How To Check Error Codes

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NOTE: This is only relevant for GT4s fitted with ABS

How To Check Error Codes
To find ot what ABS errors have !een detected" yo need to switch it into dia#nostic $ode% To do this:&
Switch off the i#nition% 'ocate the dia#nostic !o(" nder the !onnet !ehind the )assen#er ss)ension trret% The lid
of the !o( hin#es o)en and on the !ack of the lid there is a )inot of the connector% 'ocate the E* and TC ter$inals
and sin# a )a)ercli)" )iece of wire etc connect these two ter$inals to#ether% Go !ack into the car and switch the
i#nition to on +!t do not start the car, and o!serve the ABS li#ht% -t will do one of two thin#s:&
A steady flashin# indicates that there are no stored codes +as shown in the i$a#e a!ove,
Otherwise" cont the n$!er of flashes and write down the n$!er% There is a )ase !etween each n$!er" so if
yo cont ." then o!serve a )ase" then cont *" that $akes error code .*%
O)en shorted relay circit% Check $odlator wirin# harness" solenoid relay" solenoid relay
wirin# harness and solenoid relay connector
Short in solenoid relay circit% Check $odlator wirin# harness" solenoid relay" solenoid relay
wirin# harness and solenoid relay connector
O)en )$) $otor relay circit% Check $odlator wirin# harness" )$) $otor wirin# harness"
)$) $otor relay circit and )$) $otor connector%
Short in )$) $otor relay circit% Check $odlator wirin# harness" )$) $otor wirin#
harness" )$) $otor relay circit and )$) $otor connector%
/* O)en or short in ABS solenoid for ri#ht front wheel%
// O)en or short in ABS solenoid for left front wheel%
/0 O)en or short in ABS solenoid for ri#ht rear wheel%
/4 O)en or short in ABS solenoid for left rear wheel%
0* 1ro!le$ in ri#ht front wheel s)eed sensor circit
0/ 1ro!le$ in left front wheel s)eed sensor circit%
00 1ro!le$ in ri#ht rear wheel s)eed sensor circit%
04 1ro!le$ in left rear wheel s)eed sensor circit%
0. O)en in left front or ri#ht rear wheel s)eed sensor +2SS, circit%
03 O)en in ri#ht front or left rear 2SS circit
04 5alty rear s)eed sensor rotor%
Battery volta#e too low or hi#h +nder 6%. volts or over *3%/ volts,% Check !attery and
char#in# syste$%
1$) $otor is locked or )$) $otor circit is o)en% Check )$) $otor" $otor relay" wirin#
harness and $odlator #rond connections
7alfnction of ABS $odle%

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