Aligning HR Strategies With Business Strategies

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Vishwakarma Institute of Management

National HR Meet, 2!"
Aligning HR Strategies with Business Strategies
!th August 2!", #atur$a% Venue& Hotel #un n
#an$, Pune
9:30 am Registrations
10:00 am 10:30 am Welcome & Introduction to VIM
Director's address Dr. Shailesh Kasande
VIM, Dean Corporate Relation's address Dr. Sharad oshi
10:30 am 10:50 am Guest of Honor Address Mr. Pradeep Bhargaa,
Director, Cummins India !td.
10:50 am 11:15 am !hief Guest Address "e#note
Mr. Manish $oman% "resident
& C#$ at Sci%ormi&
'echnologies "ri(ate !imited
11:15 am 11:30 noon )et*or+ing ,rea+
11:30 am 1&:30 pm "anel Discussion- 'A(igning H)
strategies *ith Business $trategies+
!,- perspe.tie
Mr' A(ha% Valsangkar,
)*+CAO & Head HR, Avaya
India (Chairman for the
Mr. )a/endra 0aid#a,
Founder and Managing
Diretor, Remunane
!y"tem" #vt $td
1&:30 am 1:00 pm P(enar# $ession- Mr. A(o1 Ti*ari% Countr.
/ead, India at $ne.Com
1:00 pm &:00 pm !unch 0rea+
&:00 pm &:25 pm P(enar# $ession : Mr. $an/ee 3i4it, Chie%
"eople $%%icer , 1llied
0lenders & Distillers "(t !td
&:25 pm 3:25 pm "anel Discussion- 'A(igning H)
strategies *ith Business $trategies+ 5
H) Perspe.tie
Mr' #hara$ ,angal,
%&eutive '# HR,IR &
Admin & Mem(er
%&eutive Counil,
)herma& $td* (Chairman
for the panel)
Ms' #hu-hika #aha% , !r*
HRRM, !tandard Chartered
Mr' .%ng$oh Cal/in, Dr*
HR, -im(erly Clar, $ever
Ms' Renuka 0rishna, A'#
)alent A.ui"ition, -#I)
Ms' #o1hia Alme$a, %&/
D0M / HR ((Head
Corporate Reruitment 1
Re"pon"i(le for
0overnane), !iemen" I)
!olution" and !ervie" #vt*
3:25 pm 2:00 pm Vote o% 'han+s
2:00 pm on*ards )et*or+ing 0rea+
With 0est Regards,
Keta+i Ma+arand Kul+arni
'raining and "lacement $%%icer

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