English Drama

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English/Drama Term 3: Fairy Tales

DRAS1.1 Take on roles in drama to explore familiar and imagined situations
*expresses an understanding of the shared fiction of the drama by stepping into role to re-enact a
DRAS1.2 Conveys story, depicts events and expresses feelings by using the elements of drama and
the expressive skills of movement and voice
*creates and adapts stories for enactment
*expresses dramatic meaning through movement and voice
DRAS1.3 Interacts collaboratively to communicate the action of the drama with others
*incorporates props, costumes and sound effects and movement sequences to communicate role,
situation and place
DRAS1.4 Appreciates dramatic work during the making of their own drama and the drama of
*responds to their own drama and that of others by describing their ideas and meanings.
Concepts: characterisation, point of view and dramatisation
Read a variety of fairy tales. Discuss characterisation and events in fairy
tales. Look at language of fairy tales
Retell fairy tales and write fairy tales
Readers Theatre
Complete Not so far away unit (5weeks) -persuasive
Whats my opinion Scenarios
Change the ending of fairy tales/tell from different perspective
Make iMovie trailers for fairy tales
Make iMovie of a fairy tale
Perform to each other/other classes

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