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Passive Voice

The Passive voice is constructed with the auxiliary sser (ser) to be and the
preposition per by:

El rei s estimat pel seu poble. The king is loved by his people.
Fou condemnada pel jurat. She was found guilty by the jury.

The "reflexive" passive voice with se

The unstressed pronoun se (with its variant forms s, es, s) can be used to express
the passive voice when the agent (subject) is unknown, indefinite or not mentioned:
El catal es parla al nord-est dEspanya. = El catal s parlat al nord-est

Catalan is spoken in North-Eastern Spain (litt. "Catalan speaks itself in NE

Negative form

The negative forms of the verbs are constructed with the adverb no in

o Veig. I see No veig. I don't see.
o Sc Catal. I'm Catalan No sc Catal. I'm not Catalan.

In some parts of Catalonia the particle pas is used in the negative
constructions, as in French, but never without the adverb no:
o No visc pas a Frana. I don't live in France.

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