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Present : Sri.S.K.Sinha, I.A.S., Commissioner

Rc.No: Meetings/2009-TM1 Date: 17.11.2009

The list of officers who attended the meeting is enclosed.

Cluster Promotion Programme:

At the out set, the Commissioner of Sericulture took up the review of the old clusters and
the following observations are made.


1. It is observed that there are as many as 321 farmers covering an area of 426 acres of
mulberry. Though there is a capacity to brush atleast 42,600 BVH DFLs in the cluster
even @ 100 layings /acre/month during favorable season, it is observed that there was
a brushing of 10645 nos. of BVH DFLs only during October,09.

2. Though, the season is favorable the average yield has been only 48.20 kgs / 100 DFLs
which is very low and the Commissioner is quite unhappy over this poor achievement.

3. From this it is very clear that there has been crop failures heavily which indicates the
inaction of officers. The officers have failed in taking timely follow up action for atleast
subsequent brushings in preparing the farmers to ensure proper disinfection. With this
poor performance, the Commissioner has no option except to draw a conclusion that the
field staff and the Assistant Director of Sericulture, Hindupur have failed in their duties.
The Commissioner has once again reiterated that Hindupur area was a prime area for
Bivoltine Sericulture and was a show piece for Andhra Pradesh. It is painful to see this
type of miserable performance in such prime area.

4. As against the target of 1.63 lakh DFLs (including CPP), a quantity of 1.256 DFLs was
brushed up to October ‘09 and the percentage of crop failures during October’09 was
21%. The ADS, HUP has informed that many of the farmers are not accepting the BVH
DFLs of Penukonda source in Hindupur Division and requested the COS to permit him to
brush BVH DFLs of only NSSP so as to enable him to achieve the BVH production
target in full during this year. Intervening to this the ADS, Penukonda has informed that
nearly 60% of production of BVH DFLs of Penukonda source is brushed in her own
division and supplying the rest to other divisions. However, she has informed that the
farmers in her Division are also getting the average yield of 45 to 48 kgs/100 DFLs .The
Deputy Director ( Seed ), Madanapalli has informed that there is no much difference in
the quality of Penukonda source and NSSO source. In this context, the ADS, Hindupur
has been advised to create confidence gradually among the farmers and increase the %
brushing of layings of Penukonda source. (Action: ADS Hindupur)


1. There are 305 farmers covering an area of 386 acres under mulberry with a capacity to
brush atleast 38,600 BVH DFLs even @ 100 layings /acre/month during favourable
season. But, it is observed that there was a brushing of only 5275 nos. of BVH DFLs
during October.
2. The average yield of 54.96 kgs / 100 DFLs is also less than the set target of 60Kgs. The
COS has observed that similar trend is noticed in Madakasira Division after taking over
the division by the present ADS. He is instructed to improve his performance and ensure
to harvest more than 60Kgs during the favorable months.

3. As against the target of 1.63 lakh DFLs (including CPP), a quantity of only 0.971 BVH
DFLs was brushed up to October ‘09. Though, the average yield is slightly better as
compared to Hindupur, lot of efforts is required to achieve the set targets.

4. The percentage of crop failures is as high as 32% under Bivoltine Production

including CPP during October’09.

5. With regard to acceptance of BVH DFLs of Penukonda source, the ADS, Madkasira has
informed that he is supplying the BVH DFLs without disclosing the source and doing so only after
the successful harvest of the crops. However, after in depth discussions, the ADS, Madakasira
was instructed to ensure that the source of DFLs is known to the farmers at the time of supply of
Chawkie worms and maintain transparency.
( Action: ADS Madakasira)


This is the only division in the State which has a proven record for the success of
Bivoltine crops and the % of brushing is reasonably good at 90 up to October’09.
Most of the farmers are being supplied chawkie worms while appreciating the
performance in brushing of dfls.

It is regretted that the average yield is only 55 Kgs / 100 DFLs which is almost on
par with that of Madakasira (54.96Kgs). ADS is advised to make efforts to increase the
average yield. (Action: ADS Kuppam)


1. There is an area of 292 acres under mulberry cultivation in the cluster and the brushing
should have been atleast 29200 BVH DFLs @ 100 layings /acre/month. But, it is
observed that there was a brushing of 3500 nos. of BVH DFLs only during October, 09.

2. Up to October, 09 the brushing of Bivoltine Hybrid DFLs is only 14550 under CPP and
the average yield is only 39.26Kgs which is very much disappointing. The COS has
expressed his unhappiness over this poor achievement. It is very pertinent to say that
the climate of Palamaner area is very similar to that of either Kuppam or V.Kota. The
performance of Palamaner was quite convincing during JICA period and it has lost its
past glory at present.

3. The percentage of Crop failures is very high at 31 up to October, 09. With this type of
miserable crop performance, the farmers will not be able to show interest towards
Bivoltine Production. This is again nothing but the lack of commitment on the part of the
ADS and his filed staff. This is a very dangerous situation and if this negative trend
continues, it is very difficult to bring back the farmers in to our folds for taking up
Bivoltine crops.

4. As against the target of 1.63 lakh DFLs (including CPP), the brushing was only 0.411
lakhs which works out to only 25% which is very very low. (Action ADS Palamaner)
Review of Mulberry Plantations in New Clusters under CPP:

It is observed that the general performance in the new clusters is also not very
encouraging. Some of the observations are as follows.

1. The area reported under mulberry plantation in Atmakur cluster up to September was
70.00 acres and up to October, 09 it is 80.75 acres. The ADS, Atmakur has informed that
though some of the gardens were damaged little due to recent floods, they would be made
good by re-plantation.

2. It is very much annoyed to note that the achievement was only 2 acres under mulberry
plantation in Rayachoty Cluster in the entire month of October,09.

3. No area was added under mulberry plantation in Srikakulam Cluster during October, 09.
The COS was very much annoyed over this.

4. The achievement made in Bhimadole Cluster was 89.00 acres and the DDS, Eluru has
agreed to achieve the target in full by the end of December, 09.

5. As per the information received through the web enabled data, the achievements
in Sangareddy Cluster and Chandur Clusters were shown as 21 acres and 31 acres
respectively against the target of 100 acres each. When the COS commented over this
poor achievement, the concerned ADs have informed that the acreage achieved was 52
and 53acres respectively. The COS was very much annoyed with the attitude of the
officers for not updating the data despite very clear and strict instructions during the
previous meetings in this regard. In this context, it was instructed to take only online
achievements for the purpose of assessing the performance. The ADS, Nalgonda and
ADS Medak have promised to complete the target of 100 acres plantation in their
respective clusters by the end of December, 09.

After in depth and elaborate discussions, the COS has issued the following instructions.

• The officers shall invariably ensure to update the information about the area
added, DFLs brushed and the Cocoons harvested under CPP by Saturday and
the Section In charge of TM3 section should circulate the file about the
performance of each cluster on every Monday.

• The officers shall take all possible steps to strengthen the mulberry fields by
application of required FYM/fertilizer/green manuring etc and improve the
cocoon yield levels beyond 60 Kgs/ every 100 DFLs brushed.

• They should take steps to lease out the farms as decided earlier for taking up of
Chawkie rearing for Cluster farmers immediately. Under any circumstances, the
officers should arrange for supply of 100% chawkie worms in the clusters.

• It was also decided to ensure that the farmers of old clusters should brush a
minimum of an average of 100 BVH DFLs / acre /month in this favourable
season up to Feb,10.

• It was also decided that to ensure that the farmers of new clusters should brush
a minimum of an average 40 BVH DFLs/ acre/month in this favorable season up
to Feb,10.

• All the sheds which have been started shall be completed by Dec, 2009
• Though, the staff were allotted as per the choice of the officers in the beginning
with necessary funds and mobility the officers exhibited their poor performance
in BVH production during the current year.

• The COS has informed the officers that both the production and the average
productivity BVH is far better in Tamilnadu than A.P. After elaborate discussions,
the COS came to a conclusion that though the farmers are provided all the
facilities in A.P, the officers are not pulling up their lower staff to achieve the
production and productivity atleast on par with Tamilnadu. There fore, the
officers were appealed to put forth their sincere efforts to regain the past glory of
this State in terms of production of productivity and total production.

The COS has informed all the officers that the overall scenario of BVH Programme in
A.P is very alarming and has come to the notice of the Commissioner that there are
more managerial problems during chawkie rearing leading to such low yields. The
officers were advised to look into the following aspects meticulously:

 Whether proper dosage of FYM / fertilizers is applied to the chawkie


 Whether the quality of the leaf fed to the worms is suitable to the age of
the worms and has good nutrients

 Look at the number of trays in which chawkie is done.

 whether adequate spacing is provided.

 Whether the required temperature and humidity are maintained in the

room as well as in the tray.

 The field staff to be advised to take proper steps to see whether the
maintenance of the chawkie garden is as per the standards.

Leasing Out of Seed Farms to Private Farmers for Conducting Chawkie Rearing:

Nalgonda: The ADS, Nalgonda was informed to identify another farmer for CRC as the KVK
wanted the whole seed farm for the activity which is not agreeable. Instead the owner of
ARM Jangoan had shown interest and it should be explored. (Action: ADS Nalgonda)

Sangareddy: Chawkie is being conducted at GSF Sangareddy as the private farmer

identified is willing to start only from next June. There is no need to continue with such
farmer and the proposal be treated as dropped. (Action: ADS Medak)

Rayachoty: The Govt building requires repairs and proposals were submitted for sanction of

Srikakulam: Alternate farmer is being identified.

Penukonda: The ADS has requested to permit the retired ASO who is interested to take up
CRC activity in the seed farm under General BVHP programme. The COS has agreed to go
ahead to lease out the farm immediately. (Action: ADS Penukonda)

The ADS Kadiri has informed that 305 farmers were identified of which 125 farmers do
not have sheds and requested for sheds. The ADOS has advised the ADS Kadiri to cover
them under CDP as sufficient funds are available with him. (Action: ADS Kadiri )
The JDS, Chittoor has requested for permission to utilize the available funds towards
State Share for CPP components on subject to reimbursement.

The COS has informed that a minimum of 100 BVH DFLs shall be brushed per farmer
during Bivoltine Season and the crop failures shall not be more than 10%. The COS shall
assess the percentage of increase in brushing with the percentage of cocoon production. As
regards to new cluster the BVH brushing shall be 40 DFLs per farmer.
(Action: All Officers concerned)

Further, the COS has informed the Section In charge of TM1 to put up the performance
of all the officers in respect of each parameter every month for Commissioner’s perusal and
further communication. (Action: All sections in Head Office)

Mulberry Plantation:

The division wise progress under mulberry area was reviewed and it was observed that
the officers have not achieved the proportionate target of 6513 acres up to October’09 and
achieved only 3800 acres which is only 58% of the proportionate target. The COS viewed it
very seriously and informed that there shall be no relaxation in the target of 10000 acres and
the officers should achieve the same by December ’09. The officers were informed that the
balance acreage of 6200 acres should be achieved during the next three months as per
their respective targets. (Action: All officers)

The DDS, Kurnool has informed that the targets for Rayachoty are on very high and
unjustifiable as compared to Anantapur and Chittoor districts. Rayachoty has lost its glory
and therefore it is very difficult to get area under mulberry back due to acute labour problem.
It was informed that they have identified some farmers in Koduru area and has assured of
achieving 220 acres as against 350 acres. He has requested officers in the Head Office to
appreciate the ground realities.

The ADS, Atmakur has informed that due to recent floods it is not possible to achieve
the target set for the current year. The ADS Adoni has also informed that he will be able to
achieved only 70 acres.

The COS was very serious over the progress in the districts of Nizamabad and Adilabad.
It was informed that all the SPS I, II etc of the Officers and the staff shall be stopped for their
dismal performance. (Action: B1B section in Head Office)

The COS appreciated the performance of West Godavari for having exceeded the target
by 37% and also Chittoor division which has achieved 99% of the target. The officers were
informed that their performance shall be rated as shown below hereafter and shall be
communicated to them.

90% and above----------Commended

80% to 89%---------------Satisfactory
Less than 80%----------Adverse Comments

Finally, the officers were informed once again there shall not be any compromise for
reduction in achieving the area.

Brushing of DFLS:

It is observed that the brushing of CB DFLs is being as per the target whereas the brushing
of BVH DFLs is only 64% of the target. The percentage of crop failures to a tune of 28% is
very alarming.
The ADS, Penukonda has cited an example of a CB farmer fetching an income of Rs
72000/- where as the BVH Farmer had fetched only Rs 50000/- including the cocoon

The JDS, Warangal has informed that DH Race of APSSRDI is being reared in Warangal.
After seeing its performance, he would go for more brushing of that breed/race.

The DDS Seed has informed that 1000 DFLs of DH race are in 3rdStage in Kuppam area.
The COS wanted to know whether grainage operation of DH races could be started for
supply to the extent of 10% requirement of BVH DFLs. The Director, APSSRDI may be
advised to recommend one race of DH series and supply the seed for production of
commercial DFLs. The Penukonda Grainage shall start production of DH DFLs to the extent
of 10% of the month’s target and supply to the farmers. ( Action: DDS Seed, Madanapally
and TM3 section in Head Office)

Cocoon Production: The officers were informed that the percentage of increase in
Brushing should match with the percentage of Cocoon production. The officers were
requested to see that the crop failures are minimized. (Action : All Officers)

The JDS, Warangal has informed that the crop failures are due to lack of prescribed
percentage of biomass in the soil which is very low leading to failure in Bivoltine Hybrids as
the leaf is devoid of the required nutrients. Further, the officer has expressed that the CSB
has not provided proper technology to maintain the soil biomass % which should be a
minimum of 5% whereas the present % is 0.50%.

While accepting the observation of the JDS,Warangal the COS has advised that Dr
Venkateswarlu who is an expert on the subject at CRIDA could be called for advising on
the Biomass maintenance. (Action: TM9Section in Head Office)

The DDS, Kurnool has suggested that our own mechanism of green mulching can be
practiced for increasing the Biomass %. Since Dhaincha is in scarcity, sunhemp can be
used for raising as inter crop for green mulching. The JDS, Warangal has informed that
Dhaincha is the best for green manuring.

Cocoon Transactions: It was observed that the BVH Cocoon transaction has decreased
during the year in all the markets except Hindupur The officers have informed that the
decrease was due to declaration of Hindupur Market as BVH Market and therefore the
transactions at Hindupur has increased. The average price of CB and BVH Cocoons has
increased as compared to the corresponding period of last year in all the markets.

After in depth discussions, it was decided that the farmers be given the choice of
transacting their BVH cocoons in any market in the state and not to insist for transaction at
Hindupur only in view of the problems faced by the farmers with small lots.

The ADS, Hindupur has informed that the ARM Jangoan is not remitting the working
amount. He had purchased the cocoons on 24th September and there after he did not
participate in Hindupur market.

The ADS, Kuppam has informed that he has purchased the cocoons with his own funds
to a tune of Rs 2.00 Lakhs.

The COS has informed that no money shall be released to ARM from now until he remits
the Working capital released to him so far for purchase of cocoons. (Action : TM-5 in Head
The ADS Utnoor has informed that there is embezzlement of funds at GSRU Utnoor and
the unit in charge has not updated the cash book since long period.

The COS advised the JDS, Warangal to enquire into the matter and to submit detailed
report immediately duly indicating the officer who is responsible for the same. (Action: JDS

Quality check: The Commissioner advised the officers concerned to shift the electronic Metler
balances available with them in the seed farms/ Grainages to the regular cocoon markets for
conducting quality testing of BVH cocoons and assess the shell ratio percentage so as to fix the
minimum rate for the cocoons as is being done at Hyderabad Market. All the GCMs shall utilize
the staff sanctioned under the scheme Cocoon Testing Unit for testing of cocoons. (Action: All
ADS In charge of Regular GCMs)

The ADS Kuppam has informed that sufficient staff is not available for cocoon testing.
The Commissioner has advised him to submit proposals to the JDS,Chittoor to deploy the
required staff. (Action: ADS Kuppam)

The Controlling Supervisory officers (JDs and DDs) are permitted to spend the petty
expenditure up to Rs 15000/- for transportation of equipment etc, from the available funds. The
ADs may approach their supervisory officers to take permission in view of urgency duly
following procedure

GSRUs: It is observed that the renditta is very high in almost all the GSRUs except Chittoor
(8.23) and Palamaner (8.2) reeling units. The officers were advised to bring down the renditta in
the ensuing months. (Action: All Officers Concerned)

Private Silk Reeling Unit at Chebrolu: The issue of functioning of the (6) basin Multiend
reeling unit established by Sri.D.Satyanarayana has come up for discussion and the
Commissioner advised the DDS, Kakinada to submit a report once in three days on its
functioning.(Action: DDS Kakinada & TM5 Section in Head office).

Cocoon Incentive: It is observed that the quantity eligible for cocoons during the year at
Hanuman junction Market is more than the quantity for which the incentive was paid. The
Commissioner has expressed dissatisfaction for not complying with the instructions issued
clearly not to include such of those lots for which incentive was eligible but the farmer had not
produced the incentive card. The DDS, Eluru was asked to enquire in to the matter and submit
the report immediately. (Action: DDS Eluru)

Silk Incentives: The JDS, Anantapur has expressed that amount is not available for payment of
silk incentives to reelers. The Commissioner has advised all the officers to utilize the cocoon
incentive amount for silk also since the amount is meant for incentives only and the daily
incentive amount to the farmers in regular cocoon markets shall also be paid from the cocoon
incentive amount only and no separate funds will be released.

The Non farm TSC in charges should ensure that the cocoons purchased by the reeler
are converted into silk immediately and the silk incentive shall be paid on bi-monthly basis
except for ARM which shall be once in three months.
(Action: All Concerned Officers)

Tasar & Eri Sectors: The concerned officers of Tasar and Eri sectors were advised to achieve
the targeted cocoon production during the year. Any deviation to the targets will be adversely
remarked. The DDS, Kakinada was advised to gear up the field staff and ensure that the
targeted number of 1.125 Lakh Eri DFLs are brushed during the year to produce 45 MTs of Eri
cocoons. (Action : Concerned Officers of Tasar and Eri sectors)
Catalytic Development Programmes

1. C.R.Cs:The Commissioner observed that the over all performance of C.R.Cs

under C.D.P need to be improved and advised the Officers to conduct and
ensure supply of 100% chawkie worms in respect of BVH to the farmers. The
C.O.S appreciated the performance of C.R.C., Sadlapally, Hindupur Division of
Ananthapur Dist for brushing of BVH DFLs and supply of Chawkie worms to the
tune of .15,000 No. of DFLs during the month of Oct.,09.

2. Construction of Rearing Sheds: The Commissioner has observed that No. of

new sheds commenced during the month of Oct., 09 has improved as compared
to last month and advised the officers to improve the progress on construction of
Rearing sheds and thereby ensure better utilization of C.D.P funds. The issue of
construction of Varandah and sunshade to the Rearing sheds has come up for
discussion in the meeting and the JDs., Ananthapur and Chittoor have requested
for clarification on two side varandah and sunshade to the Rearing sheds. The
Commissioner has informed that guidelines were already issued on this and that
If required they will be modified after verifying the earlier guidelines.

3. Supply of Plastic Trays & Netrikas: The District Officers have requested for
supply of rearing equipment i.e., Plastic Trays and Netrikas for distribution to the
B.V. farmers whose mulberry gardens have come up for rearing. It was informed
that necessary instructions were issued to exhaust the rearing appliances
available with the officers and then indicate their requirement so as to place
orders with the SERIFED. If necessary the statement showing the No. of Plastic
trays and Netrikas available with the officers as per the information given by them
will be communicated.

Seed Organization: The general observation on the Seed Programme is as follows.

P3 Stations:.

• P3 LR & FR performance is as per norms.

P2 LR Seed farms:

• There are no crop failures in all the seed farms of Anantapur and Chittoor Districts.
• The average yield per 100 DFLs in all the seed farms of Anantapur and Chittoor
Districts are as per the norms.

P2 FR Seed farms:

• . The average yield per 100 DFLs in all the seed farms of Anantapur and Chittoor
Districts are as per the norms.
• There are no crop failures in all the seed farms of Anantapur and Chittoor Districts.

P1 LR Seed Areas:

• A qty. of 953 P1 LR DFLs crops was failed in the P1 LR seed area Gorantla during
the month.
• A qty. of 650 P1 LR DFLs crops was failed in the P1 LR seed area Madanapalli
during the month.

P1 FR Seed Areas:
• The average yield per 100 DFLs is 24,021 numbers for the P1 FR CSR2 seed
cocoons harvested in Madanapalli seed area of Chittoor District, which is less than the
norm of 25,000 numbers.
• A qty. of 560 P1 FR DFLs crops were failed in the P1 FR seed area Madakasira
during the month..
• A qty. of 1820 P1 FR DFLs crops were failed in the P1 FR seed area Madanapalli
during the month.

Govt. Grainages:

Anantapur District:

• As against the production Target of 2.800 & 17.80 lakhs CBDFLs, during and up to
the month respectively. The achievement made is 2.356 & 14.391 lakh numbers
respectively. The % of achievement is 84.14 & 80.85% during and up to the month.

• Percentage of achievement over the last year achievement (up to the month) is only
0.98% .

• The Net recovery% is less than the norm of 25% in all the Grainages of Anantapur
District except in Penukonda Grainage (24.61%) which is nearer to the norm. The % of net
layings is less in Dharmavaram Grainage (22.41%).

Chittoor District:

• As against the production Target of 2.832 & 19.447 lakhs CBDFLs, during and up to
the month respectively. The achievement made is 2.467 & 17.757 lakh numbers
respectively. The % of achievement is 87 & 91% during and up to the month.

• Percentage of achievement over the last year achievement (up to the month) is

• The Net recovery% is more than the norm of 25% in all the Grainages of Chittoor
District, except Palmaneru Grainage with 24.35% which is less than the norm.

Kadapa Disrict:

• As against the production Target of 0.20 & 0.65 lakhs CBDFLs, during and up to the
month respectively. The achievement made is 0.1083 & 0.543 lakh numbers respectively.
The % of achievement is 54 & 83.5% during and up to the month.

• Percentage of achievement over the last year achievement (up to the month) is (-)

• The Net recovery% is 23%, which is less than the norm of 25%.

Kurnool Disrict:

• As against the production Target of 0.40 & 1.55 lakhs CBDFLs, during and up to the
month respectively. The achievement made is 0.19415 & 0.832 lakh numbers respectively.
The % of achievement is 48.5 & 53.7% during and up to the month.

• The Net recovery% is 21.58, which is very poor and less than the norm of 25%.
Bivoltine Grainages:


• As against the production Target of 1.00 & 2.750 lakhs BVH DFLs, during and up to
the month respectively. The achievement made is 0.505 & 1.814 lakh numbers
respectively. The % of achievement is 50.45 & 65.96% during and up to the month.

• The Net recovery% is 23.54, which is less than the norm of 25%.


• As against the production Target of 1.20 & 3.20 lakhs BVH DFLs, during and up to
the month respectively. The achievement made is 0.484 & 1.904 lakh numbers
respectively. The % of achievement is 40.33 & 59.50% during and up to the month.

• The Net recovery% is 22.79, which is poor and less than the norm of 25%.

Grainage Dues:

• An amount of Rs. 5.983 lakhs and 4.571 lakhs are outstanding in CB Grainages and
BVH Grainage of Chittoor District respectively.

• An amount of Rs. 5.9899 lakhs and 6.854 lakhs are outstanding in CB Grainages and
BVH Grainage of Anantapur District respectively.

• An amount of Rs. 6073/- is the out standing due pertaining to the Grainage, Elkathurthy
even closure of the grainage.

General Issues:

It is observed that entire quantity of saplings raised in the seed farms has not been
utilized and it is observed that the officers are promoting the farmers to utilize saplings available
from the kissan nurseries. It was informed that the officers should utilize the Govt nursery first
and then go for private nursery.(Action: all officers)

NREGA: All the officers were advised to contact the District Collectors concerned to take action
to include Sericulture activity also under labour component of NREGA. (Action: All Officers)

Compound Wall to the Office Building at Dharmavaram: The ADS, Dharmavaram has
informed that the barbed wire fencing has been removed while removing the encroachments by
private people adjacent to the Departmental Building by the Gram Panchayat and at present it is
open and there are chances of encroaching and requested the COS to release the amount
under SDF/ any other funds for construction of compound wall. (Action: A1secion in Head

The JDS, Anantapur has informed that the Department of Handloom and Textiles has
addressed to take over the files pertaining to silk handlooms outside the co-operative fold. The
COS advised the JDS, Anantapur to hand over a copy of the letter to take a view in the matter.
(Action: JDS Anantapur and TM7)
Administration: The COS has informed that some of the TOs and TAs who are working as
Panchayat Secretaries have approached and requested to include their names in the seniority
lists which is under finalization. It was informed that the names of those TOs and TAs who are
working as Panchayat secretaries and have approached the court and got stay orders from the
court shall be deleted from the list and the last date for finalization of the seniority list is
30.11.2009. (Action: AD Admin-I & B3A section in Head Office)

Closing the review the Commissioner has informed that the next meeting shall be held
on 9.12.2009 for only JDs and DDs.
Sd/- S.K.Sinha,
Commissioner of Sericulture.
All the District officers
All the HOD Officers, All Section in Head Office

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