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Worship: The Pattern

of Things in Heaven
Worship: The Pattern
of Things in Heaven
Joseph L. Garlington
Copyright 1997Joseph L. Garlington
All rights reserved. This book is protected nder the copyright la!s o"
the #nited $tates o" A%erica. This book %ay not be copied or reprinted
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$criptre &otations are "ro% the )e! A%erican $tandard *ersion o"
the +ible( 19,-( 19,.( 19,/( 19,0( 1971( 197.( 197/( 1971( 1977 by
The Lock%an 2ondation. $criptre &otations %arked 3J* and A4'
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When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee,
which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother
Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also ( !imothy "#$
5 dedicate this book to %y %other( *aldese Garlington%ore
!idely kno!n as 94ttie.9 $he has been %y %entor( teacher( and %odel
"or !orship all %y li"e. Thanks( 4o%A
Part I
I 0ove to Worship 1ou, 0or.2................................................#"
1 5 Love to 8orship Bo( LordA...............................................11
. The Art o" Altar +ilding......................................................./
/ 8hat 5s the *ol%e o" =eavenly 8orshipC..........................//
Part II
Postures of Worship................................................................-#
6 #pli"ted =ands $ignal *ictorios $acri"iceA.........................6/
1 =e Teaches 4y =ands to 8ar...............................................1/
, Laying the A%bsh o" 8orship and 'raise...........................,/
Part III
Heavenly Patterns...................................................................')
7 8orshipers 4ake 8ar in =eaven and Darth.........................77
0 8orship? The 'attern o" Things in =eaven...........................07
9 8orship and the Advance o" GodEs 3ingdo%.......................99
Part I3
The Tabernacle of Davi.......................................................###
1- ;avidEs Tabernacle o" 'raise and 8orship........................11/
11 A )e! $ong......................................................................1./
1. A )e! $acri"ice................................................................1//
() promise *eeper is committed to honor Jesus +hrist through
worship, prayer, and obedience to ,is Word in the power of
the ,oly -pirit.(
As 'ro%ise )%ber >ne o" the $even 'ro%ises o" a 'ro%ise
3eeper indicates( !e believe !orship is one o" the pri%ary disciplines
o" the Christian li"e( and( as anyone !hoEs been to a '3 con"erence
kno!s( !orship is central to !hat !e do. >r stadi% events begin
!ith( are pnctated by( and end !ith 9psal%s( hy%ns( and spirital
songs.9 2or %any %en( it represents the "irst ti%e they have eFperienced
the tre Goy o" 9singing and %aking %elody in their hearts to the Lord9
Hsee Dph. 1?19I. 5tEs a !orship eFperience that o"ten shers the% into the
very presence o" Al%ighty God. Gys !ho havenEt cried "or years Hor
everAI "ind the%selves !eeping as their hearts over"lo! !ith a holy
desire to love and obey God %ore.
Tre !orship is not Gst an e%otional eFperience. 5t reaches to the
very depths o" or sols and toches every aspect o" or being. 8hile it
can generate po!er"l "eelings( it also can enlighten or %inds(
eFpanding or perspective and nderstanding o" God. 5t can convict s
o" sin and lead s to repentJ it can con"ir% a $criptre or speci"ic !ord
the Lord %ay have spoken to s and encorage s to obeyJ and it can
change or hearts and inspire s to reach "or ne! heights o" holiness.
$ch is the po!er o" the sincere praise and adoration o" or heavenly
2atherand that Gst !hat it does "or us.
The trly %iraclos thing abot !orship is that in so%e
%ysterios !ay( it also has the po!er to %ove the heart o" God. 5t %ay
Gst be i%possible "or s to toch =i% !ithot it. As the psal%ist
ad%onishes( 98orship the Lord !ith gladnessJ co%e be"ore =i% !ith
Goy"l songs. Dnter his gates !ith thanksgiving and his corts !ith
praiseJ give thanks to =i% and praise =is na%e9 H's. 1--? .(6 )5*I. 5n
a very real sense( the Al%ighty receives s on the basis o" or !orship
and thanksgiving. 5tEs or 9passage !ay9 into the very throne roo% o"
God. As !ith prayer( the Lord responds to or !orship. As !e dra!
near to =i% in song( =e dra!s near to s. And as !e %inister to =i% in
/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
!orship( =e %inisters to s. As !e eFpress "aith in =i% throgh praise(
=e blesses s.
5 kno! "e! %en !ho nderstand these things better or !ho kno!
ho! to !orship God in 9spirit and trth9 %ore than Joseph L.
Garlington. As a !orship leader "or 'ro%ise 3eepersE con"erences(
Joseph has led hndreds o" thosands o" %en in !orshiping the Lord.
8hether itEs an nsal sensitivity to the $pirit o" God or a rare gi"t(
ti%e a"ter ti%e( !eEve noticed that so%ething special takes place as
Joseph directs %en in praise to or God. 5Eve seen hge arenas !ith
gys nited in Goy"l Hor sole%nI !orship as he leads the%. 5n response
to a call "ro% Joseph( 5Eve also !itnessed thosands o" %en "lood a
stadi% "loor( singing "ro% their hearts( lingering in GodEs 'resence and
content to go on !orshiping inde"initely. ThatEs the e""ect a godly
!orship leader can bring to a gathering( !hether itEs 1-(--- %en in a
"ootball stadi% or a ho%e +ible stdy !ith Gst a "e! people.
5 believe JosephEs book( Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in
,ea1en, o""ers a !ealth o" insights on the natre o" !orship to anyone
!ho reads it. As yo consider the perspectives o" a %an !ho has
beco%e one o" the pree%inent praise leaders o" or ti%e( 5 pray yoEll
be encoraged to prse God !ith "resh passion and an ndivided heart(
and that they !ill inspire in yo a holy desire to reach "or a deeper level
in yor !orship o" or Lord and $avior( Jess Christ. All glory to =is
na%e( no! and "orever %oreA
+ill 4cCartney
2onder and CD> o" 'ro%ise 3eepers
5 canEt re%e%ber a ti%e !hen %sic !as not a part o" %y li"e. 4y
%other( !ho is still the %ost passionate !orshiper 5 kno!( al!ays has
been a lover o" %sic. $he is an acco%plished %sician and co%poser
!ho has trained %any choirs and s%all grops. All o" the%( it see%s(
sed to co%e to or tiny apart%ent in the 8illert 'ark =osing 'roGect
in +""alo( )e! Bork( and rehearse. The saying goes( 95tEs better caght
than taght.9 8hatever she had then( 5 have no!.
5 can re%e%ber ho! %ch %sic cold console %y disappoint%ent
and keep %e entertained !hen 5 !as alone. 8hen the disciples asked
Jess "or an eFa%ple o" a tre 3ingdo% person( =e placed be"ore the%
a child. 5 donEt believe that genine !orship( sch that pleases the
2ather( is possible !ithot 9beco%ing9 childlike. 8hen 5 observe the
9little !orshipers9 in or chrch and in %y "a%ily( the attribte that is
%ost apparent to %e is the absence o" sel":consciosness. Children donEt
beco%e sel":conscios ntil they reali7e so%eone is !atching the%.
98hatever yo do( do heartily as nto the Lord(9 the apostle 'al
told the Colossians Hsee Col. /?./I. The %odel !orshiper "or %e is
;avid. 5 identi"y !ith hi% in so %any !ays. And( so%e o" the %ost
po!er"l pictres o" his !orship are at the t!o eFtre%es o" celebration
on the one hand and great loss on the other. ;avidEs description o" a
sacri"ice o""ered to God is capslated in his declaration to Aranah the
Gibeonite. 9=o!ever( the king said to Aranah( E)o( bt 5 !ill srely
by it "ro% yo "or a price( "or 5 !ill not o""er brnt o""erings to the
Lord %y God !hich cost %e nothingE 9 H. $a%. .6?.6I. 5 a% convinced
that( eventally( tre !orship !ill 9cost9 yo so%ething. 5t !ill cost yo
yor dignity or yor sel":respect or so%e other thing !e cherish
sally in the sight o" others. 4y sspicion is that !e cloak or pride or
e%barrass%ent in the kind o" !ords 5Eve heard since 5 !as a child? 95t
doesnEt take all of that to please God.9 +t ;avid !as di""erent. =is
attitde see%ed to be? 9!hatever it takes.9
Jess told the $a%aritan !o%an that 9the 2ather seeks9 tre
!orshipers. This %akes ;avidEs passion all the %ore appealing to %e
becase the prophet $a%el told 3ing $al( 9The Lord has soght ot
"2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
"or =i%sel" a %an a"ter =is o!n heart9 H1 $a%. 1/?16I. 5t !old be
si%pler to 9"ind9 the 2ather( i" !e only !old !orship.
9#nless yo beco%e like a little child(9 Jess said. 5 have learned
that 9beco%ing9 is a process( and that is especially tre o" beco%ing a
!orshiper. That 9beco%ing9 process !ill be the sa%e "or yo and %e as
it !as "or 3ing ;avid. 8hat it eventally !ill %ean is that the %ore
%atre 5 beco%e in !orship( the %ore childlike 5 !ill be in the presence
o" the Ancient o" ;ays. 5n "act( ;avid told his !i"e 4ichal that he
!old contine to 9play be"ore the Lord.9 =is o!n sense o" identity is
insigni"icant co%pared to his regard "or his Creator. 5 !ant to be Gst
like that.
98e had "n in chrch todayA9 These !ere the !ords o" an eight:
year:old eFpressing her delight "or an incredible ti%e o" !orship that
toched every generation. A "riend o" %ine in or city !ho pastors a
%ainline deno%inational chrch visited or services one s%%er. =e
told %e later that his son said( 9;ad( this is a "n chrch. 8hy donEt !e
co%e here on $ndaysC9 Covenant Chrch o" 'ittsbrgh has a prpose
state%ent that atte%pts to captre or reason "or eFistence. A portion
reads? 9Covenant Chrch o" 'ittsbrgh eFists to glori"y God throgh a
proper response to the Lordship o" Jess ChristJ to eFpress that
response throgh !holehearted obedience to the scriptres( po!er"l
>r chrch is involved in %any endeavors in or city. 8e are
reaching ot to the co%%nity in %any di""erent !ays( and or brden
over the years is to be a credible %odel o" the %essage o"
reconciliation. 5" yo !ere to ask the average person in or region !hat
!e are kno!n "or( ho!ever( the response yo !old invariably hear is
9the !orship.9 There are t!o phrases "ro% the %ovie !he 3ield of
4reams that have i%pacted %e in %y approach to chrch gro!th. The
"irst is the %ost &oted one? 95" yo bild it( he !ill co%e.9 The second
is at the end o" the %ovie a"ter he has bilt it( and it see%s to be in vain.
=is little daghter says( 9'eople !ill co%e.9
;avid said in 'sal% ..( verse three( that God inhabits the praises
o" =is people. A "e! years ago( !hile %inistering in Japan( one o" the
pastors said that a translation o" that passage in Japanese !as? 98hen
!e !orship( !e bild a big chair "or =i% to co%e and sit in.9 8ell( that
is !hat !eEve been doing at Covenant "or the past decadeand %ore.
4y conviction is si%ply this? 5" =e co%es( =e !ill bring or case to
co%e( anyone and everyone !ho is hngry "or =is 'resence. >r
chrch is in an 9inner city9 section o" a sbrb o" 'ittsbrgh( called
5ntrodction 11
8ilkinsbrg. >r services are packed every $nday. 8e have a terrible
parking proble% and ti%es o" street violence. >r bdget incldes
reglar secrity "or or !orshipers( and still( !e gro!. 8e gro! in
violation o" al%ost every chrch gro!th 9rle9 that 5 kno!. 8e have
three services( congestion( and all the other harro!ing isses o"
eFhasted resorces. $till( they co%e. They co%e "ro% every race(
every econo%ic backgrond( and every generation.
8orship "or s is the pri%ary thing. 8e have invested in itJ !e
constantly see the dividends. 2ive o" or "ll:ti%e sta"" persons
pri%arily are involved in !orship. 8e have t!o part:ti%e sta"" persons
in the %sic %inistry. 8e are co%%itted to !riting( recording(
co%posing( and spreading this %essage. The concepts and principles o"
this book are the reslt o" a li"eti%e o" stdy and a !onder"l chrch
"a%ily that has been !illing to be a 9laboratory9 "or the develop%ent o"
these ideas.
5t is %y hope that yo !ill "ind so%e ne! trths "alling into yor
hands or so%e old trths %ade "resh by the &ickening !ork o" the
=oly $pirit. And %ay !e( the Chrch o" Jess Christ( co%e to kno!
"ro% eFperience !hat the creed declares !hen it says( 9The chie" end o"
%an is to glori"y God and enGoy =i% "orever.9
5t is %y prayer that yo !ill "ind ne! paradig%s o" !orship and
praise as yo Goin %e in participating in Worship# !he 0attern of
!hings in ,ea1en. As yo do( !e !ill Goin an eternal strea% o"
!orshipers !ho have contined since their creation till no!. 9BoEve
co%e to 4ont Kion( the city !here the living God resides. The
invisible Jersale% is poplated by throngs o" "estive angels and
Christian citi7ens9 H=eb. 1.?.. The 4essageI.
'art 5
I 0ove to Worship 1ou,
Chapter 1
# I 0ove to Worship 1ou,
5ut an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers
shall worship the 3ather in spirit and truth; for such people
the 3ather see*s to be ,is worshipers (John 6#7'.
Jess !as talking to a divorced !o%an o" &estionable character
and %iFed race beside a !ell in $a%aria nearly t!o thosand years ago
!hen =e shared a po!er"l secret? =is 2ather is seeking people to be
=is !orshipers. 5 think !e need to retrn to the !ell and hear Jess
speak those !ords again. =o! does yor 9)e! Testa%ent9 chrch
eFperience co%pare to !hat Jess described to the !o%an at the !ellC
The ideal ans!er !old be this? 95tEs a per"ect %atchA 8e eFist to
!orship =i% %orning( noon( and night. 8hen !e co%e together( !e
co%e to praise and !orship =i% !ith all o" or hearts( all o" or sols(
all o" or %inds( and all o" or strengthA =e al!ays %eets s there.9
=onestly( ho! !old yo describe 9GodEs desire9 i" the only
evidence yo cold dra! "ro% !as yor ho%e chrch and yor personal
li"eC HThatEs all the nsaved have to !ork !ithAI 5 a% a"raid that so%e
o" s !old have to say?
95 think God is looking "or the %ost "ashionable and
conservative people to gather in =is na%e once a !eek in a
sad( sole%n asse%bly.9
"8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
95 think God is looking "or people !ho Gst co%e to chrch to
have a good ti%e and get blessed.9
95 think God is looking "or an adience o" patient people so
=is preachers !ill have so%eone to preach at.9
95t looks like God is looking "or bored people !ho like to
dress p and !ait arond at the chrch ntil itEs ti%e to eat
lnch at noon( especially on $ndays.9
This is pretty serios !hen yo consider !hat God says abot =is
desire H!orshipI in the >ld Testa%ent. 9And it !ill be that !hichever o"
the "a%ilies o" the earth does not go p to Jersale% to worship the
3ing( the Lord o" hosts( there will be no rain on them( HKech. 16?17I.
God says( 9)o !orship( no rain.9 >ne o" the reasons 5 love to
!orship so %ch is becase 5 appreciate rain. 8hen yo reali7e that
certain necessary things are conditional pon yor response to God(
yo !ill learn to adGst yor response to God appropriately. >r
congregation is re%inded o" or proper response to God every ti%e
they look at a chrch blletin. 8eEve printed it in plain vie! "or
everyone to see? 9Covenant Chrch o" 'ittsbrgh eFists to glori"y God
throgh a proper response to the Lordship o" Jess ChristJ to eFpress
that response throgh !holehearted obedience to the scriptres(
po!er"l !orship....9
Bo %ay have noticed that !e didnEt say 9po!er"l singing.9 That
is becase yo can have po!er"l singing that is not po!er"l !orship.
4r. Lciano 'avarotti is a po!er"l opera singer( bt that is not !hat
!orship is. 8orship is 9po!er"l9 inas%ch as !e nderstand the
dyna%ics that take place !hen it is going on.
;o yo re%e%ber the +ible accont in the third chapter o" the
+ook o" Josha !hen the Levite priests !ere asked to carry the ark o"
the covenant across the <iver Jordan at the height o" the harvest "loodsC
God said? 9And it shall co%e abot !hen the soles o" the "eet o" the
priests !ho carry the ark o" the Lord...shall rest in the !aters o" the
Jordan( the !aters o" the Jordan shall be ct o""( and the !aters !hich
are "lo!ing do!n "ro% above shall stand in one heap9 HJosh. /?1/I.
God !as telling Josha( 9)o! !hile yo are stepping into the
!ater right here( 5 a% going to ct o"" the crrent pstrea% !ay p
there( "ar "ro% yor vie!.9 8hen yo and 5 !alk in obedience and do
or part( God al!ays does =is partbt yo sally !onEt see !hat
God does behind the scenes. Bo !ill only see !hat you have done
5 Love to 8orship Bo( LordA 17
%ost o" the ti%e. And i" yo happen to "ind yorsel" !ading throgh a
raging river at harvest ti%e !ith only =is pro%ise to cling to( then yo
%ight catch yorsel" !ondering i" God has really done =is part.
8orship is like that. 8hen 5 a% !orshiping( 5E% not al!ays a!are o"
!hat God is doing becase %y "ocs is centered on !hat 5 a% doing.
8orship is %y "aith response to God.
)o! worship is al%ost al!ays con"sed !ith praise, even by
people !ho oght to kno! better. 8orship doesnEt %ean 9to li"t yor
hands.9 That is actally a loose de"inition o" praise. There are 1.
di""erent =ebre! and Greek !ords translated as worship in the +ible.
All "or o" the =ebre! !ords( and especially the pri%ary !ord
shachah, %ean 9to depress( prostrate Hin ho%age to royalty or GodI
bo! do!n( croch( "all do!n H"latI( h%bly beseech( do H%akeI
obeisance( do reverence( %ake to stoop( !orship.9
To !orship is to act as an in"erior be"ore a sperior. 8hen 5
!orship God( 5 a% saying by %y actions( 9God( Bo are better than 5
a%. Bo are bigger than 5 a%. Bo are %ore than 5 a%.9 8e sing the
song( 9>r God is an awesome God(9 bt or nderstanding o" those
!ords is cloded by or %isse and abse o" the !ord awesome in
everyday li"e. 8e se 9a!eso%e9 to describe everything "ro% or
"avorite sports tea%( %ovie star( or %sician to or "avorite "lavor o"
ice crea%. 5" !e say 9ttti:"rtti9 ice crea% and God are both a!eso%e(
then it is obvios that !e donEt nderstand the %eaning o" awesome.
$o%eho! it doesnEt see% accrate to se the sa%e !ord to describe or
God as !e do or "avorite high:"at "ood.
8e !orship God becase =e trly is a!eso%e. =is very 'resence
inspires a!e. 8hen yo recogni7e GodEs a!eso%eness( it !ill evoke a
certain response "ro% yo becase yo see so%ething and $o%eone
!ho is di""erent and higher than yo are. Bo kno! instantly and
instinctively that yo are in the presence o" >ne !ho is !orthy o" %ore
honor than yo are. 5t is this a!e that inspires yo to !orship =e !ho is
greater than yo and every other %an and !o%an be"ore yo.
As yo read throgh the $criptres( yo !ill "ind people
!orshiping God at so%e o" the strangest ti%es. 8e need to nderstand
!hy this happens. 5" !e donEt nderstand !orship( i" !e donEt create a
love "or !orship in or hearts( then according to GodEs 8ord( !e arenEt
going to get any rain in or landA
To "lly appreciate the i%portance o" GodEs !ords in Kechariah(
yo need to nderstand !here GodEs people !ere co%ing "ro% and
!here they !ere going to !hen this prophecy !as given. God %ade a
"/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
clear distinction bet!een Dgypt( the land o" bondage( and the pro%ised
land( Canaan?
3or the land, into which you are entering to possess it, is not
li*e the land of Egypt from which you came, where you used
to sow your seed and water it with your foot li*e a 1egetable
5ut the land into which you are about to cross to possess it, a
land of hills and 1alleys, drin*s water from the rain of hea1en,
) land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the
Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning e1en to
the end of the year.
)nd it shall come about, if you listen obediently to my
commandments which I am commanding you today, to lo1e
the Lord your God and to ser1e ,im with all your heart and
all your soul,
That He will give the rain for your land in its season, the
early and late rain, that you may gather in your grain and
your new wine and your oil (4euteronomy ""#"29"6'.
Dven today( Dgypt is still essentially a parched land o" canals
linked !ith its li"e:sorce( the )ile <iver. The great As!an ;a%
proGect co%pleted several decades ago !as DgyptEs %odern atte%pt to
ta%e the )ile and redce the nationEs dependence on that river. 5n +ible
ti%es( there !as no As!an ;a% to help reglate the riverEs "lctations.
2ar%ers !atered s%all patches o" land arti"icially !ith "oot:po!ered
pri%itive p%ps constrcted beside the river or its canals. A "oot lever
attached to a boo% !ith a bcket or paddle dipped s%all a%onts o"
!ater ot o" the river or canal and into the "lat "ields o" that region.
Then( as no!( things are di""erent in GodEs pro%ised land o" lsh
hills and "ertile valleys. =ere( God =i%sel" sovereignly sends rain "ro%
heaven to !ater the land and preserve the li"e and prodctivity o" =is
people. +t it co%es !ith a !arning? 9As long as yo do right( yoEll get
rain. 5" yo donEt( then there !ill co%e a ti%e !hen the heavens !ill be
to yo as brass( and the grond !ill be to yo as dst9 Hsee ;et.
11?1-:16J .0?./:.6I.
;o yo re%e%ber !hat God told $olo%on one night a"ter the
dedication o" the te%pleC =e said( 9L5"M 4y people !ho are called by
5 Love to 8orship Bo( LordA 19
4y na%e h%ble the%selves and pray( and seek 4y "ace and trn "ro%
their !icked !ays( then 5 !ill hear "ro% heaven( !ill "orgive their sin(
and !ill heal their land9 H. Chron. 7?16I. The !ord humble is actally
*ana:, one o" the "or =ebre! !ords "or worship in the >ld Testa%ent.
5t %eans 9to bend the kneeJ hence to h%iliate( van&ish?bring do!n
Hlo!I( into sbGection( nder( h%ble Hsel"I( sbde.9
<e%e%ber that
!hile praise speaks o" hands eFtended to God( worship speaks o" bent
knees and bo!ed "aces pressed to the grond in =is a!eso%e 'resence.
)o! !hen yo say 9hear "ro% heaven9 in a land that depends on
rain "or srvival( there is only one thing yo !ant to hear "ro% heaven?
thunder. Bo long to hear "ro% so%ething that says( 9The rain is
8hat is !orshipC 5t is the ability to look at God and bo! yorsel"
be"ore =is !illeven in the "ace o" !hat see%s to be certain disaster.
8hether yo reali7e it or not( everything abot yor li"e is dependent
pon yor ability to say( 94y God is an a!eso%e God.9
8hen yo get bad ne!s that see%s to discont yor pro%ise "ro%
God( do yo pretend that yo didnEt and say? 9=rtingC >h no( praise
GodA A%en( yes 5E% blessed( brother9C Dven thogh yoEre hrting like
cra7y( do yo pretend that yo arenEt and privately !onder? !here:s
something wrong here. -omething wac*y is going on because if God
had really gi1en me this promise, and if ,e was really doing what ,e
promised ,e would do, then why in the world has God put me in this
)ot only is !orship the response o" "aith in the "ace o" disaster( bt
it is also the response o" "aith to the sccess o" the blessed. 8orship is
so%ething yo shold do all the time, not Gst !hen things are going
great or going terribly. 8e shold al!ays be !orshipers becase !e
al!ays have a reason to !orship.
Let %e tell yo right no! that i" yoEre !aiting ntil yo get to
chrch to !orship( then yoEre %issing %ost o" yor !orship ti%eA
Jess recited the greatest co%%and%ent this !ay? 9Bo shall love the
Lord yor God !ith all yor heart( and !ith all yor sol( and !ith all
yor %ind9 H4t. ..?/7I. 5 kno! %any o" s are te%pted to say( 9ThatEs
rightA 5 !orship God !ith all o" %y heart "or a solid t!o:and:a:hal"
hors every single $nday %orning service at 2irst ChrchA9 )o( Jess
!as talking abot a daily thing( a !eekly thing. ;avid( the greatest
!orshiper and psal%ist a%ong %en( said he o""ered %orning and
evening sacri"ices( along !ith even %ore ti%es o" !orship "or a
%ini%% o" seven ti%es a dayA H$ee 'sal% 119?1,6.I 8orship is like
2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
breathing? Bo !ere created to do it all the ti%e. 5tEs a li"estyle.
8hen everything i%aginable co%es against yo( !orship God.
8hen things "inally go yor !ay( !orship =i%. H>" corse( itEs easier to
!orship in the good ti%es.I )othing else !ill be as creative as !orship(
becase yo are doing %ore than eFpressing "aith in the sovereign God.
Bo are creating an atmosphere in yor o!n heart and circ%stances
that releases "aith and enables yo to say( 94y God is in control o"
this.9 8orshiping allo!s yo to get in toch !ith a 9higher reason9 than
not !orshiping.
Too %any o" s get eFcited and agitated !hen God asks s to give
p so%ething that =e gave s in the "irst place. )o! i" God asks yo to
give it p( give it pA +t yo %ight as !ell give it p !hile yoEve got
yor hands in the air in praise and srrender. Let the incense o" yor
prayers be as an evening sacri"ice. Let yor obedience be so%ething
that is s!eet in the nostrils God. Tell the Lord the trth. 98ell Lord( 5E%
here. 5 donEt nderstand !hat Bo told %e to do( and 5 canEt see% to
"igre it ot. +t 5 do have this %ch "igred ot? BoEve got an ans!er
that 5 canEt see.9
5" yo kne! yo !ere abot to be laid o""( !old yo say( 95E%
going to go !orship9C ThatEs !hat "aith says. Look( even i" it is yor
"alt that yo got "ired( yo can still !orship =i% and take a stand on
<o%ans 0?.0( 9And !e kno! that God cases all things to !ork
together "or good to those !ho love God( to those !ho are called
according to =is prpose.9
There are so %any places in the $criptres that inspire and trigger
!orship that yo sholdnEt have a proble% !ith !orshiping any ti%e or
any hor o" the day. 5" yoEre con"sed( "ind the passage that says( 9God
is not the athor o" con"sion(9 and !orship right there. H$ee 2irst
Corinthians 16?//.I 8hen yo !orship( yoEre saying? 9God( BoEre
better than 5 a%. Bo kno! %ore than 5 kno!. BoEve got it all laid ot.
5 donEt nderstand it. 5 %essed p( bt so did ;avid( and he !as a %an
a"ter Bor o!n heart. 5E% going to !orship Bo( Lord. 5 didnEt !orship
be"ore( and thatEs !hy 5E% in this predica%ent( bt 5E% going to !orship
Bo no!.9
8hen yo !orship( yo are prostrating yorsel" be"ore God. Bo
are sb%itting yor intellect( yor "tre( and yor arrogance to God.
Bo are literally sb%itting yor sense o" speriority to God. Bo %ay
not nderstand yor circ%stances or GodEs co%%ands( bt yo need to
start saying? 9Lord God( 5Eve got %y hands in the air( 5Eve got %y "ace
bo!ed be"ore Bo( and 5E% resisting &estions. The ene%y is attacking
5 Love to 8orship Bo( LordA .1
%e !ith all kinds o" signals and dobting thoghts( bt 5E% not dealing
!ith any o" that. 5Eve got %y hands p and %y %oth open !ide so 5 can
!orship and praise Bo( Lord. 5E% !orshiping Bo. 5E% celebrating the
reality that %y God is an a!eso%e God.9
5t is i%portant "or s to re%e%ber that God never said yo !old
nderstand =i%. $criptre does not say( 9Bo shall understand the
Lord yor God !ith all yor mind.( )o( it says( 9Bo shall lo1e the
Lord yor God !ith all yor heart( and !ith all yor sol( and !ith all
yor %ind9 H4t. ..?/7I. This is !hat yo and 5 !ere created to do. 8e
!ill never be able to 9"igre =i% ot9 becase =e d!ells in
napproachable light and no %ortal %an can approach =i% there Hsee
l(Ti%. ,?1,I. =e is inscrtable( i%%table. =e discloses =i%sel" to s
!hen( !here( and ho! =e choosesJ and !hen =e doesnEt !ant s to see
=i%( =e hides =i%sel" in =is glory. Dither !ay( the only choice =e
pts be"ore yo is to 9co%e and !orship 4e.9
1. Ja%es $trong( -trong:s E<hausti1e +oncordance of the 5ible
H'eabody( 4assachsetts? =endrickson 'blishers( n.d.I( 5orship
H=701.I. HThese %eanings are dra!n "ro% their pri%e root !ords and
so %ay not be eFact to -trong:s.'
.. -trong:s, humble H=/,,1I.
Chapter .
( The &rt of &ltar
5 have been told that long ago( potters sed to pt their earthen!are
vases in ovens to te%per the% as !e do no!. They had one %aGor
proble%( ho!ever. $ince they didnEt have clocks or all o" the technical
gear !e have today( they had to literally 9play it by ear.9 >ne %an
!atched a potter !ork on his vessel( and !hen the artisan pt it in the
oven( the observer asked( 9=o! long !ill yo leave it in thereC9
The potter straightened p and said( 9$o%e take longer than others(
and so%e not so long. 5t Gst depends on ho! 5 %ake the piece. Bo see(
!e never %ake the% Gst alike.9
98ell( ho! do yo kno! !hen itEs doneC9 the %an asked.
The potter shrgged and said( 98e keep it in the heat ntil it
The srprised observer said( 98hat do yo %ean( E#ntil it singsEC9
'atiently the potter eFplained( 9There is a noise that e%anates "ro%
te%pered pottery in the heat o" a "rnace once it reaches the proper heat
point. 8hen !e hear the pottery EsingingE in the "rnace( !e kno! itEs
ready to be re%oved "ro% the heat. $tay right here( and listen "or the
$o the %an sat there by the oven !hile the potter retrned to his
potterEs !heel. $re enogh( a"ter a short ti%e he began to hear a high:
pitched h% co%ing "ro% the oven. The %an glanced at the potter and
said( 95s it singing no!C9
6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
The potter nodded and said( 95t sre is. 5tEs "lly te%pered and
ready to co%e ot.9
Bo %ay be in the %idst o" yor o!n "ire right no!A Let %e ask
yo this? 9Are yo singing yetC9 8e need to learn ho! to sing !hen !e
are being heated in !hat the +ible calls 9the "rnace o" a""liction9 Hsee
5s. 60?1-I. There is a song that goes( 92or in the "rnace o" 4y
a""liction( 5 have chosen thee( +ehold@And so "or iron 5Ell give yo
silver( and "or brass 5Ell give yo gold@A!ake > 5srael( pt on yor
gar%ents. ...@2or Bo are glorios( and !orthy to be praised( > La%b
pon the throne....9 'ray this prayer ot lod !ith %e?
Lord, we want to learn how to worship =ou, and how to
e<perience the meaning of worship in our own li1es. >ot ?ust
here in this place, or in other places li*e it, but e1erywhere.
=ou are not confined to a building. =ou are not confined to
rooms that ha1e a gathering of +hristians who worship =ou.
>o, =ou dwell in our hearts, and =ou are a spirit. !hose who
worship =ou must worship =ou in spirit and in truth, and we
want to do that today. We worship =ou, Lord. )men.
8e need to learn %ore abot !hat !orship is( becase God has
created s to !orship =i%. This is an 9interactive9 %essage( and yo
are part o" it. ;onEt be srprised i" yo "ind yorsel" laying this book
do!n "ro% ti%e to ti%e so yo can practice !hat yo are learning abot
!orship. 5" 5 have done %y Gob( then yo shold be sensing the gentle
ndge o" the =oly $pirit calling yo to !orship every ti%e yo read a
%aGor passage in this bookA
>ne o" the %ost di""iclt things to grasp abot !orship is its ni&e
connection to s""ering( a""liction( and adversity. )o( active !orship
!onEt necessarily bring these things to yor li"e( bt it !ill al!ays be
enriched and deepened by these circ%stances. And every ti%e( God
ses hard ti%es to per"ect( strengthen( and cleanse seven thogh =e
isnEt the sorce o" yor pain. >ne !ay to get a healthy perspective on
s""ering is to consider this passage in the +ook o" =ebre!s?
)lthough ,e was a -on, ,e learned obedience from the things
which ,e suffered.
)nd ha1ing been made perfect, ,e became to all those who
obey ,im the source of eternal sal1ation (,ebrews $#/9@'.
8e are created to praise =i%( to !orship =i%. 8ith that in %ind(
The Art o" Altar +ilding .1
do yo nderstand that obedience is the highest "or% o" !orship yo
can o""er to GodC 5n "act( !hen obedience is absent "ro% yor
relationship !ith God( none o" the other "or%s o" sacri"ice(
thanksgiving( or !orship !ill have enogh vale to cover yor
disobedience. 3ing $al "ond this ot the hard !ay. God told hi%
throgh $a%el the prophet( 9=as the Lord as %ch delight in brnt
o""erings and sacri"ices as in obeying the voice o" the LordC +ehold( to
obey is better than sacri"ice( and to heed than the "at o" ra%s9 H1 $a%.
8hen 3ing ;avid co%%itted adltery !ith +athsheba and then
plotted her hsbandEs %rder to cover his sin( God con"ronted hi%
throgh )athan the prophet and said( 9Bor baby is going to die9 Hsee .
$a%. 1.?11I. ;avid !ent into "asting and prayer and prostrated hi%sel"
on his "ace be"ore God. $even days later he heard the servants
!hispering and he kne! his son !as dead. Then ;avid did so%ething
that his servants thoght !as odd? =e got p( cleaned hi%sel" p( and
!ent into the hose o" the Lord( and he !orshiped Hsee . $a%. 1.?.-I.
8hen yo are in the heat o" the "rnace o" a""liction( the only thing
yo can do that has any sbstance( any vale( or any creative po!er at
all( is to !orshipA 8hyC $criptre says( 9Bet Tho art holy( > Tho
!ho art enthroned upon the praises o" 5srael9 H's. ..?/I.
5 think every living thing has a particlar environ%ent in !hich it
eFcels. The eagle eFcels in the air becase thatEs the eagleEs
environ%ent. The dolphin eFcels in the sea becase thatEs the
environ%ent o" the dolphin. The cheetah eFcels on the grond( reaching
speeds o" ,- %iles an hor becase it !as created to be a rnning
God eFcels in an at%osphere per%eated by !orship and praise.
8hen yo !orship =i%( =e gets eFcited. 'al and $ilas !ere beaten
and thro!n in Gail "or preaching the gospel( and God !as in =eaven
%inding =is bsiness in Acts 1,?.1. Then 'al and $ilas started singing
songs and hy%ns and spirital songs in the darkest hor o" their pain
and isolation. Dven thogh their bodies ached and their "eet !ere still
pain"lly con"ined in stocks( they "illed the dark shado!s o" their Gail
cell at %idnight by singing at the top o" their lngs to the glory o" God.
As the sond o" their praise and !orship "illed that cell in the heart o"
the Gail( the other prisoners locked inside that %iserable place began to
listen to the%( and sddenly the atmosphere began to change.
Bo can change the at%osphere !here yo are( too( if you will
worship ,im. 5 dobt that yo !ill ever "ind yorsel" in a !orse
8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
sitation than the kind 'al and $ilas "aced that dreary night in
Thyatira( bt i" yo do( yo need to begin to !orship and sing to the
Lord like they did. 8hyC +ecase God !ill hear yo. 5 can al%ost hear
=i% telling the angels and =is $on( 95E% going do!n there( 5E% going to
!ear earth&ake shoes( and 5E% going to introdce %ysel" to those
Gailers.9 8hen those %en began to sing GodEs praises and !orship =i%(
God looked do!n and said( 95E% co%ing( 5E% co%ing( becase 5 like
!hat 5 hear.9
8hen yo "ind yorsel" in the %iddle o" trials and triblations( it
sonds a lot better to God !hen yo sing or pray( 95 !orship Bo( Lord.
5 bless Bor holy na%e. 5 glori"y Bo(9 rather than !hen yo !hine and
%oan( 9Lord( !hy is all this happening to %eC9
5E% sre yo kno! so%eone !ho %akes yo !ant to hide every
ti%e yo see hi% co%ing becase yo kno! heEs going to co%plain and
!hine the %o%ent he sees yo. Bo !ant to hide becase yo are not
thrilled to listen to so%eone elseEs co%plaints. God isnEt either. God
delights in or praise and or !orship.
5t is dring the dark %o%ents that yo need to re%ind yorsel"(
9Lord( Bo havenEt lost track o" %e( and !hen BoEre done !ith %e(
!hen BoEre done testing %e( 5E% going to co%e "orth as gold.9
4ost o" s !ant rain in or lives( bt !eEre not going to get it
nless !e nderstand that rain is the prodct o" a "aith"l and abiding
relationship !ith God. The best sorce o" instrction "or godly !orship
is GodEs 8ord( the 94an"actrerEs =andbook.9 Bo %ay not be a
"ar%er( bt 5 think yo reali7e that 9rain "ro% =eaven9 re"ers to GodEs
blessing and provisionthe essence o" yor srvival. Jst as rain is
i%portant to the land( the 'resence o" God is vitally i%portant to s. 8e
cannot %ake it !ithot =i%. God says( 9)o !orship( no rain.9
The origins o" the Dnglish !ord worship give s so%e insight into
the original =ebre! ter% as !ell. Worship co%es "ro% the Anglo:
$aFon co%pond !ord( weorthscype. H5t is as hard to prononce as it
looks.I The "irst part o" this !ord( weorth, speaks o" 9!orth( vale( or
respect.9 The second part( 9scype or 9scipe, %eant 9to shape or to bild
so%ething.9 8hen the t!o parts !ere co%bined into weorthscype, it
"or%ed a !ord !hich %eant 9to shape or bild !orth( vale( or
respect.9 $ince langage tends to devolve or degenerate over ti%e( the
original %eaning o" this !ord gradally has changed over the centries.
5n Dngland( and in other contries !hich still %aintain a %onarchy
or social syste% o" royalty( the citi7ens have an innate nderstanding o"
The Art o" Altar +ilding .7
!ords like worship, lord, *ing, and *ingdom. A%ericans( ho!ever(
s""er a distinct disadvantage in this area. The !ord lord is di""iclt "or
%ost A%ericans to really nderstand becase !e donEt have any lords(
dkes( dchesses( knights( kings( or &eens in or social and political
syste%. 8hen !eEre talking abot the Lordship o" Jess Christ to
people in representative de%ocratic societies( !e have to begin !ith a
de"inition o" lordship. 8hen the translators o" the 3ing Ja%es +ible
translated the Greek !ord *urios as 9Lord(9 they had reason "or doing
so. They had an earthly king and a !hole collection o" lords and ladies
to honor and respect. A%ericans donEt even se the !ord lord otside o"
the chrch or the %ovie theater.
8hen yo talk abot the Lordship o" Jess Christ( yoEre talking
abot so%ebody !ho says( 9Bor very eFistence depends pon 4e.9 $o
!hen !e o""er !orship to sch an all:po!er"l being( even the postre
o" or body and the !ords o" or %oths shold "ra%e the !orth( vale(
and respect de to =is na%e and person. Another root o" 9ship9 in
weorthscype is scip, or 9ship.9 8hen !e o""er !orship to God( !e
literally beco%e vessels or ships i%%ersed in =is in"inite !orth and
That leads %e to the art o" altar bilding and or spirital "ather o"
"aith( Abraha%. This converted %oon:!orshiper( !ho beca%e the "irst
great !orshiper o" God since )oah( le"t s an eFa%ple o" !orship as a
li"estyle that !e need to heed today. As yo read throgh the short
verses belo!( yo shold notice so%ething ni&e abot the li"e o"
)nd the Lord appeared to )bram and said, (!o your
descendants I will gi1e this land.( -o he built an altar there to
the Lord who had appeared to him.
!hen he proceeded from there to the mountain on the east of
5ethel, and pitched his tent, with 5ethel on the west and )i on
the east; and there he built an altar to the Lord and called
upon the name of the Lord (Genesis "#A9/'.
!hen )bram mo1ed his tent and came and dwelt by the oa*s
of Bamre, which are in ,ebron, and there he built an altar to
the Lord (Genesis "7#"/'.
$o 9there he bilt an altar.9 Abraha% !as constantly bilding altars
to the Lord( and God !as constantly %eeting hi% and con"ir%ing =is
pro%ises and provision to hi%. ;o yo think !e cold learn anything
/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
"ro% this patternC
The =ebre! !ord "or altar( miCbeach, described a strctre that
had only one "nction or reason "or eFistence? the slaghter o"
sacri"ices. 8e no longer have altars in that sense becase Jess o""ered
=i%sel" once and "or all as the spre%e sacri"ice to take a!ay the sins
o" the !orld. )o! or altars are spirital altars( bt !e still per"or%
vital "nctions on the%. Like Abraha%( !e actively participate in the
bilding o" those altars every ti%e !e begin to !orship God. 4ost o" s
think !e are 9Gst singing9 or praying on bent knees( bt the spirital
reality is that !e are shaping( bilding( and constrcting so%ething that
is holy nto the Lord.
2irst !e bild a throne "or or 2irst Love !ith or praises. 'sal%
..?/ says( 9Bet Tho art holy( > Tho !ho art enthroned pon the
praises o" 5srael.9 GodEs throne is as signi"icant as !e !ant to %ake it
throgh or praises. )o! i" =e d!ells in the %idst o" yor praises( ho!
%ch o" a throne do yo !ant =i% to haveC
As yo praise =i%( yo are shaping a throne "or God Al%ighty(
=i%sel"( in yor li"e or in the corporate body seeking =is "ace. As yo
!orship =i%( yo are sacri"icing yor li"e and body on an altar o"
srrender as a living sacri"ice. This says to God( 95 have con"idence that
Bo are the sovereign God o" the niverse. 4y !hole being leans pon
Bo "or li"e and "llness.9
Althogh Abraha% had very little control over the circ%stances o"
his li"e( he did have a pro%ise( and he kne! ho! to bild altars to the
living God. 5n the end( it trned ot that he didnEt need anything %ore
than the pro%ise( ability( and desire to bild altars. Like %e( yo
probably have very little( i" any( control over yor circ%stances. Bo
canEt control the gross national prodct( in"lation( "oreign oil %arkets( or
the "act that egg prices %ay go p .- cents to%orro!. +t 5 re%e%ber
!hat 5 can controlA
Bo can control the reality o" yor at%osphere at all ti%es. Any
ti%e yo choose( yo can bild a throne "or the Lord throgh yor
praises( and yo can !orship yor all:po!er"l God by o""ering yor
li"e on the altar o" sb%ission. Bor acts o" sel"less !orship to God can
create an at%osphere in !hich =e can say( 95 !ant to spend so%e ti%e
!ith yoA 5 like the throne yo have bilt "or 4e. 5 like the !ay yo
lavishly pt this thing together( and 5 especially appreciate the living
sacri"ice yo are o""ering to 4e on the altar o" sacri"ice.9 Tre spirital
!orship !ill case God Al%ighty to co%e and sit !ith yo( "or =e is
enthroned in the %idst o" yor praises.
The Art o" Altar +ilding .9
As Abraha% %oved "ro% one geographical spot to another and set
p ca%p( his %ind !as on God. 5" he already had ca%ped at the site
be"ore( he already had bilt an altar to o""er sacri"ices. 5" he had never
been at a spot be"ore( then the "irst thing Abraha% did !as to bild a
ne! altarA =e pitched his tent( and he bilt an altar to the Lord.
The +ible says( 9Bo !ill kno! the% L%enM by their "rits9 H4t.
7?.-I. Bo can tell at a glance !hat %atters %ost to Abraha%!here
he lives !ith his "a%ily and the altar !here he !orships. =e pitches a
tent( and he bilds an altar. A clear pattern is established in Abraha%Es
li"e. =e is getting 9altar bilding9 eFperience. )o! ho! abot yoC 5t is
very i%portant "or yo to learn ho! to bild an altar o" !orship in yor
o!n personal eFperience. Jst as yo need to learn ho! to change a tire
in the drive!ay be"ore yo have a "lat in the desert( yo need to learn
ho! to bild an altar o" !orship to God in the good ti%es be"ore yo
land in a dark valley !ith no altar:bilding eFperience.
Look closely at !hat happened later in Abraha%Es li"e? 9)o! it
ca%e abot a"ter these things( that God tested Abraha%...9 HGen.
..?1aI. The =ebre! !ord translated as 9tested9 also %eans to 9assay(9
!hich is !hat yo do to gold ore to see i" there is really gold hidden in
it( and i" so( ho! %ch. Bo also assay %iFed precios %etals by
heating the% to the %elting point to separate the precios %etals "ro%
the co%%on %etals and conta%inants. Webster:s 4ictionary says the
!ay to Gdge the !orth o" so%ething is 9to pro1e p in an assay.9
God is saying( 9+ild so%e altars. Learn the art o" altar bilding.9
Dven i" yo bild a bad one( itEs better than bilding none at all. 8hyC
+ecase the day !ill co%e !hen God !ill !ant to assay or test "or gold
in yor li"e tooA The test is co%ing !hether yo kno! it or not. God
told Abraha%( 9Take no! yor son( yor only son( !ho% yo love(
5saac( and go to the land o" 4oriahJ and o""er hi% there as a brnt
o""ering on one o" the %ontains o" !hich 5 !ill tell yo9 HGen. ..?.I.
The +ible tells s that Abraha% arose early the neFt %orning(
saddled his donkey( and took his son 5saac and t!o servants on a
Gorney. 2irst he ct enogh !ood "or the brnt o""eringJ then he
headed "or 4oriah. >n the third day he sa! his destination in the
distance and told his servants to !ait !ith the donkey. Then he said
so%ething !e need to re%e%ber? 9...5 and the lad !ill go yonderJ and
we will worship and return to you( HGen. ..?1bI. Are yo beginning to
nderstand !hy this %an is o"ten called 9the "ather o" "aith9C
Abraha% loaded all the !ood "or the brnt o""ering on 5saacEs back(
!hile he carried the coals "or the "ire and the kni"e. At so%e point(
72 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
5saac asked( 9 E+ehold( the "ire and the !ood( bt !here is the la%b "or
the brnt o""eringCE And Abraha% said( EGod !ill provide "or =i%sel"
the la%b "or the brnt o""ering( %y sonE 9 HGen. ..?7b:0I.
As soon as Abraha% reached the place o" GodEs choosing( !hat did
he doC =e bilt an altar and pt his bond son on top o" the !ood. =e
!as deter%ined to carry ot GodEs co%%and and trst =i% to %ake
good on =is pro%ise so%eho!. 5t !as only as Abraha% reached ot "or
the slaghtering kni"e and gathered his strength to strike the "atal blo!
that an angel o" God shoted ot( 9Abraha%( Abraha%A9 H$ee Genesis
God is going to talk to yo so%e day abot so%ething in yor li"e
that =e !ants yo to release( con"ront( or deal !ith. 8hen =e does( yo
can be sre =e !ill have given yo enogh ti%e to prepare and learn.
God is the "airest and %ost Gst o" all instrctors. =e !ill never give yo
an 9eFa%9 that =e kno!s yoEre not ready "orif you:1e done what you
should !ith the things =e has given yo.
8hen yo are perched on 4ont 4oriah in the crisis o" yor li"e(
that is no ti%e to pll ot the 4an"actrerEs =andbook and say( 9)o!(
!hat do 5 do hereC 8here do 5 pt thisC9 God %ay appear to be doing
one o" those reverses in yor li"e( bt yo canEt bild an altar ot o"
anFiety. )o!( i" yo are a %an or !o%an !ho has been bilding altars
alreadyi" yor !hole li"e has been !rapped p in the godly pattern o"
pitching a tent and bilding an altarthen the "irst thing yo !ill do in
a crisis is to bild an altar and !orship in the presence o" God.
The only !ay to bild an altar is to re%ove yor "ocs "ro% yor
proble% and pt it on God and =is pro%ises. As an altar bilder( yo
have a tre%endos edge in any sitation? Bo kno! God !ill %eet yo
!henever yo bild =i% an altar and o""er =i% praise and !orshipA
;avid prayed(
94ay %y prayer be conted as incense be"ore TheeJ the li"ting p
o" %y hands as the evening o""ering9 H's. 161?.I. Bo can bild an altar
any!here( and yo donEt even have to get lod to bild it.
The !riter o" =ebre!s tells s that Abraha% believed that God !as
able to raise 5saac "ro% the dead Hsee =eb. 11?19I. =e !as convinced
that God !as able to raise p his sonEs ashes i" necessary( bt =e !old
keep =is pro%ise to Abraha%. 5t is signi"icant that Abraha% laid the
!ood on 5saac( and that this pro%ised son had to carry the brden o" the
very !ood that !as going to take his li"e. Thosands o" years later(
another only beloved $on !old carry rogh:he!n !ood p the sa%e
The Art o" Altar +ilding /1
%ontain and o""er =is li"e as a sacri"ice "or %any. +t three days
=as God %ade yo a pro%ise( only to %ake a de%and that
apparently !ill leave yo nothing bt ashesC Like Abraha%( yo
believe yor God is a God !ho says( 9Ashes or no ashes( yo are going
to have yor pro%ise.9 5" yoEre not bilding altars no!( donEt eFpect to
be able to bild the% later nder the pressre o" a trial or crisis.
'ractice glori"ying and %agni"ying =i% no!. ;o yo kno! !hat yo
do !hen yo %agni"y GodC Bo %ake =i% bigger than the situation
engl"ing yo.
$tart talking abot the God !ho %ade the heavens and the earth(
!ho pt the stars into eFistence and spoke galaFies into space. $peak o"
the Creator God !ho !ent to !ork to the Goy"l acco%pani%ent o" =is
%agni"icent chors o" angels singing o" =is glory and !onder.
As yo !orship =i%( =e !ill eFceed =is o!n greatness in yor
li"eA God isnEt locked p so%e!here saying( 95 !onder i" 5 can beat
!hat 5 did yesterdayC9 'al prays in the +ook o" Dphesians?
>ow to ,im who is able to do e<ceeding abundantly beyond
all that we as* or thin*, according to the power that wor*s
within us,
to ,im be the glory in the church and in +hrist Jesus to all
generations fore1er and e1er. )men (Ephesians 7#29"'.
ThatEs the kind o" God yo serve. Bo need to learn ho! to praise
and !orship =i%( no %atter !hat is going on or ho! %ch yo
nderstand it. +ild a throne o" praise and see =i% seated as the Lord
o" yor li"e. And !hen yo hear bad ne!s( %ake so%e good ne!s right
there by shaping an altar o" sacri"ice throgh !orship be"ore =is throne.
8hen God sees yor hands li"ted to =i%( =e sees srrender and
adoration. Bor prayers create the s!eet:s%elling s%oke o" incense
be"ore =i%( and !hen yo praise =i%( =e sees la%bs and calves o"
sacri"iceA The +ible describes the "rit o" or lips as the calves o" or
%oths. >""er yor Creator a sacri"ice o" praise( and then sb%it yor
very li"e and body to =i% as a living sacri"ice o" h%ble( sb%itted
!orship. Bo can be sre that =e !ill Goin yo in the "llness o" =is
glory and po!er becase yo have created an at%osphere in !hich =e
al!ays eFcels.
7 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
1. Berriam Webster:s +ollegiate 4ictionary, "2th Edition
H$pring"ield( 4assachsetts? 4erria%:8ebster 5nc.( 1996I( p. ,9.
Chapter /
" What Is the 3olume of
Heavenly Worship7
Dvery !eek o" the year( %illions o" people pass throgh chrch
doors( dragging !ith the% centries o" religios pres%ption(
ass%ption( and otright error. Abot the only thing %ost o" the%
!old agree on is the need to i%pose their o!n narro! ideas o" !hat
constittes !orship onto everyone else. 4y &estion is this? 8hat does
God have to say abot !orship in =is 8ordC
$o%e o" s think !e are corting gross error and heresy i" !e
!orship God "ro% anything other than an approved chrch hy%nal and
the +ook o" Co%%on 'rayer Hand yes( there are anointed songs and
prayers in the%I. >thers donEt think theyEve 9had chrch9 nless theyEve
done cart!heels( blo!n ot the speakers on the sond syste%( s!eat
throgh t!o sets o" chrch clothes( and received at least t!o visits "ro%
the local constable abot the neighborsE pblic distrbance co%plaints.
$o%e believers "eel that tre !orship can only isse "ro% the vocal
chords o" believers( and they shn the se o" all instr%ents or %sical
acco%pani%ent in their services. >thers "eel so%ething is %issing i"
there isnEt a =a%%ond +:/ organ( a stack o" electronic keyboards !ith
45;5 inter"aces( a !hole battery o" electric gitars( electric bass
gitars( and dr% sets cro!ding the stage and spilling ot onto the "loor
o" the sanctary.
8hat does God thinkC HBo %ight be srprised.I
5" the eFperiences o" 3ing ;avid and 3ing $olo%on are any gide(
76 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
God likes eFberant and elaborate praise !ith lots o" dancing and
eFcite%ent( and enogh instr%ents to reach every eardr% "or %ilesA
Consider the +ible record?
-o 4a1id and all the house of Israel were bringing up the ar*
of the Lord with shouting and the sound of the trumpet.
!hen it happened as the ar* of the Lord came into the city of
4a1id that Bichal the daughter of -aul loo*ed out of the
window and saw %ing 4a1id leaping and dancing before the
Lord ( -amuel 8#"$9"8a'.
8hen 3ing $olo%on dedicated the te%ple at Jersale%( the %sic
tea% and singers inclded 1.- priests blo!ing tr%pets at the top o"
their lngsJ an ntold n%ber o" %sicians playing cy%bals( harps(
lyres( and ne! %sical instr%ents specially created by 3ing ;avid "or
the !orship o" GodJ and several generations o" Levitical singers "ro%
three priestly "a%ilies?
)nd all the Le1itical singers, )saph, ,eman, Jeduthun, and
their sons and *insmen, clothed in fine linen, with cymbals,
harps, and lyres, standing east of the altar, and with them one
hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets
In unison when the trumpeters and the singers were to make
themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the
Lord, and when they lifted up their 1oice accompanied by
trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and when
they praised the Lord saying (,e indeed is good for ,is
lo1ing*indness is e1erlasting,( then the house, the house of
the Lord, was filled with a cloud,
-o that the priests could not stand to minister because of the
cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God (
+hronicles $#"9"6'.
Bears later( ;avidEs son $olo%on led the nation in a prayer o"
con"ession and covenant be"ore God dring the dedication o" the ne!
te%ple( and the LordEs pblic response !as even %ore enthsiastic?
>ow when -olomon had finished praying, fire came down
from hea1en and consumed the burnt offering and the
sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house.
8hat 5s the *ol%e o" =eavenly 8orshipC /1
)nd the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord,
because the glory of the Lord filled the Lord:s house.
)nd all the sons of Israel, seeing the fire come down and the
glory of the Lord upon the house, bowed down on the
pa1ement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped
and ga1e praise to the Lord, saying, (!ruly ,e is good, truly
,is lo1ing*indness is e1erlasting( ( +hronicles A#"97'.
Althogh the +ible is "illed !ith rich re"erences to eFberant praise
and !orship in prostration be"ore God( contless %odern chrch
services are begn !ith the dry recitation o" one $criptre verse? 9+t
the Lord is in =is holy te%ple. Let all the earth be silent be"ore =i%9
H=ab. .?.-I. The verse sally is read to the entire congregation by a
%inister sing his %ost sole%n and God:like voice to i%press on the
people the gravity o" the at%osphere. 4ay 5 say to yo that i" yo !ere
to look "or other verses Gst like this one( yo !oldnEt "ind the%. This
is the only verse in the +ible that says( 9The Lord is in =is holy te%ple(
so sht pA9
$o%eho!( this isolated verse has been elevated to the level o" a
chrch doctrine or ordinance o" operation. The trth is that this verse is
al%ost al!ays &oted !ith no re"erence to conteFt. 5" the readers
bothered to read the verses be"ore and a"ter this verse Hre%e%ber that
chapter and verse divisions !ere added later by a Catholic %onk "or
convenienceI( they !old "ind this?
Woe to him who says to a piece of wood, ()wa*e.( !o a dumb
stone, ()rise.( )nd that is your teacher; 5ehold, it is o1erlaid
with gold and sil1er, and there is no breath at all inside it.
(5ut the Lord is in ,is holy temple. Let all the earth be silent
before ,im.(
) prayer of ,aba**u* the prophet, according to -higionoth.
Lord, I ha1e heard the report about !hee and I fear. D Lord,
re1i1e !hy wor* in the midst of the years, in the midst of the
years ma*e it *nown; in wrath remember mercy (,aba**u*
The !ord -higionoth is thoght by %any +ible scholars to be a
%sical or literary ter%. The editors o" the A%pli"ied +ible say it this
!ay? 9A prayer o" =abakkk the prophet( set to !ild( enthsiastic( and
78 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
tri%phal %sic9 H=ab. /?1 A4'I. )o! re%e%ber that this verse
i%%ediately "ollo!s the verse that says( 9The Lord is in =is holy
te%ple( let all the earth be silent be"ore =i%.9
9$o !hat are yo going to do( =abakkkC9
98e are going to sing abot the !ildest song yo ever heard in
yor li"e!ild( enthsiastic( and tri%phal %sic.9
98hy are yo going to do thatC9
9+ecase thatEs !hat co%es neFt on the progra%.9
Dssentially( =abakkk is telling s to get silent "or a %o%ent so !e
can "ocs on the >ne !e are going to !orship. =e also is %aking a
point o" saying that !e need to be silent at ti%es becase( nlike the
%te and %an:%ade gods o" !ood and stone( this God is alive and at
ho%e. =e speaks to =is peopleA >nce !e have "iFed or "ocs on =i%(
!e are to !orship =i% !ith all o" or %ight and strengthA H5 donEt kno!
abot yo( bt it doesnEt take any %ight or strength at all to sit %te in a
pe! like a li"eless corpse. 5t see%s %ore like an i%itation o" death than
!orship. 5 canEt help bt think o" $econd Ti%othy /?1( !hich speaks o"
9having a "or% o" godliness( bt denying the po!er thereo"...9 L3J*M.I
=onestly( 5 a% a"raid that %any o" the good people !ho have spent a lot
o" ti%e in 9silent !orship9 be"ore God !ill be in "or a shock !hen they
"ind the%selves in the presence o" the heavenly hosts?
)nd I loo*ed, and I heard the 1oice of many angels around
the throne and the li1ing creatures and the elders; and the
number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of
-aying with a loud 1oice, (Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
to recei1e power and riches and wisdom and might and honor
and glory and blessing.(
)nd e1ery created thing which is in hea1en and on the earth
and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I
heard saying (!o ,im who sits on the throne, and to the
Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion fore1er
and e1er.(
)nd the four li1ing creatures *ept saying ()men. ()nd the
elders fell down and worshiped.
8hat 5s the *ol%e o" =eavenly 8orshipC /7
)nd I saw when the Lamb bro*e one of the se1en seals, and I
heard one of the four li1ing creatures saying as with a 1oice
of thunder, (+ome( (Ee1elation $#""98#"'.
5 !ant to sggest reading %any other $criptres that "rther
illstrate the proper balance bet!een a godly "ear o" the Lord and Goy"l
praise and intense !orship. 8e lean too %ch on or 9silent o""erings9
to the Lord. 8e have revie!ed biblical evidence that tells s that
people be"ore the birth( death( and resrrection o" Jess Christ enGoyed
a richer praise and !orship li"e than %ost o" s doA 8hat does that say
to yoC 5 kno! !hat it does in %y heartso%ething in %y spirit
declares? -omething is terribly wrong here. !hose people didn:t e1en
ha1e the indwelling 0resence of the ,oly -pirit in their li1es. !hey
didn:t ha1e the gospel of Jesus or the 5oo* of )cts. =et they worshiped
more freely, ?oyfully, and powerfully than any of us. !hey saw fire and
glory interrupt their ser1ices because God insisted on personally
ta*ing o1er their worship ser1ices. -omething:s bro*en and needs some
The +ook o" Jere%iah tells s !hat God does !hen so%ething is
9broken9 in =is 3ingdo%. >ne day God told =is prophet to go do!n to
the potterEs hose=e !as going to give the %an an illstrated ser%on?
()rise and go down to the potter:s house, and there I shall
announce By words to you.(
!hen I went down to the potter:s house, and there he was,
ma*ing something on the wheel.
5ut the 1essel that he was ma*ing of clay was spoiled
F(marred( %J&G in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into
another 1essel, as it pleased the potter to ma*e.
!hen the word of the Lord came to me saying,
(+an I not, D house of Israel, deal with you as this potter
does;( declares the Lord. (5ehold, li*e the clay in the potter:s
hand, so are you in By hand, D house of Israel( (Jeremiah
Dvery ti%e 5 think o" this story o" the potterEs !heel( 5 re%e%ber
that !e are in GodEs hands. 8hen !e get 9spoiled9 or %arred( !e
sally think God has dropped s. The trth is that !e beca%e %arred
in the 'otterEs hands becase o" or o!n actions( or !rong choices( or
7/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
Gst becase !hen cra7y things happen in or lives( !e te%porarily
have lapses and begin to think !e are lord and =e is not. Bo donEt
have to get otside o" God to get yor li"e %essed p. Bo can be
serving =i% and !alking !ith =i% daily( and yet still be 9%arred9 by
resisting the gentle %olding o" =is "ingers in a particlar area o" yor
The "act is that =e is the potter( and !e are the clay. 5 re%e%ber
the ti%e 5 heard an anointed song that is based on this passage in
Jere%iah. 5t ca%e at a ti%e in %y li"e !hen 5 needed to hear that God
cold %ake %e ne! again. 5 !anted to start all over as a ne! vessel(
and the trth encased in song broght a ne! re"reshing and hope to %y
Jst as God picked p the pieces o" %y li"e and revived %y sol(
=e also can pick p yor broken pieces and "iF the%. 5" yo have any
rivers that yo think are ncrossable( 5 can tell yo that =e is the +ridge
over all trobled !aters. =e is a tnnel throgh yor biggest %ontainA
5" yo !ant to get yor car "iFed( do yo get a pet care %anal "or
yor dachshnd to help yo "iF yor carC )o. 5" yo have a 2ord( do
yo get a Cadillac %analC )o( yo have to get the right %anal "ro%
the creator o" !hat is brokenA
5" so%e things in or local chrches are broken Hand they areI( then
!e need to go back to the Athor and 2inisher o" or "aith to "ind
!holeness. Think o" the people in yor local chrch and ask yorsel"?
98hose chrch is thisC9 The ans!er is obvios? 5tEs the LordEs chrch.
That %eans =e has the eFclsive right to say ho! =e !ants s to live
and behave in it. >ne o" the things that =e see%s to say abot !orship
and praise in the last part o" =is instrction %anal is that !eEre going
to need spernatral eardr%s in =eaven becase itEs lod p thereA
9A"ter these things 5 looked( and behold( a door standing open in
heaven( and the "irst voice !hich 5 had heard( like the sond o" a
tr%pet speaking !ith %e( said( ECo%e p here...E 9 H<ev. 6?1I.
)o! i" yo kno! anything abot tr%pets( then yo kno! they are
lod. H5" an angel !alked into yor !orship service and ble! a tr%pet(
!old "olks G%p p ot o" their pe!s in Goy or Gst "all do!n in
stnned shockCI The tr%pet sonds are Gst the beginning. Look at
!hat happens neFt?
(+ome up here, and I will show you what must ta*e place
after these things.(
8hat 5s the *ol%e o" =eavenly 8orshipC /9
Immediately I was in the -pirit; and behold, a throne was
standing in hea1en, and Dne sitting on the throne...
)nd around the throne were twenty9four thrones; and upon
the thrones I saw twenty9four elders sitting, clothed in white
garments, and golden crowns on their heads.
)nd from the throne proceed flashes of lightning and sounds
and peals of thunder (Ee1elation 6#lb9$a'.
Thrones( "lashing lightning( sonds and peals o" thnder. 8old
yo agree that these things sggest that %aybe there is so%e noise going
on in the throne roo% o" GodC The siFth verse describes "or living
creatres 9"ll o" eyes in "ront and behind9 arond the throne o" God.
These creatres %ay be the noisiest o" the% all?
)nd day and night they do not cease to say, (,DL=, ,DL=,
,DL=, is !,E LDE4 GD4, !,E )LBIG,!=, W,D W)-
)>4 W,D I- )>4 W,D I- !D +DBE.(
)nd when the li1ing creatures gi1e glory and honor and
than*s to ,im who sits on the throne, to ,im who li1es fore1er
and e1er,
!he twenty9four elders will fall down before ,im who sits on
the throne, and will worship ,im who li1es fore1er and e1er,
and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
(Worthy art !hou, our Lord and our God, to recei1e glory
and honor and power; for !hou didst create all things, and
because of !hy will they e<isted, and were created(
(Ee1elation 6#/b9ll'.
They keep this p day and nightA They never stop saying( 9=oly(
holy( holy is the Lord God Al%ighty( !ho !as( and is( and is to co%e.9
8e all need to get in synchroni7ation !ith =eaven and Goin in their
endless song o" praise and !orship. $ay it ot lod right no!? 9=oly(
holy( holy is the Lord God Al%ighty( !ho !as( and is( and is to co%eA9
)o! say it a little loder? 9=oly( holy( holy is the Lord God Al%ighty(
!ho !as( and is( and is to co%eA9
The +ible is the lti%ate hy%nbook i" yo havenEt noticed. The
+ible says that they sang in a loud 1oice, 98orthy is the La%b( that !as
slain( to receive po!er and riches and !isdo% and %ight and honor and
62 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
glory and blessing9 H<ev. 1?1.I. 4any o" s think itEs 9orderly9 in
=eaven. 8e think itEs Gst nice( and neat( and packaged( bt =eaven is
not like that at all. 5tEs lodA 5tEs bigger than 8oodstock.
5" yo have been telling yorsel"( 9>h( 5 Gst !ant a little cabin on a
hillside over in glory land( !here 5 can Gst be &iet( Gst %e and Jess.
5 !ant to go to a place !here !e can have or o!n thing going( !here
!e !onEt need anybody else(9 then yoEre going to be disappointed.
Dverybody !ill be eFtroverted p there( !ith one "ocs? the La%b.
Jess =i%sel"( the La%b( !ill be the light "or that holy city.
As %e%bers in particlar o" the Chrch o" Jess Christ( !e need to
listen to !hat theyEre saying in =eaven right no!. 5" or holy instrction
%anal tells s theyEre saying( 9Bo are !orthy( > Lord or God( to
receive glory( honor( and po!er(9 then !e need to be declaring( 9Bo
are !orthy to take the scroll and open itEs seals.9 8e need to shot !ith
lod voices( 98orthy is the La%b !ho !as slain to receive po!er( and
!ealth( and !isdo%( and strength( and honor( and praise( and glory.
8orthy is the La%b( !orthy is the La%b( !orthy is the La%b( !orthy is
the La%bA9
GodEs 8ord describes !orship as an action "illed !ith po!er(
athority( devotion( sb%ission( anointing( and inti%acy. The !orld
pictres it as a dead( %eaningless religios eFercise reserved "or Goyless
religios people. The trth is that it is a holy "nction enGoyed by
angels( %en( and the entire created niverse. Bet there is a special level
o" !orship reserved solely "or those !ho have been redee%ed by the
blood o" the La%b o" God. Bo and 5 need to enter into that !orship
!ith all o" or hearts. 5t is ti%e "or s to con"or% to the heavenly
pattern and increase the vol%e and intensity o" or high !orship to the
3ing o" 3ings and Lord o" Lords ntil =e Goins s in or nityA
'art 55
Postures of Worship
Chapter 6
- 8plifte. Han.s %ignal
3ictorious %acrifice2
D Lord, I call upon !hee; hasten to me. Gi1e ear to my 1oice
when I call to !hee.
Bay my prayer be counted as incense before !hee; the lifting
up of my hands as the e1ening offering (0salm "6"#"9'.
The neFt ti%e yo "eel like keeping yor hands stck in yor
pockets or clinging to a prse dring a !orship( 5 !ant yo to re%e%ber
DliGah the prophet. 5n 2irst 3ings( chapter 10( DliGah alone "aced 91-
prophets o" +aal and the Asherah in a sho!do!n by "ire in "ront o" the
%en o" 5srael. +y %idday( the idol !orshipers !ere still carrying on.
)nd it came about when midday was past, that they ra1ed
until the time of the offering of the e1ening sacrifice; but there
was no 1oice, no one answered, and no one paid attention.
!hen Eli?ah said to all the people, (+ome near to me.( -o all
the people came near to him. )nd he repaired the altar of the
Lord which had been torn down (" %ings "/#@972'.
DliGah !aited to rebild the altar o" the Lord ntil 9the ti%e o" the
evening sacri"ice.9 5t didnEt %atter to hi% that the lnatic prophets o"
"alse gods raved( !aved( and ct the%selves all day long in "ront o"
their dea" and d%b idols. DliGah !as eFpecting so%ething to take place
66 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
at the ti%e o" the evening sacri"ice. =e !as so con"ident o" it that he
told the "ickle %en o" 5srael( 95 !ant yo to get close to %e. 5 !ant yo
to see !hatEs abot to take place.9
8hen !e talk abot the evening sacri"ice( !e are talking abot a
ti%e !hen !e e<pect something to ta*e place in our presence, and we
e<pect something to ta*e place in the hea1enlies. The botto% line is
that !e shold eFpect to see God descend in ,is glory in response to
or gi"tA
The 'sal%ist !rote( 94ay %y prayer be conted as incense be"ore
TheeJ the li"ting p o" %y hands as the evening o""ering9 H's. 161?.I.
=e is really saying( 9Lord( !hen Bo see %y hands li"ted p to Bo( let
the% represent to Bo the sa%e thing that the evening sacri"ice
represents to Bo.9
5n )%bers( chapter 10( the Lord tells 4oses so%ething pecliar
concerning the priestly tribe o" Levites. $et apart to serve God in
priestly !orship( this tribe o!ned no land( operated no bsinesses( and
"ar%ed no land. 5nstead( they !ere spported throgh the tithes H1-
percentI given by the other 11 tribes o" 5srael. God told 4oses to tell
the Levites? shall present an offering from it to the Lord, a tithe of
the tithe.
)nd your offering shall be reckoned to you as the grain from
the threshing floor or the full produce from the wine 1at
(>umbers "/#8b9A'.
;o yo nderstand !hat God is saying in verse .7C =e is telling
this tribe o" priestly servants( 95 !ill cont yor one percent tithe
o""ering as i" it is the entire grain o""ering "ro% the threshing "loor or all
o" the full produce taken "ro% the !inepress.9 )o! think abot 3ing
;avidEs prayer. 8hen ;avid( the psal%ist( prayed to God( 9Let the
li"ting o" %y hands be as the evening sacri"ice(9 he !as really saying(
95n Bor heart and %ind( God( let the o""ering o" %y li"ted hands be no
di""erent "ro% the total evening sacri"iceA9
8hat does that %ean "or sC 5" !e can overco%e or a!k!ardness
and pride enogh to li"t or hands in tre praise and !orship to God(
then =e !ill le1erage or increase the vale and i%pact o" that !orship
eFponentiallyA A lot o" people co%e to !orship( bt !hen they see "olks
!orshiping God !ithot inhibitions or hangps( they ask( 98hy do they
have their hands li"ted p any!ayC 8hat does it all %eanC9
#pli"ted =ands $ignal *ictorios $acri"iceA 61
5 sa! a cartoon once !here a gy !as in a very conservative and
staid chrch. As the %inister !as speaking in very so%ber( sober tones(
this gy !as sitting ot in the adience. Dvery ti%e the %inister !old
say so%ething( the gy !old say 9=allelGah( a%enA Bes( praise the
2inally( an sher( !ho !as dressed in a "or%al ot"it co%plete !ith
!hite gloves( leaned over and said( 98e donEt praise the Lord in this
chrchA9 H8ell( yo kno! !hat he %eant? 98e donEt praise the Lord ot
lod( !e donEt li"t or hands( !e donEt clapJ !e o""er silent sacri"ices.9I
8e have already established that the lti%ate !orship handbook is
the +ible. 5" !e really !ant to kno! ho! to !orship God( then !e need
to look in the +ible and see !hat the great leaders o" the "aith did !hen
they !orshiped God. 8hat they did !ill !ork "or s as !ell as it did "or
the% becase they are a lot closer to the pattern than !e are. Bes( the
>ld Testa%ent syste% o" ani%al sacri"ices has been replaced by the
greater sacri"ice o" the $acri"iced La%b o" God( Jess Christ. Bet the
patterns o" !orship established by 3ing ;avid prodced reslts that !e
Gst arenEt seeing in or !orship. That tells %e !e still have so%e things
to learn and a considerable !ay to goA
5" yo donEt kno! ho! to !orship( yo have a serios proble%
becase yo cold be o""ering so%ething to God that =e really doesnEt
!antA 5" =e is asking "or obedience in a proble% area o" yor li"e( bt
all yo give =i% is a 1- percent tithe check every other !eek( then yo
are displeasing GodA Bo %ight think yo are being holy !hen yo are
really on dangeros grond becase o" disobedience.
5 attended a %eeting abot a decade ago !ith several thosand
pastors "ro% arond the contry. 8e !ere in the %iddle o" a
tre%endos ti%e o" !orship right a"ter the late Drn +aFter had preached
a %essage on the resrrectiona %essage that %ade s believe that
Jess cold co%e at any %o%ent. 5n "act( a lot o" s !ere looking p at
the ceiling as !e "lly eFpected =i% to co%e at any ti%e.
8hile !e entered even deeper into !orship( a prophetic !ord ca%e
"orth that declared? 9Take o"" yor shoes( "or the grond !here yo
stand is holy grond.9
Thosands o" voice responded( 9Beah( hallelGah( a%enA9 +t
!hen 5 looked p on the plat"or%( 5 noticed that a respected teacher by
the na%e o" ;erek 'rince had slipped his shoes o""A
8hen 5 looked at hi%( 5 thoght( What:s wrong with 4ere*; Why
has he ta*en his shoes off; Then it sddenly da!ned on %e? 4ere*
68 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
0rince belie1ed the prophecy and acted accordingly.
8hen God says( 9Take yor shoes o""(9 yo had better take those
shoes o"". 5t doesnEt %atter !hether yo have holes in yor socks or not.
Take the% o"" and enGoy the "rits o" obedience( becase disobedience
pls sacri"ice still e&als disobedience.
;avid prayed( 94ay %y prayer be conted as incense be"ore TheeJ
the li"ting p o" %y hands as the evening o""ering9 H's. 161?.I. 5 !ant
yo to nderstand so%ething abot !orship and !hat takes place !hen
yo li"t p yor hands to the Lord. =osea the prophet declared?
Eeturn, D Israel, to the Lord your God, for you ha1e stumbled
because of your iniHuity.
Take words with you and return to the Lord. -ay to ,im,
(!a*e away all iniHuity, )nd recei1e us graciously, !hat we
may present the fruit of our lips( (,osea "6#"9'.
The 3ing Ja%es *ersion o" the +ible translates the last part o" this
passage this !ay? 9so !ill !e render the cal1es o" or lips.9 5n this case(
the 3ing Ja%es *ersion agrees !ith the original =ebre! %anscripts(
!hich contain an obvios re"erence to the ani%al sacri"ices %ade "or
the atone%ent o" sin. 8hen yo o""er a sacri"ice( yoEre giving God
so%ething. +t God is not %erely interested in !hat yo brn on so%e
altar. Today =e asks s to give =i% the sacri"ice or "rit o" or lips( as
!e give thanks nto =i% and !orship =i%. This is echoed and
con"ir%ed nder the )e! Covenant in the Dpistle to the =ebre!s?
9Throgh =i% then( let s continally o""er p a sacri"ice o" praise to
God( that is( the "rit o" lips that give thanks to =is na%e9 H=eb. 1/?11I.
Look closely at this revoltionary >ld Testa%ent passage?
5ut I am afflicted and in pain; Bay !hy sal1ation, D God, set
me securely on high.
I will praise the name of God with song, )nd shall magnify
,im with than*sgi1ing.
)nd it will please the Lord better than an ox or a young bull
with horns and hoofs.
!he humble ha1e seen it and are glad; you who see* God, let
your heart re1i1e.
#pli"ted =ands $ignal *ictorios $acri"iceA 67
3or the Lord hears the needy, and does not despise ,is who
are prisoners (0salm 8@#@977'.
8hen yo are o""ering God thanksgiving( according to the
$criptres yo are o""ering =i% 9a better sacri"ice than a brnt bll.9
The praises and !orship o" yor lips are yor sacri"ices( yor blls(
yor %eal o""erings( yor "irst "rits. )o( they donEt replace "inancial
giving becase giving is still part o" GodEs re&ire%ent "or disciples( bt
the sincere !ords o" yor lips are o" great vale to God. The apostle
'eter !rote to the chrches?
)nd coming to ,im as to a li1ing stone, re?ected by men, but
choice and precious in the sight of God,
=ou also, as li1ing stones, are being built up as a spiritual
house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus +hrist (" 0eter #69$'.
8hen yo enter into !orship( yo are o""ering spirital sacri"ices
that are Gst as real to God as literal sacri"ices o" bllocks( oFen( hei"ers(
ra%s( and goats. Bo also are giving %eal o""erings. 8hen yor prayers
go p be"ore God( they are real to God. 8hen %ost people say
9spirital(9 they are thinking? -piritualIyeah, something that:s not
real. The trth is that the spirital is %ore real than the natralA The
spirital real% is going to last a lot longer than natral things. 8hat
does God say abot the spirital sacri"ices !e o""er to =i%C They are
9acceptable9 to God.
8hy did ;avid pray abot the li"ting o" his handsC The things !e
do !ith or hands have "ar %ore %eaning than %ost people !old ever
drea%A Dven a &ick srvey o" the role o" 9hands9 in the $criptres !ill
trn p so%e real srprises. The li"ting o" the hands is associated !ith
the taking o" an oath? 9And Abra% said to the king o" $odo%( 5 have lift
up mine hand nto the Lord( the %ost high God( the possessor o"
heaven and earth9 HGen. 16?.. 3J*I. D7ekiel the prophet !rote( 9Ths
saith the Lord GodJ in the day !hen 5 chose 5srael( and lifted up Bine
hand nto the seed o" the hose o" Jacob( and %ade 4ysel" kno!n nto
the% in the land o" Dgypt( when I lifted up Bine hand unto them,
saying( 5 a% the Lord yor God9 HD7ek. .-?1 3J*I.
'al told Ti%othy( 9There"ore 5 !ant the %en in every place to
pray( lifting up holy hands, !ithot !rath and dissension9 H1 Ti%. .?0I.
$o%eti%es !hen or hands are li"ted p( !e are saying to God( 9God( 5
believe !hat 5E% abot to ask Bo to do.9 8hen 4oses stood on the
6/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
banks o" the <ed $ea !ith the 5sraelites and 'haraoh close behind( God
told hi%?
(Why are you crying out to Be; !ell the sons of Israel to go
()nd as for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand
o1er the sea and di1ide it, and the sons of Israel shall go
through the midst of the sea on dry land (E<odus "6#"$9"8'.
The praised or stretched ot hand is a biblical state%ent and
sy%bol o" po!er and divine athority. Bor praised hand speaks abot
!hat yo eFpect God to do in response to yor "aith. The 'sal%ist
!rote hndreds o" years later abot the day 4oses eFtended his hand
and sta"" over the <ed $ea? 9The sea looked and "led9 H's. 116?/I.
=allelGahA 5t is no %arvel to %e that the ene%y doesnEt !ant yo to
raise yor hands.
8hen 4oses stretched ot his hands( to all appearances he !as Gst
eFtending a rod. +t the greater reality is that he !as deter%ining the
otco%e o" a crisis. 8hen he held his hands p !ith the help o" Aaron
and =r on a hilltop later on( he looked pretty silly to the natral %an.
+t the greater reality !as that he !as deter%ining the otco%e o" a
battle in the valley belo!.
5 think that %any ti%es Christians donEt reali7e ho! %ch they are
deter%ining so%ething beyond their scope o" nderstanding throgh
their obedience. And "or %e( the highest "or% o" !orship is obedience.
>ne ti%e !hen 5 !as in =ong 3ong( 5 sa! so%e people practicing
9Tai Chi(9 an ancient oriental "or% o" eFercise based on %artial arts
%ove%ents per"or%ed at an eFtre%ely slo! speed. 8hen 5 sa! those
people practicing Tai Chi( it !as the !eirdest looking thing. +t it !as
nor%al and natral to those people becase they had been practicing
those %ove%ents "or years. Dach o" those %ove%ents !as a %artial
eFercise !ith a speci"ic na%e. 5t didnEt %ean anything to %e( initially(
bt then 5 re%e%bered a conversation 5Ed had !ith ;erek 'rince years
5 asked ;erek abot Boga becase 5 kne! that !hen he beca%e a
Christian( he !as delivered "ro% a really po!er"l spirit o" Boga a"ter
practicing it "or years. 5 asked hi%( 9;o yo still do the eFercisesC9 At
that ti%e( 5 !as sing Boga eFercises as stretching rotines becase 5
!as rnning a lot.
#pli"ted =ands $ignal *ictorios $acri"iceA 69
;erek said( 9)o( 5 donEt do the% any%ore becase nobody really
kno!s !hat the body postres %ean. 8hen yoEre sitting in the lots
position or in the plo! position H!hich is another characteristic ter% in
yogaI( yo cold be %aking key state%ents to the de%onic !orld !ith
yor postre. $o 5 donEt do the% any%ore.9
8hen 5 plled those t!o pieces togetherthe Tai Chi thing and the
state%ents ;erek 'rince %ade abot the postres %aking state%ents to
the spirit real%5 said( 95 !onder then ho! %ch o" !hat !e do in or
!orship are state%ents to an invisible real%( state%ents that have
a!eso%e po!erC 'erhaps God chooses and ses the !eak thing o" the
li"ting o" hands( or the "oolish thing o" dancing in !ays that 5 donEt
nderstand. 2or instance( !hen 5 !orship the Lord( even i" that act o"
!orship %ight look "oreign or "oolish to so%eone else( perhaps it has
acco%plished so%ething "or God and "or the prposes o" God that 5
canEt see. The 'sal%ist !rote( 9Let the high praises o" God be in their bind their kings !ith chains( and their nobles !ith "etters o"
iron9 H's. 169?,:0I. That %eans %y !orship to God is really "l"illing a
"nction in =eaven that is beyond %y scope.
=o! %ch %ore o"ten !old that happen i" 5 really nderstood
!hat happens !hen 5 obediently !orship GodC 8hen so%eone says(
9LetEs Gst li"t or hands be"ore =i%(9 is it possible that Gst the si%ple
act o" li"ting or hands be"ore God enables =i% to do so%ething as
po!er"l as =e did !hen Joash shot the arro! ot o" the !indo!
to!ard the eastC >t!ardly this action appeared to be an absoltely
"oolish thing( bt it acco%plished a victory.
$o%eti%es( !hen yo %ost need to raise yor hands!hen yo
are i%pressed by the =oly $pirit to raise the% pyo !ill have
so%ething co%e over yo that says( 95 donEt "eel like raising %y hands.9
)o! that little voice talking to yo is really the adversary. =e doesnEt
!ant yo to raise yor hands becase the %o%ent that yo do yoEre
really saying( (In your face, de1il.( 2rankly( satan doesnEt !ant God or
GodEs anointed representative in his "aceA
5n 5saiah 1/?.( GodEs 8ord says( 9<aise a banner on a bare hilltop(
shot to the%J beckon to the% to enter the gates o" the nobles9 H)5*I.
5n %odern ter%s( God is saying( 9Look( i" yo donEt like !hatEs going on
in yor neighborhood( go ot and li"t yor hands p to 4e be"ore they
pt the gn on yoA9 Let the li"ting o" yor hands be a victory "lagA Let
the li"ting o" yor hands be the sa%e thing as !hen 4oses li"ted p his
rod over a battle"ield and !atched GodEs people !in the battle against
A%alek Hsee DF. 17?1-:11I.
$2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
There !ere really t!o battles going on in that story. >ne !as do!n
on the actal battle"ield( and one !as p on the hilltop !ith 4oses(
Aaron( and =r. As long as 4osesE hands !ere raised( the people o"
God prevailed. 8hen the hands dropped( so did the "ortnes o" 5sraelEs
ar%y. 8hyC As long as 4osesE hands !ere p( God fought for Israel.
A"ter the battle( 4oses bilt an altar o" re%e%brance to God and called
it Jehovah )issiGod is %y +anner.
There are a lot o" "olks in %inistry !ho donEt reali7e that their
9sccess9 didnEt co%e becase they preach so !ell. 5t ca%e becase
so%e!here( so%ebody had his hands li"ted p "or the%. All o" those
victories !ere !on in the prayer roo%( not the plpitA +attles are !on
!herever holy hands are li"ted p to God.
The +ible also tells s !e can bless God !ith a 9!ave o""ering9
today Gst as Aaron did according to the +ook o" Levitics. #nder the
)e! Covenant( the e%phasis is on or hands and the "rit o" or lips
rather than on the physical parts o" a sacri"iced ani%al.
!hen he slaughtered the o< and the ram, the sacrifice of peace
offerings which was for the people; and )aron:s sons handed
the blood to him and he sprin*led it around on the altar.
)s for the portions of fat from the o< and from the ram, the fat
tail, and the fat co1ering and the *idneys and the lobe of the
!hey now placed the portions of fat on the breasts; and he
offered them up in smo*e on the altar.
5ut the breasts and the right thigh )aron presented as a wave
offering before the Lord, ?ust as Boses had commanded.
!hen )aron lifted up his hands toward the people and
blessed them, and he stepped down after ma*ing the sin
offering and the burnt offering and the peace offerings.
)nd Boses and )aron went into the tent of meeting. When
they came out and blessed the people, the glory of the Lord
appeared to all the people.
!hen fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the
burnt offering and the portions of fat on the altar; and when
all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces
#pli"ted =ands $ignal *ictorios $acri"iceA 11
(Le1iticus @#"/96'.
5n this pre:Calvary sacri"ice( Aaron held p a hge chnk o" %eat
that he had ct "ro% the center o" an ani%al sacri"ice and !aved it
be"ore the Lord. Then he li"ted his bloody hands and blessed the
people. Today or sins have been !ashed a!ay by the precios blood
o" Jess Christ( and =e ever lives to intercede "or s to the 2ather. 8e
can still li"t or hands and bless in =is na%eand !e no longer need to
!ave the breast o" a sacri"iced ani%al or a bo!l o" grain. 8e can !ave
an o""ering o" adoration( praise( and !orship to God the 2ather( and !e
can eFtend or hands and bless others in the na%e o" Jess !ith %ch
greater po!er and athorityA
;avid sa! past the ani%al sacri"ices to sacri"ices o" the heart and
hand in 'sal% 1/6( !hen he declared( 9Li"t p yor hands to the
sanctary( and bless the Lord9 H's. 1/6?.I. HThe !ord sanctuaryI
Hodesh in the =ebre!cold actally be translated 9the $acred >ne9
in this verse.I
=o! can !e bless GodC =o! can the lesser bless the greaterC 2irst
o" all( God is blessed by or obedience. 8hen Jess sb%itted =i%sel"
to be bapti7ed in the %ddy Jordan Heven thogh =e !as sinlessI( =is
obedience toched the heart o" God !ho spoke ot o" =eaven and
declared( 9This is 4y beloved $on( in !ho% 5 a% !ell pleased9 H4t.
8hen !e li"t p or hands in obedience to the $piritEs pro%pting(
!e i%%ediately beco%e %ore involved in !hat God !ants s to do. A
spirital battle %ight be going on so%e!herea battle in !hich God
!ants to se s throgh or obedience. >r =e %ay !ant to do
so%ething in or o!n lives.
5 think a lot o" battles are lost becase !e donEt obey God. 5Eve been
in a n%ber o" %eetings in !hich 5 told people( 9LetEs li"t or hands(9
only to see %ost o" the% stand there and stare at %e.
5 cold al%ost hear the% saying to the%selves( 95 kno! yoEre not
talking to %e( preacher( becase 5 donEt li"t %y hands "or nobodyA9
5 have talked to %y brothers abot ;adEs sccess"l %iracle and
healing %inistry. 4y brotherEs god%other said( 95 sed to !atch hi%
pray( and be"ore he !old pt his hands on anybody( he !old li"t his
hands be"ore the Lord.9 $he added( 95 have yet to see hi% pray "or
anybody that God didnEt toch.9
8hy shold !e li"t or hands to GodC +y li"ting or hands !e are
$ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
saying( 9God( 5 pro%ise Bo that Bo !ill get all o" the glory9 or 9God(
5E% telling yo( 5 need Bor help.9 $o%eti%es or pli"ted hands say(
9God( this is Bor victory( becase BoEre the banner( BoEre the
!inner in all o" this. 5E% !aving the God "lag !hen 5 !ave Bor )a%e
over this circ%stance. 5E% saying to the devil( E5n yor "aceAE 9
Dvery ti%e !e eFtend or obedience beyond or thoghts to
physical action( !e are %oved "ro% sel":consciosness to God:
consciosness. 8e are ready to !orship.
Chapter 1
) He Teaches 9y Han.s to
5lessed be the Lord, my roc*, Who trains my hands for war,
)nd my fingers for battle (0salm "66#"'.
There is one place in every desert !here yo !ill "ind li"e:giving
re"resh%ent( and al%ost continal %ove%ent( activity( and violence. 5E%
talking abot the desert oasis( !here !ater so%eho! "inds its !ay to the
sr"ace o" a sea o" sand. 8hen the 5sraelites crossed the <ed $ea and
le"t 'haraoh and his ar%y to sink or s!i%( they soon "ond the%selves
srronded by sandy !astes !ithot !ater. This happened t!ice( and
each ti%e( like %ost h%ans( they "ell back on their natral abilities to
solve the proble% and pro%ptly began to co%plain. God !orked a
%iracle throgh 4oses despite the dobt and nbelie" and spplied
!ater "ro% a bitter pool the "irst ti%e( and "ro% a rock the second ti%e.
Dverything !orked ot !onder"llyor did itC
The +ible says that once the 5sraelites "ond !ater the second ti%e
Hthey !ere %ch deeper into the desert by that ti%eI( then the
A%alekites "ond them. A%alekites never sho! p ntil !ater is
arond. The %ore yo ask God to !ater yor li"e( the %ore yo shold
eFpect to see 9A%alekites9 popping p in yor li"e. A%alekites !ant
!ater the%selves( bt they donEt !ant to dig !ells. They !old rather
G%p yo and steal !hat yo have "ond or labored to create. The "irst
ti%e these descendants o" Dsa sho! p is in DFods 17 !hen they
con"ronted 4oses and the sons o" 5srael( asking the% to reveal !here
$6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
God gave the% !ater. The +ible describes the incident in the +ook o"
Eemember what )male* did to you along the way when you
came out from Egypt.
,ow he met you along the way and attacked among you all
the stragglers at your rear when you were faint and weary;
and he did not fear God (4euteronomy $#"A9"/'.
The A%alekites %atch the LordEs description o" the thie" in John
1-?1-a? 9The thie" co%es only to steal( and kill( and destroy....9 The
eFistence and persistence o" this desert clan o" thieves and %rderers in
the natral is a type and shado! o" the spirital predators stalking GodEs
people in hopes o" attacking the !eak( the stragglers( and the separated
%e%bers along the road o" destiny. They also eFplain !hy God !ants
to teach our hands to war.
The dra%atic battle described in DFods 17?0:1, !as especially
signi"icant becase every 5sraelite in the battle had been raised as a
slave in captivity( "orbidden to o!n or se any !eapon. 4aybe 5E%
reading too %ch into this event( bt in %y opinion( those 5sraelites
shold have been really grate"l that God !as "ighting "or the% !hile
4osesE hands !ere li"ted to =eavenA H$ee DFods 17?11.I They !ere
a%aters( ntried !arriors in har%Es !ay "ighting to de"eat %ore
eFperienced adversaries( and they !ere sing the n"a%iliar !eapons o"
their "or%er Dgyptian %asters.
+y the ti%e the 5sraelites "inally crossed the Jordan to take the
'ro%ised Land( the dobting generation born in slavery had passed
a!ay. They !ere replaced by their desert:born children( a generation
that God had trans"or%ed into a nation o" seasoned !arriors. Centries
later( God !old se a yoth"l 5sraelite poet and shepherd to raise p
and lead the largest( %ost deadly standing ar%y in Asia 4inor H;avid
and his %en o" reno!nI. )nyone who dares to claim and fulfill the
promises and purposes of God must become s*illful in war.
>nce yo get !ater o" the =oly $pirit in yor li"e( yo can eFpect
the 9desert:d!elling A%alekites9 to sho! p( too. JessE "irst "ace:to:
"ace enconter !ith the devil ca%e i%%ediately a"ter the =oly $pirit
descended pon =i% !hen =e !as bapti7ed in the Jordan <iver by
John the +aptist. The +ible says the ,oly -pirit led =i% to the
!ilderness to be te%pted and tried by the devil. 5tEs hard to believe the
=oly Ghost !old do that to so%eone( bt i" =e did it to Jess to "l"ill
=e Teaches 4y =ands to 8ar 11
GodEs per"ect !ill( then =eEll do it to yo tooA 5" yo are ever to possess
the land "or GodEs 3ingdo%( yo are destined to "ace so%e A%alekites
in battle. 5n the process( God !ill train yor hands "or !ar and yor
"ingers "or battleA
8hat did 4oses do right a"ter the A%alekites !ere de"eatedC =e
bilt an altar. And he called it( 9The Lord is %y +anner9 or Jeho1ah
8hen yo rn into resistance or s""er a srprise attack "ro%
%odern A%alekites( then no %atter ho! hostile the sitation %ay be(
Gst pt yor hands p and say( 9Jehovah )issiA The Lord is %y
bannerA9 ;onEt "ight the battle alone!ave the banner o" God and
release =is po!er into the sitation !ith praised hands "ro% the high
grond o" "aith. That %eans the battle belo! can have only one
3or to this end also I wrote that I might put you to the test,
whether you are obedient in all things.
5ut whom you forgi1e anything I forgi1e also; for indeed what
I ha1e forgi1en, if I ha1e forgi1en anything I did it for your
sa*es in the presence of +hrist,
In order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we
are not ignorant of his schemes ( +orinthians #@9""'.
The apostle 'al says so%ething later in his letter to the
Corinthians that shold !ake s p and open or eyes?
)nd no wonder, for e1en -atan disguises himself as an angel
of light.
!herefore it is not surprising if his ser1ants also disguise
themsel1es as ser1ants of righteousness; whose end shall be
according to their deeds ( +orinthians ""#"69"$'.
9Beah( 5 %et satan once( and he looked like a gargoyle.9 )o( that
probably !asnEt hi%. =e is a %as&erader. )o!( i" yo tell %e yo %et
a person !ho glo!ed in the dark and said that he !old give yo
everything yo ever !antedthen 5 !old say yoEve probably %et the
great trans"or%er( satan. 4any o" the proble%s in or lives and
chrches arise becase !e are ignorant o" satanEs sche%es and !e allo!
hi% to ot!it s. 8e need to "ollo! Jess and stay alert to satanEs
sche%ing !ays. 4any Christians are na!are that God also has
$8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
sche%es( devices( and plans. God has a %aster strategy and individal
battle strategies "or each o" s.
A lot o" s Gst need a 9perspective transplant.9 BoEve heard the
co%plaint( 9$o%e "olks are so heavenly %inded that theyEre no earthly
good.9 5 think that !e need so%e heavenly %inded people right no!A
8e need so%e "olks !ho think heavenly thoghts instead o" earthbond
"leshly thoghts. 8here shold yo be sitting right no! according to
the +ook o" DphesiansC 'al !rites( 9LGod hasM raised s p !ith =i%(
and seated s !ith =i% in the heavenly places( in Christ Jess9 HDph.
.?,I. 8hat angle or perspective do yo have o" earthly a""airs !hen yo
are seated in the heavenly placesC Bo are looking down on the
<e%e%ber that the ene%y !ants to keep yor "ocs trned a!ay
"ro% GodEs strategy "or !orld con&est. =e !ants yo to get "ocsed on
his diabolical strategy "or !orld con&est so he can do yo in. The
soltion is God =i%sel"( !ho 9teaches yor hands to !ar.9 The #.$.
Treasry ;epart%ent sed to train ne! agents ho! to deal !ith
conter"eit %oney by "ocsing eFclsively on 9the real st"".9 They
never eFposed the% to conter"eit %oney. They al!ays taght the% the
real st"". 9=ereEs the real %oney. This is a real dollar bill. This is a real
ten. This is a real "ive. This is a real hndred:dollar bill.9 These agents:
in:training !old stdy the real thing "or !eeks and !eeks. Then one
day the instrctors !old slip so%e conter"eit %oney into the %oney
strea%. $ddenly( it !old da!n on the trainees? 9=ey( thereEs
so%ething !rong !ith this billA9
God is trying to get s "ocsed on the real( bt the !orld !ants s
to "ocs on the conter"eit. 9$tdy the clts. $tdy these "ringe grops.
$tdy the satanists and the )e! Age doctrines.9 Bo donEt need to
stdy "alse doctrines to kno! one !hen yo hear itA HJst like yo donEt
need to eat bad "ood to kno! good "ood.I 5" yo gro! p eating good
"ood( the bad "ood !ill instantly stand ot to yo. 8hen trth is the
staple o" yor spirital diet( anyti%e so%eone co%es along !ith error(
yo !onEt look "or so%eone to point the error ot to yo. Bo !ill be
the one pointing it ot.
God is saying( 95 !ant to teach yor hands to !ar. 5 !ant to teach
yo to do battle.9 This training is a process( a progression "ro% s%all to
large( "ro% si%ple to advanced levels. Jere%iah 1.?1 says( 95" yo have
rn !ith "oot%en and they have tired yo ot( then ho! can yo
co%pete !ith horsesC 5" yo "all do!n in a land o" peace( ho! !ill yo
do in the thicket o" the JordanC9
=e Teaches 4y =ands to 8ar 17
5" yo havenEt had battle eFperience( God is going to give yo
so%e. Bo either !ill enter a battle !ith battle eFperience or yo !ill
enter it !ithot eFperience. 5 reco%%end yo get the eFperienceA God
teaches yor hands to !ar by letting yo go throgh sitations and
di""iclties that "orce yo to overco%e by sing tools and abilities
beyond yor o!n strength and ability.
>ow these are the nations which the Lord left, to test Israel by
them (that is, all who had not e<perienced any of the wars of
Dnly in order that the generations of the sons of Israel might
be taught war, those who had not e<perienced it formerly
(Judges 7#"9'.
4ost o" s eFpect to learn !ar"are in a classroo% or $nday school
class setting !ith chalkboards and +ible charts. Bes( yo can learn
principles o" !ar"are in the sa"ety o" yor seat( bt once yo learn the
principles( you are accountable for their application.
God le"t ene%ies in the land Gst so =e cold test all those
5sraelites !ho had not eFperienced any o" the !ars in Canaan. The only
!ay to learn !ar"are is throgh tests and trials. The =ebre! !ord "or
teach is lamad. 5t %eans 9to eFercise in9
and 9to goad9
Las i"
encoraging cattle to %ove throgh an n"a%iliar gate or to pll a plo!(
sing an oF goad or a 9cattle prod9M. 5t is %ch stronger and %ore
action:oriented than or static Dnglish %eaning "or the !ord teach.
>bviosly( God !ants to teach =is people so%e very speci"ic things
abot !ar"are.
)o!( !e nderstandand !eEve been ingesting this again and
again and againthat the !eapons o" or !ar"are are not "leshly. They
are not carnal. They are not natral !eapons. +t yoEve got to hear
this. 8e do have !ar"are( and !e do have !eapons. 8e do have
ene%ies. 8e do have "oes. They are in the heavenlies. They are not
neFt door to yo. They are not yor bosses. They are not yor %ates.
They are not yor sposes. They are not the political candidates.
$o%e!here !eEre going to have to get a dra%a tea% to do so%ething
to act ot a pppet thing !here the real po!er is in the heavenlies and
!e do!n here !ill be %aniplated by the po!ers. 5t can be %ore clearly
$o%e people say( 94an( 5 donEt kno! !hatEs going on in %y li"e. 5
donEt nderstand !hatEs taking place.9 Get in the real !orld. God has
$/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
le"t so%e ene%ies here. And i" yo havenEt had any !ar eFperience(
yoEre going to get so%e. ThatEs part o" a test. 5tEs part o" a teaching. 5tEs
part o" yor learning eFperience.
GodEs 8ord care"lly catalogs skills in !ar"are? 9The sons o"
<eben and the Gadites and the hal":tribe o" 4anasseh( consisting o"
valiant %en( %en !ho bore shield and s!ord and shot !ith bo!( and
!ere skill"l in battle( !ere 66(7,-( !ho !ent to !ar9 H1 Chron. 1?10I.
5n a later chapter( the 8ord says( 9)o! these are the heads o" the
%ighty %en !ho% ;avid had( !ho gave hi% strong spport in his
kingdo%( together !ith all 5srael( to ma*e him *ing, according to the
!ord o" the Lord concerning 5srael9 H1 Chron. 11?1-I.
8hat !as their goal and prposeC 9To %ake hi% king9 Hthe )e!
5nternational *ersion says they 9gave his kingship strong spport to
e<tend it over the !hole land9I. 8hat shold be the goal o" the ChrchC
To eFtend the 3ingdo% o" Jess Christ over the !hole landA 5tEs going
to take so%e !ar"are to reach that goal. 8e !ill have to cast ot
de%ons and heal the sick. At so%e point( !e even !ill have to raise the
dead to get the Gob done.
Training %akes the di""erence bet!een sccess and "ailre in
al%ost every area o" li"e. The +ible is "illed !ith stories o" people !ho
overca%e adversity by trsting God and yielding to =is training. ;avid
didnEt start ot on top. =e didnEt al!ays have a %ighty ar%y o" skilled
!arriors backing hi% p?
-o 4a1id departed from there and escaped to the ca1e of
)dullam; and when his brothers and all his father:s household
heard of it, they went down there to him.
)nd e1eryone who was in distress, and e1eryone who was in
debt, and e1eryone who was discontented, gathered to him;
and he became captain o1er them. >ow there were about four
hundred men with him (" -amuel #"9'.
;avid trained his %en o" !ar the old:"ashioned !ayby
condcting !ar Hin his case( against the 'hilistinesI. 8hat a %otley
cre!. 9;avid( 5E% in debt. 8ill yo be %y pastorC9 9;avid( 5E% so pset
and discontent !ith %y chrch !here 5Eve been. 8ill yo be %y
pastorC9 These %en !ere distressed( and ;avidEs task !as to teach the%
to beco%e %ighty %en o" !ar. =o! do yo do that !ith discontented(
indebted( distressed peopleC Bo do it very lovingly( very patiently.
The reslts o" ;avidEs labors are legendary.
=e Teaches 4y =ands to 8ar 19
)nd these constitute the list of the mighty men whom 4a1id
had# Jashobeam, the son of a ,achmonite, the chief of the
thirty; he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he
killed at one time
)nd after him was EleaCar the son of 4odo, the )hohite, who
was one of the three mighty men.
,e was with 4a1id at 0asdammim when the 0hilistines were
gathered together there to battle, and there was a plot of
ground full of barley; and the people fled before the
)nd they too* their stand in the midst of the plot, and
defended it, and struck down the !hilistines; and the Lord
sa1ed them by a great 1ictory (" +hronicles ""#""9"6'.
5 seriosly dobt that any o" s !ill be eFpected to s!ing a s!ord
in a physical battle on GodEs behal"( bt !e %ay be dra"ted "or service
as a !orshiper and prayer !arrior. Dven in ;avidEs day( singers !ere
considered i%portant assets in the hose o" God. They too re&ired
training and skill to do their Gob.
)ll these were under the direction of their father to sing in the
house of the Lord, with cymbals, harps and lyres, for the
ser1ice of the house of God. )saph, Jeduthun and ,eman
were under the direction of the *ing.
)nd their number who were trained in singing to the Lord,
with their relati1es, all who were skillful, was // ("
+hronicles $#89A'.
2ro% the battle"ield to the tabernacle o" God( ;avid trained and
directed highly trained( proven %en !ho !ere skilled in their particlar
discipline. They had !on reno!n 9by reason o" se9 and throgh hard:
!on eFperience in action. 5" yo are going to be a !arrior( yo !ill
need so%e eFperience in !ar. God is too !ise to drop yo in the %iddle
o" the hottest and %ost sophisticated battle !hen yo have never been
in battle be"ore. =e begins or training by overco%ing s%all obstacles
and spirital opponents and then %oves s on to larger( %ore
"or%idable battles as or abilities( skills( and con"idence gro!s.
The !riter o" the Dpistle to the =ebre!s says( 9+t solid "ood is "or
the %atre( !ho becase o" practice have their senses trained to discern
82 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
good and evil9 H=eb. 1?16I. $olid "ood is "or the mature. 4atre
believers are people !ho have practiced and sed their spirital senses
again and again in direct con"rontation !ith the ene%y. They arenEt
"ooled easily. They can spot the di""erences bet!een good and evil !ith
con"idence becase they are e<perienced. 5" yo are %atre( yo !ill be
able to see !hat others canEt see becase yoEve been there be"ore.
)ear the end o" his earthly li"e( the apostle 'al !rote( 95 have
"oght the good "ight( 5 have "inished the corse( 5 have kept the "aith9
H. Ti%. 6?7I. God !ants yo to "ight a good "ight too. +t yo canEt
even %ake a good stand i" yo donEt kno! !hat the "ighting is all abot.
=ebre!s ,?1 says( 9There"ore leaving the ele%entary teaching abot the
Christ( let s press on to maturity...( =e ends his rgent appeal to the
people to go on to %atrity by saying( 9And this !e shall do( i" God
per%its9 H=eb. ,?/I. $ay these !ords !ith %e please. 98e cannot go on
to %atrity nless God per%its s to.9
)o!( hereEs !hat 5 !ant to say to yo. God !ill not per%it yo to
go on to %atrity and bypass any grade. Bo donEt skip grades in the
3ingdo%. 9This is "irst grade( son.9
Bo %ay say( 9>kay. 8hat i" 5 donEt like itC9
God says( 9Then yo spend a lot o" ti%e here.9 =e trains s. =e
teaches s. =e opens or ears to listen as one being taght. >ne o" the
principle reasons that ;avidEs kingdo% !as eFtended beyond any other
kingdo% !as? ;avid encontered and reached %ore bondaries in his
rle than any other. This happened becase the pri%ary aspect o"
;avidEs kingdo% !as !orship and praise.
5tEs pheno%enal !hat God can do !hen people are praising =i%.
=eEs training %y handsJ =eEs teaching %e. 5E% beco%ing skilled in this
thing. 5E% learning ho! to say( 9God( 5 !orship Bo.9 5E% learning that
the li"ting o" %y hands is the sa%e as a sacri"ice. 5E% learning that 5 can
pt a high hand in the ene%yEs "ace.
;onEt despise the day o" yor training. ;onEt despise the day o"
s%all things. 5 honestly believe there are things that God is going to
sho! s in the "tre that are the reslt o" or obedient and s*illed
!ar"are in !orship todayA 5 believe =e !ill call s and say( 9Co%e here.
Let 4e sho! yo !hat yo !ere doing in 199.( and then on Christ%as
night in 1996( and in Agst o" 1997. Dach ti%e yo raised yor hands
high in the air in 4y na%e on those occasions( these key events took
place in the heavenlies.9
At that point( !e !ill probably say( 9>h( Lord God( i" !e had only
=e Teaches 4y =ands to 8ar ,1
kno!n ho! %ch more !e cold have given orselves to !orship....9
5" the %sic ;avid played on a single instr%ent literally drove evil
spirits a!ay "ro% 3ing $al( then !e need to !age $pirit:led !ar"are
by !orshiping God and playing on a hndred or a thosand
instr%entsA 8hat evil in"lence !old be eGected "ro% yor city or this
planet at that pointC Can yo see the pictre o" the hidden potential o"
or secret !eapon o" !orshipC
The Chrch is only beginning to nderstand the po!er God has
planted in its people. A %inister in Argentina goes to cities that
historically have been closed to the gospel. 'rayer tea%s go in t!o or
three !eeks ahead o" hi% and lock the%selves in a hotel roo% !here
they !orship( pray( "ast( and call ot to God to reveal the principalities
and the strong %en in that area. Then( they decisively deal !ith all
opposing "orces in the heavenlies "ro% the seat o" the $aviorEs po!er. 5t
is no !onder that this %inistry has had re%arkable revivalstheir
$pirit:inspired invasion strategy is Gst a!eso%eA 5n every %eeting( they
see people co%e to the Lord as their de%ons co%e ot. 4ltitdes are
9+lessed be the Lord( %y rock( !ho trains %y hands "or !ar( and
%y "ingers "or battle9 H's. 166?1I. 4y "riend( yo better get yor "ingers
ready to do battle. The 3ing is at the gate and =is battle s%%ons is
ringing in yor ears.
1. >ew )merican -tandard E<hausti1e +oncordance of the 5ible HThe
Lock%an 2ondation( 1901I( teach H=/9.1I.
.. -trong:s, teach H=/9.1I.
Chapter ,
, 0aying the &mbush of
Worship an. Praise
5 !as the gest %inister at a chrch one $nday night !hen 5
!itnessed perhaps the "inest thing 5Eve ever seen in %y li"e. 5 !atched a
%an dance be"ore the Lord dring the !orship service. This %an !as
"ocsed totally on GodJ he !as incredibly ninhibited. Also( he !as
absoltely spastiche coldnEt get his rhyth% together and his li%bs
see%ed to have no coordination that 5 cold see. 5t !as Gst a hilarios
sight in the natral real%( bt in the spirit real%( things !ere altogether
di""erent. 5 had the i%pression as 5 !atched all o" this that God didnEt
%ind in the least that this ncoordinated %an !as looking "oolish on
=is behal". The %an !as dancing in Goy be"ore the Lord becase he
loved =i%.
5" yo have a proble% !ith looking "oolish( yo Gst oght to go
ahead( look "oolish( and get it over !ith. $o%eti%es 9"oolishness9 is the
only !ay to acco%plish the !ill and prpose o" God.
)oah looked "oolish bilding one o" the largest !ooden strctres
o" his ti%e !hile clai%ing it !as going to "loat on a !orld!ide "lood
that !as on its !ay. Abraha% looked "oolish !hen he stood over his
son( 5saac( !ith the kni"e o" sacri"ice in his hand. 4oses looked "oolish
sitting on a hilltop "lanked by t!o gys holding p his ar%s !hile
thosands o" people "oght to the death belo! hi%. =annah looked
"oolish in DliEs eyes as she prayed "ervently in the hose o" God( and
;avid looked "oolish standing in "ront o" Goliath ar%ed !ith only a
86 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
leather sling and "ive s%ooth stones.
4ary looked "oolish !hen she beca%e pregnant as a virgin( and
Joseph looked Gst as "oolish !hen he agreed to %arry her any!ay
Halthogh he !old not be inti%ate !ith his !i"e ntil a"ter the birth o"
her %ystery childI. 4ean!hile( the nosy neighbors in Jdea probably
conted the %onths back!ard "ro% the birth o" Jess and ca%e to their
o!n conclsions. Jess looked "oolish !hen( as a local carpenterEs son(
=e stood in the synagoge and read the "a%iliar passage "ro% the scroll
o" 5saiah and said( 9Today this $criptre has been "l"illed in yor
hearing9 HLk. 6?.1I. =is archene%y( satan( thoght Jess looked even
%ore "oolish the day that =e !as stretched ot on a <o%an cross
bet!een t!o crci"ied thieves a"ter clai%ing to be the $on o"
=e !asnEt "oolish. =e !as doing the !ill o" =is 2ather.
=ave yo looked "oolish "or God latelyC =ave yo dared to
!orship =i% the !ay =e co%%ands s to !orship in =is 8ordC There
%ay be %ch %ore at stake than yo have ever drea%ed.
)nd the Lord will cause ,is 1oice of authority to be heard...
3or at the 1oice of the Lord )ssyria will be terrified, when ,e
stri*es with the rod.
)nd e1ery blow of the rod of punishment, which the Lord will
lay on him, will be with the music of tambourines and lyres;
and in battles, brandishing weapons, ,e will fight them
(Isaiah 72#7297'.
There are certain 9postres o" !orship9 that constitte 9non:verbal
co%%nication9 o" eternal signi"icance nder the orchestration o" the
=oly $pirit. 5n a sense( there are t!o "or%s o" !orshipone is the
classical "or% !e think o" !hich involves bo!ing orselves in love and
adoration be"ore or great God. The second is %ore nconventional in
natreit is obedience in all o" its varied "or%s. 4oses !as !orshiping
God !hen he obeyed and eFtended his hand over the <ed $ea. DliGah
the prophet !as !orshiping God !hen( three ti%es( he ordered the
cro!d to thro! %ore !ater on the !ood and sacri"ice stacked on the
rebilt altar o" God. Look care"lly at 9!hose !ord9 DliGah !as
!hen it came about at the time of the offering of the e1ening
sacrifice, that Eli?ah the prophet came near and said, (D
Lord, the God of )braham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be
Laying the A%bsh o" 8orship and 'raise ,1
*nown that !hou art God in Israel, and that I am !hy ser1ant,
and that I have done all these things at Thy word
()nswer me, D Lord, answer me, that this people may *now
that !hou, D Lord, art God, and that !hou hast turned their
heart bac* again.(
!hen the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt offering
and the wood and the stones and the dust, and lic*ed up the
water that was in the trench.
)nd when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and
they said, (!he Lord, ,e is God; the Lord, ,e is God( ("
%ings "/#7897@'.
$a%el the prophet said it per"ectly !hen he told $al in 2irst
$a%el 11?..( 9=as the Lord as %ch delight in brnt o""erings and
sacri"ices as in obeying the voice o" the LordC +ehold( to obey is better
than sacri"ice( and to heed than the "at o" ra%s.9
The =oly $pirit( !ho directs or !orship( !ill say "ro% ti%e to
ti%e( 9;o this9 and 9;o that.9 $o%eti%es( =e clearly !ill ask or
i%press pon s the need to physically bo! be"ore the Lord( to kneel( to
li"t or hands( or to clap. $o%eti%es( !e are eFhorted to shot "or Goy
or to dance. The "act is that %any o" the 9"oolish9 or neFplained things
the $pirit asks s to do in or !orship and prayer ti%es have a direct
e""ect on both the seen and nseen real%s.
5n the tenth chapter o" the +ook o" ;aniel( !e see !here ;aniel
prayed( "asted( and interceded "or .1 days !hen he sensed a
spernatral 9%orning9 co%e over hi%. At the end o" the .1:day
period( an angel appeared to hi% and con"ir%ed that God had heard his
prayer the very first day ;aniel !ent to prayer. The angel eFplained that
he had been hindered by a po!er"l de%onic prince or principality
assigned to 'ersia( !here ;aniel lived. 5t !as the "ervent prayer o"
;aniel that enabled GodEs %essenger to hold "ast ntil the archangel
4ichael cold co%e to help. ;anielEs actions in $pirit:inspired prayer in
a closed roo% in 'ersia a""ected the heavenlies !here the real battle
bet!een angelic po!ers took place.
'al the apostle said( 92or or strggle is not against "lesh and
blood( bt against the rlers( against the po!ers( against the !orld
"orces o" this darkness( against the spirital "orces o" !ickedness in the
heavenly places9 HDph. ,?1.I. 8hat %any Christians donEt reali7e is that
88 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
this strggle is condcted throgh or worship and praise as %ch as it
is throgh or prayers and actions on earth. Look closely at the
$criptre !e &oted earlier in this chapter?
)nd the Lord will cause ,is 1oice of authority to be heard...
3or at the 1oice of the Lord )ssyria will be terrified, when ,e
stri*es with the rod.
)nd e1ery blow of the rod of punishment, which the Lord will
lay on him, will be with the music of tambourines and lyres;
and in battles, brandishing weapons, ,e will fight them
(Isaiah 72#7297'.
The ta%borine is a precrsor o" all o" the %odern dr%s that !e
have today. 5t !as sed to establish the rhyth% and cadence o" !hat !as
taking place.
0raise the Lord. -ing to the Lord a new song, and ,is praise
in the congregation of the godly ones.
Let Israel be glad in his Ba*er; let the sons of Jion re?oice in
their %ing.
Let them praise ,is name with dancing; let them sing praises
to ,im with timbrel FtambourineG and lyre FharpG.
3or the Lord ta*es pleasure in ,is people; ,e will beautify
the afflicted ones with sal1ation.
Let the godly ones e<ult in glory; let them sing for ?oy on their
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two"
edged sword in their hand,
To execute vengeance on the nations, and punishment on
the peoples;
!o bind their *ings with chains, and their nobles with fetters
of iron;
!o e<ecute on them the ?udgment written; !his is an honor for
all ,is godly ones. 0raise the Lord. (0salm "6@#"9@'.
Laying the A%bsh o" 8orship and 'raise ,7
<ead verse siF again !ith %e? 9Let the high praises o" God be in
their %oth( and a t!o:edged s!ord in their hand....9
8hyC 9To eFecte vengeance on the nations( and pnish%ent on
the peoplesJ to bind their kings !ith chains( and their nobles !ith "etters
o" ironJ to eFecte on the% the Gdg%ent !ritten9 H's. 169?7:9I.
)o!( 5E% not interested in binding the 3ing o" $!eden( the 3ing o"
Dngland H!hen they have oneI( or any other rler( president( chair%an(
secretary( pri%e %inister( diplo%at( despot( tribal chie"( or a%bassador
eFtraordinaire. Darthly kings donEt hold the real po!er on the earth.
8eEre a"ter the real 9po!er behind the thrones9 and govern%ents o" the
earth. God dispatched an angel to ;aniel to cal% his concerns over the
"tre o" 5srael. That angel described in incredible detail every %aGor
political shi"t o" po!er a%ong the nations. The angel otlined the shi"t
o" !orld do%ination "ro% the +abylonian e%pire to the 4edo:'ersian
e%pire and then described the rise and "all o" AleFander the Great
HGreeceI( along !ith the ascendancy o" the great <o%an D%pire. And
behind it all !ere the battling principalities and po!ers o" the
;onEt be deceived by events taking place in yor ho%eto!n( or in
8ashington( ;C( or <o%e( Jersale%( or London. The real po!ers are
not sitting in the hoses o" Congress( in the parlia%ents( asse%blies( or
even in the %ilitary head&arters o" the so:called sper po!ers. The
real po!ers in the heavenlies %aniplate these so:called earthly po!ers.
5" yo donEt nderstand this( then 5 can garantee that yo !ill be
"rstrated. 'icket signs donEt a""ect the real po!ers behind earthly
po!ers. These principalities in the heavenlies H!hich are not necessarily
the highest =eaven o" GodEs habitationI are not inti%idated !hen the
Chrch has a pblic %acra%e session. 5 think de%ons pass or "loat by
or chrches and listen to see !hatEs going on. 5 can i%agine the%
9>h( theyEre doing %acra%e in there again. Jst keep right on
9=o! abot that oneC9
9>h no( theyEre into aerobic dancing this !eek. Jst keep right
on going.9
Chrch activities that have little or nothing to do !ith the real% o"
the spirit donEt bother the de%onic real%. +t i" yo decide to have a
8/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
prayer %eeting( then donEt be srprised i" the "irst thing that goes is the
sond syste%A HA"ter all( the devil is called 9the prince o" the po!er o"
the air.9I )evertheless( God created s to !orship =i%( to praise =i%(
and to seek =i% !ith all o" or being. 5n retrn( =e is pleased to se
or obedience to literally strike death:dealing blo!s on or ene%ies in
the heavenliesA
The +ook o" <evelation tells s that an angel !ill bind satan !ith a
9great chain9 "or a thosand years Hsee <ev. .-?1:.I. 4ost o" s reali7e
this is apocalyptic i%agery( or natral !ord pictres sed to describe a
spernatral reality. God !ants s to nderstand that =eEs talking abot
spirital chains that !e can se against the dark kingdo% !hen !e
%ove in the di%ension o" praise and anointed !orshipA
8hen !e cooperate !ith the =oly $piritsing( praise( and
!orship God according to =is instrctions=e can !hip a chain
arond one de%onic po!er( slap so%ething arond another one( and
slash another one !ith the "la%ing s!ord o" =is energi7ed 8ord. 5t
happens every ti%e God takes delight in =is people. Bo and 5 have
been given the athority to bind !hatever tries to get bet!een s and
the Lord. 8e can do it throgh the po!er o" GodEs 8ord and throgh
!orship o" =is na%e.
8e kno! the +ible says that the Lord 9!ill case =is voice o"
athority to be heard9 H5s. /-?/-aI. The )e! 5nternational *ersion says
9the Lord !ill case %en to hear =is %aGestic voice.9 =o! !ill =e do
itC 8e kno! the verse is "illed !ith i%agery to portray the real thing(
bt !hat is itC The )e! Testa%ent record spells it ot in detail?
5ut than*s be to God, who always leads us in ,is triumph in
+hrist, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the
*nowledge of ,im in e1ery place.
3or we are a fragrance of +hrist to God among those who are
being sa1ed and among those who are perishing (
+orinthians #"69"$'.
)nd to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery
which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all
In order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made
*nown through the church to the rulers and the authorities in
the hea1enly places (Ephesians 7#@9"2'.
Laying the A%bsh o" 8orship and 'raise ,9
8eEve been !aiting "or God to speak ot o" the heavens !ith a
boo%ing voice that !ill case gridlock and pheaval in every %aGor
city across the !orld. +t !hile !eEre do!n here saying( 9$peak to s(
Lord(9 =e is saying( 98hy donEt yo read 4y bookC 5 !ant to speak
throgh yo individally and together as 4y ChrchA9
A lot o" s are "rstrated becase the trth hasnEt snk in that the
proble% is not people or instittions on earth. The proble% is not the
gangsJ it is the principality that is %aniplating the gangsA That %eans
the soltion isnEt in any particlar progra% or otreach to gangsit lies
in the heavenlies. 5" !e donEt address that spirital proble% !ith a
spirital soltion( then !e can eFpect to have gangs proli"erate like
8hen 5 !as gro!ing p( %y "a%ily lived in an apart%ent bilding
!ith three separate apart%ents on each side o" the bilding. 8e
discovered very early that all o" the neighbors had to agree abot their
9roach policy.9 5" one "a%ily decided to go a"ter the roaches( then
everybody had to go a"ter roaches. 5 re%e%ber that one day !hen %y
%a%a !asnEt ho%e( !e sa! a bnch o" roaches. +eing the great hnters
!e !ere( the Garlington boys got ot their gns Ha can o" roach sprayI.
8e started socking it to those roaches( and !e !ere pretty prod o"
orselves becase those bgs Gst disappeared. All o" a sdden( the
people !ho lived in the apart%ent above s called do!n( 9)o! yo all
stop that do!n thereA9 8e hadnEt eli%inated or roach proble%!e
had Gst 9loaned9 it to or neighbors !ithot their per%ission. Those
roaches rled or roost as long as there !as no consenss or nity
a%ong the residents o" that apart%ent bilding abot declaring !ar on
or n!anted pests. 8hether the in"estation involves a natral ar%y o"
insects or a spernatral cre! o" devils( there %st be nity(
deter%ination( and the athority o" the 3ing to !in the battle.
The 3ingEs athority is represented in al%ost every cltre by a rod
or scepter o" athority. This is tre !hether yo look at the older
%onarchies o" Drope( present:day %onarchies in Dngland and $!eden(
or in the A"rican %onarchies in eFistence today. GodEs 8ord says( 9The
voice o" the Lord !ill shatter AssyriaJ !ith =is scepter =e !ill strike
the% do!n9 H5s. /-?/1 )5*I. The Lord has delegated =is na%e and
athority to s( bt !e canEt se GodEs scepter si%ply to do !hat !e
!ant. GodEs scepter is designed to be sed "or !hat =e !ants it to be
sed "or( and =e !ill allo! no one to %isse =is athority. Look at
!hat happens !hen the 3ingEs athority is sed correctly? 9And every
blo! o" the rod o" pnish%ent( !hich the Lord !ill lay on hi%( !ill be
A2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
!ith the %sic o" ta%borines and lyresJ and in battles( brandishing
!eapons( =e !ill "ight the%9 H5s. /-?/.I.
Co%bine this pictre !ith the verse that tells s? 9=e trains %y
hands "or !ar and %y "ingers "or battle.9 Bo are beginning to gli%pse
the incredible i%portance o" $pirit:led !orship and praise in the
3ingdo%. 5 can see God destroying =is ene%ies to the beat and %sic
o" ta%borines and harps.
;id yo ever think that !hile yo are !orshiping do!n here and
celebrating !ith Goy and hilarity( God is having the sa%e kind o" "n in
=eavenC ;o yo reali7e that =e ses yor praise and !orship as
!eaponsC 5 can al%ost i%agine =i% saying( 95 can se that onethatEs
a high praise. Thro! %e a higher oneA 5 !ant to hit this one ot o" the
4sic has three co%ponents? %elody( rhyth%( har%ony. The
seclar !orld nderstands the po!er o" rhyth% and %elody. 5" yo donEt
think so( then yo need to listen to so%e o" the songs being played on
top seclar radio stations( particlarly those !ith a rock %sic "or%at.
>ne song recorded by the +ritish rock grop Neen has so po!er"lly
a""ected large cro!ds that it has beco%e 9the song9 at %aGor sports
events. The chors "eatres the !ords( 98e !ill( !e !ill rock yoA9
%atched to a heart:throbbing beat. 8hen that song is sng by 6-(---
"ans in nison !ith their "eet sto%ping in ti%e to the beat( every
%olecle in the sports stadi% is %oved !ith it. 5" yo have
eFperienced it( yo !onEt have any troble believing every detail o" the
Jericho 9con&est by sond9 in Josha chapter ,.
5n the hands o" God( any "or% o" !orship or praise beco%es lethal
to the prposes o" satan. At Jericho( God sed the sonds o" tr%pets
and a single great shot "ro% =is people to recon"igre the %oleclar
%akep o" JerichoEs %assive !alls and totally collapse the% to the
grond so that every 5sraelite soldier !as able to !alk straight into that
"orti"ied city.
Then God sent Jehoshaphat against the ene%y ar%ed only !ith this
song? 92or the Lord is good and =is %ercy endreth "orever.9 Bo %ay
be thinking( 9+t +rother Garlington( that doesnEt sond very E!arlikeE
to %eA 8hat kind o" "ear does that createC9 The po!er isnEt resident in
the songit is in the ar% and hand o" the >ne !ho !ields it as a s!ordA
That passage can be sng to al%ost any kind o" rhyth%( bt i" it co%es
"ro% the heart( God can se it to destroy yor ene%ies in the
heavenlies. The point is that as !e !orship God in obedience to =is
$pirit( =e says( 9And every blo! o" the rod o" pnish%ent...!ill be !ith
Laying the A%bsh o" 8orship and 'raise 71
the %sic o" ta%borines and lyresJ and in battles( brandishing
!eapons( L5M !ill "ight the%9 H5s. /-?/.I.
God likes doing things to %sicA God asked Job !ho laid the
earthEs cornerstone( 9!hen the %orning stars sang together( and all the
sons o" God shoted "or Goy9 HJob /0?7I. God obviosly is describing
creation in this passage. 8hat did =e say !as going on !hile =e !as
creatingC The angels Hor sons o" GodI !ere singing and shouting !ith
great Goy. Can yo Gst i%agine God saying to the angelic choir( 9Go
ahead. $ing and shot so%e %ore. 5 !ant to get creativeA9
God loves %sic becase God =i%sel" is music. God nderstands
all o" the dyna%ics and intricacies o" %sic becase =e created it. $atan
or lci"er nderstands %sic becase( according to D7ekiel the prophet(
he !as once 9the anointed cherb !ho covers9 HD7ek. .0?16I. $atanEs
!hole "ra%e!ork !as %sic. The $criptres even describe his body as
an instr%ent in D7ekiel .0A )o!( i" anyone has %issed %sic( the
ene%y has. 5 have ne!s "or yo. God is restoring all things( and =e is
telling the Chrch? Let:s get this thing straight. Busic, the 1ery gift that
satan wants to use to distort truth and send people off in different
directions, I will use to destroy his wor*s in the earth.
According to 5saiah /-?/.( every ti%e yo sing and !orship( God
is going to se yor %sic o" !orship to strike do!n =is ene%ies in the
earthA =e !ill Goy"lly strike the Assyrian !ith =is rod o" po!er to the
acco%pani%ent o" ta%borines and harps. 5 can al%ost see the devilEs
i%ps co!ering nder a crippling barrage o" blo!s on the strongholds o"
darkness as they hiss( 9Look( i" those people donEt ever sing again( it
!old be too soon "or %eA9 8e canEt overesti%ate the po!er and
i%pact or spirital songs( singing( and spirital %elodies have on the
po!ers o" darknessA 'ray this prayer !ith %e i" yo are serios abot
condcting !ar"are throgh praise and !orship?
Lord, you rule in the hea1enlies and =ou:re teaching us how
to rule with =ou. We:1e made it complicated. We:1e made it
comple<, and yet =our Word says, (Let the lifting of our hands
be to =ou the same thing that the burnt offering was.( Dh
God, let the beating of the tambourines and the rhythmic flow
of the music, the worship, and the song be to =ou the binding
power o1er the enemy in the hea1enlies.
The $criptres clearly indicate that there are hierarchical layers o"
spirit beings in the heavens. The +ible re"ers to 4ichael as an archangel
in Jde 1?9( and the >ld Testa%ent describes cherbi%( seraphi%( and
A Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
9!inged creatres9 in =eaven. 5t is the apostle 'al !ho gives s the
best pictre o" the organi7ation o" the hosts o" =eaven in Dphesians
,?1.? 92or or strggle is not against "lesh and blood( bt against the
rlers( against the po!ers( against the !orld "orces o" this darkness(
against the spirital "orces o" !ickedness in the heavenly places.9 )o!
that is !here the battle is.
)o!( i" !e keep that in %ind( !e !ill begin to nderstand that on
earth there is a strggle going on that re"lects the strggle going on in
the heavenlies. 5t is God !ho trains or "ingers "or battle against the
ene%y. $everal years ago( this prophetic !ord ca%e to a chrch?
!he people say it:s ?ust a simple song. God says our song is a
symphony of praise unto ,im and a dirge of destruction to the
enemy. !he people say it:s ?ust the clapping of hands, but God
says in the hea1enly realm it:s not ?ust a clap, but a
thunderclap bringing fear to the enemy. !he people say
stomping the feet is ?ust a silly thing but God says that the
stomping of feet sha*es the foundations of hell creating
fissures or large crac*s in it. !he people say the wa1ing of
flags are ?ust a silly thing but God says the wa1ing of flags is
a signal to the enemy of ,is imminent defeat and a wa1e
offering unto God.
8hen !e sing( praise( and !orship God together( so%ething takes
place in the spirital di%ension that !e canEt see. 5 believe that God is
giving s so%e pictres or snapshots o" !hat takes place in the spirital
di%ension in 5saiah /-.
5n 1901( or chrch received this prophetic !ord? 3no! that 5E%
%oving in a ne! di%ension o" praise. #nderstand that as yo clap yor
hands yo are not only praising 4e( LbtM yo are saying to the
adversary( even as a %other !old say to a cat nder the table( E+e
gone( in the na%e o" Jess.E9 5t is interesting to see ho! this %eshes so
closely !ith the !ords o" 5saiah? 9And every blo! o" the rod o"
pnish%ent( !hich the Lord !ill lay on hi%( !ill be !ith the %sic o"
ta%borines and lyres9 H5s. /-?/.aI.
God !ants s to nderstand that or singing is not EGst singing.9
>r !orship is not Gst !orship. 8e are not ot to stroke an in"inite ego
!e are "l"illing GodEs prpose in the earthA As !e noted earlier(
GodEs 8ord declares?
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two9
Laying the A%bsh o" 8orship and 'raise 7/
edged sword in their hand,
!o e<ecute 1engeance on the nations, and punishment on the
!o bind their *ings with chains, and their nobles with fetters
of iron;
!o e<ecute on them the ?udgment written; this is an honor for
all ,is godly ones. 0raise the Lord. (0salm "6@#89@'.
The Assyrians !ere a proble%( bt the real leader o" the Assyrians
!asnEt on earth. =e cold only be "ond in the heavenlies !ith the other
principalities o" darkness. The tre leader o" 'ersia !asnEt d!elling on
the earth !here ;aniel !as. The tre king or prince o" 'ersia rled or
do%inated the earthly king "ro% the heavenlies. God says that =e !ill
se or praises to bind their kings !ith "etters( their nobles !ith
shackles o" iron( and to carry ot the sentence !ritten against the%.
This is the glory o" all =is saints. 5t is the glory o" the saints to carry ot
the sentence( according to GodEs 8ord.
A slaghter needs to take place in the heavenliesA 8hen +abylon
ca%e do!n( it !as becase the principality o" +abylon ca%e do!n.
8hen the e%pire o" the 4edo:'ersians ca%e do!n( it !as becase the
principality o" the 4edo:'ersians ca%e do!n. 8hen the Grecian
kingdo% ca%e do!n( it !as becase the Grecian principality ca%e
do!n. 5 can tell yo that the principalities rling and %aniplating the
%inds o" people in yor city or region only !ill co%e do!n !hen the
people o" God stand together and !age !ar !ith the spirital !eapons
o" prayer( praise( and !orship. 8eEve got to say( 95" this clapping %eans
anything at all( 5E% going to get serios abot it. 5" this li"ting o" the
hands %eans anything at all( 5E% going to get serios abot it. And even
thogh 5 look like the biggest o" "ools( 5 !old rather look like a "ool
and acco%plish so%ething "or Bo( Lord( than be cool and get nothing
>ne o" the %ost eFciting +ible passages "or believers engaged in
spirital !ar"are appears in a relatively obscre passage in the +ook o"
$econd Chronicles !here a prophet na%ed Jaha7iel said? 9Listen( all
Jdah and the inhabitants o" Jersale% and 3ing Jehoshaphat? ths says
the Lord to yo( E;o not "ear or be dis%ayed becase o" this great
%ltitde( "or the battle is not yors bt GodEsE9 H. Chron. .-?11I.
The pnchline yo need to see today is in verse ..? 9And !hen
A6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
they began singing and praising the Lord set ambushes against the sons
o" A%%on( 4oab( and 4ont $eir( !ho had co%e against JdahJ so
they !ere roted.9 ;id yo see thatC Let %e repeat it Gst to %ake sre?
9And !hen they began singing and praising( the Lord sent ambushes(
H. Chron. .-?..aI.
8ho set the a%bshesC The Lord =i%sel"A 8hen did =e set the
a%bshesC When ,is people began singing and praising ,im. )o!
ans!er this &estion? 98hat !ere they sayingC9 The ans!er is in the
last hal" o" verse .1? 9And !hen he had conslted !ith the people( he
appointed those !ho sang to the Lord and those !ho praised =i% in
holy attire( as they !ent ot be"ore the ar%y and said( EGive thanks to
the Lord( "or =is lovingkindness is everlastingE9 H. Chron. .-?.1I.
5snEt it abot ti%e "or all o" s called by =is na%e to set so%e lethal
a%bshes "or satanEs %otley cre!C =avenEt yo had enogh o" satanEs
grie" and harass%entC Then it is ti%e to stop co%plaining and start
praising and !orshiping or 4ighty GodA =is 9gn9 !as loaded an
eternity ago. =is ar%ies are !aiting patiently "or the sond o" the
tr%pet and the %elodies o" or high praises to God. =e is ready to
"ight or battles today on or behal"( bt !e need to do or part.
'art 555
Heavenly Patterns
Chapter 7
' Worshipers 9a:e War in
Heaven an. 6arth
3or the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but
di1inely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (
+orinthians "2#6'.
Anything God acco%plishes in the earth is done throgh spirital
%eans sing spirital people. Bet( the Lord o"ten re&ires spirital
people to do 9natral9 things !hich directly a""ect the spernatral. Let
%e rattle yor cage !ith a series o" state%ents?
1. The giving o" tithes( o""erings( and gi"ts are acts o" !ar.
.. 'raising God is an act o" !ar.
/. 8orshiping God is an act o" !ar.
6. 'rayer is an act o" !ar.
1. 2asting is an act o" !ar.
5" yo decide that yo are going to tithe( 5 can al%ost garantee that
yo sddenly !ill rn into all kinds o" opposition and 9"inancial
proble%s9 calling "or yor %oney the "ollo!ing !eek. 5" yo decide
yo are going to "ast be"ore the Lord( eFpect te%ptation. Bo can go to
!ork siF days a !eek "or siF %onths and never have anyone in the
o""ice or !orkplace o""er yo anything to eat. +t i" yo tell yor
spose to%orro! %orning( 95E% not going to eat break"ast or lnch
today( honey. 5E% Gst going to "ast(9 then 1- or 11 o" yor co!orkers
A/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
!ill get a 9bright idea9 that %orning. ThatEs the day that every one o"
the% !ill bring "reshly baked date:nt bread( banana bread( chocolate
cookies( cake( ho%e%ade pie( and yor "avorite brand o" ice crea% to
yor deskA
9;onEt yo !ant so%e o" theseC9 They !ill say.
>" corse( yo !ill try to be casal becase yo kno! "ro% the
+ible that yo sholdnEt broadcast the "act that yo are "asting( so yo
say( 9)o( thank yo.9
They shake their heads in nbelie" and say( 9>h co%e on( 5Eve
never broght yo anything be"ore.9
8hen yo say( 98ell( okay9 Hsecretly planning to take it ho%e to
eat laterI( yor ne!"ond bene"actors !ill say( 9Go ahead and taste it
itEs the best thing 5Eve ever %ade.9 HThe nspoken threat is? 95" yo donEt
taste it( 5Ell be eternally o""ended( yo ngrate"l thing( yo.9I
8hy did they have to bring all that great "ood on that day; 8hy
didnEt they bring it the day yo %issed break"ast and "elt "a%ishedC That
!as the day they !ere eating +ig 4acs and hoagies and everything else(
!ith grease dripping o"" the side o" their %oths( bt they never o""ered
yo anything. 2asting is !ar"are.
8e are dealing !ith spirital proble%s in this li"e( and itEs
i%portant "or s to hear that. $pirital proble%s re&ire spirital
soltions. Let %e say it again? $pirital proble%s re&ire spirital
soltions. )o! that !e have that "iFed in or %inds( 5 need to add?
$pirital proble%s and soltions donEt al!ays appear to be spirital. 5n
"act( they so%eti%es look or sond absoltely "oolish.
8hen !e "irst looked at 'sal% 166?1:.( !hich says the Lord
9trains %y hands "or !ar( and %y "ingers "or battle(9 !hat !ere yor
"irst thoghtsC 5t is logical to think( 98ell( thatEs a great state%ent "or
the days !hen !ars !ere "oght !ith s!ord and bckler( bt a "e!
years have passed since then.9 )o( GodEs 8ord still applies to li"e
today. =e is still training or hands "or !ar and or "ingers "or battleA
There !as a prophetic !ord given to a "riendEs chrch "a%ily in
2lorida that applies to every one o" s. >ne o" the key parts o" the
prophecy said this?
!he people say it:s ?ust the clapping of hands, but God says in
the hea1enly realm it:s not ?ust a clap, but a thunderclap
bringing fear to the enemy. !he people say stomping the feet
is ?ust a silly thing but God says the stomping of feet sha*es
8orshipers 4ake 8ar in =eaven and Darth 79
the foundations of hell, creating fissures or large crac*s in it.
8hat does God train or hands "orC 8ar. >r "ingersC 2or battle.
This is %ore than another eFa%ple o" >ld Testa%ent i%agery. This is a
classic eFa%ple o" see%ingly 9"oolish9 natral actions bearing po!er"l
spirital "ritA 'sal% 67?1 says( > Clap yor hands( all peoplesJ shot to
God !ith the voice o" Goy.9 )o! i" the 'resident o" the #nited $tates
!alked into the roo%( !e !old not only clap( bt !e also !old stand
in honor o" his o""iceeven i" !e didnEt like his politics or( his li"estyle.
5" Jess( the Lover o" or sols( !alked in( !oldnEt clapping be an
eFciting !ay to receive =i%( tooC 8e !old give =i% a standing
ovation that !old never endA According to GodEs 8ord( the Lord Jess
is in or %idst !henever and !herever t!o or %ore gather together in
=is na%e Hsee 4t. 10?.-I. That %eans !e need to clap !hen !e gather
in =is na%eA
5Eve never "ond a +ible translation o" 'sal%s 67?1 that says( 9Clap
yor hands all yo Charis%atics(9 or 9Clap yor hands all yo
'entecostals(9 or even 9Clap yor hands all yo $othern +aptists and
'resbyterians.9 5t says 9clap yor hands all yo nations9 becase thatEs
!hat God !ants it to say. The late Corrie ten +oo% sed to say( 9There
are no sggestions in $criptre( only co%%and%ents.9 8hen God says
to clap yor hands( yo need to clap yor handsA =e also co%%ands all
o" s to shot to =i% !ith a voice o" Goy. 8e need to get bsy.
The =ebre! !ord "or clapping in 'sal% 67 and )ah% /( is the
!ord tata. 5t %eans to 9blo!( to clap( to strike( to thrst( to drive( to
give a blast.9 5tEs an eFplosive !ord. 5tEs an eFplsive !ord. 5tEs a hit
=our shepherds are sleeping, D *ing of )ssyria; your nobles
are lying down. =our people are scattered on the mountains,
and there is no one to regather them.
!here is no relief for your brea*down, your wound is
incurable. )ll who hear about you will clap their hands o1er
you, for on whom has not your e1il passed continually;
(>ahum 7#"/9"@'.
Too %any ti%es( !hen !e read in the +ible abot a 3ing o"
Assyria( i%%ediately !e think o" an earthly king. The teFt says( 9yor
shepherds.9 )o! in the >ld Testa%ent( the shepherds !ere the kings.
Assyria !as an e%pire that had do%inated civili7ations in that part o"
the !orld "or a n%ber o" years. The +ible calls Jess Christ 9the 3ing
/2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
o" kings and Lord o" lords9 H1 Ti%. ,?11J <ev. 19?1,I. 8hen the
$criptres talk abot Jess being the 3ing o" 3ings( the isse is not
!hether or not =e is 3ing over the king o" Arabia( the king o" $!eden(
the ancient kings and &eens o" Assyria( or the &een o" Dgypt. =e is
the 3ing o" all those !ho hold s!ay in spirital kingdo%s. =e says to
this king o" Assyria( 9There is no relie" "or yor breakdo!n( yor
!ond is incrable. )ll who hear about you will clap their hands o1er
you( H)ah% /?19aI.
Along !ith the co%%and to clap or hands and shot to God !ith
Goy( GodEs 8ord tells s( 9Let the godly ones eFlt in glory( let the%
sing for ?oy on their beds9 H's. 169?1I. 8hen yo !ake p to%orro!
%orning( the "irst thing yo need to do is sing a song o" Goy that God
has pt in yor heart. This 9praise bsiness9 is not so%ething done
eFclsively in a chrch service or large:grop setting. Bo can praise
God any!hereA
5 appeared on the Trinity +roadcasting )et!ork !ith %y "riend(
'astor 3i% Cle%ent. =e &oted "ro% 'sal% ..( !hich says( 9Bet Tho
art holy( > Tho !ho art enthroned pon the praises o" 5srael9 H's.
..?/I. 'astor Cle%ent added( 95n the Japanese translation( they take that
sa%e verse and say( E8hen !e praise God !e bild a big chair "or God
to co%e and sit in.E9 The %ore yo !ant God in yor circ%stances( the
bigger yo need to %ake the chairA =ave yo sed yor praises to %ake
=i% a little three:legged stool or a 3ingEs throneC
5t is ti%e "or s to start praising God regardless o" or
circ%stances. 5" !e do( !e !ill discover the trth in the verse that
says( 95n Thy presence is "lness o" GoyJ in Thy right hand there are
pleasres "orever9 H's. 1,?11bI. #se the po!er o" praise to take
do%inion over the circ%stances !here yo are. #se the di""iclty o"
hard circ%stances to sit on the throne !ith Jess Christ. Look again at
the psal%istEs po!er"l pictre o" the saints "ro% GodEs point o" vie!?
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two9
edged sword in their hand,
!o e<ecute 1engeance on the nations, and punishment on the
!o bind their *ings with chains, and their nobles with fetters
of iron;
!o e<ecute on them the ?udgment written; this is an honor for
8orshipers 4ake 8ar in =eaven and Darth 01
all ,is godly ones. 0raise the Lord. (0salm "6@#89@'.
;o yo believe this verseC 8ill yo accept the "act that God says
yor Gob is to in"lict vengeance on the nations and pnish%ent on the
peoples( to bind their kings !ith "etters and their nobles !ith shackles
o" ironC =e says that yo are to carry ot the sentence !ritten against
the% becase it is the glory o" all =is saints. Bo are "l"illing this
$criptre every ti%e yo sta%p yor "eet to %sic o" praise( !hen yo
play a ta%borine or violin( !hen yo play the dr%s or the high:
sonding cy%bals( !hen yo play the organ or sing !ith Goy to =i%.
Bor glory is to praise GodJ yor glory is to reGoice in =i%. 8hen
yo do these things( according to GodEs 8ord( yo are binding the
rling nobles Hprincipalities and po!ers in the heavenliesI !ith chains
and "ettersA Listen? 5" yo donEt like !hat the ene%y is doing in yor
li"e( then tie hi% pA
<e%e%ber the apostle 'alEs state%ent in his $econd Dpistle to the
Corinthians( 92or the !eapons o" or !ar"are are not o" the "lesh( bt
divinely po!er"l "or the destrction o" "ortresses9 H. Cor. 1-?6I. God
has given yo spirital !eapons that !ill tie the hands o" the spirit
po!ers behind yor ene%ies and circ%stances. The battle is not do!n
here. 8e do not !restle against "lesh and blood bt against
principalities( po!ers( the rlers o" the darkness o" this !orld( spirital
!ickedness in the heavenlies Hsee Dph. ,?1.I. The battle is not at the
o""ice or in the hose !ith yor kids. The battle is not in the high school
or in the abortion clinic. The battle is in the heavenlies.
5" yo "ight from the hea1enlies, yo can sbde things in both the
heavenlies and on earth even thogh yo live in this earthly di%ensionA
5" this sonds too "antastic to believe( then look at the !ords o" Jess?
9Trly 5 say to yo( !hatever yo shall bind on earth shall be bond in
heavenJ and !hatever yo loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven9
H4t. 10?10I. The langage in the original Greek %anscripts is very
i%portant here. 5t shold be translated this !ay "or the %ost accrate
nderstanding? 98hatever yo bind on earth must ha1e already been
bound in =eaven.9
5" yo try to bind things in yor li"e or citythings that havenEt
been bond in the heavensthen yo can "orget it. ;onEt try to deal
!ith a principality here i" yo havenEt dealt !ith it in the heavenlies.
8hyC Jess said( 9...>r ho! can anyone enter the strong %anEs hose
and carry o"" his property( nless he "irst binds the strong %anC9 H4t.
1.?.9aI Jess !as talking abot casting ot de%ons in this passage( so
/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
this applies directly to any battle involving evil "orces in the heavenlies.
Bo canEt spoil an evil strong%anEs st"" ntil yo tie p the strong%an
in the heavenlies.
>nce in a !hile God reveals to s ho! =e thinks. >ne o" these
places is in the +ook o" 2irst Corinthians?
5ecause the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the
wea*ness of God is stronger than men.
3or consider your calling brethren, that there were not many
wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble;
5ut God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame
the wise, and God has chosen the wea* things of the world to
shame the things which are strong
)nd the base things of the world and the despised, God has
chosen, the things that are not, that ,e might nullify the
things that are,
!hat no man should boast before God (" +orinthians "#$9A,
5t is Gst like God to se %ere h%an beings to "ight cos%ic battles
against the devilEs principalities and po!ers in the heavenlies. >n top o"
everything else( the Lord insists on %aking s "ight !ith the see%ingly
passive postres o" !orship and praiseA +e"ore !e ever see 1--(---
people gather and 1-(--- co%e "or!ard a"ter an altar call by the %an o"
God( the Lord %ay re&ire s to battle "or those sols on or knees and
throgh or praise and !orship in the !ee hors o" the %orning( in or
prayer closets( and in s%all grops devoting orselves to hors and
days o" intercessory prayer. >r battle !eapons consist o" an odd
collection o" tears( shots o" Goy( prayers on bended knee( the clapping
o" or hands( and Goy"l dancing be"ore =is "ace.
Ti%e and againeven in the >ld Testa%entGod sed people
!ho didnEt even have a s!ord or spear in their hands to de"eat %assive
ar%ies in "ll battle array. #n"ortnately( !e also see !here %en have
"ailed to trst or obey God "lly and received only partial reslts "ro%
GodEs %iraclos provision instead o" the total victory =e intended "or
the%. The "la!ed obedience o" 3ing Joash is especially distrbing "or
s( becase !e cold easily sin in the sa%e eFact !ay he didA Like 3ing
Joash( !e have been pro%ised total victory over the !orks o" the
8orshipers 4ake 8ar in =eaven and Darth 0/
ene%y( bt obedience is reHuired.
3ing Joash had a big proble% in $econd 3ings 1/?16. 5sraelEs
greatest ene%y( the blly o" the 4iddle Dast neighborhood in those
days( had sho!n p at the door to deliver another beating. +y this ti%e(
5sraelEs aged prophet !as at deathEs door and things looked pretty gri%(
and the "act that 3ing Joash hadnEt been diligent in the things o" God
didnEt help the sitation. 8hen he sho!ed p at DlishaEs bedside to beg
"or help( the old prophet gave hi% so%e odd instrctions.
)nd Elisha said to him, (!a*e a bow and arrows.( -o he too*
a bow and arrows.
!hen he said to the *ing of Israel, (0ut your hand on the
bow.( )nd he put his hand on it, then Elisha laid his hands on
the *ing:s hands.
)nd he said, (Dpen the window toward the east,( and he
opened it. !hen Elisha said, (-hoot.( )nd he shot. )nd he
said, (!he Lord:s arrow of 1ictory, e1en the arrow of 1ictory
o1er )ram; for you shall defeat the )rameans at )phe* until
you ha1e destroyed them( ( %ings "7#"$9"A'.
5n or 8estern thinking %ode( !e !old say( 9=ey look( all the
gy did !as shoot an arro! ot o" a !indo!. +ig deal. 5 donEt
nderstand ho! Dlisha can say that becase he shot the arro! heEs going
to de"eat the $yrians. It:s only an arrow.( Correction? 5tEs 9only an
arro!9 !hen yo have it. 8hen God tells yo to do so%ething !ith an
arro!( it beco%es the pheno%enal arro! o" God. That arro! doesnEt
Gst "ly ot o" the east !indo!it "lies ot into the eastern at%osphere
o" the heavenlies and invades the spirital di%ension !ith GodEs po!er.
5t in"licts lethal da%age !here the real rle is taking place. 5t brings
do!n po!ers and principalities. That is !hy the prophet cold say(
98hen yo shot that arro!( God gave yo the victory over yor
ene%ies.9 God loves to con"ond the %ighty !ith "oolish things. Look
closely at the neFt t!o verses and learn a crcial lesson "or yor o!n
!hen he said, (!a*e the arrows,( and he too* them. )nd he
said to the *ing of Israel, (-tri*e the ground,( and he struc* it
three times and stopped.
-o the man of God was angry with him and said, (=ou should
ha1e struc* fi1e or si< times, then you would ha1e struc* )ram
/6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
until you would ha1e destroyed it. 5ut now you shall stri*e
)ram only three times( ( %ings "7#"/9"@'.
Joash s""ered "ro% a proble% that %any Christians have in or
dayhe didnEt really think the things that he did in the natral
di%ension !ere that i%portant to the spirital di%ension. 5" the prophet
had said( 9God says clap yor hands(9 like %any believers today( he
!old have grdgingly clapped his hands !hile %ttering to hi%sel"(
9>kay( 5Ell do it as a token o" obedience. LetEs Gst h%or the %an o"
God. Like 5 al!ays say( Etoo spiritally %inded to be any earthly goodE.9
Joash shold have been paying closer attention dring the !indo!
incident. This %an !as in an at%osphere !here a single arro! shot
"ro% a !indo! !as !iping ot his bitter ene%iesA =e had Gst heard
Dlisha say( 9...yo shall de"eat the Ara%eans L$yriansM at Aphek until
you ha1e destroyed the%9 H. 3ings 1/?17I. The prophet !as speaking
in plain:Jane( blnt( in:yor:"ace =ebre!. The =ebre! !ord "or
destroyed is *alah, and according to the 9J. Garlington LeFicon o"
=ebre! $treet Ter%s(9 it %eans that yoEve 9co%pletely( totally(
absoltely( beyond:a:dobt( annihilated and crea%ed9 so%ebody.
8hen Dlisha said that( he set the stage "or !hat 3ing Joash should ha1e
done neFt. #n"ortnately( the kingEs dobt got in the !ay.
>r proble% in spirital !ar"are is that !e think !e only can give
God so %ch. 8e need to err on the positive side o" "aith and trstA
8hen God hands s an arro!( a song o" praise( a ta%borine( or a
heavenly vision( !e need to 9beat on the grond9 !ith it ntil God
co%es over( shakes s back to or senses( and says( 9>kay already( yo
can &it. Bo can &itA9 There needs to be so%ething violent in s that
!ill eFplode in obedience at the slightest !ord "ro% the Lord o" Lords.
Bo and 5 need to believe that every !ord "ro% the %oth o" God is
tre and pt or lives on the line "or it.
Anything that God toches is spernatral and po!er"l
inclding yoA God is calling each o" s to pull dorm strongholds
through obedience. 8hen yo respond to GodEs 8ord( clap to God(
and shot to =i% !ith a voice o" Goy( yo are doing so%ething that is
special to God and lethal to the devilEs bnch in the heavenlies. 5t canEt
be done any other !ayA 5tEs not co%plicated and that is !hy !e resist it.
God isnEt interested in eFplaining to s the traGectory o" the arro! in
ter%s o" &ant% physics=e isnEt abot to lay ot the 9e&ation9 o"
=is heavenly %ethodology( like DinsteinEs theory o" relativity. )o( =e
isnEt looking "or so%e p""ed p intellectal adherents to =is
philosophy=e de%ands obedience and childlike "aith "ro% =is
8orshipers 4ake 8ar in =eaven and Darth 01
children. God Gst says( 9Take these arro!s and beat on the grond9
becase =e kno!s !e probably can handle that !ithot hrting
orselves or anyone else in the process.
8e constantly are strggling and "ailing becase !e are bsy trying
to achieve victory do!n on the earthly real% be"ore !e !in it in the
spirit real%. =ave yo ever noticed that even Jess "ollo!ed the pattern
o" !inning in the heavenly real% "irst be"ore =e battled in the earthly
real%C Jess spent entire nights or the early part o" each day in prayer
to the 2ather be"ore =e ventred ot to !ork %iracles a%ong %en and
destroy the earthly !orks o" the devil. The %ost i%portant key o" all
!as that =e only did !hat =e sa! =is 2ather doing Hsee Jn. 1?19I.
ThatEs !hy =e thoght nothing o" doing 9silly things9 like %aking %d
patties to heal a %anEs eyes or "eeding thosands !ith a little boyEs
lnch. =e sa! it and =e did it in total "aith.
God !ants s to learn ho! to %ove in the si%plicity o" !orship. =e
is training or hands "or battle and or "ingers "or !ar. Let the li"ting o"
or hands be as the evening sacri"iceA >h( clap yor hands all yo
peopleA 8hen yo raise yor voice( yo are s%iting the ene%y with
God:s 1oice. 8hen yo beat the ta%borine( yo are beating the
ene%yEs back throgh GodEs ar% as yo give =i% a steady beat "or !ar.
God is saying( 95 !ant a /@6 ti%e here( okay. )o! letEs go a little "aster
becase 5E% !inding this one p.9
Bo %ay be thinking? >ow that ?ust sounds so far out, 5rother
Garlington. ThatEs eFactly !here the heavens are"ar ot there. 8hat
i" God Gst tells yo to dance in the %iddle o" a !orship service this
!eekC 8ill yo say( 9God( 5E% so e%barrassed9C
=e !ill Gst tell yo( 98ell( go ahead and dance any!ayA Get in the
spirit and let the si%ple things o" God toch yo at the very core o"
yor eFperience.9
These things !ill enable yo to say( 9God( teach %y hands to !arJ
teach %y "ingers to do battle.9 8hen God tells yo to clap yor hands(
yo need to say? 9=o! %any ti%es( LordC9
5 canEt help bt !onder !hat !old happen i" the entire Chrch
the !hole Chrchinclding every born:again( blood:!ashed +aptist(
4ethodist( Ltheran( 'entecostal( Charis%atic( transdeno%inational(
transcontinental( non:deno%inational( Dastern >rthodoF( $yrian and
$erbian >rthodoF( Ar%enian Catholic( Dpiscopalian( >rthodoF
Dpiscopalian( Chrch o" God in Christ %e%ber( and tre believers o"
every other type and stripe !old gather together to celebrate the
/8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
Lordship o" Jess Christ. 8hat i" !e actally appointed a day and
declared? 98e are going to clap to God and shot to =i% !ith a voice
o" Goy "or "ive %intes9C H5 pray that !e "ind ot( and soonAI
5n 4atthe! 10( Jess said( 95" t!o or three o" yo ever get together(
5Ell co%e and see it 4ysel" Hsee 4t. 10?.-I. >" corse( 5 kno! the 3ing
Ja%es *ersion o" this verse actally says( 92or !here t!o or three are
gathered together in 4y na%e( there a% 5 in the %idst o" the%(9 bt the
original Greek "avors %y paraphrased versionA
8e need to take this athority and h%ble obedience right into or
ho%es( too. +egin to think o" yor hose and ho%e as a battle"ield
!here yo can do battle "or God. 5" yo are e%barrassed( then !ait ntil
yor spose and kids are ot o" the hose. Lock the doors and engage
the second lock so they canEt get in even i" they slip back early. Then
practice %arching arond yor hose. 4arch into every roo% and sing?
9Give thanks to the Lord "or =is love endres "oreverA9 5" yo have a
bsinessor i" yo !ork "or so%eone else at a place o" bsiness and
yo eFperience opposition thereyo need to kno! that the battle has a
spirital point o" origin nless yo are in sin yorsel". Ask i" yo can
!ork overti%e( or ask i" yo can Gst !ork late or co%e in early. Then(
be"ore anybody else gets there Hand be"ore yo clock inI( !alk arond
the o""ice declaring? 9Give thanks to the Lord "or =is love endres
"oreverA9 Bo !ill be condcting covert spirital !ar"are o" the "irst
God takes great delight in sing the si%ple things to con"ond
those things that are pro"ond. =e takes great delight in sing %eek
things to tear do!n %ighty things. =e says that every ti%e yo clap
yor hands =e !ill lay a stroke on yor ene%y. H5" yo really kne! and
believed that God !as laying a stroke on yor ene%y every ti%e yo
clapped yor hands( 5 believe yo !old clap ntil yor hands !ere
black and bleAI 8ellC 8hat are yo !aiting "orC
1. ;ra!n "ro% !ord stdies in -trong:s E<hausti1e +oncordance,
.estroye. or consume. H=/,11IJ and !heological Wordboo* of the
Dld !estament, <. Laird =arris( Gleason L. Archer( Jr.( +rce 3.
8altke( eds. HChicago? 4oody 'ress( 190-I( pp. 6/966-( 90..
Chapter 0
+ Worship: The Pattern of
Things in Heaven
Can yo i%agine trying to eFplain to so%eone !ho had tasted
stra!berries( bt had never seen or tasted a raspberry( !hat raspberries
are likeC 98ell( raspberries taste something like stra!berries( bt then
they donEt.9 $o%eti%es( !e enter into ne! and eFciting levels o"
!orship and are te%pted to think !e 9have arrived.9 8hat !e donEt
nderstand is that even thogh )e! Testa%ent !orship is %ore %atre
and closer to 9the per"ect pattern9 than >ld Testa%ent !orship( itEs still
not heavenly !orship. God is taking s so%e!here that !e have never
been be"ore.
Bo %ay think that 5E% a little strange( bt 5 think that i" God gave
s heavenly !orship right no!( !e !old eFplodeA ;oes that %ake
sense to yoC 5 believe !e coldnEt handle hea1enly worship becase
!e donEt have hea1enly bodies yet. The +ible says( 92or or
conversation is in heavenJ "ro% !hence also !e look "or the $avior( the
Lord Jess Christ? !ho shall change or vile body( that it %ay be
"ashioned like nto =is glorios body( according to the !orking
!hereby =e is able even to sbde all things nto =i%sel" H'hil.
/?.-:.1 3J*I. ;onEt !orry. This doesnEt %ean that !e canEt %ove
higher in !orship and praise right no!A 8e have to becase !e have a
!orld to !in in battle throgh Christ.
8e need to nderstand that !e live and %ove in the %idst o" a
dyna%ic tension bet!een the seen and the nseen( the te%poral and the
// Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
eternal( the earthly and the heavenly. Throghot $criptre yo !ill
"ind co%parisons and transitions. >n the one hand( there is 4osesE
tabernacle o" the !ilderness era. Then( there is ;avidEs tabernacle(
!hich %ade GodEs presence accessible to the co%%on %an "or the "irst
ti%e in h%an history since be"ore Ada%Es "all into sin. A"ter ;avid(
things see%ed to take a step back!ard to!ard the 9boFing:in9 o" God
and the separation o" %an "ro% Jehovah. Bet( even ;avidEs tabernacle
o" inti%ate !orship "alls short o" the true tabernacle, !hich God
=i%sel" pitched !ithot the hands or plan o" %an.
Dven nder the )e! Covenant o" the blood o" Jess Christ( !e still
co%e to !orship laden !ith or h%an li%itations and i%per"ections.
5tEs tre that !e no longer "ace the proble%s co%%on to the >ld
Covenant( !hen each !orshiper had to bring a la%b( a goat( or a %eal
o""ering. 8e donEt need to bring the blood o" ani%als any%ore. 5nstead(
!e bring the sacri"ices o" praiseA The prophet =osea Hyes( an >ld
Testa%ent prophetI says? 98e o""er =i% the calves o" or lips( the
sacri"ices o" or lips.9
Darly in this book( 5 %entioned the revelation Jess gave s at the
!ell in $a%aria !hen =e told a "allen bt spiritally hngry !o%an(
9+t an hor is co%ing( and no! is( !hen the true worshipers shall
!orship the 2ather in spirit and trthJ "or such people the 2ather seeks
to be =is !orshipers9 HJn. 6?./I.
)o! 5 !ant yo to plg this elect grop o" true worshipers into
9the LordEs prayer9 !here Jess gave the disciples an eFa%ple o" God:
pleasing prayer?
0ray, then, in this way# (Dur 3ather who art in hea1en,
,allowed be !hy name.
(Thy kingdom come Thy will be done, #n earth as it is in
heaven( (Batthew 8#@9"2'.
Cold it be that God !ants tre !orshipers Hyo and %eI to bring
=is rle do!n to the earth throgh the blood o" the La%b and the po!er
o" prayer( praise( !orship( and obedienceC 5 think so. 8e need to delve
%ore deeply into the vital relationship bet!een heavenly things and
earthly things( !hich %eans !e need to go to the +ook o" =ebre!s.
>ow the main point in what has been said is this# we ha1e
such a high priest, who has ta*en ,is seat at the right hand of
the throne of the Ba?esty in the hea1ens,
8orship? The 'attern o" Things in =eaven 09
) minister in the sanctuary, and in the true tabernacle, which
the Lord pitched, not man.
3or e1ery high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and
sacrifices; hence it is necessary that this high priest also ha1e
something to offer.
>ow if ,e were on earth, ,e would not be a priest at all,
since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law;
Who ser1e a copy and shadow of the hea1enly things, ?ust as
Boses was warned by God when he was about to erect the
tabernacle; for, (-EE,( ,e says, (!,)! =DK B)%E all
things )++DE4I>G !D !,E 0)!!EE> W,I+, W)-
-,DW> =DK D> !,E BDK>!)I>( (,ebrews /#"9$'.
5 !ant yo to say three !ords alod to yorsel"? 9The tre
tabernacle.9 According to the +ook o" =ebre!s( the only tre
tabernacle is the one set p by the Lord =i%sel"( not by %an. Anything
else is at best a copy or shado! o" the tre tabernacle o" God.
8hen 4oses !as asked to bild an earthly copy o" the heavenly
tabernacle( he "ond ot Gst ho! serios God !as abot =is d!elling
place and anything bilt according to its pattern. That is !hy God
!arned 4oses( 9$ee that yo %ake everything according to the pattern
!hich !as sho!n yo on the %ontain9 H=eb. 0?1I. There is a big
di""erence bet!een an eFhortation and a !arning. 4ost o" s are sed to
eFhortations that basically say( 9Try not to %ess p.9 4oses didnEt
receive an eFhortation abot the tabernacle. =e got an old "ashioned
!arning that said( (4on:t %ess p or elseA $ee that yo %ake everything
according to the pattern.9
)nd according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are
cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is
no forgi1eness.
!herefore it was necessary for the copies of the things in the
hea1ens to be cleansed with these, but the hea1enly things
themsel1es with better sacrifices than these.
3or +hrist did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere
copy of the true one, but into hea1en itself, now to appear in
the presence of God for us;
@2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
>or was it that ,e should offer ,imself often, as the high
priest enters the holy place year by year with blood not his
own (,ebrews @#9$'.
5" yo care"lly srvey the >ld Testa%ent $criptres( yo !ill see
contless copies or types and shado!s o" tre !orship appearing "ro%
Genesis to 4alachi. Dven in the )e! Testa%ent( !here !e co%e "ace
to "ace !ith the tre 4essiah "oretold and %irrored in the >ld
Testa%ent( !e are dealing !ith gli%pses o" heavenly !orship that still
havenEt been %ani"ested or seen on earth. Throghot the 8ord o" God(
or heavenly 2ather is saying so%ething to s abot or !orship by
presenting copy a"ter copy( leading s "ro% type to shado! in or
earthly plane to portray in ever:increasing "llness the heavenly pattern(
the tre !orship o" the tre tabernacle !here =e resides.
2irst( let %e deal !ith any dobts people %ay have abot =eaven
being a speci"ic place separate "ro% 9here.9 =ebre!s 9?.6 says( 92or
Christ did not enter a holy place %ade !ith hands( a %ere copy o" the
tre one( bt into hea1en itself, no! to appear in the presence o" God
"or s.9 This verse tells s Jess entered 9heaven itsel".9 This verse says
the ti%e period that =e appears in the presence o" God "or s is now,
not 9back then9 or 9so%eday.9
Jess doesnEt have to gess or i%agine !hat =eaven is like becase
=e kno!s. =e d!ells there today( right no!( at the right hand o" the
2ather. The =oly $pirit kno!s !hat real !orship is( and =e kno!s !hat
the glory o" God is. =e kno!s !hatEs going on in =eaven. +t !hen
God talks to s abot tre !orship in =eaven( =e %st talk to s on or
level!hich %eans =e %st re"er s to the taste o" earthly praise and
!orship eFperiences Hlike the stra!berries in %y illstrationI to help s
so%eho! grasp the reality o" !orship on a heavenly plane Hthe
raspberriesI. =e %st co%pare earthly things !ith heavenly things. That
is !hy !e so o"ten hear( 95tEs so%ething like this. 5tEs like this( bt itEs
not this.9
There !as a ti%e in =eaven !hen !orship !as n"la!ed
throghot the niverse. All o" the angelsarchangels( cherbi%( and
seraphi%!orshiped God together nder the leadership o" lci"er( the
9star o" the %orning(9 the covering cherb !ho !as created to be
!orship leader o" the niverse. 5saiah the prophet describes lci"er and
his "all?
,ow you ha1e fallen from hea1en, D star of the morning, son
of the dawn. =ou ha1e been cut down to the earth, =ou who
8orship? The 'attern o" Things in =eaven 91
ha1e wea*ened the nations.
5ut you said in your heart, ($ will ascend to hea1en; $ will
raise my throne abo1e the stars of God, )nd $ will sit on the
mount of assembly in the recesses of the north.
($ will ascend abo1e the heights of the clouds; $ will make
myself li*e the Bost ,igh.(
>e1ertheless you will be thrust down to -heol, to the recesses
of the pit (Isaiah "6#"9"$'.
5 have highlighted the 9"ive !ills9 that lci"er ttered to hi%sel". =e
%ade a crcial %istake along the !ay by not saying( 95 !ill if =ou will.(
=e didnEt involve his Creator becase he had a%bitions to e&al and
eclipse his Creator. God ans!ered !ith a single sentence? 9Bo !ill
not.9 =e said in =is 8ord( 9Bo !ill be thrst do!n.9 5 donEt kno! i"
yo reali7e this( bt throgh the "inished !ork o" Jess Christ( =is $on(
God has gi1en s all "ive o" the things lci"er Hno! called satanI tried to
sei7e illegallyA )o !onder he hates s so %chA
Another pictre o" !orship in the "or% o" the 9chie" !orshiper9
!ho "ell appears in D7ekiel .0. $o%e %isgided artists "ro% past and
present have painted pictres o" or adversary( satan( depicting hi% as
so%e kind o" grotes&e gargoyle. There is no dobt that absolte evil
signi"icantly has altered his appearance "ro% !hat it once !as( bt even
no! he has the ability to appear to h%an eyes as an 9angel o" light9 H.
Cor. 11?16I. Consider this pictre o" !hat satan once !as in the "or% o"
-on of man, ta*e up a lament concerning the *ing of !yre and
say to him# (!his is what the -o1ereign Lord says# :=ou were
the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
:=ou were in Eden, the garden of God; e1ery precious stone
adorned you# ruby, topaC and emerald, chrysolite, ony< and
?asper, sapphire, turHuoise and beryl. =our settings and
mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created
they were prepared.
:=ou were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained
you. =ou were on the holy mount of God; you wal*ed among
the fiery stones.
@ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
:=ou were blameless in your ways from the day you were
created till wic*edness was found in you.
:!hrough your widespread trade you were filled with 1iolence,
and you sinned. -o I dro1e you in disgrace from the mount of
God, and I e<pelled you, D guardian cherub, from among the
fiery stones.
:=our heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you
corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. -o I threw
you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before
*ings:((ECe*iel /#"9"A >I&'.
The "irst thing that co%es to yor %ind a"ter reading this verse
%ight be( 95" lci"er !as thro!n ot o" =eaven( then ho! can he have
principalities in the 9heavenlies9C 2irst o" all( there are di""erent
9heavens9 or levels o" the heavens. $olo%on declared( 9+t !ill God
indeed d!ell on the earthC 5ehold, hea1en and the highest hea1en
cannot contain Thee( ho! %ch less this hose !hich 5 have biltA9 H1
3ings 0?.7I. The apostle 'al !rote( 95 kno! a %an in Christ !ho
"orteen years ago!hether in the body 5 do not kno!( or ot o" the
body 5 do not kno!( God kno!ssch a %an !as caght p to the
third hea1en( H. Cor. 1.?.I.
8hether yo look in the >ld Testa%ent or the )e!( GodEs 8ord
speaks o" heavens in the plral sense. $atan has been re%oved "ro% the
9highest9 =eaven !here God d!ells( bt he has not yet been re%oved
"ro% the heavens belo! the highest real%( the heavenly places.
8e read in the +ook o" =ebre!s that9.. .it !as necessary "or the
copies o" the things in the heavens to be cleansed !ith these( bt the
heavenly things the%selves !ith better sacrifices than these9 H=eb.
9?./I. <e%e%ber that there really is only one $acri"iceJess Christ.
8e donEt need to cleanse the highest =eaven !here God d!ells becase
=e took care o" that a long ti%e ago. 8e are cleansing the heavens
!here the !ar"are is taking place. God !ants s to nderstand that =e
can acco%plish %ch %ore throgh the si%plicity o" or !orship than
!e reali7e.
Jess said( 92or !here t!o or three have gathered together in 4y
na%e( there 5 a% in their %idst9 H4t. 10?.-I. Let %e paraphrase this
state%ent to accrately eFpress the %eaning i%plied in the original
Greek %anscript? 95" t!o or three o" yo will e1er get together, 5 !ill
be so impressed that 5 will come and see it Byself.( Jst be"ore Jess
8orship? The 'attern o" Things in =eaven 9/
said this( =e said so%ething else that is very crios? 9Trly 5 say to
yo( !hatever yo shall bind on earth shall be bond in heavenJ and
!hatever yo loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven9 H4t. 10?10I.
8henever !e try to acco%plish earthly things be"ore !e have dealt
!ith their conterparts in the heavenlies( !e are corting "ailre. Think
o" an pside:do!n tree !ith its roots in the heavens and its leaves(
branches( and "rit on the earth. 8eEre picking the "rit( bt !eEre not
dealing !ith the rootsA The isse is this? Can !e deal !ith the rootsC
5n the Gospel o" Lke( Jess described the !ay =is 2ather dealt
!ith !orthless trees !hen =e said( 9And also the aFe is already laid at
the root o" the treesJ every tree there"ore that does not bear good "rit is
ct do!n and thro!n into the "ire9 HLk. /?9I. 8e need to deal !ith
every seless tree in or individal lives in the sa%e !ay. 5" !e deal
!ith roots o" sin( neglect( !eakness( bondage( or "ear in or lives( !e
donEt have to bother !ith "rit or ot!ard reslts o" those proble%s over
and over again. 5" yo chop a tree o"" at its roots( yo donEt have to ever
pick p another seed pod or piece o" "rit "ro% that tree.
4any people strggle !ith recrring proble%s in their lives
becase they havenEt dealt !ith the root isses that case the%. As long
as yo donEt deal !ith root isses( that !orthless tree !ill still bear "rit
or spread roots that !ill a""ect the good parts o" yor li"e.
9Bo kno!( 5 still lose %y te%per.9 95 still have these bad thoghts
so%eti%es.9 95 still get drnk on a n%ber o" occasions.9 95 still hit %y
!i"e.9 5nvariably !e ask the sa%e &estion a"ter con"essing or
recrring proble%s? 98here is all that co%ing "ro%C9
The li"e o" every tree is in its roots. 5" yo have a proble% or sin
that !onEt go a!ay( then the roots o" that 9tree9 have not been dealt
!ith. As long as the roots o" that proble% tree are still intact( yo !ill
be harvesting %ore proble%s "ro% itA Go deal !ith the root. $trike the
root o" that tree !ith the aFe o" GodA Bo !ill "ind the proble%s that
they prodced Gst give !ay !ithot yo ever having to cast ot another
Darthly things. =eavenly things. $een things. #nseen things.
Te%poral things. Dternal things. $ince !e tend to look at te%poral
things all the ti%e( !e are too easily distrbed by the%. They donEt
a""ect God=e a""ects the%A God doesnEt %anage the !orld and the
niverse in nervos "ear as =e %tters to =i%sel"( 98ell( letEs see. The
co%%nists are in there( so 5 can only do so %ch in that place. >h( the
<epblicans are in. LetEs see( the ;e%ocrats are in....9 )oA God does
@6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
not %anage the niverse throgh the 8hite =ose( the 3re%lin(
throgh Congress or any other parlia%entary hose o" delegates. ,e
manages it through the +hurch house and itEs abot ti%e the Chrch
reali7es itA
95snEt that a little pres%ptos( 'astorC9 Absoltely notA
According to the +ook o" <o%ans?
-o then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man
who runs, but on God who has mercy.
3or the -cripture says to 0haraoh, (3DE !,I- &EE=
0KE0D-E I E)I-E4 =DK K0, !D 4EBD>-!E)!E B=
0DWEE I> =DK, )>4 !,)! B= >)BE BIG,! 5E
0ED+L)IBE4 !,EDKG,DK! !,E W,DLE E)E!,.(
-o then ,e has mercy on whom ,e desires, and ,e hardens
whom ,e desires (Eomans @#"89"/'.
5" yo are a blood:!ashed child o" God( yo havenEt lost yor
in"lence in the earth as long as yo havenEt lost yor in"lence in the
heavenliesA Jess said that !hatever !e bind in the heavens !ill be
bond on earth. 5 dearly love the sincere Christian brothers !ho tell %e(
9LetEs get a conservative $pre%e Cort in there to get the Gob done "or
s. LetEs elect so:and:soJ he can appoint the right people. ThatEs ho!
!eEll get a right decision abot abortion.9
5 Gst have to tell the%? 92orget the $pre%e CortA Go !here the
real proble% isdeclare !ar in the heavensA9 That sally isnEt !hat
they !ant to hear( bt 5 canEt get %y %ind o"" GodEs 8ord in 'sal% 169.
HBes( !eEve read it be"ore( bt 5E% going to keep taking yo to this
passage again and again ntil yoEre drea%ing abot it.I
0raise the Lord. -ing to the Lord a new song and ,is praise
in the congregation of the godly ones.
Let Israel be glad in his Ba*er; let the sons of Jion re?oice in
their %ing.
Let them praise ,is name with dancing; let them sing praises
to ,im with timbrel and lyre.
3or the Lord ta*es pleasure in ,is people; ,e will beautify
the afflicted ones with sal1ation.
8orship? The 'attern o" Things in =eaven 91
Let the godly ones e<ult in glory; let them sing for ?oy on their
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two9
edged sword in their hand,
!o e<ecute 1engeance on the nations, and punishment on the
!o bind their *ings with chains, and their nobles with fetters
of iron;
!o e<ecute on them the ?udgment written; this is an honor for
all ,is godly ones. 0raise the Lord. (0salm "6@#"9@'
8hen the praise o" God is in or %oths( !hat is in or handC )
two9edged sword. 8hat is it "orC To inflict 1engeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples. =o! do !e do thatC 8hile !e praise
God !ith or %oths( !e have a t!o:edged s!ord in or hands( bt
%ean!hile God gets bsy binding their kings !ith "etters and their
nobles !ith shackles o" iron. 8hile !e praise God( !e are carrying ot
the sentence o" divine Gdg%ent !ritten against the%. God s%s
everything p by saying 9This is an honor "or all =is godly ones9 H's.
Let %e clari"y this becase it goes against so%e o" or erroneos
pres%ptions. The glory o" the Chrch is not to be co!ering in so%e
corner !hile !e "ear"lly !ait "or the raptre to resce s "ro% the bad
old devil. ThatEs not a glory at all( and it is de"initely not or gloryA >r
glory as the Chrch o" the Living God is to be ot !here the action is.
)o( 5E% not talking abot Gst !orshiping God in the cocoon o" or "or
chrch bilding !alls. 5E% talking abot a Chrch that is in the
high!ays and by!ays( passing ot "ood and giving "olks clothing !hile
!e tell the% !ith n&enchable Goy? 9God is not conting yor
trespasses against yoA9 That is or glory as saints o" the <isen Christ.
Too %any Christians have "orsaken their God:ordained glory to
!ring their hands in "ear and !hine( 9The sky is "allingA9 Well, it ain:t.
Hpardon %y 9'ittsbrgh prose9I. !he rain is falling. These are the days
o" the 9latter rain(9 the prophesied otporing o" the $pirit. God said
that in the last days( 95 !ill por ot 4y $pirit on all %ankind9 HJoel
.?.0I. The last ti%e that 5 checked( the !ord all still %eant 9all.9 ;onEt
bother checking the =ebre!that !ord still %eans 9all9 tooA
5" God is
poring ot =is $pirit on all "lesh( can any "lesh 9dck9 itC )o. God
@8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
%et the% at the !o%b be"ore they took their "irst breath and toched
their spirits !ith an inner hnger "or =is 'resence. They have no choice
bt to accept or reGect it.
5n a real sense( the nations are controlled by principalities and
po!ers in the heavenly places. 5t is our worship !hich is the 9better
sacri"ice9 that cleanses the heavensA 8hen Jess appointed 7. people to
go into to!ns and villages ahead o" =i%( =e said( 9The harvest is
plenti"l( bt the !orkers are "e!9 H4t. 9?/7I. The $pirit o" God has
already been pored ot on all "lesh. That is !hy the harvest is
plenteos. The real battle to bring in the harvest is not !ith "lesh( bt
!ith spirital beings in the heavenlies. That is !hy the !ar"are o"
!orship and praise is so i%portant. 5" yo donEt have ti%e to preach( i"
yo donEt have the opportnity to give yor testi%ony to street people(
i" yo donEt have ti%e to receive an o""ering in a service( then "or GodEs
sake( worship. 'raise God at all costsA 4ore !ill be acco%plished in
yor praise and !orship than cold ever happen nder the %ost
pro"ond preachingA Bor !orship and praise releases the ne&aled
po!er o" God in the heavenliesA
God !as looking beyond the copy that 4oses !as abot to bild to
the real tabernacle o" =is o!n choosing !hen =e said? 9According to
all that 5 a% going to sho! yo( as the pattern o" the tabernacle and the
pattern o" all its "rnitre( Gst so yo shall constrct it9 HDF. .1?9I. =e
!as going to invite 4oses back p to the %ontain so =e cold sho!
hi% a pattern o" the tre sanctary. 8hat is the point o" this sanctaryC
=e tells 4oses in verse 0( 9And let the% constrct a sanctary "or 4e(
that I may dwell among them( HDF. .1?0I.
J%p ahead throgh the generations to the "irst chapter o" the
Gospel o" John? 9And the 8ord beca%e "lesh( and d!elt a%ong s( and
!e beheld =is glory( glory as o" the only begotten "ro% the 2ather( "ll
o" grace and trth9 HJn. 1?16I. 8e called the thing 4oses %adethe
>ld Testa%ent copy o" a %ysterios heavenly originala 9tabernacle9
or tent. 5t !as the 9tent o" =is presence9 !here the $pirit o" God
Al%ighty !old brood over the ark o" the covenant. ;o yo kno! !hat
John !as saying in the Greek langage in John 1?16C =e !as saying(
9And the 8ord beca%e "lesh and made ,is dwelling LtabernacledAM
a%ong s.9 The 3ing Ja%es *ersion says Jess 9d!elt9 a%ong s( and
it is the transliteration o" the Greek !ord s*enoo, a verb "or% !hich
%eans 9to tent( or enca%p( to occpy( to reside or d!ell.9
This is a %ore per"ect type o" the pattern behind the tabernacle
4oses %ade in the >ld Testa%ent( bt one %ore step re%ains be"ore
8orship? The 'attern o" Things in =eaven 97
the tre pattern is revealed on the earth. 5t is "ond in <evelation .1
!here John !rites?
)nd I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of
hea1en from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her
)nd I heard a loud 1oice from the throne, saying (5ehold, the
tabernacle of God is among men, and ,e shall dwell among
them, and they shall be ,is people, and God ,imself shall be
among them,
()nd ,e shall wipe away e1ery tear from their eyes; and there
shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any
mourning or crying or pain; the first things ha1e passed
)nd ,e who sits on the throne said, (5ehold, I am ma*ing all
things new( (Ee1elation "#9$'.
>nce again( !hen the !riter says that 9=e shall dwell a%ong
the%(9 he is sing that sa%e tabernacle !ord( s*enoo, !hich re"ers to
pitching a tent or tabernacle in !hich to d!ell. GodEs ai% all along has
been to d!ell !ith s in blessed co%%nion.
The old tabernacle o" 4oses !as a %an:%ade tabernacle o" skins(
bt the )e! Testa%ent tabernacle !as in the sinless "lesh o" the God:
%an( Jess Christ Hsee Jn. 1?16I. 5n the +ook o" <evelation( it is in s(
the people o" God( the city o" God( the +ride o" Christ. God is saying(
95E% going to d!ell in yo.9
And !ho is this +rideC 5tEs a %ore co%plete representation o" that
!hich God sho!ed 4oses. 8e are at once earthly( heavenly(
te%porary( eternal( seen( and nseen. 8e are the spernatral people o"
Godredee%ed ot o" the earth "ro% every nation. God !ants to
cleanse the heavens above the earth !ith better sacri"ices( and !e need
to bring =i% sacri"ices that !ill please =i%.
1. -trong:s, kol H=/,-1I( !hich %eans 9the !hole( all( any( or every.9
.. -trong:s, skenoo HG6,/7I( 9to d!ell.9
Chapter 9
; Worship an. the &.vance of
<o.=s >
?The best is yet to come.?
Three !ords !ill %ark the i%%inent doo% o" any chrch( any
spirital %ove%ent( any deno%ination( and any spirital co%%nity.
Those three "atal !ords are? 98e have arrived.9
>r Gorney "ro% conception to beyond the grave is a Gorney into
an in"inite God( so !e can never say that !e 9have arrived9 Hnless !e
are ad%itting that !e 9have arrived9 at the end o" orselves( the end o"
or strength( and the end o" or o!n abilitiesI. There is Gst no !ay a
h%an being can trth"lly say( 95 kno! everything there is to kno!
abot God.9 2e! o" s !old say so%ething like this( bt %any o" s
act li*e it. There is no !ay anyone can right"lly say( 95 kno!
everything that God is teaching s abot so%e particlar thing.9 The
%ore !e kno!( the %ore !e reali7e ho! %ch !e don:t *now. The "act
is that !e have a perspective o" reality that is at best partial.
All o" this can be applied to or !orship and or praise in one
si%ple phrase? 9)o %atter ho! good it is( it isnEt as good as it can get.9
+y saying 9good(9 5E% not talking abot ho! good it is to or "or yo. 5
a% talking eFclsively abot ho! 9good9 or !orship and praise is to
God( !ho shold be the sole obGect o" or !orship.
5 kno! !e have praise and !orship se%inars and praise gatherings
"22 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
all arond the !orld. 5 kno! they are sally "n to attend and
eFhilarating to the spirit %an. +t listen? It is not for us. 5t belongs to
God alone( becase =e alone is !orthy to be praised. 5t is a residal
bene"it( a 9perk(9 o" or "a%ily %e%bership as sons and daghters o"
God throgh Jess that !e are able to enGoy it( too. Dverything !e do in
or praise and !orship shold be done "or God Al%ighty. 8hen !e li"t
or hands and voices in praise and !orship( it is "or Godnot Gst
becase so%e %an like Joseph L. Garlington said( 9Li"t yor hands.9
8e li"t or hands becase the $criptres say( 9Li"t p yor hands to the
sanctary( and bless the Lord9 H's. 1/6?.I.
5Eve got so%e shocking ne!s "or yo? This 9li"ting the hands
bsiness9 isnEt a charismatic thingitEs a 5ible thing. Dven people !ho
donEt !ant to li"t their hands nder nor%al circ%stances !ill do so
&ickly nder certain kinds o" pressre. 2or instance( 5 %ay tell
everyone( 95 !ill ne1er raise %y hands at the %ere co%%and o" %anA9
+t i" 5 !alk ot the chrch door and %eet a gy !ith an #7i Han 5sraeli
sb%achine gnI( 5Ell p%p those hands in the air as "ast as 5 canA The
gy probably !onEt even have to say( 9<aise yor handsA9 >nce 5 see
that #7i( he !ill have no proble%s !ith %e. 8hen yo raise yor hands
to God( yo are saying( 9Bo !ill have no proble% !ith %e. 4y li"e is
Bors to co%%and.9
8hat is God leading s toC 5n a !ord? more. The +ook o" 'roverbs
tells s( 9The path o" the Gst is as the shining light( that shineth %ore
and %ore nto the per"ect day9 H'rov. 6?10 3J*I. )o %atter ho! %ch
yo see( nderstand( or eFperience today( God can sho! yo %ore
to%orro!A )o %atter !hat yo enGoy today( God can give yo %ore to
enGoy to%orro!. Bo %ay think yo have pl%bed the depths o" yor
relationship !ith yor spose( bt yo havenEt. God can sho! yo
hidden treasres that yo have yet to "ind in yor %ateA The sa%e is
tre o" =is 8ord( and o" every God:given relationship.
God !ants to sho! s %ore( give s %ore( teach s %ore( bild s
%ore( bless s %ore( challenge s %ore( and anoint s !ith %ore o"
=i%sel"A There is al!ays more in God. Look closely at the !ay the
apostle 'al described the role o" the =oly $pirit?
=e were sealed with that ,oly -pirit of promise,
Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of
the purchased possession, unto the praise of ,is glory
(Ephesians l#"7b9"6 %J&'.
8orship and the Advance o" GodEs 3ingdo% 1-1
Dven the best things God gives s are precrsors o" things to co%e
that are even better( richer( "ller( bigger( and deeper than !hat !e have
no!. Althogh Jess Christ !onEt be 9better9 than =e is no!( or
nderstanding o" =i%( or co%prehension o" =is love and sacri"ice( or
revelation o" =i% as God incarnate( and especially our capacity to
enGoy inti%ate "ello!ship !ith =i% !ill be better( "ller( richer( bigger(
and deeper than !hat !e have no!.
That is !hy the apostle 'al called the gi"t o" the ind!elling =oly
$pirit the 9earnest9 o" or inheritance in Christ. )o( he !asnEt talking
abot a do!n pay%ent. =e !as talking abot 9earnest %oney.9 5" yo
!alk past a sed:car lot and linger longer than yo intended( a
salesperson !ill ask( 9;o yo like that carC9
9Beah( 5 like that car(9 yo !ill say.
Then heEll say( 95 can hold it "or yo. Give %e so%e earnest
98old "ive dollars !orkC9
98ell( this is a 4ercedes(9 he replies.
98hat do yo call earnest %oneyC9 yo ask.
=is ans!er is? 9Give %e a check "or abot "ive hndred bcks
thatEll hold it ntil yo co%e back !ith the do!n pay%ent and approved
"inancing.9 8hen a salesperson sees a little green( he kno!s yo are
really interested.
God gave s the ind!elling =oly $pirit as the 9earnest9 o" or
eternal inheritance. )o! i" the 'resence o" the =oly $pirit in or hearts
dring or earthly eFistence isnEt even called a 9do!n pay%ent9 H!hich
is sally %ch larger than the a%ont re&ired "or an earnest
pay%entI( then !hat is the %agnitde o" or inheritanceC 5t is hard to
think o" the =oly $piritEs ind!elling 'resence as a gi"t to kind o" tide s
over in the earth ntil !e receive 9the real thing in its "llness.9 5t
%akes yo !onder !hat a!aits s !hen !e "inally get ot o" these
"ragile earthly bodies and pt on or glori"ied bodiesA 'al !rote in his
letter to the Dphesians?
E1en when we were dead in our transgressions, FGodG made
us ali1e together with +hrist (by grace you ha1e been sa1ed',
)nd raised us up with ,im, and seated us with ,im in the
hea1enly places, in +hrist Jesus,
"2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
In order that in the ages to come He might show the
surpassing riches of His grace in *indness toward us in
+hrist Jesus (Ephesians #$9A'.
;o yo think yo are enGoying the grace o" God no!C )o !ay.
Bo donEt have the "acilities to enGoy the i%%easrable grace o" God.
Bo donEt have the 9e&ip%ent9 to enGoy it !ithot %easre or
li%itation. DnGoy !hat yo have received( bt al!ays reali7e that !hat
yo have isnEt all that =e is going to give yoA =e is telling yo throgh
=is 8ord that =e is going to give yo more.
As long as !e are earthbond creatres( !e are going to be li%ited
in or ability to eFpress everything !e "eel or perceive in or !orship
and praise eFperiences. <ight no!( as yo read these !ords( i" yo !ere
trying to eFpress all that yo "eel( "olks arond yo !old probably
begin to call yo so%e really strange na%es. Dven the %ost liberated
earthly !orshipers are li%ited in their ability and !illingness to o""er
ninhibited !orship to or heavenly 2ather.
Three strctres in the >ld Testa%ent deserve or attention
becase they serve as partial bleprints or rogh dra!ings o" the "ll
and rich spirital !orship that !e !ill eFperience and prodce in
=eaven. The "irst strctre is called the tabernacle o" 4oses( becase
God gave 4oses the plans "or that tabernacle( or tent o" skins(
according to the heavenly pattern. The second is called ;avidEs
tabernacle becase it( too( !as given to ;avid by God as a copy o" the
real thing in =eaven. The third is called $olo%onEs te%ple. Althogh it
!as a "iFed strctre( the te%ple !as bilt according to the %ore
co%plete plans and pattern God gave to $olo%onEs "ather( ;avid. There
is a "orth strctre that %ay !ell be inclded in this list( bt !e are not
going to talk abot it in any great length. That is the te%ple revealed in
a vision to the prophet D7ekiel( as recorded in his prophetic book.
The tent or tabernacle o" 4oses !as arranged in the shape o" a
rectangle !ith three %ain sections. The priests entered throgh one end
o" the enclosre and passed throgh the oter cort or cortyard past
the bra7en altar and bra7en laver. 8ithin the oter tabernacle stood
another enclosre containing the inner cort or holy place( and "inally
the %ost holy place. 5nside the holy place !ere the table o" sho!:bread(
the golden altar o" incense( and the golden candlestick. +ehind these
hng a veil or thick tapestry separating the holy o" holies "ro% the holy
place. 5t barred physical access and blocked the vie! o" %an "ro% the
shekinah presence o" God nder the >ld Covenant.
8orship and the Advance o" GodEs 3ingdo% 1-/
>nly the priests Hthe %ale descendants o" AaronI and the %ales o"
the tribe o" Levi !ere allo!ed to serve the Lord by o""ering sacri"ices
on the bra7en altar( or to condct priestly dties in the vicinity o" the
holy place. These %en began their service at the age o" /- and retired at
the age o" 1-.
The holy o" holies !as the resting place o" the ark o" the covenant.
The lid o" this gold:overlaid ark( "eatring t!o cherbi% or covering
angels "acing each other( overshado!ed the %ercy seat that hid or
covered the la!. 'laced inside o" this ark o" the covenant !ere the Ten
Co%%and%ents given to 4oses( along !ith AaronEs rod that bdded
and a pot o" %anna "ro% the desert !anderings. These three ite%s speak
o" GodEs !ill( athority( and provision( respectively.
#nder the la!( one person alone !as allo!ed to pass throgh the
veil and see the ark o" the covenant once a year. This privilege !as
reserved "or the high priest( and he didnEt look or linger very long. This
priest !old "ear"lly pass throgh the veil once a year on the day o"
atone%ent to sprinkle blood on the %ercy seat seven ti%es and prge(
or atone "or( the sins o" the nation "or one %ore year.
Let %e skip past ;avidEs tabernacle "or a %o%ent to look at
$olo%onEs te%ple. 5" the tabernacle bilt by 4oses cost the 5sraelites a
cople %illion dollars( then $olo%onEs te%ple cost abot "or billion(
one:hndred %illion dollarsA That te%ple !old %ake the <ev.
$chllerEs Crystal Cathedral look like $!iss cheese in ter%s o" the
invest%ent that !as %ade. 5 believe <ev. $chllerEs congregation
invested bet!een 16 and 17 %illion dollars in that "acility in Anahei%(
A%os the prophet said( 9$rely the Lord God does nothing nless
=e reveals =is secret consel to =is servants the prophets9 HA%os /?7I.
God is constantly "orecasting =is plan( or destiny( and "tre events
throghot the $criptres. Bes( even the >ld Testa%ent gives
prophecies abot !hat is going to take place in or day. 2ro% ti%e to
ti%e( 5 like to share a little poe% abot the >ld and )e! Testa%ents or
Covenants o" the +ible? 9The >ld is in the )e! eFplained. The )e! is
in the >ld contained. The >ld is in the )e! revealed. The )e! is in the
>ld concealed.9
#n"ortnately( %ch con"sion has been created by the decision by
so%e chrch leaders to l%p together %any o" the prophecies in the >ld
and )e! Testa%ents and stick the% into a theological 9never:never
land9 called the 4illenni%( !here !e are "orbidden to enGoy those
things right no!.
"26 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
$and!iched bet!een the badger:skin tabernacle o" 4oses and the
ornate %asterpiece o" $olo%onEs te%ple is ;avidEs tabernacle. Dach o"
these strctres !as a copy o" so%ething that is treJ they !ere not
phony. Their only proble% !as they !ere de"icient in their ability to
re"lect the real. The tabernacle( the ark o" the covenant( and all o" the
other ele%ents o" these strctres are types and shado!s o" the Lord
Jess Christ in one !ay or another. 5 %ost !ant to talk abot ;avidEs
tabernacle. The reason is "ond( oddly enogh( in a )e! Testa%ent
passage reporting state%ents by Ja%es the apostle in the +ook o" Acts
citing an older prophecy "ro% the +ook o" A%osA
-imeon has related how God first concerned ,imself about
ta*ing from among the Gentiles a people for ,is name.
)nd with this the words of the 0rophets agree, ?ust as it is
()3!EE !,E-E !,I>G- I will return, )>4 I WILL
EE5KIL4 !,E !)5EE>)+LE D3 4)&I4 W,I+, ,)-
3)LLE>, )>4 I WILL EE5KIL4 I!- EKI>-, )>4 I WILL
(I> DE4EE !,)! !,E EE-! D3 B)>%I>4 B)= -EE%
!,E LDE4, )>4 )LL !,E GE>!ILE- W,D )EE +)LLE4
5= B= >)BE,(
-)=- !,E LDE4, W,D B)%E- !,E-E !,I>G- %>DW>
3EDB D3 DL4 ()cts "$#"69"/'.
The Chrch in the +ook o" Acts encontered so%e basic proble%s
early in its eFistence becase its leaders vie!ed the chrch as an
o""shoot o" the Je!ish "aithat best( a Je!ish chrch. They didnEt
really e%brace JessE co%%and to( 9go into all the !orld( beginning at
Jersale% and Jdea and $a%aria( into the tter%ost parts.9 They
"igred Hand the +ook o" Acts de%onstrates thisI that JessE !ords !ere
a co%%and to seek ot Je!s in these places. They enGoyed the =oly
$pirit and began to 9ca%p9 !here they !ere. And( they liked it there. 5n
the end( God had to %otivate the% by persection to go on( to scatter
the gospel %essage otside o" the holy city o" Jersale%. Dventally(
the 2irst Centry believers did ventre ot or !ere driven ot o"
Jersale% and into the by!ays o" international society.
The proble% !as that the Je!ish disciples really !erenEt convinced
8orship and the Advance o" GodEs 3ingdo% 1-1
that the gospel %essage !as "or Gentiles as !ell as Je!seven thogh
Jess and the prophets o" old speci"ically said this on %any occasions.
They pre"erred( instead( to stay a%ong their o!n people. ThatEs !hen
God spoke to 'eter in a vision and sent hi% to the hose o" an 5talian
Gentile na%ed Cornelis. 'eter and his seven co%panions !ere
shocked !hen the =oly Ghost "ell on CornelisE hosehold right in the
%iddle o" 'eterEs %essage. 5 can al%ost see 'eter look at his Je!ish
"riends "or a reaction !hen the Gentiles started speaking in other
tonges? 9Look( gys( 5 didnEt have anything to do !ith that. 5 !as Gst
talking... Bo gys sa! %e5 didnEt pt %y hands on anybody( rightC
Dven a"ter 'eter and his seven !itnesses retrned to Jersale% to
say( 9Look( it !as a sovereign %ove o" the =oly $pirit. Gentiles are
no! co%ing into the 3ingdo%(9 the Je!ish chrch leaders still said(
98ell( !eEre not sre that this is God.9 5t !as God( and it still is GodA
8hen 'al and +arnabas began to aggressively share the good
ne!s !ith the Gentiles( they responded to Christ by the thosands( and
the =oly $pirit %oved a%ong the%. That le"t the Je!s !ondering(
98ell( !hat shold !e do !ith the%C $hold !e circ%cise the% and
%ake the% Je!ish believers like sC $hold !e bring the% into the
la!C9 Acts 11 is the record o" the "irst chrch concil called in
Jersale% to decide this isse. 5t !as at the conclsion o" this concil
!hen Ja%es said that God took 9"ro% a%ong the Gentiles a people "or
=is na%e9 and that =e !as deter%ined to rebild ;avidEs "allen
tabernacle HActs 11?16I.
8hy is God going to restore ;avidEs ancient tabernacleC 5snEt it Gst
an >ld Covenant type and shado! o" a )e! Testa%ent realityC God
=i%sel" ans!ers this &estion in Acts 11?
()3!EE !,E-E !,I>G- I will return, )>4 I WILL
EE5KIL4 !,E !)5EE>)+LE D3 4)&I4 W,I+, ,)-
3)LLE>, )>4 I WILL EE5KIL4 I!- EKI>-, )>4 I WILL
(I> DE4EE !,)! !,E EE-! D3 B)>%I>4 B)= -EE%
!,E LDE4, )>4 )LL !,E GE>!ILE- W,D )EE +)LLE4
5= B= >)BE,(
-)=- !,E LDE4, W,D B)%E- !,E-E !,I>G- %>DW>
3EDB D3 DL4 ()cts "$#"89"/'.
"28 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
God has kno!n !hat =e !as going to do "ro% the beginning o"
ti%e. There isnEt a thing going on right no! that has taken God by
srprise. =e kno!s !ho !ill be 'resident o" the #nited $tates in the
neFt "ive elections( =e kno!s !here every nclear !arhead is stored(
and =e kno!s the na%e and address o" every cri%inal on this planet.
GodEs chie" concern is eFtending =is 3ingdo%. The "tre is not a
proble% to God( and it sholdnEt be a proble% to yo.
5E% interested in the tabernacle o" ;avid becase Ja%es the apostle(
speaking nder the inspiration o" the =oly $pirit( &oted A%os the
prophet and said( (In that day 5 !ill restore ;avidEs "allen tent.9 Ja%es
!as pblicly annoncing 9that day9 had co%e( and the baptis% o" the
=oly $pirit a%ong the Gentiles %arked the beginning o" the "l"ill%ent
o" the prophesy o" A%os. The last days began !ith the otporing o"
the =oly $pirit on the day o" 'entecost as Joel prophesied centries
be"ore( a "act 'eter %entioned in his address to the large cro!d o" Je!s
a"ter the pper roo% eFperience Hsee Acts .?1,I.
5 think !e need to "ind ot everything !e can abot !hat the
tabernacle o" ;avid is and !hat it is to be in or dayA 8e need to start
!ith the prophecy o" A%os?
(In that day I will raise up the fallen booth of 4a1id, and wall
up its breaches; I will also raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as
in the days of old;
(!hat they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the
nations who are called by By name,( declares the Lord who
does this.
(5ehold, days are coming,( declares the Lord, (when the
plowman will o1erta*e the reaper and the treader of grapes
him who sows seed; when the mountains will drip sweet wine,
and all the hills will be dissol1ed( ()mos @#""9"7'.
The 9last days9 began at 'entecost nearly t!o %illenni%s ago. 5n
or day( 9the plo!%an !ill overtake the reaper and the treader o"
grapes hi% !ho so!s seedJ !hen the %ontains !ill drip s!eet !ine...9
HA%os 9?1/I. God is talking abot unprecedented fruitfulness here. =e
is saying that there !ill be so %ch to reap "or the 3ingdo% that the
plo!%an !ill be right behind the reaper to rge hi%( as he says( 9Co%e
on( %an. BoEre holding s pA9
5" yo look closely at a %ap co%paring the si7e o" Jdah and 5srael
8orship and the Advance o" GodEs 3ingdo% 1-7
!hen ;avid "irst ascended their thrones to the si7e o" the renited 5srael
at the height o" his reign( yo !ill see that those borders !ere eFtended
in an nprecedented eFpansion on every side. 5ronically( althogh
;avidEs son( $olo%on( stepped onto the throne e&ipped !ith incredible
!isdo%( al%ost nli%ited !ealth( and the %ost po!er"l standing ar%y
in Asia 4inor Hthanks to the sccess o" his !arrior "ather and the grace
o" GodI( $olo%on did nothing to eFpand his borders "rther. 5n "act( his
sin led to the division o" the throne again and the do!n"all o" 5srael in
the end. A"ter ;avid died( 5srael lost grond and never regained it.
The reason "or ;avidEs sccess !as the nprecedented !orship and
praise going on dring his li"e and reignA HAnd $olo%onEs "ailre ste%s
"ro% its replace%ent !ith rote rital in the te%ple %ade o" stone.I
8hen yo read ;avidEs accont in 'sal% 169 o" sing praise to
bind the nobles and their princes !ith "etters and chains( yo can al%ost
hear ;avid saying? 9Gys( thereEs so%e %ore land right over there( and
it is part o" or inheritance. LetEs !orship and praise the Lord( and then
go clai% or land.9 ;avid and his "ollo!ers sed praise to God to 9psh
ot9 or eFpand their borders.
Bet( even ;avid eFperienced serios ps and do!ns in his 7eal to
per"ect praise and d!ell in GodEs 'resence. Like %any !orshipers and
!orship leaders today( ;avid %ade the "atal %istake o" trying to do the
!ork o" God otside o" GodEs gidelines or blessing in $econd $a%el.
>ow 4a1id again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty
)nd 4a1id arose and went with all the people who were with
him to 5aale9?udah, to bring up from there the ar* of God
which is called by the >ame, the 1ery name of the Lord of
hosts who is enthroned abo1e the cherubim.
)nd they placed the ar* of God on a new cart that they might
bring it from the house of )binadab which was on the hill;
and KCCah and )hio, the sons of )binadab, were leading the
new cart.
-o they brought it with the ar* of God from the house of
)binadab, which was on the hill; and )hio was wal*ing ahead
of the ar*.
Beanwhile, 4a1id and all the house of Israel were
"2/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
celebrating before the Lord with all *inds of instruments made
of fir wood, and with lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets and
5ut when they came to the threshing floor of >acon, KCCah
reached out toward the ar* of God and too* hold of it, for the
o<en nearly upset it.
)nd the anger of the Lord burned against KCCah, and God
struc* him down there for his irre1erence; and he died there
by the ar* of God.
)nd 4a1id became angry because of the Lord:s outburst
against KCCah, and that place is called 0ereC9uCCah to this
-o 4a1id was afraid of the Lord that day; and he said, (,ow
can the ar* of the Lord come to me;( ( -amuel 8#"9@'.
8hen ;avidEs %en set the ark o" God on a 9ne! cart(9 itEs too bad
they didnEt hear so%eone say( 9#h:oh.9 5t !old have saved the% a lot
o" grie". ;avid see%ed to be doing a good thing !ith a good %otive
the proble% !as that his %ethod !asnEt so good. =e !as operating in
ignorance becase he hadnEt conslted GodEs 8ord. Bes( ;avid and all
o" 5srael !ere !orshiping God !ith all their %ight !ith songs( harps(
lyres( ta%borines( and cy%bals. That !as good.
The proble% !as the ne! cart. 8hen the procession ca%e to the
threshing "loor o" )acon( a priest na%ed #77ah reached ot to steady
the rocking ark o" God( and God strck hi% do!n "or his pres%ption.
<ight there( in the %idst o" eFberant !orship and praise( a %an died
literally in the shado! o" the ark o" God. ;avid beca%e angry at God
"or killing #77ah( bt the real clprit !as a little closer to ho%e.
;avidEs pres%ption had cased #77ahEs death. $ddenly( !e "ind that
;avid !as afraid o" the Lord. 8e need to nderstand that the 9"ear o"
the Lord9 is one o" the %issing ele%ents that God !ill restore to =is
Chrch in or day.
;avid basically dropped the ark o" the Lord like a hot potato and
le"t it standing on the threshing "loor o" >bed:edo% the Gittite. Bet
God !anted to teach ;avid so%ething abot =is 'resence( and the
proper !ay to approach and reverence =i%even in his %ethodology
o" !orshipA ;avid needed to learn to honor God in God:s way to
receive the approval o" God. 8hen God sho!ered >bed:edo% !ith
8orship and the Advance o" GodEs 3ingdo% 1-9
blessings( ;avid kne! he had to s!allo! his pride and once again try to
bring the ark into Jersale%. )otice ho! he did it?
)nd 4a1id went and brought up the ar* of God from the
house of Dbed9edom into the city of 4a1id with gladness
)nd so it was, that when the bearers of the ar* of the Lord
had gone si< paces, he sacrificed an o< and a fatling.
)nd 4a1id was dancing before the Lord with all his might,
and 4a1id was wearing a linen ephod ( -amuel 8#"b9"6'.
5t !as at this point that ;avidEs !i"e H$alEs daghterI 4ichal
peered ot o" her !indo! and despised ;avid becase he !as leaping
and dancing in pblic celebration over the blessings o" God !ithot
inhibition or any thoght abot the approval o" other people. 4ichal
shold have been reGoicing over the glory o" the Lord retrning to
5srael( bt( instead( she !as groveling in the dst o" her o!n Gealosy
and petty bitterness over her hsbandEs devotion to God. =er anointed
hsband literally !as !alking to!ard the door o" their ho%e to
prononce a blessing on his hosehold !hen 4ichal stepped ot to
%eet hi% and spe! her bitter ridicle over hi%. 5 believe she !as
caght o"" gard by his response.
4ichal probably believed her ridicle !old redce ;avid and pll
hi% do!n to her level( bt he "ired back !ith athoritative a""ir%ations
o" GodEs blessings and decrees over his li"e. Then he de"iantly declared
his intention to be a "ool "or GodEs sake( no %atter !hat the cost.
4ichalEs crse over ;avid !as trned aside by the greater trth o" GodEs
pleasre in ;avid as a !orshiper and obedient servant. ;avidEs blessing
never ca%e to 4ichal( and neither did GodEs. $he died childless and
bitter( !hile her hsband died in GodEs "avor( srronded by his
children Hby other !ivesI and the "rits o" a li"eti%e o" !orship be"ore
God. 5t is Gst the sa%e today !hen critics "ocs their energies on
critici7ing the things o" God and the people !ho yield the%selves to the
Lord. The criticsE negative reGection o" the holy things o" God !ill cost
the% in the end( bt the tre !orshipers and obedient servants !ill
enGoy the bonti"l "rit o" their labor.
The second ti%e arond( ;avid discarded the ne! cart and called
"or the Levitesthe tribe chosen by God to bear the ark o" =is
'resence. They carried the ark o" the Lord to the hill in Jersale%
called 9the city o" ;avid9 H!hich !as called 4ont Kion ntil ;avidEs
%en captred it by de"eating the JebsitesI and placed it inside a tent
""2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
that 3ing ;avid had pitched "or it. 5nside !hatC The tent HtabernacleI
that ;avid had pitched "or it.
;avid broke precedent again !hen he personally o""ered brnt
o""erings and peace o""erings to the Lord. Then he blessed the people in
the na%e o" the Lord Al%ighty and gave everyone a loa" o" bread( a
cake o" dates( and a cake o" raisins be"ore they retrned to their ho%es.
8hatever yo do( yo need to nderstand yo cannot be a
!orshiper and a %an:pleaser at the sa%e ti%e. 5" yoEre going to please
God( then be prepared to be h%iliated be"ore yor peers at so%e point.
8hyC +ecase the !ord worship doesnEt Gst %ean 9to sing.9 5t also
%eans 9to prostrate yorsel" and 9to bo! do!n.9 ThatEs !orship( and
that can be e%barrassing !hen yo are srronded by critics !ho donEt
!ant anybody to be %ore 9spirital9 than they are. >ne o" the %ost
co%%on Hand accrateI state%ents that !e hear these days is? 95t see%s
as thogh every previos %ove o" the =oly $pirit( no %atter !hat kind
o" %ove it is( persectes the neFt %ove.9 5" yo eFa%ine chrch history(
yo !ill see Gst ho! tre this is.
The Anabaptists( !ho believed baptis% !as only "or those old
enogh to kno!ingly con"ess their sin and allegiance to Christ( !ere
persected by the Calvinists( !ho !ere o""ended by this practice. The
Calvinists practiced in"ant baptis%. They told the Anabaptists( 9;o yo
!ant to be bapti7edC 8eEll bapti7e yoA9 Then( they !old take their
victi%s ot to a lake or river( !rap heavy !eights arond the%( and
drop the% in the !ater to dro!n.
The crrent rene!al %ove%ent !as persected in a n%ber o"
!ays by other grops !ho are no! saying( 95E% hngry "or so%ething.9
8hat they are hngry "or is the very thing that they have persected in
recent years. 5Eve learned that !hen people get real hngry( they !ill
say( 95 donEt care. 5 a% hngry. 8hatever it is that God !ants( thatEs
!hat 5 !ant.9 $pirital hnger !ill %otivate s to reach ot to God in
!ays that %ove s beyond or li%ited perception o" orselves.
8orship is designed to %ove yo ot o" sel":consciosness into
God:consciosness Hand this can be an interesting GorneyI. Bet tre
!orship al!ays de%ands a price o" s.
'art 5*
The Tabernacle of Davi.
Chapter 1-
#$ Davi.=s Tabernacle of Praise
an. Worship
3ing ;avid( the prophet( priest( and king o" 5srael is GodEs
pree%inent %odel "or !orship in $criptre. 5" yo !ant to kno! ho! to
!orship( look at ;avid. 5" yo !ant to kno! ho! to praise God( yo
can learn "ro% ;avid.
5n the previos chapter( !e learned that God !ants to pt
something back in the Chrch. =e intends to do it by rebilding ;avidEs
tabernacle o" praise and !orship. This re%inds %e o" the stacks o"
9enriched bread9 "ond in grocery stores across A%erica. Bears ago( !e
didnEt need 9enriched9 bread becase !e %ade it "resh each day at ho%e
by sing !hole grain "lor that !as "reshly %illed do!n the road.
)o!adays( !e 9process9 or !heat be"ore !e se it becase !e are
%odern people. That %eans !e se %achines to knock o"" the good
st"" like bran. 8e grind and bleach !hatEs le"t ntil no vita%ins or
ntrients re%ain in the "lor to %ess p the bland taste that !eEve co%e
to crave. 2inally( !e add liberal a%onts o" 9dogh so"teners and
conditioners(9 and Gst be"ore !e bake the st""( !e se %achines to
s&irt a vita%in %iFtre back into the gooey paste. That allo!s s to
prodly slap an 9enriched bread9 label on the package so people can
spread peant btter( honey( and Gelly on the bland st"" and say( 9B%(
y%. Dnriched bread.9 +t itEs not.
!hat:s e<actly what happened to our worship. The eF:!orship
leader o" the niverse slipped into the Chrch and said? 95Ell take those
""6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
racos horns. HThey canEt be holy. TheyEre the traditional instr%ents
o" !ar"are. )ope( yo donEt need those distrbing yor services.I 5Ell
de"initely take those noisy dr%s o"" yor hands( and give %e those
cy%balsyo donEt need the%. >h( 5Eve got to have the gitarsthey
sond so good( theyEve got to be sin"l( rightC >kay( no!. 8hat are !e
le"t !ithC >h yeah( this is !hat 5 !ant yo to sing. 4%%%%%. 5t
sonds nice and religios and b:o:r:...oops. Bes( %onotone is good.
Ahh( nice and lethargic( h( 5 %ean !orship"l. )o! !hatever yo do(
donEt pt any passion or e%otion in yor !orship and praise %sic(
becase yo kno! those are bad. 4%%( %%%.9 HA snore is heard in the
Then( the chrch people asked( (What:s that;(
(Dh, well,( the help"l eF:!orship leader said( (!hat:s true
worshipIthe *ind I find well9pleasing to my soul.(
2or centries( GodEs people have been passing by the devilEs
bistros( pbs( bars( and taverns that are Gst Ga%%ing !ith the %ost
po!er"l sonds i%aginable. Bo "eel attracted to the %sic( bt gilt
strikes and the devil strikes ho%e !ith the co%%ent( 9ThatEs the devilEs
%sic.9 5n each generation( or kids have passed the sa%e sonds
co%ing ot o" those Goints( only to plop do!n in dll chrch services
!here they hear sleepy people intone %onotonos hy%ns to the Goyless
sonds o" 9%%%%( %%%%%( %%%%.9 8hen or kids %eet their
"riends( it is a relie" to "inally be arond so%e %sic that speaks to the
hor%ones( energy( and opti%is% boiling p in their blood. +t !hen !e
say( 9LetEs go to chrch(9 they canEt help bt say( 9>h( ;ad( itEs dll
over there. )obodyEs happy at chrch. 8hy is thatC9
God !ants to give s so%ething that !e processed ot in or
%odern sophistication and !isdo%. The devil nderstands the po!er o"
%sic( bt the Chrch has been so ignorant over the centries that it has
"reely given a!ay !hat God intended to be its eFclsive do%ain. 8eEre
Gst no! beginning to nderstand the po!er God invested in %sic.
God is saying to s( 9Get !ith itA9
;avid !as ahead o" his ti%e. =e delved so deeply into the depths
o" !orship that he crossed the barrier o" ti%e into )e! Covenant
inti%acy !ith Godinti%acy that transcended the la!A 8e need today
!hat ;avid had back then( bt or proble% is !e are a"raid o" 9ne!9
things. 8e like the old( even i" God isnEt 9speaking that langage9
any%ore. 8hen so%eone dares to introdce so%ething "resh that the
=oly $pirit is doing( strong opposition !ill present itsel"especially
"ro% those !ho eFperienced a %ove o" the =oly $pirit Gst be"ore this
;avidEs Tabernacle o" 'raise and 8orship 111
=o! do !e stay "leFible( in ter%s o" being !ineskinsC =o! can !e
re%ain "leFible and trn or old !ineskins into ne! !ineskinsC Bo
soak the old !ineskin in !ater and beat it !ith rocks. 5 !ant to stay
"leFible( 5 !ant to be ne!( bt it !ill cost %e to stay "leFible.
;avid introdced so%ething that !as born o" the $pirit and %oved
si%ltaneosly !ith another !ineskinA ;avidEs tabernacle !as patterned
a"ter the tabernacle o" 4oses and enriched !ith ;avidEs rich inti%ate
relationship !ith God( a relationship nrtred throgh decades o" praise
on the hillsides !ith the sheep and in the cave o" Adlla% in desperate
ti%es. ;avid "reely borro!ed "ro% 4oses and established so%ething
ne! that God is sing to enrich =is Chrch todayA And he did it !ithot
despising the tabernacle o" 4oses. 5n other !ords( 9Bo need to keep a
good attitde abot !here yo ca%e "ro%.9
<e%e%ber the conclding !ords o" Ja%es the apostle in Acts 11
!hen he &oted A%os the prophet?
()3!EE !,E-E !,I>G- I will return, )>4 I WILL
EE5KIL4 !,E !)5EE>)+LE D3 4)&I4 W,I+, ,)-
3)LLE>, )>4 I WILL EE5KIL4 I!- EKI>-, )>4 I WILL
(I> DE4EE !,)! !,E EE-! D3 B)>%I>4 B)= -EE%
!,E LDE4, )>4 )LL !,E GE>!ILE- W,D )EE +)LLE4
5= B= >)BE,(
-)=- !,E LDE4, W,D B)%E- !,E-E !,I>G- %>DW>
3EDB D3 DL4 ()cts "$#"89"/'.
God !ants s to nderstand that Gst becase so%ething is ne! to
s does not %ean it is ne! to =i%. =e gives s things in relationship to
=is ti%e and season "or introdcing it back to the Chrch. =e is giving
s back so%ething that !e had lost. 8hen !e see so%ething in the
$criptres that !e never sa! be"ore( the trth is that it !as there all the
The >ld Testa%ent prophets( A%os and Joel( spoke o" GodEs
%ighty !orks 9in that day(9 bt it is abndantly clear that 9that day9 is
no!A 8e live in 9that day.9 $o%e o" the prophecies !ere "l"illed in the
thirtieth year o" JessE earthly %inistry !hen =e read "ro% 5saiahE scroll
the ancient prophecy that says( 9T=D $'5<5T >2 T=D L><; 5$
#'>) 4D( +DCA#$D =D A)>5)TD; 4D T> '<DAC= T=D
""8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
G>$'DL...9 and then declared( 9Today this $criptre has been "l"illed
in yor hearing9 HLk. 6?10( .1I.
$o%e o" the ancient prophecies ca%e to pass on the cross !hen
Jess declared( 95t is "inished9 HJn. 19?/-I( and others ca%e to pass on
the day o" 'entecost !hen the =oly $pirit descended like "ire on the
1.- in the pper roo% Hsee Acts .?1:6I. Jess told the disciples( 95 have
%any %ore things to say to yo( bt yo cannot bear the% no!9 HJn.
+t Jess kno!s or "ra%e and or li%itations. There is a !hole lot
o" trth that the Chrch !asnEt able to e%brace historically. +t no! =e
is restoring %any things to s becase %ore and %ore believers are
praying( 9God( 5E% hngry "or so%ething %ore than !hat 5Eve hadA 5
!ant %ore o" BoA9 GodEs ans!er to or prayer is the restoration o"
;avidEs "allen tabernacle or tent o" praise and tre !orship.
>ne o" the things ndergirding the eFpansion o" the 3ingdo% o"
God is a ne! concept o" praise. $o%ething %ighty is taking place in the
earth. 'raise and !orship are at the center o" !hat is happening. 5 can
stand in or !orship "acility in 'ittsbrgh( 'ennsylvania( and Goin !ith
other believers !ith pli"ted hands and a""ect nationsA The shock !ave
o" or praise is na""ected by distance( di""erent ti%e 7ones( or di""erent
langages( cltres( and political syste%s. 5t is a spirital "orce to be
reckoned !ith( and the Chrch is Gst no! catching on to this trth.
;avidEs earthly kingdo% eFpanded pheno%enally( and it cannot be
attribted to anything other than his co%%it%ent to !orship and praise.
;avid !as a 9praise ani%al.9 =e kne! ho! to do it right. 8hat do yo
think Jess( the prophetic 9son o" ;avid9 !asC =e !as a !orshiperJ =e
nderstood the po!er and i%portance o" praise to =is 2ather. That is
!hy =e told the $a%aritan !o%an at the !ell( 94ay 5 tell yo that the
2ather is not looking "or apostlesC =e is not looking "or prophets and
evangelists either. God is a spirit( and =e is looking "or real !orshipers
!ho !ill !orship =i% in spirit and in trth9 H%y paraphrase o" John
The central "ocal point in >ld Testa%ent !orship !as the ark o" the
covenant( on !hich the cherbi% overshado!ed the %ercy seat. 5t !as
niversally considered to be the %ost signi"icant piece o" "rnitre in
the tabernacle becase it !as the ark o" the covenant o" the Lord. ;avid
not only erected a tent and recrited the Levites to transport the ark to
the tabernacle( bt he also prepared an at%osphere and o""ering o"
praise and !orship to !elco%e and bless the Lord o" the ark. 9Then
;avid spoke to the chie"s o" the Levites to appoint their relatives the
;avidEs Tabernacle o" 'raise and 8orship 117
singers( !ith instr%ents o" %sic( harps( lyres( lod:sonding cy%bals(
to raise sonds o" Goy9 H1 Chron. 11?1,I. The +ible record also tells s
;avid had high standards "or leadership in service to the Lord? 9And
Chenaniah( chie" o" the Levites( !as in charge o" the singingJ he gave
instrction in singing because he was s*illful( H1 Chron. 11?..I.
;avid organi7ed the Levites to %inister reglarly be"ore the ark o"
the covenant according to each dayEs re&ire%ents( bt things see%ed
odd abot the !hole arrange%entthis !as radically di""erent "ro% the
!orship o""ered at the tabernacle o" 4oses. 8here !as the ark o" the
covenant dring this ti%eC 5t rested in the place ;avid had prepared "or
it( on the little hill "or%erly called 4ont Kion( no! called 9the city o"
;avid.9 The holy ark o" the covenant !as si%ply covered !ith a tent
it !as not blocked ot or concealed "ro% vie!. The tent !as only
eFtensive enogh to protect the ark "ro% natral ele%ents like rain(
heavy de!( and the snEs rays. 5" yo re%e%ber( the tabernacle o"
4oses had three layers o" shielding separating the shekinah presence o"
God "ro% the co%%on people.
8hen the ark o" the covenant !as in 4osesE tabernacle( it !as
co%pletely concealed in the holy o" holies. >nly one person !as
per%itted to enter that roo% once a year. ;avidEs tabernacle also had an
area called the holy o" holies( and in every other respect( besides the
%ostly open tent design( the patterns established in the tabernacle o"
4oses !ere "ollo!ed Hsee 1 Chron. 1,?/9:6-I!ith one incredible
The +ook o" $econd $a%el also describes the retrn o" the ark to
Jersale%( !hile adding another bit o" in"or%ation that %arks the %ost
signi"icant change in !orship since the day God spoke to 4oses abot
the ark o" the covenant. ;avid told )athan abot his desire to bild
God 9a hose(9 and )athan at "irst told hi% to do it. 8hen God
repri%anded the prophet( he retrned to tell ;avid that God !old not
allo! hi% to bild a hose "or =i%( bt =e !old bild ;avidEs hose.
At that point( the $criptres say( 9Then ;avid the king went in and sat
be"ore the Lord( and he said( E8ho a% 5( > Lord God( and !hat is %y
hose( that Tho hast broght %e this "arCE 9 H. $a%. 7?10I.
)o! !hat did ;avid doC =e sat before the Lord. 8here did he do
thatC =e did it in front of the ar* of the co1enant, in the holy of holies.
;avid !as not a priest in the line o" Aaron( nor !as he a Levite.
Bet( here he !as sitting in the presence o" God. 3eep in %ind that
nder the la!( only the Levites !ere allo!ed to serve in the holy place.
>nly the high priest !as allo!ed to enter the %ost holy place !ith the
""/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
ark o" the covenant to o""er sacri"ice once a year. 8hat !e see here is
that ;avid represents a greater priesthood, a type and shado! o" the
co%ing 4essiah !hich is con"ir%ed in the +ook o" =ebre!s?
3or when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there ta*es
place a change of law also.
3or the one concerning whom these things are spo*en belongs
to another tribe, from which no one has officiated at the altar.
3or it is e1ident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a
tribe with reference to which Boses spo*e nothing concerning
)nd this is clearer still, if another priest arises according to
the li*eness of BelchiCede*,
Who has become such not on the basis of a law of physical
reHuirement, but according to the power of an indestructible
life (,ebrews A#"9"8'.
;avid !as nkno!ingly de%onstrating that a greater priesthood
!as co%ing( a priesthood rooted in relationship( not %ere rital or
ancestral lineage. 8e have beco%e a kingdo% o" priests and kings in
Christ be"ore God. ;avid !as a type and shado! o" the better
priesthood to co%e. God !as bilding a hosethe hose o" ;avid
!hose $eed( Jess Christ( !old tear do!n the dividing !alls so every
%an and !o%an cold sit and ga7e at the beaty o" the LordEs 'resence.
The psal%s o" ;avid reveal a totally ne! concept o" abiding in
GodEs 'resence( o" d!elling in =is tabernacle and te%ple in co%plete
peace and sa"ety. This %an *new and lo1ed God !ith all o" his heartJ he
didnEt si%ply "ear =i% "ro% a distance. God didnEt !ant to inslate
=i%sel" "ro% ;avid( becase =e had "ond a %an a"ter =is o!n heart.
La! isnEt needed !here there is love and devotion. 5n the .7th 'sal%(
;avid described so%e o" the ene%ies and dangers he "aced( !hen he
Dne thing ha1e I as*ed from the Lord, that I shall see*# that I
may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to
behold the beauty of the Lord, and to meditate in ,is temple.
3or in the day of trouble ,e will conceal me in ,is
tabernacle; in the secret place of ,is tent ,e will hide me; ,e
;avidEs Tabernacle o" 'raise and 8orship 119
will lift me up on a roc*.
)nd now my head will be lifted up abo1e my enemies around
me; and I will offer in ,is tent sacrifices with shouts of ?oy; I
will sing yes, I will sing praises unto the Lord (0salm A#698'.
=ave yo noticed that in this tabernacle( yo donEt need to bring a
brnt o""ering. Bo give the Lord shots o" Goy as a sacri"ice. Bo
sacri"ice shots o" Goy to =i%. ;avid is describing an inti%ate( loving(
and con"ident relationship !ith the living Goda relationship never
seen in the earth p to that point in h%an history. $o%e leaders !ere
allo!ed to co%%ne !ith God( bt never on sch an inti%ate and
loving level. ;avidEs precedent:setting relationship !ith God !old be
ne&aled and nparalleled ntil the arrival o" Jess Christ. The po!er
o" his praise and !orship is still being restored to the Chrch todayA
The circ%stances srronding ;avidEs li"e !hen he !rote this
psal% shold encorage anyone !ho "eels srronded and aloneA An
evil %an !as advancing to devor ;avidEs "leshJ ;avid !as "acing
antagonistic ar%ies !ith !ar breaking ot against hi%. 5n the %iddle o"
all this( ;avid said( 95E% looking in the tabernacle( 5E% in&iring in the
beaty o" the Lord( and 5E% saying( God( E5snEt this !onder"lCE 9 ;avid
is saying( 98hen the ene%y co%es to eat p %y "lesh( 5 go to the table
and look at God9 Hsee 'sal% ./I.
$o%ething is special abot the sanctary or d!elling place o" God.
According to 'sal% 7/( !hen the !riter got "ed p !ith evil people
prospering !hile holy people s""ered( he headed "or the sanctary o"
God. =e ad%its( 98hen 5 pondered to nderstand this( it !as
trobleso%e in %y sight ntil 5 ca%e into the sanctary o" God...9 H's.
8hy did ;avid go to the tabernacle( the sanctary o" God a"ter his
disappointing %eeting !ith )athanC =e did it to get GodEs perspective
on things. Worship helps you get your perspecti1e right. 5t is easy to get
do!n !hen yo look at drg pshers %aking "ortnes overnight by
selling %enEs sols and !hen yo look at all o" the corrption in
politics. Bo have a choice at that point? Bo can either get do!n( or
yo can get to the tabernacle and sanctary o" God. $o%ething happens
!hen yo behold GodEs shekinah glory and the beaty o" =is 'resence.
Like Asaph( the athor o" 'sal% 7/( !e can say( 9L8henM 5 ca%e into
the sanctary o" GodJ then 5 perceived their end9 H's. 7/?17I.
God is looking "or a resting place. =e !ill take pleasre in yor
hose i" =e "inds yo praising and !orshiping =i% in yor ho%e. 8hat
"2 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
do yo think =e does !hen =e hears yo !orshiping in the %orning? 95
love yo( Lord. 5 !orship and bless Bo. Lord( 5 love Bo and 5 !ant to
sit at Bor "eet and tell Bo ho! good Bo are and ho! %ch Bo
%ean to %e9C
5 can al%ost hear God say( 9Bo kno!( 5Ell Gst rest here "or
a!hile. 5Eve been looking "or a hose like this all %orningA9
8e need to do !hat ;avid did so !ell in 'sal% 1/.?0 !hen he
said( 9Arise( > Lord( to Thy resting placeJ Tho and the ark o" Thy
strength.9 Then he said( 9Let Thy priests be clothed !ith righteosnessJ
and let Thy godly ones sing "or Goy9 H's. 1/.?9I. )o! look closely at
so%e o" the verses that "ollo! this in 'sal% 1/.?
3or the Lord has chosen Jion; ,e has desired it for ,is
(!his is By resting place fore1er; here I will dwell, for I ha1e
desired it.
(I will abundantly bless her pro1ision; I will satisfy her needy
with bread.
(,er priests also I will clothe with sal1ation; and her godly
ones will sing aloud for ?oy.
(!here I will cause the horn of 4a1id to spring forth; I ha1e
prepared a lamp for Bine anointed( (0salm "7#"79"A'.
;onEt %iss ot on !hat 5E% going to say to yo? 4any o" s begin
to panic !hen !e start to rn ot o" the necessities o" li"e or the things
!e need to %inister or reach ot to others. +t( i" !e ever get or act
together and prepare a place for God:s presence in Kion( then God !ill
provide all o" or needsA Jess echoed this even %ore po!er"lly in
4atthe! ,?// !hen =e said( 9+t seek "irst =is kingdo% and =is
righteosnessJ and all these things shall be added to yo.9 Get to Kion.
Get to the tabernacle and sit in the place !here God "inds rest.
5 believe this $criptre is saying( 98orship and prosperity are not
divorced "ro% one another.9 God has pro%ised that =e !ill abndantly
bless yor provisionA 5" yoEve been co%plaining( try praise. 5" yoEve
been %r%ring( try !orship. 5" God hasnEt sho!n p becase yoEve
been bellyaching( then see i" =eEll sho! p !hen yo get to the
tabernacle o" ;avid and begin to o""er sacri"ices o" Goy. >nce yoEve
learned to sit in the tabernacle o" God and create an at%osphere o"
;avidEs Tabernacle o" 'raise and 8orship 1.1
praise( it is ti%e to %ove on( %ove p to ne! levels o" divinely creative
praise and !orship.
Chapter 11
## & @e5 %ong
We ha1e an altar, from which those who ser1e the tabernacle
ha1e no right to eat.. .3or here we do not ha1e a lasting city,
but we are see*ing the city which is to come. !hrough FJesusG
then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God...
(,ebrews "7#"2,"6,"$a'.
8hile or $avior is the sa%e yesterday( today( and "orever
Haccording to =ebre!s 1/?0I( or nderstanding o" God and the
!orship !e o""er to =i% is changing. 8e still are learning abot
!orship. Thogh it !onEt be per"ected in or ti%e Has !e discssed
brie"ly in an earlier chapterI( !e are sre to eFpress it !ith greater depth
and %atrity the %ore !e !alk in obedience to the =oly $pirit.
'er"ect !orship !ill only take place !hen !e are in a per"ect
at%osphere and environ%ent( !orshiping !ith per"ect bodies and
sensibilities. <ight no!( in or day( God is e&ipping and preparing s
"or all that =e !ill do in the ages to co%e. That is !hy =e is rebilding
the "allen tabernacle o" ;avid. 3ing ;avid possessed something in his
praise and !orship li"e that God is deter%ined to see restored to =is
Chrch Hbecase =e likes itI.
Bo canEt talk abot ;avidEs tabernacle !ithot talking abot a ne!
sond( a ne! sacri"ice( and a ne! song. These things are like the
precios treasres Jess described to the disciples in the Gospel o"
4atthe! a"ter sharing several parables on the 3ingdo% o" =eaven?
(,a1e you understood all these things;( !hey said to ,im,
"6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
)nd ,e said to them, (!herefore e1ery scribe who has become
a disciple of the *ingdom of hea1en is li*e a head of a
household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new
and old( (Batthew "7#$"9$'.
5s the old al!ays bad becase itEs oldC Absoltely notA 5 can
re%e%ber singing( 9>h %agni"y the Lord !ith %e( ye people o" =is
choiceJ let all to !ho% =e lendeth breath no! in =is )a%e reGoice. 2or
loveEs blessed revelation( "or rest "ro% conde%nation( "or tter%ost
salvation to =i% give thanks. Let all the people praise Thee( let all the
people praise Thee( let all the people praise Thy )a%e "orever and
"orever %ore( "orever %ore dear Lord.9 That is a !onder"l song. 5 can
re%e%ber singing that song at or "or%er pastorate( <ehobeth Chrch
in 8ashington( ;.C.( at 0th and L streetssinging ntil there !as no
%ore Gice in itA
8hen 5 "irst ca%e into the Charis%atic <ene!al in the early 197-s(
no good songs !ere ot there by todayEs standards. A lot o" the early
Charis%atic praise songs !ere little %ore than rhy%ed "or%la tnes?
9=e died "or %e( pon the tree( and by =is grace =e set %e "ree.9 They
!erenEt %sicalat least to %e. They Gst !erenEt %y 9genre(9 i" yo
kno! !hat 5 %ean. =o!ever( !e !ere trying to do a ne! thing and
enter ne! levels in or spirital !alk !ith God. 5t takes ti%e( e""ort( and
eFperience to develop ne! %sic to eFpress or ne! eFperiences in
8hen things are evolving or changing( !e are o"ten te%pted to
look back on or beginnings and despise the days o" or changing
process. 9>h %an( 5 canEt believe !e sed to sing that song.9 5 can
honestly tell yo that in the early days o" the <ene!al( !e took great
delight in singing songs !ith lyrics like( 9'eter !alked on the !aterJ
4oses !alked on dry landJ Jonah sank to the botto%( and landed on the
sand. 5E% !alking on the !ater( holding JessE hand( and 5 kno! that
so%eday =eEs going to !alk %e to the pro%ised( !alk %e to the
pro%ised( !alk %e to the pro%ised land.9 5t doesnEt do anything "or %e
no!( bt it %eant a lot back then.
Jess said that any +ible stdent !ho stdied the 3ingdo% o"
=eaven !old be like a hoseholder !ho 9brings "orth ot o" his
treasre things ne! and old9 H4t. 1/?1.I. )o!( !hy do !e co%bine old
things !ith ne! thingsC +ecase people are also nco%"ortable !ith
ne! things. Jess said?
A )e! $ong 1.1
5ut new wine must be put into fresh wines*ins. )nd no one,
after drin*ing old wine wishes for new; for he says, (!he old
is good enough( (Lu*e $#7/97@'.
4ost o" s donEt say( 9This is greatA9 !hen so%ething ne! is
introdced. 8e sally sit there in disapproving shock. 5 heard a
Christian leader na%ed John 'ool &ote a passage "ro% LkeEs Gospel
and say( 9The children o" this !orld are in their generation !iser than
the children o" light9 Hsee Lk. 1,?0I to illstrate or blindness to the
need "or adaptation( change( and creativity.
4artin Lther said o" his generation( 95 need a !ay to captre the
%inds o" people.9 That deter%ination( %iFed !ith prayer( led Lther
!ho had not al!ays been a saved( sancti"ied( "illed:!ith:the:=oly Ghost
%onkto 9borro!9 a poplar bar song o" the day and "it it !ith a ne!
set o" lyrics based on so%e po!er"l passages o" $criptre. Today !e
recogni7e this 9revered classic o" the Chrch(9 sng to the tne o" a
9Top:6-9 beer:g77ling song( as 9A 4ighty 2ortress is >r God9A
)o! that is a great song( bt %any people donEt kno! that this song
niversally reverenced as a bastion o" conservative sacred
%sicologyis a re!orked co%%on tavern song. 4artin Lther dared
to %ake the leap "ro% the Gregorian chants that had do%inated Chrch
%sic "or centries. 4artin Lther piggybacked sbstantive(
theologically sond !ords !ith the poplar %sical %elodies o" the
co%%on %an in his generation. 5t !orked. 'eople arond the !orld
began to sing the 8ord o" God( and 4artin Lther !as able to grab the
hearts and %inds o" his generation !ith a revoltionary prodct o" the
age. The sa%e thing happened in the %inistry o" the 8esley brothers
dring the Great A!akening( !hen %any o" or poplar hy%ns o" the
chrch !ere created by sing poplar %elodies co%%on in pbs and
taverns across Dngland and the #nited $tates.
5n or day( st""y "olks in chrches "ro% coast to coast are saying(
98ell( they need to keep that rap and hip:hop %sic ot o" here. And(
the alternative st"" is too alternative "or %e. 8eEll do Gst "ine !ith the
sacred classics %y grand"ather loved to sing( like EA 4ighty 2ortress 5s
>r God.E 9
)o!( rap %sic and hip:hop isnEt %y thing( bt it is Hor !asI the
%sic o" this generation. This %sic %oves so "ast that itEs hard to keep
track o" trends these days. This "act is absoltely tre? If the +hurch
doesn:t learn how to be wise in its generation, it will lose its
"8 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
5" it !as possible "or a ne! sond to e%erge in GodEs 3ingdo% in
;avidEs day( in the days o" 4artin Lther( and the 8esleyEs day( is God
doing so%ething ne! no!C As al!ays( 5 can garantee yo there are
people !ho !old shake their heads 9no9 be"ore 5 even "inish this
sentence. 5n the 10--s( a pro%inent chrch leader pblicly eFpressed
the "ear that all o" the %sic 9!old be sed p9 becase there !ere
only a 9"inite n%ber o" notes.9 This leader con"idently !arned his
listeners that i" they !erenEt care"l( all o" the %sic !old be goneA >"
corse( that !as be"ore the arrival o" <alph Car%ichael( Andrea
Croch( $andi 'atty( Gene Ghets( $tan 3enton( Cont +asie( and ;ke
Dllington. The !orst thing !e can do is to sit back in or isolated
perspective and say( 9This is it. 8eEve arrived.9 8eEve barely startedA
94ean!hile( ;avid and all the hose o" 5srael !ere celebrating
be"ore the Lord !ith all kinds o" instr%ents %ade o" "ir !ood( and
!ith lyres( harps( ta%borines( castanets and cy%bals9 H. $a%. ,?1I.
=o! !ere they celebratingC 98ith all their %ight.9 8hereC 9+e"ore the
Lord.9 8ith !hatC 98ith songs( !ith harps( !ith lyres( ta%borines(
!ith castanets and cy%bals.9 =o! %anyC 9;avid and all the hose o"
5srael.9 ThatEs a lot o" people( isnEt itC
8hat do yo do 9be"ore the Lord9 !ith yor "a%ily and local
chrch bodyC ;o yo sit and endre !ith a %ini%% invest%ent o"
energy and a lo! tolerance "or anything di""erent that involves changeC
>r( !old 5 see yo !orship God !ith all yor %ight !ith a bead o"
s!eat rising across yor "oreheadC 5 have to !arn yo that yor ans!er
%ay be sel":incri%inating....
GodEs 8ord declares in both the )e! and >ld Testa%ents( 9And
yo shall love the Lord yor God !ith all yor heart( and !ith all yor
sol( and !ith all yor %ind( and !ith all yor strength9 H4k. 1.?/-J
4t. ..?/7J Lk. 1-?.7J ;et. ,?1I. This verse de"ines beyond any
arg%ent the intensity le1els o" tre( biblical !orship and devotion to
The +ook o" 2irst Chronicles says so%ething nsal abot the
content, scale, and format o" !orship in ;avidEs day. 5s God abot to
restore these to the Chrch in or dayC
>ow when 4a1id reached old age, he made his son -olomon
*ing o1er Israel.
)nd he gathered together all the leaders of Israel with the
priests and the Le1ites.
A )e! $ong 1.7
)nd the Le1ites were numbered from thirty years old and
upward, and their number by census of men was 7/,222.
Df these, 6,222 were to o1ersee the wor* of the house of the
Lord; and 8,222 were officers and ?udges,
)nd 6,222 were gate*eepers, and 6,222 were praising the
Lord with the instruments which 4a1id made for gi1ing
praise (" +hronicles 7#"9$'.
Look again at the last "e! !ords in this passage? 9praising the Lord
!ith the instr%ents !hich ;avid made "or giving praise9 H1 Chron.
./?1bI. The =ebre! !ord translated as 9%ade9 in this passage %akes
its "irst appearance in the +ible in the verse that says( 9And God made
FasahG the "ir%a%ent...9 in Genesis 1?7. ;avid personally %ade or
cra"ted instr%ents "or this te%ple band. This !ord is o"ten translated(
9to create( to %ake( to do( to "ashion.9
8hy a% 5 %aking sch a big deal over sch a little !ordC ;oes it
really %atterC Ask yorsel" ho! o"ten yoEve heard o" people creating
ne! %sical instr%ents&ite a "e! have appeared in the last "e!
decades( and %ost o" the% !ere linked to %odern technologies in
electronics or non:%etal co%ponents. God !as giving ;avid ne! %sic
that coldnEt be prodced by eFisting %sical instr%ents and %ethods.
The only soltion "or this psal%ist !as to create ne! instr%ents and
%ethods to %atch the ne! %sic in his solA 5s God trying to give yo
ne! %sicC Are yo ready "or a ne! song and a ne! sond to create itC
5" yo are a %sician( then yo kno! eFactly !hat 5E% talking
abot. The scene is hantingly "a%iliar? $o%e!here( so%ebody begins
to say( 9>h %an( i" 5 cold Gst get this %ch %ore ot o" %y
saFophone...%y gitar...%y violin... %y dr%s...%y clarinet.9 $ddenly
!e have ne! or %odi"ied instr%ents created becase o" a %ysterios
drive to eFpress !hat !e "eel !ithin. Today( !e are blending the
incredible po!er o" technology !ith %sical creativity to prodce
sonds that !e thoght only !old be heard in or drea%s or in =eaven
one day.
8hen the =a%%ond organ !as "irst introdced( it had the %ost
pro"ond in"lence on Ga77 and gospel %sic "or%s at the ti%e. 5E% not
sre !hether it e%erged in both Ga77 and gospel si%ltaneosly(
becase both o" the% are interlinked in certain places. 8hen technology
or h%an ingenity sddenly kicks in and says( 9=ey( 5 can give yo a
ne! sond.. .!eEll 45;5 yor keyboard to this nit...(9 !hat is the
"/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
typical reaction a%ong "olks in the ChrchC
They %ay say( 98ell( thatEs certainly not o" God. ThatEs not the
!ay %y grand"ather did it( and that is certainly not the !ay ;avid did
it.9 5 think !e %ight be srprised at ;avidEs reaction i" he !ere !ith s
$tep back to the ti%e abot 1(--- years !hen %sic and %sical
instr%ents !ere "airly pri%itive. 3ing ;avid began to hear ne! sonds
dring his ti%e o" praise and !orship be"ore the ark o" the covenant.
This cons%%ate !orshiper( %sician( praiser( and psal%ist also !rote(
prophesied( preached( and pblicly declared things to the congregation
o" the Lord. =e did all o" it ot o" the psal%ic %ode. This %an o" the
"tre !as hearing and seeing things in the heavenlies "or !hich there
!ere no earthly conterparts dring his li"eti%e. 5t !as p to hi% to
bring !hat he sa! in the heavenlies in vision and revelation back do!n
to the earthly plane.
=e %st have asked hi%sel"( 9=o! do 5 reprodce the sond that 5
heard in the heavensC9 >nce he had the ans!er( he told his son( 95 !ant
yo to bild this te%ple eFactly according to the pattern God pt in %y
%ind. )o! the sond 5 heard canEt be prodced the old !ay"orget the
t!o:%an dets "or this te%ple. Bo !ill need to think a little bigger this
ti%e. 5tEll take( letEs see( %ltiply the "or( carry the 7ero!eEll need
"or thosand singers( $ol. And the old instr%ents canEt carry this thing
by the%selves( bt donEt !orry abot it. God gave %e so%e ideas and 5
Gst %ade p so%e ne! instr%ents %ysel"A Give these instr%ents 5
%ade to yor ne! holy Ga77 band and trn the% loose to do so%ething
co%pletely di""erent.9
8hat happened at ;avidEs tabernacle in the years be"ore $olo%on
bilt the te%ple !asnEt Gst a ne! sacri"ice. God !as birthing a ne!
sond and a ne! song in =is psal%ist. <ead throgh the 'sal%s and ask
yorsel" ho! %any o" those psal%s !ere born in the presence o" God
!hen ;avid !as seated right there neFt to the ark( ga7ing into the "ace
o" God at the tabernacle. ;avid entered the glory o" God and e%erged
!ith so%ething ne! that yo and 5 still need to receive and %ani"est in
or dayA
;avid prayed an astonding prayer !hile he !as sitting be"ore the
presence o" God that is preserved "or s in one o" his %ost "a%os
psal%s? 9>ne thing 5 have asked "ro% the Lord( that 5 shall seek? That 5
%ay d!ell in the hose o" the Lord all the days o" %y li"e( to behold the
beaty o" the Lord( and to %editate in =is te%ple9 H's. .7?6I.
A )e! $ong 1.9
This is a song that !as born ot o" ;avidEs revelation and openness
to the =oly $piritEs in!ard !ork. =e !as sitting in the presence o" God(
Gst listening and soaking in =is glory. 5t !as only natral that ;avid
!as inspired and his heart !as opened to ne! eFperiences(
nderstanding( and creativity. ;oesnEt the apostle 'al tell s in the
)e! Testa%ent? 9+t !e all( !ith nveiled "ace beholding as in a
%irror the glory o" the Lord( are being trans"or%ed into the sa%e i%age
"ro% glory to glory( Gst as "ro% the Lord( the $pirit9 H. Cor. /?10IC
8hen God is giving birth to so%ething ne! !ithin yo( !hen =e is
cra"ting so%ething divinely creative in yor heart( yo donEt say( 95
donEt !ant this creative st"" no!. 5tEs inconvenient( and 5E% not sre 5
even believe in it.9 Jst like natral babies o"ten co%e in the %iddle o"
the night( spirital babies %ay co%e at 9inconvenient ti%es9 too( bt i"
yo are !ise( yo si%ply do !hat %st be done to acco%%odate GodEs
'resence. 8e have been !arned by the prophet in 5saiah !ho said(
9Bo !ill have songs as in the night...9 H5s. /-?.9I.
<eligios people need to Gst give p being 9religios9 and si%ply
nderstand that !hen God said in 5saiah 6/?19a( 9+ehold( 5 !ill do
so%ething ne!( no! it !ill spring "orthJ !ill yo not be a!are o" itC9
=e !asnEt talking abot a oneti%e eventJ =e !as describing =is eternal
%ode o" continally doing ne! things in the earth "or =is o!n glory.
)o!( 5 !ant to say so%ething thatEs going to shock yo? 5 don:t
belie1e all the new stuff goes to the world first. 5 believe it goes to
GodEs people first, bt too o"ten !e say( 9That isnEt God(9 and reGect it
becase it is ne! or di""erent. +t God !ants to get it into the earth( and
=e !ill se !hatever channel is open to =i%. 4y +ible says( 9Dvery
good thing besto!ed and every per"ect gi"t is "ro% above( co%ing do!n
"ro% the 2ather o" lights( !ith !ho% there is no variation( or shi"ting
shado!9 HJas. 1?17I.
8hen God gives s spernatral assign%ents like( 9<each yor
generation !ith the gospel o" Jess Christ(9 then 5 believe =e also
spplies s !ith everything !e need to acco%plish or task. $o !e
%arch ot and try to reach or generation !ith the sa%e %sic and
langage the previos generation sed to reach s. The reslts are
predictable? 8e sing to the%( 9>h "or a thosand tonges to sing...9 and
they s%irk back at s and say( 92orget it %an. 8hereEs the beatC9 8e
have no bsiness trying to "orce:"eed todayEs children !ith yesterdayEs
%eal plan. And there is no needA God gives each generation a ne! song
and a ne! sond to !in the !orldi" they only !ill listen and receive
"72 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
=o! %any ti%es have yo heard so%ebody say( 9<ock and rollC
!hat:s the de1il:s music(; The devil doesnEt have any %sic( becase he
is incapable o" 9creating9 anything. =e is a pree%ptor by natre and by
necessity. =e didnEt kno! anything abot seF( bt he !as able to t!ist
seF so he cold se it to "l"ill his o!n crooked designs. God created
seF and gave it to s( and the devil deviated seF and t!isted it a%ong
s. God created %sic( and the devil distorted and %isappropriated
%sicEs innate po!er o" sggestion( rein"orce%ent( and in"lence. God
created art and gave it to %anJ the devil distorted art and ses it to %ock
its Creator. God created sclptre and gave it to %an( and the devil
distorted sclptre and sed it to %ake idols to de%ons. $atan is not a
creatorJ he is only a distorter and pree%ptor.
8e need to pray? 9> God( sho! s ho! to recover that !hich has
been distorted. Then sho! s ho! to advance abot nine steps ahead o"
the distorter so !e can Epied piperE a brand ne! sond to lead a brand:
ne! generation to the $aviorA9
;avid a!akened his !orld !ith sch a pheno%enal depth and
scope o" praise and !orship that it literally( physically eFtended the
borders o" the 3ingdo% o" GodA =osea the prophet !rote( 9Take !ords
!ith yo and retrn to the Lord. $ay to =i%( ETake a!ay all ini&ity(
and receive s graciosly( that !e %ay present the "rit Lcalves3J*M
o" or lipsE9 H=osea 16?.I.
5" !e "ocs on the Lord and the things =e has given s( and stop
thinking abot the things that are going on arond sJ i" !e begin to
o""er =i% the "rit o" or lips( notice !hat happens?
1. 2><G5*D)D$$( =DAL5)G( L>*D? 95 !ill heal their
apostasy( 5 !ill love the% "reely( "or 4y anger has trned a!ay
"ro% the%9 H=osea 16?6I. God says =e !ill heal and love
.. D$TA+L5$=4D)T( 2<#5T2#L)D$$? 95 !ill be like the de!
to 5sraelJ he !ill blosso% like the lily( and he !ill take root like
the cedars o" Lebanon9 H=osea 16?1I.
/. $D)T >#T $=>>T$ HD*A)GDL5$4I? 9=is shoots !ill
sprot( and his beaty !ill be like the olive tree( and his
"ragrance like the cedars o" Lebanon. Those !ho live in his
shado! !ill again raise grain( and they !ill blosso% like the
vine. =is reno!n !ill be like the !ine o" Lebanon9 H=osea
'eople are hngry "or God( and God is !aiting "or s to begin
A )e! $ong 1/1
singing a ne! song tailor:%ade "or or generation( co%plete !ith a ne!
sondA Dven !hile !e are begging =i%( 9> God( 5 !ant to !orship
Bo(9 =is $pirit is pleading !ith s? 9Try so%ething new. Jst try. Try
singing a ne! song to 4e( a song that 5 !ill se to dra! the nations.9
8e need to h%ble orselves be"ore =is tabernacle( a tabernacle not
%ade !ith hands( and begin to pray together in nity?
Lord( !e bring the sacri"ice o" praise into Bor hose( > God.
Lord Jess( !e declare that Bo are the 3ing o" 3ings and
Lord o" Lords( the $avior !ho is the sa%e yesterday( today(
and "orever. 8e %agni"y Bo. 8e eFalt Bo and li"t p Bor
holy na%e. 4ake yor praise glorios in this place.
Lord( take the ne! sond( the ne! song( and the ne! sacri"ice
and %ove the% together. +lend together that !hich is old and
that !hich is ne!( Goin that !hich is "resh !ith that !hich is
!orn and "a%iliar to s. +ring the% all together in a %arvelos
and %agni"icent %osaic o" !orship( adoration( praise( and
thanksgiving nto Bor glory.
8e ask that there !old be ti%es o" shoting( o" o""ering pre
sacri"ices o" Goy( and ti%es o" prostration !hen !e bo! be"ore
Bo and open or hearts to Bo.
And !e ask Bo to speak to s. 8e !ill declare Bor %aGesty
and a""ir% Bor right to rle the niverse and or individal
4ost people read books in private settings !here they arenEt
bothered by otside distractions or voices. 5" yo are alone right no!(
yo can still begin by praying this prayer right no! in the privacy o"
yor o!n prayer ti%e?
2ather God( 4aster and <ler o" the niverse( 5 bo! be"ore
Bo in this sacred %o%ent( ackno!ledging Bor right to
receive %y !orship( %y love( and %y devotion. Bo paid the
price? Bo gave Bor $on. =e gave =is li"e( and today 5E%
here in this place becase o" Bor grace and %ercy. >pen %y
heart to BoJ %ake %e a !orshiper( a lover o" things "resh and
ne!( a lover o" things historic and old( to see yor treasres in
all o" these. 5 con"ess that Jess Christ is Lord o" Lords( 3ing
o" 3ings( to the glory o" God the 2ather.
"7 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
Allo! the =oly $pirit to !alk into yor li"e( into every hidden
closet and locked roo%. 5nvite =i% into the hose( and give =i% "ree
rein to rearrange "rnitre and priorities( adGst schedles( %ove ot
nneeded clocks( sht o"" the appliances( and take co%plete control.
Lord( %ake s living instr%ents o" !orship and praise(
created to sing ne! songs and creative ever:changing %elodies
at Bor slightest ce( and to sing %aGestic hy%ns to Bor glory
!ith a!eso%e ni&e sonds e%anating "ro% redee%ed
vessels o" praiseA
Chapter 1.
#( & @e5 %acrifice
!a*e words with you and return to the Lord
(,osea "6#'.
A hobo !alked p to a ladyEs hose( knocked on the door and said(
9;o yo have a bo!l o" sop and a sand!ich "or a hngry %anC9
$he said( 9Bes.9
And he said( 9Thank yo.9
Then the !o%an added( 9Bo donEt have to thank %e. ;o yo see
that pile o" !ood over thereC9
The hobo said( 9)o( 5 donEt see it.9
DFasperated( the !o%an said to hi%( 95 Gst sa! yo see itA9
The hobo shook his head and said( 94aEa%( yo %ight have sa!
%e see it( bt yo ainEt going to see %e sa! it.9
This is or sitation( too. 5" yo are honest Hand 5E% sre yo areI(
then yo have to ad%it that there are things yo are n!illing to 9see9
abot yorsel"( yor sitation( yor "a%ily( and yor prayer and !orship
li"e. 4ost o" s think that i" !e say that !e see it( then like the old
hobo( !eEll have to go 9sa! it.9 5" !e say( 9Bes( Lord( 5E% holding back
in %y !orship becase 5E% a"raid o" !hat the people arond %e !ill
think(9 then !e are sre that God is going to %ake s do so%ething
abot it. =e probably !ill( bt pretending the proble% doesnEt eFist
doo%s s to contine living in the delsion o" a charade and the grip o"
a lie.
"76 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
#ntil ;avidEs day( the only !ay to co%%nicate to God !as
throgh the sacri"ice o" ani%als and the o""ering o" grain o""erings.
;avid broke throgh the barrier on the strength o" the inti%ate
relationship he "orged !ith God dring his years alone in the "ields and
the dark years in the cave o" Adlla%. The day 3ing ;avid sat do!n in
"ront o" the ark o" the covenant to co%%ne !ith God( a !indo!
opened in ti%e. That !indo! into the )e! Covenant revealed a
gli%pse o" GodEs eternal plan to restore =is inti%ate "ello!ship !ith
%an throgh the blood o" =is o!n $on and its natral by:prodct?
inti%acy bet!een God and %an( !hen 9God and %an at table are sat
;avid perceived there !as another sacri"ice that God loved %ore
than the sacri"ice o" blls( goats( and sheep. +t it re&ired a 9heart
a"ter God.9 The lti%ate blood sacri"ice still !old be re&ired %any
generations later on the hill called Golgotha !hen Jess Christ( the 9son
o" ;avid9 and $on o" God o""ered p =is li"e as a ranso% "or %ankind.
)evertheless( ;avid established so%e eternal patterns o" God:
pleasing !orship that %st be restored to the blood:!ashed Chrch in
or dayA The "irst pattern or principle has to do !ith the !ord la1ish.
(Let your heart therefore be wholly de1oted to the Lord our
God, to wal* in ,is statutes and to *eep ,is commandments,
as at this day.(
>ow the *ing and all Israel with him offered sacrifice before
the Lord.
)nd -olomon offered for the sacrifice of peace offerings,
which he offered to the Lord, ,222 o<en and "2,222 sheep.
-o the *ing and all the sons of Israel dedicated the house of
the Lord.
Dn the same day the *ing consecrated the middle of the court
that was before the house of the Lord, because there he
offered the burnt offering and the grain offering and the fat of
the peace offerings; for the bronCe altar that was before the
Lord was too small to hold the burnt offering and the grain
offering and the fat of the peace offerings.
-o -olomon obser1ed the feast at that time, and all Israel with
him, a great assembly from the entrance of ,amath to the
broo* of Egypt, before the Lord our God, for se1en days and
A )e! $acri"ice 1/1
se1en more days, e1en fourteen days.
Dn the eighth day he sent the people away and they blessed
the *ing. !hen they went to their tents ?oyful and glad of heart
for all the goodness that the Lord had shown to 4a1id ,is
ser1ant and to Israel ,is people (" %ings /#8"988'.
The sacri"ices that !ere celebrated arond the tabernacle o" ;avid(
and the te%ple that $olo%on bilt to ;avidEs speci"ications Herroneosly
called $olo%onEs te%pleI represented a ne! %ode( a ne! !ay o"
!orship. This is a ne! kind o" sacri"icea la1ish sacrifice. $olo%on
o""ered ..(--- cattle and 1.-(--- sheep and goats. 8old yo say that
!as 9lavish9C 5t !as also lengthy. These people held continos chrch
services "or 16 daysA )o! this !as a la1ish ti%e o" !orship.
8e sholdnEt hold back anything "ro% God either. 8e need to
ackno!ledge the "act that it ta*es time to worship God the !ay !e
shold. 8e need to set aside seasons individally and corporately Gst
"or the eFclsive !orship o" God. 5" !e have to take so%e vacation ti%e
to do it( then !e need to take the ti%e to say( 9God( 5E% going to give
Bo this day. All day long 5 a% going to !orship Bo and "ocs on
Bo alone above all things.9
5" yo dare to set this kind o" priority and %ake this kind o"
sacri"ice to God( then "asten yor seatbelts. )o %atter ho! hard yo try(
you can:t out9gi1e God. ;avid tried and 9"ailed %iserably9 i" these
verses in the +ook o" 2irst 3ings are a tre record o" $olo%onEs li"e
a"ter the dedication o" the te%ple?
>ow the weight of gold which came in to -olomon in one year
was %%% talents of gold,
5esides that from the traders and the wares of the merchants
and all the *ings of the )rabs and the go1ernors of the
)nd %ing -olomon made &'' large shields of beaten gold,
using %'' shekels of gold on each large shield
)nd he made ('' shields of beaten gold, using three minas of
gold on each shield, and the *ing put them in the house of the
forest of Lebanon.
Boreo1er, the *ing made a great throne of i1ory and overlaid
"78 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
it with refined gold
!here were si< steps to the throne and a round top to the
throne at its rear, and arms on each side of the seat, and two
lions standing beside the arms.
)nd twel1e lions were standing there on the si< steps on the
one side and on the other; nothing li*e it was made for any
other *ingdom.
)nd all %ing -olomon:s drinking vessels were of gold, and all
the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure
gold. >one was of sil1er; it was not considered 1aluable in the
days of -olomon (" %ings "2#"69"'.
*erse .7 adds a ni&e perspective to this pictre o" bonty? 9And
the king %ade silver as co%%on as stones in Jersale%9 H1 3ings
1-?.7aI. =o! do yo get to that placeC >""er lavish sacri"ices to the
4ost =igh.
Let %e ask yo a si%ple &estion? 92ro% !here did $olo%on reap
all o" this !ealthC9 Bes( God %ade $olo%on !iser than any other %an
on earth( bt according to 2irst Chronicles .9( $olo%on !as really
reaping "ro% the lavish sacri"ices and gi"ts o" his "ather( 3ing ;avid(
!ho said( 9)o! 5 have prepared with all my might "or the hose o" %y
God the gold "or things to be %ade o" gold( and the silver "or things o"
silver...9 Hsee 1 Chron. .9?.I.
)o! !hen the +ible says ;avid did so%ething 9!ith all o" his
%ight(9 then that %eans this %an !as eFpending ;avidic:type energyA
That %eans ;avid !as once again eFpending 9lion:killing9 energy(
9bear:killing9 energy( and 9Goliath:killing9 energy. That sonds like a
gy yo !old !ant on your side, doesnEt itC
3ing ;avid didnEt stop a"ter he gathered gold and silver and other
%etals "or the constrction and decoration o" the te%ple. =e !anted to
o""er so%ething really special to God( so%ething that 9hrt9 becase o"
its vale to hi% personally?
()nd moreo1er, in my delight in the house of my God, the
treasure I have of gold and sil1er, I gi1e to the house of my
God, o1er and abo1e all that I ha1e already pro1ided for the
holy temple,
A )e! $acri"ice 1/7
(>amely, 7,222 talents of gold, of the gold of Dphir, and
A,222 talents of refined sil1er, to o1erlay the walls of the
(Df gold for the things of gold, and of sil1er for the things of
sil1er, that is, for all the wor* done by the craftsmen. Who
then is willing to consecrate himself this day to the Lord;( ("
+hronicles @#79$'.
3ing ;avid so!ed sch a lavish sacri"ice to God in his li"e that his
son( 3ing $olo%on( !as able to reap "ro% the bonty o" GodEs retrn on
a scale that is al%ost ni%aginable todayA +y %y reckoning( i" yo add
p all o" the things $olo%on gave a!ay dring his reign( yo have to
co%e to the conclsion that $olo%on ga1e away nearly two billion
dollars !orth o" gold and gi"ts "or the LordEs serviceA )o! thatEs !hat
;avid( his "ather( so!ed into the prpose o" God. 8ho reaped a harvest
"ro% itC $olo%on did.
8e all need to nderstand so%ething abot the !hole bsiness o"
giving so%ething to God? When you gi1e something to God, ,e isn:t
?ust loo*ing at youI,e is loo*ing at your seed. =eEs looking at the
generation that is going to "ollo! yoA
8hen yo bless yor heavenly 2ather( the God "ro% !ho% all
blessings "lo!( =e !ill not only set ot to bless yo( bt also =e !ill
%ake sre =e blesses yor children( and yor childrenEs children a"ter
the%A ;onEt believe the devilEs lie that this kind o" 9generational
blessing9 so%eho! died ot a"ter the +ook o" 4alachi( that it is strictly
so%e kind o" 9>ld Testa%ent "airy tale.9 God isnEt like %ankind=e
doesnEt change. =eEs going to bless yor childrenEs children( and it !ill
be =is delight and good pleasre to do soA This point is beyond
arg%ent? God blesses those !ho bless =i%A
)o!( there is so%ething else that !e shold notice abot this
sacri"ice $olo%on o""ered to God at ;avidEs co%%and. Dven thogh
$olo%on and the priests o""ered the lavish sacri"ice o" ..(--- cattle and
1.-(--- sheep and goats over an nbroken period o" 16 days !hile the
people o" 5srael !atched and reGoiced( no one !as pset over brned
roast( a %issed "ootball ga%e( or lack o" sleep. They !ere happy and
"illed !ith Goy. H8oldnEt yo like to "eel that !ay every ti%e yo leave
a chrch serviceCI
=ere is another i%portant point? The new sacrifice ;avid
pioneered in the "ields( the cave( and the 9tabernacle o" ;avid9 on Kion
!as carried over into the !orship o""ered in the ne! te%ple $olo%on
"7/ Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
had bilt. 4any generations later( !hen 3ing =e7ekiah ordered that the
abandoned te%ple be repaired and !orship res%ed( !e still "ind
;avidEs 9ne! sacri"ice9 observed?
!hen ,eCe*iah ga1e the order to offer the burnt offering on
the altar. )hen the burnt offering began, the song to the
Lord also began with the trumpets, accompanied by the
instruments of *avid king of $srael
While the whole assembly worshiped, the singers also sang
and the trumpet sounded; all this continued until the burnt
offering was finished.
>ow at the completion of the burnt offerings, the *ing and all
who were present with him bowed down and worshiped.
Boreo1er %ing ,eCe*iah and the officials ordered the Le1ites
to sing praise to the Lord with the words of *avid and +saph
the seer So they sang praises with ?oy, and bowed down and
worshiped ( +hronicles @#A972'.
This is a pictre o" !hat God !ants to restore to the Chrch today.
8hen ;avid ca%e into the presence o" God( he broght a sacri"ice o"
the lips to God. =e broght !ords and songs o" adoration( love(
reverence( and a!e to his %ighty God. The !hole idea is that God
!ants s to nderstand that singing is its own sacrifice. 5t is no!here
described %ore po!er"lly than in the +ook o" =osea?
!a*e with you words, and turn to the Lord# say unto ,im, ta*e
away all iniHuity, and recei1e us graciously# so will we render
the calves of our lips (,osea "6# %J&'.
CalvesC ThatEs rightA Althogh %ost %odern translations insert
9"rit9 in place o" 9calves(9 the older translation is %ore accrateA
=osea the prophet sed the =ebre! !ord par, !hich %eans 9a bllock
Happarently as breaking "orth in !ild strengthI? a yong bll( cal"( oF.9
The prophet is saying the !ords o" or lips are e&al in GodEs sight to
the physical sacri"ice o" calves nder the old sacri"icial syste%.
8hile yo begin to sing to the Lord as a blood:!ashed priest and
king in Christ( yo are o""ering a high sacri"ice to God that is holy and
acceptable in =is sight. 8hen ;avid sat be"ore the presence o" the Lord
and o""ered the !orship o" his heart and lipseven !ithot ani%al
sacri"ice or grain o""eringhe !as tapping into the dyna%ic trth that
A )e! $acri"ice 1/9
Jess revealed !hen =e told the !o%an at the !ell( 9God is spirit( and
those !ho !orship =i% %st !orship in spirit and truth( HJn. 6?.6I.
4any Christians and chrch congregations have abandoned the
dyna%ic po!er o" tre $pirit:led praise( !orship( and the sacri"ice o"
their lips to God. They have "allen into the rt o" rote !orship and o"
religion by the letter( !hen God really !ants the% to !orship the 2ather
in spirit and in truth. 8e oght to kno! better( bt too %any o" s donEt
act like it.
Too %any o" s sto! a!ay the n"orgettable i%ages o" ecstatic
!orship( h%ble prostration( and ear:dea"ening praise "ond in the
+ook o" <evelation to the distant "tre( never reali7ing that this is also
a pictre o" the e%erging Chrch o" Jess ChristA 5t !as Jess !ho
taght =is disciples to pray to the 2ather( 9Thy !ill be done on earth as
it is in =eaven.9 +y or actions !e are praying( 92ather( Thy !ill will
ha1e to wait till !e "inally get to =eavenA9
8hat have !e learned abot !orshipC 'er"ect !orship !ill( indeed(
co%e only a"ter !e have received glori"ied bodies nha%pered by the
!eaknesses o" the "lesh( bt God is teaching and preparing s right now
by per"ecting or praise and !orship by =is $pirit.
8orship has evolved or progressed in the +ible along !ith or
nderstanding o" or heavenly 2ather. >nce Ada% and Dve sinned(
their inti%ate relationship !ith the Creator God !as severed( and they
!ere separated "ro% 'aradise and the presence o" God by the "iery
s!ord o" the cherbi% assigned to DdenEs gate.
Things got !orse "ro% there. #lti%ately( nearly every %e%ber o"
or race "orgot their heritage !ith God( eFcept "or )oah. The "lood
!iped a!ay every %e%ory o" that ancient race( eFcept "or )oah and his
"a%ily. The kno!ledge o" God &ickly "aded "ro% )oahEs descendants
ntil a %oon:!orshiper na%ed Abra% %et the one tre God and dared
to !orship =i% alone. =is descendants gre! in their kno!ledge o" God
as =e intervened and gided the% "ro% generation to generation( bt
their !alk !as still pri%arily a !alk o" "eareven nder the leadership
o" 4oses.
5t !asnEt ntil ;avid that %ankind regained an nderstanding o"
GodEs everlasting lovingkindness( and !ith this ne! kno!ledge and
inti%acy ca%e a "resh nderstanding o" sacri"ice and tre !orship.
Jess Christ !as the "l"ill%ent o" !hat God lanched throgh ;avidEs
li"e and leadership. The disciples !ere !itnesses to GodEs n"olding
plan as the Chrch !as birthed in the "irst centry.
"62 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
=ere !e are( thosands o" years later( blessed !ith the blood o" the
La%b( the gi"t o" the ind!elling =oly $pirit( and the leadership gi"ts
and %inistry gi"ts God gave to =is Chrch. 8e have printed the 8ord
o" God in nearly every h%an langage. 8e possess a vast library o"
Chrch history describing GodEs "aith"lness and thosands o" years o"
n"olding revelation by the $pirit to %an. Bet( God says that =e %st
rebild the tabernacle o" ;avid Hsee A%os 9?11I.
8e !ere created "or =is good pleasre. 8e !ere created to
!orship and praise God and to be con"or%ed to the i%age o" =is $on(
Jess Christ. 8e !ere co%%anded to love one another so the !orld
!old kno! =is disciples. 8e !ere co%%anded to destroy the !orks
o" the ene%y and to preach the gospel to the !orld. All o" these
%andates "ind their co%pletion and secret o" sccess in the sanctuary,
the d!elling place o" God. >r 3ing !ants to eFtend the borders o" =is
holy 3ingdo% in the earthand =e has chosen to se hands and hearts
o" "lesh to do it. =e eFpects s to con&er and do battle the sa%e !ay
that ;avid did it thosands o" years ago "ro% his tent on 4ont Kion(
seated in the presence o" God.
5t is ti%e "or s to shot nto God !ith voices o" tri%ph Hnot
!hi%pers o" e%barrass%entI. 5t is ti%e "or s to o""er a s!eet sacri"ice
o" praise( the "rit o" or lips nto the Lord. 5t is ti%e to sing alod !ith
songs o" Goy to the Lord o" or $alvation. 5t is ti%e to dance and sing
be"ore =i% !ith all o" or strengthto dance 9like ;avid danced9 so
the Lord can do battle in the heavenlies on or behal".
$ince !e are "illed !ith the =oly $pirit( srely( !e can begin to
sing a new song and create a new sound be"ore the Lord "or =is gloryA
$rely( !e can begin to speak to that 9!hich is not as thogh it !ere9A
$rely( it is ti%e "or s to rise p in JessE na%e to bind on earth those
things that =e has already bond and cast "ro% =eavenEs borders( and
to loose on earth those things that =e long ago loosed in the heavenlies.
4y !i"e sed to let %e get a!ay !ith bringing her so%e "lo!ers
!henever 5 had done so%ething to hrt her( or !hen 5 "elt the need to
9sho!9 her that 5 loved her. At the ti%e( she kne! 5 had too %ch pride
to say 5 !as sorry or to verbali7e %y love. Dven then( the trth !as that
sheEd rather hear an 95E% sorry9 or 95 love yo9 than receive a do7en o"
the "inest roses. The =oly $pirit said to her( 9ThatEs his only !ay to do
it right no!. Take the "lo!ers.9 5n ti%e( 5 learned ho! to say 95E% sorry9
and 95 love yo9 and the benefits of my new ability to spea* to my
belo1ed were wonderful.
God !ants =is Chrch to step ot o" the pe!s and sit at =is "eet(
A )e! $acri"ice 161
close enogh to !hisper 95 love Bo9 in =is ear. =e longs to see s
leap "or Goy over =is na%e and "aith"lness. =e !ants to hear a 9really
big band sond9 in =is sanctarya sond that !ill %ake $olo%onEs
6(---:%e%ber tea% see% like a street:corner &artet and !ill shake the
!hole earth !ith =is gloryA
God !ants =is people to clap their hands "or Goy in =is 'resence
!ith sch po!er and athority that lci"er !ill co!er !ith his %inions
to avoid the crippling blo!s o" GodEs glory raining do!n on the earthA
=e !ants or shots "or Goy to reverberate throghot the created !orld
and the spirit real% !ith rebellion:crshing intensity and po!er. =e
!ants to see or !ords o" sacri"icial praise and or !orship in
prostration and h%ility bild yet another even %ore glorios
9sanctary9 and resting place "or =is glory. $o%eti%es( =e even asks
s to do this in the %idst o" sorro! or adversity.
>n Thrsday( Janary 1,th( 190,( !e learned that %y oldest
brother and his !i"e had been killed. >r chrch !as in the %iddle o" a
6-:day "ast( and !e "elt like anything cold happen. +t !hen the tragic
ne!s ca%e( it !as e%otionally devastating.
8hen the "a%ily %e%bers arrived in 'ortland( >regon( "or the
ho%e:going service( !e re%e%bered that %y brother had said that he
didnEt !ant anybody singing any sad songs at his "neral. =e told s(
9;onEt bring %e "lo!ers( becase 5 canEt s%ell "lo!ers.9 Then he added(
9)o! i" yo Gst have to bring so%ething to %y "neral( then bring
s!eet potato pies. 5 love s!eet potato pies. 5 canEt eat the pies( and 5
canEt s%ell the "lo!ers( bt %y pre"erence !old be s!eet potato pies.9
8ell( so%e "olks broght hi% so%e "lo!ers any!ay( bt so%ebody
got a lot o" "olks to bring a total o" .6 s!eet potato pies to the "neral(
and 5E% telling yo it !as a Goy enconterA 5" yo had co%e to that
%eeting and hadnEt seen the co""in in "ront o" the chrch( yo !old
have never gessed yo !ere at a "neral.
5t !asnEt that people !erenEt sorro!"l. 8e !ere all grieving over
the nti%ely deaths o" %y brother and his precios !i"e( bt !e !ere
bsy o""ering sacri"ices o" Goy to the God o" resrrection. The Governor
o" >regon !as there( along !ith the 4ayor o" 'ortland( the ;istrict
Attorney( and a n%ber o" la! en"orce%ent o""icers. 4y brother had an
incredible entorage attend his ho%e:going becase he had greatly
i%pacted that city. $o they !ere all there that day( Gst scratching their
heads and trying to "igre ot !hat kind o" %eeting they !ere inA 95s
this a "neralC 5 thoght this gy died in the pri%e o" his li"eC9 They
!ere con"sed becase even in the "ace o" tragic death( !e !ere
"6 Worship# !he 0attern of !hings in ,ea1en
o""ering sacri"icesand 5 %ean sacrificeso" Goy to or 3ing.
4y sister !as 9ctting a step9 and shoting and dancing to Jess(
and a lot o" other "olks !ere doing the sa%e thing. 4y late brotherEs
oldest son( Johnny( started ot singing in the choir( bt !hen they
started a really hot song( Johnny Gst had to step do!n ot o" the choir
and take a hold on the edge o" the co""in. Then he Gst started going at it
!ith a holy dance o" Goy be"ore the Lord. And all o" those visiting
dignitaries !ere trying to say( 98hat is thisC9 $o%e o" the% looked at
%e and said( 98hatEs !rong !ith this pictreC9
Bo shold have seen the !rite:p "or that ho%e:going service in
the ne!spaperA 5t !as a testi%ony to the Goy o" the Lord in the "ace o"
death. 5" Christians cold Gst learn to o""er the sacri"ice o" Goy in every
circ%stance( they !old discover the po!er and blessing o" a ne!
kind o" sacri"ice "irst pioneered by ;avid( the %an a"ter GodEs o!n
God also !ants to restore to s ;avidEs nderstanding o" the vale
o" la1ish sacrifice. 5 believe ;avid said things like( 95 !ant so%ething
thatEs going to be noisy. 5 !ant so%ething thatEs going to be robst. 5
!ant so%ething thatEs going to be %sically eFcellent. 5 !ant so%ething
thatEs going to be so innovative and press the envelope o" crrent
technology so %ch that 5 !ill have to %ake ne! instr%ents to captre
the ne! sonds that !e %st have.9 8e need to pray the sa%e prayer
God is calling s to a di""erent di%ension o" praise and !orship. 5t
re&ires each o" s to co%e boldly to the throne o" grace in JessE na%e.
=ere 5 co%e.
5 believe %sicians( song !riters( psal%ists( and singers arond the
!orld are hearing %ysterios ne! sonds in their spirits( bt donEt kno!
!hat to do !ith the%A 5 call the% "orth in JessE na%eA 5t is ti%e to
speak ot !hat yo hear yor 2ather in =eaven speakingA 5t is ti%e to
sing ot !hat yo hear the angels in =eaven singingA 5t is ti%e to create
the instr%ents that yo see and hear glori"ying God in the heavenliesA
5t is all part o" bringing GodEs !ill to pass on the earth as it is in
=eaven. +t this task( like any other in GodEs 3ingdo%( is a
spernatral task that %st be done by the $pirit o" God and not by the
"lesh o" %an.
God has rebilt the tabernacle o" ;avid in or day. )o!( =e is
!aiting patiently "or a people !ho !ill co%e boldly to sit in =is
'resence bearing a s!eet sacri"ice o" praise and !orship. Dvery !all
A )e! $acri"ice 16/
and veil o" separation has been re%oved. 8e have "ree entrance to =is
'resence throgh the blood o" the La%b. God has done =is partJ no! it
is or trn.
8ill !e be content to rest in or pe!( or kneel in =is restC There is
glory a!aiting s at the "eet o" God. There is healing in abndance "or
s in the light o" =is glory. There are blessings and Goys nspeakable in
store "or s i" !e !ill only leave or hoses and sit be"ore =i% in
!orship and co%%nion. There are kingdo%s to con&er and ene%ies
to van&ish throgh or victorios praise and ninhibited !orship. All
!e %st do is say( 9Bes.9 Join %e. Take !ords !ith yo and retrn to
the LordEs 'resence. There is a seat !aiting "or yo right beside another
3ing !ho !old bild God a hose....
1. -trong:s, calves H=,699I.

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