Child Prostitution in Colombia Final

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Child prostitution is a reality that violates human rights, for instance in

Colombia sexual exploitation is not enough but every day it increases.
It has been shown that in our country the most vulnerable population of this
are humble people, furthermore; is an option to get ahead and set aside the
lives they have; however, the way to do it is to involve children in this reality.
In Colombia and the world children are the first enter to this reality
at 8 and 14 years where are involved in this business, many of these children
are forced by their families, furthermore requiring them things that are not
theirs. For instance, bringing food and meet are the obligations of home;
later to see this reality children remain in sexual activity.

First you must make a diagnosis in all regions of Colombia on the situation, to
identify the most vulnerable areas. Then they must inform and educate the
general public about child sexual exploitation furthermore its various forms is
an offense and should be legally sanctioned. Although you should encourage
prevention and eradication of this crime is a commitment by everyone, not
just sectors traditionally concerned with the subject. Then create a
specialized unit responsible for tracking.

In Colombia sexual exploitation is evident which deprives children of their
childhood, dignity creating damage to their physical and psychological
development furthermore them away from a comprehensive education,
however society struggle for respect and ensure the rights of children,
Although some people only violated.
Our country could combat this by first creating awareness of the value of
every human being and later fighting for the dignity of these.
As teachers in training and knowing the importance of children have to
command respect children themselves, by body care and teach them to love
in this way may help eliminate sexual exploitation.

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