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Master of Business Administration

Fortnightly Status Report for IIP

Fortnightly Report No:3 Date: 11-06-2014

Reg. No: 13010221027 Name of the Student: Reshma N K

Submitted to:Prof. Prasanna Mohan Raj

Title of Internship Work: Analysing the penetration and adoption of
Information Technology in Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) sector

Summary of Previous Fortnight(s) report :
We had collected 65 samples

Work carried out during the fortnight under report :

a. Visits to Departments in the organisation if any :
Answer: Marketing & sales and Meeting with the promoter of the organization

b. Training undergone in the organisation if any:
Answer: No specific classroom training, but the data collection acts as On the
Job training .

c. People with whom you have interacted in the organisation if any:
Answer: Pavan Consulting and research department
Raj Promoter of Tareta

d. Visits to Institutions / Libraries / Companies, if any :
Answer:We have visited about 100+ companies in total predominantly in the
manufacturing sector.

e. Designing of a questionnaire and administered, if any
Answer: Designing of the questionnaire has been done by M/s.Tareta and
designed by Mr.Pavan that covers strategic, tactical and operational aspects of

f. Research Papers / Articles read / Internet searching results, if any:
Answer: This is a primary research, however we are referring to internet search
engines for leads and understanding the functioning of SME sector.

g. Analysis of Data collected :
Answer. We have completed our primary research , collected 100+ samples in
the manufacturing sector .

h. Draft write up prepared, if any :
Answer: No

i. Problems encountered, if any :
Answer: difficulties in obtaining appointment
Company does nt let us inside the gate
They made us wait for more than 1 hour and the they tell to come the next day

j. Proposed steps during the next fortnight:
Answer: To clean the data collected and to combine the data into one excel
sheet to enter the variables into the spss for the analysis.

Date: 11-06-2014

Reshma N K
(Signature of the student)

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