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Improving your communication skills and confidence in English
The Splendid Speaking Course
Volume 2 Unit 6: TOP Talks
Topic vocabulary
A piece of music
Be into (like particular music)
To sing at the top of ones voice
To have a sing song
To listen to soothing music
To express yourself
To put you in a good mood/a
good frame of mind
To raise our spirits
To unwind
To de-stress
Useful quotes
It was once said that
If you can walk you can dance. If
you can talk you can sing.
(Proverb from Zimbabwe)
Music washes away from the
soul the dust of everyday life.
(Red Auerbach)
Without music, life is a journey
through a desert.
(Pat Conroy)
The history of a people is found
in its songs.
(George Jellinek)
Without music, life would be an
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
Unit 1: The World of Music
Task: Presentation (1-2 minutes)
1. Introduction: Read the following newspaper extract and prepare a
presentation outlining the importance of music in our lives.
Harmony restored
Workers at a clothing
factory are singing the
praises of their bosses who
have gone back on a
decision to ban the playing
of music during working
hours. Bosses had
previously complained
that their employees were
distracted by the music and
constant chatter of the local
disc jockey. However, the
workers claimed the music
actually helped them work
harder and raised their
2. Planning: Spend 1 minute making notes. If it helps, use any of the
following questions as the basis of your talk.
What social or cultural significance does music have?
In what ways can music benefit the individual?
To what extent does music play an important role in your life?
3. Task focus: Try organising your talk around three main points. People
often find it easy to remember and process things in threes and using
this rule of threes strategy can help both you and your audience. You
could deal briefly with the three issues above or focus on one issue and
give three detailed examples in the main body of your talk.
4. Language: Tick any of the vocabulary or quotes on the left you want to
use in your talk.
Task: Discussion (15 minutes)
As part of a student panel youve been asked to discuss the following:
Is the popularity of traditional music from your country being undermined by
the spread of American or British pop music?
Consider the effect across generations, the role of channels like MTV, the
choice of language for vocals etc.
Li st en t o Cor i na f r om
Romani a t al ki ng on a
si mi l ar subj ect . See t he
Oct ober ar chi ves
( I nt er vi ew 1) at :
spl endi d- speaki ng. com

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