Ancient Sex and Present Sex

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Ancient World to First World War
10,000 BC: Semi-permanent settlements come up in Africa, Asia and
10,000-4,000 BC: Settlements turn into protocities. Development such
as wheel, pottery and improved methods of cultivation in Mesopotamia
and other places.
C. 5000 BC: Beginning of civilization in Mesopotamia which is
considered to be oldest civilization.
3000-1500 BC: Mature phase of Indus Valley civilization.
3000-1000 BC: Egyptian Civilization grew on the banks of Nile river.
2000 BC: Man discovered Iron.
800 BC: Flourishing of Greek civilization.
776 BC: First Olympiad in Greece.
753 BC: Rome founded.
58 BC: Caesars invasion of Gaul.
55 BC: Roman invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar.
4 BC: Birth of Jesus Christ. AD
30 AD: Crucification of Jesus Christ.
43 AD: Roman conquest of Britain.
570 AD: Birth of Prophet Mohammad.
600 AD: The end of the Roman Empire.
622 AD: Beginning of Hijri Era (Muslim Calendar).
800 AD: Charlemagne crowned Roman Emperor at St. Peters.
1066 AD: The Norman conquest of England; Battle of Hastings and
accession of William the Conqueror.
1215 AD: Signing of Magna Carta (June 15).
1348 AD: Black Death Plague in England.
1492 AD: Columbus sailed for the New World on his first voyage and
discovered America.
1588 AD: Defeat of Spanish Armada.
1649 AD: King Charles I beheaded; Beginning of Commonwealth.
1660 AD: The restoration of British Monarchy.
1688 AD: Bloodless or Glorious Revolution in England.
1689 AD: Establishment of British Constitutional Monarchy.
1776 AD: Declaration of American Independence (July4).
1789 AD: French Revolution (Aug 27); George Washington elected the
first President of America.
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1805 AD: Battle of Trafalgar; British Fleet under Lord Nelson defeated
French and Spanish Fleets.
1815 AD: Battle of Waterloo (June 18). Exile of Napoleon Bonaparte to
St. Helena (Oct 16).
1821 AD: Panama, Guetamala, and Santo Domingo proclaim
independence from Spain.
1822 AD: Greece proclaims independence from Turkey.
1824 AD: Mexico becomes Republic.
1833 AD: Slavery abolished in Britain.
1837 AD: Victoria becomes queen of British empire.
1839-42 AD : First opium war between Britain and China.
1848-49 AD: US-Mexico war ends with Mexico giving up claims to
Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Nevada.
1852 AD: South African republic established.
1858 AD: Queen Victoria appointed Empress of India; Abraham Lincoln
abolishes slavery in America.
1865 AD: American civil war ends with the defeat of proslavery
supporters. President Lincoln is assassinated.
1866 AD: Prussia and Italy defeat Austria in Seven Years war.
1867 AD: Dominion of Canada is established; USA buys Alaska from
Russia for $7,200,000.
1869 AD: Suez canal opens.
1870 AD: Revolt in Paris, third republic established.
1871 AD: Franco-Prussian war ends. France surrenders Alsace-Lorraine
to Germany; German empire is proclaimed with Prussian king Kaiser
Wilhelm I.
1878 AD: Russo-Turkish war ends.
1887 AD: Queen Victorias Golden Jubliee.
1889 AD: The Eiffel Tower is built.
1893 AD: New Zeland becomes first country to grant woman to right to
1895 AD: Sino-Japanese war ends with China accepting defeat.
1896 AD: First Olympic games begins in Athens.
1901 AD: Queen Victoria passes away.
1904 AD: Russo-Japanese War.
1909 AD: Discovery of North Pole by Commander Peary.
1912 AD: Establishment of the Chinese Republic.
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1914 AD: World War I (July 28).
1916 AD: Battle of Verdun (France) between France and Germany
(during World War I) (Feb 21).
1917 AD: Revolution in Russia; Bolsheviks come into power ending
Tzars regime.
1918 AD: End of World War I (Nov 11).

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