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Wrought Iron

(Besi Tempa)
Wrought iron is essentially a two-component metal consisting of high-
purity iron and slag. The slag is composed mainly of iron silicate. The small and
uniformly distributed particles of slag exist physically separate in the iron.
There is no fusion or chemical relationship between the slag and the iron.
Wrought iron is used for standard pipe, nails, barbed wire, rivets, and
welding fittings. It is available in plates, sheets, tubular forms, and structural
shapes. Wrought iron has many applications in the railroad, shipbuilding, and
oil industries, as well as for architectural purposes and for farm implements.
Wrought iron was originally produced by the hand-puddling process, later
by mechanical puddling, and since 19! by the "yers or #ston process. There
are three essential steps in the manufacture of wrought iron$ first to melt and
refine the base metal$ second, to produce and %eep molten a proper slag& and
third, to granulate, or disintegrate, the base metal and mechanically incorporate
with it the desired amount of slag.
W'()*+T I'(, -urya .arma 1
Besi tempa mempunyai fasa besi dan terak silikat yang bentuknya
menyerupai serat sehingga menambah kekuatannya.
Terak yang bentuknya butiran (granulate) atau bentuk remukan/hancur
(disintegrate )secara mekanik disatukan dengan logam dasar (besi).
Pipa standar, paku, kaat berduri, paku keling, fittingyang dilas,
bangunan kapal, industri perminyakan,, arsitektur, dan peralatan
Besi tempa tersedia dalam bentuk plat, lembaran, bentuk bulat dan
bentuk profil struktur.
Bentuk patahan adalah fibrous (seperti berserat)
W'()*+T I'(, -urya .arma /

W'()*+T I'(, -urya .arma

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