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College Football

Conference Expansion
V 1.2 07/08/2014 /u/meowcool
!la"ers #$% &'ese instructions are for % pla"ers. (ome a)ailable scools an* car*s ma" nee* to be ta+en awa"
for # or 4 pla"ers.,
-aterials .ee*e*/ 0ec+ 1f Car*s2 -onopol" or !ower 3ri* -one"2 !o+er Cips &8 4lue2 12 3reen2 ## 5ite,2
20 Colore* 6ouse -ar+ers for eac team &1r some wa" to mar+ "our conference members,2 CF4 'eam 4oar*2
an* a *7
1b8ect/ 'o create a conference consisting of 9 number of scools2 an* to le)el up "our conference in four
prestige categories.
'o 5in 'e 3ame/ 6a)e face car*s in all categories. 'ie 4rea+er/ :f two or more pla"ers get 4 face car*s in
te same turn te winner is woe)er as te iger a)erage car*. :f tere is still a tie te winner is woe)er
as more mone".
3ame !rep/ 0i)i*e te *ec+ of car*s into # piles. 2;s troug <;s2 10;s troug =ueens2 an* >ings an* ?ces.
'a+e out te 22 #2 42 %2 an* 7 of clubs from te low car* stac+. (uffle tese an* ten *eal out to pla"ers so
tat eac person as one club. 'e person wit te igest club goes first2 2n* igest goes 2n*2 etc. 'urn
or*er will most li+el" not go cloc+wise. >eep te 10s$=s an* >s$?s *ec+s turne* face*own. 4ut from a
suffle* *ec+ of te remaining 2s$<s flip four car*s face up an* te rest of te *ec+ face *own.
(tarting 'e 3ame/ Eac pla"er gets @70. :n turn or*er &0etermine* b" Clubs,2 eac pla"er can begin to post
a colore* ouse mar+er on te scools of teir coice. ? pla"er can purcase as man" scools as te" a)e
mone" for. ?fter "ou bu" "our first scool2 "ou must also pa" te connection fee to te next new scool of
"our conference. ? connection &tra)el, fee onl" nee*s to be pai* one time.
5ite Cip (cools &.o Aing, $ @10
3reen Cip (cools &3reen Aing, $ @1%
4lue Cip (cools &4lue Aing, $ @20
.o two pla"ers can be on te same scool. Eac pla"er recei)es a correspon*ing colore* po+er cip to te
scools te" purcase. For scools wit a blue ring "ou recei)e a blue cip. 3reen ring B green cip. 5ite
ring B wite cip. ?fter e)er"one as place* teir first scool ten prestige car*s are purcase*. ?t tis point
in te game onl" 4 prestige car*s of te 2s troug <s *ec+ soul* be face up &besi*es te in*i)i*ual club car*
e)er" pla"er alrea*" as,. !urcasing prestige car*s goes in re)erse turn or*er2 *etermine* b" wo as te
igest club.
!restige Car* Categories/
0iamon*s B -e*ia -ar+ets
6earts B Fan ?ppeal
Clubs B ?ca*emics
(pa*es B Football !ower
!restige Car*s/ 'e number on te car* represents te prestige le)el of tat categor". !restige Car*s are
purcase* at te en* of eac roun*. Cou are eligible to purcase as man" new prestige car*s as te number
of new scools "ou expan*e* to *uring "our turn. :f "ou coose not to expan* to a new scool *uring "our
turn2 "ou can still bu" a prestige car*. 6owe)er2 "ou ma" not a)e more prestige car*s tan "ou a)e scools.
?n* "ou ma" onl" a)e a maximum of 4 prestige car*s. 1 car* in eac categor". Cou can *iscar* lower
prestige car*s to ma+e room for new ones. 0iscar*e* prestige car*s go in a stac+ not pla"able for te rest of
te game. 'e cost for face car*s is still representati)e of teir numerical )alue. (o Dac+ B @112 =ueen B @122
>ing B @1#2 ?ce B @142 an* Do+er B @1%
Enloc+ing 6iger !restige Car* (tac+s/ ?t te beginning of te game te onl" car*s a)ailable to bu" are te
2s troug <s. 'o unloc+ te 10s$=ueens one of two tings can appen. Eiter someone reaces a
conference siFe of 7 scools2 or 7 green cip multipliers are pla"e*.
'o unloc+ te >ings an* ?ces2 someone eiter nee*s to reac a conference siFe of 10 scools2 or 7 4lue cip
multipliers are pla"e*. 'ese numbers ma" nee* to cange for less tan % pla"ers.
0etermining 6igest !restige Ge)el/ 'e iger te car*2 te iger te prestige le)el. 2 being te lowest2
?ce being te igest.
1. 0etermine 'urn 1r*er &?ca*emic !restige Ge)el,
2. Calculate :ncoming -one"
#. ?** .ew (cools or :n)ite (cool From ?noter Conference an* get correspon*ing
Cips for tose (cools
4. 3et !restige Car*s &in Ae)erse ?ca*emic 1r*er, ?fter all turns for tat roun* are o)er.
:f pla"ers nee* to purcase more tan one prestige car* it goes bac+ troug in te
same or*er2 wit eac pla"er getting one at a time.
Calculating :ncoming -one"/
1. ?** up "our prestige car*s from (pa*es2 0iamon*s2 an* 6earts. (ubtract te number of scools in
"our conference.
2. Ese an* *iscar* a 5ite Cip to a)oi* subtracting te number of scools from "our conference. 'is
ma" be use* in combination wit a colore* multiplier cip.
#. Ese a 3reen Cip as a x2 -ultiplier or a 4lue Cip as a x# -ultiplier. ? cip can onl" be use* once
an* onl" one colore* multiplier cip ma" be use* per turn. Ese* cips go towar* unloc+ing future
4. 'e final number from steps 12 22 an* # is te mone" "ou recei)e for "our turn.
%. >eep trac+ of te number of 3reen an* 4lue -ultiplier cips tat a)e been pla"e*. 'e" *etermine
wen te iger prestige *ec+s are unloc+e*.
7. For Clubs/ Cou can subtract te number on te igest prestige car* from te cost of a**ing a new
scool. :f te car* is greater tan te cost of te scool2 "ou get te scool for free but no extra
mone" bac+. 1nl" wor+s once per turn.
?**ing .ew (cools/ ?**ing a new scool costs eiter @102 @1%2 or @20 plus te tra)el costs &te mone"
)alue on te connection between scools,
5ite Cip (cools $ @10
3reen Cip (cools $ @1%
4lue Cip (cools $ @20
E)er" time "ou a** a new scool "ou get a correspon*ing colore* cip for tat scool. >eep trac+ of ow
man" scools "ou a** per turn. 'is will *eci*e ow man" prestige car*s "ou can bu" at te en* of te roun*.
?**ing ? (cool From ?noter Conference/ 0eclare te scool "ou want in "our conference. :f te opponent
as a le)el 11 or iger in Fan ?ppeal or -e*ia -ar+ets2 "ou cannot ta+e tis scool. :f not roll a *7. :f "ou
roll a 42 %2 or 7 tat scool 8oins "our conference. Cou must still pa" te cip cost of te scool an* te tra)el
costs to acHuire tat scool. 'e cip cost goes to te person wo te scool formerl" belonge* to2 an* te
tra)el cost goes to te ban+. :f "ou lose an attempt at a**ing a scool2 "ou ma" not retr" for tat scool for 2
roun*s. Cou ma" attempt to a** oter scools toug. 'e pla"er wo 8ust lost te team from teir
conference ma" not tr" to get tat particular scool bac+ for # roun*s.

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