Pesticidal Use On Citrus in Ramechhap 2009

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Pesticide use on crops in Ramechhap, Nepal with reference to

sweet orange
Harihar Adhikari
Senior Agriculture Development Officer
Tel : 9744007802, 048-540063
Ramechhap farmers use some pesticides on off-season vegetables, for soil insect
treatment, as weedicide in Rice, as sprays, and as paste on cut wounds of trees and
shrubs; and for protection of tree trunks from footrot gummosis or dry foor rot. The
use of pesticides on citrus in Nepal was reported by International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMID). It reported Dimethoate (Roger 25 EC), Methyl
Parathion (Metacid 50 EC), Malathion or Nuvan, Karathane and Bordeaux Mixture.

The pesticidal use in citrus crop in Ramechhap is as follows:

Bordeaux mixture : for sooty mould, mosses and lichens on tree trunk, bark and
Bordeaux paste : on tree trunk for foot rot treatment and to heal wounds
surrounding the bark damage by Phytopthora (gummosis
Dimethoate (Rogor): a 25 EC foliar spray to control sucking insects, such as
scales, aphids, whiteflies, stink bug, mites, thrips, etc.
Sumithion : ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
Servo Oil : a petroleum product, mineral oil, manufactured in India, is
used to control scale insects
Karathane : to control Powdery mildew, a fungal disease, that attacks
young shoots, is treated during april, may, june, july, august
after mild rainfall.
Soil treatment: not done on citrus
Drenching : not done on citrus
Fertilizer : urea, DAP and Potash, sometimes micronutrients such as

Pesticides used in intercrops on citrus, such as off-season vegetables

Metasystox, Monocrotophos, fenkill, rogor for sucking insects such as stink bug,
aphids, caterpillars
Malathion 1-2 kgs/500 sq m to treat soil insects such as red ant, termites

Sweet Orange Junar Marketing :

I have published a theme paper on to contract the sale of sweet

oranges to a large buyer, such as Bhat Bhateni Departmental Store in Kathmandu,
Kalimati Fruit and Vegetable Market Development Committee in Kalimati
Kathmandu, and through fruit bars, and the like; about a year ago. Till now, buyers
and sellers are not aware about the importance of orchard hygiene and health, and
quarantine regelations, that affect international marketing, without quarantine
inspection, and health certificate from the country of origin and buyers’ destination.

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