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What Can I Say to
Instead of Try thinking
Im not good at this. What am I missing?
Im awesome at this. Im on the right track.
I give up.
Ill use some of the strategies weve
This is too hard. This may take some time and effort.
I cant make this any better. I can always keep trying to improve.
I just cant do math. (or reading, or social
studies, or writing, or science)
Im going to train my brain in math. (or
reading, or social studies, or writing, or
I made a mistake. Mistakes help me to learn better.
Shes so smart. Ill never be that smart.
Im going to figure out how she does it so I
can try it!
Its good enough. Is it really my best work?
Plan A didnt work.
Good thing the alphabet has 25 more
Name: ________________________________________________

What Can I Say to Myself?
Instead of Try thinking
Im not good at this. What am I missing?
Im awesome at this. Im on the right track.
I give up.
Ill use some of the strategies weve
This is too hard.
I cant make this any better.
I just cant do math. (or reading, or social
studies, or writing, or science)

I made a mistake.
Shes so smart. Ill never be that smart.
Its good enough.
Plan A didnt work.

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