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Press Release dk

Date: 29/11/2009 2009111/29 :

Central Bank of the UAE announced & j S p ! l id\ d v

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today that it stands behind UAE banks and e3+ k j l J ~ y$4\
6 A, ej\?&\
branches of foreign banks operating in the .&\JLY\ a$> L M \2&\ 441

Central Bank has issued a Notice to UAE

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banks and branches of foreign banks &U\ dpl\ r 3 j dpl\
operating in the UAE, making available to b b d+ '&\JLY\ u.9@
them a special additional liquidity facility -b+* @L l ; S b j Up
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linked to their current accounts at the d2 41ISd A GJw\
4,111 C ~ Q LY!
Central bank, at the rate of 50 basis points @&\ a 50 bJs5 d ~ 4 G ~ ~
above the 3 months EIBOR.
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.( &\JLY\ 2 d$\ &

The Central Bank stated that the UAE & @>A\~

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Banking System is more sound and liquid & ci. &b$1 $ l J ~.. ~ \ 6 341
than a year ago, with foreign interbank ~ b y ~-.
h 9 4 411 @lJ3 ' L
deposits and MTNs I ECPs issued by UAE
banks stand reduced by 25 % . d4, sJJm, bv\ 5A
\- A &+JM\JL.n 31r\ &$\JLYI

UAE Banking System is comprised of & 2 $IJ@\3

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retail commercial banks only, with a +;&& ' ~ 1 9 3+
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strong base of stable deposits, the best 441 l b 3'
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banking model that weathered the current bb,A +L ii bj ~x
Global Financial Crisis.
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From the consolidated balance-sheet of @\JJ\ &Si'' 4 4 1- j l d l &3
banks, Interbank deposits of the UAE +IL Y' I ~JA..J\ p 3 . I d+\ &+ L+i
Banking System constitute 10.3 % of the w ' ~ k 3 k ~ 1 % 10.3
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liabilities side, with foreign interbank .l& % 5 *v\ 441
deposits constituting 5 % only.

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