Service Product Planning and Developm Ent: 'Thing'. When

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Servi ce

pl anning
Devel opm
WIKII do we mean by a service
Product? In earlier, we noted
that a service is a perormance
rather than a 'thing'. When we
purchase manuactured gods,
we la!e title to physical ob"ects#
$ut service perormances, being
intangible are e%perienced
rather than owned# &hereore,
the decisions related to the
planning and development ol the
service product are critical to
the success o service
Key steps in sendee planning
'ne cl die challenges in services
mar!eting is to ensure that the
tas! o product management
maintains a strong customer
ocus at all limes# &his can be
achieved through ormulating
and implementing customer
oriented planning# I lowcver, the
!ey steps in service planning
Operating Asset Statement Physical
Facilities Equipment
Technology Human
Resource Cost Structure
Service Operations Concept
Nature of Processes
People processing
Possession Processing
ental Stimulus
Marketing Assets Statement! Customer Portfolio
ar"et #no$le%ge Pro%uct line
Positioning strategy &ran% Reputation
Cacographic Scope of
Operation Area Serve%
Facilities 'ocation
'in"ages Sche%uling
Facilities (osign ) layout
'everage through partnership
an% self* service
Step(") &he services planning
process starts at the corporate
level with a cleat statement

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