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Preliminary Title



Article 1. Time when Act takes effect. This C!e shall ta"e e##ect n the #irst !ay # $an%ary&
nineteen h%n!re! an! thirty't(.
Art. ). Application of its provisions. E*ce+t as +r,i!e! in the treaties an! la(s # +re#erential
a++licatin& the +r,isins # this C!e shall -e en#rce! nt nly (ithin the Phili++ine
Archi+ela.& incl%!in. its atms+here& its interir (aters an! maritime /ne& -%t als %tsi!e #
its 0%ris!ictin& a.ainst thse (h1
1. Sh%l! cmmit an ##ense (hile n a Phili++ine shi+ r airshi+
). Sh%l! #r.e r c%nter#eit any cin r c%rrency nte # the Phili++ine Islan!s r
-li.atins an! sec%rities iss%e! -y the 2,ernment # the Phili++ine Islan!s3chan r-les
,irt%al la( li-rary
4. Sh%l! -e lia-le #r acts cnnecte! (ith the intr!%ctin int these islan!s # the
-li.atins an! sec%rities mentine! in the +resi!in. n%m-er3
5. 6hile -ein. +%-lic ##icers r em+lyees& sh%l! cmmit an ##ense in the e*ercise #
their #%nctins3 r
7. Sh%l! cmmit any # the crimes a.ainst natinal sec%rity an! the la( # natins&
!e#ine! in Title One # 8" T( # this C!e.
Title One


Cha+ter One

Art. 4. Definitions. Acts an! missins +%nisha-le -y la( are #elnies <delitos=.
Felnies are cmmitte! nt nly -e means # !eceit <dolo= -%t als -y means # #a%lt <culpa=.
There is !eceit (hen the act is +er#rme! (ith !eli-erate intent an! there is #a%lt (hen the
(rn.#%l act res%lts #rm im+r%!ence& lac" # r lac" # s"ill.
Art. 5. Criminal liability. Criminal lia-ility shall -e inc%rre!1
1. 8y any +ersn cmmittin. a #elny <delito= alth%.h the (rn.#%l act !ne -e !i##erent
#rm that (hich he inten!e!.
). 8y any +ersn +er#rmin. an act (hich (%l! -e an ##ense a.ainst +ersns r
+r+erty& (ere it nt #r the inherent im+ssi-ility # its accm+lishment r an acc%nt #
the em+lyment # ina!e>%ate r ine##ect%al means.
Art. 7. Duty of the court in connection with acts which should be repressed but which are not
covered by the law, and in cases of excessive penalties. 6hene,er a c%rt has "n(le!.e #
any act (hich it may !eem +r+er t re+ress an! (hich is nt +%nisha-le -y la(& it shall ren!er
the +r+er !ecisin& an! shall re+rt t the Chie# E*ec%ti,e& thr%.h the De+artment # $%stice&
the reasns (hich in!%ce the c%rt t -elie,e that sai! act sh%l! -e ma!e the s%-0ect #
In the same (ay& the c%rt shall s%-mit t the Chie# E*ec%ti,e& thr%.h the De+artment # $%stice&
s%ch statement as may -e !eeme! +r+er& (ith%t s%s+en!in. the e*ec%tin # the sentence&
(hen a strict en#rcement # the +r,isins # this C!e (%l! res%lt in the im+sitin # a clearly
e*cessi,e +enalty& ta"in. int cnsi!eratin the !e.ree # malice an! the in0%ry ca%se! -y the
Art. ?. Consummated, frustrated, and attempted felonies. Cns%mmate! #elnies as (ell as
thse (hich are #r%strate! an! attem+te!& are +%nisha-le.
A #elny is cns%mmate! (hen all the elements necessary #r its e*ec%tin an! accm+lishment
are +resent3 an! it is #r%strate! (hen the ##en!er +er#rms all the acts # e*ec%tin (hich (%l!
+r!%ce the #elny as a cnse>%ence -%t (hich& ne,ertheless& ! nt +r!%ce it -y reasn #
ca%ses in!e+en!ent # the (ill # the +er+etratr.
There is an attem+t (hen the ##en!er cmmences the cmmissin # a #elny !irectly r ,er
acts& an! !es nt +er#rm all the acts # e*ec%tin (hich sh%l! +r!%ce the #elny -y reasn #
sme ca%se r acci!ent ther than this (n s+ntane%s !esistance.
Art. @. When light felonies are punishable. #elnies are +%nisha-le nly (hen they ha,e
-een cns%mmate!& (ith the e*ce+tin # thse cmmitte! a.ainst +ersn r +r+erty.chan
r-les ,irt%al la( li-rary
Art. A. Conspiracy and proposal to commit felony. Cns+iracy an! +r+sal t cmmit #elny
are +%nisha-le nly in the cases in (hich the la( s+ecially +r,i!es a +enalty there#r.
A cns+iracy e*ists (hen t( r mre +ersns cme t an a.reement cncernin. the cmmissin
# a #elny an! !eci!e t cmmit it.
There is +r+sal (hen the +ersn (h has !eci!e! t cmmit a #elny +r+ses its e*ec%tin t
sme ther +ersn r +ersns.
Art. B. rave felonies, less grave felonies and light felonies. 2ra,e #elnies are thse t (hich
the la( attaches the ca+ital +%nishment r +enalties (hich in any # their +eri!s are a##licti,e& in
accr!ance (ith Art. )7 # this C!e.
Less .ra,e #elnies are thse (hich the la( +%nishes (ith +enalties (hich in their ma*im%m
+eri! are crrectinal& in accr!ance (ith the a-,e'mentine! Art.. #elnies are thse in#ractins # la( #r the cmmissin # (hich a +enalty # arrest menr
r a #ine nt e*cee!in. )CC +ess r -th3 is +r,i!e!.
Art. 1C. !ffenses not sub"ect to the provisions of this Code. O##enses (hich are r in the #%t%re
may -e +%nisha-le %n!er s+ecial la(s are nt s%-0ect t the +r,isins # this C!e. This C!e
shall -e s%++lementary t s%ch la(s& %nless the latter sh%l! s+ecially +r,i!e the cntrary.

Cha+ter T(

Art. 11. #ustifying circumstances. The #ll(in. ! nt inc%r any criminal lia-ility1

1. Anyne (h acts in !e#ense # his +ersn r ri.hts& +r,i!e! that the #ll(in.
circ%mstances cnc%r3

First. 9nla(#%l a..ressin.
Secn!. Reasna-le necessity # the means em+lye! t +re,ent r re+el it.
Thir!. Lac" # s%##icient +r,catin n the +art # the +ersn !e#en!in. himsel#.
). Any ne (h acts in !e#ense # the +ersn r ri.hts # his s+%se& ascen!ants&
!escen!ants& r le.itimate& nat%ral r a!+te! -rthers r sisters& r his relati,es -y
a##inity in the same !e.rees an! thse cnsan.%inity (ithin the #%rth ci,il !e.ree&
+r,i!e! that the #irst an! secn! re>%isites +rescri-e! in the ne*t +rece!in.
circ%mstance are +resent& an! the #%rther re>%isite& in case the re,catin (as .i,en -y
the +ersn attac"e!& that the ne ma"in. !e#ense ha! n +art therein.
4. Anyne (h acts in !e#ense # the +ersn r ri.hts # a +r,i!e! that the #irst
an! secn! re>%isites mentine! in the #irst circ%mstance # this Art. are +resent an! that
the +ersn !e#en!in. -e nt in!%ce! -y re,en.e& resentment& r ther e,il mti,e.
5. Any +ersn (h& in r!er t a,i! an e,il r in0%ry& !es nt act (hich ca%ses !ama.e
t anther& +r,i!e! that the #ll(in. re>%isites are +resent3

First. That the e,il t -e a,i!e! act%ally e*ists3
Secn!. That the in0%ry #eare! -e .reater than that !ne t a,i! it3
Thir!. That there -e n ther +ractical an! less harm#%l means # +re,entin. it.
7. Any +ersn (h acts in the #%l#illment # a !%ty r in the la(#%l e*ercise # a r
?. Any +ersn (h acts in -e!ience t an r!er iss%e! -y a s%+erir #r sme la(#%l
Art. 1). Circumstances which exempt from criminal liability. the #ll(in. are e*em+t #rm
criminal lia-ility1
1. An im-ecile r an insane +ersn& %nless the latter has acte! !%rin. a l%ci! inter,al.
6hen the im-ecile r an insane +ersn has cmmitte! an act (hich the la( !e#ines as a
#elny <!elit=& the c%rt shall r!er his cn#inement in ne # the hs+itals r asyl%ms
esta-lishe! #r +ersns th%s a##licte!& (hich he shall nt -e +ermitte! t lea,e (ith%t
#irst -tainin. the +ermissin # the same c%rt.
). A +ersn %n!er nine years # a.e.
4. A +ersn ,er nine years # a.e an! %n!er #i#teen& %nless he has acte! (ith
!iscernment& in (hich case& s%ch minr shall -e +rcee!e! a.ainst in accr!ance (ith the
+r,isins # Art. AC # this C!e.
6hen s%ch minr is a!0%!.e! t -e criminally irres+nsi-le& the c%rt& in cn#rma-ly
(ith the +r,isins # this an! the +rece!in. +ara.ra+h& shall cmmit him t the care an!
c%st!y # his #amily (h shall -e char.e! (ith his s%r,eillance an! e!%catin ther(ise&
he shall -e cmmitte! t the care # sme instit%tin r +ersn mentine! in sai! Art. AC.
5. Any +ersn (h& (hile +er#rmin. a la(#%l act (ith !%e care& ca%ses an in0%ry -y mere
acci!ent (ith%t #a%lt r intentin # ca%sin. it.
7. Any +ersn (h act %n!er the cm+%lsin # irresisti-le #rce.
?. Any +ersn (h acts %n!er the im+%lse # an %ncntrlla-le #ear # an e>%al r .reater
@. Any +ersn (h #ails t +er#rm an act re>%ire! -y la(& (hen +re,ente! -y sme la(#%l
ins%+era-le ca%se.
Cha+ter Three

Art. 14. $itigating circumstances. The #ll(in. are miti.atin. circ%mstances3
1. Thse mentine! in the +rece!in. cha+ter& (hen all the re>%isites necessary t 0%sti#y
r t e*em+t #rm criminal lia-ility in the res+ecti,e cases are nt atten!ant.
). That the ##en!er is %n!er ei.hteen year # a.e r ,er se,enty years. In the case # the
minr& he shall -e +rcee!e! a.ainst in accr!ance (ith the +r,isins # Art. AC.
4. That the ##en!er ha! n intentin t cmmit s .ra,e a (rn. as that cmmitte!.
5. That s%##icient +r,catin r threat n the +art # the ##en!e! +arty imme!iately
+rece!e! the act.
7. That the act (as cmmitte! in the imme!iate ,in!icatin # a .ra,e ##ense t the ne
cmmittin. the #elny <delito=& his s+%se& ascen!ants& r relati,es -y a##inity (ithin the
same !e.rees.
?. That # ha,in. acte! %+n an im+%lse s +(er#%l as nat%rally t ha,e +r!%ce!
+assin r -#%scatin.
@. That the ##en!er ha! ,l%ntarily s%rren!ere! himsel# t a +ersn in a%thrity r his
a.ents& r that he ha! ,l%ntarily cn#esse! his .%ilt -e#re the c%rt +rir t the
+resentatin # the e,i!ence #r the +rsec%tin3
A. That the ##en!er is !ea# an! !%m-& -lin! r ther(ise s%##erin. sme +hysical !e#ect
(hich th%s restricts his means # actin& !e#ense& r cmm%nicatins (ith his #ell(
B. S%ch illness # the ##en!er as (%l! !iminish the e*ercise # the (ill'+(er # the
##en!er (ith%t h(e,er !e+ri,in. him # the cnsci%sness # his acts.chan r-les
,irt%al la( li-rary
1C. An!& #inally& any ther circ%mstances # a similar nat%re an! anal.%s t thse a-,e
Cha+ter F%r

Art. 15. Aggravating circumstances. The #ll(in. are a..ra,atin. circ%mstances1
1. That a!,anta.e -e ta"en -y the ##en!er # his +%-lic +sitin.
). That the crime -e cmmitte! in cntem+t r (ith ins%lt t the +%-lic a%thrities.
4. That the act -e cmmitte! (ith ins%lt r in !! # the res+ect !%e the ##en!e!
+arty n acc%nt # his ran"& a.e& r se*& r that is -e cmmitte! in the !(ellin. # the
##en!e! +arty& i# the latter has nt .i,en +r,catin.
5. That the act -e cmmitte! (ith a-%se # cn#i!ence r -,i%s %n.rate#%lness.
7. That the crime -e cmmitte! in the +alace # the Chie# E*ec%ti,e r in his +resence& r
(here +%-lic a%thrities are en.a.e! in the !ischar.e # their !%ties& r in a +lace
!e!icate! t reli.i%s (rshi+.
?. That the crime -e cmmitte! in the time& r in an %ninha-ite! +lace& r -y a -an!&
(hene,er s%ch circ%mstances may #acilitate the cmmissin # the ##ense.
6hene,er mre than three arme! male#actrs shall ha,e acte! t.ether in the cmmissin
# an ##ense& it shall -e !eeme! t ha,e -een cmmitte! -y a -an!.
@. That the crime -e cmmitte! n the ccasin # a cn#la.ratin& shi+(rec"& earth>%a"e&
e+i!emic r ther calamity r mis#rt%ne.
A. That the crime -e cmmitte! (ith the ai! # arme! men r +ersns (h ins%re r a##r!
B. That the acc%se! is a reci!i,ist.
A reci!i,ist is ne (h& at the time # his trial #r ne crime& shall ha,e -een +re,i%sly
cn,icte! -y #inal 0%!.ment # anther crime em-race! in the same title # this C!e.
1C. That the ##en!er has -een +re,i%sly +%nishe! -y an ##ense t (hich the la(
attaches an e>%al r .reater +enalty r #r t( r mre crimes t (hich it attaches a
li.hter +enalty.
11. That the crime -e cmmitte! in cnsi!eratin # a +rice& re(ar!& r +rmise.
1). That the crime -e cmmitte! -y means # in%n!atin& #ire& +isn& e*+lsin& stran!in.
# a ,essel r internatinal !ama.e theret& !erailment # a lcmti,e& r -y the %se #
any ther arti#ice in,l,in. .reat (aste an! r%in.
14. That the act -e cmmitte! (ith e,i!ence +reme!itatin.
15. That the cra#t& #ra%! r !is.%ise -e em+lye!.
17. That a!,anta.e -e ta"en # s%+erir r means -e em+lye! t (ea"en the
1?. That the act -e cmmitte! (ith treachery <alevosia=.
There is treachery (hen the ##en!er cmmits any # the crimes a.ainst the +ersn&
em+lyin. means& meth!s& r #rms in the e*ec%tin there# (hich ten! !irectly an!
s+ecially t ins%re its e*ec%tin& (ith%t ris" t himsel# arisin. #rm the !e#ense (hich the
##en!e! +arty ma"e.
1@. That means -e em+lye! r circ%mstances a-%t (hich a!! i.nminy t the
nat%ral e##ects # the act.
1A. That the crime -e cmmitte! a#ter an %nla(#%l entry.
There is an %nla(#%l entry (hen an entrance # a crime a (all& r#& #lr& !r& r (in!(
-e -r"en.
)C. That the crime -e cmmitte! (ith the ai! # +ersns %n!er #i#teen years # a.e r -y
means # mtr ,ehicles& mtri/e! (atercra#t& airshi+s& r ther similar means. <As
amen!e! -y RA 754A=.
)1. That the (rn. !ne in the cmmissin # the crime -e !eli-erately a%.mente! -y
ca%sin. ther (rn. nt necessary #r its cmmissins.
Cha+ter Fi,e

Art. 17. Their concept. Alternati,e circ%mstances are thse (hich m%st -e ta"en int
cnsi!eratin as a..ra,atin. r miti.atin. accr!in. t the nat%re an! e##ects # the crime an!
the ther cn!itins atten!in. its cmmissin. They are the relatinshi+& int*icatin an! the
!e.ree # instr%ctin an! e!%catin # the ##en!er.
The alternati,e circ%mstance # relatinshi+ shall -e ta"en int cnsi!eratin (hen the ##en!e!
+arty in the s+%se& ascen!ant& !escen!ant& le.itimate& nat%ral& r a!+te! -rther r sister& r
relati,e -y a##inity in the same !e.rees # the ##en!er.
The int*icatin # the ##en!er shall -e ta"en int cnsi!eratin as a miti.atin. circ%mstances
(hen the ##en!er has cmmitte! a #elny in a state # int*icatin& i# the same is nt ha-it%al r
s%-se>%ent t the +lan t cmmit sai! #elny -%t (hen the int*icatin is ha-it%al r intentinal&
it shall -e cnsi!ere! as an a..ra,atin. circ%mstance.

Title T(


Art. 1?. Who are criminally liable. The #ll(in. are criminally lia-le #r .ra,e an! less .ra,e
1. Princi+als.
). Accm+lices.
4. Accessries.
The #ll(in. are criminally lia-le #r #elnies1
1. Princi+als
). Accm+lices.
Art. 1@. %rincipals. The #ll(in. are cnsi!ere! +rinci+als1
1. Thse (h ta"e a !irect +art in the e*ec%tin # the act3
). Thse (h !irectly #rce r in!%ce thers t cmmit it3
4. Thse (h c+erate in the cmmissin # the ##ense -y anther act (ith%t (hich it
(%l! nt ha,e -een accm+lishe!.
Art. 1A. Accomplices. Accm+lices are thse +ersns (h& nt -ein. incl%!e! in Art. 1@&
c+erate in the e*ec%tin # the ##ense -y +re,i%s r sim%ltane%s acts.
Art. 1B. Accessories. Accessries are thse (h& ha,in. "n(le!.e # the cmmissin # the
crime& an! (ith%t ha,in. +artici+ate! therein& either as +rinci+als r accm+lices& ta"e +art
s%-se>%ent t its cmmissin in any # the #ll(in. manners1chan r-les ,irt%al la( li-rary
1. 8y +r#itin. themsel,es r assistin. the ##en!er t +r#it -y the e##ects # the crime.
). 8y cncealin. r !estryin. the -!y # the crime& r the e##ects r instr%ments there#&
in r!er t +re,ent its !isc,ery.
4. 8y har-rin.& cncealin.& r assistin. in the esca+e # the +rinci+als # the crime&
+r,i!e! the accessry acts (ith a-%se # his +%-lic #%nctins r (hene,er the a%thr #
the crime is .%ilty # treasn& +arrici!e& m%r!er& r an attem+t t ta"e the li#e # the Chie#
E*ec%ti,e& r is "n(n t -e ha-it%ally .%ilty # sme ther crime.
Art. )C. Accessories who are exempt from criminal liability. The +enalties +rescri-e! #r
accessries shall nt -e im+se! %+n thse (h are s%ch (ith res+ect t their s+%ses&
ascen!ants& !escen!ants& le.itimate& nat%ral& an! a!+te! -rthers an! sisters& r relati,es -y
a##inity (ithin the same !e.rees& (ith the sin.le e*ce+tin # accessries #allin. (ithin the
+r,isins # +ara.ra+h 1 # the ne*t +rece!in. article.

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