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Don Morrison
Technology Education

Classroom rules
1.) Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. On the board will be a warm up assignment that needs to be completed within
the first five minutes of class.
2.) Do not interrupt teacher or fellow students especially during presentations.
3.) Clean up your area before leaving class. Remove all trash from desk or computer lab areas.
4.) No cell phones, no drinks, no food, candy or gum.
5.) Be respectful of everyone in the classroom. This includes teachers, substitutes, guest and fellow students. Verbal abuse,
inappropriate, vulgar language or hitting, slapping is not tolerated.
1.) First offense - Verbal warning (rules 4 and 5 are immediate written warning)
2.)Second offense - Written warning.
3.) Third offense - loss of class privileges, parental contact.
4.) Fourth offense - Referral to office, possible detention.
1.) positive classroom behavior will result in positive feedback to parents.
2.)Removal of written offense from student grade book.
3.)Drop lowest daily quiz grade for every six weeks.
4.)Up to two points additional will be available to round a test score grade up. ie.... 68 test grade will get two points giving a 70.


Daily Work and six week quizzes........... 15%
Group Projects ......................................20%
Individual Presentation .........................20%
Essay Report ..........................................20%
Class Participation .................................05%

Exams consist of multiple choice 25 questions. There will be 4 exams with last exam being a final
cumulative exam with 100 questions.

100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-0 F

Rubric Grading

Rubric will be handed out beforehand outlining each criteria that student is responsible for answering
3 above expectation
2 meets expectation
1 below expectation
0 nothing done/not observed

Rubric grading will used for grading the following work
Daily work
Group project
Individual presentation
Essay Report
Week 1 - Class introduction
Week 2 - Technology Careers
Week3 - Computer science
Week 4 - Bio Technology
Week 5 - Robotics and Automation
Week 6 - Power systems
Week 7 - Manufacturing
Week 8 - Advanced Materials

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