To Be Submitted On 4-7-14 Delhi Public School, Navi Mumbai Maths Practice Worksheet-2 Class Iv Name: - Roll No

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To be submitted on 4-7-14


Name: _________________ Roll No: _____

Q1. Circle the correct option:
1. What number is 53 more than 35427?
a 345!" b 354!" c 3542! d 37524
2. The di##erence bet$een the lar%est 5-di%it number and 1 is &&&&&
a ''''7 b '"'"! c ''''! d 1""""
3. When the di##erence is added to subtrahend( $e %et the &&&&&&&&
a )inuend b " c 1 d sum
4. The number $hich is 2"5 less than !"'"1 is &&&&&
a !"'25 b !"*'* c '"!"* d !11"*
5. The smallest *-di%it number + 1 , &&&&&&
a 1"1"1" b 1"""""1 c *****7 d ''''''
*. What must be added to 3'5* to %et *'35?
a 3'5* b *'35 c 2'7' d 3'7'
7. The di##erence bet$een t$o numbers is 4'37. -# the %reater number is
3"451( $hat is the smaller number?
a 25514 b 353!! c 2*514 d 35514
!. What must be subtracted #rom 57'31 to %et 111?
a 57!11 b 57!2" c 5*7!' d 5!"42
Q2. .ind the sum o# 547( 1!''2 and 4314.
Q3. /ubtract 134!7 #rom 54"34*.
Q4. The distance bet$een 0an%alore and 1ol2ata is about 1!!1 2m. The
distance bet$een 1ol2ata and /hillon% is about 1151 2m. What is
the distance bet$een 0an%alore and /hillon%?
Q5. .actor3 a made 2517" cars in #our 3ears and #actor3 0 made 31"!"
cars in #our 3ears. Which #actor3 made more cars and b3 ho$ man3?
Q*. 4eplace b3 correct di%its:
a 1 ! 7 1 b 3 " '
3 " 7 5 - 1 7 4 '
+ 2 5 5
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
* ! 2 2 1 1 5 1 3
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&

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