Commercial Bank Management

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BCBI-03: Commercial Bank Management

This course aims to acquaint students with the basics of commercial bank management.
Course Inputs
Unit 1
Principles of Banking; Definition of banking ,creation of money, present structure
of commercial banking system in India, Brief history, functions, working during
!"#$!!% and thereafter.
Unit 11
&anagement Principles in banks, managerial functions in banks, 'ierarchy,
indi(idual and group beha(iour, &anagement of personnel$)unctions of manager,
inspector, local ad(isory committee, *ecruitment, +election, Training, Promotion,
,ontrol of staff
Unit 111
&anagement of Deposits and -d(ances, Deposit mobili.ation, ,lassification and
nature of deposit accounts, -d(ances, /ending practice, Types of ad(ances,
Principles of sound bank lending, Preparation of reports, ,redit Plans, Planning
customers, /imits of credit, +ecurity.
Unit 1V
In(estment &anagement$ 0ature of bank in(estment, /iquidity and profitability,
Preparation of cheques, Bills, 1ndorsement, 2o(ernment securities, Documents of
title to goods railway receipt, Bill of lending, Book debts, +ecurities$2o(ernment
and commercial.
Unit 1V
&anagement of )inance; Bank accounts, *ecords, *eports, +tatements of
ad(ances, 1(aluation of loan applications, Profit and loss account, Balance sheet
and statutory reports regarding cash re(enue.
uggeste! "ea!ings:
. Tannan &/; Banking /aw and Practice in India; Indian /aw 'ouse, 0ew Delhi.
3. Panikar 44; Banking$Theory and +ystem5 +. ,hand and ,o. 0ew Delhi.
6. Desai 7asant5 Principles of Bank &anagement
". *eed 1.85 ,ommercial Bank &anagement.

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