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Part A Answer all the questions (5*2 = 10 Marks)

1. Draw the project life cycle curve.

2. What is Fast tracking?
3. What is project network?
4. What is meant y !"rashing a project network#?
$. What is meant y resource levelling?
Part B Answer the questions (1*15 = 15 Marks)
%. & project consists of 12 activities .'he imme(iate )re(ecessors an( time estimates of the
activities are summari*e(. Fin( the critical path an( e+pecte( project completion time an(
proaility of completing the project on or efore 3,weeks? -1$.
&ctivity -&/0/"/D/1/F/2/3/4/5/6/7.
4mme(iate )re(ecessors -8//8//8//&//&//01//"//"//D//F2//3//6.
'ime estimate -Weeks. as shown
9ptimistic -4/2/$/:/4/$/$/%/;/:/2/4.
<ost likely-%/3/$/1,/$/%/:/:/;/1,/3/$.
)essimistic -:/4/$/12/%/;/11/1,/13/12/4/%.
===== 1>D =====

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