Film Brief: A Day in The Life of A Teacher

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Film Brief

Name of flm: Student Teacher

Running time: 8 mins
Genre: Documentary
A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Explain how you will tell the story
Documentary will interview a small number of newly qualifed teachers to fnd
out a personal insight into their experiences this past year
A limited number of people are interviewed so the audience are able to establish
a connection with the interviewees, medium close ups will generally be used to
portray the interviewees, voice overs will play over moving images of scenes
related to teachingschool, a pan of an assemblyclassroom to reinforce the topic
of the documentary, fade out to establish the end of one scene from another,
tone cards to provide bac!ground information and also statistics
Describe the main challenges you might face in the flm construction
Challenges re!entions"solutions
"inding teachers that want to
be in the video
#roup may have trouble
agreeing on flmingediting
Technological di$culties
%camera not flmingcomputer
As! them if they would be willing
to input their views stillrecord
their voice for a voiceover instead
of featuring them physicallyget an
'actor( to voice their opinions
"ilm a variety of di)erent shotstry
a variety of di)erent edits and
decide amongst ourselves which
one loo!s bestget an outside
*dentify the problem as soon as
possible, before proceeding to
flmedit + chec! the
camerai,acvideo editing
software is wor!ing, use a di)erent
camera and i,ac to do the flming
and editing and inform someone of
the problems, bac! up all wor! on
a -S. or someone else(s area
#hat are the main messages you wish to get across in the telling of this
/ow di$cult the teaching profession can be %dealing with students,
ma!ing mista!es, 0udgement, ftting in, establishing selfauthority&
/ow rewarding the teaching profession can be %students achievements,
ma!ing a di)erence, meeting people, ma!ing connections + does this
ma!e it worth it1&
2hat it(s li!e to be a 34T in school %does inexperience matter to
/ow others can alter your experienceoutloo! on teaching
%studentsoutside in5uence&
2hy people decide to become teachers %has experience
challengedreinforced decision&

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