Product Summary Guide

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Construction Chemicals

Product Summary Guide

15 - 60 mm gap
Nasterflow 4OO
Heavy Dynami c Loads/
Chemi cal Exposure
Grouti ng
Stati c Loads/l i ght
dynami c l oads
Preci si on Grout
Nasterflow 928 T
50 - 150 mm gap
Nasterflow 41O
El evated Temperatures
Nasterflow O48CP Plus
General Purpose
Nasterflow 918
Constructi on Grout
Nasterflow 915
Rapi d Hardeni ng
Nasterflow 92O
Non-Shri nk Addi ti ve for
cement sl urry
Rockbol ts/PT Duct
General Purpose
Flowcaole 5O
Speci al Purpose
Nasterflow 4OUw
Beari ng pad/ Pi l e-cap
Nasterflow 41O PC T
Pol yester Resi n
Concresive 1418 h
< 10mm gap
Concresive 1815
Preci si on
Concresive 145Oi
Anchor fi xi ng Resi ns Hi gh-Performance
Concresive 144O
General Purpose
Concresive 1418h/ 1418T
Li qui d Appl i ed
Nastertop 88
Surface Hardener Fl oori ng
Underl ay/ Fl oor l evel er Cementi ti ous
Nastertop 5O2
Dry-Shake: Hi gh-Performance
Nastertop 1OO E
Nastertop 542 ECC
Epoxy Formul a
Nastertop 12OO Ul
Dry-Shake: General Purpose
Nastertop 1OO
Fl oor Toppi ng/ Overl ay Cementi ti ous
Nastertop 512
Metal l i c
Nastertop 28Oi
Epoxy Formul a
Nastertop 124O Plus
Aqueous Epoxy
Nastertop 174O
Sel f-smoothi ng Fi ni sh 0.5 mm thi ck
Nastertop 12O5
0.5 - 1.5 mm thi ck
Nastertop 121O Plus /
Nastertop 171O
1 - 2 mm thi ck
Nastertop 1215 Plus
2 - 4 mm thi ck
Nastertop 128O Plus /
Nastertop 178O
PU Concrete: Heavy
duty, hi gh performance
Smooth Fi ni sh
Anti -ski d Fi ni sh
Terrazo Fi ni sh
Wal l Render
Anti -stati c System Conducti ve Epoxy
Nastertop 127Oi A8
Aqueous Epoxy
Nastertop 177Oi A8
Hi gh Performance
Terrazo Fi ni sh
Fl oor Coati ngs Water-borne Epoxy
Nastertop 111O
Sol vented Epoxy
Nastertop 112OT
Sol vent-free Epoxy
Nastertop 12O5
PU Top Coat
Up to M25 grade
Pozzolith 225/ 8OOR
Si te-Mi x Concrete Admi xtures M25 - M40 Grade
Rhoouild 8P1/ 85Oi/ 925/ 522
M35 - M50 Grade
Rheoouild 11OO/1128/1127
> M50 Grade
0lenium B288/ 8KY784
Mi d-Range
Rhoouild 828/O2O/525/918
Ready-mi x Concrete > M50 Grade
0lenium B27O 8ureTEC/ 8KY 777
Hi gh-Range
Rhoouild 112O/1125/112O/1127
Mi d-Range
Rhoouild 8P1/ 11OO/ 1127
Precast Concrete Zero Energy System
0leniumACEO 8ureTEC + 8tream 2
Hi gh-Range
0lenium B288/ ACEO 8ureTEC/ ACE 8O
Super Pl asti ci ser
Rhoouild 8P1/ 918/ 11OO
Sprayed Concrete Set Accel erator
Ne]co 8A 1OO/1O7
Permanent Shotcrete
0lenium B27O 8ureTEC + Ne]co 8a1OO
Set Accel erator
Powder. Ne]co 8A 54O
Mi x lmprovers
RhoFlT 11O2/ 11O8
concrete products
Water Reducer
Rhoouild 11OO
Effl orescence control
RheoFlT 79O/ 72O
Bl ock Admi xture
Rhomix O85
Hyperpl asti ci ser
0lenium B288/ 8KY 584/ B27O sureTEC
Sel f-compacti ng Concrete Low-Fi ne SCC
vi scosi ty Modi fi er
0lenium 8tream 2
Mortar Pl asti ci ser
Rhomix 72O
Speci al -Purpose Retarder
Pozzolith 55R
Anti -wash out
Rheomac 4O4 Uw
Accel erator
Pozzolith 1OOHE
lntegral Waterproofer
Rhomac 7O7
Ai r-Entrai ner
Nicro-Air 72O
Corrosi on lnhi bi ti ng
Rheocrete Chl
Hydrophobi si ng
Rheomac 78O
Wax Based
Nasterkure 1O7i/1OOi
Curi ng Compound Surface
Acryl i c Emul si ons
Nasterkure 1OO/1O7
Resi n based curi ng & seal i ng ai d
Nasterkure 181
Shutteri ng oi l
Rhoefinish 2O2
Others Shutteri ng oi l , water-di l uteabl e
Rhofinish 249 w
Surface Retarder
Rheofinish 288 FD
Li ght-wei ght Concrete/CLSM
Rheocell 8O
',se 'e'eo. C'.s
Fai ri ng
Emaco R8O7
Cosmeti c Repai rs
Reprofi l i ng
Emaco R8O8
Si te-batched, Patchi ng
Rheomix 181 / Rheomix 141
Seal i ng
Concresive 22OO
Bondi ng Ai d
0eneral. Emaco Bonding Agent
Chlorides. Concresive 1414
Patch Repai rs
Emaco 888C T
Emaco 848C T
Form & Pour
Emaco 8OOC T
Emaco 84OC T
Spray-Appl i ed
Dr]-8pra]. 8hotpatch 1O
wet-8pra]. Emaco 888C T
Structural Rebar Protecti on
Chlorides. Concresive ZRi
Caroonation.8tructurite Primer
Li ve-Crack
Concresive 182O
Stati c-Crack
Concresive 1815
Concresive 181O
Seal i ng
Concresive 1418
Crack-lnj ecti on
Concresive 181O
Form & Pour
Nasterflow 4OUw
Chemi cal
Resi stant
Seal i ng
Concresive 22OO
Crack-lnj ecti on
Concresive 1815
Form & Pour
Concresive 2929
Patch Repai r
Concresive ERl
Pavement Patch Repai r
Emaco RO5O
Axi al Confi nement
NBrace EU9OO/ CFK24O
FRP Strengtheni ng
Conventi onal Encasement
Emaco 84O T/ 8OOT
NBrace CFK24O
Fl exural
NBrace laminate
Bl ast/lmpact
NBrace Aramid
Sei smi c Upgrade
NBrace EU9OO
Crack-lnj ecti on
Concresive 1815
Steel -Pl ate Bondi ng
Concresive 22OO
Concrete Protecti on
Pl aster
Exposed, Atmospheri c
Crack Bridging. Nasterseal 8OOH
High Chlorides. Nasterseal 881
Exposed Fi ni sh/
Corrosi on Control
Protectosil BHh
Hi gh Chemi cal Exposure
Nasterseal 18O + Nasterseal 2OO
Exposed, Atmospheri c
Crack Bridging. Nasterseal 8OOH
Economical. Nasterseal 2OOH
lnternal Wal l s
Clean Room. Nasterseal 851P
Chemical 8pillage. Nasterseal 18O
Spl ash Zone/
Foundati on/ ETP
Nasterseal 8P12O
Exposed Stone
Protectosil BHh
Exposed Bri cks
Protectosil w8O1O
Retai ni ng
Di rty Water
Nasterseal 8p12O
Potabl e Water
Nasterseal 18O
Wet Area
Nasterseal 111O
Soft water
Nasterpren TPE
Strong-Chemi cal s
Concresive ERl
Corrodi ng Concrete Structure Corrosi on Control Chl ori des
Protectosil ClT
Carbonati on Sul phates Al kal i -Si l i ca Reacti on
Waterproofi ng Constructi on Joi nts
Critical. Nasterflex 9OO
0ther. Nasterflex O1O/O12
Raft Foundati on
Critical. Nasterpren B0
0ther. Nasterseal 5O1
Retai ni ng Wal l
Critical. Nasterpren B0
0ther. Nasterseal 5O1
Top Down Const.
Nasterseal 845
Nasterflex 9OO
Podi um
Podi um wi th traffi c
Ballasted. Nasterpren T0E
Exposed. C0hlDECK
Roof Garden
Pre-formed. Nasterpren T0E
Cold-applied. 8onoshield HlN 55OO
Exposed Roof/Deck
hon-Accesiole. Nasterpren
Accessiole. C0hlR00F
Refurbi shment
Nasterpren TPE/ T0E
Sunken Sl ab
Nasterseal 55O/ 55O El
Fl at Sl ab/ Under-ti l e
8onoshield HlN 55OO
Pl umbi ng cut-outs
Nasterflex O12
Water tanks/
8wimming Pool
Constructi on j oi nts
Nasterflex 9OO/ O1O
lnternal Waterproofi ng
Nasterseal 55O
External treatment
Nasterseal 5O1
Potabl e Watertank
Nasterseal 18O
Water bodi es
/Resevoi rs
Exposed Li ner
Nasterpren THE
Publ i c Swi mmi ng Pool s
Bal l asted Reservoi r Refurbi shment
Nasterpren T0E
Waterti ght -lnj ecti on Leakage Control
Heav]. Ne]co NP855 A8
Noderate. Ne]co NP855 1K
voi d Fi l l i ng
Rheocem O5O
Acti ve Crack Seal i ng
lnj ecti on Resi n
Nasterflex 8O1
Curtai n Grouti ng
Rock.Ne]co NP8O1/ NP8O2
8ilt. Ne]co NP82O
Ti l e-fi xi ng Adhesi ves Joi nt Grout
Chemical Resi.. Nastertile 55O
Regular. Nastertile 15
Stone Cl addi ng
Nastertile 124
Chemi cal s/ Stai n-
resi stant Ti l i ng
Nastertile 55O
Cerami c Ti l e Fi xi ng
Exterior. Nastertile 8O
lnterior. Nastertile 25
Joi nt Seal ant Expansi on Joi nt
Pol]sulphide. Nasterflex 7OO
PU. Nasterflex 472
Wi de Joi nts
Nasterflex 8OOO
lndustri al Fl oors
Expansion Jt. Nasterflex 474
Construction Jt. Nasterflex 8O8
Traffi cked Joi nts
Nasterflex J 8eal
` ' / ' \ ' '
1, 5, 20
| | tre

RHEOMlX 720 : Li qui d mortar pl asti ci ser

Masonry P| aster
Br| ck | ay| ng mortar
Pack| ng Renders
Reduces harshness
l mparts waterproof| ng
Reduces eff| orescence
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
/o - 100 r|
pe| oa c|
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
100 m| ,
1, 5, 20
| | tre

RHEOMAC 707 : lntegral waterproofi ng l i qui d

Re| nforced concrete
Rafts & basements
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Oomp| | es w| th l S:2645
Reduces Oap| | | ary suct| on
Reduces eff| orescence
l mproves cohes| on of m| x
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
100 r| pe|
oa c|
5 Kg

RHEOMAC POWDER : lntegral waterproofi ng powder admi xture

Re| nforced concrete
Rafts and basements
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Oomp| | es w| th l S:2645
Reduces cap| | | ary suct| on
Reduces eff| orescence
No strength | oss
O|]-r| / W| || :ere||| || cu o| |de|
a|d ||e| | |||cdu:e | | ||e oa|:|.
o00 |ar pe|
oa c|
1, 5, 20
| | tre,
245 Kg

POZZOLlTH 225 : Water reduci ng/ pl asti ci si ng admi xture for concrete
R.O.O. Members
S| te-batched concrete
|ow-s| ump concrete
Ooncrete b| ocks/t| | es
ASTM O-494, Type A
Enab| e cement sav| ng
l mproves cohes| on of m| x
Reduces cap| | | ary pores
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
100 - 2o0 r|
pe| oa c|
20, 235

POZZOLlTH 55R : Set-retardi ng pl asti ci ser

Oontro| | ed set-retarder
Hot weather concrete
Se| f-compact| ng m| xes
s| | p-form p| acements
ASTM O-494, Type B & D
Exce| | ent s| ump retent| on
|ow | mpact on strength ga| n
| ow dosage - econom| ca|
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
100 - 2o0 r|
pe| oa c|
20, 245

POZZOLlTH 100HE : Non-Chl ori de, Strength accel erator for concrete
R.O.O. Members
Oo| d weather concrete
Pavement retrof| tt| ng
Sub-zero concrete
ASTM O-494, Type O
Acce| erates hydrat| on
H| gh ear| y strength ga| ns
Oompat| b| e w| th most cement
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
1.o - o | | ||e
pe| r c|
245 Kg

POZZOLlTH 300R : Water reduci ng retardi ng pl asti ci ser

Raft and foundat| ons
Hot weather concrete
Ready-m| x concrete
POO for r| g| d pavement
ASTM O-494, Type B & D
W| de-dosage range - robust
Enhances pump| ng
l mproves cohes| on of m| x
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
1o0 - o00 r|
pe| oa c|
5, 20
|| tre,
235 Kg

RHEOBUlLD SP1 : Hi gh-range water reducer/ Superpl asti ci ser

S| te-batched concrete
wet-shotcrete m| x
Precast e| ements
Prestress concrete
ASTM O-494, Type F
Enab| es h| gh-ear| y strengths
Reduced fr| ct| on | n pumps
Enab| es reduced w/c rat| o
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
800 - 1000 r|
pe| oa c|
250 Kg

RHEOBUlLD 1100 : Hi gh performance, superpl asti ci ser

Precast concrete
Wet-shotcrete m| x
Prestress concrete
Paver b| ocks
ASTM O-494, Type F
Exce| | ent water reduct| on
H| gh-ear| y strength ga| ns
Ou| cker remova| of forms
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
400 - 1000 r|
pe| oa c|
Kg or
Bu| k

RHEBUlLD 918/823/620/525 : Retardi ng-Superpl asti ci sers for RMC

Ready-m| x concrete
|ong hau| concrete
OPO/F| y-ash m| xes
ASTM O-494, Type G
l mproves s| ump-retent| on
Reduced b| eed/seggregat| on
|ow dosage, econom| ca|
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
800 - 1000 r|
pe| oa c|
Kg or
Bu| k

RHEOBUlLD 850i /921/521/623 : Mi d-range, Retardi ng-Superpl asti ci sers

S| te-batched concrete
Ready-m| x concrete
B| ended cements
ASTM O-494, Type G
Opt| m| zed, | ow-dose formu| a
Reduced b| eed/seggregat| on
l mproves s| ump-retat| on
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
2o0 - /o0 r|
pe| oa c|
250 Kg
Bu| k

RHEOBUlLD 1127/1125/1123 : Hi gh-range, Retardi ng-Superpl asti ci sers

S| | | ca-fume/s| ag m| x
H| gh-grade concrete
S| te-batched concrete
Precast/pre-stress m| x
Good d| spers| on capab| | | ty
H| gher water reduct| ons
Extended s| ump-retent| on
Oontro| | ed retardat| on
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
400 - 1000 r|
pe| oa c|
225 Kg

RHEOBUlLD 2000M : A hi gh range, Mel ami ne-based Superpl asti ci ser

FRO Art| c| es
Oo| d weather concrete
ASTM O-494, Type A, E, F
O| ear | | qu| d - su| ted for wh| te
cement art| c| es
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
o00 - 1000 r|
pe| oa c|
* 50 kg of cement/bi nder
20, 225

GLENlUM B233 : PCE (Pol y-carboxyl i c etherj based Hyper pl asti ci ser
Precast concrete
Tr| p| e-b| end m| xes
Se| f-compact| ng m| xes
S| te-batched concrete
ASTM O-494, Type F
Exce| | ent water reduct| ons
H| gh ear| y strength ga| ns
Oontro| | ed s| ump-drop
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
200 - /o0 r|
pe| oa c|
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
225 Kg

GLENlUM ACE 6 SURETEC : Sl ump-retai ni ng, Hyper-pl asti ci ser for Precast
Precast segments
Prestress concrete
Ho| | ow-core s| abs
Oo| d weather concrete
ASTM O-494, Type E, F, G
| tra-h| gh ear| y strengths
E| | m| nates need of steam-cure
Oontro| | ed S| ump-retent| on
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
2o0 - /o0 r|
pe| oa c|
225 Kg

GLENlUM SKY 784/777/787 : New Generati onal Hyper pl asti ci sers for RMC
Ready-m| x concrete
S| te-batched concrete
Tr| p| e-b| end m| xes
Se| f-compact| ng m| xes
ASTM O-494, Type F, G
Exce| | ent s| ump-retent| on
H| gh-ear| y strength ga| ns
Adaptab| e to cement changes
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
2o0 - /o0 r|
pe| oa c|
225 Kg

GLENlUM B276 SURETEC: Super sl ump-retai ni ng, Hyper-pl asti ci ser
S| te-batched concrete
|ong hau| concrete
Precast g| rders
Ready-m| x concrete
ASTM O-494, Type F, G
Adaptab| e to cement changes
Robust strength enhancer
Oontro| | ed s| ump-retent| on
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
2o0 - /o0 r|
pe| oa c|

RheoFlT 1162/ 1163 : Admi xtures for non-structural pre-cast arti cl es (MCPj
Ooncrete paver b| ocks
Paver/roof t| | es
Man-ho| e cover, p| pes
Ra| | way s| eepers
l mproves cohes| on
l mproves compact| on
Reduced wear on mo| ds
l ncreased product| on
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
2o0 - 900 r|
pe| oa c|
20, 210

MlCRO-AlR 720 : Ai r entrai ni ng admi xture for concrete

POO - R| g| d Pavements
Mass concrete | n dams
S| | p form kerbs
Ooncrete b| ocks
Oomp| | es w| th ASTM O-260
Oontro| | ed m| cro-bubb| es
|east strength reduct| on
|ow dosage, econom| ca|
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
0.1 - 0.2 o]
We| || c|
o| |de|.
225 Kg

DELvO CRETE STABlLlSER : Hydrati on lnhi bi tor for concrete & shotcrete
|ong-hau| m| xes
Returned concrete
Wash water hand| | ng
On-demand shotcrete
ASTM O-494, Type B
Oontro| | ed | nh| b| t| on
Opt| on for Ear| y act| vat| on
Sa| vage return concrete
P| eae |e|e| ||e da|a|ee| |c| ||e
uae | |||u:|| c| a pe| ||e
| ||e|ded app| | :a|| c|.
0.4 - 2.0 o]
We| || c|
o| |de|.
20 Kg

RHEOCELL 30 : Foami ng agent for produci ng l i ght-wei ght concrete/CLSM

|| ght-we| ght backf| | | s
|| ghtwe| ght concrete
Foamed mortar
Produces stab| e foam
Enab| es pred| ctab| e dens| ty
|| qu| d, Ease to use
Dens| ty as | ow as 600 kg/m

e|e|a|e |car u| | |e]:c |car

u| a|d | |||cdu:e ||e |car | | We|
r| /. Rc|a|e ||e d|ur |c| e.e|
d| pe|| c| c| |car.
P| eae |e|e|
250 Kg

RHEOCRETE CNl : Chl ori de-i nduced corrosi on i nhi bi tor for concrete
Mar| ne structures
Rafts & Foundat| ons
Park| ng & br| dge decks
Reacts w| th the ch| or| des | n
concrete and prevents ch| or| de-
| nduced corros| on.
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
o - 80 | | ||e pe|
r , oaed c|
:|| c|| de
| e.e| .
210 | | tre

RHEOMAC 730 : Hydrophobi c pore-bl ocki ng i ngredi ent (H.P.l.j for concrete
Rafts & reta| n| ng wa| | s
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Mar| ne structures
Ooo| | ng towers
Reduced water absorpt| on
l ntegra| approach
Ammon| a free - Ease to use
Oompat| b| e w| th coat| ngs
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
1.0 - 2.0 | | ||e
pe| r ,oaed
c| de| |-r| /
|e(u| |ere||.
275 Kg

MEYCO SA160 : Al kal i -free, l i qui d set-accel erator for wet-shotcrete

Rock-support | n tunne|
Permanent shotcrete
S| ope stab| | | zat| on
Tunne| s by NATM
Oomp| | es w| th EFNARO
Ou| ck sett| ng, rap| d harden| ng
|ow rebound | oss, sav| ngs
Enab| e h| gh-th| ckness bu| | t
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e |c
|c|:|e|e r| / a| |c//| e u| |

|e]:c dc| | u|| |.

8 - 8 o]
We| || c|
o| |de|.
20, 210

GLENlUM STREAM 2 : vi scosi ty modi fi er for sel f-compacti ng concrete (SCCj

Se| f-compact| ng m| xes
Gap graded m| xes
Oomp| | es w| th EFNARO
l mproves cohes| on
Reduces segregat| on
Ready to use
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
0.1 - 0.o o]
We| || c|
o| |de|.
225 Kg
GLENlUM RheoMATRlX 100 : vMA for Smart-Dynami c Concrete
|ow-f| ne Se| f-
compact| ng concrete
v| scos| ty enhancer
Oomp| | es w| th EFNARO
Enab| es | ow-grade SOO
Works w| th | ow-f| nes
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. | |||cdu:e
a| c| W| || au| | Wa|e| a| ||e
| a| |c ||e r| /e| |c| oe| |eu| |.
A| Wa] ue reau|ed (ua||| || e.
0.1 - 0.O o]
We| || c|
o| |de|.
25 Kg

MEYCO SA540 : Al kal i -free, powder set-accel erator for dry-shotcrete

Dry-shotcrete Ou| ck sett| ng, rap| d harden| ng
P|e-r| / W| || o| |de| Re|e| TOS
C ' 'C '/C ' \'\\'
20, 210
|| tre

MASTERKURE 111CF : Evaporati on reducer for fresh-concrete

POO- R| g| d Pavements
l ndustr| a| F| oors
Hot weather concrete
Oomp| | es w| th AOl -305R
Reta| ns surface mo| sture
Reduces surface crack| ng
H| gh coverage, econom| ca|
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. O| | u|e 1.9 W| ||
Wa|e|. App| ] u| | ||apa:|
p|a]e| |c u|| |c|r || | r c| ||e|| ]
p| a:ed a|d || || |ed :c|:|e|e.
o0 - 100 r /
| | ||e
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
20, 210
| | tre

MASTERKURE 106i : Cl ear, wax based curi ng compound for concrete

Most econom| ca|
a| ternat| ve to wet-
hess| an and water cur| ng.
ASTM O-309, Type l , O| ass A
Good cur| ng eff| c| ency
Easy and conven| ent to use
Econom| ca| a| ternat| ve
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
||apa:| p|a]e| c| c|| o|| || e
o|u| |c u|| |c|r || | r.
o - O r / | | ||e.
20, 210
| | tre

RHEOFlNlSH 202 : Sol vented, ready-to-use, moul d rel ease agent

Meta| & wood shutters
Stee| mou| ds
A| um| num form work
A| so su| tab| e for precast
For ear| y de-str| pp| ng
Smooth, hard, un| form f| n| sh
Sta| n free surfaces
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
o|u|/:c||c| |c ||| |, u|| |c|r || || |
c| |u||e|/rcu| d u||a:e.
80 -/0 r / | | ||e
20, 210
|| tre

RHEOFlNlSH 288FD : Surface retarder for concrete

Exposed aggregate
f| n| sh
Oonstruct| on j o| nts
O| add| ng on concrete
Oontro| | ed retardat| on depths
n| form texture and f| n| sh
No de| eter| ous effect
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. Ca| oe ued
o] app| ]| | c| |u||e| a We| | a
c| ||e|| ]-:a|ed :c|:|e|e. Re|e|
da|a|ee| |c| app| | :a|| c| u| de.
4 - 10 r /| | ||e,
depe|d| | c|
dep|| c|
|e|a|da|| c|.
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERFLOW 915 : Non-shri nk, cementi ti ous, constructi on grout

Stanch| on base
Stat| c mach| nes
Precast e| ement j o| nts
E| ectr| c towers & Posts
ASTM O-1107, Grade A
Oomp. St. of 50 Mpa
Pre-packed, ready-to-use
Oons| stent performance
|| / W| || 4.2o | | ||e c| Wa|e| a|d || |
|c| a| | ea| o r| |u|e. E|u|e |c
pcu| :c||| |ucu| ] a|d ||cr c|e
| de W|| | e ra| ||a| || | |ead.
/2 oa pe| r
(\| e| d. 18.9
| | ||e pe| oa,
5, 20,
210 | | tre

MASTERKURE 107i : Whi te-pi gmented, wax based curi ng compound

Ooncrete exposed to
d| rect sunray
Dry-| ean concrete
Water cana| | | n| ng
ASTM O-309, Type l l , O| ass A
Good cur| ng eff| c| ency
Good so| ar heat ref| ect| on
Easy and conven| ent to use
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
||apa:| p|a]e| c| c|| o|| || e
o|u| |c u|| |c|r || | r.
o - O r / | | ||e.
20 | | tre

MASTERKURE 181 : Acryl ate-resi n based, curi ng compound cum seal er

Mu| t| funct| ona| - Our| ng
compound cum sea| er
cum pr| mer
Mo| sture barr| er pr| mer
ASTM O-309,Type l /l l , O| ass B
Ava| | ab| e | n wh| te or c| ear
No need to remove
Protects concrete at ear| y age
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
||apa:| p|a]e| c| c|| o|| || e
o|u| |c u|| |c|r || | r.
4 - O r / | | ||e.
20, 210
| | tre

MASTERKURE 166/167 : Acryl i c based curi ng compound for concrete

Precast Segments
Hot weather concrete
T| pp| e-b| end concrete
Rafts and mass-pours
ASTM O-309,Type l /l l , O| ass B
Exce| | ent cur| ng eff| c| ency
Water based - good adhes| on
Ava| | ab| e | n wh| te and c| ear
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
||apa:| p|a]e| c| c|| o|| || e
o|u| |c u|| |c|r || | r.
4 - O r / | | ||e.
20, 210
| | tre

RHEOFlNlSH 249W : Water-di l uteabl e, moul d rel ease agent

Oast | n-s| tu concrete
A| um| num form work
D| | uteab| e - Econom| ca|
So| vent free - user fr| end| y
Smooth, hard, un| form f| n| sh
Sta| n free surfaces
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. O| | u|e 1.4 W| ||
Wa|e|. App| ] u| | o|u|/:c||c| |c
||| |, u|| |c|r || || | c| |u||e|/
rcu| d u||a:e.
80 -120 r /
| | ||e
' ' : '' ' /'C''
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERFLOW 918 : Non-shri nk, cementi ti ous, general -purpose grout

Stanch| on base
Mach| ne Foundat| ons
Bo| t pockets grout| ng
Orane ra| | grout| ng
ASTM O-1107, Grade A
Oomp. St. of 65 Mpa
Pre-packed, ready-to-use
Oons| stent performance
|| / W| || 4 | | ||e c| Wa|e| a|d || | |c|
a| | ea| o r| |u|e. E|u|e |c pcu|
:c||| |ucu| ] a|d ||cr c|e | de
W|| | e ra| ||a| || | |ead.
/O oa pe| r
(\| e| d. 18.1
| | ||e pe| oa,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERFLOW 928T : Non-shri nk, cementi ti ous, preci si on grout

Prec| se| y a| | gn mach| ne
Dynam| c |oads
Turb| ne foundat| ons
Power generators
ASTM O-1107, Grade O
Oomp. St. of 70 Mpa
Due| -shr| nkage compensated
Oons| stent performance
|| / W| || 8./o | | ||e c| Wa|e| a|d || |
|c| a| | ea| o r| |u|e. E|u|e |c
pcu| :c||| |ucu| ] a|d ||cr c|e
| de W|| | e ra| ||a| || | |ead.
/8 oa pe| r
(\| e| d. 18 | | ||e
pe| oa,
20 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERFLOW 400 : Thi n-bed, fi l l er-extended, epoxy resi n grout

Prec| s| on grout| ng
Dynam| c | oad| ng
Exposure to chem| ca| s
Process equ| pments
Oomp. St. of 100 Mpa
Th| n-bed: 20 - 60 mm th| ck
Good chem| ca| res| stance
very f| u| d - easy to p| ace
|| / a| | ||e |||ee :crpc|e|| u| |
re:|a|| :a| || ||e| |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
Pcu| ||cr c|e | de, W| || |ead.
100 Pa:| pe|
r. (\| e| d. 10
| | ||e pe| pa:|,
25 Kg

MASTERFLOW 926i : Non-shri nk, cementi ti ous, hi gh-earl y strength grout

Shut-down j obs Ach| eves 50 Mpa | n 24 hours
Re|e| |e:||| :a| | | |e|a|u|e Re|e| TOS
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
20 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERFLOW 410 : Thi ck-bed, fi l l er-extended, epoxy resi n grout

Prec| s| on grout| ng
Dynam| c | oad| ng
Exposure to chem| ca| s
Process equ| pments
Oomp. St. of 100 Mpa
Th| ck-bed: 50 -150 mm th| ck
Good chem| ca| res| stance
|ow-exotherm, no-crack| ng
|| / a| | ||e |||ee :crpc|e|| u| |
re:|a|| :a| || ||e| |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
Pcu| ||cr c|e | de, W| || |ead.
120 Pa:| pe|
r. (\| e| d. 8.8
| | ||e pe| pa:|,
23 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERFLOW 648 CP Pl us : Hi gh-performance, fi l l er-extended, epoxy resi n

Prec| s| on grout| ng
H| gh-tempratures
Gas compressors
Process equ| pments
Oomp. St. of 100 MPa
H| gh-temprature performance
Exce| | ent creep res| stance
Opt| ons of standard/h| gh f| ow
|| / a| | ||e :crpc|e|| u| |
re:|a|| :a| || ||e| |c| a| | ea| o
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
Pcu| ||cr c|e | de, W| || |ead.
\| e| d. 10.2 &
8.8 | | ||e/pa:|
|c| |d. || cW &
|| | || cW |ep.
15 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

FLOWCABLE : Expandi ng, pl asti ci si ng addi ti ve for PT cabl e-duct grouti ng

PT Oab| e duct grout| ng
Rock anchor grout| ng
So| | na| | grout| ng
Non-shr| nk add| t| ve
Due| -shr| kage compensated
Enab| es w/c as | ow as 0.3
Oontro| | ed b| eed water < 0.2%
l mparts th| xotropy to s| urry
O|] r| / W| || :ere|| a|d | |||cdu:e
80 c| au| | Wa|e|, r| / |c| 8
r| |u|e, | |||cdu:e oa| a|:e Wa|e|,
r| / |c| 2 r| |u|e rc|e. Ue |cW.
O o] We| ||
c| :ere||.

FLOWCABLE 50 : Expandi ng, pl asti ci si ng, non-shri nk addi ti ve for cement

S| te-batched non-shr| nk
cement mortar/ s| urry
Gaseous expans| on system
|ow dosage -econom| ca|
Ava| | ab| e | n ready-to-use pack
O|] r| / W| || :ere|| a|d | |||cdu:e
80 c| au| | Wa|e|, r| / |c| 8
r| |u|e, | |||cdu:e oa| a|:e Wa|e|,
r| / |c| 2 r| |u|e rc|e. Ue |cW.
0|e pcu:| c|
2o0 |ar pe|
oa c|
300 m|
Ol O Pack

CONCRESlvE 1440 : Epoxy-acryl ate based anchori ng & fi xi ng system (ClCj

F| x| ng treaded rods
Anchor| ng rebars
D| amond cored ho| es
Styrene and cement free
Mo| sture to| erant
App| | ed us| ng standard
sea| ant app| | cat| on gun
Cu| ||e :| | p-|ead a|d | cad ||e
:a|||| de | | |a|da|d ea| a|| u|
a|d || / ||e |a|| : r| /e| a| ||e
|c//| e. O| pe|e |e| | a |e(u| |ed.
Ca| || / 2o a|:|c|
c| 12rr d| a, W| ||
1o0 rr deep
&14rr d| a |c| e
pe| :a|||| de.
400 m|
s| de-by-
s| de
cartr| dge

CONCRESlvE 1450i : Hi gh-Performance, Epoxy based Resi n anchor system

Heavy-duty anchors
F| x| ng treaded rods
D| amond cored ho| es
Refurb| shment j obs
Acry| ate and cement free
Mo| sture to| erant
Accommodates h| gher gaps
Trop| ca| | sed - extended pot| | fe
|cad ||e :a|||| de | | ||e d| pe|e|
u| a|d || / ||e |a|| : r| /e| a| ||e
|| p. O| pe|e |e| | o] |e(u| |ed |c
c| ||| e| pu| | .
o0 ||| e| pu| |
pe| :a|||| de
(\| e| d. 8r| pe|
||| e| pu| | ,
4 Kg
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE 1418 N : Fl owabl e, Pol yester resi n based anchor grout

Rebar f| x| ng
F| | | | ng core ho| es
Shut-down j obs
nderwater repa| rs
Rap| d harden| ng < 45 m| nutes
Econom| ca| a| ternat| ve
|ow shr| nkage des| gn
Mo| sture | nsens| t| ve
|| / oc|| ||e :crpc|e|| W| || | cW
peed || ||e| |c | urp ||ee
:c|| |e|:] a|d pcu| W| ||| | 10
r| |u|e |c a.c| d e| | | |.
2.2 | | ||e pe|
pa:| c| 4 |.
' 'C/' ' \ /' '''' ' /'''' \
6 Kg

CONCRESlvE 1441/ 1441S : Epoxy resi n based bondi ng adhesi ve

Bond| ng of precast
br| dge segments
O| d to o| d concrete
e| ements bond| ng
Oomp| | es w| th Fl P Norms
Ava| | ab| e | n summer/w| nter
vers| ons for opt| mum open t| me
Oomp| | es w| th ASTM O-881
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| W| || | cW
peed || ||e| |c rcc||
:c|| |e|:]. U|| |c|r| ] app| ] W| ||
pa|u| a/||| |e |c uo||a|e.
1.O r/pa:| a|
2rr ||| :|
(\| e| d. 8.2o
| | ||e/pa:|,
' '' ' ''' ''
20 || tre

MASTERTOP 33 : Surface Appl i ed concrete hardeni ng & dustproofi ng l i qui d

Warehouse f| oors
Manufactur| ng areas
Gra| n process| ng area
H| gh pedestr| an traff| c
Oonso| | dates & hardens
l rrevers| b| e chem| stry
Even works on o| d f| oors
H| gh performance formu| a
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. Rcu|e| ||e
uo||a|e |c e/pce pc|e. App| ]
2-8 || re |c| |u| | :|]|a| | | /a|| c|.
Ue ou||| | ra:|| |e |c e| || |.
4 |c 8 r/| | ||e
| | 2-8 :ca|
depe|d| | c|
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERTOP 100 E : Emery based, Non-metal l i c, dry shake surface hardener

Heavy traff| c area
Manufactur| ng areas
Warehouses & stores
Park| ng decks & ramps
Hardness of 8 - 9 moh`s
Non rust| ng formu| a
Hard wear| ng, | ong | ast| ng
Su| ts vacuum dewater| ng f| oor
App| ] | | |Wc |u||, 2/8 | | 1| a|d
1/8 | | e:c|d. E|u|e |c d|]-|a|e
a|d || || | oe|c|e || |a| e||| | || re
c| :c|:|e|e.
8 - 8 |/ r
oaed c| ||e
| ||e|| |] c|
||a||| : & | cad.
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERTOP 100 : Quartz based, Non-metal l i c, dry shake surface hardener
Manufactur| ng areas
Warehouses & stores
Park| ng decks & ramps
H| gh pedestr| an traff| c
Hardness of 7 - 8 moh`s
Non rust| ng formu| a
Hard wear| ng, | ong | ast| ng
Su| ts vacuum dewater| ng f| oor
App| ] | | |Wc |u||, 2/8 | | 1| a|d
1/8 | | e:c|d. E|u|e |c d|]-|a|e
a|d || || | oe|c|e || |a| e||| | || re
c| :c|:|e|e.
8 - 8 |/ r
oaed c| ||e
| ||e|| |] c|
||a||| : & | cad.
25 Kg

MASTERTOP 230i : Metal l i c, trowel -fi ni shed fl oor toppi ng

Stee| whee| traff| c area
Hot meta| hand| | ng area
H| gh strength, tough
Res| stant to e| evated temp.
|| / ||e oa W| || 2.1 | | ||e c| Wa|e|
a|d app| ] u| | |ee| ||cWe| .
o0 |/r a|
1Orr ||| :|.
25 Kg

MASTERTOP 512 : Non-Metal l i c, trowel -fi ni shed fl oor toppi ng

Heavy traff| c area
Refurb| shment of f| oors
Good mechan| ca| propert| es
Non rust| ng formu| a
|| / ||e oa W| || 2.o - 8 | | ||e c|
Wa|e| a|d app| ] u| | |ee| ||cWe| .
2o |/r a|
10rr ||| :|.
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERTOP 502 : Cementi ti ous, sel f-smoothi ng underl ayment

Off| ces & Res| dences
Hosp| ta| s & |aboratory
Stud| os & Theaters
Schoo| s & Aud| tor| a
Ou| ck dry| ng : 4 - 6 hours
One part, ready to use
Serv| ceab| e w| th | n 24 hours
Exce| | ent adhes| on strength
P|| re ||e uo||a|e W| || E|AC0
B0\O| \ AE\T. || / |u| | oa W| ||
O.2o | | ||e c| Wa|e|. |a] a|d || || |
W| || |ee| ||cWe| .
o.o r pe| oa
a| 8rr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 1/
| | ||e/ oa,
7 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1110 : Water-based, epoxy fl oor and wal l coati ng

Soft whee| traff| c area
Water & Food storage
Pack| ng | | nes
nderground car-parks
Mo| sture | nsens| t| ve, breathes
l mproves | | ght| ng | n the area
Sem| -g| oss, smooth f| n| sh
Non-Tox| c, Potab| e grade
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| u| |
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] u| |
o|u|/|c| | e| | | |Wc-|||ee :ca| |c
rcc||, a|| | || || |.
8 - 10 r pe|
pa:| | | 2-8
5 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1120T : Sol vented, epoxy fl oor coati ng

Soft whee| traff| c area
Ohem| ca| process| ng
Battery rooms
Warehouse & stores
Med| um bu| | d: 200 - 300
Enhances | | ght| ng | n work area
Good chem| ca| res| stance
Easy to use & ma| nta| n
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| u| |
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] u| |
o|u|/|c| | e| | | |Wc-|||ee :ca| |c
rcc||, er| -| c] || || |.
/ - 10 r pe|
pa:| | | 2-8
5 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1205 : Sol vent-free, epoxy fl oor coati ng

Hard whee| traff| c area
Ohem| ca| process| ng
Oovered car-park| ng
Warehouse & stores
H| gh bu| | d: 400 - 500
Enhances | | ght| ng | n work area
Good chem| ca| res| stance
Easy to use & ma| nta| n
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| u| |
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] u| |
|c| | e| | | c|e/|Wc :ca| |c rcc||,
| c] || || |.
9 - 10 r pe|
pa:| a| o00
10 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1210 PLUS : Sol vent-free, sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy fl oori ng
O| ean rooms
Automot| ve assemb| y
Ohem| ca| process| ng
Refurb| sh| ng res| n f| oor
0.5 - 1.5 mm th| ck
Good Aesthet| ca| f| n| sh
Good Ohem| ca| res| stance
Smooth & Hyg| en| c
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c rcc|| u||a:e.
10 - 11 r pe|
pa:| a| 0.o
rr ||| :||e.
13 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1215 PLUS : Medi um-duty, sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy fl oori ng
O| ean rooms
Automot| ve assemb| y
Auto show rooms
Refurb| sh| ng res| n f| oor
1 - 2 mm th| ck
Good Aesthet| ca| f| n| sh
Good Ohem| ca| res| stance
Smooth & Hyg| en| c
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c rcc|| u||a:e.
/ - /.O r pe|
pa:| a| 1rr
||| :||e.
15 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1230 PLUS : Hi gh performance, sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy fl oori ng

l ndustr| a| p| ants
Automot| ve assemb| y
Food & Beverages
Hosp| ta| s & |aboratory
2 - 4 mm th| ck
Good abras| on res| stance
Good Ohem| ca| res| stance
Durab| e & | ow-ma| ntenance
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c rcc|| u||a:e.
4 - 4.2 r pe|
pa:| a| 2 rr
||| :||e.
15 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1240 PLUS : Hard weari ng, epoxy fl oor toppi ng

l ndustr| a| p| ants
wet-process area
Food & Beverages
Oove & deta| | | ng
3 - 5 mm th| ck
Good abras| on res| stance
Ant| -sk| d, hard wear| ng
Th| xotrop| c, su| tab| e for | | n| ng
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] a|d || || |
u| | || a| |ee| ||cWe| . Sea| u| |
|ASTERT0P 1120T | | |e(u| |ed.
1.o r pe|
pa:| a| o rr
||| :||e.
20 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1200 UL : Sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy resi n fl oor underl ayment
l ndustr| a| p| ants
O| ean rooms
Food & Beverages
Hosp| ta| s & |aboratory
2 - 3 mm th| ck
H| gh strengths, fast cur| ng
F| | | er-extended, l mpact res| .
Exce| | ent adhes| on
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c | e.e| u||a:e.
o - o.o r pe|
pa:| a| 2 rr
||| :||e.
21 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 542 ECC : Water-based, Epoxy-Cementi ti ous fl oor toppi ng

O| ean rooms
Automot| ve p| ants
Food & Beverages
Hosp| ta| s & |aboratory
2 - 4 mm th| ck
H| gh strengths, fast cur| ng
F| | | er-extended, l mpact res| .
Exce| | ent adhes| on
|| / a| | ||e |||ee :crpc|e|| u| |
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] u| |
||cWe| | | | || e | a]e| a|d || || |
u| | p| |e |c| | e| |c | e.e| u||a:e.
4.o - 4./o r
pe| pa:| a| 2
rr ||| :||e.
10 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1710 : Water-based, sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy fl oori ng coati ng

O| ean rooms
Automot| ve assemb| y
R| s| ng-dampness area
Pack| ng ha| | s
0.5 - 1.5 mm th| ck
Good aesthet| ca| f| n| sh
Good abras| on res| stance
Smooth & hyg| en| c
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c rcc|| u||a:e.
10 - 11 r pe|
pa:| a| 0.o
rr ||| :||e.

MASTERTOP 1730 : Water-based, sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy fl oori ng overl ay

15 Kg
ready to
use pack
R| s| ng-dampness area
Automot| ve assemb| y
Food & Beverages
Hosp| ta| s & |aboratory
2 - 4 mm th| ck
Good abras| on res| stance
Ant| -sk| d, hard wear| ng f| n| sh
Breathab| e & | ong-| ast| ng
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c rcc|| u||a:e.
4 r pe| pa:|
a| 2 rr
||| :||e.
15 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1740 : Water-based, Hard weari ng, epoxy fl oor toppi ng
Wet-process area
Food & Beverages
Oove & deta| | | ng
R| s| ng-dampness area
3 - 5 mm th| ck
Good abras| on res| stance
Ant| -sk| d, hard wear| ng
Breathab| e & | ong-| ast| ng
|| / a| | |cu| :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] a|d || || |
u| | || a| |ee| ||cWe| . Sea| u| |
|ASTERT0P 1110 | | |e(u| |ed.
1.O r pe|
pa:| a| o rr
||| :||e.
5 Kg
F| oors as we| | as wa| | s Exce| | ent chem| ca| res| stance
Re|e| |e:||| :a| | | |e|a|u|e Re|e| TOS

MASTERTOP 1080 : Hi gh-bui l d, sol vent-free, epoxy fl oor & wal l coati ng
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
13 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1270i AS : Anti -stati c, sel f-smoothi ng, epoxy fl oori ng

So| vent hand| | ng area
E| ectron| c assemb| y
Operat| on Theatre
Exp| os| ves store
2 mm th| ck
Good Aesthet| ca| f| n| sh
Good Ohem| ca| res| stance
Smooth & Hyg| en| c
Re|e| ||e p|cdu:| da|a|ee| |c| ||e
de|a| | ed | |||u:|| c| |c|
| ||a| | a|| c|.
8 - 8.4 r pe|
pa:| a| 2rr
||| :||e.
P| ease

MASTERTOP 1324 : Resi l i ent, sel f-smoothi ng PU fl oor toppi ng

Dynam| c | oads
Frequent movements
Automot| ve parts
Assemb| y areas
2 - 4 mm th| ck
|ong | ast| ng, aesthet| ca| f| n| sh
Accommodates movements
Tough & scratch-res| stant
|| / a| | :crpc|e|| u| | | cW
peed || ||e|. App| ] u| | ||cWe| | |
| || e | a]e| a|d || || | u| | p| |e
|c| | e| |c rcc|| u||a:e.
|u| || -| a]e|
]|er, p| eae
P| ease

MASTERTOP 1325 REG : PU based, Sound-deadeni ng and comfort fl oor

Bout| ques & off| ces
Hosp| ta| and schoo| s
Homes & baby-care
Stud| os & aud| tor| a
6 -9 mm th| ck
|ong | ast| ng Aesthet| ca| f| n| sh
Jo| nt | ess& exce| | ent adhes| on
Soft and gent| e fee|
Re|e| ||e |e:||| :a| da|a|ee| |c|
re||cd c| app| | :a|| c| a|d ]|er
ou| | |-up.
|u| || -| a]e|
]|er, p| eae
P| ease

UCRETE MF : Hi gh-Performance, sel f-smoothi ng, PU-cementi ti ous fl oori ng

O| ean room
Ohem| ca| process area
Food & Beverages
Bu| k drug p| ants
3 -6 mm th| ck
Ant| -bacter| a| f| n| sh
Exce| | ent chem| ca| res| stance
|ong | ast| ng, proven so| ut| on
|| / a| | ||e |cu| :crpc|e|| W| ||
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] W| ||
e||a|ed ||cWe| a|d || || | W| ||
p| |e |c| | e|/p| |-:|eed.
8 -10 |/r a|
||| :||e.
P| ease

UCRETE UD200 : Heavy-Duty, PU-cementi ti ous fl oor toppi ng

Ohem| ca| process area
Wet-process area
Food & Beverages
Bu| k drug p| ants
6 -12 mm th| ck
Serv| ceab| e: -40O to 130O
Exce| | ent chem| ca| res| stance
Exce| | ent | mpact res| stance
|| / a| | ||e |cu| :crpc|e|| W| ||
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] W| ||
e||a|ed ||cWe| a|d || || | W| || P| |-
:|eed/Sp| |e-|c| | e|.
12 -14 |/r
a| O rr
||| :||e.
P| ease

UCRETE MF/AS : Anti -stati c, sel f-smoothi ng, PU-cementi ti ous fl oori ng
O| ean room
So| vent hand| | ng area
Operat| on theatre
E| ectron| cs p| ant
4 -6 mm th| ck
Ant| -bacter| a| f| n| sh
Exce| | ent chem| ca| res| stance
|ong | ast| ng, proven so| ut| on
|| / a| | ||e |cu| :crpc|e|| W| ||
| cW peed || ||e|. App| ] W| ||
e||a|ed ||cWe| a|d || || | W| ||
p| |e |c| | e|/p| |-:|eed.
8 -10 |/r a|
||| :||e.

UCRETE TZ : Heavy-Duty, Scratch Resi stant, Terrazzo Fi ni sh
' /' '/' C '' '
10 Kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERTOP 1770i AS : Anti -stati c, sel f-smoothi ng, water-based epoxy

R| s| ng-dampness area
E| ectron| c assemb| y
Operat| on Theatre
Exp| os| ves store
2 mm th| ck
Aesthet| ca| matt f| n| sh
Good Ohem| ca| res| stance
Breathab| e & | ong | ast| ng
Re|e| ||e p|cdu:| da|a|ee| |c| ||e
de|a| | ed | |||u:|| c| |c|
| ||a| | a|| c|.
8 - 8.2 r pe|
pa:| a| 2rr
||| :||e.
1 Kg

THORO STRUCTURlTE PRlMER : Rust lnhi bi tor for Rebar
Re| nforcements
Oarbonat| on attack
Forms tough, durab| e f| | m
Ou| ck dry| ng, w| th| n 10 m| n
Wh| te, c| ear| y v| s| b| e
One part, easy to use
|| / 1| pa:| W| || 800 r| c| Wa|e|
|c rcc|| :c|| |e|:]. App| ] o]
o|u| |c |c|r :c||| |ucu | a]e|.
A| | cW |c d|] oe|c|e c.e|| a].
O - 8 |r c|
2orr d| a
|eoa| pe| |.
' '/' : ''''' ' ''\
1 || tre
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE ZRi : Zi nc-epoxy based, Gal vani c Rust lnhi bi tor for Rebar
Re| nforcements
Oh| or| de attack
>90% Z| nc | n dry f| | m
Forms tough, durab| e f| | m
Ga| van| c protect| on to rebar
Best Sacr| f| c| a| protect| on
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| |c | urp
||ee :c|| |e|:]. App| ] o] o|u| |c
|c|r :c||| |ucu || | r. App| ]
r| || rur |Wc :ca|.
8.o - 4 r/| | ||e
| | |Wc :ca|.
1 & 3 kg
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE 1414 : Epoxy bondi ng agent wi th l ong open ti me
O| d to new concrete
Oh| or| de | nfused area
Mo| st surfaces
Effect| ve | oad transfer across
bond | | ne
|ong open t| me, > 6 hours
Sma| | , ready to use pack
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| W| || | cW
peed || ||e| |c rcc||
:c|| |e|:]. App| ] W| || o|u| |c
:c||| |ucu | a]e|.
2 - 2./ r/|
1 & 4 | | tre
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE 1315 : Epoxy lnj ecti on Resi n for structural bondi ng of cracks
Structura| -bond| ng of
stat| c-cracks | n concrete.
Strengthen| ng the
concrete by f| | | | ng | n vo| ds
|ow v| scous,Deep penetrat| ve
H| gh strengths
Exce| | ent | oad transfer
Sma| | pack, easy to use
S|| | a|d r| / We| | . | |j e:| | | ||e
:|a:| u| | ||e || || c|e-
:crpc|e|| purp oaed c| ||e
:|a:| W| d|| a|d dep||.
Baed c|
.c| d/:|a:|
e|| ra|e.
5 & 20 kg

EMACO BONDlNG AGENT : Acryl i c bondi ng agent cum curi ng-ai d
Repa| r mortar/concrete
Our| ng-a| d for mortars
Pr| mer for cement| t| ous
under| ays/over| ays
Good tens| | e bond strength
Our| ng eff| c| ency > 55%
Econom| ca| , ready to use
S| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] o] o|u|
| | :| |:u| a| rc|| c| |c |c|:e deep
pe|e||a|| c|. A| | cW |c oe:cre |a:|]
oe|c|e c.e|| a].
4 - O r/|

UCRETE WR: Hi gh-Performance, PU-cementi ti ous Wal l Render

Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
6 Kg
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE 2200 : Thi xotropi c epoxy adhesi ve & fai ri ng mortar

Bond| ng adhes| ve
Bedd| ng mortar
Fa| r| ng of concrete
Sea| | ng of cracks/vo| ds
H| gh Oomp. st. > 60 Mpa
Two part, easy to use
Good chem| ca| res| stance
Exce| | ent bond strength
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| W| || | cW
peed || ||e| |c | urp ||ee
:c|| |e|:]. App| ] u| |
||| |e/||cWe| |c e.e| p|ead.
1.o r/pa:| a|
2rr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 8.2o
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO S88C T : Thi xotropi c, Hi gh-strength, Cementi ti ous patchi ng mortar

Patch repa| rs to med| um-
h| gh strength concrete
structures > M35}
Th| xotrop| c, non-sag
H| gh Oomp. st. > 70 MPa
Exce| | ent bond strength
Orack res| ., F| bre re| nforced
|| / W| || 8.o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
P| a:e, || ca| a|d || || | W| || ||cWe| .
o2 |/r a|
2orr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 12.4
| | ||e/pa:|,
4 Kg
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE 1418T : Thi xotropi c Pol yester based Anchor adhesi ve & mortar
Rebar/anchor f| x| ng
Orack sea| | ng/patch| ng
| n under-water cond| t| on
Pavement repa| rs
Rap| d harden| ng, 45 m| nutes
Th| xotrop| c, non-sag
Mo| sture | nsens| t| ve
Sma| | pack, ready to use
|| / ||e |Wc :crpc|e|| W| || | cW
peed || ||e| |c | urp ||ee
:c|| |e|:]. App| ] u| | ||| |e/
||cWe| |c e.e| p|ead.
1 r/pa:| a|
2rr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 2
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO S48C T : Thi xotropi c, Economi cal , Cementi ti ous patchi ng mortar
Patch repa| rs of | ow -
med| um strength concrete
structures < M45}
Th| xotrop| c, non-sag
Oomp. st. > 40 MPa
Exce| | ent bond strength
Orack res| ., F| bre re| nforced
|| / W| || 8.o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
P| a:e, || ca| a|d || || | W| || ||cWe| .
o0 |/r a|
2orr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 12.O
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO S66 T : Duel -shri nkage compensated, Cementi ti ous mi cro-concrete

Form & f| | | , vo| ume repa| rs
of med| um h| gh strength
structures > M35}
H| gh Oomp. st. > 65 MPa
Prec| s| on make
H| gh ear| y strengths
H| gh modu| us des| gn
|| / W| || 8.o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
|c|r a|d pcu| | | p| a:e u| | |ead.
o2 |/r a|
2orr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 12.4
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO S46 T : Duel -shri nkage compensated, Cementi ti ous mi cro-concrete

Form & f| | | , vo| ume repa| rs
of | ow - med| um strength
structures< M40}
Prec| s| on make
Oomp. st. > 40 MPa
Econom| ca| des| gn
Med| um modu| us des| gn
|| / W| || 8.o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
|c|r a|d pcu| | | p| a:e u| | |ead.
o0 |/r a|
2orr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 12.O
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERFLOW 46UW : Cementi ti ous mi cro-concrete for under-water repai rs
Form & f| | | , vo| ume repa| rs
of under-water concrete
very | ow wash-out, < 5%
H| gh Oomp. st. > 50 MPa
Prec| s| on make
Th| xotrop| c, pumpab| e des| gn
|| / W| || 4.o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| o
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
|c|r a|d pcu| | | p| a:e u| | |ead.
/o oa/r
(\| e| d. 18.4
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

CONCRESlvE 2929 : Thi xotropi c, Epoxy-Concrete cum l evel i ng mortar

Form & f| | | , vo| ume repa| rs
of concrete structures
subj ected to heavy abuse
| | ke Hydro-structures
H| gh Oomp. st. > 80 Mpa
H| gh res| stant to dynam| c | oad
F| | | er-extended
Exce| | ent adhes| on
|| / a| | ||e :crpc|e|| W| || | cW
peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| o r| |u|e |c
| urp ||ee :c|| |e|:]. P| a:e a|d
|arp |c .c| d-||ee || || |.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|.
1 & 4 | | tre

CONCRESlvE 1316 : Epoxy lnj ecti on Resi n for concrete underwater
nder-water concrete Mo| sture | nsens| t| ve
P| eae |e|e| da|a|ee| P| . Re|e| TOS
1 || tre
ready to
use pack

CONCRESlvE 1320 : PU lnj ecti on Resi n for seal i ng of dynami c-cracks
Water-t| ght sea| | ng of
dynam| c-cracks | n
|ow v| scous,Deep penetrat| ve
F| ex| b| e, a| | ows stress re| ease
Exce| | ent bond strength
Sma| | pack, easy to use
S|| | a|d r| / We| | . | |j e:| | | ||e
:|a:| u| | ||e || || c|e-
:crpc|e|| purp oaed c| ||e
:|a:| W| d|| a|d dep||.
Baed c|
.c| d/:|a:|
e|| ra|e.
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO R303 : One component, cementi ti ous re-profi l i ng mortar

Re-prof| | | ng of concrete
surfaces > 3mm th| ck}
Repa| rs to sand
runs/construct| on j o| nts
Res| stant to crack| ng
Factory made, ready to use
Good comp. St., >20MPa
|ong pot-| | fe formu| a
|| / W| || 4./o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
App| ] u| | ||| |e/||cWe| |c || || |.
o r/oa a| 8
rr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 1O
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO R307 : One component, cementi ti ous fai ri ng mortar

Fa| r| ng of concrete
Sk| m coat before
coat| ng
Res| stant to crack| ng
Factory made, ready to use
Exce| | ent adhes| on strength
|ong pot-| | fe formu| a
|| / W| || 9.2o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| 8
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
App| ] u| | ||| |e/||cWe| |c || || |.
1o r/oa a|
1rr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 18
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

EMACO R650 : Thi xotropi c, Hi gh-strength, Cementi ti ous patchi ng mortar

Ooncrete pavements
Runways and Aprons
Park| ng area & Garages
Warehouse & Factor| es
Fast sett| ng, rap| d harden| ng
Oomp. St., > 15 MPa | n 3 hour
Exce| | ent bond strength
Orack res| stant formu| a
|| / W| || 2./o | | ||e c| Wa|e| u| |
| cW peed d|| | | |c| a| | ea| o
r| |u|e |c | urp ||ee :c|| |e|:].
P| a:e, || ca| a|d || || | W| || ||cWe| .
4o |/r a|
2orr ||| :|.
(\| e| d. 14.o
| | ||e/pa:|,
25 Kg
mo| sture
res| stant

SHOTPATCH 10 : Dry-spray appl i ed, cementi ti ous mi cro-concrete

|arge surface area repa| rs
of concrete structures
us| ng dry-spray techn| que.
H| gh Oomp. st. > 40 Mpa
Oons| stent performance
H| gh bu| | d, up to 100mm/| ayer
Exce| | ent bond, | ow rebound
Sp|a] app| ] c| p|e-We||ed u||a:e
u| | d|]-p|c:e |c|:|e|e
ra:|| |e, ra| ||a| | W/p |a|| c a|
0.08-0.09 |c| oe| |eu| |.
120 |/r a|
o0 rr
||| :||e.
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
1, 5, 20

RHEOMlX 131 : Acryl i c pol ymer modi fi er for si te-batched mortar & bondi ng ai d
Repa| r & Reprof| | | ng
Bond| ng agent/s| urry
Pr| mer for under| ays
Our| ng a| d
Enhances the f| exura| & tens| | e
strengths of compos| te m| x
Enhances bond strengths
Reduces permeab| | | ty
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. || / W| ||
:ere|| & a|d (1.o.1o, |c p|cdu:e
| |e-oa|:|ed pa|:|| | rc||a|.
Re|e| |c da|a|ee| |c| c||e| ue.
P| eae |e|e| |c
da|a|ee| |c|
de|a| | c| uae
a|d e|| ra|e.
1, 5, 20

RHEOMlX 141 : SBR l atex pol ymer for si te-batched mortar & bondi ng ai d
Repa| r & Reprof| | | ng
Bond| ng agent/s| urry
Oement| t| ous over| ays
Our| ng a| d
Enhances the f| exura| & tens| | e
strengths of compos| te m| x
Enhances bond strengths
Reduces permeab| | | ty
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. || / W| ||
:ere|| & a|d (1.o.1o, |c p|cdu:e
| |e-oa|:|ed pa|:|| | rc||a|.
Re|e| |c da|a|ee| |c| c||e| ue.
P| eae |e|e| |c
da|a|ee| |c|
de|a| | c| uae
a|d e|| ra|e.
P| ease

MBrace FRP : FRP Composi te system wi th choi ce of Gl ass, Carbon & Arami d
To | ncrease | | ve | oads
pgrade of br| dges
Earthquake retrof| tt| ng
Errors | n construct| on
|| ght we| ght, Ou| ck to | nsta| |
W| dest range to choose from
|arge Job References
Des| gn & on-s| te support
| |-| |e :crpc| |e | |c|red u| |
a|u|a|| a|d || o|e c| |ead] |c ue
:crpc| |e | || /ed u| | ad|e| .e.
Re|e| |c da|a|ee| |c| de|a| | .
P| eae |e|e| |c
da|a|ee| |c|
de|a| | c| uae
a|d e|| ra|e.
P| ease

MBar : FRP Composi te rebar wi th choi ce of Gl ass, Carbon & Arami d

So| | na| | | ng
TBM eye
Structura| Strengthen| ng
Non-conduct| ve f| oors
|| ght we| ght, Ou| ck to | nsta| |
W| dest range & s| zes
Non corros| ve, | ong | ast| ng
Des| gn & on-s| te support
|RP oa| a|e | ||a| | ed u| |
ad|e| .e c| a|e :a|ed | | p| a:e | |
:c|:|e|e. Re|e| |c da|a|ee| |c|
de|a| | .
P| eae |e|e| |c
da|a|ee| |c|
de|a| | c| uae
a|d e|| ra|e.
20 | | tre

MASTERSEAL 380 : Si l ane/si l oxane based, water repel l ent cum pri mer
Exposed concrete
Br| cks & stone masonry
Pr| mer of Mastersea| 381
Bas| c water repe| | ent
Effect| ve ch| or| de barr| er
Good bead| ng effect
A| | ow substrate to breath
C| ea| ||e uo||a|e |c cpe| ||e
pc|e. App| ] u| | ||apa:|
p|a]e| | | 2-8 :ca| We| c| We|
ra| ||a| || | 1o0rr |u| dcW|.
2 - 4 r/| | ||e | |
2 - 8 :ca|.
\ 'C' C/' ' '
20 Kg

MASTERSEAL 381 : Sol vented acryl i c based, protecti ve coati ng for concrete
Br| dges & f| yovers
Mar| ne structures
Oh| mneys & towers
Precast construct| on
Effect| ve ch| or| de protect| on
Exce| | ent v Stab| | | ty
Good chem| ca| res| stance
Fast dry| ng, easy to app| y
P|| re ||e uo||a|e u| |
|a|e|ea| 880, S|| | We| | oe|c|e
ue. App| ] u| | p|a]/|c| | e|/
o|u| | | 2-8 :ca| |c e.e| || || |.
2.2 - 2.4
r/|, a| 1o0,
O|T, | | 2
25 Kg

MASTERSEAL 300H : Hi gh-el ongati on, crack-bri dgi ng, acryl i c coati ng
Br| dges & f| yovers
Mar| ne structures
v| | | as | n mar| ne zone
S| opp| ng roofs
E| ongat| on > 300%
Exce| | ent | n Ant| -carbonat| on
Exce| | ent v Stab| | | ty
So| vent/vOO Free
P|| re ||e uo||a|e u| |
|a|e|ea| 890, S|| | We| | oe|c|e
ue. App| ] u| | p|a]/|c| | e|/
o|u| | | 2-8 :ca| |c e.e| || || |.
2o - 80 r/pa| |
a| 800, O|T, | |
2 :ca|.
25 Kg

MASTERSEAL 200H : Anti -carbonati on, crack bri dgi ng, acryl i c coati ng
v| | | as & bunga| ows
Apartment bu| | d| ngs
l ndustr| a| Bu| | d| ngs
Park| ng & to| | p| aza
E| ongat| on > 150%
Good Ant| -carbonat| on
So| vent/vOO Free
Ava| | ab| e | n attract| ve co| our
P|| re ||e uo||a|e u| |
|a|e|ea| 890, S|| | We| | oe|c|e
ue. App| ] u| | p|a]/|c| | e|/
o|u| | | 2-8 :ca| |c e.e| || || |.
o0 r/pa| | a|
1o0, O|T, | | 2
5 | | tre
ready to
use pack

MASTERSEAL 260 : 2-K, Al i phati c PU based, protecti ve coati ng

O| ean room wa| | s
l ndustr| a| bu| | d| ngs
Hosp| ta| & |aborator| es
|ow RH area
Good chem| ca| res| stant
Res| stant to funga| growth
Exce| | ent v stab| | | ty
Good scratch res| stance
S|| | & r| / We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ]
u| | p|a]/|c| | e| / o|u| | | 2-8
:ca| |c e.e| || || |. \c p|| re| |
|e(u| |ed c| :c|:|e|e/rac||].
20 - 22
r/pa:| a|
100, O|T, | | 2
5 kg pa| |

MASTERSEAL 351P : One-part, Moi sture-curi ng PU based, wal l coati ng

O| ean room wa| | s
Hosp| ta| & |aborator| es
Food process| ng area
l ndustr| a| bu| | d| ngs
Res| stant to funga| growth
Washab| e
Breathab| e
One part, easy to use
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
p|a]/|c| | e| / o|u| | | 2-8 :ca| |c
e.e| || || |. \c p|| re| | |e(u| |ed.
18 - 1o
r/pa:| a|
80, O|T, | | 2
5 kg ready
to use

MASTERSEAL 180 : Sol vent-free, potabl e grade, Hi gh-bui l d, epoxy coati ng

O| ean room wa| | s
Potab| e water tanks
Food process| ng area
Ohem| ca| process| ng
Exce| | ent chem| ca| res| stance
Potab| e grade, Ta| nt free
H| gh-bu| | d, tough & | ong | ast| ng
Effect| ve gas/vapour barr| er
S|| | & r| / We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ]
u| | p|a]/|c| | e| / o|u| | | 2
:ca| |c e.e| || || |. \c p|| re| |
|e(u| |ed.
8 r/pa:| a|
400, O|T, | | 2
6 & 20 kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERSEAL SP120 : Sol vent-free, Hi gh-bui l d, Pi tch-Epoxy coati ng

Foundat| on protect| on
Sp| ash zone | n mar| ne
cond| t| ons
Sewerage p| ant/| | ne
H| gh-bu| | d, >300 DFT
Exce| | ent chem| ca| res| stance
Tough & durab| e f| n| sh
Effect| ve gas/vapour barr| er
S|| | & r| / We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ]
u| | |c| | e|/o|u| | | 2 :ca| |c
e.e| || || |. \c p|| re| | |e(u| |ed.
2 r/| a|
800, O|T, | | 2
28, 205
|| tre

PROTECTOSlL ClT : Si l ane based total corrosi on control treatment

Oh| or| de | nfused conc.
Mar| ne structures
|ow cover concrete
Bu| | d| ngs of | mportance
Measurab| e & s| gn| f| cant
reduct| on | n corros| on act| v| t| es
> 90% reduct| on | n currents
Re-pass| vates rebar
E/pce uo||a|e pc|e |c|
e||e:|| .e pe|e||a|| c|. S|| | We| |
oe|c|e ue. Sp|a] app| ] O00 r| /r
| | 2 - 8 :ca| We|-c|-We|.
O00 r| /r | |
2-4 :ca|.
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
2 kg ready
to use

MASTERFLEX 303 : Modi fi ed epoxy seal ant for constructi on j oi nts i n fl oors
Oonstruct| on j o| nts
Saw cut, contro| j o| nts
Oracks | n o| d f| oors
Ohem| ca| sp| | | ages area
Supports j o| nt edges
|| m| ted movement,10% MAF
Traff| cked, watert| ght sea|
Oan be coated
C| ea| ||e j c| || ede |c du|-||ee.
|| / |Wc :crpc|e|| |c u|| |c|r
:c| cu|. Pcu| a|d |cc| |c rcc||
| e.e| u||a:e.
20 |r pe| pa:|
|c| 8 / 10 rr
j c| || (\| e| d.
1.O/ | | ||e/p|,
' ' ' /'/'' : ' /''
3 kg ready
to use

MASTERFLEX 460 : Hi gh-performance PU seal ant for Expansi on j oi nts i n fl oors

Food & beverages
Ohem| ca| process area
O| ean rooms
Meta| process| ng p| ant
W| de chem| ca| res| stance
Tough, Shore A > 80
So| vent free, non-ta| nt| ng
Wear res| stant
C| ea| j c| || ede |c du|-||ee. || /
|Wc :crpc|e|| |c u|| |c|r :c| cu|.
Pcu| a|d |cc| |c | e.e| u||a:e. Ue
W| || |a|e||| e/ 4O0 p|| re|.
o |r pe| pa:|
|c| 2o / 1o rr
j c| || (\| e| d. 1.9
| | ||e/p|,
600 m|

MASTERFLEX 474 : One-part PU seal ant for Expansi on j oi nts i n fl oors

l ndustr| a| f| oors
Warehouses & factory
Pack| ng areas
E| ectron| cs assemb| y
E| ongat| on > 450 %
Shore A hardness of 30
Tough, durab| e sea|
S| ng| e part, easy to use
C| ea| j c| || ede |c du|-||ee.
App| ] u| | O00 r| |a|da|d u|.
Pcu| a|d |cc| |c | e.e| u||a:e. Ue
p|| re| |c| We|-a|ea j c| ||.
2 |r pe| p|c-
pa:| |c| 2o /
12 rr j c| ||.
600 m|

MASTERFLEX 472 : General -purpose, one-part PU seal ant for Expansi on

Bu| | d| ngs & Factor| es
l nter| or & Exter| or
Stone c| add| ng
Externa| facades
E| ongat| on > 600 %
Shore A hardness of 15-25
Pr| mer | s not essent| a|
S| ng| e part, easy to use
C| ea| j c| || ede |c du|-||ee.
App| ] u| | O00 r| |a|da|d u|.
Pcu| a|d |cc| |c | e.e| u||a:e. Ue
p|| re| |c| j c| || e/pced |c Wa|e|.
2 |r pe| p|c-
pa:| |c| 2o /
12 rr j c| ||.
80mm x
15m ro| |

MASTERFLEX 1500 : vi scoel asti c tape for waterti ght seal i ng of j oi nts & crack
Oorners | n wet-area
Sea| | ng of roof caps
Sea| | ng cracks
Oonnect| on to meta|
Exce| | ent adhes| on
Oan be over coated
Good crack br| dg| ng capab| | | ty
Easy, fast and econom| ca|
Rerc.e | a| |e|:e ||cr ||e
uo||a|e, |erc.e ||e pee| p| ] a|d
|| :| ||e |ape c| ||e uo||a|e.
Rc| | W| || |a|d |uooe| |c| | e|.
Cc|| de| o
Wa|ae a|d
c.e|| ap
Ava| | ab| e
| n var| ous
w| dth and
th| ckness

MASTERFLEX 3000 : Seal i ng tape for i rregul ar, un-conventi onal , oversi ze j oi nts
Expans| on/Se| sm| c j t.
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Pod| ums & roofs
H| gh e| ongat| on, > 600%
Su| ted for > 40 mm w| de j o| nts
Econom| ca| des| gn
Ou| cker | nsta| | at| on
Rerc.e | a| |e|:e ||cr ||e
uo||a|e. Ue Cc|:|e| .e 2200 a
ad|e| .e a|d || / | | pc| || c|. A| | cW
|c :u|e. Re|e| da|a|ee|.
Cc|| de| o
Wa|ae a|d
c.e|| ap
Ava| | ab| e
for 25, 50,
75, 100
j o| nt w| dth

MASTERFLEX J SEAL : Pre-formed seal for traffi cked expansi on j oi nts

Pod| um & Park| ng deck
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Basements & car-park
l ndustr| a| f| oors
Watert| ght sea|
Supports j o| nt edges
Best opt| on for traff| cked j t.
Ou| ck to | nsta| |
Rerc.e | a| |e|:e ||cr ||e
uo||a|e. Ue Cc|:|e| .e 2200 a
ad|e| .e a|d || / | | pc| || c|. A| | cW
|c :u|e. Re|e| da|a|ee|.
Cc|| de| o
Wa|ae a|d
c.e|| ap
25 kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERTlLE 30 : Mul ti -Purpose, Cementi ti ous Cerami c Ti l e adhesi ve

T| | e on t| | e app| | cat| on
Sw| mm| ng poo| s
Exposed to sun| | ght
Washroom & wet-area
Orack res| stant formu| a
Non-s| | p, exce| | ent grab
Accommodates movements
Th| n-bed app| | cat| ons
C| ea| ||e uo||a|e ||cr | a| |e|:e.
|| / W| || o | | ||e c| Wa|e| |c | urp-
||ee :c|| |e|:]. App| ] W| || |c|:|
||cWe| |c 8-Orr ||| :| a|d c.e|| a].
o - O rpe|
oa a| 8rr
oedd| |
||| :||e.
: s ' e /d'es ves .o
25 kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERTlLE 25 : General -Purpose, Cementi ti ous Cerami c Ti l e adhesi ve

T| | e on t| | e app| | cat| on
Washroom & wet-area
l nterna| app| | cat| ons
H| gh ear| y strength ga| ns
Econom| ca| formu| a
Th| n-bed app| | cat| ons
C| ea| ||e uo||a|e ||cr | a| |e|:e.
|| / W| || 4.o | | ||e c| Wa|e| |c | urp-
||ee :c|| |e|:]. App| ] W| || |c|:|
||cWe| |c 8-Orr ||| :| a|d c.e|| a].
4 - o rpe|
oa a| 8rr
oedd| |
||| :||e.
25 kg pa| |

MASTERTlLE 124 : Di spersi on based adhesi ve for Stone ti l e cl addi ng

Natura| stone c| add| ng
Heavy t| | e c| add| ng
F| x| ng mosa| c
Natura| stone bedd| ng
S| | p res| stant formu| a
Exce| | ent adhes| on strengths
Does not sta| n the stone
One part, ready to use
C| ea| ||e uo||a|e ||cr | a| |e|:e.
S|| | We| | |c | urp-||ee :c|| |e|:].
App| ] W| || |c|:| ||cWe| |c 8-10
rr ||| :| a|d || / ||e |c|e/|| | e.
8 - o rpe|
pa:| a| 4 - O
rr oedd| |
||| :||e.
6 kg ready
to use

MASTERTlLE 550 : Hi gh performance epoxy ti l e adhesi ve and j oi nt grout

K| tchens & cater| ng
Food & Beverages
Ohem| ca| process area
Workshops & garages
Water m| sc| b| e: No sta| ns
Non-ta| nt| ng and non-tox| c
Easy to c| ean and hyg| en| c
l mpermeab| e - watert| ght
P| eae |e|e| ||e p|cdu:| da|a|ee|
|c| ||e app| | :a|| c| | |||u:|| c|.
P| eae |e|e|
1 & 5 kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERTlLE 15 : Col oured, Cementi ti ous, non-shri nk, ti l e j oi nt grout

Oeram| c t| | es
Mosa| cs
Natura| stones
Ava| | ab| e | n w| de co| ours
Sma| | pack, ready to use
Fast dry| ng
Enab| e smooth f| n| sh
|| / W| || Wa|e| |c pa|e
:c|| |e|:] a|d app| ] W| || |uooe|
|| ca| a| | cW |c d|] a|d || || | W| ||
4 r pe| |
1o0 / 1o0 rr
|| | e | /e.

PCl LASTOGUM : Fl exi bl e waterproofi ng masti c under cerami c coveri ng

PCl CARRALlGHT : Fl exi bl e, l i ght thi n-bed mortar for natural stones
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
10 x 10
mm 120
rm ro| | }

MASTERFLEX 610 : Hydro-swel l i ng water bar for waterti ght constructi on j oi nts
Oonstruct| on j o| nts | n
basement wa| | s, rafts &
foundat| ons
Water reta| n| ng structure
Swe| | s up to 160%
Effect| ve | n sa| | ne water
Effect| ve | n var| ous chem| ca| s
E| | m| nates need of k| cker
C| ea| ||e uo||a|e ||cr | a| |a|:e.
|| / | | p| a:e u| | |a|e||| e/ O10
ad|e| .e | ue. A| | cW | ue |c :u|e
oe|c|e :c|:|e|e p| a:ere||.
Cc|| de| 8
Wa|ae a|d
c.e|| ap.
v ' /' '
310 m|
cartr| dge

MASTERFLEX 612 : Hydro-swel l i ng paste for waterti ght constructi on j oi nts

l rregu| ar j o| nts
P| pe | nserts
Water reta| n| ng structure
Foundat| ons & basement
Oan app| | ed on uneven j o| nts
Effect| ve | n sa| | ne water
Easy to form and app| y
Ou| ck sett| ng, | ow down-t| me
C| ea| ||e uo||a|e ||cr | a| |a|:e.
App| ] u| | |a|da|d :au| || | u|,
ra| ||a| || | u|| |c|r oead | /e c|
o |u||| |
re||e pe|
:a|||| de.
25 & 200
comb| pack

MASTERFLEX 900 : Re-i nj ecatbl e hose for waterti ght constructi on j oi nts
Oonstruct| on j o| nts | n
basement wa| | s, rafts &
foundat| ons
Water reta| n| ng structure
Permanent access to j o| nts
l nj ect| on us| ng var| ous res| n
Measurab| e water t| ghtness
Tough & durab| e des| gn
|| / ||e |ce a pe| ||e p|cdu:|
re||cd |a|ere||. | |j e:| ||e |e| |
u| | |a|e||| e/ 801 c| r| :|c|| |e
:ere||, oaed c| pu|pce.
Cc|| de| 8
Wa|ae a|d
c.e|| ap.
25 kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERSEAL 501 : Crystal l i zati on based waterproofi ng system

Basement wa| | s & raft
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Wet areas | n bu| | d| ngs
l nspect| on/| | ft p| ts
Deep penetrat| ve, no damage
l ntegra| , works from both
s| des - pos| t| ve/negat| ve s| de
l rrevers| b| e chem| ca| react| on
|| / W| || / - 8 | | ||e c| Wa|e| |c
| u||] :c|| |e|:]. App| ] o] o|u|
c| d|]-|a|e c| ||e |c|| /c||a|
u||a:e oe|c|e :c|:|e|e p| a:ere||
2 |/r
5 kg
mo| sture
res| stant

MASTERSEAL 505 : Rapi d hardeni ng, l eak-pl uggi ng mortar

Oonstruct| on j o| nts
F| x| ng grout| ng ports
Ou| ck re| | ef from | eaks
Basements & Tanks
Sets & hardens | n 2 m| nutes
Orack res| stant formu| a
Oh| or| de free
Sma| | pack, ready to use
|| / W| || u||| :| e|| Wa|e| |c
ra| | eao| e :c|| |e|:]. |c|r a oa| |
a|d p| u | | |c ||e | ea|| | pc| ||,
|c| d | | p| a:e || | | |a|| |c |a|de|.
Baed c| ||e
app| | :a|| c|
6 & 20 kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERSEAL 550 : Pol ymer modi fi ed cementi ti ous waterproofi ng coati ng

Terraces & Ba| con| es
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Sunken area
Protect| on of concrete
Water res| stant to 7 bar head
Exce| | ent bond strength
Protect| on from corros| on
Tough but f| ex| b| e f| | m
|| / oc|| ||e :crpc|e|| u| |
| cW peed || ||e| |c | urp-||ee
:c|| |e|:]. App| ] u| | o|u| | | 2
:ca| a| || || a|| e |c ea:| c||e|
1.8 |/r a|
||| :||e
20 kg
ready to
use pack

MASTERSEAL 550EL : Flexiole, Pol]mer modified cementitious waterproofing coating

|arge terraces
Park| ng decks
Oant| | ever ba| con| es
Protect| on of concrete
Good e| ongat| on, >40%
Water res| stant to 7 bar head
Exce| | ent bond strength
Protects from corros| on
|| / oc|| ||e :crpc|e|| u| |
| cW peed || ||e| |c | urp-||ee
:c|| |e|:]. App| ] u| | o|u| | | 2
:ca| a| || || a|| e |c ea:| c||e|
1.8o |/r a|
||| :||e
1, 5, 20 kg

RHEOMlX 115 : Acryl i c pol ymer for maki ng si te-batched waterproof sl urry
Waterproof s| urry coat
Protect| on coat
Fa| r| ng s| urry-coat
Econom| ca| & easy to use
l mproves adhes| on of s| urry
l mparts toughness to s| urry
l mproves crack| ng res| stance
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. || / W| ||
:ere|| c| :ere|| a|d a|d. App| ]
o] o|u| | | 2 - 8 :ca| |c e.e| a|d
rcc|| || || |.
0.O - 0.8 |/
| | ||e c|
R|ecr| / 11o
| | 2 - 8 :ca|.
22.5 kg
pa| |

SONOSHlELD HLM 5500 : Li qui d appl i ed, El astomeri c membrane

Terraces & ba| con| es
Reta| n| ng wa| | s
Refurb| shment works
H| gh e| ongat| on, > 700 %
Orack br| dg| ng capab| | | ty
Oomp| | es w| th ASTM O-836
Exce| | ent bond to substrate
S|| | We| | oe|c|e ue. App| ] u| |
|c| | e| c| p| |-:|eed c| ||cWe| |c
e.e| ||| :||e. P|| re ||e darp
uo||a|e u| | |a|e||u|e 181
14 r pe| pa| |
a| 1rr
||| :||e.
2.1m x 20
m ro| |

MASTERPREN BG : Si ngl e-pl y PvC waterproofi ng membrane

Rafts, Foundat| ons &
reta| n| ng wa| | s
Out & cover tunne| s
Water reta| n| ng tanks
n-bonded, moves w| th
structure and does not tear
S| gna| | ayer, damage contro|
Over| aps are tested, fa| | -safe
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a| c||| :e |c|
:u|cr| ed re||cd |a|ere|| |c
]cu| | |e |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
c| :c|u| | | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e
2.1m x 20
m ro| |

MASTERPREN THE : Fi bre rei nforced TPO based syntheti c pond l i ner
Art| f| c| a| | akes
Water reservo| rs
Oana| s & water tanks
Go| f courses & gardens
Exce| | ent v | | ght &
weather| ng res| stance
H| gh res| stance to puncture
Res| stant to root penetrat| on
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a| c||| :e |c|
:u|cr| ed re||cd |a|ere|| |c
]cu| | |e |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
c| :c|u| | | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e
2.1m x 25
m ro| |

MASTERPREN TGE : Gl ass fi bre rei nforced TPO, waterproofi ng membrane

Exposed roof
Roof gardens
Pod| um & park| ng deck
Refurb| sh| ng o| d roof
Exce| | ent v | | ght &
weather| ng res| stance
H| gh res| stance to puncture
Res| stant to root penetrat| on
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a| c||| :e |c|
:u|cr| ed re||cd |a|ere|| |c
]cu| | |e |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
c| :c|u| | | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e
2.1m x 25
m ro| |

MASTERPREN TPE : Gl ass fi bre rei nforced TPO, waterproofi ng membrane

Exposed roof
Mechan| ca| | y fasten roof
Fo| ded p| ates roofs
Refurb| sh| ng o| d roof
Exce| | ent v | | ght &
weather| ng res| stance
H| gh res| stance to puncture
S| gna| | ayer, damage contro|
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a| c||| :e |c|
:u|cr| ed re||cd |a|ere|| |c
]cu| | |e |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
c| :c|u| | | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e
Pack| ng App| | cat| ons
Features & Benef| ts
sage Gu| de| | nes Est| mat| on
P| ease
refer the

CONlROOF : Hi gh-Performance, PU based, Spray/Li qui d appl i ed membrane

Terraces & ba| con| es
Reta| n| ng wa| | s
Oomp| ex roof shapes
Refurb| shment works
Oustom| sed system bu| | t-ups
Ava| | ab| e | n attract| ve co| our
Fast-track refurb| shment
H| gh performance, | ong | | fe
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
a|d re||cd
P| ease
refer the

CONlDECK : Hi gh-Performance, parki ng deck protecti on system

Pod| ums & ramps
nderground car-parks
l ntermed| ate decks
F| re tender | anes
Oustom| sed system bu| | t-ups
Ava| | ab| e | n attract| ve co| our
Fast-track refurb| shment
H| gh performance, | ong | | fe
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
a|d re||cd
20 kg
p| ast| c

MASTERSEAL 345: El asti c, Spray appl i ed waterproofi ng membrane

Sandw| ch structure
w| th sprayed or cast | n-
s| tu concrete
Top-down construct| on
H| gh e| ast| c| ty 80 - 140 %}
Fast cur| ng
Exce| | ent bond on both s| des
Moves w| th structure, no tear
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae |e|e|
||e da|a|ee|
a|d re||cd
27.5 kg

MEYCO MP355 1K: One-Component, PU lnj ecti on Foam

Basements & tanks
Pre-| nj ect| on/ stab| | | zat| on
of j o| nted rock
Sea| | ng of runn| ng | eaks
Reacts | n mo| st surround| ngs
Good bond| ng to wet surfaces
H| gh foam factor: 25 - 30 ca
Adj ustab| e react| on t| mes
Se| e:| a|d r| / |e(u| |ed arcu|| c|
a::e| e|a|c| :crpc|e|| a|d || |.
| |j e:| u| | 1-| purp a pe|
app| | :a|| c| u| de| | |e.
P| eae :c|u| |
cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e
v /' ' ' ' C' ' ' '\'
P| ease
refer the

MEYCO MP355 A3 : Two-Component, PU lnj ecti on Foam

Oontro| of h| gh vo| ume
water | ngress
Rock/so| | stab| | | zat| on
vo| d f| | | | ng
Fast react| on, qu| ck contro|
Structura| | y strong and r| g| d
A| ternat| ve acce| erators for
s| te spec| f| c | nj ect| on des| gn
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae :c|u| |
cu| | c:a| UC
|ep|ee||a|| .e
5.522 &
22.066 kg

MASTERFLEX 801 : Hydro-swel l i ng resi n for waterti ght seal i ng of cracks

|eakages | n concrete
Basements & Rafts
Water reta| n| ng tanks
Out and cover sect| ons
|ow v| scous,deep penetrat| on
Exce| | ent adhes| on
Re-swe| | | ng factor >2.5 t| mes
F| ex| b| e & durab| e sea|
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae :c|u| |
cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e
P| ease
refer the

MEYCO 301/302 : l ow-vi scous, hi ghl y reacti ve, hydrophi l l i c acryl ate resi n
Oonso| | dat| on of so| |
Rock stab| | | zat| on
Ourta| n grout| ng
Acry| am| de free
|ow v| scos| ty, < 7 mPa.S
Adj ustab| e ge| t| me
Potab| e, Oert| f| ed by NSF
Exce| | ent bond to wet surface
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae :c|u| |
cu| | c:a| UC
|ep|ee||a|| .e
210 &
1000 | | tre

MEYCO MP320 : Col l oi dal , Nano-si l i ca based hydrophi l l i c i nj ecti on grout

Orack | nj ect| on | n rock
conso| | dat| on of so| | /
s| | t strata
Ground | mprovements
|ow v| scos| ty, < 5 mPa.S
So| vent- free
Deep penetrat| ve
Exce| | ent bond to wet surface
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a|
|ep|ee||a|| .e |c| de|a| | ed re||cd
|a|ere||, :u|cr| ed |c ]cu|
p|cj e:| |e(u| |ere||.
P| eae :c|u| |
cu| | c:a| UC
|ep|ee||a|| .e
25 kg bag

RHEOCEM 650 : Fast setti ng, mi crofi ne-cement for rock/soi l i nj ecti on
Tunne| , m| nes, caverns
Ground stab| | | sat| on
Oontact grout| ng
vo| d f| | | | ng | n concrete
Good penetrat| on depths
Stab| e cons| stency
94% part| c| es <15 s| ze
Econom| ca| to use
|| / 1.1 W| || Wa|e| u| | :c| | c| da|
r| /e|/padd| e r| /e|, adr| / W| ||
R|ecou| | d 2000P| |c| oe|
d| pe|| c|.
P| eae :c|u| |
cu| | c:a| UC
|ep|ee||a|| .e
P| refer

MASTERSEAL 845: Sprayed, Super-ski n for weatheri ng protecti on of rocks

Faster a| ternat| ve to
mesh/screen protect| on
Ready to use, qu| ck to dep| oy
Th| n and easy to app| y
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a| UC
|ep|ee||a|| .e
P| |e|e|
s 'e. ..e' .g/\ . .g '.od : oe.s
20 kg bag

MEYCO Fi x Fi reshi el d 1350: Cementi ti ous, Passi ve fi re protecti on barri er

Transport tunne| s
Oaverns/ Basements
Tested & cert| f| ed by TNO
Good compress| ve strengths
P| eae :c|u| | cu| | c:a| UC
|ep|ee||a|| .e
P| |e|e|
200 | | tre

MEYCO Fi x SLF30: Soi l condi ti oni ng foam for Tunnel bori ng machi ne
Sh| e| ded TBM/EPBM
Soft ground tunne| | ng
l mproves so| | behav| or
Easy muck| ng
P| eae |e|e| ||e p|cdu:| da|a|ee| 2 - 4 c| u|| c|
| | Wa|e|

MEYCO Fi x SLF P1: Li qui d pol ymer for soi l condi ti oni ng wi th TBM

MEYCO Fi x TSG6/ TSG7: Tai l Seal ant for Shi el ded Tunnel bori ng machi ne

MEYCO Potenza: State of the art, Hi gh vol ume Wet-shotcrete Spray-Mobi l e

MEYCO Al tera: Low-vol ume. Hand-operated, Wet-shotcrete Spray machi ne

MEYCO Deguna: Wet-sprayi ng warm-pump for repai r mortars & grouts

MEYCO Foam Gun: Foam generator for l i ght wei ght foamed concrete/ CLSM
'e'eve 's o| soe.s

Dar Consultants Jakoo Nuller lndia RNZ Nillenia, Numoai l R B limited
Design Trioe lndia J8w lndustries 8at]am 8EZ lT Park lDEB Projects 2 Vivekananda Bridge
Doshi Consultants Juoilant 0rganos]s 8hangri-la Hotels lJN lndia lnfrastructure Alan Duhangan HEP
Dulal Nukherjee & Asso. laird Technologies 8P Biotech Park lmpregilo 8pa Bandra worli 8ea link
E Calioer Consultants NcCain Foods (lndiaj Taj 0roup of Hotels lrcon lnternational Bangalore lnter. Airport
Engineers lndia limited Ncleods lndia Taj 0VK Hotels, Chennai lTD Cementation Bhaglihar H]dro Power
Epicons Consultants Nedha 8ervo Drives TC8 lT Park Jaiprakash Associates BHAVlhl, Kalpakkam
0eo Consults Nedreich Cephtech The American Consulates JNC Projects lndia Chennai o]-pass (hHAlj
H8CC lndia limited Noriroku lndia The British Consulate Juoilant lnternational Chennai lCTP
Jacoos H & 0 hestle lndia The British liorar] Kazima Corporation Cochin Port Trust
Jurong Consultants hokia lndia The Canadian Emoass] Konkan Railwa]s Corp. CPCl Desalination
N h Dastur & Co. huclear Fuel Complex The lmperial Towers Kunnel Engineers Delhi Netro Rail Corp.
Nahindra Raj Consultant 0rchid Chemicals wlPR0, Chennai lanco lnfratech Dhulhasti H]dro Power
NEC0h limited 0rient Craft larsen & Touoro limited Ennore Port
Nehro Consultants PepsiCo lndia leighton Contractors Enron lh0 Terminal

Architect Hafeez Contractor

Potential 8ervices Reckitt Benckiser (lndiaj Nadhucon Projects Enron Power Project

C. R. hara]ana Rao
RlTE8 limited Reeook lndia Na]tas lnfra 0angavaram Port Trust

DP Architects
Ro] & 8heno] Reliance Communications Nitsui & Co. Haldia Dock Complex

Edifice Architects
8 V Consultants Reliance lndustries ltd. hagarjuna Construction Co. H]deraoad lnter. Airport

Kapadia Associates
8. 8. Engg. Consultants Reliance life science hav]uga Engineering lndore o]-pass Project

R8P Architects
8ENEC lndia Richa lndustries 0riental Construction Jammu-Udhampur Rail link

8. K. Designs
8hirish Patel & Associates Rohit Ferrotech Patel Engineering limited Jawaharlal hehru Port Trust

8oma]a & Kalappa

8terling Engineering RR Donnelle] Petron Civil Engineering Kaiga Atomic Power Plant

8TUP Consultants R8B Transmissions Punj llo]d limited Kandla Port Trust

Thomas Associates
8weco lnfrastructure 8aguna Poultr] Farms Rithwik Projects Khimti H]dro Electric Power

Venkataramanan Associates
Tandon Consultants 8andoz lndia 8amsung Corporation Kol Dam (hTPCj

w8 Atkins lndia
Tata Consulting Engineers 8equent 8cientific 8ancheti lnfrastructure Kolkatta Netro Rail Project

Zachariah Consultants
Y. 8. 8ane & Associates 8erum lnstitute of lndia 8Ew lnfrastructures Kolkatta Port Trust
8tride Arcolao limited 8hankaranara]ana Const. Kota Atomic Power Plant

Aakash RNC 8ur]a hepal 8hapoorji Paloonji & Co Krishnapatanam Port Co.

8N lndia

ACC RNX Tata BP 8olar lndia 8implex lnfrastructures Krishnavaram Port Trust

Aohishek Nills

Ahlcon RNC Tata Notors 8kanska lnternational KudankulamAtomic Power

ACC Cement Plant

Ashoka Buildcon Tata 8teel, Jamshedpur 8N8 lnfrastructure larji H]dro Power Project

Ador welding Astra

Basant Betons Tilda Riceland 8oma Enterprises Naneri Bhali Power Project

Zeneca lndia

Bhramputra RNC ThPl, Karur Tantia Construction Numoai Pune Express wa]

BA8F lndia

0odrej RNC T]co Electronics UP 8tate Bridge Corp. hathpa Jhakri HEP

Besser Concrete 8]stems

lJN Concrete Products Ultratech Cements URC Construction hew Nangalore Port Trust

Bharat Electonics ltd.

lafarge (l&Tj RNC United Phosphorus ltd. VA Tech waoag hHAl. h-8 & E-w Corridors

Bhilai 8teel Plant

NC Duramix Vaman Prestressing Valecha Engineering hHAl. Port Connectivit]

Bhoshan Power & 8teel

heptune RNC Vedanta, Jharsuguda V8l lndia hHAl. 0olden 0uadrilateral

Biocon lndia

Ramco RNC Venus Remedies Zuolin lnternational hTPC - 8All P8C

Biotech lncuoation Centre

RDC Concrete Vishnu Chemicals Paroati H]dropower project

Birla T]res

RNC Read]mix lndia

Port Pipavav

Blue Dart Cargo Adarsh Developers

8pectra Punj llo]d

Purulia Pumped storage

Anan]a Hospital Britannia lndustries Amouja Realt]

Trishul Concrete

Reliance 0as Pipeline

Bagmane Tech Park Cadour] lndia Ansal APl

UltraTech RNC

8alal H]dro Power Project

BRB hote Nudran Cethar Vessels, Trich] Bengal 8hapoorji Housing

8irsi Circle Fl]over

Care Hospital, H]deraoad Chettinad Cement Plant Brigade 0roup

8risailam Project

Aoir lnfrastructure
Chalet Hotels, Numoai Cipla lndia limited Choice Developers

8uohansiri H]dro Power

Afcons lndia
Delhi Puolic 8chool Dali & 8amir Engineering DlF limited

Tala H]dro Power

Ahluwalia Contracts
Dell Computers, H]deraoad Dharampal 8at]apal 0roup Emmar N0F

Teesta H]dro Power

AlPlhE Bau 0moH
DlF lT Park Dr Redd]'s laooratories 0NR 0roup

Tehri H]dro Electric Project

Ashoka lnfrastructures
ElH limited DT8 Diamonds 0olden 0ate Properties


B 0 8hirke Construction
Enche] Nonaster] Ericsson lndia 0VK 0roup
Rail link (horthern Railwa]sj

B. l. Kash]ap
H8BC Bank, H]deraoad Essar 0il limited Hiranandani Developers

Uri H]dro Power Plant

Bumi 0eo Engineering
lJN Raintree, H]deraoad Essar 8teel limited lndia Bulls 0roup

Veligunda Dam

CCC limited
lndian Emoass], Kathmandu FCl-0Eh Connectors K. Raheja Developers

Vizag lP0 8torage Cavern

Chawla Techno Consult
lndian lnstitute of Tech. (llTj Flex Foods Kesar 0roup

Vizag Port Trust

Continental Construction
lntel lndia, Bangalore Flextronics Prestige 0roup

Vizag 8teel Plant

Costal Projects
lTC-welcomgroup Hotels Foxconn lndia Prince Foundation

DlF laing 0' Rourke

Nala]ala Nanorama Press Fritola] lndia Puravankara Projects

Dodsal lndia Nega Nall, Numoai 0laxo 8mith Kline RNZ 0roup Aker Kvaerner

DYwlDE0 lnternational Nicrosoft lndia, H]deraoad 0odavani lndustries 8hapoorji Paloonji B. Nehtalia Consultants

Essar Construction Notorola lndia, H]deraoad 0oodricke 0roup 8heth Developers Bechtel lndia

Foundation Engineering hEl0RlHN8, 8hillong Havells lndia 8ooha Developers CE8 lndia

0ammon lndia limited 0l]mpia Tech Park Hind Agro Honda Notors Unitech limited Chetana Consultants

0annon Dunkerle] & Co. Prime Nall, Numoai lndian 0il Corporation ltd. United Credit Belani 0roup Civil Aid Technoclinic

Hariharan Foundation Raheja lT Park, H]deraoad lndian 8chool of Business Velankani lnfrastructure Civitech Consultants

Hindustan Construction ltd. RNZ Ecospace, Bangalore lTC limited Cushman & wakefield
Mumba| Head Off|ce:
C-68, MlDC, Thane Belapur Road, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai - 400 613
Tel: +91 22 2761 9992 Fax: +91 22 2761 9242 E-mail:|n
BASF |s the wor|d's |ead|ng chem|ca| company: The Ohem|ca|
Oompany. lts portfo||o ranges from o|| and gas to chem|ca|s,
p|ast|cs, performance products, agr|cu|tura| products and f|ne
chem|ca|s. As a re||ab|e partner BASF he|ps |ts customers |n
v|rtua||y a|| |ndustr|es to be more successfu|. W|th |ts h|gh-va|ue
products and |nte|||gent so|ut|ons, BASF p|ays an |mportant ro|e |n
f|nd|ng answers to g|oba| cha||enges such as c||mate protect|on,
energy eff|c|ency, nutr|t|on and mob|||ty. BASF has more than
95,000 emp|oyees and posted sa|es of a|most 58 b||||on |n 2007.
BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges |n Frankfurt BAS},
|ondon BFA} and Zur|ch AN}. Further |nformat|on on BASF |s
ava||ab|e on the lnternet at
New Delhi
Regional Office
Branch Office
Resident Engineer
BASF Construct|on Chem|ca|s (Ind|a| Pvt. L|m|ted
Reg|ona| Off|ces:
Nav| Mumba|:
A-304, Shree Nand Dham, Opp.
Raheja Arcade, Sector 11,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 613
29, Krishna Nagar lndl. Layout,
Tavarekere Main Road,
Off. Hosur Road, Banglore - 560 029
Tel: 080 - 25634138 Fax: 25536859
New De|h|:
Thapar House, 3rdFloor, Central Wing,
124 Janpath, New Delhi - 110 001
Tel: 011- 43538616 Fax: 23742296
Mayur Apartment, 5th Floor, 3A,
Loudon Street, Kolkata - 700 017
Tel: 033 - 22814544 Fax: 22834183

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