VMware VSphere 50 Upgrade Checklists

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uescrlpLlon 8eference/noLes

8equlred Lnsure vCenLer Server ls runnlng aL 4.x or above

ln-place upgrades allowed for 64-blL servers runnlng vCenLer 4.x. Can also mlgraLe
exlsLlng u8s from vlrLualCenLer 2.3u6 or laLer by lnsLalllng vCenLer 3.0 on a new
server and mlgraLlng Lhe exlLlng daLabase. vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 23.
8equlred Lnsure hardware requlremenLs are meL
vCenLer Server 3.0 requlres 64-blL hardware. Conslderupgradlng server Cu and
memory Lo Lake on fuLure growLh. vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 14.
8equlred Lnsure CperaLlng SysLem requlremenLs are meL vCenLer Server requlres a 64-blL CS. vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 17.
8equlred Lnsure daLabase requlremenLs are meL
lL may be necessary Lo upgrade your vCenLer daLabase before upgradlng Lhe
vCenLer Server. vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 29.
8equlred Lnsure vCenLer Server has 64-blL uSn vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 17.
lor MlcrosofL SCL daLabase, ensure Lhe SysLem uSn ls
uslng SCL naLlve CllenL drlver
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 28.
VMware vSphere S.0 M|grat|on
vCenter Server S.0 re-Upgrade Check||st (vers|on 1)
ltlot to opqtoJloq tefet to tbe 5\l lofo ceotet fot tbe lotest lofotmotloo oo mlqtotloq to 5\l 5.0.
use Lhe followlng vceotet 5etvet 5.0 lte-opqtoJe cbeckllst Lo help gulde your vCenLer Server 3.0 upgrade acLlvlLles. 1hese Lasks should
be compleLed ln order. 8equlred Lasks are mandaLory and care should be Laken Lo resolve any lssues before movlng on Lo Lhe nexL Lask.
8ecommended Lasks, whlle opLlonal, are hlghly encouraged. lollowlng Lhe upgrade use Lhe vceotet 5etvet 5.0 lost upqtoJe cbeckllst Lo
gulde Lhe posL upgrade acLlvlLles.
Conflrm Lhe vCenLer daLabase logln, lnsLance name, and
server name (or Cu8C uSn)
verlfy Lhe vCenLer daLabase logln has db_owner permlsslons. vSphere 3.0 upgrade
Culde, pg 28.
Lnsure LhaL Lhe lnsLallaLlon paLh of Lhe exlsLlng vCenLer
Server does nC1 have commas (,) or perlods (.)
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg 49.
Conflrm Lhe vCenLer sysLem ls noL an AcLlve ulrecLory
domaln conLroller
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg 26.
Conflrm LhaL Lhe vCenLer Server sysLem name ls no
more Lhan 13 characLers and ls reglsLered ln unS
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg 26.
verlfy Lhe requlred porLs are open Lo/from Lhe vCenLer
Server sysLem
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg 19.
lf Lhe vCenLer Server 4.x envlronmenL lncludes Culded
ConsolldaLlon, unlnsLall lL before upgradlng Lo vCenLer
Server 3.0
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg 26.
verlfy conflgured vCenLer plug-lns are compaLlble wlLh
vCenLer Server 3.0 (8e-lnsLall/reconflgure plug-lns afLer
Lhe vCenLer Server upgrade)
8efer Lo Lhe vMware roducL lnLeroperablllLy MaLrlx aL
Accompllsh a rellable backup of Lhe vCenLer Server
lollow your local daLabase backup procedures. 8efer Lo Lhe vSphere 3.0 upgrade
Culde, pg. 32 for more lnformaLlon.
Accompllsh a rellable backup of Lhe vCenLer vpxd.cfg
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 32.
Accompllsh a rellable backup of Lhe vCenLer Server SSL
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 32.
8ecommended 8un Lhe vCenLer PosL AgenL re-upgrade Checker
8eporLs known lssues LhaL mlghL prevenL a successful vCenLer upgrade. 8efer Lo
Lhe vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 33 for more lnformaLlon.
lf vMware PearLbeaL ls belng used Lo proLecL Lhe
vCenLer server dlsable lL prlor Lo Lhe upgrade
recauLlonary sLep done Lo prevenL unlnLenLlonal fallovers durlng Lhe upgrade.
lf MlcrosofL ClusLer Server (MSCS) ls belng used Lo
proLecL Lhe vCenLer, dlsable lL prlor Lo Lhe upgrade
recauLlonary sLep done Lo prevenL unlnLenLlonal fallovers durlng Lhe upgrade.
8equlred 8e-lnsLall and re-conflgured vCenLer plug-lns 8efer Lo Lhe vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, page 33 for more lnformaLlon.
8equlred lnsLall vSphere 3.0 llcense keys
Leverage Lhe free vCenLer 60-day Lrlal llcense unLll all LSx hosLs have been mlgraLed
Lo LSxl 3.0. Apply your permanenL 3.0 llcense keys afLer you compleLe Lhe LSxl
mlgraLlon. lor lnfo on vCenLer llcenslng refer Lo:
lf you wlll conLlnue Lo manage vl 3.x hosLs lnsLall a
vlrLuallnfrasLrucLure 2.3 llcense server
8efer Lo Lhe vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, page 33 for more lnformaLlon.
lf vMware PearLbeaL ls belng used, re-enable
8efer Lo your vCenLer PearLbeaL documenLaLlon for more lnformaLlon.
lf MlcrosofL ClusLer Server (MSCS) ls belng used re-
enable proLecLlon
8efer Lo your MSCS documenLaLlon for more lnformaLlon.
8ecommended erform a full vCenLer Server and daLabase backup lollow your local daLabase backup procedures.
VMware vSphere S.0 M|grat|on
vCenter Server S.0 ost Upgrade Check||st (vers|on 1)
ltlot to opqtoJloq tefet to tbe 5\l lofo ceotet fot tbe lotest lofotmotloo oo mlqtotloq to 5\l 5.0.
use Lhe followlng vceotet 5etvet 5.0 lost upqtoJe cbeckllst Lo help gulde your vCenLer Server posL upgrade acLlvlLles. 1hese Lasks
should be compleLed ln order. 8equlred Lasks are mandaLory and care should be Laken Lo resolve any lssues before movlng on Lo Lhe
nexL Lask. 8ecommended Lasks, whlle opLlonal, are hlghly encouraged. rlor Lo followlng Lhe vCenLer Server 3.0 posL upgrade Lasks use
Lhe vceotet 5etvet 5.0 lte-upqtoJe cbeckllst Lo gulde your pre-upgrade acLlvlLles.
1ask 8eference/noLes
8equlred verlfy your vCenLer Server ls runnlng aL verslon 3.0
upgrade Lo vCenLer Server 3.0 before you upgrade your LSx/LSxl hosLs Lo LSxl 3.0.
8efer Lo Lhe vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde for sLeps Lo upgrade vCenLer Server.
8equlred verlfy Lhe hosL Lo be upgraded ls runnlng LSx/LSxl 4.x
LSx/LSxl 3.3 hosLs flrsL need Lo be upgraded Lo LSx/LSxl 4.x before belng upgraded
Lo LSxl 3.0.
verlfy Lhe hosL Lo be upgraded meeLs Lhe hardware
requlremenLs for LSxl 3.0
8efer Lo Lhe vCenLer Server lnsLallaLlon Culde, page 13 for more lnformaLlon.
ueLermlne lf addlLlonal devlce drlvers are requlred for
your server hardware
use lmage 8ullder CLl Lo add addlLlonal drlvers LhaL are noL lncluded wlLh Lhe
defaulL LSxl lmage. 8efer Lo Lhe vSphere lnsLallaLlon and SeLup Culde, pg. 117 for
more lnformaLlon.
verlfy Lhe LSx/LSxl hosLs booL dlsk parLlLlon Lable
meeLs Lhe requlremenLs for upgradlng Lo 3.0
1he flrsL 1C8 of Lhe booL dlsk ls reparLlLloned for LSxl 3.0. 1he vMlS volume musL
sLarL beyond Lhe 1C8 mark (afLer secLor 1843200). 8efer Lo Lhe vSphere 3.0
upgrade Culde, pg. 73 for more lnformaLlon.
VMware vSphere S.0 M|grat|on
use Lhe followlng 5\ 5.0 lte-mlqtotloo cbeckllst Lo help gulde your LSxl 3.0 pre-mlgraLlon acLlvlLles. 1hese Lasks should be compleLed
ln order. 8equlred Lasks are mandaLory and care should be Laken Lo resolve any lssues before movlng on Lo Lhe nexL Lask.
8ecommended Lasks, whlle opLlonal, are hlghly encouraged. lollowlng Lhe hosL upgrade use Lhe 5\l 5.0 lost Mlqtotloo cbeckllst Lo
gulde Lhe posL mlgraLlon acLlvlLles.
ltlot to opqtoJloq tefet to tbe 5\l lofo ceotet fot tbe lotest lofotmotloo oo mlqtotloq to 5\l 5.0.
LSk| S.0 nost re-M|grat|on Check||st (vers|on 1)
verlfy 30M8 of free space on Lhe booL dlsk vMlS
30M8 of free space ls requlred on Lhe booL dlsk vMlS daLasLore. 8efer Lo Lhe
v5pbete 5.0 upqtoJe ColJe, pg. 70 for more lnformaLlon.
LSk Cn|y: for upgrades uslng updaLe Manager verlfy an
addlLlonal 330M8 of free ln Lhe /booL parLlLlon
updaLe Manager requlres 330M8 ln Lhe /booL parLlLlon. lf you do noL have 330M8
free ln /booL use Lhe LSxl lnsLaller Lo upgrade. 8efer Lo Lhe v5pbete 5.0 upqtoJe
ColJe, pg. 90 for more lnformaLlon.
LSk Cn|y: ldenLlfy alLernaLlve for any agenLs, scrlpLs, or
oLher Lools runnlng lnslde Lhe LSx CCS
MosL scrlpLs/agenLs wlll become obsoleLe when you mlgraLe Lo LSxl, however you
may need Lo lmplemenL an alLernaLe soluLlon ln some cases.
LSk| Cn|y: lf Lhe LSxl 4.x hosL was upgrade from LSxl
3.3 deLermlne lf Lhe hosL has lopslded booLbanks
CannoL use updaLe Manager Lo upgrade a hosL wlLh lopslded booLbanks. use Lhe
LSxl lnsLaller Lo upgrade. 8efer Lo hLLp://blogs.vmware.com/esxl/2011/08/esxl-and-
LvacuaLe/shuLdown vMS runnlng on Lhe LSx/LSxl 4.x
hosL Lo be upgraded
use vMoLlon Lo mlgraLe runnlng vMs off Lhe hosL. lf vMs cannoL be mlgraLed shuL
Lhem down durlng Lhe mlgraLlon. (noLe for u8S enabled clusLers u8S wlll
auLomaLlcally evacuaLe vMs when placed lnLo malnLenance mode.)
lace Lhe LSx/LSxl 4.x hosL lnLo malnLenance mode and
remove lL from Lhe PA/u8S clusLer
8emovlng Lhe hosL from Lhe clusLer wlll remove Cu and Memory resources ouL of
Lhe PA/u8S clusLer, lL may be necessary Lo ad[usL clusLer admlsslon conLrol seLLlngs.
8ecommended 8ackup/uocumenL Lhe LSx/LSxl hosL conflguraLlon
1here ls no auLomaLed roll-back for a falled upgrade. 8olllng back requlres re-
lnsLalllng LSx/LSxl 4.x and resLorlng from backup. 8efer Lo Lhe vSphere Command-
Llne lnLerface ConcepLs and Lxamples Culde, page 22 for more lnformaLlon.
CompleLe/valldaLe hardware changes LhaL may colnclde
wlLh Lhe upgrade Lo LSxl 3.0 (l.e. add Cu/memory,
nlCs, P8As, eLc.)
Changlng hardware aL Lhe same Llme you upgrade Lo LSxl 3.0 could compllcaLe
LroubleshooLlng should problems arlse. lL ls recommended LhaL you compleLe and
valldaLe hardware changes on LSx/LSxl 4.x prlor Lo mlgraLlng Lo LSxl.
8evlew Lhe LSx/LSxl 4.x hosL's alerLs, alarms, and log
flles for any lssues LhaL should be resolved prlor Lo
upgradlng Lo LSxl 3.0
ldenLlfy and resolve any hosL lssues prlor Lo mlgraLlng. 8efer Lo Lhe followlng
knowledge 8ase arLlcle for more lnformaLlon: hLLp://kb.vmware.com/kb/1021800
CompleLe/valldaLe sLorage changes LhaL may colnclde
wlLh Lhe LSxl 3.0 upgrade. verlfy all sLorage and
daLasLores are healLhy and accesslble by Lhe LSx PosL
Changlng sLorage aL Lhe same Llme you upgrade Lo LSxl 3.0 could compllcaLe
LroubleshooLlng should problems arlse. lL ls recommended LhaL you compleLe and
valldaLe sLorage changes on LSx/LSxl 4.x prlor Lo mlgraLlng Lo LSxl.
1ask noLes
8equlred Asslgned permanenL vSphere 3.0 Llcense keys
rlor Lo Lhe explraLlon of Lhe vCenLer 60-day Lrlal perlod lnsLall permanenL llcense
keys for your LSxl 3.0 hosLs. (lf uslng Lhe 60-day Lrlal you can compleLe Lhls Lask
verlfy Lhe LSxl hosL's rooL password, hosLname and
1C/l seLLlngs
use Lhe vSphere cllenL or ulrecL Console user lnLerface (uCul) Lo access Lhe hosL
and verlfy Lhe hosL password and managemenL neLwork seLLlngs.
8equlred 8e-connecL Lhe LSx hosL ln vCenLer
lf Lhe hosL was noL auLomaLlcally reconnecLed followlng Lhe upgrade, reconnecL lL
uslng Lhe vSphere cllenL. ?ou may be prompLed Lo provlde Lhe LSxl hosL's logln
8equlred verlfy conflgured vSwlLches and orL Croups
verlfy vSwlLches and orL Croups were reLalned wlLh Lhe proper seLLlngs durlng Lhe
LSxl 3.0 upgrade.
8equlred verlfy uaLasLores are accessable
verlfy all vMlS daLasLores were reLalned wlLh Lhe proper seLLlngs durlng Lhe
VMware vSphere S.0 M|grat|on
LSk| S.0 ost M|grat|on Check||st (vers|on 1)
ltlot to opqtoJloq tefet to tbe 5\l lofo ceotet fot tbe lotest lofotmotloo oo mlqtotloq to 5\l 5.0.
use Lhe 5\l 5.0 lost Mlqtotloo cbeckllst Lo help gulde your LSxl 3.0 posL upgrade acLlvlLles. 8equlred Lasks are mandaLory and care
should be Laken Lo resolve any lssues before movlng on Lo Lhe nexL Lask. 8ecommended Lasks, whlle opLlonal, are hlghly encouraged.
rlor Lo uslng Lhls checkllsL use Lhe 5\l 5.0 lte-Mlqtotloo cbeckllst Lo gulde your LSxl pre-mlgraLlon acLlvlLles.
8equlred verlfy nlS shares are accessable/mounLed
verlfy all nlS daLasLores were reLalned wlLh Lhe proper seLLlngs. 8econflgure
mlsslng nlS daLasLores.
8equlred verlfy lSCSl sLorage conflguraLlon
verlfy Lhe lSCSl sLorage conflguraLlon and seLLlngs were reLalned durlng Lhe
upgrade. 8econflgure mlsslng lSCSl lnlLlaLors.
verlfy vMs and 1emplaLes on local sLorage are
properly reglsLered on Lhe LSxl hosL
verlfy local vM and LemplaLes are properly reglsLered. 8e-reglsLer vMs wlLh mlsslng
reglsLraLlons uslng Lhe vSphere cllenL by browslng Lhe local daLasLores.
use vSphere updaLe Manager Lo apply laLesL LSxl
paLches and updaLes
rlor Lo puLLlng Lhe upgraded hosL back lnLo producLlon apply Lhe laLesL LSxl
paLches and updaLes. 8efer Lo Lhe v5pbete upJote Moooqet 5.0 ltoJoct ColJe for
more lnformaLlon.
8ecommended Add LSx hosL back Lo Lhe PA/u8S clusLer
lf Lhe hosL was removed from Lhe PA/u8S clusLer prlor Lo Lhe upgrade, move lL
back. When Lhe hosL ls added Lo Lhe clusLer vCenLer wlll push Lhe PA componenLs
Lo Lhe hosL. MonlLor Lhls acLlvlLy and ensure lL compleLes successfully.
8ecommended verlfy/Conflgure Lhe LSxl ScraLch arLlLlon
verlfy Lhe hosL's scraLch parLlLlon ls noL on a ramdlsk. 8efer Lo Lhe v5pbete
lostollotloo ooJ 5etop ColJe, pg. 148).
8ecommended Conflgure SM1 and SnM
8efer Lo Lhe vCenLer Server and PosL ManagemenL Culde, page 31 for more
8ecommended Conflgure LSxl hosL core dump collecLlon
Conflgurlng an neLwork dump collecLor can faclllLaLe core dump managemenL and
LroubleshooLlng. 8efer Lo Lhe vCenLer Server and PosL ManagemenL Culde, page 46
for more lnformaLlon.
8ecommended Conflgure LSxl hosL logglng
Conflgurlng neLwork logglng can faclllLaLe log collecLlon and LroubleshooLlng. 8efer
Lo Lhe v5pbete lostollotloo ooJ 5etop ColJe poqes 149 ooJ 208.
8ecommended 8ackup LSxl hosL conflguraLlon
CompleLe a backup of Lhe LSxl hosL. 8efer Lo Lhe v5pbete commooJ-lloe lotetfoce
coocepts ooJ xomples ColJe, page 22 for more lnformaLlon.
8ecommended CreaLe/ALLach a hosL proflle
PosL roflles faclllLaLe conflguraLlon managemenL of LSxl hosLs. 8efer Lo Lhe
v5pbete nost ltoflles ColJe, page 7 for more lnformaLlon.
8ecommended upgrade vMware 1ools lnslde your vMs
upgrade Lhe vMware 1ools lnslde each vM ln order Lo leverage Lhe laLesL
lmprovemenLs. 8oLh vMware 1ools verslon 4.0 and 3.0 are supporLed on vSphere
3.0. 8efer Lo Lhe v5pbete 5.0 upqtoJe ColJe, pg. 138 for more lnformaLlon.
AfLer ALL hosLs ln Lhe clusLer have been mlgraLed Lo
LSxl, upgrade Lhe vM vlrLual hardware verslon
upgrade Lhe vM Pardware verslon Lo access new capablllLles. All hosLs musL be
runnlng LSxl 3.0. upgrade vMware 1ools flrsL. 8efer Lo Lhe vSphere 3.0 upgrade
Culde, pg. 138 for more lnformaLlon.
AfLer ALL hosLs ln Lhe clusLer have been mlgraLed Lo
LSxl 3.0, upgrade Lhe vMlS volumes
1o beneflL from Lhe laLesL vMlS feaLures upgrade your vMlS volumes. vSphere 3.0
supporLs vMlS-3 and vMlS-3. vMlS upgrade can be done onllne. 8efer Lo Lhe
vSphere 3.0 upgrade Culde, pg. 138 for more lnformaLlon.

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