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Choose the right possessive adjective:

1. Two students didn't do _________ mathematics

2. I have a car. _________ car is black.
3. We have a dog. _________ name is Pancho.
4. r !'"rian has a van. _________van is ver# old.
$. I like singing. _________ mother sings with me.
%. Where are ______ ke#s& I can't (ind them.
). Where do #ou kee* ______ mone#+ in the bank&
,. -na sees ______ mother ever# da#.
.. The cat eats ______ (ood /uickl#.
10. I have one sister. ______ name is 1ebbie.
11. I have a *en. ______ *en is red.
12. 2acho (orgot ______ book.
13. 3uis and iguel talk like ______ (ather.
14. 4ilvia is wearing a dress. ______ dress is #ellow.
1$. # (amil# has a dog. ______ dog's name is
1%. The teacher told me not to bring ______ cell *hone to school.
1). 5ose and aria are dancers. ______ older brother is a singer.
1,. Pe*e and I have an 6nglish class together. ______ teacher is s. 4mith.
1.. 2anc# is (rom 6ngland. _________ husband is (rom -ustralia.
20. 7arid and 2adia go to a high school. _________ little brother goes to *rimar# school.
21. We go to a high school. _________high school is (antastic.
22. 7rank and -lain are 7rench. _________ (amil# are (rom 7rance.
23. ar# likes __________ grandmother. 4he o(ten visits her.
24. Pedro and Isabel are 4*anish. ______ (amil# is (rom 4*ain.
Choose the correct words.
1. # 8 I name is 3ouise.
2. 9er 8 4he sister is m# 6nglish teacher.
3. We 8!ur *arents are (rom 3ondon.
4. :our 8 :ou are m# best (riend.
$. Their 8 The# live in -ustralia.
%. 9e 8 9is is interested in com*uters.
Choose the correct possessive determiners.
9i 1aniel+
______ name is 5ohn. This is ______ (riend 5ason. 9e's 12. _________ sister is nine. The# have got a
*et. _________ *et is a budgie. _________ name is ;harlie. 5ason and I go to the same school. There
are 4$0 bo#s and girls in _________ school. 5ason's (orm teacher is rs. Peterson. 4he has got a *et+
too. _________ *et is a tortoise. !ur (orm teacher is r. 4mith. I like __________ lessons. 9e has
two dogs. The dogs love to *la# in __________ garden. 2ow I have a /uestion (or #ou. What's
_________ *et&

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