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Learner Development: The teacher collaborates with
families, communities, colleagues, and other
professionals to promote learner growth and
Learner Development

I had the opportunity to
gain an understanding of the
development of learners in my
ehavior !anagement course at
!adonna "niversity during my
#inter $%1& semester' I was
provided with a variety of
scenario e(periences that can
ta)e place in an actual
educational setting, which is the
ne(t best thing to actually being
the in the classroom' I was able
to learn from these e(periences
and gain s)ills when wor)ing with
others in my future career'
The scenarios placed me in
a classroom that ranged from
elementary to high school' *ach
scenario we read individually,
then loo)ed more carefully in a
small team, and +nally it was
presented to a larger group for
more collaboration and ideas on
what to do in each situation'
*veryone had di,erent ideas and
strategies to share with one
another, which allowed me to see
other points of view and re-ect
on my own' After the discussion
of each scenario, we would come
to a +nal consensus about what
the main problem was, what
could be done to solve it, and
how it can be prevented in the

This was a bene+cial
because it gave me the
opportunity to put myself into a
real life classroom situation and
+gure out di,erent strategies to
use that would help with student
behavior' #or)ing in a small
Working in scenario group, discussing
Strategies to use in the situation presented.
Learner Development: The teacher collaborates with
families, communities, colleagues, and other
professionals to promote learner growth and
group and then moving into a
large group allowed me to gain
collaborative s)ills which
provided me with proactive ideas
and strategies that I had not
thought of on my own' This
e(perience allowed me to gain
problem solving s)ills and
cooperative learning s)ills that
will ultimately help me be able
collaborate with families,
communities, colleagues, and
other professionals to promote
learner growth and development
in my future classroom.
Working in scenario group, discussing
Strategies to use in the situation presented.

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