umimik at niyakap siya.

Si Bricx...

Kahit minsan madalas kaming 'nagkakasakit' na dalawa...

Pero ang totoo pag naglalambing o kung ano man siya... Mahilig siyang mangyakap.
.. Niyayakap niya kasi ako lagi.

At tsaka mahilig siyang... Magpatong na ulo sa balikat at manghalik sa leeg.

Bampira lang. :)


tinignan ko siya... Nakatingin siya dun sa may scenery.

"i love you."

pero wala...

Wala man lang kahit anong sinabi...

Ngumiti lang siya at hinalikan ako sa mga labi ko.

And when he finally let go of the kiss...

He murmur something...

"set the limit." then he flash a smile.

*end of chapter*
Chapter 27: in France...
Trixie's POV:

simula nung umamin ako kay Bricx, parang lumalayo na siya sakin, but still, we s
hare the same bed...

Pero hindi na katulad ng dati.

Siguro hindi niya ako gusto.

Pero kahit na hindi niya ako gusto...

He's my fiancee... And he doesn't have a choice.

He's mine.

"Trix... May naghahanap sayo." si kuya...

Hindi ako tumayo...

Hanggang sa naramdaman ko na lang na tumabi sakin si kuya.

Andito kasi ako ngayon sa bahay eh.

Busy kasi masyado si Bricx sa company nila...

May problema ata.

Ewan. Baka ginagamit niya lang yun na dahilan.

"what's your problem sis?" my kuya said.

pinitik niya yung noo ko tapos tinawanan ako.

Tignan mo to.

"liar. Kapatid mo ako, kaya alam kong may problema ka."
"alam mo naman pala eh, tinatanong mo pa."
"kasi gusto kong ikaw ang magsabi sakin."

hindi ako umimik...

Tapos si kuya naman, pinatong yung ulo ko sa balikat niya...

Tahimik akong nag-isip...

Ano ba talagang dapat kong gawin?

Tatanungin ko na ba si Bricx?

"kuya... Sino nga pala yung naghahanap sakin?"
"yung fiancee mo."

tumayo ako bigla at bumaba.

Andun si Bricx.

"hey!" i said with a smile.

Nginitian niya din ako...

Pero iba... Parang katulad nung dati kaming nagkita.

"bat ka nandito?"
"didn't you miss me?"
"i do... So, what's the catch?"
"wag tayo dito..."

umalis kami...

Naglakad lang kami sa buong subdivision.

Nakahawak lang siya ng mahigpit sa kamay ko...

Nung nakadating na kami malapit sa may simbahan...

Pumunta kami dun sa may park na malapit dun at pumunta sa kubo.

"an--" then he kissed me...

Slowly and passionately.

I put my hands in his nape...

He's the first one to let go of the kiss and kiss my forehead.

"Trix... What if I tell you that... The engagement will be postponed?"

tinignan ko lang siya ng matalim.

Pero agad naman siyang ngumiti at binawi yun.

"nagtatanong lang..."
"pag yun pinostpone mo, hindi na ako papayag na ma-engaged tayo."

yumuko siya tapos pinaglaruan yung kamay ko...

"Trix... Mawawala lang ako ng ilang araw ah."
"san ka pupunta?"
"may business trip lang akong pupuntahan."
"hoy! Tumigil ka diyan ah! Next week na yung engagement natin, pag ikaw hindi pu
munta dun!"
"pupunta ako... Promise"
"promises are half jokes Saebricx!"

nag-pout siya. Nag-pacute pa talaga =____=

"wag kang mag-pout!"
"di ba bagay?"
"hindi ka cute Angelo." he looked at me stunningly and kiss me.

He was kissing me deeply...

And roaming his hands on my body as well...

I put my hands in his chest...

He's laying me down and kiss me on my neck...

"ahm Bricx... Nasa tabi po kaya tayo ng simbahan... At park po ito!"

i heard him chuckle...

He get back with my lips, and slid his hand on my short.

"sorry..." then he smiled at me innocently...



"ano ba Bricx! I-shoot mo na kasi!"

tapos tinuloy niya lang ginagawa niya...

Pasaway naman oh.

"eh kasi, mainit na yan, okay na yan."
"di pa nga... Tignan mo!"

tinignan ko yun... Mainit na nga kasi sabi.

"okay na nga yan, shoot mo na."
"tss bahala ka nga!" tapos ayun...


tumalsik tuloy yung mantika samin.

"bat mo naman ginanon?!"
"sabi mo shoot eh!"
"i mean ilagay mo, yung maayos!"

nag-shrug lang siya sakin tapos kiniss yung mukha ko na natalsikan ng onting man

"heh! Tignan mo naging itsura!"
"sabi ko naman kasi sayo magapa-deliver na lang tayo eh."
"ayoko nga, i need to practice cooking y'know."

tapos inalis ko na yung fish na finry niya kanina at tinapon sa trashcan.

And fried another one.

After ng ilang oras natapos na din kaming magluto...

Inihanda nanamin lahat...

Tinitigan lang namin yung mga naluto namin at ngumiti...

"magpa-deliver na nga lang tayo."

and then yun... Nauwi din kami sa pagpapa-deliver.

*sigh* nagsayang lang kami.

And after a minute, dumating na din yung pina-deliver naming pizza and pasta.

Nanood kami ng tv habang kumakain sa kwarto niya.

"so kelan ka aalis?"
"the day after tomorrow."
"at ngayon mo lang sinabi sakin?"
"sorry... Ayaw ko naman kasi talagang pumunta dun eh. Kung hindi lang talaga kai
langan, tsaka kahapon lang din yan sakin sinabi ni papa."

ah. Pero bakit ngayon niya lang sinabi? Tsaka si tito, wala din namang sinasabi
sakin eh.

Well, it's not my problem anymore...

Sumandal ako sa kanya... Habang siya naman, nilapag yung pizza na hawak niya at
pinulupot sakin yung braso niya.


then he whisper something...

"ano yun?"
"walang ulitan sa bingi!" tapos tumawa siya.

Tinaasan ko lang siya ng kilay...

Pero tinawanan niya lang ulit ako.

Nababaliw na ang fiancee ko.

"you're crazy Bricx..."
"yeah... **about you**"


tama ba yung narinig ko?

"what did you say?"

nahiga na siya sa kama niya at hinatak ako...

Inubos ko lang yung pizza ko tapos niyakap ko na siya.

"Bricx laro tayo..."

sabi ko sa kanya.

"ano naman?" tinignan ko siya tapos nakakunot yung noo niya.
"truth or dare."
"promise may thrill to!"

bumangon ako tapos kinuha ko yung phone ko...


May apps kasi ako dito sa phone ko, truth or dare.

Sinet ko lang yung players...

Ako at si Bricx.

"oh, game... Ako una... Truth."

nung una... Puro pang-mababait na questions lang... Hanggang sa nadagdagan ng na
dagdagan ng heart... Kay pa-bad na ng pa-bad...

Ibig sabihin halos puro tungkol na sa sex.

"okay... Para sayo Bricx... Any sexual fantasy with someone?"

napangiti siya at sumagot.

"i always had a sexual fantasy with you."
"yuck ka Saebricx!" sabi ko habang tinatawanan ko siya.
"bakit ikaw ba wala?"
"wala no!"

nagkibit balikat lang siya tapos tumawa...

Kay Bricx ulit yung question.

"truth or dare?"

ang daya... Pag ako, lagi niya kini-click yung dare, kahit sinasabi kong truth.

"dare!" then kinlick ko yun...

Inagaw niya yung phone ko tapos tumawa...

Ano bang nakalagay?

"lick Trixie's fingers..."


kinuha niya yung kamay ko tapos nilick niya.

Then he threw my cellphone at the other side of the bed.

He kiss me on my lips.

trailing his fingers on my collar bone, down to my tummy...

Getting it down...

Until he slid his fingers into my undies...

He put me on his lap and kissed me down...

Down to my neck and my collar bone...

I played with his hair and then put my hands on his pants...

Unbuttoning and unzipping it...

I slid it down leaving him with boxers only.

He immediately changed our position...

He's now on top of me and kiss me down between my thighs...

Leaving me with small moans.

He was about to thrust inside of me when...


"ah sht!"

he get off me and harshly picked up his phone.

Sinuot ko yung t-shirt niya at umupo sa lap niya habang may kausap siyang busine
ss partner ata nila.

Wala akong maintindihan sa pinag-uusapan nila...

Basta ang alam ko lang, tungkol ata yun sa pinapatayong building sa France.

"yes Mr. Stacey... I'll do it immediately, i'll make sure, na matatapos din yun
sa araw na gusto niyo... Yes sir. Thank you."

inihiga niya ako sa kama at tumayo na siya...

Pumunta siya dun sa may laptop niya and started doing something.


niyakap ko siya mula sa likod niya...

"not now Trix I'm busy."

hindi pa din ako tumigil...

Hinayaan na lang niya ako, nang mapansin kong...

Ang tinitignan niya is yung mga cite nila sa France.

Tsaka yung mga ka-business deal nila dun...

What's with France?

"Bricx... Sabihin mo nga sakin, san yung business trip mo?"
"just somewhere..."
"tell me!"

lumayo ako sa kanya...

Bumuntong hininga lang siya at sumagot...

"in France."

*end of chapter*
Chapter 28: smile.
Trixie's POV:

France? Ang layo nun ah!

Tss. Kahapon ko pa yan nalaman...

At bukas na ang alis niya...

Pero di pa din ako nakikipag-bati kay Bricx.

Eh kasi naman, bakit hindi niya yun sinabi sakin?

Pwede naman niyang sabihin eh, hindi naman ako magagalit.

Hindi yung nagmumukha akong tangang walang alam!

Tapos eto pa!

Nagtatampo ako sa kanya... At wala man lang siyang ginagawa para makipagbati man
lang sakin.

At isa pa! Lagi niyang kasama si Xenia!

Fck them both!

Kaya siguro ako pinaalis nun sa condo niya, kasi, magkasama ulit sila ni Xenia!

Pagkababa ko ng motor ko, dumiretso ako sa gym.

And great... Andun si Xenia at Bricx, naglalandian, what a great thing to start
my day.

"FOCUS EVERYONE! Next week will be your final game, and of course with the Red F

i glared at the two of them, kasi parang wala silang naririnig eh!

Anyways... Hindi ko na lang sila pinansin, mukhang, nag-eenjoy naman sila eh...

"captain!" nagulat siya kaya bigla niyang nahulog si Xenia na NAKAUPO sa kandung
an niya.


"are you sure Trixie that they will play fair?"

sabi ni Max, magaling na pala siya...

And what? Play fair?

Hindi ko naman tinuruan na maging madaya yung mga yon, at pag nandaya sila, ako
mismo ang bubugbog sa kanila isa isa.

"of course! I'll slash their throat with my bare hands if they did not!"

mukha namang nakuntento sila sa sinabi ko at nagsimula ng maglaro.

Pero si Bricx, hindi pa din umaalis sa pwesto niya at ayun, mas lalong nakipag-h
arutan kay Xenia...

**np: you by the pretty reckless**

and just in time.

"Hello AES." i emphasize Aes' name for the both of them hear me.
"*chuckle* inis ka ngayon no?"
"yeah, very..."
"what me to pick you up? Labas lang tayo, kahit saglit lang."

ayos na kami ni Aes, still friends... Bestfriend ko yan no, mahirap sakin na mag
katampuhan kami...

Kahit na, alam niyo na, mag-ex kami...

"that would be great... What time?"
"now... I'll be there in a minute, wait for me."
"yeah, love you."
"*chuckles* love you too."

nakasanayan na kasi naming magsabihan ng 'love you' kahit noon pa. Mahal ko nama
n talaga si Aes, but now, as friend na lang.

Tinignan lang ako ni Bricx pero nginitian ko lang siya...

Isang mapang-asar na ngiti.

Bahala ka diyan!

Pero bago pa ako makaalis... May humatak sakin...

"hindi mo man lang ba ako sasamahan ngayon? Tomorrow's my flight."

inirapan ko lang siya at sumama kay Aes.

Sumakay kami ng sasakyan niya at sinabi kong sa bar ko na lang kami pumunta.

Medyo madami ng tao...

Ang aga aga, andaming tao.

Naupo ako sa may bar counter at umorder ng Strawberry Diaquiri.

"getting that hard already?"
"tss. Mind your own drink Aesser."

habang tumatagal nagiging tipsy na ako, pero alam ko pa din naman ginagawa ko, n
ahihilo nga lang.

Tumayo ako at pumunta sa may stage.

Pagka-akyat ko dun...

Nakita ko si Bricx at Xenia na dumating.

Tinaasan ko lang sila ng kilay at nagsalita sa mic.

"hey everyone! Since I'm very happy right now..."

tinignan ko siya na nakakunot ang noo...

"I'll treat everyone here a glass of Martini!"

naghiyawan lang yung mga tao at isa isa silang pinag-serve-an ng mga waiters...

"and for tonight... I'd like to sing a song... For my dear... Fiancee..."

tinuro ko si Bricx at sabay sabay naman siyang tiniganan ng mga tao...

"Saebricx Villazanta... This is for you dear..."

**np: smile by Avril Lavigne**

nilagay ko sa stand yung mic at tinanggal yung blazer ko.

"you know that I'm a crazy bitch
I do what I want, when I feel like it
All I wanna' do is lose control"

sinamaan ko lang siya ng tingin nung biglang kumunot yung noo niya na agad naman
niyang binawi at tsaka hinatak ang isang babae.

"but you don't really give a shit!
You let it got ,let it go, with it
'cause you're a fuckin' crazy rock 'n roll!"

tinignan niya lang ako at nag-smirk...

So what does he want to tell me?

"you-u said 'hey, what's your name?'
it took one look and now we're not the same
yeah, you said hey, and since that day
you stole my heart and you're the one to blame!"

magsisimula na ako sa chorus ng kanta nung napansin kong umalis siya sa pwesto n
iya at naglakad papunta sa exit ng bar ko...

Inabot ko ito sa isa sa mga singer dito at pinagpatuloy niya yung kanta...

Habang ako...

Hinahabol ko si Bricx.

"wait Bricx!"

hinarap ko siya sakin at sinipa ko yung babaeng kaakbay niya...

What a btch! Kasasabi ko lang kanina na fiancee ko si Bricx eh!

"what? I have to do some business." he said boringly...

The same Bricx I met seven months ago.

[and that's why-y-y I smile
It's been a while
since every day and every thing has felt this right...]

"you're engaged to me Bricx!"
"so? Can't i have fun? Engage lang tayo, hindi kasal, besides... Hindi din naman
talaga tayo..."

i glared at him.

[And now you turned it all around
And suddenly you're all I nees
the reason why I-I-I smile]

"what did you say?"
"I was just playing with you Trixie... I never say that I like you... And now th
at I won, hindi ba pwedeng, magpakasaya naman ako?"

[you-u said 'hey, what's your name?'
it took one look and now we're not the same
yeah, you said hey, and since that day
you stole my heart and you're the one to blame, yeah]

sinuntok ko siya sa mukha niya...

"don't beat behind the bush Saebricx! Tell it straight to my fcking face what yo
u mean!"
"that I don't love you... That I never meant all that I did. You're just a bed w
armer for me Trixie."

tumayo siya at inayos yung damit niya...

[and that's why-y-y I smile
It's been a while
since every day and every thing has felt this right...
And now you turned it all around
And suddenly you're all I need
the reason why I-I-I smile]

"let's call off the engagement..." he finally said...

Tatalikuran na niya sana ako pero pinigilan ko siya.

"i told you Bricx, when you postponed the engagement, there's not a chance it'll
happen again... And for the record, I'm the only one who's allowed to stood som
eone up."

*end of chapter*
Chapter 29: Worst.
Trixie's POV:

iniwan ko siya dun. Bahala na siya, sinabihan ko na siya, pag iniwan niya ako, h
indi na ako mapupunta ulit sa kanya.

Ah oo nga pala, bat nga pala niya ako gugustuhing mapasakanya, eh diba nga nagla
ro lang siya?

At ako si gaga, nagpatalo naman.

Pag-uwi ko sa bahay, sinalubong kagad ako ng matamlay na si mama at papa.

"what's with the face people?"
"Saebricx, cancelled the engagement."

so inunahan niya ako? Lakas din ng loob niya eh no, i should be the one doing th
at! Tsk.

"so? Maghanap na lang ulit kayo ng iba para sakin."

tapos umakyat na ako papunta sa kwarto ko...

Nilibot ko yung kwarto ko...

My bed... My cr... My carpet... My study table... My couch...

There's no place in my room, we did not had s*x.

That guy,! bed warmer huh?


sinabi ko lang na pasok at iniluwa nito ang isa sa mga kasambahay namin.

"bakit po?"
"dumating na po kasi yung portrait na pinagawa niyo ma'am..."

tapos nilapag niya sa couch yung portrait.


then she went off... Pagkaalis niya lumapit ako sa may portrait at sinimulang bu
ksan ito...

Ang ganda.

Eto yung picture namin ni Bricx nung photoshoot namin para sa engagement...

Pina-sketch ko.

Pero, wala din pala, sayang lang.

Binato ko yun sa may lapag at nahiga.

**the next day**

bumaba ako ng bahay namin, fresh and clean...

I was smiling from ear to ear, pero bigla naman itong nawala, dahil sa magulang
kong parang pinagsakluban ng langit at lupa.

"what's with the face, people?"

hindi sila sumagot, oh well, pumunta na lang ako sa kitchen at naghanap ng mailu


I'm sure Bricx will-- SHT!

I harshly close the fridge!

Stop thinking about him Trixie! He Is Not Worth It!


umalis na ako sa kitchen at nanood ng tv...

Korean nanaman...

Ayaw ni Bricx diyan, bakla daw kasi, tsaka mas gwa-- ANO BA TRIXIE! stop thinkin
g about him!

Nilipat ko yung channel...

Sa news ko nilipat -morning news.- puro sa business naman lahat =.= economics..
. Boring nun, lalo na kapag yung teacher niyo, ang tanga mag-explain.

Ililipat ko na sana yung channel kasi ang boring naman, at naaalala ko lang yung
teacher ko dati sa economics na si Mr. Vicbert Maceda na muntanga magturo =.= n
g may news flash...

Si Bricx?

Pumikit pikit ako ng ilang beses para siguraduhin kung si Bricx nga yon at hindi
nga ako mali... It really is Bricx.

Nilakasan ko yung volume para mas marinig ko ng tama kung about saan yung interv

"is it true that all of your clients are getting into Villafuerte's... Especiall
y your big project at France..."


'don't trust Michael too much.'


I hurriedly call Aes to confirm this.

"you heard the news?"
"yes... Where's Mike?"
"well, uhm, I'm currently beating him up, for ya'"
"no... I'll do it, where are you?"

when i know where they are, i throw the remote at the tv, kaya naman nasira ito.

"buy a new one." i said to one of our maids and give her my credit card, as I we
nt to my motorcycle.

nung makarating na ako kung nasan sila Aes, nakita ko si Mike na nakaupo sa sahi

Dali dali ko siyang sinugod at sinuntok.

And when I'm satisfied i stopped and sit on the ground.

"that's the Trixie, that I know."
"why'd you do it?"
"because I like you!"
"bakit si Bricx?"
"because you like him..."
"oh, you're doin' this bullsht because i like him, you like me? Huh? What a fcki
ng cliche reason Michael!"

then i punched him on his face one more time.

"know what? If you keep doin' this, you might lose your guy..." he said with a s

Then he hand me his car keys.

"it's a sports car, mas mabilis yan kumpara kapag ginamit mo yung motor mo." i d
umbly looked at him...

"I'll try to change my mistakes, now get your guy right now, before I changed my
mind and rape you now." i glared at him and punch him in his face.

Sinakay ko siya sa sasakyan ni Aes and let him drive, Aes will go with me...

Mike can handle that.

Before I start the engine Aes started to do the sign of the cross and put his se
atbelt nervously.

I just laugh at him, and started to make this thing...


Nilagpasan ko na lahat ng traffic lights at nilusutan na lahat ng shortcut na al
am ko para lang makadating ng airport kagad.

And kung yung usual na oras para makadating dun is thirty minutes, i only did it
for ten minutes, guess I could be a racer.

Pagkababa namin si Aes, yumakap sa lupa, mukha siyang tanga! Nilalabas nanaman n
iya yung kabaliwan niya =.=

nevermind that, i have to find my dumbass fiancee, oh, ex fiancee perhaps =.=

and there he is, in an interview...

Tinanggal ko yung heels ko at binato sa kanya.

Head shot!

He curse and looked who threw him that and was shocked to see me.

"surprise!" then i went closer to him and punch him to his face.

Then kick him 'where-it-hurts-the-most'

"what the heck Trixie!? What's your problem?!"

I just give him a glare...

"what's my problem?! Huh?! You're really asking me that?! You dumbhole! I told y
ou before, nobody can't leave me! Leave me hangin'! I should be the one, leaving
you, but heck! How calm you're the one br--"

then he kissed me!

"dami pang sinasabi, just say you love me and get this done!"

and he kissed me again... I heard all the people said 'aww'

i let go of the kiss and punch him hard on his face, making him fall to the grou

"now you're kissing me? I told you that if you postponed the engagement, you'll
never get me back."
"you said postponed not cancel."

at muli, binigyan ko siya ng matalim na tingin.

"are you playing with me?"
"oh no sweety, i won't 'cause i love you."

i was mesmerize, excited, happy, angry, shocked, surprise, mortified and furious
for a moment. All of that at the same time.

"what did you say?"
"walang ulitan sa bingi. Sige aalis na ako. Malate pa ako sa flight ko, hinihint
ay na ako ng mga french girls ko don."

tinanggal ko yung isa ko pang heels at binato sa kanya pero nailagan niya yun.

"been there, done that, and I don't feel like doing it again, Trix. Just trust m

then he winked as he walks away.

he walks away while waving at me...

Then I saw it.

The ring... Our supposed to be, engagement ring.

That made me smile...

And before i left the airport i recieved a text message.

'just remember what i told you...'

of course I will.

Why would I forget it? What a stupid guy I have here...

Well atleast he made this bad girl...

Worst. Kidding.

*end of chapter*
Epilogue: foul play
Trixie's POV:

six years had passed... And that six long years changed my life... Our lives per

Just like Aes...

He's with Shane right now, and now planning to marry her...

If you think that he went with Shane that easily, you're wrong.

Shane made him suffer for a long time... Three years to be exact.

He made Aes her chapperone, maid, PA everything.

Well I think he deserved it... But it doesn't matter anymore... They're getting
married and now Shane's pregnant with their second child.

Yup, second, because when Shane got pregnant with their first baby, she hesitate
d to marry Aes... Ang akala niya kasi, baka napipilitan lang to na magpakasal sa

As of Mike... He and Xenia...

Well, uhm, on and off relationship I guess...

But I'm pretty sure he really loves Xenia, just hard for him to admit it, since,
we all know that she likes Aes...

Oh about them... Being incest... Yes, it's true, but it happened before they kne
w they were siblings. But yeah, they still make out that time...

Well past is past, it's just part of our history, we should not pay attention wi
th it, 'cause we can't do anything to change it anymore...

Well back to Mike and Xenia's side story... The reason of their on and off relat
ionship is...

Michael always call her names, such as b*tch, sl*t etc... At ayaw yun ni Xenia k
aya nakikipag-break siya. Well if I'm the one he's calling me with that names, h
e'd be dead by now...

Oh well, when they broke up, Michael always make up a plan to win her back.

Still... When they get back, he'll start to call her names again, paulit ulit la

But now...

Michael set her up for them to get married. He ask for Bart's help and block mai
l Xenia...

Don't know what is it, but right now, they were also planning for a wedding.

And as of me...

The main character of this story...

I'm reading a magazine...

Currently reading a magazine at my office...

Just that... Reading a magazine at my office with a cup of coffee on my table...

Staring deadly at this magazine...

Because of the guy that's on its cover...


Sa internet, magazine at tv na lang ako nakaka-update sa nangyayari sa kanya...

Kasi... For the past six years, he did not contact me.

And for that past six years, lagi akong nakakarinig ng flings niya...

Well, parehas lang naman kami eh, nakikipag-fling pa din...

Pero when you said Bricx plus fling... It means something more.

I stand up and put my coat on...

Pag-alis ko ng building namin, isang malamig na hangin kagad ang dumapo sa kataw
an ko...

Ang lamig.

Dumiretso ako sa sasakyan ko papuntang bahay...

My house.

I moved out of our house, when i turned eighteen. Being independent. Got hired t
o our company, but no special treatment, i get into my position because I worked
for it.

I went up with a warm bath and cooked something for myself...

In these past six years, i learned how to cook... And now, i became a great cook
. I can now cook what Bricx wanted. Not the burned one.

pagkatapos kong magluto, pumunta ako sa sala ko at binuksan ang tv.

News, news, news. Boring. I don't know, I'm now twenty three and I still got bor
ed with news, guess I'm still not grown up.

I was about to turn the tv into another channel when the screen showed up Bricx.

An interview.

Nilaksan ko yung volume...

"so what's you plan when you get back to the Philippines?"
"well... Business, business... I don't have any plans..." i heard the audience l

Me? Am I not part of your plan?

Napa-dekwatro ako sa sinabi at halukipkip habang iniirapan ang lalaking, halata
namang nakikipaglandian sa babaeng interviewer.

"well... All the girls here are curious... Do you have any girlfriend right now?
And your flings in France, is it true?"
"in France? It's not true, they're just modelling for our building, that's it. A
nd girlfriend? I don't... But I have this one special girl, who went off all my

napabilis bigla ang tibok ng puso ko as i sip a glass of water. Damn Trixie, it'
s been six years, and you act like a high school girl, being smiled by your crus

Naghiyawan yung mga tao sa sinabi ni Bricx...

"oh... So who's this girl? And what is this limit you're talking about?"
"i don't wanna' talk about her, because when you know her, you'll immediately ge
t captivated by her, that's how great she is." he said smiling at the camera, as
if he's smiling at me.
"she must be that great, to catch your attention... So what is this limit you're
talking about."
"well she is great... Back when I was eighteen I guess, I met her, I played with
her, tried to play with her perhaps, but in the end i lose, she went off my lim
its... At that time, my limit was to not fall in love to someone, yes, i liked s
omeone but not love... Guess karma strikes then i fall in love... Hard and fast.
"is this the girl from the last interview, before you went to France?"

nginitian niya lang yung babae...

Saebricx... I hate you!

Pinatay ko yung tv at pumunta sa kusina, trying to catch my breathe.

I so fcking hate you Bricx!

I laughed at what I've thought... Yes I hate you Bricx... I hate you for making
me love you!

I go to my room and tries to sleep, but the stupid face of Bricx' smiling kept o
n swimming on my mind.

But after an hour, nakatulog na din ako.

**the next day: Reyes' Residence**

pinapunta ako dito nila mommy, urgent daw, ano nanaman bang nangyari?

"what happened?" pati sila tita Angela andito...

Parents ni Bricx.

"hija, alam mo na ba 'to?" then they hand me an envelope...

Invitation? Binuksan ko yung laman...

'you are invited to the wedding of

Mr. And Mrs. Villazanta.'
(a/n: gets niyo? mr and mrs kagad eh hahah)

blah blah blah.

Don't care.

"so? He's getting married, what should I do? Should I throw a party or what?" i
said as I sit on the sofa.

May nalalaman pa siyang set the limit set the limit kagabi sa interview tapos ga
non lang pala?

Bahala na siya! Umalis na ako ng bahay namin at dumiretso sa sasakyan ko.

Pero bago pa lang ako makasakay dito... May nagtakip sa mata ko.

the last glimpse I saw, was my parents laughing and waving at me.

What the! I was being kidnap and they were just waving at me!

Sinakay ako sa isang sasakyan.

"what do you want?" tinanong ko si kidnapper na kumakain ng lollipop? At may haw
ak na teddy bear?

What a weird kidnapper i got here.

Tinignan ko yung isa pang kidnapper, babae naman, naka-pigtails... Blonde yung b
uhok, pero may takip sa bibig at naka-shades.

"hoy! Sabi ko anong kailangan niyo?" tanong ko ulit sa kanila.


i just roll my eyes and put the headphones and listen to music.

Sila Shanna at Trevor =.= ano nanamang trip nila?

Well, sino yung nagda-drive?

Tinignan ko sa rearview mirror kung sino, and base on his eyes, it's Daniel.

Ano to? Nagpaparamdam na ang nasa second book? Psh.

Hindi ko namalayan nakatulog na pala ako...

And after two hours, naramdaman ko na lang na nasa isang malambot na higaan na a

Pagmulat ko ng mata ko...

White lahat.

Must be a hotel, ano bang meron? I looked at my phone to see the date, hindi nam
an april fools day?

Well, actually, it was my birthday! What a nice gift from them! giving me a few
seconds of heart attack!

Lalabas na sana ako ng kwarto na to kaso, naka-lock naman!

So i had no choice but to wait here, wala akong magawa, bat empty na yung ipad k
o =.=

then after a minute may pumasok sa kwarto ko, nahiga ako and act like i was slee

Naramdaman kong may tumabi sakin...

I smelled him... Bricx.

Napamulat ako ng mata ko at nasa harap ko na siya!

"aaaaahhhhh!" *boogsh*

dahil sa gulat ko parehas kaming nahulog sa kama...

He's on top of me.

"w-what are you doin' here?!" he chuckle and planted a soft kiss on my nose.

"it's our wedding day missy."

"WHAT!?" the first thing i reacted.

Masaya naman ako, pero hindi ko naman pwedeng ipahalata yun sa kanya, duh, he st
ill did not contact me, for what? Six years!!

"don't shout! Alam ko namang gusto mo din yun eh!"

tumayo ako at sinipa siya!

"ano ngayon kung gusto ko? Wala akong pake! Tss. Sasabihin mong ikakasal tayo ng
ayon, eh nung wala ka nga dito, hindi mo man lang ako tinawagan eh!"
"i have an explanation for that."
"now explain!"

tinitigan niya lang ako ng ilang minuto bago magsalita...

"kasi... Kapag tinawagan kita, maririnig ko ang boses mo..."
"at pag narinig ko ang boses mo, I'll miss you... And when I missed you, I'd wan
ted to see you... And when I see you, I'd wanted to hug you... And when I hugged

I'll keep on bothering you."

napatawa ako sa sinabi niya at niyakap siya...

"i miss you too." i finally said as he kiss me on my lips.

"I love you." said Bricx... I smiled at him and say...

"i don't love you Bricx..." he was about to let me go... But I hugged him tighte

"that's what I keep on saying six years ago, pero di ko naman magawa... 'cause I
love you very much... More and more, each day..." then he kissed me again...

umalis na si Bricx sa room ko pagtapos naming magkasakit -_- he's really insatia

and after a few hours, may kumatok sa kwarto ko, duh, as if i can open that, nas
a labas kaya yung lock.

"enter!" then yun, niluwa nun sila Shanna at Serene.

Na may dalang malaking box.

"ano yan?"

"waaaaa! Wedding gown mo!" sabay nilang sabi...

Wedding gown ko?

Binuksan nilang dalawa yun...

Bricx, really know what I want.

"nge! Bakit black!" sabi ni Shanna.
"pwede ba to?" sabi naman ni Serene.

"don't worry, pwede naman. And as for you Shanna, kaya siya black, kasi gusto ko
yun, don't worry, when you get married, you'll wear a pink wedding dress." and
that made Shanna blushed.

Oo nga pala sila na ni--

"Trixie, aayusan ka na daw." sabi ni Serene sakin, kaya naman naligo lang ako ul
it and wear a robe.

Paglabas ko andun na yung mag-aayos sakin...

"don't touch my hair, leave it like that." then they do all their business.


and now... Andito ako sa bridal car.

Kinakabahan ako...

I must not freak out... Pero...


Breathe in breathe out...

May kumatok sa window nung sasakyan, that's my cue to get out of this car at pum
asok na sa church.

Lumabas na ako, naka-close yung pinto nung church...

And in a minute...

Binuksan na ito para sakin...

**np: a thousand years by Emmanuelle Vera and Micah Caldito**

~heart beats fast
colors and promises
how to be brave
how can I love
when I'm afraid
to fall
but watching you stand alone all of my doubts
suddenly fade away somehow...~

as I walk down the aisle, everything become slowmo... Magical...

And to know that and the end of this aisle, i'll finally be with the man I love

~one step closer~

every step... I'm closer to him... Closer to the guy I've been waiting for my li

~I have died everyday
waiting for you
darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you
for a thousand years
I loved you for a thousand more...~

i caught him looking at me... With so much passion and excitement visible in his

~time stand still
beauty and all she is
i will be brave
i will not let anything take
away, what's standing in front of me
every breathe, every hour has come to this...

One step closer...~

my father gave my hand to Bricx... I can see my mom and dad crying, so as Bricx'

~i have died everyday waiting for you
darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
I loved you for a thousand more...~

and when i finally got into Bricx' arms, he whispered i love you to me...

Sweet Bricx.

"Dear fri--"
"wait father!" i said habang tinaas ko pa yung kamay ko.

Kabadong kabado ako...

"ano yun hija?"
"wait lang po talaga."

tumingin sakin si Bricx ng may pagtataka sa mukha...

Nginitian ko lang siy at tsaka sumigaw.

"aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" nagulat yung mga tao sa simbahan pati na din yung pari at
si Bricx..

"pampatagal kaba lang po, ituloy niyo na po."

bahagyang tumawa yung pari at nagsimula na ulit magsalita.

"dear friends and family, we have gathered here today to witness and bless Trixi
e Clarisse Reyes and Saebricx Angelo Villazanta as they will be united as one be
ing as they build a happy future together. Let us give thanks to our Dear Lord f
or creating this union of this two hearts and soul."

(a/n: thanks for MsButterfly's BHO hahha may reference ako dito xDDDD)

natapos na yung pari, and now...

It's time for the giving away the bride.

"who present this woman and this man to be married to each other, to be together
forever, and to bind their hearts and soul together?"

sasagot na sana yung parents ko...

But too late, may sumagot na para sa kanila.

"YES FATHER!" -Shanna
"WE DO, WE DO FATHER!" -Trevor.

"aish. The parents should answer that not us." sinabihan ni Daniel si Shanna.

Hahaha. Umiling na lang yung parents ko at sumagot.

After ng onting sermon ng pari...

It's now time for the pledging.

"Trixie Clarisse Reyes, will you take, Saebricx Angelo Villazanta to be your wed
ded husband, to live together in the convenant of faith, hope, and love accordin
g to the intention of God for your lives together in Jesus Christ? Will you list
en to his inmost thoughts, be considerate and tender in your care of him and sta
nd by his faithfully, in sickness and in health, and preferring him above all ot
hers, accept full responsibility for her every necessity for as long as you both
shall live?"

breathe in...

"I DO PO!"

nag-peace lang ako kay father, bakit ba, kinakabahan nga kasi ako eh!

"Saebricx Angelo Villazanta, will you take Trixie Clarisse Reyes, to be your wed
ded wife, to live together in the convenant of faith, hope, and love according t
o the intention of God for your lives together in Jesus Christ? Will you listen
to her inmost thoughts, be considerate and tender in your care of her and stand
by her faithfully, in sickness and in health, and preferring her above all other
s, accempt full responsibility for her every necessity for as long as you both s
hall live?"

nag-smirk lang si Bricx...

Pag ikaw hind--

he kissed me and say

"of course I will!"

he looked at me... And just a few seconds the father say that it's now time for
our vows...

Tinitigan muna ako ni Bricx at nagsimula ng magsalita...

"Clarisse, all my life I've been a heartless and worthless player, who knows not
hing but to play with other girls feelings, hindi seryoso, walang sineseryoso, b
ut then on November 23, exactly six years ago, someone came and changed my life.
Ikaw yon, you came into my life and changed it. I tried to play with your feeli
ngs, like what I used to do, try to to get you out of my head, think of other th
ings, but I just canl2, you were like a basketball, that always bounces back at
me, everytime i throw it away... A basketball who became my everything. The only
right thing in my life. I think I've told you before what foul play is, but rig
ht no, I want to say it in front of everyone..." he looks at the crowd while hol
ding my hand.

"guys... Foul play, is when I met her, foul play, is when we started our game un
fairly with each other, foul play is when I started to fall for her... And that
foul play is starting again, right now in front of you.."

he looked at me and smile...

"where we'll say our vows with each other, and grab our happy ever after. I've w
aited six long years for this, Clarisse... But now... I'm asking you, will you h
old my hand tightly and end the game we both started and open a new chapter in o
ur lives?" I nod at him as he squeeze my hands...

He wipe away the tears flowing down in my face and mouthed 'I love you'

"I guess, I already know the answer... And in the name of God, I vow to take you
as my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse
, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish...
" he paused for a second and talk again...

"and even after death*chuckle* this is my solemn vow."

bahagyang napatawa yung pari...

Bricx is really... Full of surprises...

Ngumiti lang ako...

Napansin kong nakatitig sakin si Bricx...

"it's your turn."

oo nga pala!

It's time for my vow.

"well, uhm, I'm not really prepared for this, because you guys, kidnapped me, hi
ndi niyo man lang ako sinabihan... Anyways, I'll start... Since I was born all I
want is to have a happy ever after story, but then I realized, life doesn't end
with it, then I become a rebel-for-no-reason girl, a playgirl and a bi-- yeah t
hat, because for one particular reason... I fell in love, that's the time when I
realized, love does not start with a jump ball.... 'cause it start with a freet
hrow, where you take and grab chances, where you not fight just to have that som
ething, but to take risks, just to win that something. I guess, six years ago, I
've wasted that chance and let go of you, but right now, I'm surely take that se
cond chance, and make sure to win it.

Before, I always thought that the meaning of foul play is to play dirty or unfai
rly, but this guy beside me, made me realize one thing... He made me realize it'
s true meaning... And it is when I met and fell in love with him...

So now... In the name of God, I vow to take you as my husband, to have and to ho
ld, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in
sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we both find each others
arms in heaven *chuckles* this is my solemn vow."

he kissed away my tears...

"in the name of God, I now proclaim Saebricx Angelo Villazanta and Trixie Claris
se Reyes, man and wife. Let us all take this holy union in our hearts and treasu
re it. Saebricx angelo Villazanta, you may now kiss you bride." -Priest.

And slowly he lean closer and closer to me...

As I felt his lips brush into my forehead...

Down to my eyes...


And finally, my lips.

And after he let go of our kiss, he hold my hand and run away from the crowd of

Nasa labas na kami ng simbahan nung pinigilan ko siya...

"Bricx! May reception pa!"
"honeymoon muna!" then we went in his car and drove away...

As he drove away to close our book, and now opening a new one...

Filled with new characters, pages and chapters.


"Clarisse, asan na kayo?" bet she's pouting right now.
"eeeeehhhhh! May reception pa kaya!"
"don't care. Bye..." then I hang up before she say anything.

"sino yun?"

author's note: waaaaa! TT^TT salamat sa lahat ng nagbasa nito! II LOVEEEE YOUUUU

TTT^TTT tapos na siyaaaa! whaaaa! ang hirap ilet go ng dalawang to! kahit demony
ita at demonyito xDDDDD okay!

Bricx and Trixie is now signing off...

let's now welcome...

the another quarter of this messy and complicated story...

Daniel and Shanna!

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