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Headline :

1- SNC elects Hadi al-Bahra as new leader

2- ISIS continues to receive allegiance
3- SWAT head to Aleppo
Side addresses
1 Al-Nusra leaves out Aleppo Shariah Board
2- Truce held in Deir ez-or
3- Battles continue in Aleppo countr!side
SNC elects Hadi al-Bahra as new leader
Syrian National Coalition (SNC), Wednesday elected Hadi al-Bahra as its new
Hadi al-Bahra was elected president o! the coalition with "2 #otes, the coalition said
in a state$ent a!ter the early $ornin% #ote in the Blac& Sea resirt od Sile o'tside
(stan)'l in *'r&ey.
His nearest ri#al, +owa!a, Nayra)iyeh, won -1 #otes, it added.
Bahra s'cceeded .h$ad /ar)a, who headed the Coalition !ro$ /'ly 2013 )'t !ailed in
e!!orts to 'nite the 1pposition and o)tain si%ni!icant Western $ilitary s'pport.
Truce held in Deir ez-or
1pposition !actions in 2eir e3-4or co'ntryside a%reed to ha#e a reconciliation with
(S(S 'nder conditions %ranted )y the whole tri)es and !actions in the area.
*he reconciliation incl'des that all !actions in western 2eir e3-4or $aintain its
pre#io's str'ct're, !actions won5t %i#e (S(S any &ind o! weapons, and (S(S $e$)ers
won5t enter the area and arrest any person who pre#io'sly !o'%ht (S(S.
.ccordin% to the reconciliation, each side will )e responsi)le !or de!endin% a certain
sector when )attlin% with Syrian .r$y.
ISIS continues to receive allegiance
Se#eral 6actions in eastern 2eir e3-4or pled%ed alle%iance to (S(S a!ter the two
a%reed on (S(S5s ar$ed assistance to these !actions. .ccordin% to the a%ree$ent,
ci#ilians $ay &eep their weapons witho't ha#in% to lea#e their ho$es7 !i%hters who
earlier held ar$s a%ainst (S(S will )e pardoned, with the e8ception o! those with the!t
char%es, who will stand )e!ore co'rts.
SWAT head to Aleppo
SW.* was !or$ed in .leppo !ro$
.l-N'sra, Syrian re)els 6ront and Ha3e$ +o#e$ent !or$ed a SW.* to resc'e
.leppo !ro$ Syrian ar$y5s se#ere attac&s and (S(S assa'lts.
*his SW.* is independent in its $ilitary decision, co$posed o! " h'ndreds $ilitants
and headed )y co$petent $ilitary leaders, al-N'sra 6ront co$$ented.

Al-Nusra leaves out Aleppo Shariah Board
Shariah Board in .leppo said in a state$ent that al-N'sra 6ront has withdrew !ro$
the Board !or not appro#in% to a 'ni!ied pro9ect plan, rel'ctance to deli#er the
re,'ired o!!ices.
Badr "rigade co##ander $illed
Co$$ander o! Badr Bri%ade .)' +'ha$$ad Haro'n was &illed as (S(S detonated
his car in eastern :ho'ta in 2a$asc's co'ntryside, 1pposition so'rces report said.
%assive rein&orce#ents head to Ain al-Ara"
Clashes )ro&e o't last ni%ht )etween (S(S and ;<: in .in al-.ra) in al-Hasa&a
pro#ince, where - ;<: !i%hters were &illed when (S(S detonated a car near a $ilitary
1n other hand ;<: !oiled )o$) attac& on another $ilitary chec&point.
1pposition so'rces re#ealed that ar$ored #ehicle, hea#y artillery and h'%e n'$)er o!
troops )y (S(S arri#ed to .in al-.ra) !ro$ *ell .)yad ai$in% o! ha#e !'ll control on
the whole area.
'SA controls #ilitar! chec$points
6S.-lin&ed .)a)el Ho'ran Bri%ades controlled =han Hala)at )attalion and >se$ al-
2are) #illa%e in ?'neitra a!ter )attles with Syrian ar$y, in!or$ed so'rces reported.
Battles continue in Aleppo countr!side
.n in!or$ed so'rce denied holdin% tal&s )etween (S(S and the !actions in northern
east o! .leppo co'ntryside to en!orce a reconciliation.
this #icio's in!i%htin% is in !a#or o! the Syrian .r$y, who re%ained control o! the
ind'strial city in Shei&h Na99ar and the strate%ic .3an $o'ntain, the so'rce added.

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