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Philippine Laws and Cases - Atty.

J. Laserna Jr.
Email -, cc: Tel. No. (63 2) 8725443,
846253. !a" No. (63 2) 846253. #$$ress: %ni& '5, (&ar #rca$e, ).*. (&arr #+e.,
,-ilamli.e *illage, /as ,inas )i&0 '741 2e&ro 2anila, ,-ili33ines.
Friday, December 6, 2!"
Petiti#n $#r declarati#n #$ nullity #$ marria%e& Art. "6, Family C#de,
psych#l#%ical incapacity #$ b#th sp#uses.
F#r le%al research purp#ses #$ #ur readers, bel#w is a c#py #$ a petiti#n $#r
declarati#n #$ nullity #$ marria%e under Art. "6, Family C#de 'based #n the
psych#l#%ical incapacity #$ b#th sp#uses, per the rep#rt #$ a clinical psych#l#%ist(
that #ur law #$$ice has $iled with a trial c#urt in Metr# Manila.
PETITIONER x x x, by counsel, respectfully states:
1. Petitioner is xxx years old, born on xxx, old and a resident of xxx City.elo
Petitioner is a graduate of ac!elor of "cience in xxx fro# t!e xxx. $e !ad
co#pleted %arious rele%ant training in !is field t!at catapulted !i# to t!e co%eted
position of C!ief &ate at a %ery young age. Petitioner 'as t!e s!ip captain at t!e
age of xxx years of t!e xxx, '!ere !e too( of !is training in !is field.
)ttac!ed as Annex A !ereof is a copy of t!e Bio-Data of t!e petitioner for
ready reference.
*. T!e respondent xxx is xxx years old, born on xxx, and a resident of xxx City,
'!ere s!e #ay be ser%ed 'it! su##ons for t!e instant case.
Respondent finis!ed xxx at a sc!ool in xxx. +!ile petitioner (ne' t!at
respondent 'as e#ployed 'it! xxx fro# xxx to xxx, !e !as no (no'ledge of
respondent,s present e#ploy#ent, if any.
-. Petitioner !as been e#ployed at t!e xxx Corporation fro# xxx until present. $e
'as a .ec( Cadet fro# xxx to xxx/ T!ird &ate fro# xxx to xxx/ T!ird0"econd
&ate fro# xxx to xxx/ "econd &ate 0 C!ief &ate fro# xxx to xxx/ and C!ief &ate
fro# xxx to xxx. $e !olds t!e record of being t!e youngest s!ip captain at a
young age of xxx years old of t!e xxx Corporation.
1. Petitioner !ad a son out of 'edloc(, during !is bac!elor years. T!e son is xxx,
xxx years old, born on xxx, xxx grade pupil. Petitioner !as been t!e one pro%iding
financial support to xxx t!roug! re#ittances deposited in a ban(.
)ttac!ed as Annex B is a copy of t!e Certificate of 2i%e irt! of xxx.
3. Petitioner and respondent first #et so#eti#e in xxx. T!ey initially beca#e text
#ates fro# xxx to xxx of t!at year '!en one of Petitioner,s college class#ates
ga%e !i# Respondent,s #obile nu#ber. $o'e%er, t!ey e%entually lost contact
starting xxx because Petitioner !ad to undergo a sea#an4training course at t!e
xxx Institute xxx '!ere #obile p!ones are not allo'ed '!ile in t!e duration of
t!e training. y xxx, Petitioner 'as able to successfully finis! !is training course
and resu#ed !is co##unication 'it! t!e Respondent. In t!e sa#e #ont! of xxx,
Petitioner and respondent #et for t!e %ery first ti#e in xxx and engaged in pre4
#arital sex on t!e sa#e day.
5. "ince t!en, petitioner and respondent sa' eac! ot!er once e%ery 'ee(. T!ey
'ere already s'eet!earts '!en petitioner boarded a %essel as .es( Cadet in xxx
for !is first 'or( contract. T!eir relations!ip continued %ia long distance, 'it!
constant calls and e#ails. In xxx, petitioner !ad !is %acation in t!e P!ilippines. It
'as t!en '!en !e introduced t!e respondent to !is fa#ily. T!e latter 'ar#ly
accepted t!e respondent.
6. In xxx, respondent started to stay at t!e !ouse of t!e petitioner, 'it! petitioner,s
parents and siblings. Petitioner,s siblings started to notice t!at petitioner and
respondent often engaged in %erbal argu#ents o%er petty #atters. T!ey 'ould
s!out at eac! ot!er and no one 'ould 'ant to bac( off. Petitioner expected t!e
respondent to gi%e in during fig!ts but respondent 'ould e%en get angrier t!an
!i#, not 'anting to lo'er !er %oice.
7. &oreo%er, Petitioner disco%ered t!at Respondent is t!e do#inant and
controlling type. "!e 'anted t!ings !er 'ay and 'ould be %ery angry '!en !er
'ants are not granted. Petitioner reali8ed t!at !e and respondent are
inco#patible to eac! ot!er. $e already 'anted to separate fro# !er but !e could
not do so '!en s!e bro(e t!e ne's t!at s!e 'as already pregnant 'it! t!eir
9. Petitioner and respondent e%entually got #arriage to eac! ot!er on xxx, despite
t!e uncertainties already entertained in t!e #ind of t!e petitioner, because
petitioner !ad as(ed t!e per#ission of t!e respondent,s #ot!er for t!e said
#arriage. )fter t!e nuptial, t!e couple continued to establis! t!eir d'elling place
at t!e !ouse of Petitioner,s parents.
)ttac!ed as Annex C !ereof is a copy of t!e
Certificate of Marriage of t!e parties.
1:. +!ile li%ing toget!er as !usband and 'ife, petitioner found out t!at respondent
'as a %ery ;ealous and suspicious 'o#an. +!ene%er Petitioner arri%ed !o#e
fro# !is training, Respondent 'ould c!ec( !is belongings, especially !is #obile
p!one, for any e%idence of a probable infidelity on !is part. "!e suspected !i# of
!a%ing an illicit affair 'it! !is for#er girlfriends, particularly 'it! t!e one '!o#
!e !ad sired a c!ild out of 'edloc(. +!ile petitioner ad#itted t!at !e !ad a son
prior to #eeting t!e respondent and !e !ad flings before/ !e no longer engaged in
suc! flings after !is 'edding 'it! t!e respondent. $o'e%er, respondent did not
belie%e t!e petitioner and s!e gre' all t!e #ore suspicious of !is actions,
accusing !i# of infidelity e%en if s!e !as no concrete basis at all.
11. .espite t!e fact t!at t!eir #arital relations!ip 'as already in s!a#bles as t!ey
continue to engage in !eated argu#entation and fig!ts, t!e supposed c!ild of t!e
parties, xxx 'as born on xxx.
)ttac!ed as Annex D !ereof is a copy of t!e Certificate of Live Birth of
1*. Petitioner obser%ed t!e distance t!at de%eloped
bet'een !i# and xxx. )t first !is attributed t!e said distance due to !is o%erseas
e#ploy#ent. Petitioner 'as often told t!at t!e features of xxx are star(ly
different fro# !is. <inally, !e decided to sub;ect xxx and !i#self to .N) to
ascertain !is paternity of t!e said c!ild.
T!e differences in t!e facial features of t!e petitioner and =xx =xx are readily
%isible in t!e attac!ed pictre of the petitioner an! xxx ta(en recently in
xxx >Annex E !ereof?.
1-. &uc! to t!e petitioner,s dis#ay, t!e .N) result
conducted on =xx =xx and !i#self s!o's t!at
xxx i" not the #io$ogica$ father of xxx%
)ttac!ed as Annex & !ereof is a copy of t!e
abo%ereferred DNA 'e"$t conducted by t!e xxx on xxx.
11. Prior to t!e birt! of xxx, petitioner again
boarded a %essel 'it! a position of T!ird &ate fro# xxx to xxx for !is second
'or( contract. T!is ti#e, respondent started to nag !i# about financial support
to t!e point t!at !is 'or( on board 'as already being affected. "!e de#anded
#ore #oney fro# t!e petitioner and 'as @uestioning t!e support !e is gi%ing for
!is siblings, education. Petitioner argued t!at prior to getting #arried/ !e !ad
already cleared t!is 'it! t!e respondent. $e told !er t!at !e 'ill still support !is
siblings '!o sacrificed t!eir education for !i# to graduate first so t!at !e can
!a%e a ;ob. "upporting t!e# 'as !is 'ay to pay t!e# bac( for t!eir sacrifices.
$o'e%er, respondent too( t!is negati%ely and 'ould de#and #ore financial
support e%en if petitioner 'as also gi%ing to !er fa#ily '!ene%er needed.
Respondent 'ould e%en pic( up a fig!t 'it! Petitioner,s youngest sibling 'it!
regards t!e financial re#ittances. .espite t!e ob;ection of t!e respondent,
petitioner continued to finance t!e education of !is siblings to co#pensate t!e#
for t!eir sacrifices t!ey under'ent for !is education.
13. Petitioner !as been regularly sending ade@uate
a#ount of #onetary re#ittances to t!e respondent. $is #ont!ly financial
allocations 'ere initially a#ounting to P$P xxx, until it increased to P$P xxx. )t
present, !e is sending P$P xxx to t!e respondent and xxx on a #ont!ly basis.
.espite t!ese a#ounts, respondent is not yet satisfied and e%en de#anded #ore.
"!e once told t!e Petitioner t!at s!e #ust recei%e P$P xxxx '!en !e is a t!ird
#ate, P$P xxx as second #ate, P$P xxx as c!ief #ate and P$P xxx as captain.
15. +!en Petitioner boarded t!e %essel 'it! a position
of T!ird &ate, pro#oted to "econd &ate, fro# xxx to xxx, for !is third 'or(
contract, Respondent transferred location to xxx because s!e did not 'ant to li%e
'it! !is parents and siblings. In t!e sa#e year, respondent as(ed P$P xxx fro#
t!e petitioner supposedly for t!e !eart operation of xxx. T!e follo'ing year, s!e
as(ed P$P xxx fro# !i# for follo'4up operation of t!e c!ild xxx. Petitioner !ad
incurred debts ;ust to raise suc! a#ount in order to i#pro%e t!e !ealt! condition
of t!e c!ild xxx. 2ater on, !o'e%er, Petitioner in@uired at t!e xxx $ospital 'it!
regards t!e c!ild,s record and 'as s!oc(ed to learn t!at no operations 'ere
perfor#ed for t!e c!ild. In fact, t!e c!ild !as no record of consultation on t!e
said !ospital. It 'as t!en '!en Petitioner started to as( t!e respondent '!ere !is
!ard4earned inco#e 'as spent on t!roug! t!e years.
()% B* hin!"ight, petitioner fee$" having grave$*
victi+i,e! #* the re"pon!ent thr hge fa-e! ho"pita$i,ation" of the
chi$! xxx, .ho .a" "#"e/ent$* te"te! a" not #e$onging to the
17. +!en Petitioner too( !is %acation in t!e P!ilippines
in xxx, !e no longer stayed 'it! t!e respondent in xxx. T!ey 'ere already
separated during t!is ti#e alt!oug! !e still %isited t!e c!ild xxx in xxx '!ene%er
!e !ad no training in t!e s!ipping co#pany for !is second #ate exa#ination.
.uring !is %isits, t!e estranged couple still engaged in sexual intercourse.
19. In xxx Petitioner boarded a %essel as "econd &ate, pro#oted to C!ief &ate, for
!is fourth 'or( contract. $e t!en #et anot!er 'o#an, na#ed xxx and engaged
in an illicit affair 'it! !er. T!e follo'ing year, xxx, Petitioner and xxx sired a
c!ild na#ed xxx, to '!o# t!e petitioner also extends financial support as !is
*:. Petitioner returned for a %acation in t!e P!ilippines
in xxx. Petitioner and Respondent 'ere able
to find 'ays to reconcile to t!e #arriage bet'een t!e parties anot!er c!ance. $e
t!oug!t t!at t!e latter 'ould c!ange for t!e better but !e 'as ;ust disappointed
at !er. Petitioner 'as t!en re%ie'ing for !is exa#ination as c!ief #ate '!ile
Respondent 'as @uestioning t!e !uge a#ounts !e 'as paying for t!e re%ie'. "!e
'as also de#anding so #uc! ti#e fro# !i# a#idst t!e re%ie'. To address t!e
co#plaint of t!e respondent, petitioner as(ed !er to lea%e =xx and stay 'it! !i#
at !is parents, abode so t!at t!ey could be toget!er #ore often.
*1. $o'e%er, t!eir relations!ip beca#e 'orse t!an
e%er, as t!eir inco#patibilities surfaced out again. T!ey engaged all t!e #ore in
!eated argu#ents and fig!ts e%en at t!e presence of !is parents and siblings.
Petitioner 'as unable to sleep due to t!e extended @uarrels 'it! t!e respondent
and !e attended !is re%ie' classes 'it!out sleep. Petitioner lac( peace of #ind
and concentration !e needed for !is re%ie'. $e te#porarily found solace in t!e
co#pany of !is #ale friends, as t!ey engaged in drin(ing sessions e%ery nig!t,
e%ery after re%ie' for t!e c!ief #ate exa#ination. +!en !e arri%ed !o#e, !e 'as
pestered by t!e angry respondent '!o continually nagged !i#.
**. Petitioner expected respondent to be caring and t!oug!tful to'ards !i#, but s!e
failed to loo( after Petitioner,s 'elfare. "!e 'as cold and apat!etic to'ards !is
concerns. Respondent could not e%en prepare #erienda for t!e petitioner and
'ould re@uire !i# to prepare !is o'n #erienda. &oreo%er, respondent
continued to be suspicious of !i#, constantly c!ec(ing !is belongings upon
arri%al fro# !is re%ie' classes. Respondent 'as selfis!, ;ealous and indifferent.
Respondent ne%er cared for t!e petitioner and !is needs.
**. In t!e early part of xxx, t!e couple
again engaged in !eated fig!ts '!en respondent refused to allo' t!e petitioner to
attend t!e 'a(e of !is grand#ot!er in xxx. Petitioner could not bring respondent
along 'it! !i# in t!e 'a(e because !is fa#ily and relati%es strongly disappro%ed
of !er.
*-. .uring !eated fig!ts, Respondent 'ould call !er
parents and sister in xxx, crying and see(ing for sy#pat!y, '!ic! t!e petitioner
*1. T!eir #arital fig!ts beca#e all t!e #ore fre@uent
and intense until Petitioner again boarded !is %essel as C!ief &ate for t!e fifth
ti#e on xxx to xxx.
*3. +!ile on board, Respondent created a fa(e
<aceboo( account of t!e Petitioner and added #ost of !is friends, including !is
co4'or(ers in t!e %essel. T!roug! t!e said fa(e account, Respondent 'as
co##unicating 'it! !is co4'or(ers, telling t!e# t!at s!e and !er c!ild 'as
li%ing in a s@uatter,s area and are already settling for roc( salt as t!eir #eals
>nagdidildil ng asin?. Petitioner 'as infuriated upon learning t!is because !e 'as
certain t!at !is financial allocations for t!e respondent and t!e c!ild xxx ne%er
'aned. $e still sends t!e# #onetary support on a #ont!ly basis. Petitioner
furt!er gat!ered t!at respondent also accused !is parents and siblings of sending
!er deat! t!reats. T!is beca#e t!e last stra' of t!eir relations!ip and petitioner
finally decided t!at it is all o%er.
*5. Petitioner belie%es t!at t!eir relations!ip is already
beyond repair. Petitioner did e%eryt!ing !e could to sa%e !is #arriage 'it! t!e
respondent, !o'e%er, t!eir inco#patibility along 'it! respondent,s per%asi%ely
fla'ed c!aracter !ad #ade it i#possible to redee# t!e relations!ip. Petitioner
narrated It 'as in t!is pre#ise t!at Petitioner finally decided to separate fro#
t!e respondent/ !ence t!e filing of t!is annul#ent case.
*6. T!e recent finding by t!e petitioner t!at t!e c!ild
xxx is NOT !is biological son furt!er
strengt!ened Petitioner,s desire to se%ere any re#aining ties !e !as 'it! t!e
respondent '!o !ad lied to !i# all t!ese years t!at t!ey 'ere toget!er.
*7. T!e parties do not own any properties, '!et!er real or
*9. T!e petitioner !as engaged t!e ser%ices of t!e undersigned
counsel, Laserna Cueva-Mercader & Associates Law Offices for t!e preparation,
filing and prosecution of t!e instant case.
-:. T!e petitioner !ad engaged t!e ser%ices of Dr% xxx, C$inica$ P"*cho$ogi"t, for
t!e deter#ination of psychological evaluation of bot! parties, '!o 'ill be
presented as an expert witness in support of t!e instant petition.
)ttac!ed is Annex 0 is a copy of t!e Crric$+ 1itae of Dr% xxx,
C$inica$ P"*cho$ogi"t%
-1. T!e psyc!ological tests ad#inistered by .r. xxx
on t!e petitioner 'ere: Re%ised eta Exa#ination II/
ender Aisual &otor Bestalt Test/ .ra' ) Person Test/ Rorsc!ac!
Psyc!odiagnostic Test / "ac!,s "entence Co#pletion Test &innesota &ultip!asic
Personality In%entory I/ $and Test/ and "elf )nalysis.
-*. ased on t!e results of t!e psyc!ological tests and
inter%ie' on t!e parties and corroborator as 'ell as based on t!e bac(ground
data gat!ered and #arital !istory of t!e parties, t!e findings of .r. xxx are
reproduced in t!e succeeding paragrap!s !ereinbelo', culled fro# t!e Report
of Dr. xxx, M. A., xxx, attac!ed as Annex H !ereof, to 'it:
)fter a t!oroug! analysis of t!e data presented, it is re%ealed t!at t!e e%entual
s!attering of t!e con;ugal partners!ip bet'een xxx and xxx is broug!t fort! by
t!e p"*cho$ogica$ incapacitation of the Petitioner an! 'e"pon!ent.
T!ey 'ere bot! go%erned by a debilitating psyc!ological conditions, '!ic! #ade
t!e# inept to be acti%ely part of a relations!ip '!ere #utuality is founded and
re@uired. T!eir attitude and be!a%ior are all self4centered in nature t!at bot!
t!eir stri%ings are largely focused to cater t!eir pat!ological needs and de#andsC.
--. T!e reported be!a%ioral #anifestations of t!e petitioner
satisfies t!e criteria of a DPA22I1E-A00'E22I1E PE'2ONALIT3
T!is personality disorder caused t!e petitioner to be psyc!ologically
incapacitated to co#ply 'it! t!e essential obligations of #arriage.
-1. .r. xxx c!aracteri8ed t!e psyc!ological incapacitation of
t!e petitioner as follo's:
Petitioner is regarded as an egocentric and self4centered person '!o
up!olds a sense of entitle#ent. T!is being t!e case, !e only t!in(s of !i#self and
anyt!ing t!at is in fa%or of !i#. $e loo(ed do'n on ot!ers, degrading anot!er
person,s capacity and 'ort!, percei%ing t!e# on a lo'er stature t!an !e is.
.uring argu#entations, Petitioner 'ould often tell t!e Respondent, Da(o ang
#atalino, top notc!er a(o eEC In return, !e feels superior and indo#itable '!en
t!ese are ;ust #eans to co%er up deep4seated inade@uacies and crippling anxiety.
Petitioner also !as #ixed4up priorities in life. To !i#, !is parents and siblings are
#ore i#portant t!an !is 'ife and c!ild. Respondent narrated, Dtinata(ot niya
(a#ing #ag4ina na di da' niya (a#i susustentu!an, (aya da' niya (a#ing
(ali#utanE#as i#portante sa (aniya ang (asi(atan niya sa fa#ily niyaE#as
priority niya ang fa#ily niya (aysa sa a#in.C
Petitioner is described as an e#otionally 'ea(4'illed #an '!o could not
directly assert !i#self to t!e circu#stances and people around !i#. <ro# t!e
%ery start, !e !as reser%ations about #arrying Respondent but still pursued 'it!
t!e 'edding '!en !e could !a%e cancelled t!e cere#ony in t!e first place.
Petitioner narrated, Dtinuloy (o po ang (asal (a!it aya' (o na sana, naisip (o na
gusto (o na iatras nag (asalEpero da!il na(apagpaala# na sa #ga #agulang
na#in, itinuloy na rin.C On #ost occasions '!ile inside t!e #arriage, Petitioner
'as not able to stand as t!e real #an of t!e fa#ily as !e lac(s t!e ability to
express po'er and do#inion o%er circu#stances. $e allo'ed !is parents and
siblings to dictate t!e ter#s to !i#. Instead of being !eard as t!e #an, !is
decisions are typically 'it!out aut!ority and t!is #ade !i# truly incapable of
leading t!e fa#ily. $e is al'ays unsure and filled 'it! feelings of inade@uacy.
Petitioner is depicted as a sullen and argu#entati%e person. $e is al'ays
on t!e defensi%e side of t!ings so #uc! so t!at !is #arital relations!ip !as been
bo#barded 'it! !eated disputes and fig!ts. Petitioner is described as D#adaling
#agalit, #adaldal (apag galit, !as a bad te#per.C On t!e onset, !e 'ould
succu#b to existing nor#s and standards as t!ese 'ould aug#ent !is sub;ugated
disposition and 'ould probably add @uality to !is depleted self concept.
$o'e%er, !e internally broods !ostile and oppositional feelings '!ic! furt!er
pa%e 'ay to !is aggressi%e tendencies and i#pulsi%e predilection '!en pro%o(ed.
$e lac(ed ade@uate control of !is e#otions and 'ould direct t!e# to'ards t!e
Respondent and t!eir c!ild. .uring #arital disputes, Petitioner 'as expecting
t!e Respondent to gi%e in during fig!ts but Respondent 'ould e%en get angrier
t!an !i#, not 'anting to lo'er !er %oice. Petitioner narrated, Dpag galit a(o,
nasabay siya sa init ng ulo, di siya papatalo sa a(in.C
Petitioner sees !i#self as #isunderstood and unappreciated, ill4fated and
de#eaned by ot!ers. $e feels %icti#i8ed in !is situation 'it!out seeing '!ere !is
s!ortco#ings lie and !is o'n s!are of negati%e contributions '!y !is situation
co#e on suc! ending and unfortunate condition. Instead, !e ;ust belie%es t!at
ot!ers are see#ingly unfair and are ta(ing ad%antage of !i#. Petitioner is
illustrated as D#asyadong #abait, #adaling #apani'ala, #asyadong #aa'ainEC
Negati%istic as !e is, it !as al'ays been !is 'ay of t!in(ing t!at ot!er people
ne%er sa' !is sacrifices. $e t!in(s t!at !e is recei%ing lesser appreciation t!an
'!at !e deser%es, and t!e discontented self4i#age t!at !e !as is bla#ed to'ards
t!e 'ay ot!er people treats !i#. T!is #a(es !i# all t!e #ore e#bittered,
disgruntled, and disillusioned in t!eir relations!ip.
Petitioner #anifested %acillating e#otional condition rendering !i#
unstable to display ade@uate reactions to relational sti#ulations. $e dit!ers fro#
being t!e ac@uiescent and contrite type to t!e i#pulsi%e and !ostile type. $e 'as
ne%er consistent 'it! t!e attitude and be!a%ior !e !as s!o'n to'ards t!e
Respondent. )t one point, !e 'ould be in !is passi%e stance. Petitioner and
Respondent sa' and co##unicated 'it! eac! ot!er last xxx. $o'e%er, during
t!is ti#e, Petitioner told Respondent, D!indi po niya ipapa4annul ang (asal
na#in da!il #a!al da' niya a(oEC )t anot!er point, !e 'ould e%entually feel
angry to t!e extent of t!reatening t!e Respondent, e%en !er life. In xxx,
Petitioner blac(#ailed t!e Respondent by telling !er t!at !e 'ill spread out !er
nude p!otos in !is laptop. Respondent narrated, Dsa totoo lang po #a,a#,
natata(ot a(o sa #ga banta niya da!il ala# (ong (aya niyang ga'in iyon.C
Respondent narrated, DI can pro%e !is text #essages na papatayin niya a(o,
papatayin niya (a#iEC
Petitioner is pictured as a #an '!o ta(es !is co##it#ents lig!tly. $e is
e#otionally elusi%e '!en it co#es to !is #arital difficulties so #uc! so t!at !e
tends to act passi%ely ;ust to preser%e e#otional attac!#ent. $e #ay appear
confor#ing but in'ardly !e is filled 'it! scorn and conte#pt for !is o'n
incapacity '!ic! !e often expressed out'ardly by 'ay of passi%e4aggression and
procrastination. )s a result, !e engaged in an illicit affair 'it! anot!er 'o#an. In
xxx, Petitioner boarded a %essel for !is fourth 'or( contract. $e t!en #et
anot!er 'o#an, na#ed xxx, and engaged in an illicit affair 'it! !er. T!e
follo'ing year, xxx, Petitioner and xxx sired a c!ild.
Petitioner lac(ed ade@uate insig!t to'ards !is pat!ological condition. T!is
being t!e case, !e failed to e%aluate t!e 'rongness of !is actions and 'as unable
to profit fro# experience. $e utili8ed rationali8ation #ec!anis# and offers alibis
to place !i#self in t!e best possible lig!t, despite !is e%ident s!ortco#ings or
failures. $e 'ould al'ays put t!e bla#e on t!e Respondent '!ile defending !is
i#pulsi%e and self4centered 'ays by #a(ing ;ustifications of !is decisions and
actions. $e 'ould e%en !ig!lig!t !is pat!etic condition, being t!e one '!o
passi%ely !onors !is financial obligations, '!ic! apparently places !i# in a
positi%e spotlig!t. $o'e%er, #onetary allocations are only part of !is
responsibilities as a !usband. $e #ay argue t!at !e 'as #a(ing it big and
successful in !is career, but !e 'as actually using t!is as !is scapegoat, allo'ing
!is #arital relations!ip to suffer and e#otional bond to really flouris!. $e 'as
bla#ing t!e Respondent, t!e situation, and ot!er people, but ne%er !i#self.
T!e personality disorder of t!e petitioner is a by4product of t!e
unfa%orable experiences and negati%e exposures !e !ad during !is c!ild!ood and
adolescent years. On t!ose crucial ti#es, !e 'as ;ust on !is 'ay of establis!ing
t!e %ery core of !is person and 'as ;ust building t!e per#anent foundation of !is
personality, ser%ing as t!e grounds of !is current #aladapti%e be!a%iors.
Bro'ing up, Petitioner !ad been accusto#ed to obey !is parents, along 'it!
existing !ouse rules. T!is being !is c!ild!ood conditioning, !e !ad learned t!e
%alue of obedience and co#pliance so t!at !e can be accepted and appro%ed by
!is percei%ed society. $e desperately tried !ard to pro%e !is 'ort! and t!is
practice of pleasing people #ade !i# to repress !is o'n feelings especially if
t!ese are not incongruent 'it! t!e people !e c!ose to please.
)longside, Petitioner,s co#pelling self4interests and needs beco#e
stronger as t!ese gain #uc! control of !is actions and decisions. $e gre'
i#pulsi%e '!en it co#es to t!e i##ediate gratification of !is goals. $e beca#e
too preoccupied of !is o'n pleasures t!at !e de#anded ot!er people to cater to
!is e%ery need. $is increasing self4orientation clas!ed 'it! !is debilitating desire
to perfor# in order to be accepted by !is i##ediate #ilieu. T!ese are poorly
integrated into a passi%e and self4centered person. T!oug! !e #ay put up a s!o'
of efficiency and obedience, !is e#otion is dee#ed lac(ing in dept! t!ereby
sabotaging !is relations!ips.
)s no one 'as t!ere to curb !is defecti%e 'ays, and !elp !i# alter !is
gro'ing negati%is# narcissis# during c!ild!ood until !e entered adult!ood, all
!is erroneous insig!t and faulty 'ay of percei%ing t!ings #ade t!e reference of
!is current #aladapti%e be!a%ioral pattern. $e is furt!er found to !a%e no a#ple
consciousness of !is defecti%e be!a%ior '!ic! #ade !i# laid up to properly
function as a responsible, lo%ing, caring, protecti%e, fait!ful, trust'ort!y and
understanding !usbandC.
-3. T!e reported be!a%ioral #anifestations of t!e respondent
satisfies t!e criteria of a D4I2T'IONIC PE'2ONALIT3 DI2O'DE' 5IT4
6NDE'L3IN0 ANTI2OCIAL &EAT6'E2% T!is personality disorder
caused t!e respondent to be psyc!ologically incapacitated to co#ply 'it! t!e
essential obligations of #arriage.
-5. .r. =xx c!aracteri8ed t!e psyc!ological incapacitation of
t!e respondent as follo's:
DRespondent !as a stri(ing sense of entitle#ent. "!e is de#anding of
i##ediate co#pliance to !er desires and 'ould 'ant petitioner to #eet !er
expectations. "!e al'ays 'anted to feel being treated in a 'ay '!ere s!e plays
t!e upper !and in t!e relations!ip and 'ould still insist on '!at s!e 'ants e%en if
it is already i#practical. "!e al'ays 'anted t!e attention of t!e petitioner. "!e
de#ands for !is ti#e and #oney and re@uires t!at s!e be i##ediately appeased
t!oug! s!e (ne' t!at it i#possible to do so. If !er 'is!es are not !eeded, s!e
easily bo#bards t!e Petitioner 'it! unnecessary and pointless naggings t!at are
not !elpful in any 'ay. Petitioner disco%ered t!at Respondent is t!e do#inant
and controlling type. "!e 'anted t!ings !er 'ay and 'ould be %ery angry '!en
!er 'ants are not granted. Petitioner narrated, Dpag galit a(o, lalo niya a(o
gagalitin, sasabay siya, (aya (o na lang #anana!i#i(, pa(u#baba na lang a(o.C
It 'as t!en '!en Petitioner reali8ed t!at !e and Respondent are inco#patible to
eac! ot!er. $e already 'anted to separate fro# !er but !e could not do so '!en
s!e bro(e t!e ne's t!at s!e is already pregnant 'it! t!eir c!ild.

T!e respondent,s 'ay of interaction is often c!aracteri8ed by seducti%e and
pro%ocati%e be!a%iors to elicit t!e response s!e 'anted fro# #an. +it! !er
interpersonally attention4see(ing 'ays, s!e can be in !er flirtatious, %ain and
ex!ibitionistic approac! to ot!ers especially t!e Petitioner. T!ey engaged in
sexual acts not long after t!e #et eac! ot!er personally. "!e 'ould usually
e#ploy dra#atic tactics and e#otional trap to #anipulate t!e Petitioner into
doing !is bidding. "!e (ne' t!at Petitioner 'ould not be able to stand (no'ing
t!at t!eir son are ailing, t!us by all #eans s!e used it against !i# to incur #oney.
On t!e sa#e year, Respondent as(ed P$P -::,::: fro# t!e Petitioner
apparently for t!eir c!ild,s !eart operation. T!e follo'ing year, s!e as(ed P$P
1::,::: fro# !i# for follo'4up operation of t!eir c!ild. Petitioner !ad incurred
debts ;ust to raise suc! a#ount in order to i#pro%e t!e !ealt! condition of t!eir
c!ild. 2ater on, !o'e%er, Petitioner in@uired at t!e aguio $ospital 'it! regards
t!e c!ild,s record and 'as s!oc(ed to learn t!at no operations 'ere perfor#ed
for t!e c!ild.
"!e is an egocentric and pleasure oriented person. "!e is selfis! and only
t!in(s of !er o'n co#fort and !appiness, e%en at t!e expense of !er #arriage
and fa#ily. "!e is reluctant to gi%e up selfis! indulgence and failed to be
responsible enoug! to attend to !er duties. )rgu#ents 'ould ensue since s!e
'anted e%ery di#e of Petitioner,s inco#e t!oug! s!e (ne' t!at !e also !ad
responsibilities 'it! !is siblings. "!e is un'illing to s!are and @uestions t!e
Petitioner if !e e%er gi%es support to !is fa#ily. Fet Petitioner 'ould also be
disappointed since s!e ne%er sa%ed any re#ittances t!at !e sends to !er. "!e
de#anded #ore #oney fro# t!e Petitioner and 'as @uestioning t!e support !e
is gi%ing for !is siblings, education. Petitioner argued t!at prior to getting
#arried/ !e !ad already cleared t!is 'it! t!e Respondent. $e told !er t!at !e 'ill
still support !is siblings '!o sacrificed t!eir education for !i# to graduate first
so t!at !e can !a%e a ;ob. "upporting t!e# 'as !is 'ay to pay t!e# bac( for t!eir
sacrifices. $o'e%er, Respondent too( t!is negati%ely and 'ould de#and #ore
financial support e%en if Petitioner 'as also gi%ing to !er fa#ily '!ene%er
needed. Respondent 'ould e%en pic( up a fig!t 'it! Petitioner,s youngest sibling
'it! regards t!e financial re#ittances. Petitioner narrated, Dda!il lang sa biruan,
nag(a(aa'ay sila ng (apatid (ong bunso, pi(on (asi siya >respondent?.C .espite
Respondent,s protests, Petitioner continued to finance t!e education of !is

"!e lac(s e#pat!y and is un'illing
to consider t!e feelings of ot!er people especially t!e Petitioner. "!e utili8es
rationali8ation #ec!anis# to ;ustify !er o'n transgression and bla#es
e%eryt!ing to t!e petitioner. $er blindness of !er o'n fault #ade c!anges
i#possible in t!e #arriage since s!e is not inclined to 'ear t!e s!oes of t!e
Petitioner. "!e de#ands, carps and argues ;ust to get '!at s!e 'ants 'it!out
being sensiti%e t!at Petitioner !as !is o'n needs too. "!e 'anted to co#e in sig!t
as t!e %icti# ;ust to #a(e lig!t of !er o'n #isdeeds in t!e #arriage '!erein fact
it 'as !er poor decisions t!at !as put !er in t!e position.
"!e is deceitful 'o#an '!o is not fettered by any #oral obligation to create lies
for !er personal gains or profit. )l'ays ai#ing to alle%iate !erself, s!e lied
regarding t!e identity of !er c!ild and passed it on as t!e son of t!e Petitioner to
trap !i# into #arrying !er. "!e ne%er cared for t!e 'ell4being of !er son or t!e
Petitioner (no'ing t!at t!e scores of lies s!e created 'ill affect bot! of t!e#. In
t!e past years t!at t!ey 'ere toget!er, s!e (ept to !erself t!e (no'ledge t!at
Petitioner is not t!e biological fat!er of !er son yet s!e asserted !erself li(e a
fis!#onger 'ife,s '!o al'ays de#anded for support.
T!e personality aberration t!at respondent is suffering fro# !as its initial course
during t!e crucial de%elop#ental p!ase in !er lifeGc!ild!ood and adolescent
yearsG'!ere negati%e experiences and c!ild4rearing practices se%erely affects t!e
personality de%elop#ent. In t!e case of t!e Respondent, s!e gre' up 'it!out a
fat!er figure since !er parents separated '!en s!e 'as a baby and !e ne%er
co##unicated 'it! t!e# again after !e left t!e#. 2oo(ing at t!e picture, t!e
young respondent !as de%eloped a strong sense of insecurity and inade@uacy in
absence of fat!erly affection t!at s!e needs. $ence, s!e gre' up co#pensating
for t!is insecurity by engaging in relations!ip 'it! #en by being seducti%e and
pro%ocati%e in t!e !opes t!at t!ey could fill t!e %oid t!at s!e !as inside only to be
al'ays disappointed since t!ey al'ays falls s!ort to !er !ig! expectation. "!e
ne%er reali8ed t!at t!ey 'ould ne%er fulfill or @uenc! t!e e#otional insecurity
t!at s!e !as.
)long 'it! t!is is t!e lac( of fat!erly affection co#es t!e lac( of ade@uate
discipline and guidance fro# !er #ot!er '!o 'as lenient in !er 'ays 'it! t!e#
especially t!e respondent. )lbeit t!at t!ey 'ere not financially 'ell off, !er
#ot!er indulges !er '!i# and allo's !er so #uc! freedo# to do '!at s!e 'ants.
Punis!#ent and sufficient disciplinary #easures 'ere not pro%ided to !er
lea%ing t!e young respondent 'it! t!e defecti%e notion t!at s!e !as t!e liberty to
do '!at s!e 'ants. 2ater on, 'it! t!e excess freedo# gi%en to !er, s!e !as co#e
to belie%ed t!at s!e could use anyone at !er o'n disposal, 'it!out care for !is or
!er feelings and e#otions. "ince s!e gre' up percei%ing !erself so depri%ed of
lo%e, s!e co#pensates later on by asserting !er bloated self4estee# to people. "!e
beca#e %ain, #aterialistic and de#anding as !er 'ay to appease '!ate%er
ineptitude s!e !as. En;oying a rat!er unfettered life due to t!e absence of
effecti%e careta(ers, s!e beca#e do#inant and de#anding, as 'ell as stubborn in
insisting for '!at s!e 'ants no #atter !o' i#practical it could be. Respondent
did not learn to be sub#issi%e, t!at s!e 'ould do t!ings 'it!out gi%ing
consideration on !o' it #ig!t affect ot!ers or !er relations!ips.
+it! t!is, due to t!e absence of proper guidance, and effecti%e disciplinary
#eans, respondent gre' up e#bracing t!ese #aladapti%e responses and turning
t!e# as t!e pillars of !er personalityC.
-6. .r. xxx concluded t!at t!e respecti%e
psyc!ological incapacities of t!e petitioner and respondent spea( of
antecedence because suc! Dfla'ed personality began before t!ey entered
#arriage and #anifested only t!ereonC.
-7. .r. xxx described t!e respecti%e psyc!ological
incapacities of t!e petitioner and t!e respondent as DBR)AE, PERA)"IAE,
"ERIOH", "EAERE, and PER&)NENT rendering it totally beyond repaid
despite a%ailable treat#ents and inter%ention considering t!e se%erity of
petitioner,s and respondent,s aberrant psyc!ological conditions, '!ic! #a(es
reconciliation %ery difficult and i#possibleC.
-9. Iuoted !ereunder is t!e pertinent part of t!e
Report of .r. xxx, %i8:
"ince t!e psyc!ological aberration of t!e Petitioner and Respondent ste##ed
early in t!eir li%es, t!ese !a%e been engra%ed into t!eir syste# #a(ing t!eir
functioning and ad;ust#ents !ig!ly defecti%e. eing an integral part of t!eir
'ellbeing, suc! disorders are considered to be gra%e, per%asi%e, serious, se%ere
and per#anent rendering it totally beyond repair despite a%ailable treat#ents
and inter%ention. 2i(e'ise, t!eir psyc!ological incapacitations are noted to be of
;uridical antecedence J #eaning 4 suc! fla'ed personality pattern began before
t!ey entered #arriage and #anifested only t!ereon. Considering t!e se%erity of
Petitioner and Respondent,s aberrant psyc!ological conditions, reconciliation is
found to be %ery difficult and i#possibleC.
1:. T!e diagnosed psyc!ological incapacities of bot!
t!e petitioner and t!e respondent pre%ent t!e# fro# #utually perfor#ing t!eir
#arital duties to eac! ot!er. In support of t!is, .r. xxx states:
DErst'!ile couple, xxx and xxx, could ne%er li%e toget!er !ar#oniously as
aut!entic !usband and 'ife 'it! t!e psyc!ological incapacitation of bot! of
t!e#. T!e !ope of reconciliation 'it! t!e !ope of a functional or nor#al #arital
union founded on lo%e, respect, trust, support and co##it#ent is %ie'ed to be
uncertain and i#possible as t!ese essential attributes of #arriage ne%er existed
fro# t!e start of t!e relations!ipC.
11. .r. xxx t!us reco##ends t!at t!e #arriage
bet'een t!e parties be declared null and %oid based on t!e establis!ed
psyc!ological incapacitation of bot! t!e petitioner and t!e respondent as follo's:

D$ence, 'it! #uc! consideration to t!e findings and discussions #ade, t!e
undersigned psyc!ologist !u#bly re@uests to t!is $onorable Court t!at t!eir
#arriage be declared null and %oid, on t!e account of Petitioner,s psyc!ological
P ' A 3 E '
54E'E&O'E, pre#ises considered, it is respectfully prayed t!at t!e
#arriage of t!e parties be declared null and void from the beginning under
Article 3 of the !amily Code"
Petitioner also prays for ot!er reliefs as #ay be dee#ed ;ust and e@uitable
in t!e pre#ises.
2as Pinas City, xxx.
Counsel for t!e Petitioner
Hnit 13, "tar )rcade, C. A. "tarr )%enue
P!ila#life Aillage, 2as Pinas City
Tel. Nos. 76*4311-/ 7154*3-9
<ax No. 7154*3-9
= x x.
= x x.
x x x.K
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#&&0. 2#N%E/ 6. /#(E:N# 6:. main&ains &-is law 4log. 9e s3eciali;es in
li&iga&ion an$ a33eals. )on&ac&:, cc:<
Tel. No. 63 2 8725443 an$ 846253. ,:8!=/E: #TT>. /#(E:N# co-.o5n$e$
&-e /aserna )5e+a 2erca$er /aw 8..ices in '4 an$ &-e /aserna ,ag5in&o
*almores /aw 8..ices in '8. 9e &a5g-& +ario5s law s54jec&s a& !ar Eas&ern
%ni+. , 2anila, in '85-2116 (re&ire$). 9e .inis-e$ #? 6o5rnalism a& &-e %ni+. o.
&-e ,-il. in '75< ?ac-elor o. /aws, c5m la5$e, a& !ar Eas&ern %ni+. in '84< an$
2as&er o. /aws a& %ni+. o. (an&o Tomas,as !E% .ellow, in 2111. 9e 3lace$ 3r$ in
&-e '84 ,-il. ?ar E"ams (1.5@< 22@ 3asse$). 9e was a 2eralco 3re-law
sc-olar, )oco.e$ law sc-olar, )oco.e$ managemen& sc-olar (#=2, 2a7a&i), an$
!E% gra$5a&e s&5$ies .ellow. 9e is a ?ar lea$er in so5&-ern 2e&ro 2anila since
'5. 9e .o5n$e$ &-e /as ,inas )i&0 ?ar #ssn (211') an$ ser+e$ as $irec&or an$
+ice 3res. o. &-e =?, ,,/2 )-a3&er in '5-17.
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P#pular P#sts
Es&a.a< sam3le co5n&er-a..i$a+i&
?elow is a sam3le co5n&er-a..i$a+i& 3re3are$ 40 #&&0. 2an5el 6. /#serna 6r.
in+ol+ing Es&a.a 5n$ergoing 3reliminar0 in+es&iga&ion 4e....$ &-e.& $e.ine$< 3ro3er 3enal&0 e"3laine$
=&em No B" " ". T-e elemen&s o. &-e crime o. &-e.& as 3ro+i$e$ .or in #r&icle 318
o. &-e :e+ise$ ,enal )o$e are as .ollows: (') &...
Es&a.a ($ecei&Cswin$ling) 5n$er #r&. 3'5, :e+. ,enal )o$e
!or legal researc- 35r3oses o. m0 rea$ers, ma0 = s-are &-e j5ris3r5$en&ial 3ar& o.
a mo&ion .or reconsi$era&ion = -a+e j5s& .ile$ wi&- &-e...
65ris$ic&ion o. ,-ili33ine co5r&s
= am 3resen&ing 4elow a 4rie. $iges& o. &-e j5ris$ic&ion o. ,-ili33ine co5r&s as
con&aine$ in ?#T#( ,#2?#N(# ?lg. '2, as amen$e$. .or &-e ...
)on&rac& &o sell +s. con&rac& o. sale e"3laine$ - D.:. No. '88164
D.:. No. '88164 (clic7 lin7) B" " ". T-e )o5r&Es :5ling T-e 3e&i&ion lac7s meri&.
T-e )o5r& agrees wi&- &-e r5ling o....
!or5m s-o33ing an$ res j5$ica&a.
=n &-e case o. #/8N(8, ET. #/. *(. :E/#2=F#, En ?anc, #) No. 848',
#5g5s& 3, 21'1 , &-e (53reme )o5r& .o5n$ &-e res3on$en& #&&0. =4aro ?. :e...
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Es&a.a an$ ?lg. 22< )om3lain& wC laws an$ j5ris3r5$ence.
= wis- &o s-are a criminal com3lain& .or Es&a.a an$ ?, 22 &-a& = 3re3are$ recen&l0,
wi&- .oc5s on &-e legal researc- as3ec& &-ereo., .or &...
9/%:?< 211 r5les o. 3roce$5re.
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211 #F8,T=ND T9E 211 :E*=(EF :%/E( 8! ,:8)EF%:E 8! T9E
98%(=ND ...
:e354lic #c& 7177 - B)i&i;en #rme$ !orces o. &-e ,-ili33ines :eser+is& #c&.
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0ear-ma"im5m-ser+ice-.or-a.3-reser+is&s B" " ". T-e (5...
/i&iga&ion, a33eals, an$ j5s&ice s0s&em - /)2 /#G
,earch .his 0l#%
0l#% Archi1e
H 21'4 (214)
I 21'3 (468)
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D5i$e &o #33ella&e ,lea$ings
?5siness2irror - F?, Js3o7esman-law0erE loses ro5n...
)on.lic& o. in&eres&s
9a4eas cor35s< /i4el
65$iciar0 .5n$s .5ll0 a5$i&e$ K () L 9ea$lines, Ne...
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J() canE& in+o7e .iscal a5&onom0E L 9ea$lines, New...
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!E% a33oin&s new $ean o. law
):=2=N#/ NED/=DEN)E 8! F:=*E:( #NF 8,E:#T8:(<
:ec7less im3r5$ence, rig-& o. wa0 e"3laine$.
:# 7432, :# 257, senior ci&i;ens - (): 21@ $isco...
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#33eal .rom &-e :T)Es $ecision ma0 4e 5n$er&a7en i...
E"ce3&ions &o &-e $oc&rine o. 3rimar0 j5ris$ic&ion...
)ommonweal&- #c& No. 327, as amen$e$ 40 (ec&ion 26...
Foc&rine o. 3rimar0 j5ris$ic&ion
Doo$ .ai&- as $e.ense in gra.& cases
=. &-e rela&ions-i3 is s&raine$, &-e correc& co5rs...
)anon 22 allows a law0er &o wi&-$raw -is ser+ices ...
Negligen& law0er
#$minis&ra&i+e cases agains& law0ers< 3owers o. &-...
:e354lic #c& No. '1625 L 8..icial Da;e&&e o. &-e :...
:e354lic #c& No. '1631 L 8..icial Da;e&&e o. &-e :...
:e354lic #c& No. '163' L 8..icial Da;e&&e o. &-e :...
Ta" amnes&0 .or 4illionaire ,acM5iaoP G-0P L =nM5i...
JFo54le .li3-.lo3E 40 -ig- co5r& L =nM5irer 83inio...
G-a& =s a /egal ,lanP Fo >o5 Nee$ 8neP - /aw an$ F...
New =n.ogra3-ic: G-a& #&&orne0s Nee$ &o Qnow a4o5&...
)-oosing &-e ?es& )ases: !i+e :emin$ers .or New /a...
(3eec-es 40 Nelson 2an$ela - =n&erac&i+e !ea&5re -...
() m5lls -ol$ing 4ar e"ams o5&si$e 2e&ro 2anila L ...
)6 (ereno 35s-ing .or $igi&i;a&ion o. co5r& recor$...
() &o Qa35nan: E"3lain 4ri4er0 allega&ion agains& ...
:e+i+ing an arc-i+e$ case< 3os&ing o. 4ail 4on$< r...
2o&ion .or reconsi$era&ionCnew &rial an$Cor &o reo...
,e&i&ion .or $eclara&ion o. n5lli&0 o. marriage< #...
:5le '18 +i;. #r&. '71, !amil0 )o$e - im35gning le...
o H No+em4er ('1)
o H 8c&o4er (38)
o H (e3&em4er ('7)
o H #5g5s& (41)
o H 65l0 (67)
o H 65ne (36)
o H 2a0 (22)
o H #3ril (46)
o H 2arc- (65)
o H !e4r5ar0 (46)
o H 6an5ar0 ('7)
H 21'2 (671)
H 21'' (48)
H 21'1 (285)
H 211 (235)
H 2118 ('82)
H 2117 (''4)
,h#uld the 0ar be independent $r#m the ,upreme
.#tal Pa%e1iews
#33le Doogle 2icroso.&
Apple3s B(ecre&B e?a0 (&ore :e&5rns R%3$a&e$S
=n .all 21'2, a m0s&erio5s e?a0 s&ore a33eare$ &-a& onl0 sol$ Apple 3ro$5c&s a& 3rices
&-a& 5n$erc5& Apple3s own online re.5r4is-e$ s&ore. T-e s&ore was wi$el0 s3ec5la&e$ &o
-a+e 4een r5n 40 Apple, $es3i&e &-e com3an0 ne+er con.irming i&s in+ol+emen&.
:ela&e$ #r&icles T
Apple 3a&en& $escri4es all-glass casing .or $e+ices
=& was -ar$ &o ascer&ain e"ac&l0 w-a& $e+ices co5l$ 4e crea&e$ 5sing &-e all-glass -o5sing,
since Apple3s 3a&en& seems &o generall0 $escri4e Belec&ronic $e+ices,B 45& men&ions
moni&ors, &ele+isions, &a4le&s, an$ cell 3-ones w-en $isc5ssing all 7in$s o. ...
:ela&e$ #r&icles T
:o75 4ea&s Apple T* -- again -- on 5sage, 35rc-ases
(&reaming-me$ia $e+ices -a+e grown in 3re+alence in &-e las& 0ear, wi&- gian&s #ma;on
an$ Doogle joining :o75 an$ Apple in o..ering &-eir own en&ran&s &o &-e race. (35rring
&-e in&eres& is +i$eoNs migra&ion &o &-e =n&erne& -- see Ne&.li"Ns mor3-ing ...
:ela&e$ #r&icles T
Apple ,oac-es Two 2ore ,eo3le !rom Ni7e To Gor7 8n T-e iGa&c-
?5siness =nsi$er
?aile0 an$ Dale are j5s& &wo o. man0 -ires Apple -as seemingl0 ma$e recen&l0 &o wor7
on i&s .irs& weara4le $e+ice. /as& wee7, &-e com3an0 re3or&e$l0 -ire$ an e"ec5&i+e .rom
l5"5r0 (wiss wa&c- ma7er T#D 9e5er, an$ Apple -as 4een -iring a mi" o. -eal&- ...
:ela&e$ #r&icles T
3owere$ 40
3owere$ 40
Ga&ermar7 &em3la&e. ,owere$ 40 ?logger.

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